The One and Only On-Line Internet ________ __ ____ _____ _ _ _ ___ ____ |__ __| | | | __| | ___| | | | | | | | _ \ | __| | | | | | |__ | | _ | | | | | | | | \ | | |__ | | | | | __| | | | | | | | | | | | | || | __| | | | | | |__ | |_| | | |__| | | | | |_/ | | |__ |__| |__| |____| |_____| \____/ |_| |____/ |____| By Cam: mail to Available for FTP from Lord Soth's site soon. Available on the World Wide Web NOW!! ========= CONTENTS: ========= Legal crap 1. WEAPONS AND COMBAT EQUIPMENT: 1.0 Offensive weaponry: 1.00 Table of Warhead power. 1.01 Laser Cannons. 1.02 Ion Cannons. 1.03 Concussion/Advanced Concussion Missiles. 1.04 Proton/Advanced Proton Torpedoes. 1.05 Heavy Rockets. 1.06 Inertial Space Bombs. 1.1 Other Combat Equipment: 1.10 Shields. 1.11 Hull Armour/Heatsinks. 1.12 Tractor Beam. 1.13 Cockpit Equipment: 1.130 Hull/Shield Strength Indicator. 1.131 Sights/Threat Lights. 1.132 Targeting Computer CMD. 1.133 Situational Awareness Hemispheres (View Circles). 1.134 Energy Management Systems. 1.135 Clock and Tricorder Camera. 1.14 Auxiliary Display Screens: 1.140 Map. 1.141 Message Log. 1.142 Damage Assessment. 1.143 Wingman Commands. 1.144 Keyboard Reference. 1.145 InFlight Options. 1.146 Mission Goals Display. 2. SPACECRAFT, INSTALLATIONS, AND SIGNIFICANT OBJECTS: ***Table of size, speed, arms, etc. 2.0 Imperial Starfighters: 2.1 Hostile/Neutral Starfighters: 2.2 Other Small Craft: 2.3 Large and Capital Starships: 2.4 Stationary Objects/Installations: 3. TACTICS. 3.0 Starfighter-Starfighter Combat: 3.00 Positioning before the fight. 3.01 The initial meet. 3.02 In the melee. 3.03 Breakaway/Temporary Avoidance. 3.04 Missile Avoidance. 3.05 Escort Duties. 3.1 Starfighter-Ship Combat: 3.10 Closing the Gap. 3.11 Gunnery Pass(es). 3.2 Starfighter-Capital Ship Combat: 3.20 Closing the Gap, Warhead Use, and the First Pass. 3.21 Missile Avoidance for Attackers of Capital Ships. 3.22 Gunnery passes/blind spots. 3.23 Upon shield failure. 3.3 Starfighter-Mine Combat. 4. MISSIONS - GOALS AND METHODS. *************************************************************** * END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS - BEGINNING OF TEXT OF GUIDE * *************************************************************** (i) Legal banter and Acknowledgements to Contributors. In general: Share and copy as much as you like, just don't edit, shorten, add to, or change it, and don't charge for it except for email or online-time charges. You can print your own copy, but please do not distribute printed copies to anyone else. If you want to use part of the guide, or update it, or add to it, mail the authors at the address(es) above; if there is a problem, error, or fault in the guide, let us know and we will attempt to update the guide as soon as possible. THIS GUIDE AND THE INFORMATION IN IT IS COPYRIGHT OWNED BY THE AUTHOR (care of EXCEPT THOSE PARTS ACKNOWLEDGED AS SUCH WHICH ARE COPYRIGHT TO THEIR RESPECTIVE AUTHORS OR AGENCIES; AND NEITHER THE WHOLE NOR ANY PART OF IT MAY BE COPIED, CHANGED, TRANSFERRED, REPRODUCED, OR STORED IN ANY FASHION OR BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BOTH PRINTED AND/OR ELECTRONIC FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR(s) _unless written permission is obtained from the author(s)_. LUCASARTS, TIE FIGHTER, AND ANY OTHER TRADEMARKS OR REGISTERED TRADE NAMES OR ETCETERA ARE COPYRIGHT, REGISTERED, OR ETCETERA OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS AND ARE USED HERE FOR DESCRIPTIVE PURPOSES ONLY. LUCASARTS HAS NOT SUPPORTED OR AUTHORISED THIS PUBLICATION IN ANY WAY OR MEANS AND IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CORRESPONDENCE OR DAMAGES. THE AUTHORS WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CLAIMS, DAMAGES ETCETERA ARISING FROM THE USE, MISUSE, OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT. LIABILITY IN THE CASE OF FAULT IS LIMITED TO REPLACEMENT OF THE DOCUMENT PROVIDED IF OBTAINED DIRECTLY FROM THE AUTHORS. AT NO TIME WILL THE AUTHORS BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE ETC. ARISING FROM USE