Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror (PC) Walkthrough v1.0 Copyright (C) 2002 by OutRider WARNING: This walkthrough (like the others) contains spoilers. Please use at your own risk, and don't say I didn't warn you. To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link: Copyright notice: Don't plagiarize this guide or add this guide to your site without permission, as legal action will be taken against you. Please don't reproduce this guide for profit. Please do not distribute this guide, and please don't email me requesting permission to add my guides to your site, as enough places already have them on their pages. Please do not make an HTML version of any of my guides. Other than that, have fun and I hope this guide helps you out. Thanks! Walkthrough: Watch the opening sequences, and soon you will find yourself tied up in. Professor Oubier's House: When you have control of the game's hero, George Stobbart, right-click on the bookshelf to learn that it's being supported by a block of wood on one corner. Kick out the block of wood, and the bookshelf will fall over and squish the spider. To free George from his binding, use the metal handle that sticks out of the wall and he'll move over and untie himself. Once he's free, go over to the desk and open it up. Drink the bottle of tequila and notice that George spits out the worm. Pick the worm up off of the floor and open up the drawer on the desk. Take the pot you find inside, and then go into your inventory (the strip at the bottom of the screen) and examine the pot. You'll find a key inside. Notice that there's a couple objects lying on the floor. First pick up the dart and then pick up Nico's bag. Use the dart on the cabinet near the flames and try to pick up the cylinder to learn that it's too hot to pick up. Use the panties you took out of Nico's bag on the cylinder and you'll be able to pick it up. Put the cylinder into the siphon that's on top of the cabinet and then use it to douse the flames. Kick open the door and head downstairs. Pick up the newspaper clipping that you see sitting near the phone on the table and then go into your inventory to examine the clipping. You'll find a bank statement. Read the note that's in your inventory and then use the phone to call an old friend, Andr‚ Lobineau. After the conversation is over, use the key on the door and then leave to find yourself in Montfau‡on. Montfau‡on: George will sit down at the table, and when the waiter comes out, try talking to him, but he'll just ignore you. Wait for him to come out again and when he does, talk to him again and this time he'll actually say something to you. You don't need to talk to the waiter about anything, so don't bother, and Lobineau will come strolling up. Talk to him about the pot and he'll mention something about the Glease Gallery. Stop talking with Andr‚ and you'll get to see a short sequence involving Nico and her captors. When you see George again, talk to the gendarme (who was sitting there when you visited Montfau‡on in the last game) and answer his first question however you see fit. Ask him about himself twice, and when he starts sulking, swipe his flask. Leave Montfau‡on and go to the Glease Gallery. The Glease Gallery: When you arrive at the Glease Gallery, go over to the man standing closest to the display shelves. When the guy holds his glass away from him, use the absinthe flask on it and George will sneak some into his glass. The guy will notice the difference, but he doesn't seem to care. Put more absinthe into his drink and watch as the guy falls over, breaking the display case that's behind him. Glease will run over and check on him, and while he's doing so, go all of the way to the left and look at the packing cases. Take the label you find pasted on the side of one of the cases and then go over to talk to Glease. The conversation will take you to Marseilles. Marseilles: Take a look at the shack and then look in the window. Watch as the man drops a bottle down the trapdoor. Leave the view and then knock on the window. Don't talk to him about anything, and then go down the steps to the left of the shack. Take the hook that's floating in the water near where George is standing and use it to get the bottle that the man dropped down just a moment ago. Go back up the stairs and try touching the chimney to find out that it's hot. Use the bottle on the chimney to cool it down and then take the cone off the top of it. Use the bottle on the chimney again to plug it up and cause smoke to come out of the window. Go back down the stairs and go up into the shack through the trapdoor. Take the box of dog biscuits and then go back through the trapdoor. Use the dog biscuits on the platform near where the dog is standing, and then use the hook on the platform to send the dog plunging into the water. Go back up the stairs and climb over the fence. Walk over to the left and climb up the ladder that you see. Open up the nearby window and as George is peering inside, use the hook on the fan to break the blades. Go back outside and knock on the door. Ask the man that answers about the label and he'll get mad at George. Hurry up and climb back up the ladder and when the man comes out, use the clamp to send a barrel into the water. This will cause the man to walk over to see what's going on. Use the clamp again to send a barrel crashing into the man, knocking him into the water. Climb down the ladder and go through the now open door. Open the desk drawer to find a small brass key. Go over to the right and watch as a man appears from behind the crates. Ask him about the key and George will end up setting the little guy free. Push the button near the elevator to go up to the next floor, and after George gets off, push the nearby crate to keep the elevator from going back down. Push the switch on the right