QUEST FOR GLORY ][ TRIAL BY FIRE ************************************ Ver : 1. Rel : 0. Date : 2-12-1990. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before we begin we have to explain something. The actual commands that must be entered from the keyboard will be placed between " " and are in CAPITAL letters. Directions are given as NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST, LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD or BACKWARD or UP and DOWN. N W E S Some of the actions in the game are activated by function keys, they will be shown as .. . Save your game as much as you like. It will prove to be the best approach in case that you have forgotten something or worse you DIE !. In this particular game it's very handy to have many pieces of paper,or just one big one,nearby so you can write all sort of things like hints etc. down. It's also virtualy impossible to play this game without the manual. *************************************************************************** As you start up the game see the intro at least once and pay attention to the clues given.Or just watch the graphics and enjoy the sound. Well off to the game !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The beginning: ============== (AA stands for Ask About) ------------------------- DAY 1. To play this game with the aid of this solution you have to choose a wizard at the start of the game. Add points to Parry,Stealth and Pick locks and start the game. You start at the Katta's Tail Inn talking to Abdulla. "ASK ABOUT SULTAN","AA ASTROLOGER","AA THE NEWS","AA EMIR","AA RASEIR". "STAND",now leave the inn and walk to the stand of Alichia. It's directly in front of the Katta's Tail Inn. "AA MONEY CHANGER" 2X,Look at your map (it is with the printed documentaion of the game) and follow the instructions Alichia gives you to goto the money changer. At the Money changer "AA RASEIR","AA MONEY","AA SULTAN","MAKE SIGN". Follow up on her advice,it's easy money. "CHANGE MONEY",change a little at a time you'll get more in return. Now go back to the gate plaza and Alichia,"BARGAIN MAP","BARGAIN COMPASS". Type CTRL-R to use the map and CTRL-H to use the compass. U can use the map to see where you are and to go instantly to other places. Exept for the plaza's you will have to go to all places once before it is shown on the map. Go to the fountain plaza and enter the door with the eye above it. "AA MAGIC","AA ENCHANTRESS","AA DERVISH","AA SPELLS","AA AIR ELEMENTAL", "BARGAIN FORCE BOLT","BARGAIN LEVITATE","BARGAIN DAZZLE". Leave the magic shop and go to the W.I.T.(Wizards Institute of Technocery). It is located at the dead end of the Sahir Tarik. When you arive there you can see nothing but a dead end street. What did you expect.? You're a wizard.So do your thing! "CAST DETECT","CAST OPEN" on door,enter the W.I.T. When they ask what you want reply "BECOMING A WIZARD". When they ask who you want for a sponsor reply "ERASMUS". Now enter the room that opens and "CAST DETECT","CAST FETCH" on the bell that changed,"CAST TRIGGER" on bell. "YES". Trial 1 : "CAST FETCH" on the staff just right below the middle,"CAST LEVITATE" and stay in the air until the staff is gone. Trial 2 : "CAST TRIGGER" on wall,"CAST CALM",climb the wall,"CAST CALM". Trial 3 : "CAST DART" on iceberg,"CAST BOLT" on iceberg,"CAST OPEN" on iceberg. Trial 4 : "CAST OPEN" on door,"CAST CALM","CAST FETCH" on door,"CAST BOLT" on top of the door, when this doesn't work try it again. When the wizards ask you if you want to become a wizard to reply "NO". You will get the reversal spell form Erasmus. Go back to the Katta's tail inn and sleep for an hour, you awake refreshed From th Gates Plaza go SOUTH and "AA SAURUS". Go back to W.I.T. and walk to the enchantress, she lives at the dead end of Sit Tarik. This is a side way of Shmali Tarik. "KNOCK","enter your name here","KEAPON LAFFIN","AIR","AZIZA". When you are inside walk to the table and you will sit down. "YES or OK","AA MAGIC","AA DJINN","AA IBLIS","AA CARP","AA ELEMENTS","AA ELEMENTALS","AA CONTRARY ELEMENTS","AA FRUIT","AA CONTAINERS". Leave AZIZA,be polite and say "GOODBYE" or else she may not like you anymore. Visit the astrologer,he lives at the south end of the Tarik of Stars. "enter your name here","AA ASTROLOGY","AA OMENS","AA FUTURE","TELL ABOUT YOURSELF",leave the astrologer. Go to the plaza of fighters and walk up to Rakeesh (the liontaur). He's not always there.Sometimes he's inside the Guild Hall. "AA PALADINS","AA LEG","AA LEG","AA POWER","AA EARTH ELEMENTAL". Enter the guild hall,"AA FIGHTING","AA MONSTERS","AA RAKEESH","AA RASEIR","AA