LL EEEEEE MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM II NN NN GGGGGG SSSSSS LL EE MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM II NNN NN GG SS LL EEEE MM MM MM MM MM MM II NNNN NN GG GGG SSSSSS LL EEEE MM MM MM MM MM MM II NN NNNN GG GGG SSSSSS LLLLLL EE MM MM MM MM MM MM II NN NNN GG GG SS LLLLLL EEEEEE MM MM MM MM MM MM II NN NN GGGGGG SSSSSS PPP AAA III N N TTT BB AAA L L P P A A I NN N T B B A A L L PPP AAA I N N N T BB AAA L L P A A I N NN T B B A A L L P A A III N N T BB A A LLL LLL 1) Introduction This is a FAQ for Lemmings Paintball. It lists each level and explains how to do it. So far, I have the Fun and Tricky levels posted, but I will get the Taxing and Mayhem levels up very soon! 2) Updates 12/16/03 1.0 FAQ created, Fun levels posted 12/20/03 2.0 Introduction and Legal Information added Tricky levels added 3) Legal Information Everything in this FAQ was written by me. You may use parts of this FAQ on other websites, or on other areas of GameFAQs if necessary, but you MUST give me full credit. I will take action if I discover in any way that someone has taken credit for anything in my FAQ. 4) Fun Levels 1: Easy Zone Just walk over and grab the flag. 2: Difficult (NOT!) Pull the green lever which will lower the flag, then just walk over and get it. 3: Flag on a Hill Walk across the hill on the left. Go toward the back and through the opening in the fence. The flag is up the ramp. 4: Only Built for Lemming Use Pull the lever to open the gate, then grab the flag. 5: Halt! Who Goes There? Load up on paint, then shoot the two red lemmings. The flag is now unprotected. 6: Moonbase Alpha Raise the gate by pulling the green lever. Shoot the lemming and capture the flag. 7: 2-1 Against! Be prepared, you will have to shoot two red lemmings right away. Shoot them and pull the lever to raise the gate. Go through the gate and pull the other lever to lower the flag. 8: But the Flag's Over There... Use the balloon to get to the flag. 9: What Happens When I Stand Here? Shoot the red lemmings and stand between the two fence posts. The groung will rise and you will be able to walk to the flag. 10: Float to Victory Use the balloon to get to the flag. 11: Just Slide Go on the blue path and you will slide to the flag. 12: Fly the Flag Get on the catapult to fly across the fence. Then pull the green lever to make a path to the flag. 13: What Does This Button Here Do? Have one lemming pull the lever to lower and raise the platform for the other one. Then walk over to the flag. 14: Switch in Time Have one lemming pull the lever to lower the walls for the other. Shoot the enemies and get the flag. 15: Here...There...Oh Anywhere Go off on the left and take the yellow path to pull the green lever. Go back to the beginning on top of the platform and take the blue path to the flag. 16: Time Flies Have one lemming stand on the lighter patch of ground while the other one pulls the green lever. Go up the ramp and jump on the trampoline to get to the flag. 17: Oh Blast! Shoot the gray walls to lower them and the flag. 18: Cods Law Grab the clock for extra time. Pull the lever and take the path to the right to reach to flag. 19: Bouncy, Bouncy! One lemming operates the lever to lower and raise the jumping platform for the trampoline. Jump to the flag. 20: Bounce to Victory Have one lemming go to the crate to get the key. Use the key to open the gate toward the back. Stand in the "L" of the wall ahead. The other lemming pulls the lever and raises a platform. Bounce to the flag. 21: Bounce to Victory 2 Four flags to capture in this level. Take the lemmings one at a time on the path created by the trampolines. The platforms spell out Lemmings! The flags are on the "!" 22: Happy Days The row of bricks past the paintballs is an elevator to the ground floor. Step on it to lower/raise it. Go to the green lever and pull it. Go back to the beginning. The blue steps are now a slide. Take it to get to the flag. 23: Lem Gambino Fill your gun and pull the green lever. Go to the left and face off against a lot of red lemmings. Go to the next platform and pull the lever. Head toward the front of the screen for extra time and the flag. 24: Next We Have a Cuddly Lemming Pull the green lever at the end of the left and center moving sidewalks. The flag is at the end of the right one. 25: Mamamia the Ground is Moving The first lemming takes the floating tile in the middle across to a lever. Use this lever to move the other lemming on the left floating tile to a green lever. Bring the first lemming back to the center and to the right floating tile. The second lemming's lever will send him to the flag. 5) Tricky Levels 1: Lower That Wall Have one lemming go left or right on the green bricks to a green lever which will lower the wall. Make sure the other lemming is away from the wall (or he will be shot right away) and ready to battle a lot of red lemmings before he can get to the flag. 2: One of Our Lemmings is Missing The green lever in the middle will open the gates to the flags. 