======================= Red Alert 2 Compendium ====================== Version *FINAL* Written by Stephanus Rudiyanto N. email: s_rudiyanton@mailcity.com (old, but still functioning) s_rudiyanton@lycos.com NOTES from Author: * If you send an email to me, may be the reply is too late, this happens because I check my mailbox not very frequently. I'm sorry for this incovenience. But, if you send me some info or corrections, I WILL reply the letter (even it may be take a few days, weeks, or months) If I don't send the reply, just wait until it comes :) (There is also another possibility: I have already sent it and it doesn't reach your mailbox). Thanks just for reading this. * This FAQ is based in Red Alert 2, for Yuri Revenge's data please refer to my other FAQ. * To read this FAQ, use Fixed Width fonts like Courier, if not many of the tables below will look terrible. Use WordPad to read this FAQ, and maximize the window. Table of Contents ----------------- i) Introduction ii) Version iii) Future edition iv) Credits v) How to get this FAQ I - General and Special Rules 1) Formulae 2) Shorcut Keys 3) Mind Control 4) Chronoshift 5) Invulnerability 6) Building 7) Veteran and Elite Units 8) Credits 9) Weather Storm 10) Crates II - Units 1) Allied Infantry 2) Soviet Infantry 3) Allied Vehicle and Aircraft 4) Soviet Vehicle and Aircraft 5) Allied Naval 6) Soviet Naval 7) Neutral Unit III - Buildings 1) Allied Building 2) Soviet Building 3) Allied Combat Building 4) Soviet Combat Building 5) Neutral Tech Building 6) Neutral Miscellaneous Building IV - Tables and Data 1) Unit and Defensive Building Combat Ability 2) Scoring 3) Pip 4) Unit and Defensive Building Description 5) Unit and Building Comparison V - Miscellaneous 1) Records 2) Dangerous Unit 3) Do you know? 4) Special Section 5) Patches changes ------------------------------------------------------------- i) Introduction Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is a real time strategy game from Westwood. This is the sequel of Command & Conquer: Red Alert. The game story is based on the war between the Alliance and the Soviet forces. This game is recommended for fans of real-time strategy games. The FAQ I used here is based on version 1.006. For Yuri's Revenge (its expansion), please refer to my other FAQ. (Yuri Revenge Compendium) First, I apologize if my English is not good (Because it is not my main language). Maybe some grammars and spells have some errors in this FAQ. This is my second unpublished FAQ I wrote. (The first is Starcraft Broodwar Expert Guide). This FAQ is created for intermediate and expert players that have played the game long enough to truly know the aspects of the game. Although the beginners can also read this FAQ, it is not recommended because of some complicated data and tables. In this FAQ, I hope you have known the aspect of this game, because I don't include any "how to play", basic strategies or others like those. There are so many good FAQs to teach you to play in the internet so I don't need to explain it again :) A lot of info I acquired by checking the INI files (if you are often costumizing any Westwood games (C&C and RA), you must know these famous INI files), and also from searching, trying, and my other hardwork by playing the game itself. Note that not all data I extract pure from INI files (because some of them has many changes and can't be 100% right), actually I almost check everything (even the calculation procedure) to be sure it is right. So forgive me if there are many errors I didn't notice. Email me at s_rudiyanton@lycos.com for corrections and suggestions, and of course you will be credited even for small fixes. I will update this FAQ when there is a mistake, error, or any addition. I can also add an entirely new section if I think it's important. If you include any information below in any FAQ or Websites, please ask my permission first (mostly I will answer yes) and give credits for me. (It's extremely hard to collect information in this FAQ, you know). And lastly, I don't own Red Alert 2 CD. I play the game by borrowing my cousin's CD. And so, I also couldn't play it in the net until now. I am also not too good at multiplayer games (because I rarely had chances to play it on network games), but I'm also not that bad. This is just for info. :P ii) Version Numbers after the dot mean minor updates, while numbers before the dot mean Major updates. Early December 2000 - Version 1.0 (Initial release) 11 December 2000 - Version 1.1: - Add a small but important tips in Section V.3 - Remove the section points of this game (as my cousin wished) - Add section v) How do you get this FAQ This section list the sites currently post my FAQs. 19 December 2000 - Version 1.2: - Fix some little errors and grammars. - Fix corrections and some additions on Tesla Troopers, Conscripts, Crazy Ivan, and Terror Drone in units section. - Add information in Giant Squid, Tanya, SEAL, and Do You Know section. - Correct some errors in Pip section. 22 December 2000 - Version 1.3: - Fix some corrections on Sentry Gun and Soviet War Factory. 26 December 2000 - Version 1.4: - Fix some, well - again - little errors and grammars. - Fix corrections and some additions on General and Special Rules Rules (Buildings), Chrono Legionnaire, Chrono Commando, IFV, Dreadnought, Destroyer, Aircraft Carrier, Allied Naval Shipyard, and Tesla Coil sections. - Add information on Invulnerability, Spy, and Flak Cannon sections. 8 January 2000 - Version 2.0: - Add Neutral Miscellaneous Buildings section (my cousin writes it). 9 January 2000 - Version 2.1: - Fix some - again - little errors and grammars. - Fix corrections on Yuri Prime (not much, just replacing any "Yuri" word with "Yuri Prime"), Soviet Construction Yard (same case, only word replacement), all tech buildings (explain that they can be repaired without using engineer), Prism Tower (damage rating) - Add info on Mind Control, Chronoshift, Invulnerability, Allied and Soviet Ore Refinery (selling building), Cloning Vats, Soviet and Allied Walls, IFV, Terror Drone, Flak Track, Amphibious Transport, Nighthawk, and MCV. 1 February 2001 - version 2.2: - Do some replacements to make the sentences easy to read. 18 February 2001 - version 3.0: - Fix an error in Formulae (building speed theory is wrong, thanks to Blossom Storm for telling me this). - Correct little error in War Miner (thanks to Nooplanop for this). - Update almost all sections because patches 1.004 is out and change many statistics. Look for new section V. 4 for Patches changes. 26 March 2001 - version 3.1: - A long time update. - Fix small error in unit table. - Fix small error in Actors and In-Game Voice. (thanks to Mike Ching) - Fix small error in Flak Troopers and Tesla Troopers. - Add some note in Kirov Airship. - Add some note in speed (Put in Do you Know section). 14 April 2001 - version 3.11: - Add some notes in credits section. 26 May 2001 - version 3.12: - Add some notes in Miscellaneous section. 7 September 2001 - version 3.2: - Add some nice infos about Weather Storm (thanks to Alien Overmind). 6 October 2001 - version 3.21: - Add some notes about Mind Control. 28 October 2001 - version 4.0: - May be the FINAL version of this FAQ, because Yuri's Revenge is out, and I will now focus on its FAQ. I still collect some data for this game and need more time to finish it. - Revised some data and fixes some errors. - Add some replies in Do You Know section. 20 November 2001 - version 4.01: - Add some notes in Cloning Vats section. 16 February 2002 - version 4.02: - Add a site that host my FAQ. 3 March 2002 - version 4.1: - Add some infos in many sections. - Fixes some errors. 17 March 2002 - Version 4.11: - Add a site that host my FAQ. 3 June 2002 - Version 4.2: - Add Special section that contains many strategies and contribution from Overmind. 3 July 2002 - Version 4.21: - Add some tips in miscellaneous section. 25 August 2002 - Version 4.3: - Add some info and corrections. (thanks to Hecht) 13 October 2002 - Final Version: - Fix some credits. - Add more website that host my FAQ. iii) Future editions * This is final version of this FAQ. So no more section changes. I will update my FAQ only if there are some important changes and error fixes. Also I will still update websites that hosts my FAQs. iv) Credits - Westwood, for making a great game for me to play. - Jeff "CJayC" Veasey (GameFAQs webmaster), for hosting my FAQs, GameFAQs is truly a good website for game guides and other game-related info! - My cousin, because I played RA2 with his CD and on his computer. He also writes his own section (Points for this game) in this FAQ by himself. He checks almost everything in this FAQ. He also who writes the Neutral Miscellaneous Buildings section. - "Tony Toon" , for info on how to ally in an easy way. - Blossom Storm , for telling me the building speed theory is wrong and inform me about new patches is out. He also show some errors and add some nice info in my FAQ. Thanks a lot. Red Alert 2 Sites: - , for info that War Miner can become expert. - Ching, Mike , for correcting Tanya Actor. - , for some "interesting" point :) - Alien Overmind , for many useful informations and suggestions. Information: Weather Storm, Crates, Building Occupation, and Survivors Fixes: Genetic Mutators Range, Spy shut down power time. He also sends me many useful and important informations and strategies that I put them into a separate special sections. - "Justin Mitchell" , for info about Kirov and small notes. - Kevin Leung , for info about Chronoshift and Invulnerability. - Mek , for a little comment in Do You Know? section. - Ang Yi Ping , for some notes about Cloning Vats. - Ian Tucker , for some info about Chronoshift. - Yonatan Indrajaya AKA losbolos , for some info about Chrono Waypointing. - "Hecht" , for many corrections and info. v) How to get this FAQ You can get this FAQ only in these sites: - http://www.gamefaqs.com - http://DLH.Net - http://www.gameadvice.com - Cheat Empire: http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts - http://www.neoseeker.com - http://www.actiontrip.com - http://www.cheatingplanet.com - http://SPOnG.com - http://www.gamespot.com - http://www.PlanetCNC.com - http://www.cnchq.com If you want to check my newest FAQ, please check www.gamefaqs.com first, because I will send my newest FAQs to GameFAQs before other sites. ***************************** I - General and Special Rules ***************************** 1) Formulae * Cells One cell in Red 2 Alert means a portion of small terrain that can be occupied by one small vehicles (IFV, Flak Track, etc.) or 3 infantry. * ROF: Rate of Fire The longer the number, the longer the unit reloads its weapons. 15 are equal to 1 second at middle speed setting. So a weapon with maximum speed with 150 ROF, will attack again after about 10 seconds after previous attack. * Frame Delay 900 Frame Delays are equal to 60 seconds in 15 fps (frame per second) games. * Veteran Rules Each unit that can become Veteran will have increased statistics. For Elite units just multiply the number by 2. And for calculating damage, use the Elite Weapons (if the units have it), and not the normal weapons. (This is hard to calculating, and still being researched). Stronger : Damage received divided by 1.5 Faster : Unit max speed multiplied by 1.2 Increased ROF : ROF delay multiplied by 0.6 Increased Firepower : Damage multiplied by 1.1 Sight Range is NOT increased when becoming a veteran or Elite. For more description and detailed information about Veteran and Elite units, look at section below. * Radiation Nuclear Strike, Demolition Truck, and Desolator Radiation Eruption can create an area of radiation. The radiation will disappear after (Radiation Level x 1) frames. * Cells Radius and Cells Area In some data I mention about Cells Radius and Cells Area. Some people may be confused about its. I will explain it with below examples. Cells Radius of 3 will means: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o x o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Cells area of 3 x 3 will means: o o o o x o o o o x : Middle point With above examples, it means that: A Cells Radius of 3 is same as a Cells area of 7 x 7. A Cells Area of 3x3 is same as a Cells radius of 1. It will be better if I use the cells area than cells radius for better understanding. But I use cells radius because of some area damage (like radiation) is circle and not square. And in circle, it can't be converted to numberXnumber cells area. So don't be confused if a mention cells radius in some stats and cells area in other stats. Note: Thanks to Overmind for reminding me about this confusing matters. 2) Shorcut keys The use for shorcut keys can't be separated with Real-Time Strategy Games. These keys can be changed in Game Options, Keyboard sections. Here are the shorcut keys for Red Alert 2: Category: Control Keys Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alliances A Toggles Alliance Status with the owner of selected object Cheer C All Units to Cheer (for fun only) Deploy Objects D Order selected units to Deploy or Undeploy Guard Objects G Order selected units to 'Guard' the area Scatter X Order selected units to scatter Stop Objects S Order selected units to stop current action Waypoints Z Set planning mode ON (to create waypoints) Units that have been set for waypoints don't do anything until you turn this off Units move synchronically (have same speed) Category: Information Keys Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- Coordinates - Gives the information of current coordinates of cursors This key is undefined by default (- in here means no key and not the minus key). Category: Interface Keys Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete Num Del Deletes the selected object Follow F Toggle Follow state of selected object(s) Goto Radar Event Space Center the Tactical View to the cycle through last 8 EVA events. "Space Bar" also goes to "Ally under Attack" EVA event * Options Esc Display game options dialog Page User U Page a Westwood Online users (Internet only) ** Place Beacon B Used to place a communication Beacon (Multiplayer only) Repair Mode K Toggle Repair Mode On/Off Sell Mode L Toggle Sell Mode On/Off Screen Capture Ctrl-C Take a snapshots of the game screen. (Saved as 'SCRNxxxx.PCX' file in the game directory) Select Str. Tab Q Switch the command bar to Building Tab*** Select Armory Tab W Switch the command bar to Defensive Tab*** Select Inf. Tab E Switch the command bar to Infantry Tab Select Vch. Tab R Switch the command bar to vehicle Tab Sidebar Down Num 2 Scroll Sidebar Selection list downward Sidebar Up Num 8 Scroll Sidebar Selection list upward Sidebar Page Up Num 6 Page Sidebar Selection list upward Sidebar Page Down Num 4 Page Sidebar Selection list downward Str. List Up Num 7 Scroll Sidebar Str. Sel. list upward Str. List Down Num 1 Scroll Sidebar Str. Sel. list downward Str. List Page Up - Page Sidebar Str. Sel. list upward Str. List Page Dn - Page Sidebar Str. Sel. list downward Unit List Up Num 9 Scroll Sidebar Unit Sel. list upward Unit List Down Num 3 Scroll Sidebar Unit Sel. list downward Unit List Page Up - Page Sidebar Unit Sel. list upward Unit List Page Dn - Page Sidebar Unit Sel. list downward Set Bookmark 1 Ctrl-F1 Set view Bookmark map position 1 Set Bookmark 2 Ctrl-F2 Set view Bookmark map position 2 Set Bookmark 3 Ctrl-F3 Set view Bookmark map position 3 Set Bookmark 4 Ctrl-F4 Set view Bookmark map position 4 View Bookmark 1 F1 View bookmarked map position 1 View Bookmark 2 F2 View bookmarked map position 2 View Bookmark 3 F3 View bookmarked map position 3 View Bookmark 4 F4 View bookmarked map position 4 Jump to Map Edge Ctrl-Arrow keys Jump to the edges of map for corresponding arrow keys **** (*) Before version 1.004, Space Bar only center the Tactical View to the last Radar Event. (**) Before version 1.004, there is no default Hotkeys for Page User. (***) The "Q" & "W" keys that select Tab Buttons grab a completed building for the cursor. Pressing again places that building. (Version 1.004 above) (****) Only in version 1.004 Category: Selection Keys Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- Center Base H Center the view about the player's base Center View Num 5 Center the view about the selected object(s) Combatant Select P Select all military units * Health Navigation U Navigates across the last selection by health level** Next Object N Select the next object Previous Object M Select the previous object Type Select T Select units by type * Veterancy Nav. Y Navigates across the last selection by Veterancy level*** (*) - This shortcut key selects units across SCREEN, if it is pressed again, it selects units across MAP. If all units selected are on screen, it automatically select units across MAP. (**)- This shorcut key shows all units in selected units that in CRITICAL condition (red health bar), then if pressed again shows all units that in HEAVILY DAMAGED condition (yellow health bar), then if pressed again shows all unit that in HEALTHY condition. If pressed again, it loops back to show all units in CRITICAL condition. It also shows the information on how many units in that condition and how many Cost value of all those units. (***) - This shortcut key shows all units in the selected units that are in Elite level, then if pressed again shows all units that are in Veteran level, then if pressed again shows all units that are in Green status (Normal level). If pressed again its loops back to show all units in Elite level. It also shows the information on how many units in that veterancy level and how many Cost value of all those units. Category: Taunt (Multiplayer only) Keys Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- Taunt 1 F5 Send taunt message: "Need money" Taunt 2 F6 Send taunt message: "Ready to Attack now" Taunt 3 F7 Send taunt message: "Help me" Taunt 4 F8 Send taunt message: "Please distract enemy" Taunt 5 F9 Send taunt message: "Surrender Now!" Taunt 6 F10 Send taunt message: "Ha ha ha" Taunt 7 F11 Send taunt message: "You coward" Taunt 8 F12 Send taunt message: "Victory!!" Notes: - Taunt is different for each country. Category: Team Keys Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- Create Team 1-10 Ctrl # Create team # for the selected units Select Team 1-10 # Select team # Add Select Team 1-10 Shift # Add selected units to team # Center Team 1-10 Alt # Center and center view for team # Notes: - # can be any number between 0 and 9 - After patches 1.002, Center team can also be done by pressing # for the second time after the team is selected 3) Mind Control - Units that have mind control ability can target any enemy or neutral unit and control its movement and action. In other words that unit will become your own unit. But you can only mind control one unit for each unit that has mind control ability. - There are four units that can mind control an enemy unit. They are Yuri, Psi-Corp Infantry, Psi Commando, and Yuri Prime. Psi-Corp Infantry only appear in campaign mode, and it has the same statistics with Yuri's. - If you control a transport, all units in the transport will NOT be mind controlled, so if you deploy the transport, all of the units inside go out and are still owned by enemy. - Units that are mind controlling and a mind controlled unit can't enter any transport (Amphibious Transport, Nighthawk, Flak Track, and IFV). - To release a mind controlled unit, you can kill the unit that mind control it. - To change mind control unit, just target another unit. Example: If a Yuri is mind controlling a GI and you want him to mind control a Grizzly Tank, just simply ask him to target the Grizzly Tank. - To release a mind controlled unit, use Force Attack (Ctrl- Left Click) to any empty terrain. - You can't mind control a unit that is being mind controlled by other unit. - You can't mind control a unit that is enveloped with invulnerability (Iron Curtain is activated on it). - A mind controlled MCV can not build buildings. - There also a few units that are IMMUNE to Mind Control: Unit Sides Unit Sides ---------------------------------------------------------- Chrono Miner Allies War Miner Soviet Attack Dog Both Terror Drone Soviet Giant Squid Soviet Yuri Soviet Psi Commando Allies Yuri Prime Soviet Harrier Allies Black Eagle Korea Kirov Airship Soviet Rocketeer Allies Dolphin Allies (while flying) - You CAN actually mind control a Kirov. However, it's not exactly something that will happen often. You have to have a mind control unit near the factory that a Kirov is being built at, without it already controlling someone. When the Kirov finishes being built, it's initially "on the ground", and can be controlled. 