side of the elevator door to turn on some lights. Go over to where the light is shining and notice the scratch marks on the ground. Look at them and George will figure out that a door must have made them. Open up the secret door (you should be able to see it, it's right in front of George) and head on in to find Nico! Pick up the fetish near her feet and then untie her. Before following her out, pick up the masking tape that she threw on the floor. Go back over to the elevator, and near the bottom of the crate on the left side, you'll see a small black thing. Use the tape on the elevator sensor to keep the elevator from going back down and then push the crate out of the way. Push the small crate off of the crate below it and then push that crate. Raise the pallet carrier so that the statue is near the pulley, and then put the rope on the statue. Take the rope and tie it to the pulley and then lower the pallet carrier back down. Try to push the statue, only to learn that it's too heavy for one man to push. Talk to Nico and ask her to help push the statue and it'll get sent crashing through the wooden door. Use the manacles on the cable and George and Nico will find themselves plunging into the water. You'll arrive back at the Glease Gallery and then you'll be off to Quaramonte. Quaramonte: Go to your right and talk to the band. Ask them about Miguel and then ask them about music. Lastly, talk to them about the mining accident and then walk more to the right and talk to Pearl (a character that was mentioned from the last game). Talk to her about Duane (the guy you sold the statue to in the last game) three times and then go into the police station. You'll be introduced to General Raoul Grasiento. Ask him about Professor Oubier twice and then try looking at the chart on the wall, but the general will stop you from doing so. Leave the police station and then Nico will try to start a conversation with you. Don't talk to her about anything right now and then walk to the right. You'll see Professor Oubier standing next to a truck with Duane sitting inside. Talk to Oubier about himself and then go back to the left and enter the mining office near the dock. Here, you'll get to meet Conchita. Ask her about the mining accident three times and then ask her about Oubier. Leave the office and walk back to the truck. Talk to Duane and ask him about the truck twice, then about music, and then about Miguel twice. Go back up into the office and ask Conchita about a detonator. Tell her about the chart and then go outside to talk to Nico. Ask her about the chart twice and they'll devise a plan so George can check out the chart. You'll go into the police station, so talk to the general and tell him about Nico. Talk to the general's partner, Renaldo, and ask him about the pyramids twice. Go outside and tell Pearl about the ruins and then Renaldo will take Pearl to go see them. Check out the chart on the wall to learn that it is a map. Leave the police station and go tell Conchita and ask her about the chart. Open up the cupboard behind her and take the detonator that's inside. Leave the office and go over and talk to Duane. Tell him about the detonator twice and then go back into the police station. Go to the rear of the police station to enter the cell area and talk to Miguel, the man inside the middle cell. You'll have a chat and control will switch to Nico, who's currently inside the general's home. As Nico, take a look at the TV, the portrait on the wall, the mounted swordfish, and the lava lamp. Ask the general about all of those, and soon you'll get to meet the general's mom (I swear she looks like a man in the portrait). Game play will switch back to George, who's forced into a cell when Renaldo catches him back there. Talk to Miguel and ask him about the noose twice. Use the rope on the cell window and then take it and give it to Duane. Watch the sequences and you'll eventually wind up in Teoculcan. DISC 2 - Teoculcan: Take the vine rope off of the washing machine and then go underneath the tree house to find a small pile of leaves near the water wheel. Put the bank statement in the pile of leaves and then use the fetish on the water wheel to set the leaves on fire. A priest named Hubert will come out and talk to you. Ask him about Nico and then about the root twice. Hubert will mention that his collar is creased, and that he won't go to the village if his collar is in that condition. To get his collar pressed, use the collar on the press and then use the vine rope on it. Take the cross nearby and then use it to press the collar. Pick up the collar and give it to Hubert and then ask him about the root. He'll take you to the Mayan village. The Mayan Village: The guard will strike a conversation with you, so ask him about Nico and then about Hubert. Ask him about the shaman, and then give him the box of biscuits and he'll take them to the shaman. When he comes back and says that the shaman wants more, put the Mayan stone in the box and then give it back to him. You'll be invited to go talk to the shaman, so ask him about Nico twice, the root twice, the Mayan stone, the jaguar stone twice, the eagle stone twice, the Mayan stone, and finally, ask him for the root. You'll get the root and George will head back to the tree house. Hubert's Tree House: Use the metal chimney cone on the press and then put the root on it. Use the cross with the press and then take the metal cone up to the tree house to cure Nico. After the sequences, you'll find George in a place called Ketch's Landing. Ketch's Landing: Take a look at the plans on the table near George, but the man will prevent you from getting a good look at them. Walk out on to the docks and talk to the boy. His name is Rio. Don't talk to him about anything and go up the stairs. Extend the ladder and try opening the museum door to