OF THIS DOCUMENT. (ii) Description of the TIE Guide. Welcome to what was designed as the ultimate TIE Fighter Guide or Frequently Asked Questions answerer (FAQ) for the die-hard pilot or user of LucasArts' TIE Fighter simulation, described below. It should give you the knowledge to be victorious in almost any situation in TIE Fighter, given practice and a small amount of luck. Should you have the basic skills in piloting and gunnery to make use of this information, you will find flying a TIE Fighter and its associate starfighters easier and more enjoyable. If you don't have these skills, practice in the Training Simulator is in order. Much of this information is available scattered throughout the game, or the manual, and much more of it is in the hint book. However, here it is collected in a logical (we hope) fashion and is cheaper than the hint book. So There. (iii) Review/description of TIE Fighter CD vs Floppy Version. At this stage (prior to Oct. '95 release of CD) it is believed that the Enhanced CD has: Enhanced Sound & Graphics, extra cut scenes, and a full new group of battles as well as the Defender of the Empire extensions. 1. WEAPONS AND COMBAT EQUIPMENT: 1.0 Offensive weaponry: This is the most essential element of any mission. Without effective weapons and their proper use, escorts are powerless, rescues are ineffective, and attacks are pointless. 1.00 Table of Warhead Attributes. Warhead Power (BLS) Speed (MGLT) Guidance ===========|==============|===============|=================== Conc. Mis. 30 240 Homes for 30 sec. Adv. Conc. Prot. Torp. 100 120 Homes for 60 sec. Adv. Prot. Space Bomb 650 10 Minor steering only. Hvy. Rocket 350 80 Clumsy slow homing. 1.01 Laser Cannons. The most common weapon used, it can pack a punch powerful enough to down a starfighter or small ship in seconds, and can be recharged infinitely to repeatedly take small chunks out of the biggest capital ships, until they flee or die. A boosted (fully charged) laser will knock out 5 SBD of shields. 1.02 Ion Cannons. Also infinitely rechargeable, Ion cannons can provide an alternative weapon when laser charge drops. They pack an effective punch against shields, but their real use is when the shields drop - the ion discharge will quickly disperse throughout the target's vital systems, disabling the ship without damaging it at all. Ion cannons can be used to stop a capital ship firing back at the player or escaping into hyperspace by disabling it quickly, allowing the player to kill it at his or her leisure with lasers. 1.03 Concussion/Advanced Concussion Missiles. Fast, manouverable self-guided weapons ideal for destroying enemy starfighters. Not a very large warhead, which means that many can be carried, but also they do very little against larger ships. Advanced version features better target tracking and larger warhead, and is ideal for dogfights. 1.04 Proton/Advanced Proton Torpedoes. Fairly fast weapons, barely manouverable enough for a rear attack on slow Y-wings, however they are significantly more powerful than missiles. Ideal for attacking smaller starships between shuttle and corvette size (anything larger is not likely to lose all its shields, even after a full load of torps). Advanced version features better target tracking and larger warhead, making a good multipurpose weapon. 1.05 Heavy Rockets. Great for smaller capital ships (Corvette or bigger), and the surprise rear attack on a largish ship such as an SPC or ATR. These carry a slow motor to propel them to a target and a very large warhead, along with basic steering. 