SULTAN",walk to the book and "SIGN NAME". Chech the Quest board for info on Hero's jobs that need to be done. You can fight Uhura to get better skills at fighting. Go to the fountain plaza "FILL WATERSKIN","DRINK WATER". Back to the inn and sleep until dawn. DAY 2. "SIT","EAT","DRINK" (You must do this each time you have slept till dawn or till evening so don't forget it we wont remind you of it anymore. "STAND",leave the inn ,SOUTH,"BARGAIN SAURUS" with honest ALI (or is it Groucho Marx) or did he buy his glasses at the magic shop? At the best he will sell you a saurus for 5 dinar so dont give up to easy. Go to the fountain plaza and enter the apotecary. "AA PILLS","AA DISPELL POTION","AA FIRE ELEMENTAL","AA FLAME","AA INSENCE", "BARGAIN INCENSE","BARGAIN VIGOR PILL","BARGAIN MANA PILL", "BARGAIN HEALING PILL","BARGAIN OIL". Leave the apotacary and go SOUTH,walk to the plant merchand,"AA PLANTS" "AA EARTH","GET EARTH",walk to the other side of the plaza "BARGAIN LAMP". Go to the plaza of the fighters and enter the weapon shop. "AA WRESTLING",practice your strength here if you want to you. You could need it to move the anvil later. "LOOK ANVIL","LOOK TRAPDOOR" Go to the guild hall and fight for more strength. Go back to the in and sleep until evening. "SIT" and watch Shema dance,leave the inn and go to the shop of the weapons master. "CAST FETCH" on bellows (that's the thing above the door). Practice lock picking on the doors in the nearby alleys until you have enough skill to pick the lock of any door. Go to the money changer "YES",read her instruction and go the the street she talks about. Practice sneakin and pick the lock of the door. Inside the house be carefull not to wake the people. "CAST FETCH" on the tea service,left on the shelf and go to the closet, "USE OIL ON HINGES","OPEN DOOR",walk to the rug and "LOOK UNDER CARPET", when you hear someone coming in "HIDE" in the closet. Steal the money in the hiding place in the floor. Go back to the inn and sleep until dawn. DAY 3. In the morning Shameen will say that a strange fire is roaming around the town. Go to the stand of Alichia "AA FIRE","AA FIRE ELEMENTAL". Fill your waterskin in the fountain on the fountain plaza. Go the the fighter plaza and "BARGAIN WATERSKIN" at the leather merchand. Walk to Kiram,"AA BAG","BARGAIN BAG". Go to the guild hall and build up your strenght. Leave the guild and sleep at the Inn until evening. Go to the money changer,"YES","BARGAIN TEA SERVICE","GIVE TEA SERVICE". "AA WORK",leave the money changer and go to the waepon shop. PICK LOCK",until the door is open (make sure you don't get cought). Walk to the anvil,"USE OIL ON ANVIL","PUSH ANVIL","OPEN TRAPDOOR","PICK LOCK". Go back to the inn and sleep until morning. When you leave th Inn you will see the fire elemental roaming around. "USE INCENSE" lead the fire elemental into the streen north of the plaza and "DROP LAMP","USE WATER ON ELEMENTAL". Now you've cought yourself a fire elemental. You'll never know what it's good for. Go to the fountain plaza and fill yor waterskins. Go to the guild hall and practice your skill. go to the inn and sleep until dawn. Leave the inn and practice your skills,there is nothing to do until day 7. Give the beggar a dinar it sure makes him happy. Also visit the poet Omar whenever he performs at the inn. Visit the guild hall and get some money for defeating the fire elemental. Sleep until day 8. Watch shema dance and sleep until day 9. Go to the astrologer,"AA FUTURE",leave and go to the plaza of the palace,when you meet the wind elemental just "THROW EARTH" into the elemental and "USE BELOWS". Or you can "CAST LEVITATE" and "DROP EARTH" into the elemental. Go to the in and sleep until dawn. listen to omar at night and talk to omar,"AA PALADIN","AA RASEIR","AA DERVISH". sleep until dawn at day 12. leave the inn and walk a bit in the alleys until you meet the earth elemental. "CAST DART" until he decides to split and "TAKE ELEMENTAL". Go to AZIZA ,"OK","AA FRUIT","GOODBYE",leave and go to the saurus lot. Visit the dervish at the oasis in the desert. You can find him at 5 screens SOUTH and 3 screens EAST from the towns overview (use your compass),don't forget to "MOUNT" your saurus. Talk about everything you like and "AA BEAST". Mount your saurus and "GO HOME". From the towns overview go 4 screens left and "CAST FETCH" on beast. You can also "CAST LEVITATE" and "GET FEATHER". When you got the feather go 1 screen LEFT and 3 screens DOWN. "LOOK BEAST","GO HOME",now from the towns overview go RIGHT until you see a tree standing alone in the desert (AHHHHH). "KISS TREE","DISMOUNT","GIVE WATER","GIVE