learn that it's closed for renovation. Talk to the Ketch sisters and ask them about their cat. Answer their question however you like (though I find that telling them yes results in a somewhat humorous response from George). Ask them about their cat again and then ask them about Rio three times. Ask them about Emily and then stop talking to them for now. Go down the stairs and ask Rio about getting a fish. Give him the worm and then ask him about Emily. Stop talking to him for a second and then talk to him again about the fish twice. Stop talking to him again and take the inner tube off of the unicycle. Go back upstairs and talk to the sisters. Ask them about Emily twice and they'll go down to the beach. Climb up the ladder and use the inner tube on the closest flagpole. Climb back down and go down to the beach. Talk to Rio to get the fish and then go back up. Use the fish on the inner tube and then swipe the cat's ball. Climb back up the ladder and take the inner tube, and then climb back down. Use the tube on the tree behind the table and then use the red ball on the tube to have George shoot the target off of the flagpole. As Bronson tries to set up the other marker on the other ladder, kick the ladder out from under him to leave him stranded on the pole. Take the marker that you knocked down and then go downstairs. Take the plans off of the table to learn that Bronson was going to change the museum into a hotel. Take the theodolite and then go upstairs. Talk to Bronson about the plans twice and then show them to the sisters. Watch the sequence and you'll get to play as Nicole Collard. The British Museum: Walk to your right and look at the cabinet closest to the two ladies. Talk to the attendant on the opposite of the room and ask him about the jaguar stone. You'll soon learn that Professor Oubier is also in the museum, so ask him about the jaguar stone. Oubier will leave and the attendant will come back and talk to you. Ask him about the jaguar stone and you'll find out that Oubier stole it! Take the key out of the cabinet near the attendant and then go unlock the cabinet near the phone. Open it up and then take the key out. Go into your inventory and open the handbag to find a hairclip. Talk to the attendant and ask him about the ship and then show him the key. Move the curtain to reveal a hidden door and then use the dagger on it to open it. While Nicole is finding out what's behind the door, we'll go see what George is up to back at Ketch's Landing. Ketch's Landing: You'll see that George has managed to go inside the museum, so open the sea chest near the lantern to discover a girl named Emily hidden inside. Don't talk to her about anything right now and take the quill off of the desk. Look at the portrait of Captain Ketch and ask Emily about the cross twice. Leave the museum and give the quill to the cat to have it shred it to pieces. Pick up the shreds and go talk to Rio about Emily and then about his sister. After that, ask him about the feather shred and then go back up into the museum. Talk to Emily and give her the conch. She'll give you her cross in return and then stop talking to her. Take the hanging lantern and then put it in the ink well on the desk. Take the chart that's sitting on the easel behind you and put it in the square recess on the desk. Put the cross in the pen holder next to the lantern and then you'll learn about Zombie Island. Leave the museum and talk to Rio about the treasure twice and then about the zombie and Rio will take you to Zombie Island. Zombie Island: Check out the boat to learn that it's got some nets in it. Look at the rock outcropping and then ask Rio if you can borrow his net. Use the net on the outcropping and we'll go see what Nico is up to while George is scaling the cliff. London Underground Station: Go over to the vending machine and use the hairclip on the coin slot to push a coin down into the coin return slot. Take it out of there and then put it back into the machine. An old chocolate bar will come down, so take it and then take the penny out of the slot again. Go to the other side and use the coin on the weighing machine to get a card. Use the dagger on the cupboard that's to the right of the machine and then use the card on the crack. Push the red button and the train will come to a stop, allowing Nico to get on. Zombie Island: You'll find George at the top of the cliff, and as you can see, there's a fork in the jungle. Take the upper path first and you'll find yourself in a swampy area. Take the reeds that are on the ground nearby and then continue to follow the path to the right. You'll see a lair here with a black creature hiding inside. Use the reeds on the lair and George will stick them in there, only to have a part of it get bitten off. Go back to where you started and take the lower path this time. Follow this path until you encounter a boar. Save your game here just in case you screw up, but anyway, put the dart in the reed and then use it on the boar. Before the boar takes off, grab a hold of the branch behind George and the boar will uncover a hidden path to the north. Continue to the right and take the northern path. Here, you'll see a needle-like rock structure. Take the creeper off of the rock and then put the theodolite marker on the net. Use the new combination on the creeper and put it back on the rock structure. Go back to where you encountered the boar and follow the path that he uncovered. Put the theodolite in the holes on the ground and then look through it. Move the theodolite to the right until you see pillars right next to each other. Near the bottom, you'll see something sparkling. This is where you placed the marker, so look at it and then look at the pillar behind it. Stop looking through the theodolite and go down the hill to the right of the theodolite (the hand will sort of