Special power spell charm: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 while starting a new game at the title screen. A power spell charm with unlimited charges will be available when game play begins. Submission: Al Amaloo and >megacortex@hotmail.com Alternate costume: Hold L1 + R2 + Select + Triangle while starting a new game at the title screen to wear a school uniform during game play. Submission: Al Amaloo and >megacortex@hotmail.com Sound test: Press Left, Circle, Down, Triangle, Right, Square, Up, X, L1, R2, L2, R1 + Start at the title screen to unlock the "Sound Test" selection on the option screen. Submission: Al Amaloo and >megacortex@hotmail.com Extra mode: Successfully complete the game with an "A" rank to unlock an "Extra mode" option in the pamphlet menu. This allows the game to be played in time attack and score attack modes. Submission: Al Amaloo and >megacortex@hotmail.com Guide option: Unlock all thirteen endings to unlock a "Guide" option in the pamphlet menu. This allows the biographies of each character to be viewed. Submission: Al Amaloo and >megacortex@hotmail.com