4) Chronoshift - Chronoshift can be used after you have built a Chronosphere. - Chronoshift can teleport any unit in 3x3 Cells area to another location. - Chronoshift can be cancelled any time as long as you don't specify the target location. - You can teleport any unit to shrouded areas (Just be careful not teleport to water for your ground units). - Any infantry or organic unit that is teleported will be killed instead of being teleported. They include: Most infantry unit, Attack Dog, Dolphin, Giant Squid, Civilian, Cow, Alligator, Monkey, and Polar Bear. - Chrono Legionnaires and Chrono Ivan can be Chronoshifted and not killed by the process. - You CAN teleport infantry only if it on a transport and you teleport the transport. - Invulnerable unit can't be Chronoshifted. Notes: This ONLY happen on some occassion and in older version. - You can teleport enemy units or neutral units. Example: * Teleport a group of enemy tanks to water to make them drowned. * Teleport a group of enemy ships to grund to make them destroyed. * Teleport a group of enemy infantry to kill them instantly. * Teleport a Dolphin, Giant Squid, or Attack Dog to kill them instantly. * Teleport a group of landing Harriers and Black Eagle (in Airforce Command HQ) or Nighthawk to water to destroy them. - Vehicles are not destroyed when teleported onto a building, they are just placed around it. 5) Invulnerability - Invulnerability can be used after you have built an Iron Curtain. - Invulnerability makes any unit in 3x3 Cells area invincible and can't be damaged in any way. - Invulnerability durations: 750 frame delay. - You can't make any infantry or any organic units Invulnerable. - You can make Harriers, Black Eagles, and Nighthawks invulnerable, but not Kirov Airships. Those three must land first when they are cloaked with Invulnerability. - If you make any transport invulnerable, units inside it are not invulnerable. - Invulnerable Demolition Trucks can't be killed by the enemy. It will self-destruct on the target without anything can stop it. - Invulnerabled building can be captured by engineer. - Invulnerable units that have dynamite attached to it (by Crazy Ivan) can't be destroyed. - V3 rocket launchers can be invulnerabled, but the rockets are not. The same rule applies for Dreadnought. - Invulnerable unit can't be mind controlled. - You can use Invulnerability to enemy or neutral units. Example: * Destroy any group of infantry by covering them with invulnerability. * Destroy a Dolphin or Giant Squid by covering them with invulnerability. - If you put an invulnerabled unit in a transport, the invulnerability will not cease and expire after 750 frame delays. 6) Building - Buildings in Red Alert 2 can only be placed near other buildings. - Normally, buildings can be placed 2 cells adjacent to other building. The exception are: Buildings Cells -------------------------- Naval Shipyard 12 Concrete Wall 8 Sentry Gun 4 Pillbox 4 Patriot Missile 4 - All buildings need powers. Buildings that don't need power are: Construction Yard, Concrete Walls, and Pillbox. Allied power sources are the Power Plant. While Soviet power sources are Tesla Reactor and Nuclear Reactor. - Buildings that can't work without power: Ore Purifier, Gap Generator, Iron Curtain, Weather Control Device, Chronosphere, Radar Facility, Psychic Sensors, Sattelite Uplink, Tesla Coil, Prism Tower, Patriot Missile, Grand Cannon, and Flak Cannon. - When a building is destroyed it's cost is divided by a specific number for each side, the result is the number of survivors. Allies: 500 (G.I.) Soviet: 250 (Conscripts) Example: Allied Chronosphere (Cost: 2500) that is destroyed will have 5 G.I. survivors (2500/500). 7) Veteran and Elite Units - Unit can become veteran if it destroys/kills enemy units that have 3 times more 'points' than its value points. To become Elite it needs 6 times more 'points' than its original value points. Buildings also have points. Points used here are the unit/building's costs. Example: Rhino Tank (Cost: 900) that destroys 1 Flak Cannon (Cost: 1000), 1 Sentry Gun (Cost: 500), 2 Tesla Reactors (Cost: 600 each), and 1 Conscript (Cost: 100) will be promoted to veteran. It happens because all unit values that it destroys: 1000 + 500 + (600 x 2) + 100 = 2800 are greater than 3 times of its original value: 900 x 3 = 2700 < 2800 Notes that, if it destroys EXACTLY 3 times of its original value it won't be promoted. It must be a little more that 3 times of its original value. To become elite, the Rhino Tank must again destroy 3 unit cost that 3 times of its original value (2700) again. So a Veteran Rhino that destroys a War Factory (cost 2000) and a Service Depot (Cost: 800) will be promoted to Elite. - Crushing an infantry also counts as killing them. - Killing/Destroying a friendly units by Force Attack also counts killing them (but it has fewer points than enemy units). This is not recommended because it is too EXPENSIVE to make a unit a veteran. NOTE: This can be only done in older versions. - Veteran and Elite Units also give them these benefits: Veteran abilities: Armor increased : all units Speed increased : all units ROF increased : all units Weapon damage increased : all units Ability to Scatter : Tanya and SEAL Elite abilities: Self heal : all units (some units already have them in normal level) HP/Strength increased : all units ROF increased : all units Weapon damage increased : all units New Elite Weapons : most units (look in unit section below for each unit Elite Weapon details) Note: 'all units' means all units that can be promoted to veteran. For info about veteran stats, please read more at section I.1. 8) Credits - Harvesters (War Miner or Chrono Miner) automatically harvest ores and minerals patches after you build an Ore Refinery. 1 'bail' of Ores has a value of 25. 1 'bail' of Minerals has a value of 50. 1 Cell of ore/mineral patches can contain more than 1 bail (I don't know the exact number and it is hard to research). 1 Chrono Miner can hold 20 bails at maximum. 1 War Miner can hold 40 bails at maximum. Carried bails are showed in colored pip (small dot in Harvester that shows the color of its ores/minerals storage). 1 Pip is the same as 4 bails (in Chrono Miner) and 8 bails (in War Miner). In a Harvester, Ores are showed in yellow color, while minerals are showed in blue color. Example: If a War Miner carries 5 blue Pip (at max in this example, because 1 blue pip can contain 8 bails or less), it carries 2000 credits (40 bails x 50 minerals value). For more information about 'Pip' itself, look in the other section below also in this FAQ. - You can also get credits by sell a building. Selling a building costs half of its original value. Selling a building can give you some extra infantry that come out from the building (GI and Conscripts), but it depends on the building cost and type. Selling Construction Yard also gives you an Engineer. - You can also sell unit (ground vehicles only, including Nighthawks). It costs half of its original value. To sell a unit, move it to Service Depot. Move cursor to the unit until it shows GREEN dollar sign, then click to sell it. Warning, if you sell any transport the unit inside it will also be sold but without credits (only the transport worth the credits). - Concrete Walls and all Tech Buildings (even you have captured them) can't be sold. - Tech Oil Derricks give you small credits (20 credits) every time, and give 1000 credits for the first time you capture them. 9) Weather Storm - Number of seconds between announcement of strike and its commencement: 16.666 - Damage done by lightning strike: 250 - Default storm duration is overriden by the trigger control: 28 seconds. - How often the direct target gets hit: 10 seconds. - Delay between random bolts: 0.9333 seconds - How far away random bolts can go: 10 cells - City-block distance in cells between clouds/bolts: 3 Note: Thanks to Alien Overmind for all of these info on Weather Storm. 10) Crates When any units take a crate, it can do one of the following: - Promote a group of units to Veteran status (3x3 cells) - Increase speed (Speed multiplied by 1.2) - Increase armor (Armor multiplied by 1.5) - Increase firepower (Firepower multiplied by 2) - Add cash (Credits increased by 2000) - Reveal all map shrouds - Give free vehicles unit (almost any unit except Naval) - Heal all units and buildings Crates Powerup Probability to appear in a crate: Powerup Type Probability in Percentage --------------------------------------------- Promotion 20 Speed 10 Armor 10 Firepower 10 Cash 20 Reveal Map 10 Free Vehicles 20 Heal 10 - All units can only get once (crate): increase firepower, increase armor and increase speed (this is meant for the "random" crates in multiplayer), in solo player there are often crates with firepower or something else.. these can of course all be collected by the same unit. Note: Thanks to Hecht for this info. ************** II - The Units ************** 1) Allied Infantry ------------------ 1.1) GI Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barracks Cost : 200 TechLevel : 1 Weapons : M60 Heavy Machine Gun (Deployed) Parabellum Pistol (Undeployed) Speed : 4 Sight : 5 HP : 125 Armor : none Weapon Notes: * Undeployed Damage: 15 Range: 4 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (80%), Plate (70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light (50%), Medium (25%), Heavy (25%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (75%), Steel (50%), Concrete (25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 25 Range: 4 ROF: 20 * Deployed Damage: 15 Range: 5 ROF: 15 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (100%), Plate (70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light (60%), Medium (40%), Heavy (40%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (75%), Steel (50%), Concrete (25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 25 Range: 7 ROF: 5 Notes: - Can occupy civilian buildings (if GIs occupy a civilian building, they can attack from that building by using the 'deployed' weapon). - Can be dropped by plane if you have Paradrop/Airport Tech Building. - GI cannot damage concrete walls and cannot fire pass through concrete walls. - IFV Mode: 2 1.2) Engineer Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barrack Cost : 500 TechLevel : 1 Weapons : Bomb Defuse Kit Speed : 4 Sight : 4 HP : 75 Armor : none Notes: - Can capture enemy buildings or tech buildings. - Can repair damaged buildings, including civilian buildings. - Can repair damaged bridges by entering Bridge Repair Hut. - Can detect Crazy Ivan Bomb's (in range of 4) in visual only. - Can disabled bomb planted by Crazy Ivan but not automatically. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - When in Guard Mode, increase scan range (for detecting bomb and repair building) by 5. - IFV Mode: 1 1.3) Attack Dog Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barrack Cost : 200 TechLevel : 2 Weapons : Teeth Speed : 8 Sight : 9 HP : 100 Armor : none Weapon Notes: Damage: 30 Range: 1.5 ROF: 30 Though the dogs have only 30 damage, they always kill any infantry or other dog (even they have HP more than 30). The range only shows when the dog 'jumps' to attack the target. Notes: - Always in Guard Mode (chase any enemy's infantry/dog in sight range) - When in Guard Mode, increase scan range (detecting spies and other infantry) by 5. - Can only target infantry, dog, cow, alligator, monkey, and polar bear. - Can detect spies in sight range. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - Immune to Mind control. - Immune to Psychic Wave. 1.4) Rocketeer Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barrack, Airforce Command HQ Cost : 600 TechLevel : 3 Weapons : 20mm Mini Machine-gun Speed : 9 Sight : 8 HP : 125 Armor : none Weapon Notes: Damage: 25 Range: 5 ROF: 30 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (100%), Plate (70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light (60%), Medium (40%), Heavy (40%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (75%), Steel (50%), Concrete (25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 25 Range: 5 ROF: 5 Notes: - Always fly and never land. (Except in Campaign mode where they are in ground first) - Rocketeer can't damage concrete wall. 1.5) Spy Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barrack, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 5 Weapons : Make-up Kit Speed : 4 Sight : 9 HP : 100 Armor : Flak Notes: - Target any enemy infantry unit, dog, cow, alligator, or monkey to disguise like it. - Spy, by default, disguises like your own basic infantry (GI for Allies, or Conscripts for Soviet). - Can disguise as ANY biological unit, friends or foes. - Can disguise as animal or neutral biological units (like cow and dog). - If Spy targets another spy that has disguised, he will disguise like that disguised form (not the spy). For example, spy A has disguised as a cow, and spy B has just been created. If you order spy B to disguise as spy A (force attack spy A), spy B will camouflage himself as a cow. - If disguised, can still be seen in radar, and also detected by dog and Yuri (including Yuri Prime and Psi Commando). - If disguised, any enemy unit doesn't automatically attack it (except dog and Yuri), but it can be attacked (target cursor shows him as enemy). - Can enter these buildings: + Barracks: Make most infantry that you train become veteran. + War Factory: Make most vehicles that you train become veteran. + Radar/AA HQ: Resets the enemy's shrouds. + Ore Refinery: Steal half of their money. + Power Plant/Tesla Reactor: Shut down the power for more than 1 minute. (1000 frame delay) + Allied/Soviet Battle Lab: Can make a special infantry (Chrono Commando, Psi Commando, Yuri Prime, or Chrono Ivan) + Chronosphere, Iron Curtain, Nuclear Silo, or Weather Control: Resets the super weapon countdown. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - IFV Mode: 2 1.6) SEAL Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barrack, Airforce Command HQ Cost : 1000 TechLevel : - Weapons : MP5 Machine Gun C4 Charges Speed : 5 Sight : 8 HP : 125 Armor : Flak Weapon Notes: * MP5 Machine Gun Damage: 125 Range: 6 ROF: 10 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(200%), Flak(100%), Plate(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (1%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (1%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 1% Prone Infantry still receives all damage. SEAL doesn't target any vehicle or building automatically, so order him to attack those targets manually. * C4 Charges Damage: 5000 Range: 1.5 ROF: 10 Notes: - Can swim and attack from water. - Can destroy any buildings or ships by using C4. - Can destroy bridge by entering Bridge Repair Hut. - Can only be trained in Campaign mode. - IFV Mode: 4 1.7) Tanya Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barrack, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 9 Weapons : Dual Pistols C4 Charges Speed : 5 Sight : 8 HP : 125 Armor : Flak Weapon Notes: * Dual Pistols Damage: 125 Range: 6 ROF: 10 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (200%), Flak (100%), Plate (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (1%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (1%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 1% Prone Infantry still receives FULL damage. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 125 Range: 8 ROF: 10 Tanya doesn't target any vehicle or building automatically, order her to attack those targets manually. * C4 Charges Damage: 5000 Range: 1.5 ROF: 10 Notes: - Can swim and attack from water. - Can destroy any buildings or ships by using C4. - Can destroy bridge by entering Bridge Repair Hut. - Can't be trained in Campaign mode. - IFV Mode: 4 1.8) Chrono Legionnaire Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barrack, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 1500 TechLevel : 10 Weapons : Neutron Riffle Speed : Instant Sight : 8 HP : 125 Armor : None Weapon Notes: Damage: 8 Range: 5 ROF: 120 Neutron Rifle doesn't have damage reduction to ANY armor, so they always hit at full damage. They damage the enemy (Temporary damage and not shown) by 8 or (more if Veteran or Elite) continously. If the damage reaches target's maximum HP, target is "removed". If the process is cancelled (the Chrono Legionnaire is killed), the temporary damage resets to 0. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 16 Range: 5 ROF: 120 Notes: - They move by teleporting to target location instantly, but the longer the distance, the longer they are "ready" in target location (very vulnerable). - They enter IFV and any transport by teleporting (instantaneous). - They have special weapons that can remove any unit/building. The stronger the enemy the longer they "remove" it. Killing him while he is targeting will release the unit/building. Moving him or making him select another target will also release the unit/building. - Any enemy unit's or building's targeted by them can't be targeted by other unit except by other Chrono Legionnaire. Also their target can't move, attack, or do anything while still in the phase time. - They cannot damage Concrete war nor attack pass through Concrete Wall. - Cannot be crushed by vehicles. - Tip: Send an IFV to the vicinity of enemy base. Then send your Chrono Legionnaire in it. Acting this way will enable the Chrono Legionnaire to attack without "unwarping". However, if you unboard him soon after he teleports to the IFV, he will "unwarp". - IFV Mode: 10 1.9) Sniper Country : Great Britain Prerequisite : Barrack, Airforce Command HQ Cost : 600 TechLevel : 1 Weapons : AWP Speed : 4 Sight : 8 HP : 125 Armor : None Weapon Notes: Damage: 125 Range: 14 ROF: 150 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(200%), Flak(100%), Plate(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (1%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (1%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 1% Prone Infantry still receives FULL damage. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 125 Range: 14 ROF: 60 Sniper doesn't target any vehicle or building automatically, order him to attack those targets manually. Notes: - When Attack, the shrouds on Sniper don't reveal like other normal units. (So Sniper hiding in shrouds can kill other infantry without being seen) - IFV Mode: 5 1.10) American Airborne Paratroopers Country : America Cost : 0 Prerequisite : Airforce Command HQ Notes: - American Airborne Paratroopers drop 8 GIs. - The statistics for Paratroopers are the same as Allied GI - If your spy has infiltrated enemy's barrack, your paratrooper will become veteran. - America can have BOTH of American Airborne and Allied Paradrop. - Paratrooper can't land in the water. If you target them to water, they automatically land in the nearest land. 1.11) Allied Paradrop Country : Allies Cost : 0 Prerequisite : Airport (Tech Building Captured) Notes: - Paradrop drops 6 GIs. - The statistics for Paradrop are same as Allied GI - If your spy has infiltrated enemy's barrack, your paratrooper will become veteran. - America can have BOTH of American Airborne and Allied Paradrop. - Paradrop can't land in the water. If you target them to water, they automatically land in the nearest land. 1.12) Chrono Commando Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barrack, Spy infiltrating the Allied Battle Lab Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 9 Weapons : Chrono MP5 Machine Gun C4 Charges Speed : Instant Sight : 8 HP : 100 Armor : None Weapon Notes: * Chrono MP5 Damage: 125 Range: 6 ROF: 10 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(200%), Flak(100%), Plate(75%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (1%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Use other weapons (C4) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 75% Prone Infantry still receives FULL damage. * C4 Charges Damage: 5000 Range: 1.5 ROF: 10 Destroy any targetted building instantly after he finishes "unwarping". Notes: - They move by teleporting to target location instantly, but the longer the distance, the longer they are "ready" in target (very vulnerable). - Can target building and destroyed it (using C4), but still needs "unwarp" before destroying the building. - Can't enter water like SEAL and Tanya. - They enter IFV and any transport by teleporting (instantaneous). - Cannot be crushed by vehicles. - Tip: Send an IFV to the vicinity of enemy base. Then send your Chrono Commando in it. Acting this way will enable the Chrono Commando to attack without "unwarping". However, if you unboard him soon after he teleports to the IFV, he will "unwarp". - IFV Mode: 4 1.13) Psi Commando Country : Allies Prerequisite : Barrack, Spy infiltrating the Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 9 Weapons : Mind Control C4 Charges Speed : 5 Sight : 8 HP : 100 Armor : None Weapon Notes: * Mind Control Damage: - Range: 7 ROF: 200 * Elite Weapon: Damage: - Range: 14 ROF: 200 Notes: - Mind Control can target most unit to become your unit. Mind Control can only target 1 unit. If you choose to control other unit, the control of previous unit will be lost. Controlled unit can be freed by kill the mind controller. - Mind Control can't target buildings and some units immune to it. - To release Mind Control on a target, just select another target, or use Force Attack (Ctrl-Left Click) to empty area. - Can destroy any building by using C4. - Can destroy bridge by entering Bridge Repair Hut. - Immune to Mind Control. - Immune to Psychic Wave. - Can detect spies. - Cannot be crushed by vehicles. - IFV Mode: 4 2) Soviet Infantry ------------------ 2.1) Conscripts Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Barrack Cost : 100 TechLevel : 1 Weapons : M1 Carbine Speed : 4 Sight : 5 HP : 125 Armor : Flak Weapon Notes: Damage: 15 Range: 4 ROF: 25 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (80%), Plate (70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(50%), Medium(25%), Heavy(25%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(75%), Steel(50%), Concrete(25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 20 Range: 5 ROF: 25 Notes: - Can occupy civilian buildings. - Can be dropped by plane if you have Paradrop/Airport Tech Building. - Conscripts cannot damage concrete walls and cannot fire pass through Concrete wall. - IFV Mode: 2 2.2) Engineer Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Barrack Cost : 500 TechLevel : 1 Weapons : Bomb Defuse Kit Speed : 4 Sight : 4 HP : 75 Armor : none Notes: - Can capture enemy buildings or tech buildings. - Can repair damaged Buildings, including civilian buildings. - Can repair damaged bridge by entering Bridge Repair Hut. - Can detect Crazy Ivan Bomb's (in range of 4) in visual only. - Can disabled bomb planted by Crazy Ivan but not automatically. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - When in Guard Mode, increase scan range (for detecting bomb and repair building) by 5. - IFV Mode: 1 2.3) Attack Dog Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Barrack Cost : 200 TechLevel : 2 Weapons : Teeth Speed : 8 Sight : 9 HP : 100 Armor : none Weapon Notes: Damage: 30 Range: 1.5 ROF: 30 Even the dogs have only 30 damage, but they always kill any infantry or other dog (even they have HP more than 30). The range only shows when the dog 'jumps' to attack the target. Notes: - Always in Guard Mode (chase any enemy's infantry/dog in sight range) - When in Guard Mode, increase scan range (detecting spies and other infantry) by 5. - Can only target infantry or other dog. - Can detect spies in sight range. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - Immune to Mind control. - Immune to Psychic Wave. 2.4) Flak Trooper Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Barrack, Radar Cost : 300 TechLevel : 1 Weapons : Flak Gun Flak Anti-Air Gun Speed : 4 Sight : 5 HP : 100 Armor : none Weapon Notes: * Anti-Air Flak Gun Damage: 20 Range: 8 ROF: 25 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (150%), Flak (100%), Plate (50%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light (80%), Medium (20%), Heavy (20%) Damage vs. Building : There are no flying building * Elite Weapon: Damage: 20 Range: 8 ROF: 25 Fire 2 times in rapid succession. * Anti-Surface Flak Gun Damage: 20 Range: 5 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (150%), Flak (100%), Plate (50%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(60%), Medium (10%), Heavy (10%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (30%), Steel (20%), Concrete (10%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% * Elite Weapon: Damage: 20 Range: 5 ROF: 20 Fire 2 times in rapid succession. * Both Flak Trooper's Weapon is inaccurate and slow, but the bullet explodes and any unit/building in the area (1 Cell nearby) will be damaged (Of course the units near the center of explosion receive more damage than the unit far from the center). Notes: - Flak Troopers can attack ground but they are more useful for Anti- Air units. - IFV Mode: 3 2.5) Tesla Trooper Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Barrack Cost : 500 TechLevel : 5 Weapons : Electric Bolt Speed : 4 Sight : 6 HP : 130 Armor : Plate Weapon Notes: * Electric Bolt Damage: 50 Range: 3 ROF: 60 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(85%), Medium (100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 200% * Elite Weapon: Damage: 50 Range: 5 ROF: 40 Can damage 2 other targets that are near the primary target (Ignore any Concrete Walls for 2 other targets). * Assault Bolt (only when near Tesla Coil) Range: 1.83 ROF: 25 This is the Tesla Troopers charge when near Tesla Coil. Charging means increasing Tesla Coil range and damage. Charging an unpowered Tesla Coil means to give the Tesla Coil power to work (needs at least 2 Tesla Troopers charging). 1 Tesla Trooper charging to a powered Tesla Coil can make the Tesla Coil overpowered. While unpowered Tesla Coil (your power gauge is red) needs at least 3 Tesla Trooper to overpowered it (look in Tesla Coil section below for more description). Notes: - When near Tesla Coil, Tesla Trooper can charge the Tesla Coil to increase range, damage, and fire speed (reduce ROF) of the Tesla Coil. They still can attack (and release the charges on Tesla Coil) enemy unit that moves near them. - Tesla Trooper can't be crushed by Vehicles. - Can't damage Concrete Wall and attack pass through Concrete Walls. It can attack pass Concrete Wall only when in Elite status. (Thanks to Blossom Storm for remind me about this). - IFV Mode: 6 2.6) Crazy Ivan Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Barrack, Radar Cost : 600 TechLevel : 5 Weapons : Ivan Dynamites Speed : 4 Sight : 6 HP : 125 Armor : None Weapon Notes: * Ivan Dynamites Damage: 400 Range: 1.5 ROF: 50 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(250%), Concrete(20%) Range in here means the distance a Crazy Ivan must take to plant the bomb. The Time for Bomb to Explode is about 450 frame delay (30 seconds). * Elite Weapon: Damage: 600 Notes: - Can plant bomb into any unit or buildings (friend or foe). When planted, the bomb timer in the unit will countdown. If the timer reaches zero, the planted unit will be damaged (or destroyed) and also the explosion will damage the nearby area. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - Crazy Ivan can also plant bomb on enemy's aircrafts (Harrier, Black Eagle, and Nighthawk) when they are on land. - Units with bomb planted on them that enter a transport won't explode in transport when the bomb timer expires. But, they will explode immediately when they go out from transport (if the bomb timer expires inside tranport). They don't explode when the transport destroyed. The more the units with planted bomb in the transport, the explosion will do more damage. Considering its speed and its transport capacity, Flak Track is recommended, and units onboard are Conscripts because of their low costs. - Explodes when killed. - Can't install bomb on a naval unit (except amphibious transport). - IFV Mode: 7 2.7) Yuri Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Barrack, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 1200 TechLevel : 10 Weapons : Mind Control Psychic Wave Speed : 4 Sight : 12 HP : 100 Armor : None Weapon Notes: * Mind Control Damage: - Range: 7 ROF: 200 * Elite Weapon: Damage: - Range: 14 ROF: 200 * Psychic Wave Damage: 250 Range: 3 Cells ROF: 50 Undeploy Delay: 150 Notes: - Mind Control can target most units to become your unit. Mind Control can only target 1 unit. If you choose to control other unit, the control of previous unit will be lost. Controlled unit can be freed by kill the mind controller. - Mind Control can't target buildings and units immune to it. - To release Mind Control on a target, just select another target, or use Force Attack (Ctrl-Left Click) to empty area. - When deployed, Yuri casts Psychic Wave and kills any infantry nearby (including your own units). Yuri must rest for a while after that before he can move or do anything. - Immune to Mind Control. - Immune to Psychic Wave. - Can detect spies. - IFV Mode: 8 2.8) Desolator Country : Iraq Prerequisite : Barrack, Radar Cost : 600 TechLevel : 8 Weapons : Radiation beam gun Radiation eruption gun Speed : 4 Sight : 6 HP : 150 Armor : Plate Weapon Notes: * Radiation Beam Gun Damage: 125 Range: 6 ROF: 50 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(20%), Medium(15%), Heavy(10%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Can't Attack Building. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 200 Range: 8 ROF: 50 * Radiation Eruption Gun Range: 10 Cells ROF: 60 Radiation Level: 500 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(20%), Medium(10%), Heavy(10%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Can't Attack Building. Notes: - When Deployed, he creates an area of radiation that damages all units on it (except Terror Drones, Chrono Miner, War Miner, and Desolators). Radiation remains as long as the Desolator is still deployed. - Cannot be crushed by vehicles. - Desolators use Radiation weapons, so they can't damage any unit immune to it. - Immune to Radiation. - Self Regeneration. - IFV Mode: 9 2.9) Terrorist Country : Cuba Prerequisite : Barrack, Radar Cost : 200 TechLevel : 5 Weapons : Terror Bomb Speed : 6 Sight : 9 HP : 75 Armor : Flak Weapon Notes: Damage: 225 Range: 1.5 ROF: 10 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(150%), Flak(100%), Plate(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(90%), Medium(50%), Heavy(50%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(150%), Concrete(30%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Terrorist attacks with suicide bomb. Area near explosion (2 Cells) is also damaged. Notes: - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - Explodes with Terror Bomb when killed. - Before version 1.004, Terrorist HP was only 50. - IFV Mode: 11 2.10) Soviet Paratroopers Country : Soviet Cost : 0 Prerequisite : Airport (Tech Building Captured) Notes: - Paratroopers drop 9 Conscripts. - The statistics for Paratroopers are the same as Soviet's Conscripts. - If your spy has infiltrated enemy's barrack, your paratrooper will become veteran. - Paratrooper can't land in the water. If you target them to water, they automatically land in the nearest land. 2.11) Yuri Prime Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Barrack, Spy infiltrating the Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 10 Weapons : Mind Control Psychic Wave Speed : 6 Sight : 8 HP : 200 Armor : None Weapon Notes: * Super Mind Control Damage: - Range: 30 ROF: 200 * Psychic Wave Damage: 250 Range: 3 Cells ROF: 50 Undeploy Delay: 75 Notes: - Mind Control can target most unit to become your unit. Mind Control can only target 1 unit. If you choose to control other unit, the control of previous unit will lost. Controlled unit can be freed by kill the mind controller. - Mind Control can't target buildings and units immune to it. - When deployed, Yuri Prime casts Psychic Wave and kills any infantry nearby (including your own units). Yuri Prime must rest for a while after that before he can move or do anything. - To release Mind Control on a target, just select another target, or use Force Attack (Ctrl-Left Click) to empty area. - Immune to Mind Control. - Immune to Psychic Wave. - Can detect spies. - Cannot be crushed by vehicles. - Can only train 1 Yuri Prime. Trick: Before training a Yuri Prime, build a cloning vats first and you'll have 2 Yuri Primes. - IFV Mode: 8 2.12) Chrono Ivan Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Barrack, Spy infiltrating the Allied Battle Lab Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 9 Weapons : Ivan Dynamites Speed : Instant Sight : 8 HP : 100 Armor : None Weapon Notes: * Ivan Dynamites Damage: 400 Range: 1.5 ROF: 50 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(250%), Concrete(20%) Range in here means the distance a Chrono Ivan must take to plant the bomb. The Time for Bomb to Explode is about 450 frame delay. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 600 Notes: - They move by teleporting to target location instantly, but the longer the distance, the longer they are "ready" in target (very vulnerable). - They enter IFV and any transport by teleporting (instantaneous). - Can plant bomb into any unit or buildings (friend or foe). When planted, the bomb timer in the unit will countdown. If the timer reaches zero, the planted unit will be damaged (or destroyed) and also the explosion will damage the nearby area. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - Explodes when killed. - Cannot be crushed by vehicles. - IFV Mode: 7 3) Allied Vehicle and Aircraft ------------------------------ 3.1) Chrono Miner Country : Allies Prerequisite : War Factory, Ore Refinery Cost : 1400 TechLevel : 1 Weapons : None Speed : 4 Sight : 4 HP : 1000 Armor : Medium Notes: - Allied Harvester automatically searches ore to harvest when built. Use teleportation when unloading to Ore Refinery. If the Refinery is occupied (there is another harvester), it moves normally. So, if it is attacked by enemy and you have nothing to protect it, order it to return and you can save one harvester. - Self Healing. - Immune to Radiation and Mind Control. - When a Terror Drone attaches its body, and it teleports back, the Terror Drone is left behind. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. 3.2) Grizzly Battle Tank Country : Allies Prerequisite : War Factory Cost : 700 TechLevel : 2 Weapons : 105mm Cannon Speed : 7 Sight : 8 HP : 300 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: Damage: 65 Range: 5 ROF: 60 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (25%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (65%), Steel(45%), Concrete(60%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 60% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 55 Range: 5 ROF: 75 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (65%), Steel(45%), Concrete(60%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 60% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Notes: - Can't attack pass Concrete Wall but can damage and destroy wall. - Weapon affected by elevation and cliff. 3.3) IFV Country : Allies Prerequisite : War Factory Cost : 600 TechLevel : 3 Weapons : Hover Missiles (Changes depending on boarding infantry) Speed : 10 Sight : 8 HP : 200 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: * Hover Missiles (Anti-Surface and Anti-Air) Damage: 25 Range: 6 ROF: 50 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (90%), Plate (80%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(70%), Medium(35%), Heavy(35%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (75%), Steel(40%), Concrete(20%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 80% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. Fire 2 times in rapid succession. Can pass through Concrete Wall, ignore land elevations and cliffs. Can damage land eleveation (make holes) at 10% chance. Can destroy Ore patches. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 80 Range: 6 ROF: 50 Fire 4 times in rapid succession. * Repair Bullets Repair: 50 Range: 1.8 ROF: 80 Can repair Vehicles, but not Infantry. Can remove Terror Drones attached in Vehicles (Only need 1 Repair 'Tick'). Automatically repair nearby units when in Guard Mode. * M60 Machine Gun Damage: 15 Range: 6 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (100%), Plate (70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(60%), Medium(40%), Heavy(40%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (75%), Steel(50%), Concrete(25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Cannot damage Concrete Walls or attack pass through Concrete Walls. * Flak Gun (Anti-Surface only) Damage: 30 Range: 7 ROF: 15 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (150%), Flak (100%), Plate (50%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(60%), Medium(10%), Heavy(10%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (30%), Steel(20%), Concrete(10%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Cannot damage Concrete Walls or attack pass through Concrete Walls. Damage unit in nearby area (1 Cell nearby). * MP5 Machine Gun Damage: 125 Range: 6 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (2%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (2%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry still receives FULL damage. Cannot damage Concrete Walls or attack pass through Concrete Walls. * AWP Damage: 125 Range: 14 ROF: 60 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (200%), Flak (100%), Plate (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (1%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (1%) Prone Infantry still receives FULL damage. Sniper IFV doesn't target any vehicle or building automatically. Order it to target vehicles and buildings manually. * Electric Bolt Damage: 60 Range: 6 ROF: 45 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(85%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 200% Can't damage Concrete Wall and attack pass through Concrete Walls. Before version 1.004, Electric Bolt's ROF was 30. * Small Nuclear Bomb Damage: 200 Range: 5 Cells ROF: 80 Radiation: 500 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(90%), Medium(50%), Heavy(50%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(150%), Concrete(20%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% IFVs attacking with Nuclear Bomb is also destroyed (suicide attack). Before version 1.004, Damage was 600. * Psychic Wave Range: 1 ROF: 10 Kill all infantry that in radius of 3 Cells after reaching first target (must near first target before releasing Psychic Wave). While in this attack mode, an area of Psychic Wave appears near IFV and only stops after IFV moves (the effect is disappearing after a moment). * Radiation Beam Gun Damage: 175 Range: 7 ROF: 30 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(20%), Medium(15%), Heavy(10%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Can't damage building This is a radiation weapon, so can't damage any unit that is immune to Radiation. * Neutron Rifle Damage: 10 Range: 6 ROF: 120 Neutron Rifle doesn't have damage reduction to ANY armor, so they always hit at full damage. They damage the enemy (Temporary damage and not shown) by 5 or (more if Veteran or Elite) continously. If the damage reaches target's maximum HP, target is "removed". If the process is cancelled (the Chrono IFV is destroyed), the temporary damage resets to 0. This IFV weapon has a little difference with Chrono Legionnaire weapons. It sometimes needs reloading and doesn't fire continously like Chrono Legionnaire. Version 1.004 above, Chrono Legionnaire's IFV destroy units/buildings more slowly. * Terror Bomb Damage: 250 Range: 1.5 ROF: 10 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(150%), Flak(100%), Plate(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(90%), Medium(50%), Heavy(50%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(150%), Concrete(30%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% IFVs attacking with this is also destroyed (suicide attack). Area near explosion (2 Cells) is also damaged. Notes: - IFV can changes modes depending on any infantry that boards it. It can only carry 1 infantry. - IFV has 12 Modes: Mode Infantry Weapon ------------------------------------------------------ 0 None Hover Missiles 1 Engineer Repair Bullets 2 GI, Conscripts, Spy M60 Machine Gun 3 Flak Trooper Flak Gun 4 SEAL, Tanya, Psi Commando, MP5 Machine Gun Chrono Commando 5 Sniper AWP 6 Tesla Trooper Electric Bolt 7 Crazy Ivan, Chrono Ivan Small Nuclear Bomb 8 Yuri, Yuri Prime Psychic Wave 9 Desolators Radiation Beam Gun 10 Chrono Legionnaire Neutron Rifle 11 Terrorist Terror Bomb - For their specific notes, look in Weapon Notes above. - Although many IFV weapons look the same with its passengers, many of them have more range. - Mind Controlled Units and mind controlling units that still have mind control attached to a unit can't enter IFV. - Attack Dog can enter IFV, but IFV Mode is still 0 (as like nothing in it). - Can't unload if in service depot. - Infantry entering IFV will not be promoted, but the IFV will. 3.4) Prism Tank Country : Allies Prerequisite : War Factory, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 1200 TechLevel : 8 Weapons : Prism Cannon Speed : 4 Sight : 8 HP : 150 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: * Prism Cannon Damage: 100 Range: 10 ROF: 100 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%), Medium(50%), Heavy(50%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (200%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Can attack pass through Concrete Wall but can't damage Walls. Can attack ignoring land elevation, but still obstructed by cliffs. When attacking, can "reflect" to at most 5 other objects (units, buildings, tress, or other objects). * Prism Reflection: Damage: 30 Range: 3 ROF: 120 * Elite Weapon: Damage: 150 Range: 10 ROF: 100 * Elite Prism Reflection: Damage: 50 Range: 5 ROF: 100 The Reflection of Elite weapons also CAN reflect again, with the same statistics as normal weapons (Damage: 30, Range: 3, ROF: 120), but can only reflect 3 times. 3.5) Mirage Tank Country : Allies Prerequisite : War Factory, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 9 Weapons : Mirage Gun Speed : 7 Sight : 9 HP : 200 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: Damage: 100 Range: 7 ROF: 70 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(100%), Flak(100%), Plate(80%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(30%), Steel(20%), Concrete(20%) * Elite Weapon: Damage: 150 Range: 9 ROF: 80 Notes: - When not moving, Mirage Tank automatically disguises as a tree. - When disguising, it can still attack the enemy. - When attacking, the shroud on Mirage Tank doesn't reveal like other normal units. (So Mirage Tank hiding in shrouds can kill other units without being seen) - Can't destroy Concrete Wall nor attack pass through Concrete Walls. 3.6) Allied MCV Country : Allies Prerequisite : War Factory, Service Depot Cost : 3000 TechLevel : 10 Weapons : None Speed : 4 Sight : 6 HP : 1000 Armor : Heavy Notes: - Can deploy into Allied Construction Yard. - DO NOT deploy an drone-infiltrated MCV! Read Terror Drone section for more information. 3.7) Tank Destroyer Country : Germany Prerequisite : War Factory, Airforce Command HQ Cost : 900 TechLevel : 2 Weapons : SABOT Shells Speed : 5 Sight : 8 HP : 400 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: Damage: 150 Range: 5 ROF: 70 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (2%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(100%), Medium(40%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (2%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 2% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 175 Range: 6.75 ROF: 60 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (2%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(100%), Medium(50%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (2%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Notes: - Can damage Concrete Walls, but can't attack pass Concrete Walls. - Weapon affected by elevation and cliff. 3.8) Harrier Country : Allies Type: Aircraft Prerequisite : Airforce Command HQ Cost : 1200 TechLevel : 3 Weapons : Maverick Speed : 14 Sight : 8 HP : 150 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: Damage: 150 Range: 6 ROF: 10 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(100%), Concrete(75%) Fire 2 times in rapid succession. Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 300 Range: 9 ROF: 10 Fire 4 times in rapid succession. Notes: - Harrier is automatically repaired in Airforce Command HQ. - Harrier only has 1 ammo, and always reloadsin Airforce Command HQ. If it damaged it will be repaired first before reloading Ammo. - Can damage Concrete Walls. - Immune to Mind Control. 3.9) Black Eagle Country : Korea Type: Aircraft Prerequisite : Airforce Command HQ Cost : 1200 TechLevel : 3 Weapons : Maverick2 Speed : 14 Sight : 8 HP : 200 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: Damage: 200 Range: 6 ROF: 10 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%),Steel(100%),Concrete(75%) Fire 2 times in rapid succession. Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 400 Range: 9 ROF: 10 Notes: - Black Eagle is automatically repaired in Airforce Command HQ. - Black Eagle only has 1 ammo, and always reloads in Airforce Command HQ. If it is damaged it will be repaired first before reloading Ammo. - Can damage Concrete Walls. - Immune to Mind Control. 3.10) Nighthawk Country : Allies Type: Aircraft Prerequisite : War Factory Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 7 Weapons : Nighthawk Cannon Speed : 14 Sight : 7 HP : 175 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: Damage: 35 Range: 6 ROF: 40 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (80%), Plate (70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(50%), Medium(25%), Heavy(25%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(75%), Steel(50%), Concrete(25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 40 Range: 6 ROF: 40 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(100%), Flak(100%), Plate (70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(70%), Medium(60%), Heavy(40%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(75%), Steel(50%), Concrete(25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Notes: - Can transport up to 5 infantry. - Invisible to enemy radar. - Cannot damage concrete walls. - Can only attack unit on surface while in flight. - Can't unload if in service depot. 4) Soviet Vehicle and Aircraft ------------------------------ 4.1) War Miner Country : Soviet Prerequisite : War Factory, Ore Refinery Cost : 1400 TechLevel : 1 Weapons : 20mm Machine Gun Speed : 4 Sight : 4 HP : 1000 Armor : Medium Weapon Notes: Damage: 30 Range: 5.5 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (80%), Plate (70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(50%), Medium(20%), Heavy(20%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(20%), Steel(15%), Concrete(10%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 50 Range: 5.75 ROF: 50 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(100%), Flak(90%), Plate (80%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(60%), Medium(40%), Heavy(40%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(50%), Steel(40%), Concrete(25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 80% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Can damage concrete walls. Notes: - Self Healing. - Immune to Radiation and Mind Control. - Cannot damage concrete walls before reaching Elite level. - Cannot attack pass concrete walls. - Weapon affected by elevation and cliff. 4.2) Rhino Heavy Tank Country : Soviet Prerequisite : War Factory Cost : 900 TechLevel : 2 Weapons : 120mm Cannon Speed : 6 Sight : 8 HP : 400 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: Damage: 90 Range: 5.75 ROF: 65 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (25%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(65%), Steel(45%), Concrete(60%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 60% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 85 Range: 5 ROF: 80 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (65%), Steel(45%), Concrete(60%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 60% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Fire 2 times in rapid succession. Notes: - Can't attack pass Concrete Wall but can damage and destroy wall. - Weapon affected by elevation and cliff. 4.3) Flak Track Country : Soviet Prerequisite : War Factory Cost : 500 TechLevel : 3 Weapons : Flak Track Gun Flak Track Anti-Air Gun Speed : 8 Sight : 8 HP : 180 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: * Anti-Air Flak Gun Damage: 35 Range: 10 ROF: 25 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(150%), Flak(80%), Plate(50%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(100%), Medium(20%), Heavy(20%) Damage vs. Building : There are no flying building * Elite Weapon: Damage: 20 Range: 8 ROF: 25 Fire 2 times in rapid succession. * Anti-Surface Flak Gun Damage: 25 Range: 5 ROF: 40 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(150%), Flak(100%), Plate(50%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(60%), Medium (10%), Heavy(10%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(30%), Steel(20%), Concrete(10%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% * Elite Weapon: Damage: 25 Range: 5 ROF: 40 Fire 2 times in rapid succession. * Both Flak Track's Weapons are inaccurate and slow, but the bullet explodes and any unit/building in the area (1 Cell nearby) will be damaged (Of course the units near the center of explosion receive more damage than the unit far from the center). Notes: - Can carry up to 5 infantry passengers. - Can't unload if in service depot. 4.4) V3 Launcher Country : Soviet Prerequisite : War Factory, Radar Cost : 800 TechLevel : 3 Weapons : V3 Rocket (1 Missile) Speed : 4 Sight : 7 HP : 150 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: Damage: 200 Range : 18 (Minimum: 5) ROF: 150 Missile Spawn Rate : 400 Missile HP : 50 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(100%), Flak(90%), Plate(80%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(90%), Medium(70%), Heavy(70%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(100%), Concrete(50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 80% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. All units/buildings in Area near explosion (1 Cell) are also damaged. Can destroy Concrete Walls. Can pass through Concrete Wall, ignore land elevations and cliffs. Can damage land elevation (make holes) at 10% chance. Can destroy Ore patches. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 400 4.5) Terror Drone Country : Soviet Prerequisite : War Factory Cost : 500 TechLevel : 4 Weapons : Drone Jump Speed : 10 Sight : 4 HP : 100 Armor : Special Weapon Notes: Damage: 50 Range: 1.83 ROF: 60 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Damage vs. Building : Can't target building. Damage vs. Terror Drone : Can't attack other Drones. Notes: - When attacking a vehicle, it will attach to the vehicle and damage it until the unit is destroyed. - A single vehicle can not be attacked by more than one terror drone, meaning that if a terror drone has attacked a vehicle, that vehicle can not be infiltrated by other drones except the drone inside is removed. - If the unit is destroyed by the Drone,the Drone will emerge and be ready to attack again. But if the unit is destroyed by other unit/building, the Drone inside is also destroyed. - Can't target buildings and other Terror Drones. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - Can't crush enemy infantry, instead, it attacks by jumping and killing it in one hit (like Attack Dog). - Terror Drone can also attack enemy's aircraft (Harrier, Black Eagle, and Nighthawk) when they are on land (not in flight), and damage them like other land units. But when they are destroyed, they will crash and the Terror Drone will also be destroyed. Contrary to the data above, some tests prove that if the Harrier is near the land or on the Airforce Command HQ, the terror drone may have a chance of escaping. - Terror Drone may be used against an MCV. If the MCV is deployed, the Terror Drone is still inside. However, if the MCV is then ordered to undeploy (from CY into an MCV), the MCV will automatically disappear and the terror drone will be ready to receive next order. - A drone-infiltrated vehicle can not be loaded into a transport. - Immune to Radiation, Mind Control, and Psychic Wave. 4.6) Apocalypse Assault Tank Country : Soviet Prerequisite : War Factory, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 1750 TechLevel : 7 Weapons : 120mm Cannon Mammoth surface to air missile. Speed : 4 Sight : 6 HP : 800 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: * 120mm Cannon Damage: 100 Range: 5.75 ROF: 80 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (25%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(100%), Concrete(70%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 60% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Fire 2 times in rapid succession. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 100 Range: 5.75 ROF: 80 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(100%), Concrete(70%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 60% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Fire 4 times in rapid succession. * Mammoth surface to air missile Damage: 50 Range: 8 ROF: 80 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak(90%), Plate(80%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(70%), Medium(35%), Heavy(35%) Fire 2 times in rapid succession. Apocalypse always uses this weapon when attacking air targets. Notes: - Self Healing. - Can't attack pass through Concrete Walls. - Can damage Concrete Walls. 4.7) Soviet MCV Country : Soviet Prerequisite : War Factory, Service Depot Cost : 3000 TechLevel : 10 Weapons : None Speed : 4 Sight : 6 HP : 1000 Armor : Heavy Notes: - Can deploy into Soviet Construction Yard. - DO NOT deploy an drone-infiltrated MCV! Read Terror Drone section for more information. 