1.06 Inertial Space Bombs. Ideal for the largest slowest ships and for platform attack. These weapons are slung out from your starfighter with no self propulsion, and barely enough guidance to get by. Their one advantage is a huge warhead that will take noticeable chunks out of the toughest shields in existence. For best effect launch just out of laser range from the target while flying at speed, as this will minimize flight time. 1.1 Other Combat Equipment: 1.10 Shields. If you don't have them, you have to be very careful. These absorb/dissipate laser, ion, and warhead attacks, allowing a pilot to concentrate on his or her target for that extra vital second. However, a pilot in straight and level travel will recieve a barrage of lasers that will possibly reduce shields to nothing, so do not trust them for too long. Also good for ramming ships with little or no shields if the player's are significantly stronger. Should be recharged as often as possible, and kept balanced fore/aft except in special situations. 1.11 Hull Armour/Heatsinks. Hull armour will let you survive that stray laser you almost avoided, or that portion of missile warhead that penetrated your shields, but is very limited. Also, you are likely to have vital systems or displays damaged rather than your heatsinks boiling safely into space, and armour cannot be recharged like shields. 1.12 Tractor Beam. Only available after a sufficiently experienced pilot survives to see its invention and production, the weak directional tractor beam is used to reduce the manoueverability of an enemy when in your sights. When the beam is active it gives off a low warbling sound, and a starfighter which is unlucky enough to be flying straight away from the player in his sights is likely to be captured. A hard jink by the trapped is sometimes able to free him/her, and he/she is unlikely to be trapped if travelling across the sights quickly in the first place. 1.13 Cockpit Equipment: 1.130 Hull/Shield Strength Indicator. Two thicknesses of shields can be built up, and as each layer is powered down its display darkens and goes from green to yellow to red to black (no strength). A hit on shields or hull is indicated by a white flash on the affected part. 1.131 Sights/Threat Lights. Laser targeting of small objects can be made easier if the player remembers that the cannons are mounted off-center and fire as such, so that, for example a tug can be hit more easily at close range if the starfighter is turned to move the target 'closer to the cannon', otherwise the beams may pass harmlessly around the target. If the warning lights go on in a craft not fitted with shields, the only chance for survival is to dodge fast and hard. The left warning light is for starfighter/fixed cannons trained on the player, the center one is for cannons on a large ship or turrets trained at the player, and the right hand light is for missile tracking. 1.132 Targeting Computer CMD. Shows useful information including sensor scan's reports of cargo, and a real-time camera image of the target. 1.133 Situational Awareness Hemispheres (View Circles). One of the most important tools in a dogfight, these show the relative positions of all ships, objects etc., allowing the pilot turn directly towards the target while avoiding collisions and enemies. 1.134 Energy Management Systems. The starfighters are powered by individual reactor cores, one to a ship. How the player uses the energy provided is up to him or her. A fixed amount goes to power the basic ship's systems, but the main part is spent on 'variable power sinks', and the leftover goes to the engine to increase speed. That is, the energy supplied to items like the shields, lasers, and perhaps a tractor beam, can be changed to change the rate of charging of the storage cells that power these items. With no recharging, the power is slowly leaked out of the cells, and soon the lasers/shields/etc have no power. This is zero percent recharge, or power diverted to engines at maximum rate. Alternatively, the recharge rate can be kept at maximum, allowing the shield or laser cells to be fully charged constantly (100%). Or, a middle ground can be chosen to allow charging to only replace the natural leakage (50% recharge). The energy management system allows 5 different settings of recharge rates (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) for each system. Since the engine gets all the energy surplus left over from these systems, a lower shield or laser recharge rate means a faster ship. Also, once some power is stored in the cells for one system, (e.g. the lasers) set quantities can be moved to another system (e.g. shields) allowing for a quick boost of shield or cannon power in an emergency. 