3: Switch in Time 2 Same as Switch in Time 1, but there are more red lemmings. 4: Delicate Sound of Lemmings Walk forward to the green lever and pull it. Watch out for lots of red lemmings. Avoid the green X's (land mines) on the floor. 5: Indiana Lemming The floor drops down when you step on it except in the corners. Just keep moving and you won't get stuck. 6: The Booby Trap The three green levers open the gates. Do not go through the gate on the right; that's where the booby trap is. 7: Even Lemmings Get the Blues Pull the first green lever to lower the wall. There are two red lemmings to shoot before you can grab the clocks. It is well worth the time to go to that red/green striped area and take them out. Pull the second green lever and go right to get to the flag. 8: Comfortably Green Head through the opening in the wall and up around the hedge that surrounds the flames. Make sure you shoot all the red lemmings before you get off the wall. The green lever raises the gate on the right to the flag. 9: Snow Joke Cross the brown patch and climb upward and to the right to find two floating tiles to the flag. The first one is easy. It is easiest to take the second one at the corner. 10: High Tower Jump off the blue tiles on the left and come back around to follow the red tile to a green lever. This lever lowers a green lever for Red Lemming (the red one on your side, not an enemy shooter). Pull it to open the gates for the flags. The flags are to the left of the blue and yellow tiles. 11: Well, He Can't Get All of Us There is a monster waiting to grab you in the cave. Take the lemmings by the cave two at a time and one of them will get by. Go through the opening in the fence and find the green lever on the right. It lowers the flag that is up the steps to the left. 12: Easy Peasy Lemming Squeezy? Just walk forward right up to the flag tower, ignoring all the levers, gates, keys, etc. When you get there, the floor will raise you up to the flag. 13: Come Fly With Me You need the green key to open the gate to the flag. Bounce both lemmings over on the trampoline and walk to the left. Have one lemming stand in the opening in the tall wall. The other lemming pulls the green lever to raise the platform. Walk around this wall until you get to the key then take a balloon ride back to the gate and the flag. 14: A Balloon Too Soon Grab the balloon, but don't use it yet. Go forward and take care of the shooters and grab the extra time. Then go down and pull the green lever. Now you can use the balloon to get to the flag. 15: What Could Possibly Be in Here? The crate has a catapult. Send one lemming over on the catapult to the green lever, and pull it. Have another lemming walk past the catapult and through the gate to the flag. 16: Four Lemmings and a Flag Get the red key in the crate on the right for the gate ahead. Nothing is in the other crate. Ignore the first floating tile you see. Hop up on the right and go around that way. Take the last floating tile across and head toward the bottom right. The flag is within the trees. 17: Hide and Seek Follow the dirt path to the green level. Then keep going forward to get to the flag. 18: Lemming Long Legs Pull every green lever you see. The path to the rear has nothing, but all the others have flags. 19: The Red Lemming Connection The red lemmings walking around in circles control the floating tiles. Shoot them when the tile is on the way back to the center and you will have a nice straight path to the flag. 20: Wasn't There a Switch Here? Take the floating tiles across, but there are no switches. Stand on the center where the switch was and that lowers the flag. 21: Icelem Cometh After going up the stairway and down the other side, pull the green lever to lower the flag. Be prepared, as you will have to face A LOT of shooters. 22: State of Mind Pull the green lever, then head quickly to the left. Grab the extra time, you will need it. Pull the lever and it's the Red Lemming's turn. Step off the moving block onto the black/red tiles. Follow those tiles to the flag. 23: Oh Blast and Double Blast! Shoot the block in the center. Head down the right side, shooting the walls to lower them. At the end, shoot the block in the center. Then go back and down the other side to the flag. 24: Go Forth and Multiply Go forth but look for the green lever on the right. Then head on down and around to the two flags. Go through the cloning machine to create another lemming so each one can get a flag. 25: Mission Control Have Red and Purple Lemming jump off the tower towards you and continue walking forward. The tower you come to has two holes in it - the flags are in there. Walk around to the front for access to the floating tile. 26: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em The floor falls out from under you on some tiles. If you find yourself in a hole, just have another lemming jump down there with you and the floor will come back up. ================================================================ I will update this FAQ later. I will add the Taxing and Mayhem levels soon!