be pointing down the cliff). We'll see what Nicole's been up to while George works his way down. The Docks: You'll see Nicole hiding behind a crate. Click on the crate to her left and she'll sneak over there and hide. When the guard circling the deck isn't looking, click on the ladder to have Nico hide on top of the boat. When the guard starts talking to Pablo, hurry up and click on the cupboard below Nico to open it, and climb back up the ladder. The guard will come back around to investigate the open cupboard, so when he is fully inside, hurry up and close it. Take the mop next to the door and use it to keep the guard from coming back out. Nico will go over to look in the porthole and you'll get to see a sequence in which Oubier dies. When Nico heads inside, check on Oubier and then take the jaguar stone. Karzac will catch Nico and garrote her, and as soon as you can, use the dagger on Karzac to stab him in the leg and Nico will make her escape. Now, we'll go see what George is doing. Zombie Island: George will uncover a movie production and the scene will be cut when the director notices him standing there. George will go over to where the director and the cameraman are located, and when you have control, talk to the actor standing next to the woman. His name is Haiku McEwan, so ask him about himself twice and then the director will start shooting again. Watch the scene (seems like a greatly exaggerated version of Treasure Island or something if you ask me) and afterwards, take a bun, the syrup, and a pancake off of the table. Put the syrup on the pancake and offer it to the stuntman. Throw the bun in the bush and you'll notice that there's a hornet nest in there. Grab another bun off the table and chuck it into the bush to send the hornets buzzing after the stuntman. Hawks will decide to shoot the movie down at the beach. Talk to him about the cave and then try taking the camcorder near the cameraman. He doesn't care about your idea, so talk to Hawks about the cameraman and watch the sequence. The Mayan Village: We see that Nico has finally arrived at the village, only to find it destroyed. Titipoco will show up, so talk to him about the sunglasses and then about George. Walk to the entrance of the village and pick up the underpants and then go over to the big barrel near Titipoco. Try to pick up the Mayan stone out of the ashes only to find it too hot to pick up. Try pushing the barrel next to it but Nico won't be able to push it on her own. Ask Titipoco to help and they'll knock the barrel over. Pick up the eagle stone and exit to the left. The Pyramid, Exterior: Look at the scaffolding gantry and take the rope nearby. Talk to Titipoco and have him climb up and throw the rope over. Once he's done that, pick up the rope and use it on the engine. Go over to the generator and take the cylinder near the bottom of it. Use the dagger on the fuel line, and as the fuel is spilling out, use the cylinder on it to fill it up. Go over to the engine and use the cylinder on the fuel cap and then pull the lever on it. Push the button and the engine will start up. Talk to Titipoco about the lever, walk over to the elevator, and then talk to him again to have him pull the lever. When you're able, take the ammunition belt and then head back down the elevator. Walk to the left and the guards will notice you. Answer their question however you want, and then take the torch. Talk to Titipoco to have him set the torch ablaze and then throw it on the puddle of fuel. Chuck the ammo belt on the fire and the guards will run like crazy to get out of there. We'll next find Nico on top of the pyramid, so talk to the general and then talk to George to set him free. You'll end up inside the pyramid. On the wall, you'll see a pattern and two levers. Try pulling both levers, and then talk to George about the lever to have him help you out. They'll fall into a pit and Nico will end up in a puzzle room. This puzzle is difficult, and it may be confusing to explain, so I'll do the best that I can: When you first arrive in the room, you'll notice two dials with pictures on them. Go over to your right and you'll see a set of ten tiles and a set of four. In order to solve the puzzle, pick a picture from the set of ten tiles and go over to the dials and turn one so that one half of the design that you picked is at the 3 o'clock position (left dial) and the other half is at the 9 o'clock position (right dial). When you've done that, go over and push on the tile you picked and then pick another picture from the ten tiles and match it up on the dial. Push the second tile you picked and then go over to the four tiles and push the tile with the combination of the two pictures you picked from the set of ten tiles. If you've managed to do it correctly, the tile will move. Repeat the process until all four tiles have been pushed in and the exit will be revealed. Go through the exit and game play will switch back to George. As George, take the torch off the wall and have Titipoco light it. Pull the lever on the wall and you'll end up in another puzzle (well, sort of) room. Pick up the torch off of the ground and use it to light the torch on the far wall. Pull the lever and go through the door to your left. Pull the right lever and go through the nearby door. Pull the right lever again and go through the doorway. You'll see that a set of stairs have now been uncovered, so head on down. When you can, pull the lever next to you and head down to the room of 'certain death'. Watch the ending sequences and you'll have finished Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror. Credits: Tom Hayes - for allowing me to use his guide as a base for mine. Revolution Software - for creating such an excellent adventure series. I can't wait for Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon to be released.