4.8) Tesla Tank Country : Russia Prerequisite : War Factory, Radar Cost : 1200 TechLevel : 10 Weapons : Tank Electric Bolt Speed : 6 Sight : 8 HP : 300 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: Damage: 135 Range: 4 ROF: 75 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(85%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 200% * Elite Weapon: Damage: 150 Range: 6 ROF: 60 Can damage 2 other targets that are near the primary target (Ignore any Concrete Walls for 2 other targets). Before version 1.004, Tesla Tank's ROF was 60, and Elite Weapon's ROF was 50. Notes: - Can damage Concrete Walls and can attack pass through Concrete Walls. 4.9) Demolitions Truck Country : Libya Prerequisite : War Factory, Radar Cost : 1500 TechLevel : 10 Weapons : Demolition Bomb Speed : 5 Sight : 5 HP : 150 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: Damage: 300 Range: 1 ROF: 80 Radiation Level: 100 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(100%), Medium(50%), Heavy(50%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (80%), Steel(150%), Concrete(10%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Demolitons Truck attack with suicide bomb. Area near explosion (8 Cells) is also damaged by Radiation. Notes: - Can't crush enemy infantry. - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means. - Explodes with Demolition Bomb when killed. - Before patches 1.004, Demolition Truck Speed was 6, and Demolition Bomb damage was 400. 4.10) Kirov Airship Country : Soviet Type: Aircraft Prerequisite : War Factory, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 10 Weapons : Blimp Bomb Speed : 5 Sight : 8 HP : 2000 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: Damage: 250 Range: 1.5 ROF: 50 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(70%), Medium(35%), Heavy(35%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(85%), Steel(75%), Concrete(50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. Damage nearby area (2 Cells). Destroys Ore patches. Notes: - Self Healing. - Cannot Land. - Immune to Mind Control and Psychic Wave. - In statistic Kirov Airship speed is 5, but in RA2 flight speed is slower than ground speed. So in real game, Kirov is slower than Apocalypse Tank (speed: 4) Thanks to Blossom Storm for pointing this out. 5) Allied Naval --------------- 5.1) Amphibious Transport Country : Allies Prerequisite : Allied Naval Shipyard Cost : 900 TechLevel : 2 Weapons : None Speed : 6 Sight : 6 HP : 300 Armor : Heavy Notes: - Can move on water and also on ground. - Can carry vehicles (number of vehicles can be carried depends on Vehicle size. This transport can carry maximum 12 points of size. Below is the list of All Vehicle size points that can be carried: Allied Vehicles Point Soviet Vehicles Point ------------------------------------------------------------ Grizzly Tank 3 Rhino Tank 3 IFV 3 Flak Track 3 Chrono Miner 3 War Miner 3 Allied MCV 6 Soviet MCV 6 Prism Tank 3 Terror Drone 2 Mirage Tank 3 Apocalypse 6 Tank Destroyer 3 V3 Launcher 3 Tesla Tank 3 Demolition Truck 3 - Can carry up to 12 infantry passengers. Infantry has 1 point of size. - Can crush infantry, although it hovers. - If you transport any other land transport (Flak Track and IFV), the unit inside the transport DOESN'T count. So you can transport 4 IFVs occupied by 1 GI in each IFV. - Can't unload if in service depot. - Can not load or unload Tanya/SEAL in water. If ordered to load those infantry, the transport will accept the order, but it just moves next to them and do nothing. - If ordered to load a Chrono Legionnaire while on water, it will move next to the Chrono Legionnaire first. 5.2) Destroyer Country : Allies Prerequisite : Allied Naval Shipard Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 4 Weapons : 155mm Artillery Cannon ASW Helicopter Launcher (Anti Sub Weapon) Speed : 6 Sight : 7 HP : 600 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: * 155mm Artillery Cannon Damage: 60 Range: 8 ROF: 110 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(100%), Flak(80%), Plate(60%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(100%), Medium(60%), Heavy(60%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (100%), Steel(80%), Concrete(60%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Can destroy Concrete Wall. Can pass through Concrete Wall, ignore land elevations and cliffs. Can damage land eleveation (make holes) at 15% chance. Can destroy Ore patches. Area near explosion (1 Cell) is also damaged. * Elite Weapon: Fire 2 times in rapid succession. * ASW Helicoper Launcher Range: Infinite (as long as the Destroyer can see the unit, it can launch the heli to attack from far) Helicopter's Statistics: HP: 30 Armor: Light Sight: 2 Speed: 12 Ammo: 1 ASW Bomb (Bomb launched by ASW heli): Damage: 50 Range: 3 ROF: 3 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All(25%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%), Medium(60%), Heavy(60%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(65%), Steel(65%), Concrete(60%) ASW Collision: If the heli is shot down, the heli's crash can also cause damage. The heli crash can hit unit/building on ground. Damage: 100 Range: 3 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All(25%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(65%), Steel(45%), Concrete(60%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 60% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Notes: - Can detect enemy underwater (Range: 8). - When ASW heli is destroyed, Destroyer automatically create it again in time (ASW Creation Speed: 400, ASW Reload speed: 150) 5.3) Aegis Cruiser Country : Allies Prerequisite : Allied Naval Shipyard, Airforce Command HQ Cost : 1200 TechLevel : 7 Weapons : Medusa surface to air missiles Speed : 4 Sight : 8 HP : 800 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: Damage: 100 Range: 12 ROF: 15 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Medusa missiles has very fast speed. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 100 Range: 14 ROF: 5 Fire 2 times in rapid succession. Notes: - Can only attack air units. - ASW Heli (Destroyer's Heli), V3 rockets, Hornet (Carrier's Fighter), and Dreadnought missiles are considered as air units. 5.4) Aircraft Carrier Country : Allies Prerequisite : Allied Naval Yard, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 7 Weapons : Hornet's Fighter Launcher Speed : 4 Sight : 7 HP : 800 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: * Hornet Launcher Launches 3 Hornet Fighter to attack enemy's unit/building. Can also attack underwater unit (even it can't detect underwater). But the underwater unit must be detected first or use force attack. Range: 25 ROF: 150 Hornet's Statistic: HP: 75 Armor: Light Sight: 2 Speed: 12 Ammo: 1 Hornet Reload Time: 150 Hornet Regenerate Time: 600 (When it destroyed) Hornet Bomb (Bomb launched by Hornet Fighter): Damage: 40 (5 bombs each Hornet) Range: 3 ROF: 5 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%),Steel(100%),Concrete(75%) Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. * Elite Weapon: (When the Hornet fighter become elite) Damage: 80 Range: 3 ROF: 5 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(100%), Flak(80%), Plate(60%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(100%), Medium(60%), Heavy(60%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(80%), Concrete(60%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Can destroy Concrete Wall. Can pass through Concrete Wall, ignore land elevations and cliffs. Can damage land eleveation (make holes) at 15% chance. Can destroy Ore patches. Area near explosion (1 Cell) is also damaged. Hornet Collision: If the Hornet is shot down, the Hornet crash can also cause damage. The Hornet crash can hit unit/building on ground. Damage: 100 Range: 3 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All(25%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(65%), Steel(45%), Concrete(60%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 60% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. 5.5) Dolphin Country : Allies Prerequisite : Allied Naval Yard, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 500 TechLevel : 5 Weapons : Sonic Speed : 8 Sight : 4 HP : 200 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: Damage: 4 Ambient Damage: 10 Range: 6 ROF: 120 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(100%), Medium(80%), Heavy(80%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(100%), Steel(60%), Concrete(60%) * Elite Weapon: Damage: 8 Ambient Damage: 15 Range: 6 ROF: 80 Fire 2 times in rapid succession. Notes: - Dolphin moves underwater, and can be detected only by enemy units that have sensors. - Dolphins are immune to others' Dolphin attack. - Can detect enemy underwater (Range: 4). - Can release ships that are attacked by Giant Squids. - Doesn't uncloak (still underwater) while attacking. - Dolphin and Giant Squid can't cooperate by attacking an enemy ship because a ship grabbed by Giant Squid will automatically be released by Dolphin's Sonic weapon even they are on the same sides. 6) Soviet Naval --------------- 6.1) Amphibious Transport Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Soviet Naval Shipyard Cost : 900 TechLevel : 2 Weapons : None Speed : 6 Sight : 6 HP : 300 Armor : Heavy Notes: - Can move on water and also on ground. - Can carry vehicles (number of vehicles can be carried depends on Vehicle size. This transport can carry maximum 12 points of size. Below is the list of All Vehicle size points that can be carried: Allied Vehicles Point Soviet Vehicles Point ------------------------------------------------------------ Grizzly Tank 3 Rhino Tank 3 IFV 3 Flak Track 3 Chrono Miner 3 War Miner 3 Allied MCV 6 Soviet MCV 6 Prism Tank 3 Terror Drone 2 Mirage Tank 3 Apocalypse 6 Tank Destroyer 3 V3 Launcher 3 Tesla Tank 3 Demolition Truck 3 - Can carry up to 12 infantry passengers. Infantry has 1 point of size. - Can crush infantry, even it is hovers. - If you transport any other land transport (Flak Track and IFV), the unit inside the transport DOESN'T count to the points. So you can transport 4 Flak Track occupied by 5 Conspripts in each Flak Track. - Can't unload if in service depot. - Can not load or unload Tanya/SEAL in water. If ordered to load those infantry, the transport will accept the order, but it just moves next to them and do nothing. 6.2) Sea Scorpion Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Soviet Naval Shipyard, Radar Cost : 600 TechLevel : 6 Weapons : Flak Gun Speed : 8 Sight : 8 HP : 400 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: * Flak Anti-Air Gun Damage: 40 Range: 12 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(150%), Flak(80%), Plate(50%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(100%), Medium(20%), Heavy(20%) Damage vs. Building : There are no flying building * Elite Weapon: Damage: 35 Range: 10 ROF: 20 Fire 2 times in rapid succession. * Flak Anti-Surface Gun Damage: 25 Range: 5 ROF: 40 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(150%), Flak(100%), Plate(50%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(60%), Medium (10%), Heavy(10%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(30%), Steel(20%), Concrete(10%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% * Elite Weapon: Damage: 25 Range: 5 ROF: 40 Fire 2 times in rapid succession. * Both Sea Scorpion's Weapons are inaccurate and slow, but the bullet explodes and any unit/building in the area (1 Cell nearby) will be damaged (Of course the unit near the center of explosion receives more damage than the unit far from the center). Notes: - Use this unit to attack air unit (V3 rockets, Hornet fighters, ASW Heli, Dreadnought missiles also count as air units). 6.3) Typhoon Attack Sub Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Soviet Naval Shipyard Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 2 Weapons : Torpedoes Speed : 4 Sight : 4 HP : 600 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: Damage: 100 Range: 7 ROF: 120 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All(25%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(65%), Steel(65%), Concrete(60%) * Elite Weapon: Fire 2 times in rapid succession. Notes: - Attack Sub moves underwater, and can be detected only by enemy units that have sensors. - Can detect enemy in underwater (Range: 4). - Doesn't uncloak (still underwater) when attacking. 6.4) Dreadnought Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Soviet Naval Shipyard, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 6 Weapons : Dreadnought Missile Launcher Speed : 4 Sight : 7 HP : 800 Armor : Heavy Weapon Notes: * Dreadnought Missile Launcher Launches 2 Dreadnought Missiles to attack enemy's unit/building. Can also attack underwater unit (although it can't detect underwater). However, the underwater units must be detected first or use force attack (Ctl+Left Click). Range: 25 Minimum Range: 8 ROF: 50 Dreadnought Missile Statistics (in Air): HP: 50 Armor: Special Sight: 0 Speed: 20 Damage: 50 (in Air) Missile Reload Time: 80 Dreadnought Missile hit on target: Damage: 300 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All(25%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(75%),Medium(100%),Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(65%),Steel(45%),Concrete(60%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 60% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 50%. Can destroy Concrete Wall. * Elite Weapon: Damage: 600 6.5) Giant Squid Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Soviet Naval Shipyard, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 9 Weapons : Squid Tentacles Grab and Hit Speed : 8 Sight : 5 HP : 200 Armor : Light Weapon Notes: * Squid Tentacles Grab. Giant Squid uses this weapon to attack any ship unit (Destroyer, AEGIS Cruiser, Carrier, Attack Sub, Sea Scorpion, Amphibious Transport, and Dreadnought). Giant Squid automatically grabs a ship when attacking and rocking them. It does some damage to the ship continuously until the ship is destroyed. If the ship HP is red, the ship is automatically destroyed. Only Dolphin can release a ship grabbed by Giant Squid. While grabbing, Giant Squid can't be selected and ordered until it releases or destroys its victims. Damage: 15 Range: 1.5 * Elite Weapon: Damage: 40 Range: 1.5 * Squid Hit. Giant Squid uses this normal attack when attacking non-ship unit (SEAL, Tanya, Giant Squid, and Dolphin). Damage: 50 Range: 1.83 ROF: 32 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(100%), Flak (90%), Plate(80%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(70%), Medium(35%), Heavy(35%) * Elite Weapon: Damage: 200 Range: 1.83 ROF: 32 Notes: - Giant Squid moves underwater, and can be detected only by enemy unit that have sensors. - Can detect enemy in underwater (Range: 4). - Giant Squid can't attack building. (Naval Shipyard). - Giant Squid can't attack ships that are being repaired in Nayal Shipyard. - Self Healing. - Immune to Mind Control and Psychic Wave. 7) Neutral Unit --------------- 7.1) Cow Country : Neutral Weapons : None Speed : 4 Sight : 4 HP : 150 Armor : None Notes: - Cow has a points of weight of 2, and it CAN enter Flak Track. But this only if you have your own cow, and not mind-controlled one. The only scenario that you have cow is in Allied Campaign scenario, Operation: Dark Night, Mission 5. You can create Flak Track in this scenario by capturing Soviet's War Factory. Too bad, you won't have IFV. 7.2) Alligator Country : Neutral Weapons : Alligator's Bite Speed : 4 Sight : 2 HP : 200 Armor : None Weapon Notes: Damage: 30 Range: 1.5 ROF: 30 Notes: - It can attack your unit if your unit is near to them. 7.3) Monkey Country : Neutral Weapons : Chimp's Bite Speed : 6 Sight : 2 HP : 200 Armor : None Weapon Notes: Damage: 30 Range: 1.5 ROF: 30 Notes: - It can attack your unit if your unit is near to them. 7.4) Polar Bear Country : Neutral Weapons : Bear's Bite Speed : 4 Sight : 2 HP : 200 Armor : None Weapon Notes: Damage: 30 Range: 1.5 ROF: 30 Notes: - It can attack your unit if your unit is near to them. 7.5) Civilian Because there are so many civilians type that exist in Red Alert 2, I won't list all of them in here. But normally, they have the statistics below: Country : Neutral Weapons : Pistol (Some civilians don't even have this) Speed : 4 Sight : 2 HP : 50 Armor : None Weapon Notes: Damage: 2 Range: 3 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(100%), Flak (80%), Plate(70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(50%), Medium(25%), Heavy(25%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(75%), Steel(50%), Concrete(25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. Notes: - Can't be veteran or elite by normal means, even it has a weapon. *************** III - Buildings *************** 1) Allied Buildings ------------------- 1.1) Construction Yard Country : Allies Prerequisite : MCV Cost : 3000 TechLevel : - Power : 0 Sight : 8 HP : 1000 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 4 x 4 Height : 4 Notes: - Can undeploy to Allied Mobile Construction Vehicle. Can be turned off by an option in Multiplayer. - Can create other buildings. 1.2) Power Plant Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard Cost : 800 TechLevel : 1 Power : +200 Sight : 4 HP : 750 Armor : Wood Foundation : 2 x 2 Height : 4 Notes: - The only Allied building that produces power. 1.3) Allied Ore Refinery Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 1 Power : -50 Sight : 6 HP : 1000 Armor : Wood Foundation : 4 x 3 Height : 4 Notes: - The 'Credits' production facility. - If you create an Allied Ore Refinery, it includes a free Chrono Miner. Chrono Miner automatically searches an ore/mineral patches to harvest. Chrono Miner will not be sold if you sell the Refinery, so if you sell your Refinery, you will get only 2000-1400 (the price of Chrono Miner):2= 300. When this refinery is not occupied (no miner is reloading), any Chrono Miner that finishes harvesting teleports in here. 1.4) Allied Barrack Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Power Plant Cost : 500 TechLevel : 2 Power : -10 Sight : 5 HP : 500 Armor : Steel Foundation : 3 x 2 Height : 4 Notes: - Allied Barracks can train Allied Infantry. 1.5) Allied War Factory Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Power Plant, Allied Barracks Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 2 Power : -25 Sight : 4 HP : 1000 Armor : Wood Foundation : 5 x 3 Height : 4 Notes: - Allied War Factory can train Allied Vehicles and Nighthawks. 1.6) Airforce Command HQ Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Ore Refinery Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 3 Power : -50 Sight : 5 HP : 600 Armor : Steel Foundation : 3 x 2 Height : 7 Notes: - Can train Harrier (any Allied countries, but not Korea). - Can train Black Eagle (if the country is Korea). - If the country is America, then add the ability to drop Airborne Paratroopers. - Can repair and reload Allied Harriers and Black Eagles. - Can hold 4 aircraft unit (Harrier and Black Eagle) - Has Radar equipped (Enable Minimap). 