Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast Secrets List 1.1 (with E3 2001 Demo for the full version) by Bernd Wolffgramm aka BigB 0. Legal Mumbo Jumbo 00. Updates A. Secrets B. Shameless Selfpromotion C. Contact 0. Legal Mumbo Jumbo This guide is copyrighted by Bernd Wolffgramm. Since this is no secret knowledge and guides should be widespread you may publish this text on your website, but email me ( first about that, since I'd like to know which web sites post it. I am not sure if there will be updates for this guides, but the latest version of this guide can always be found at http://DLH.Net There is also a german version of this text, that also can be found at http://DLH.Net. The german version is a complete Jedi Outcast guide featuring all interesting knowledge about the game. I am no clans man and also no Jedi pro so please don't ask me about technical or gameplay problems. If you have questions, comments or additions concerning the topic of this guide, feel free to email me. 00. Updates 1.1 Added E3 2001 Demo map Added Shameless Selfpromotion 1.0 1st release on DLH.Net A. Secrets I am describing the secrets as a translation from my german text about this game, which means i try to repeat my german work from my mind. Maybe this will result in a bit impreciseness, because in the german text i refer to places i have described in the walkthrough part. I have put this small text together only for the secrets since there are various excellent guides and walkthroughs out for the game, but unfortunately they only touch the secrets questions marginally. So here are the secrets. Level 1: Kejim Post - 2 Secrets 1. Right at the beginning of the game open the door at the left stockroom at the landing place and hop up to the top shelf on the right. 2. After using the octagonal lift to the bottom into a dark area search for the brightest place and walk up to the goodies place. Level 2: Kejim Base - 3 Secrets 1. You come to this machine with glass around, it looks like some kind of 'ice machine'. As you jump up the swivel arm to continue your game, move left directy at the top of the arm and crouch around the ledge till you arrive at a secret room. 2. After finding secret 1 you continue on a ledge to the next part of the game. walking on that legde you see some goodies behind some tubes on the left. Jump to that place. 3. After you have used the droid to turn of the radioactivity, lead the droid back into the blue tunnel and look for a niche on the right. Use the button here, this will open up a secret place in the room before, where you will find an energy can. Level 3: Artus Mine - 1 Secret 1. Close to the beginning of the level you go down with a slow lift which will get you to the exit of the mine. Before touching the ground with the lift jump into a small hole right over the normal lift exit. Level 4: Artus Detention Area - 1 Secret 1. After using the air stream to glide down in the tube, you will get to a round structure, here destroy the closed lattice. Level 5: Artus Topside - 1 Secret 1. After you have escaped the last of the walkers in the canyon, you use a small lift to go up. Normally from here you proceed to the left to continue to the ion canons. Here take a small hike to the right and discover another closed lattice. Level 6: Massassi Temple - Jedi Training Academy - Yavin 4 Moon - 0 Secrets Level 7: Yavin Trials - 1 Secret 1. Easy to find. When training the grib power, you have to pull a few stones out of the wall to form some stairs which you will have to jump up to leave the room. At the exit spot a nice right above you. Use the power again to pull out some more steps and proceed to that niche. Level 8: Nar Shaddaa - The Smuggler's Moon - Streets - 7 Secrets 1. In the kitchen of the bar use push force on one of the kitchen shelves. 2. Still in the bar: You can see two table niches in the main room of the bar, jump into one of them and press (use) the wall between them. 3. Long way to go to this secret. You have used the lift that has that strange mechanism where you had to pull a crate on a certain place (and push it away again). Moves the stairs up to the highest place. Now you have to move right to follow the game. But at this place move left, jump over the broken bride, from here jump to the left onto the small white ledge and make your way up to the top brigde. From here proceed to 4. Jump back over the broken bridge, now follow the way around the house till the end. From here you can spot a place with goodies far away. Now you have to use the briddges, lamps, doorways etc to hop to that place. Too bad: now you have to go all the way back from where you started off to secret 3. 5. Move with caution over the glass walkway and jump to the house on the right. 6. After you have jumped to the garbage glider look for an open scuttle on the right. Jump in here. Level 9: Nar Shaddaa - Reelo's Hideout - 7 Secrets 1. The level starts with a secret: Jump from the garbage glider onto the white socket of the pillars on the left. Jump up to the ledge. 2. In the waste hall go right and open the first door on the right. Shoot the barrel on the left, a secret room will be open. 3. From the place of secret 2 turn right and spot a crate of boxes, shot two of them ans USE the wall behind them. 4. Before moving the second train waggon look for a shaft above you and jump up. 5. Now something tricky: After you have used your password at the 'eye' you face a lift (that leads to a solid fence). Take one step on the lift then fast move back. The lift will go down and open up a small niche on the left side. Fast run over the flange of the lift to that niche. 6. In Reelo's command room PUSH a button at his desk. A wall will open up and reveal a secret room. If you jump into the red tunnel here you will directly go to -> 7. Kill the guy that hides under the stairs at the level end and PUSH the button Level 10: Nar Shaddaa - Starport - 3 Secrets 1. After you have pressed the button in the external commando room and Lando called you to come back to the ship, shoot the glas above the console (the triangle window) and jump up. you can see some goodies placed in the back. 2. Same place like secret 1 but now start from the ramp on the right (view from inside) and jump to the brighter ledge left of you. It's a bit tricky, but works. Another jump leads to the secret. 