1.135 Clock and Tricorder Camera. The mission clock records the amount of time passed since the launch of your ship. This is measured in real time except during time acceleration, when the clock is accelerated x2 or x4 as appropriate. The camera display contains an 'on' light and a film remaining indicator (in percent). 1.14 Auxiliary Display Screens: As the pilot looks down into his/her cockpit, a number of screens displaying vital information can be seen. By pressing the appropriate key to get into one of these screens, the whole lot can be accessed with the left and right arrow keys. To exit, just press the appropriate key for the screen. E.g. press k to go to keyboard reference screen, arrows to get to the map, and m to exit the map and go into combat. Combat is paused while the pilot is in these screens. 1.140 Map. The beautiful thing about the map in TIE Fighter compared to X-Wing is the ability to simulate a 3-d situation, and view it from any angle, instead of a 2-D 'flat' map. Craft that are not involved in a fight can be selectively blocked out to reduce clutter. 1.141 Message Log. Another improvement over X-wing, the Log records and stores all radio messages and the time recieved, and displays as text on a screen. Useful when too many messages come at once. 1.142 Damage Assessment. Same as X-Wing. When a portion of your hull containing vital systems is damaged, the systems can usually be temporarily repaired in a few seconds to a few minutes. This screen displays systems, their status, and time to repair (if damaged). 1.143 Wingman Commands. A list of wingman commands can be accessed. 1.144 Keyboard Reference. Press 'k' during flight to see this. Lists almost every key used anywhere during TIE Fighter flight. Press 'k' again to leave. Useful if you don't want to ruin your game docs by constantly referring to them. 1.145 InFlight Options. Change detail, sound etc for a smoother or more realistic flight. 1.146 Mission Goals Dislay. A key element in mission planning, along with the map. This display shows all 'must complete for a sucessful mission' events as Primary Goals, and lists them as completed when they are. Similarly, Secondary Goals are shown. Bonus Goals are bonuses not planned on by your commander(s), and as such are listed as completed but not shown when not yet completed. 2. SPACECRAFT, INSTALLATIONS, AND SIGNIFICANT OBJECTS: ***Table of size, speed, arms, etc. Note: Job B means the ship is capable of boarding others, R means capable of repair/rearming, and M means moves others. 2.0 Imperial Starfighters: SHIP | LENGTH | SPEED | CANNON | LAUNCHER | SHIELDS | HULL | JOB ================================================================ T/F 10 100 2LASER NOT USU. - 15RU. T/I 10 111 4L NOT USU. - 20 T/B 10 80 2L 2 VARIOUS - 50 T/A 10 145 4L 2 VAR. 100SBD 20 GUN 15 90 2L,2ION 2 VAR. 100 50 ***2.1 Hostile/Neutral Starfighters:**************** Y-W 20 80 2L, 2I 2 PROTON 75 40 X-W 15 100 4L 2P 50 20 A-W 10 120 2L 2CONCUSS'N 50 15 B-W 15 90 3L, 3I 2P 125 60 Z-95 15 85 2L 2C 20 15 ***2.2 Other Craft: ******************************* SHU 20 65 4L - 100 25 B E/S 30 75 3L,1TURRET - 120 35 SPC 150 80 3L, 1T - 150 60 TRN 20 55 2L,2I 2P 100 50 B,R ATR 45 65 2L 2P 100 50 B,R CORT 25 65 2L - 100 50 B,R TUG 5 10 - - - 5 R CON. A:75m LONG, B:55m, C:75m, D:50m, E:40m. 50 10 HLF 25 20 - - - 10 M FRT 100 16 - - 120 30 CNVYR 150 24 - - 70 30 CARG 90 20 - - 60 30 CTRNS 100 30 - - 50 35 ***2.3 Large and Capital Class Vessels ***************** CRV 150 20 2T 1C 100 50 M/CRV 150 20 6T 1C 100 50 FRG 400 16 7L, 4T 1C 160 80 M/FRG 250 16 MANY 1C 160 100 ESC 500 12 MANY 1C 180 90 INT 600 8 MANY - 180 70 VSD 900 8 MANY 2C 200 100 ISD 1600 10 MANY 1C 300 150 CRL 500 12 MANY 2C 160 80 CRS 1300 10 MANY 2C 240 140 ***2.4 Stationary Objects/Installations:**************** SAT 5 - - - 5 MINE/A 15 1L - - 5 B 15 1I - - 5 C 15 1L 1C - 5 PROBE/A,B 5 - - - 5 PLT/(all) 250 MANY 1C 200 100 3. TACTICS. 