1.7) Allied Naval Shipyard Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Power Plant, Ore Refinery Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 4 Power : -25 Sight : 10 HP : 1500 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 4 x 4 Height : 10 Notes: - Can train Allied Navy. - Can only be built in water. - Can repair water units: Allied Ships, Soviet Ships, Dolphin, Giant Squid, and Amphibious Transport. - Can't be captured by Engineers nor be infiltrated by Spies. - Needs credits to repair. 1.8) Service Depot Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, War Factory Cost : 800 TechLevel : 6 Power : -25 Sight : 5 HP : 1200 Armor : Wood Foundation : 3 x 3 Height : 3 Notes: - Can repair Vehicles, Amphibious Transports, and Nighthawks. - Can remove Crazy Ivan's Dynamites. - Can remove Terror Drone attached to vehicle. - Needs credits to repair. 1.9) Allied Battle Lab Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Allied War Factory, Airforce Command HQ Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 8 Power : -100 Sight : 6 HP : 500 Armor : Wood Foundation : 3 x 2 Height : 8 1.10) Ore Purifier Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Ore Refinery, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 2500 TechLevel : 10 Power : -200 Sight : 5 HP : 900 Armor : Wood Foundation : 3 x 3 Height : 4 Notes: - Can only build 1 Ore Purifier. - Can't be captured by Engineer. - Add any converted harvested ore to credits by 25%. If your harvester reloads 1000 credits to your refinery, it adds 250 more credits. 2) Soviet Buildings ------------------- 2.1) Construction Yard Country : Soviet Prerequisite : MCV Cost : 3000 TechLevel : - Power : 0 Sight : 8 HP : 1000 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 4 x 4 Height : 4 Notes: - Can undeploy to Soviet Mobile Construction Vehicle. Can be turned off by an option in Multiplayer. - Can create other buildings. 2.2) Tesla Reactor Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard Cost : 600 TechLevel : 1 Power : +150 Sight : 4 HP : 750 Armor : Wood Foundation : 3 x 2 Height : 4 Notes: - Cheaper than Allied Power Plant and also has less power. But Soviet can build a Nuclear Reactor. 2.3) Soviet Ore Refinery Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 1 Power : -50 Sight : 6 HP : 1000 Armor : Wood Foundation : 4 x 3 Height : 4 Notes: - The 'Credits' production facility. - If you create an Soviet Ore Refinery, it creates a free War Miner. War Miner automatically searches an ore/mineral patches to harvest. War Miner will not be sold if you sell the Refinery, so if you sell your Refinery, you will get only 2000-1400 (the price of War Miner):2= 300. 2.4) Soviet Barrack Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Tesla Reactor Cost : 500 TechLevel : 2 Power : -10 Sight : 6 HP : 500 Armor : Steel Foundation : 2 x 2 Height : 9 Notes: - Soviet Barracks can train Soviet Infantry. 2.5) Soviet War Factory Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Tesla Reactor, Soviet Barracks Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 2 Power : -25 Sight : 4 HP : 1000 Armor : Wood Foundation : 5 x 3 Height : 4 Notes: - Soviet War Factory can train Soviet Vehicles and Kirov Airships. 2.6) Radar Facility Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Ore Refinery Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 3 Power : -50 Sight : 10 HP : 1000 Armor : Wood Foundation : 2 x 2 Height : 6 Notes: - Have Radar equipped (Enable Minimap). 2.7) Soviet Naval Shipyard Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Tesla Reactor, Ore Refinery Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 2 Power : -20 Sight : 10 HP : 1500 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 4 x 4 Height : 10 Notes: - Soviet Naval Shipyard can train Soviet Navy. - Can only bebuilt in water. - Can repair water units: Allied Ships, Soviet Ships, Dolphin, Giant Squid, and Amphibious Transport. - Can't be captured by Engineers nor be infiltrated by Spies. - Needs credits to repair. 2.8) Service Depot Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, War Factory Cost : 800 TechLevel : 6 Power : -20 Sight : 5 HP : 1200 Armor : Wood Foundation : 3 x 3 Height : 3 Notes: - Can repair Vehicles, Amphibious Transport, and Nighthawks. - Can remove Crazy Ivan's Dynamites. - Can remove Terror Drone attached to vehicle. - Needs credits to repair. 2.9) Soviet Battle Lab Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Soviet War Factory, Radar Tower Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 7 Power : -100 Sight : 6 HP : 500 Armor : Wood Foundation : 3 x 3 Height : 8 2.10) Nuclear Reactor Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 9 Power : +2000 Sight : 5 HP : 1000 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 4 x 4 Height : 4 Notes: - Explode when destroyed (Damage: 600, Radiation Level: 500), causing Radiation in the area. - Immune to Radiation. 2.11) Cloning Vats Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 2500 TechLevel : 9 Power : -200 Sight : 5 HP : 1000 Armor : Wood Foundation : 2 x 2 Height : 6 Notes: - Can only build 1 Cloning Vats. - Can't be captured by Engineer. - Creates a cloned infantry, when you create an infantry or Attack Dog at Primary Barracks. - Kills any infantry (except engineer) which enters it. - To build 2 Yuri Prime, you must create Cloning Vats first before creating Yuri Prime. - Cloning Vats will kill any infantry that ordered to enter, but half of unit costs is returned to you as credits. You can mind-control enemy infantry and ordered them into your Cloning Vats for money. You can also use it for the 'free' infantry you get from capturing the airport. Terrorist, Engineer, Chrono Ivan & Crazy Ivan cannot be ordered to enter Cloning Vats. 3) Allied Combat Buildings --------------------------- 3.1) Fortress Wall Country : Allies Prerequisite : Allied Barracks Cost : 100 TechLevel : 1 Power : 0 Sight : 1 HP : 300 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 1 x 1 Height : 2 Notes: - Building a wall costs 100 each time you construct a Wall in a terrain. You can build 5 adjacent walls for 100 credits only. - Concrete Wall prevents any ground infantry or vehicles unit to pass it until it is destroyed. - Wall can't be repaired. To change a broken wall just build a new wall over the damaged one. - Wall can be sold but you won't receive any credits. - Though they have the same statistics, Soviet and Allied Walls are different. You can not build an array of Allied walls if the initial wall is Soviet Wall. 3.2) Pillbox Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Allied Barracks Cost : 500 TechLevel : 1 Power : 0 Sight : 7 HP : 400 Armor : Steel Weapon : Vulcan Machine Gun Foundation : 1 x 1 Height : 1 Weapon Notes: Damage: 50 Range: 5.5 ROF: 26 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (80%), Plate (70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light (50%), Medium (25%), Heavy (25%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (75%), Steel (50%), Concrete (25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. Notes: - Can't be captured by Engineer. 3.3) Patriot Missile System Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Allied Barracks Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 4 Power : -50 Sight : 10 HP : 900 Armor : Steel Weapon : Anti-Air Patriot Missile Foundation : 1 x 1 Height : 3 Weapon Notes: Damage: 75 Range: 12 ROF: 55 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Notes: - Can't be captured by Engineer. 3.4) Prism Tower Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Power Plant, Airforce Command HQ Cost : 1500 TechLevel : 6 Power : -75 Sight : 8 HP : 600 Armor : Steel Weapon : Prism Cannon Foundation : 1 x 1 Height : 6 Weapon Notes: Damage: 120 Range: 8 ROF: 60 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(200%), Flak (100%), Plate(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 200% Can destroy Concrete Walls and can attack pass Concrete Walls. Notes: - Prism Tower can support fire from another Prism Tower. Each Prism Tower support beam adds 150% damage to the firing beam's damage. Prism Tower can only support other Prism Tower at range: 8. Only 8 Prism Towers can support another Prism Tower. (The maximum number of Prism Towers which supports a Prism Tower is 8). After firing a support beam, a Prism Tower is offline for 60 frame delay. - Can't be captured by Engineer. 3.5) Gap Generator Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 7 Power : -100 Sight : 5 HP : 600 Armor : Wood Foundation : 1 x 1 Height : 6 Notes: - Gap Generator re-shrouds the map for other players at a radius of 10 Cells around the Gap Generator. - Can't be captured by Engineer. 3.6) Spy Satellite Uplink Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 1500 TechLevel : 9 Power : -100 Sight : 5 HP : 1000 Armor : Wood Foundation : 2 x 2 Height : 5 Notes: - Open shrouds on all map (but not for your allies). - Have Radar equipped (Enable Minimap), even if you don't have a Radar Tower or Airforce Command HQ. 3.7) Weather Control Device Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 5000 TechLevel : 10 Power : -200 Sight : 5 HP : 1000 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 3 x 3 Height : 5 Notes: - This is an Allied Super Weapon, so when built, it is revealed to all players. This can be turned off in multiplayer. - Can only build 1 Weather Control Device. - Enables: Weather Storm. Creates a Weather Storm at target location. Weather Storm creates random lightning bolts in the area, but can't exceed 10 Cells from the target center in Range. Each lightning bolt that appears in Weather Storm has the statistics below: Damage: 250 Can damage and destroy Concrete walls. Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All (100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 3% - Weather Storm completes its recharging after 10 minutes. - Can't be captured by engineer. - For more info and details about Weather Storm, check out section I.9. 3.8) Chronosphere Country : Allies Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab Cost : 2500 TechLevel : 10 Power : -200 Sight : 5 HP : 750 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 4 x 3 Height : 3 Notes: - This is an Allied Super Weapon, so when built it is revealed to all players. This can be turned off in multiplayer. - Can only build 1 Chronosphere. - Enables: Chronoshift (Teleports a group of units to another target location) - Chronoshift completes its recharging after 7 minutes. - For more information about Chronoshift, look in another section in this FAQ. 3.9) Grand Cannon Country : France Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Airforce Command HQ Cost : 2000 TechLevel : 7 Power : -100 Sight : 10 HP : 900 Armor : Steel Weapon : Grand Cannon Foundation : 2 x 2 Height : 3 Weapon Notes: Damage: 150 Range: 15 (Minimum Range: 3) ROF: 120 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : All(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(50%), Steel(100%), Concrete(50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 30%. Can damage and destroy Concrete walls. Notes: - Can't be captured by Engineer. 4) Soviet Combat Buildings --------------------------- 4.1) Fortress Wall Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Soviet Barracks Cost : 100 TechLevel : 1 Power : 0 Sight : 1 HP : 300 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 1 x 1 Height : 2 Notes: - Wall building costs 100 each time you construct a Wall in a terrain. You can build 5 adjacent walls for 100 credits only. - Concrete Wall prevents any ground infantry or vehicles unit to pass it until it is destroyed. - Wall can't be repaired. To change a broken wall just build a new wall over the damaged one. - Wall can be sold but you won't receive any credits. - Though they have the same statistics, Soviet and Allied Walls are different. You can not build an array of Allied walls if the initial wall is Soviet Wall. 4.2) Sentry Gun Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Soviet Barracks Cost : 500 TechLevel : 1 Power : 0 Sight : 7 HP : 400 Armor : Steel Weapon : Vulcan Machine Gun Foundation : 1 x 1 Height : 2 Weapon Notes: Damage: 50 Range: 5 ROF: 26 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(100%), Flak(80%), Plate(70%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(50%), Medium(25%), Heavy(25%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(75%), Steel(50%), Concrete(25%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. Notes: - Can't be captured by Engineer. 4.3) Flak Cannon Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Soviet Barracks Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 4 Power : -50 Sight : 5 HP : 900 Armor : Steel Weapon : Anti-Air Flak Cannon Foundation : 1 x 1 Height : 4 Weapon Notes: Damage: 40 Range: 12 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(150%), Flak(80%), Plate(50%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(100%), Medium(20%), Heavy(20%) Damage vs. Building : There are no flying building Notes: - Can't be captured by Engineer. - Has splash damage (units near the target are also damaged). 4.4) Tesla Coil Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Tesla Reactor, Radar Tower Cost : 1500 TechLevel : 5 Power : -75 Sight : 8 HP : 600 Armor : Steel Weapon : Tesla Coil Bolt Foundation : 1 x 1 Height : 5 Weapon Notes: Damage: 200 Range: 7 ROF: 120 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(85%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: All (50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 200% Can destroy Concrete Walls. * When Overpowered: Damage: 300 Range: 8 ROF: 100 You can notice an overpowered Tesla Coil by its electric colour (its Yellow instead Blue). Notes: - Can be supported by Tesla Trooper to increase range and damage. - Can't be captured by Engineer. - Tesla Coil can attack without power (your power gauge is red) if there are at least 2 Tesla Troopers charging it. However, it depends on the power available. The more power available, the less Tesla Trooper is needed to charge. If there is no power at all, 2 Tesla Troopers are needed. 4.5) Psychic Sensors Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 1000 TechLevel : 10 Power : -50 Sight : 10 HP : 750 Armor : Wood Foundation : 2 x 2 Height : 8 Notes: - Sensors Area: 15 Cells radius. - Any units that move or attack to the area in the radius of Psychic Sensors are visible. So you know what units and where they want to move/attack and from where. It also sensors neutral units (like Cow). - Psychic Sensors can also detect Spies. - Can also detect invisible units (like Submarine, Giant Squid, and Dolphin) if placed it near water. - Can detect any unit that is mind controlled by enemy's Yuri. 4.6) Iron Curtain Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 2500 TechLevel : 10 Power : -200 Sight : 4 HP : 750 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 3 x 3 Height : 6 Notes: - This is a Soviet Super Weapon, so when built is revealed to all players. This can be turned off in multiplayer. - Can only build 1 Iron Curtain. - Enables: Invulnerability (Make a group of vehicles becomes invulnerable for a period amount of time). - Iron Curtain recharges after 5 minutes. - For more information about Invulnerability, look in another section in this FAQ. 4.7) Nuclear Missile Silo Country : Soviet Prerequisite : Construction Yard, Soviet Battle Lab Cost : 5000 TechLevel : 10 Power : -200 Sight : 4 HP : 1000 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 3 x 3 Height : 8 Notes: - This is a Soviet Super Weapon, so when built is revealed to all players. This can be turned off in multiplayer. - Can only build 1 Nuclear Missile Silo. - Enables: Nuclear Strike (Launches a powerful Nuclear Missile to severely damage any units and buildings target area). Nuclear Missile has these statistic: Damage: 1500 Radiation Level: 500 Area: 10 Cells Radius Always destroys any Concrete Walls. Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(200%), Medium(100%), Heavy(100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(60%), Steel(100%), Concrete(8%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Infantry can't survive in the Nuclear Radiation Area. - Nuclear Strike recharges after 10 minutes. - Can't be captured by engineer. 5) Neutral Tech Buildings ------------------------- 5.1) Airport Country : Neutral HP : 800 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 3 x 3 Height : 6 Notes: - Can't be sold for credits. - Capture this with Engineer to create the ability to place Paradrop to any place on terrains. - Paradrop recharges after 4 minutes. 5.2) Oil Derrick Country : Neutral HP : 1000 Armor : Steel Foundation : 2 x 2 Height : 5 Notes: - Can't be sold for credits. - When first captured by engineer, gives 1000 credits. Aftet that gives 20 credits every 100 frame delays to player. - Explodes when destroyed. Oil Explosion statistics: Damage: 600 Area: 4 Cells. Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None(150%), Flak(100%), Plate(100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(90%), Medium(70%), Heavy(50%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood(200%), Steel(90%), Concrete(50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Can damage and destroy Concrete Walls. 5.3) Outpost Country : Neutral HP : 2000 Armor : Concrete Weapon : Hover Missiles Foundation : 4 x 3 Height : 6 Weapon Notes: * Hover Missiles (Anti-Surface and Anti-Air) Damage: 25 Range: 6 ROF: 50 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (100%), Flak (90%), Plate (80%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light(70%), Medium(35%), Heavy(35%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (75%), Steel(40%), Concrete(20%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 80% Prone Infantry reduces the damage to 70%. Fire 2 times in rapid succession. Can pass through Concrete Wall, ignore land elevations and cliffs. Can damage land eleveation (make holes) at 10% chance. Can destroy Ore patches. Notes: - Can't be sold for credits. - After captured by engineer, can repair any vehicle units. Have a weapon to protect itself. 5.4) Hospital Country : Neutral HP : 800 Armor : Concrete Foundation : 6 x 4 Height : 7 Notes: - Can't be sold for credits. - Invisible to Radar. - After captured by engineer, can heal any infantry units. 