3. After you have initiated the refueling, stay on the tank, walk over the tubes behind you and jump on the big fuel tank. Look around here and you will see the place of the goodies where you have to hop to. Level 11: Bespin - Cloud City - Underside - 3 Secrets 1. Right at the beginning of the level (being on the moving plattform) you can see a shaft where you have to jump to. 2. When you have arrived at the top of the red tube you will face a lift again. Make the lift go up without you and jump into the hole. 3. in the red room (where you fight with the 2nd Jedi), move under the stairs. Level 12: Bespin - Cloud City - Streets - 3 Secrets 1. Just follow the R5 unit, it will lead you to a secret room. 2. After you have cleaned up the streets with the laser canon to help your allies you use a lift again to get to the top of the round strukture. Look to the left, you will see some goodies. Behind this place there is a small dark area, here jump up to a ledge. 3. Hard to describe: You walk through a galery where some snipers await you. at the end of thas galery you can move into the abysm, there is a small plattform you can jump onto. Level 13: Bespin - Cloud City - Platform - 1 Secret 1. One secret with announcement: You get into a room with some steal stairs. In shooter games there are always secrets under stairs :) Level 14: The Cairn Installation - Docking Platform - 1 Secret 1. In the big hall use the left list to ride up, from here jump to the dark place behind the roof structure. Eventuelly use the night googles to spot a lattice. Level 15: The Cairn Installation- Assembly Area - 1 Secret 1. In the hall, where 2 AT-ST attack you there is a lattice near the ground. Level 16: The Cairn - Reactor - 1 Secret 1. After you have survived the crash of the gondola you hop around the hall using the structures on the wall. When you have arrived at the exit of that, take a short walk on the ledge to the left till you reach another lattice. Level 17: The Cairn - Docking Bay - 1 Secret 1. Before jumping into the room where you have to turn of the light to hide, look around and spot a latice on the right above. Level 18: Doomgiver - Communications Array - 3 Secrets 1. After some fights you use a lift to go down and arrive at a command console where only one officer works. Take his card and move into the right of the two possible doors. Spot a lattice at the ceiling and jump up. 2. In the large hall (close to the glider stations) you have to move behind some tubes to break a window behind them and drop down. Before you jump down, walk to the left of the tubes and move into the dark corner. 3. In the Hall where you play the jump-and-color-code-game jumo to the blue level. Jump on the roof of the boxes and look to the right to find a small plattform that was build right beneath one of the boxes. Level 19: Doomgiver - Detention Area - 3 Secrets 1. Ride down the lift in the hangar and look for a niche at the bottom of the shaft of the lift. 2. You use some tubes to jump to an intermediate ceiling. Right where you get onto the ceiling, look for a shaft above you and jump up. 3. One of the prison cells has a crack near the bed, enlarge this. Level 20: Doomgiver - Shield Array - 1 Secret 1. After the gravity is lost, fly to the top of the room with the generator and look for a niche. Level 21: Yavin Swamp - 2 Secrets 1. After you have left the 1st part of the swamp, move slowly till you see some Stromtroopers. The way leads down, but you have to jump to the right and jumo a few rocks up. 2. After your 2nd fight with the back Jedis, jump into the sea and dive to the far left. Level 22: Yavin Canyon - 3 Secrets 1. At the level start turn back into the lander and jump up to the top. 2. At the place where the AT-AT attacks you there is a temple entrance that is covered with stones. Shot these stones and go in. Jump from level to level in the dark. 3. At the place where you get the fresh walker, jump up the rocks on the left till you find a tunnel. Level 23: Yavin Jedi Academy - 0 Secrets Level 24: Yavin - The Final Showdown - 0 Secrets E3 Demo - 1 Secret (?) Get the map here: Lucas Arts released their E3 2001 Jedi Outcast Demo as additional level for owners of the full version (at least patched to v1.03). Since there are no level end stats for this map, I can only guess that there is only one secrets in this map, since I only found one ;) 1. On the ground floor of the round generator structure you can see some green glowing tubes in a nice behind some crates. Jump up these tubes to the top. B. Shameless Selfpromotion In my decade of PC gaming I wrote more than 25 guides for various PC games. Most of them are in German language, a few are english. You can all find them on http://DLH.Net: English: Half-Life - The Way Through Black Mesa rev 1 The Happy Camper - Camping Guide for Unreal Tournament CTF 1.1e Sin Gameplay and Secrets FAQ v 1.00a German: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast inkl. E3 2001 Demo Map Leitfaden und Secrets 1.1 Die Hard - Nakatomi Plaza PC - Fast eine Komplettl”sung 1.01 Serious Sam: The 2nd Encounter, Secrets-Liste und "Die eine Szene, an der sich die Geister scheiden" 1.0 Daikatana Secrets-Liste 1.11 Serious Sam Gameplay-Guide und FAQ 0.9 Half-Life: Blue Shift - Ein paar Problemchen weniger 1.0 Project I.G.I. - I'm going down ... NOT! 1.95 No One Lives Forever Ntzliches und šberflssiges 1.2 Gunman Chronicles Hinweise und Probleml”sungen 1.1 DeusEx Guide 1.4, Zahlen - Daten - Fakten Duke Nukem 3D Komplettl”sung Kingpin Gameplay Fhrer 1.1 Expendable - Hinweise und Secrets 1.1 The Happy Camper - Camping Leitfaden fr Unreal Tournament CTF 1.2d Half-Life: Opposing Force Single Player Gameplay FAQ 1.0 Shogo - Mobile Armor Devision Guide Soldier of Fortune - Tagebuch des Fremdenlegion„rs John Mullins 1.0a Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil Gameplay FAQ 1.0 Wages of Sin - Hinweise zum Singleplayer-Modus 1.0 Fade to Black - Komplettl”sung Gene Machine Komplettl”sung Three Skulls of the Toltecs Komplettl”sung Monty Python: The Quest for the Holy Grail Komplettl”sung C. Contact You ask me questions about the secrets of the game, but please keep in mind that I have played that game in April 2002. You can email me at Bernd Wolffgramm April, May 2002