3.0 Starfighter-Starfighter Combat: 3.00 Positioning before the fight. Avoid engaging within the range of enemy starships or mines. If possible, try to draw the enemy into the range of your installation/mothership/etc.'s guns. 3.01 The initial meet. If the enemy is attacking another target, try to attack from behind. If the enemy is attacking you, approach head-on until your threat indicator tells you the enemy is firing. Then swing and dodge to avoid fire. If you use missiles, lock as soon as possible, and fire as soon as you get lock. Then dodge to one side temporarily so the enemy's laser fire at you will not destroy your missiles. 3.02 In the melee. Never fly in a straight line for more than a few seconds. Attempt to attack from behind whenever possible. Use your throttle to avoid flying past the enemy in front of its guns. Sitting close behind an enemy flying the same speed and repeatedly firing can destroy a shielded starfighter in a few seconds. However, be careful you do not fly too slow. In a non-shielded craft, friendly fire here is deadly - don't get very close to your target (Also watch out when it explodes). 3.03 Breakaway/Temporary Avoidance. When you are in danger (i.e. hit on shields, or aimed at in a non-shielded craft), go to full throttle and make at least a 90-degree turn in any direction. Then continuously change the direction of your turn by small amounts. Do not stop turning or reverse the turn unless you are sure you are well out of the firing line. 3.04 Missile Avoidance. Make an instant 90-degree turn, note where the missile is, and keep it at right angles to your flight path by flying such that the missile is shown at the very edge of your front or rear sensor display circles. Increase speed to at least 80. Once it passes you, you may choose to turn to follow it and shoot it with lasers. If launched at you head-on, firing lasers at it will usually be effective, as well as hitting its launcher. 3.05 Escort Duties. Use your mission displays and map to note which enemy are attacking your target and destroy them first. If possible, engage enemy before they are within missile range of your escorted ship. 3.1 Starfighter-Ship Combat: 3.10 Closing the Gap. Try to approach from a 'blind spot' where there are no laser turrets that can hit you; e.g. directly behind a corvette. Fire warheads outside about 2km range, then dodge aside so no lasers hit your warheads. 3.11 Gunnery Pass(es). When attempting to take out a turret or laser, concentrate boosted laser fire so every shot hits. Be very conscious of your shield status. Otherwise, dodge while firing so your shots spray across the full length of the ship, making you more difficult to hit. Should you destroy enough guns to make a 'blind spot' (e.g. upper-fore, upper-mid and upper-rear laser guns on a FRG creates a blind spot directly above the hull near the docking point) make all passes from that angle, or if no other enemy are near, sit in the spot continuously firing. 3.2 Starfighter-Capital Ship Combat: 3.20 Closing the Gap, Warhead Use, and the First Pass. As above, except that warheads should be effectively used against warhead launchers, especially on CRS and CRL. Be aware that self-defence fighters may be launched. 3.21 Missile Avoidance for Attackers of Capital Ships. As above. A fun game to shoot the missiles once you are practiced enough, but don't let the enemy escape while you do it. 3.22 Gunnery passes/blind spots. As above. 3.23 Upon shield failure. Use ion cannons to disable almost instantly. You may then leave the enemy for later if you wish, though it may still launch starfighters. 3.3 Starfighter-Mine Combat. Keep shields strong (back off to recharge if necessary). Use twin or quad weak lasers for better hit chance but stronger shields. Try to attack the 'edge' of a minefield first, rather than getting yourself surrounded by mines. 