6) Neutral Miscellaneous Buildings ---------------------------------- Information in this section is not complete yet. There are a lot of buildings in RA2 and it is tiring to include them all. This section will only present common buildings which were ever met by my data compiler. Most buildings in this section have the same characteristics: - Can not be repaired without engineer. - Can not be captured. * Air Force Academy Chapel Colorado HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Notes: - May create a crate containing credits if destroyed. - Can be seen in Allied Mission. * Army Tents HP: 200 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 8 * Barn HP: 500 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 5 * Barrel HP: 5 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Weapon Notes: Barrel Explosion Damage: 200 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: None (150%), Flak (100%), Plate (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light (90%), Medium (70%), Heavy (50%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (200%), Steel (90%), Concrete (50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Area near explosion (4 cells) is also damaged Notes: - Will explode if destroyed. - Can not be repaired in any way. * Beach Towels HP: 1 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 * Beach Umbrellas HP: 50 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 * Bridge Repair Hut HP: 2000 Notes: - Used to destroy or repair a bridge. To repair a bridge, send an engineer in it. To blow up a bridge, send a unit with C4 ability in it. - Can be targetted, but can not be destroyed. * Bunker HP: 2000 Points: 5 Armor: steel Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 8 * Bus Stop HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: steel Sight: 6 * Camp Fire HP: 10 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 * Concession Stand HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: steel Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 5 * Einstein's Lab HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: steel Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 10 * Farm HP: 400 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 4 Max number of occupants: 6 * Farm Silo HP: 400 Points: 5 Armor: wood * Farmhouse HP: 400 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 4 Max number of occupants: 10 * Fence Wall HP: 100 armor: wood sight: 0 point: 1 Notes: - Can be crushed by vehicles. * Flag HP: 20 Points: 5 Armor: steel Sight: 6 Notes: - There are several flags in this game, such as German flag, Soviet Flag, American Flag, etc. They all have the same statistics. * Fountain HP: 200 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 * Gas Station HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 10 * Guard Border Crossing HP: 100 Armor: wood Points: 50 * Guard Shack HP: 100 Points: 5 Armor: steel Sight: 6 * Iwo Jima Memorial HP: 500 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 * Lifeguard Hut HP: 200 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 3 * Lighthouse HP: 500 Points: 5 Armor: steel Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 5 * Mail Box HP: 10 Points: 5 Armor: concrete * Mayan Castillo HP: 1000 Armor: concrete Point: 5 Sight:6 Max number of occupants: 10 * Mayan Large Temple HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 10 * Mayan Minor Temple HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 Max number of Occupants: 10 * Mayan Platfrom HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 10 * McBurger Kong HP: 1000 Points: 20 Armor: wood Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 8 * Merry Go Round HP: 1 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 * Mobile Home HP: 300 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 5 * Movie Screen HP: 500 Points: 5 Armor: steel Sight: 6 * Outhouse HP: 50 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 4 Max number of occupants: 1 * Paris Tower HP: 3000 Points: 5 Armor: steel Primary: Eiffel Bolt Power: -100 Weapon Notes: Eiffel Bolt: Damage: 2000 Range: 20 ROF: 20 Damage vs. Infantry's Armor: All (100%) Damage vs. Vehicle's Armor : Light (85%),Medium (100%),Heavy (100%) Damage vs. Building's Armor: Wood (50%),Steel (50%),Concrete (50%) Damage vs. Terror Drone : 100% Can destroy Concrete Wall. Notes: - The active version of this building can only be seen in Soviet's Operation: City of Lights. Otherwise, it belongs to neutral and can not fire. * Park Bench HP: 1 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 * Pentagon HP: 600 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 10 * Phone Booth HP: 100 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 * Pipes HP: 10 Points: 5 Armor: concrete * Psychic Amplifier HP: 1000 Points: 5 Power: -100 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 * Psychic Beacon HP: 750 Armor: wood Sight: 10 Points: 50 Power: -100 * Sandbag Wall HP: 100 Armor: wood Point: 1 Notes: - Can be crushed by vehicles. * Statue HP: 400 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 * Statue of Liberty HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 4 Notes: - May create a crate containing credits if destroyed. * Swing Set HP: 1 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 * Thatched Hut HP: 200 Points: 5 Armor: wood Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 6 * Thatched Hut Chief HP: 600 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 Max number of occupants: 6 * Tires HP: 10 Points: 5 Armor: concrete * Traffic Light HP: 1000 Points: 5 Sight: 6 Notes: - Can not be selected. * Water Tower HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: steel * White House HP: 1000 Points: 5 Armor: concrete Sight: 6 Notes: - May create a crate containing credits if destroyed. ********************* IV - Tables and Data ********************* 1) Unit and Defensive Building Combat Ability RA2 has so many units, so it may be difficult to browse this FAQ just to see the speed of a unit, range, or others, so I'll try to put them all on a few tables and show the comparisons of most important aspects of the units. I also add few of defensive buildings that may be needed for comparison. For more information about weapon damage, range, and ROF, just look in each units section above for detailed information. Because the data below is just VERY simplified data. Some weapon that fires at 2 times, etc. are not listed below. Unit Name Side Cost Sgt Spd HP Ar Rng ROF Damage ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GI Allies 200 5 4 125 N 4/4,5/7 20,15/5 15/25,15/25 Conscript Soviet 100 5 4 125 F 4/5 25 15/20 Attack Dog Both 200 9 8 100 N 1.5 30 - Engineer Both 500 4 4 75 N - - - Rocketeer Allies 600 8 9 125 N 5 30/5 25 Flak Tr. Soviet 300 5 4 100 N 8,5 25,20 20/8,20 Tesla Tr. Soviet 500 6 4 130 P 3/5 60/40 50 Crazy Ivan Soviet 600 6 4 125 N - - 400 Spy Allies 1000 9 4 100 F - - - Sniper Britain 600 8 4 125 N 14 150/60 125 Desolator Soviet 600 6 4 150 P 6/8 50 125/200 Terrorist Soviet 200 9 6 75 F - - - Tanya Allies 1000 8 5 125 F 6/8 10 125 SEAL Allies 1000 8 5 125 F 6 10 125 Chrono L. Allies 1500 8 ! 125 N 5 120 - Yuri Soviet 1200 12 4 100 N 7/14 200 - Yuri Prime Soviet 2000 8 6 200 F 30 200 - Psi-Com. Allies 1000 8 ! 100 N - - - Chrono C. Allies 2000 8 ! 100 N 6 10 125 Chrono Iv. Soviet 1000 8 ! 100 N - - 400 Grizzly T. Allies 700 8 7 300 H 5 60/75 65/55 Rhino Tank Soviet 900 8 6 400 H 5.75/5 65/80 90/85 IFV (1) Allies 600 8 10 200 L 6 50 25/80 Flak Track Soviet 500 8 8 180 H 10/8,5 25,40 35/20,25 Terror Dr. Soviet 500 4 10 100 S - - 50 War Miner Soviet 1400 4 4 1000 M 5.5 20 30 Chr.Miner Allies 1400 4 4/! 1000 M - - - Apocalypse Soviet 1750 6 4 800 H 5.75,8 80,80 100,50 Prism Tank Allies 1200 8 4 150 L 10 100 100/150 Mirage Tank Allies 1000 9 7 200 L 7/9 70/80 100/150 V3 Launcher Soviet 800 7 4 150 L 18 150 200 MCV Both 3000 6 4 1000 H - - - Tank Dest. Germany 900 8 5 400 H 5/6.75 70/60 150/175 Demo Truck Libya 1500 5 6 150 L - - 400 Tesla Tank Russia 1200 8 6 300 H 4/6 60/50 135/150 Attack Sub Soviet 1000 4 4 600 H 7 120 100 Sea Scorp. Soviet 600 8 8 400 H 12/10,5 20,40 40/35,25 Destroyer Allies 1000 7 6 600 H 8 110 60 Aegis Crs. Allies 1200 8 4 800 L 12/14 15/5 100 Dreadnought Soviet 2000 7 4 800 H 25 - (300x2) A. Carrier Allies 2000 7 4 800 H 25 - (40x5)x3 Giant Squid Soviet 1000 5 8 200 L - - -, 50 Dolphin Allies 500 4 8 200 L 6 120 4+10/8+15 A. Tranport Both 900 6 6 300 H - - - Harrier Allies 1200 8 14 150 L 6/9 10/10 150/300 Black Eagle Korea 1200 8 14 200 L 6/9 10/10 200/400 Kirov A. Soviet 2000 8 5 2000 L 1.5 50 250 Nighthawk Allies 1000 7 14 175 L 6 40 35/40 Pillbox Allies 500 7 - 400 S 5.5 26 50 Sentry Gun Soviet 500 7 - 400 S 5 26 50 Tesla C.(2) Soviet 1500 8 - 600 S 7+ 120+ 200+ Prism Tower Allies 1500 8 - 600 S 8 55 120+ Patriot Allies 1000 10 - 900 S 12 55 75 Flak Cannon Soviet 1000 5 - 900 S 12 20 40 Grand C.(3) France 2000 10 - 900 S 15 120 150 Notes: For more detailed explanation, you can see in Unit's description in above section. Spd: Unit Speed (The lower the number, the slower the unit, !: Teleportation) HP: Unit Strength Ar: Unit Armor (None/Flak/Plate: Infantry, Light/Medium/Heavy: Vehicle, and Special for few unit) Sgt: Unit Sight Range Rng: Unit's Weapon Range. Number after , is the secondary weapon. (Usually anti-air or deployed weapon). Number after / is Elite Weapon range, if there are no / means it has no Elite weapon, or has same range as non-Elite Weapon. - means that unit have no weapons or have special weapon. ROF: Unit's Rate of Fire. Number after , is the secondary weapon. (Usually anti-air or deployed weapon). Number after / is Elite Weapon ROF, if there are no / means it has no Elite weapon, or has same ROF as non-Elite Weapon. Damage: Weapon damage. Number after , is the secondary weapon. (Usually anti-air or deployed weapon). Number after / is the Elite weapon, if there are no / means it has no Elite weapon, or has same damage as non-Elite Weapon. - means Special Weapon.(No damage or a special weapon). (1) - IFV listed here is normal IFV (no infantry) (2) - Tesla Coils range and ROF changes depend on Tesla Troopers that charge near it. (3) - Grand Cannon has a Minimum Range of 3. 2) Scoring After playing single or multiplayer games, there are Scores showed to tell how good the players are. For some people this is not too important, but I list the scores table below for those who need it. Below is a score table for destroying/killing a unit/building. Note that I don't list many of civilian units and buildings and some special buildings because they are too many to list. May be if I'm not tired or bored, I will list them soon. Units Pts. Vehicles Pts. Buildings Pts. --------------------------------------------------------------- GI 10 Grizzly Tank 25 Const. Yard 80 Conscript 5 Rhino Tank 25 Power Plant 40 Attack Dog 10 IFV 20 Tesla Reactor 40 Engineer 5 Flak Track 20 Ore Refinery 80 Rocketeer 15 Chrono Miner 55 Barracks 30 Spy 5 War Miner 55 War Factory 80 Flak Trooper 5 Prism Tank 50 Service Depot 80 Crazy Ivan 30 Mirage Tank 25 Allied B. Lab 85 Tesla Trooper 5 Apocalypse 60 Soviet B. Lab 85 SEAL 50 Terror Drone 20 Naval Shipyard 55 Tanya 50 V3 Launcher 40 Ore Purifier 30 Yuri 5 MCV 60 Airforce C.HQ 70 Sniper 10 Harrier 20 Radar Tower 60 Desolator 30 Kirov Airship 100 SpySat Uplink 0 Terrorist 5 Tank Destroyer 25 Gap Generator 30 Chrono L. 15 Black Eagle 20 Cloning Vats 30 Psi Commando 50 Nighthawk 15 Pillbox 30 Chrono C. 50 Amphibious T. 25 Sentry Gun 30 Chrono Ivan 50 Destroyer 30 Patriot 30 Yuri Prime 50 A. Carrier 55 Flak Cannon 30 Civilian 1 AEGIS Cruiser 35 Prism Tower 30 Cow 1 Dolphin 15 Tesla Coil 30 Alligator 1 Sea Scorpion 20 Concrete Walls 5 Polar Bear 1 Attack Sub 30 Iron Curtain 30 Monkey 1 Dreadnought 55 Weather C. D. 30 Secret Service 1 Giant Squid 20 Chronosphere 30 President 1 Demo. Truck 40 Nuclear M. S. 30 Technician 1 Tesla Tank 25 Psychic Sensors 50 Hornet 20 Tech Outpost 5 Dreadnought M. 20 Tech Oil Der. 5 V3 Missile 20 Tech Hospital 5 ASW 10 Tech Airport 5 Drop Plane 30 Grand Cannon 30 Nuclear Reactor 30 3) Pip Pip is a small colored dot that appears in all units that can carry other objects. Pip appears in transports (carry other units) and harvesters (carry ores or minerals). Pip also appears in a building to show how many units garrisonned in that buildings. In some units, Pip shows the unit ammo that it currently has. In a Transport the Pip's color is determined the type of unit that the transports carries, while in a harvester it determines what the harvester carries, ores or minerals. Below is the table of all infantry that can be carried and its Pip color. Table 2 contains the color of infantry that may not be seen in normal ways (because mind controlled unit can't enter transport), but I list them here just for info. Table 1 Infantry Color Infantry Color ------------------------------------------------------ GI Green Conscript Green Flak Trooper Green Tesla Trooper Green Attack Dog Green Engineer Blue Spy Blue Sniper Red Ghost Red Tanya Red Yuri Red Crazy Ivan Red Desolator Red Terrorist Red Chrono L. Red Chrono C. Red Psi Commando Red Chrono Ivan Red Yuri Prime Red Cow Yellow Table 2 Infantry Color Infantry Color ------------------------------------------------------ Pentagon Gen. Green Secret Service Green Civilian Yellow President Yellow Alligator Yellow Polar Bear Yellow Monkey Yellow Technician Yellow Vladimir Green For Vehicles units that have size more than 1, they have different Pip. Their Pips are 2 color, Blue and Red. Example: An IFV (size: 3) and An Apocalypse (Size: 6) enter the Amphibious Transport (Can carry 12 Pip). The Pip Color would like: BrrBrrrrr... B : Blue Pip r : Red Pip . : No Colored Pip 4) Unit and Defensive Building Descriptions Below is the table that contains a very simple unit description. Unit Name Side Tech Type Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- GI Allies 1 Infantry Strong if deployed/garissoned Conscript Soviet 1 Infantry Very cheap Flak Trooper Soviet 1 Infantry Cheap anti-air units Engineer Both 1 Infantry Captures and Repair Building Sniper Britain 1 Infantry Infantry killer at long range War Miner Soviet 1 Vehicle Armed Harvesters Chrono Miner Allies 1 Vehicle Teleporting Harvesters Pillbox Allies 1 Building Anti-infantry turrets Sentry Gun Soviet 1 Building Anti-infantry turrets Attack Dog Both 2 Infantry Detects Spies, Infantry Killer Grizzly Tank Allies 2 Vehicle General purpose tank Rhino Tank Soviet 2 Vehicle General purpose tank Amphibious T. Both 2 Naval Land and water transport Attack Sub Soviet 2 Naval Underwater attack sub Tank Destroyer Germany 2 Vehicle Vehicle Destroyers Rocketeer Allies 3 Infantry Cheap flying units IFV Allies 3 Vehicle Anti-air, Custom vehicle Flak Track Soviet 3 Vehicle Strong anti-air vehicle, infantry transport V3 Launcher Soviet 3 Vehicle Long Range missile launcher Harrier Allies 3 Aircraft Anti-surface fighter Black Eagle Korea 3 Aircraft Anti-surface fighter Terror Drone Soviet 4 Vehicle Infantry and Vehicle killer Destroyer Allies 4 Naval Underwater detector, land bombardment naval Patriot Allies 4 Building Anti-air turrets Flak Cannon Soviet 4 Building Anti-air turrets Tesla Trooper Soviet 5 Infantry Strong, good vs. anything Crazy Ivan Soviet 5 Infantry Can plant devastating bomb Terrorist Soviet 5 Infantry Cheap, Suicide attack Tesla Coil Soviet 5 Building Strong defensive turrets Spy Allies 5 Infantry Disguises,infiltrates building Dolphin Allies 5 Naval Fast underwater unit Prism Tower Allies 6 Building Strong defensive turrets Sea Scorpion Soviet 6 Naval Fast and Anti-air ship Dreadnought Soviet 6 Naval Long Range missile vessel Apocalypse Soviet 7 Vehicle Very strong tank, anti-air Aegis Cruiser Allies 7 Naval Anti-air naval A. Carrier Allies 7 Naval Long Range craft naval Nighthawk Allies 7 Aircraft Armed air infantry transport Grand Cannon France 7 Building Strong long range turrets Desolator Soviet 8 Infantry Strong, Mass infantry killer Prism Tank Allies 8 Vehicle Long Range tank Mirage Tank Allies 9 Vehicle Disguising tank Giant Squid Soviet 9 Naval Ship destroyer Tanya Allies 9 Infantry Good vs. Inf., Bld. and Ship Psi Commando Allies 9 Infantry Mind Control Chrono C. Allies 9 Infantry Teleports, Good vs. Infantry and Building Chrono Ivan Soviet 9 Infantry Teleports, plants devastating bombs Chrono L. Allies 10 Infantry Teleports, can destroy anything without retaliation Yuri Soviet 10 Infantry Mind Control Yuri Prime Soviet 10 Infantry Long range Mind Control MCV Both 10 Vehicle Deploy into Construction Yard Demolition T. Libya 10 Vehicle Small Nuclear Suicide Bomb Tesla Tank Russia 10 Vehicle Tesla powered tank Kirov Airship Soviet 10 Aircraft Very Strong surface bomber SEAL Allies - Infantry Good vs. Inf., Bld. and Ship Notes: Tech: Unit Tech Level 5) Unit and Building Comparison Below are descriptions of some units and buildings that are almost identical. The comparisons below will reveal that are they are not the same unit/building, even they have some similarities. 5.1) Unit * Allied Attack Dog and Soviet Attack Dog Both Allies and Soviet have attack dogs. They are actually have the same statistics (cost, strength, etc.) The only differences are their portrait. Allied Attack Dogs are German Shepherd. Soviet Attack Dogs are Siberian Huskies. * Allied Engineer and Soviet Engineer They are all the same at almost everything. The only difference is their speech. * SEAL and Tanya 2 very different units, but actually have the same role and have most of their statistics identical. SEAL Tanya ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gender Male Female Weapon MP5 Machine Gun Dual Pistol (Have more range when become Elite) Available on Campaign Skirmish and Multiplayer Games (Don't even exist in (Can't be trained in Campaign) Multiplayer games) Tech Level -1 9 (not available in multiplayer) Prerequisite Barrack & Airforce Barrack & Allied Battle Lab Command HQ * Allied MCV and Soviet MCV Has the same statistics. They only different when deploying into a Construction Yard and their voices are different. * Chrono Miner and War Miner Although both of them are Ore/Mineral Harvesters, they are very different. Chrono Miner doesn't have weapon, but it can automatically teleport when reloading to Ore Refinery. War Miner can't teleport, but it has a weapon to protect itself from danger. War Miner can also carry twice more ore/minerals than Chrono Miner. Aside from those mentioned above, they have the same statistics in cost, speed, and other stats. * Harrier and Black Eagle Black Eagle can only be built by Korea, while Harrier can be built by any Allied country other than Korea. Black Eagle has 200 HP, while Harrier only 150 HP. Black Eagle also has stronger weapons than Harrier (look in unit statistics in above section for more details). Black Eagle and Harrier also have different voices. 