ELEMENTAL","TELL ABOUT YOURSELF", "TELL ABOUT GIFT","SAY JULANAR","KISS TREE". Get the fruit and "MOUNT","GO HOME",fill your waterskins and go to the apothecary "GIVE FEATHER","GIVE FRUIT",go back to the caged beast and "DISMOUNT",walk to the front of the cage and "GIVE WATER",walk to the back of the cage and "GET HAIR",walk to the front and "GIVE POTION". Go back to the inn and sleep until dawn. Leave the inn and go to the magic shop,"BARGAIN ROPE",leave and fill the waterskins. Go to the astrologer and "AA MONEY","GIVE DINAR". Go back to the inn and sleep until dawn of day 14,"SIT" down with Abdulla. Leave the inn and go to the fountain plaza. "LOOK ELEMENTAL","DROP WATERSKIN","USE BELLOWS","GET WATERSKIN". Go back to the in and sleep until dawn of day 15. Go to the palace plaza and accept your gift. Go back to the inn and sleep until dawn of day 16 and don't forget to go see the enchantress. Go to the fountain plaza and fill your waterskin,walk to the apothecary and "BARGAIN OIL" 2X. Go to the guild hall and watch the speech,go to the inn and sleep until dawn. RASEIR ------ Answer "YES" to Khaveens question. Enter the Blue parrot inn "SIT","COFFEE","MAKE SIGN". Leave the inn and walk around until nightfall. Go back to the inn and "SIT","PAY","AA SERVICE","AA SOMEONE","AA LACKEYS", "AA FOUNTAIN","AA PROPHECY","STAND",go to sleep and have a bad nights rest. Leave the inn and go NORTH to the other plaza,walk to the other side of the plaza and watch the show. Go SOUTH,when you see a nice lady follow her to her home and "GIVE CLOTHES", "GIVE VISA",leave the house and walk around until sunset. Go to the inn "SIT","YES","AA RASEIR",AA INN","AA EMIR","AA RUMORS",leave the inn and go to the foutain plaza,walk to the open window and "CAST LEVITATE","SNEAK","walk to the cabinet and "OIL CLOSET","PICK LOCK","OPEN DOOR","TAKE BIRD",leave and go back to the inn making sure you don't get cought. "YES","GIVE BIRD",go to sleep. Leave the inn. "CAST OPEN" on celldoor,"GET THINGS",go back to the katta and "SHOW PIN", he will help you to get out. Walk though the streets until you meet Ad Avis. "USE MIRROR",inside the cave "RUB LAMP",WEST,"CAST BOLT"on the hole on the other side of the river until it collapses. Walk to the waterfall and "JUMP" on a log,"JUMP" off the log when you are close to land. Walk up the stairs and go EAST,EAST,"CAST CALM" a few times while walking through the room with the lava. Walk to the end of the ledge and "USE ROPE". Walk to the door "SULEIMAN" enter the room and watch the show. Go down and "GET RING","AA WISHES",AA HEALTH","AA PROWESS",choose the skill you want and "WISH FOR PROWESS","WISH FOR HEALTH","WISH FOR TRANSPORTATION", You can also ask for prowess two times. Go DOWN,"CAST DAZZLE","CAST OPEN" on door,enter the palace. On the balcony when the guard is gone "CAST CALM","CAST LEVITATE". "RUN",go to the door and "CAST REVERSAL","CAST OPEN",enter the room and "CAST TRIGGER" on statue. "CAST FETCH " on a candle that isn't lit yet. Walk to the left of the room and "CAST BOLT" on the brazier standing next to Ad Avis. YES FOLKS BELIEVE IT OR NOT,HERE IT IS AGAIN. WATCH AND ENJOY THE SHOW. THE END. -------- HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE GAME AS MUCH AS WE DID!!!!!!. WE'LL BE SEEING YOU IN Quest for Glory ]I[ Shadow of Darkness and Kinq's Quest V ETC. ETC. WE ARE: LOUIS TREEBUSCH (DEN HAAG) (AGE:26). ------------------------------------------------- EDDIE TOET (DEN HAAG) (AGE:22) (070-3932034 (VOICE)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T CALL ME (LOUIS) VOICE IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS,I DO HAVE A PRIVATE LIVE TOO ******************************************************************** JUST LEAVE A MESSAGE ON A KNOW BBS IN THIS GALAXY: THE LAMP (01717-3263). YOUR GUIDING LIGHT THROUGH A WORLD OF MYSTERY AND ADVENTURES. OR AT THE GAMEBOARD EUROPE (08851-15661): FOR ALL YOUR GAMES. OR (This is the easiest way to reach us) AT NEABBS (020-5733533). Whe're co-sysops of the adventure board there. So leave any messages there if possible. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL THANKS TO SIERRA ON LINE INC. FOR BRINGING US THEIR GREAT GAMES. BYE BYE. PS. WE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY MISTAKES MADE IN THIS SOLUTION. TRY SOLVING IT YOURSELF THE NEXT TIME. OR BLAME YOURSELF FOR BUYING THIS GAME. YOU DID BUY IT,OR DIDN'T YOU ?!?!?!? ************************************ BYE BYE ! PS.note from the authors,we just (4 hours ago) solved Kings Quest 5 and REALY LOVED IT,go buy it now and encourage SIERRA to make more of this GREAT GAMES in VGA 256 colors.