4. MISSIONS - GOALS AND METHODS. Please: send me your tips and I will put them in the latest version of this guide with full credit to you. Mail Note: thanks to the unknown person who uploaded a list of secret goals to If you know them please mail me and I will give them credit. MISSION | SECRET GOALS | HINTS ========|===============================|============================ B1M1 100% E/SHU Tough destroyed. Inspect TRN Dayta, then all TRN Glich destroyed. FRT. Help shoot down the FRT's shields when you can. B1M2 100% CRV Ubote destroyed. Destroy all fighters quickly SHU Shutz captured. then wait for T/B to kill CRV before going home. B1M3 TRN Dawn inspected. Concentrate torps on CARG. 100% B-W Gold, X-W Red destroyed B1M4 At least 1 of E/S Claf dest. Inspect CONTRN Gopher early. CONTRN Gopher captured. B1M5 100% X-W Blue, Red, A-W Kill first wave of fighters Gold destroyed. quickly, then inspect CON. Stay out of mine/CRS range. B1M6 50% SHU Derris captured. Charge up shields out of range 100% mines MX-B, MX-C... of mines etc. until fighters to MX-F, RQ-A to RQ-G dest. launch. When CRS Lulsa is hull damaged, do a gun pass to ensure launch of SHU Derris. Immediately ID & disable commander's SHU. B2M1 TRN Epsilon 1&2 finish mission, CRL Falaricae destroyed, CNVYR Asbo ? captured. B2M2 SHU Toten Inspected, TRN Epsilon **NOTE** Do NOT destroy the 1&2 completed mission, FRG FRG DROMON: there is a bug that Dromon Destroyed *SEE NOTE* will make B2M4 impossible. CN/C Lab Module ? captured. PLT Youst captured. B2M3 100% E/S Typhon destroyed 100% SHU Nazaar complete mission B2M4 CRL Falaricae inspected **NOTE** If you destroyed the FRG Manus Fearae inspected FRG DROMON in B2M2 you will NOT FRG Shemsher inspected get the two SHU necessary to M/CRV Runka inspected complete this mission. CARG Godendag inspected CARG Glaive inspected B2M5 SHU Omlaut inspected 100% All Dimok & Ripoblus craft destroyed, 100% of T/A AA,AB, AC, AD complete mission. B3M1 TRN Scouter destroyed B3M2 ASSAULT TRN Tiger finish docking. CN/A CRM908A ? boarded B3M3 100% of SHU Escape destroyed Wait with wingmen until B-W launch. Then attack all craft making attacks on FRG. Kill only one Y-W so as to avoid replacements B3M4 SHU Shakker inspected SHU launches from CRV Moive when one dest. and one hull damaged. B3M5 100% SHU Gamer, Bliss, Noway Destroyed. B3M6 TRN Shark finish docking SHU Electra inspected B4M1 CRV Charger 1&2 inspected B4M2 through to B4M4: no bonus goals B4M5 TRN Tela destroyed Sneaky tip: load up rockets, then when in mission fire as soon as reasonable. Reload via TRN Sigma who will overload your ship with rockets. B5M1 T/I Gamma 2&3 Destroyed Kill Gamma 2&3, then all but 1 mine. 100% of T/A H-Alpha & H-delta, inspect then kill CN/D's. Kill last T/B H-Beta, SHU Lambda dest'd. mine then run for cover of your M/FRG's 100% Mine 1a, 1b, CN/D dest'd. guns. Lasers to 0%. Speed quickly to ID 100% X-W Blue, Y-W Red dest'd. SHU Lambda, then return to M/FRG (fight). B5M2 B-W Red 1&2&3, Z-95 Wolf 3&4, One laser or missile hitting the VSD 100% z-95 Wolf, CORT Cimigo, is enough to 'attack' it. at least 1 T/A H-Alpha, at least 1 A-W Blue, dest'd. CN/B Chi 3&4, 100% CN/C Pi, 100% CN/E Xi, 100% CN/D Psi inspected. VSD Protector attacked. B5M3 At least 1 CN/E Phi inspected VSD Protector attacked. HLF AAA, A1, A2 dest'd At least 1 T/A H-Alpha, H-beta, H-Gamma, H-Delta, dest'd. 100% A-W Blue dest'd. B5M4 VSD Protector attacked. 100% CRV Wurger inspected. SHU Toten complete mission. CARG Badger 1&2 dest'd. B5M5 FRG Olinor Inspected. 100% CRV Wurger dest'd. Shu Toten dest'd. TRN Kolermigon boarded CORT Geddawai captured. B6M1 100% rebel craft dest'd. B6M2 100% rebel craft dest'd. B6M3 100% X-W blue, A-W Gold, dest'd A-W Gold 3 dest'd B6M4 Tug U4F91 to U4F94, U14F1 complete mission. 100% A-W red dest'd, CARG Bujiboi dest'd B7M1 100% HLF Waq, CARG Whell dest'd B7M2 100% Y-w Red & gold, Z95 blue & red, X-W gold dest'd. B7M3 100% rebel craft dest'd B7M4 100% GUN destroyed ISD Harpox completes mission B7M5 none. ==================================================================== THE END: if you liked it or hated it, please mail to with suggestions/comments etc. Thank you. ====================================================================