5.2) Building * Allied Ore Refinery and Soviet Ore Refinery Building an Allied Ore Refinery will give you a free Chrono Miner, while building Soviet Ore Refinery will give you a free War Miner. Beside that similarity, both have the same stats and functions. * Power Plant and Tesla Reactor Both are the main sources of power for building maintenance. Soviet can later has Nuclear Reactor to change the Tesla Reactor functions. Power Plant costs 800 credits to build while Tesla Reactor only needs 600 credits to build, but Power Plant gives 200 power while Tesla Reactor only gives 150 power. * Allied Barracks and Soviet Barracks Building Allied Barracks can make Allied Infantry available. The same rule applies for Soviet Barracks with Soviet Infantry. But if you have both, you can train Soviet Infantry in Allied Barracks and vice versa. Their statistics are also the same, only Soviet Barracks has 6 sight range, while Allied Barracks only have 5 sight range. * Allied War Factory and Soviet War Factory Have the same statistics, and have no difference except what they can build. (And of course, their image) * Allied Shipyard and Soviet Shipyard They have the difference in power consumption and Tech Level. Allied Naval Shipyard needs 25 power and Tech Level 4. Soviet Naval Shipyard needs 20 power and Tech Level 2. * Allied Battle Lab and Soviet Battle Lab They have the same function, that is to build more advanced units and buildings. Their difference is only on Tech Level. Soviet Battle Lab needs Tech Level 7 to be build, while Allied needs Tech Level 8 to be build. 6) Actors and In-Game Voices This may be not quite important, but I list here just for information. Live Action (In Movie) Role Actor/Actress --------------------------------------------- President Dugan Ray Wise Yuri Udo Kier General Thorn Barry Corbin Agent Tanya Kari Wuhrer Premier Alexander Romanov Nicholas Worth Lt. Eva Athena Massey Lt. Zofia Aleksandra Kaniak General Vladimir Adam Greggor Dr. Einstein Larry Gelman Soviet Officer Oleg Stephan Prime Minister Kerry Michaels General Lyon Frank Bruynbroek German Chancellor Stuart Nesbit Soviet Newscaster Gabriella Bern Korean Commander Richard Narita Tesla Trooper Igor Jijenke Base Commander Gary Marshal Watch Officer 1 Rick Cramer Watch Officer 2 Nate Bynum Female Officer Heather Nickens Allied GI 1 Sharif Perry Allied GI 2 Micheal Rouleau Allied GI 3 Jeremy Olson Allied Soldier 1 Randy Stafford Allied Soldier 2 Shane Dietrich Allied Guard 1 Justin Bloom Allied Guard 2 Beau Hopkins Allied General Robert Eustice Allied Colonel Robert Christensen Secret Service man 1 Spike Heaser Secret Service man 2 Robert Garretson Soviet Soldier 1 Alexander Moiseev Soviet Soldier 2 Igor Jijikine Soviet Conscript 1 Andrei Skorobogatov Soviet Conscript 2 Mario Lewis White House Aide Ann-Marie Lazaroff Bikini Babe 1 Stephanie Harrold Bikini Babe 2 Tamara Kozen Chaplain Donald La Mothe Waitress Natasha In-game voices (Speech) Speech of Voice by ----------------------------------------------------- Yuri, Psy Corps Udo Kier American taunts Barry Corbin Tanya Karl Wuhrer Lt. Eva Athena Massey Lt. Zofia Aleksandra Kaniak Soviet Taunts Adam Greggor German Taunts Stuart Nesbit Night Hawk, Soviet Vehicle Grant Albrecht Spy, Sniper, Allied Infantry Michael Bell Installer Douglas Rye Allied Boat, Intruder Gregg Berger Texan Glenn Burtis Allied and Soviet Civilian Julie Brugman Rocketeer, Chrono Legionnaire David Fries Propaganda Truck David Fries BBC Newscaster, American Newscaster Sam Murray SEAL, Soviet Civilian, Allied Vehicle Stefan Marks Libyan & Iraqi Taunts, Demo Truck Adoni Milder Soviet Infantry & Engineer Andy Milder Desolator, Soviet Boat Phil Proctor Cuban Taunts, Terrorist Gustavo Rex Black Eagle, French Newscaster Gustavo Rex British Taunts, Kirov, Crazy Ivan Neil Ross Drill Sergeant, Flak Trooper Douglas Rye World Wide Domination, Narrator Douglas Rye Intercom Voice, Computer Voice Heidi Shannon Female Newscaster Heidi Shannon American Civilian, American Engineer Phil Tanzini Tesla Trooper John Vernon Korean Taunts Douglas Rye ****************** V - Miscellaneous ****************** This section shows all the other data that I think can't be included in all above sections. 1) Record The fastest unit: Terror Drone and IFV The fastest non-flying infantry: Terrorist and Yuri Prime (Teleporting doesn't count) The strongest unit: Kirov Airship The longest range unit: Dreadnought and Carrier The cheapest unit: Conscript The most expensive unit: MCV The best anti-air unit/building: AEGIS Cruiser 2) Dangerous units There are some units that when they are created by enemy, you're noticed by hearing special sound or speech. These are because they are somehow considered dangerous and enemy need to know when they are created and be ready for them. Units Announcement ------------------------------------------ Tanya Her laughs Kirov Airship "Kirov reporting" Demolition Truck "My truck is loaded" Chrono Commando "Already there" 3) Do You Know ? - You can guard your important units (Harvesters, for example) by selecting the escort units and then press Ctrl-Alt+Left Click to your unit/building to be escorted/guarded. All selected units will now follow that units (or stay guard if you click it to a building), and attack any enemy that attack that unit/building. Use Stop command to stop any unit for escorting mode. - Infantry that can't crawl: Chrono Legionnaire and Crazy Ivan. - Water is also affected by Radiation. - A bridge can only be destroyed by Wall Crushing units and buildings (ex: Rhino Tank and Tesla Coils). - Rally point for War Factory and Barracks can't be targeted to target land if it needs a transport to walk across water. It can't target water. So be careful when you use Rally point to collect your Kirov Airships. Rally point for Naval Shipyard can target land (useful for Amphibious Transport only). - Crates can appear in water. - All the animals except the Cow in RA2 have names (the designer of RA2 give them a name, it is hidden in the INI files) Herbert the Alligator, Frosty the Polar Bear, and Josh the Monkey. - Alligators can't swim. Check it by mind controlling it and send it to water. - All the animals are very aggressive!! (Except cow) Move units near it, and they will surely attack your units, especially infantry. Vehicles will be attacked if your vehicles hurt those critters. Surprised? Attack them with Nuclear Strike but make sure they are not killed (It is possible, just remember, the radius for Nuke is 10 Cells, so put them within the radiation) and ahhh.... they attack your Nuclear Missile Silo!! (make sure your silo is not walled and let them move inside your base safely to check this) - A bomb-installed Transport which is grabbed by a Giant Squid will still explode and kill the Squid as well. - You can play the Unholy Alliance mode in Skirmish by change GameMode=1 to GameMode=4 in [Skirmish] section in RA2.INI file. Unholy Alliance Mode gives you both Allied and Soviet MCV. - Use TAB (in Multiplayer games only) to changes the alliance status for other players. From "Tony Toon" With this, you can also check what other player's country played (by looking on their flags). - Tech buildings are not counted as player's units or buildings, meaning that if a player has a tech building but does not have any unit or base building, that player still loses the battle. - Air speed and Ground speed are different, ground speed is faster than air speed even they have the same number in stats. (Thanks to Blossom Storm for confirming this confusing matter). - In the intro movie, when they're about to missile the soviets and the missile dude is hypnotized by yuri (sp?), the UN-hypnotized dude says: "Jimmy, open the silo doors!! This is suicide!!" The unhypnotized dude calls him "Jimmy", but the hypnotized dude's name tag says "boyd." From I have got 2 'comments' e-mail for this small section. :) 1) From Justin Mitchell: ... Also, this is pretty inconsequential, but I'd like to point out that there's nothing unusual about the guy getting called "Jimmy" in the intro, even though his nametag says "Boyd." It's very likely that his name is actually "Jimmy Boyd." But that's just nitpicking. ... 2) From Mek : ... That doesn't mean anything, in the military, all name tags state the last name, not the first. I guess the director was trying to show their "friendship" or whatever by having him say his first name. - A small tips involving waypoint (submitted by Yonatan): "I just want to submit a strategy about Chrono Commando or you can either use it with Chrono Ivan either with Chrono Legionnaire but I don't think it's really useful for Chrono Legionnaire.It's use best with Chrono Commando. While you know when teleporting into further distance it's vulnerable to enemy units.You can anyway trick this way by waypointing it step by step which a teleport can enter that distance in an instant time.Just waypoint it to you enemy base and also target enemy's building and boom it blows building quickly. Boom this move to that and boom it in an instant.Just beware of Yuri's Psychic Tower and also Tesla/Prism Tower but they aren'nt really that trouble!(Tesla/Prism Tower) :)" - "Spy Bug" (from Hecht) This is the most powerful bug because you don`t have to get your spys on dangerous missions (seeking into the enemy base). If you want to get the advances which a succesfull spy mission provides, you have to train a spy and an engineer. First, damage the building you want to spy (War Factory, Barracks, Tech Lab) by forcing your units to fire at it - CTRL -but don`t deal much damage to it. Second, open the Waypoints Menue (default Z - in german layouts.. i think it is Y in english/US keyboard layouts). Set a waypoint for your engineer to repair the building and Set a waypoint for your spy: as target, select the building the engineer walks in, too, but press exactly the white point in the middle of the building (destination of the engineer). Now the Spy will follow the engineer in the building. And last you only have to close the Waypoints menue so that every unit will follow its waypoint - you now can stop the engineer`s walking into the building so that you dont waste it. Finished.. on that way, you can get Chrono-Commando and the first veteran status for your infantry and your units - in Unholy Alliance, you can gather all technologies by that bug, without risking anything. - "Crates bug" (from Hecht) This is not really a bug, but when playing on Westwood Online, and "Crates" are activated. Play the same map more times, you will see, crates will always appear on same destination at the beginning.. (this can give you an great advance). - "Resolution Cheat" (from Hecht) You can set the resolution on your own depends.. just open the "ra2.ini" in your main directory, then search for: [Video] ScreenWidth= ScreenHeight= StretchMovies=no You can now set the resolution to what you want (RA2s options menu only allows ScreenWidth=1024 and ScreenHeight=768.. you can set it to your dreams.. for example ScreenWidth=1280 and ScreenHeight=1024 (this gives you an great advance in multiplayer because you can see more on one screen than your enemy - but be sure that your computer has enough power.. please try to be as fast as possible in multiplayer games) 4) Special Section (All infos and strategies in this section are contributed by Overmind) * The free infantry bug This one ONLY works in RA2 1.000 (Not in YR). Play with the Soviets. Build Barracks and the Clonning Vats. Block the exit of the Barracks with walls, other buildings or whatever. Start building infantry. When you build it, the CV will produce one infantry unit, and the Barracks will refund the cash spend on it. So if you have a cash reserve of 1200, you can build any infantry for free. * The Desolator bug Play with Iraq. Build a few desolators. Deploy them where you want. Select each of them and force and attack on the area right near the radiation by presing CTRL+click on the area. The power and range of the radiation will double. -> Notes from Hecht: The Main use of this bug depends on the radiation duration.. (not power or range.. in fact, range and power are not really affected by the bug - note that power seems to be stronger, but by using the bug territory is only always dark green - heaviest damage level, not the damage itself is higher).. In fact, the use of the bug is, that you can devastate territory for hours.. If you devastate a territory with that method for about 5 minutes, the radiation will stay for a much longer time (with that bug, you can devastate ground with short efforts for the complete game). * The Conyard+T-Drone bug Play with the Soviets. Build an MCV and a Terror Drone. (MCV requires Repair Depot) Put the MCV in an open area (don't deploy it). Put the Terror Drone into it by a forced attack. Deploy the MCV. Undeploy it. Tada ! It disappears. You can build near it, but the enemy can't see it or destroy it. You're the winner !!! -> Notes from Hecht: In v.1.006 you are not able to deploy MCVs which are infected by a terror drone - they are lost if you do not repair them.. (and I think, that in further versions, the terror drone still was destroyed or appeared next to the conyard when deployed) 5) Patches Changes Note: section below are taken directly from launcher.txt from Red Alert 2 directory. For older patches, just look for older Red Alert 2 version launcher.txt. * Patches 1.004 GENERAL CHANGES OR FEATURE ADDITIONS 1. RA2 now allows you to play "Free for All" in Skirmish mode. Now the AI can attack each other and not just the player. 2. Hotkeys and Interface changes added: * Right clicking on the mouse centers on the Radar Screen instead of deselecting the player's units. * Press the "Spacebar" to cycle through last 8 EVA events. "Space Bar" now also goes to "Ally under Attack" EVA event. * Players can now place Rally Points on Service Depots. * The "Q" & "W" keys that select Tab Buttons now grab a completed building for the cursor. Pressing again places that building. * Press "Ctrl" + "Arrow" keys to jump to the edges of the map. * Page User is bound to "U". * Health Navigation, Veterancy Navigation, and Previous Unit hotkeys are now unbound. They can be rebound in the Keyboard Configuration menu. 3. Observer Mode: RA2 now has an Observer Mode that allows 1 player to watch other player's games. Particularly useful for Korean television shows and tournaments. * There is a new checkbox at the top of the bunkers that players can check to observe games. Clicking it will switch the "Join" button to "Observe" and vice versa. * In the game setup screen, the host can select the bottom slot to be open for observers (assuming he isn't the observer himself). Players attempting to observe go into this slot. * The observer can only chat to all players. * The observer cannot use Beacons or Waypoint Mode. * The observer is not shown on the score screen. * The observer is not allowed in Co-Op mode. 4. Dreadnaughts can now break bridges with missiles. 5. Now players can destroy a unit flying over an Iron Curtained building. 6. If the player has a Cloning Vat, an Engineer, 2 infantry units, and a Tech Hospital he will no longer get a complimentary unit out of his Cloning Vat for every unit healed. 7. The edges of the Radar Screen are now visible. 8. We've enabled the Microsoft Sidewinder Strategic Commander(TM) to work properly. We've also included the Westwood endorsed configuration. 9. The Desolator will no longer continue to shoot the ground over and over and keep building up radiation. 10. Parts of buildings will no longer disappear on occasion. 11. Structures no longer flash a frame of animation during placement. 12. Fixed the "Place Structure Anywhere" cheat. 13. Super Weapon tab flashes when ready. 14. Crazy Ivan and Tanya bombs now work on all bridges. 15. Fixed a Terror Drone + Unpacking MCV problem that made games never end. WESTWOOD ONLINE CHANGES OR FEATURE ADDITIONS 1. Quick Match now gives ping of opponent when matching. 2. Zero starting units are allowed. 3. Fixed up the taunts to make sure they play correctly. 4. Paging additions: * Players can page a buddy from inside a game room, bunkers or game. (/page user name message) Example: /page Yuri Hi. * Players can reply to last message. (/r message) Example: /r Hi there. * Players can check to see if another player is online. (/on user name) Example: /on Tanya * If player is paged and he presses "U" to reply to that sender, the paging screen will default to that sender's name if U is pressed within 5 seconds. 5. A ping meter is included inside game lobby as a tooltip. There are also graphic indicators (green, red, yellow) next to player names. The ping indicated in the tooltip is between that player and the game host. 6. Lobby Chat only scrolls if player is on bottom chat line. 7. Included an icon table that displays most icons and what they mean in Westwood Online. 8. Fixed "Fetching Server" message pop up problem. Now it happens less. 9. Fixed the loss of keystrokes when typing chat in bunker. 10. Lobby now defaults to the bunker the player left when returning from Buddy List, etc. 11. Click on an existing game to show the name of map in bunker as tooltip. No need to enter a game to find out which map is being played. 12. Chat messages during games no longer display in a choppy and slow manner. Messages written at the end of games will now display properly also. 13. Players are now routed to bunkers with less than 25 people when entering Custom Match. 14. A tooltip has been added that shows a player's rank, battleclan and battleclan rank when you mouse-over a player's name. It may take a bit for the server to return the player's rank. UNIT BALANCE CHANGES 1. Unit Balance: IFV + Chrono Legionaire now destroys things more slowly. 2. Unit Balance: Tesla Tank will shoot a little slower. 3. Unit Balance: Demo Truck speed reduced. 4. Unit Balance: Demo Truck damage was reduced. 5. Unit Balance: IFV+Tesla Trooper will shoot a little slower. 6. Unit Balance: IFV+Terrorist damage reduced. 7. Unit Balance: Terrorist hit points are increased. * Patches 1.006 GENERAL CHANGES Fixes: 1. Chrono IFV no longer loses its target when selecting a target further than his firing range. Now it moves within attack range and fires without losing focus at any moment. 2. Modified official maps are not transferred over Internet games. 3. If a player disconnects 3 times in one game for durations more than 25 seconds each, the game will finish and be awarded to the non-disconnector at the 3rd time. 4. If walls or other buildings block the Soviet Barracks exit, no unit is built even if the user has a Cloning Vat. The cost is refunded to the player. 5. No other infantry units other than those with explosives can blow up buildings when joining to a Tanya command waypoint. WESTWOOD ONLINE CHANGES OR FEATURE ADDITIONS New Features 1. NAT (Network Address Translation) and Firewall support Fixes 1. In 4 player Internet games, Red Alert 2TM now behaves correctly and continues the match with the remaining players when the host loses connection. 2. The game now behaves correctly by continuing 4 player Internet games when the host gets disconnected from his ISP but is able to reconnect in time. 3. In-game chat, whenever the user types a message longer than a screen width the text is transmitted and displayed properly. ********** Unpublished work Copyrighted by S. Rudiyanto N. 2000