============================================================== CRESCENDO WALKTHROUGH ============================================================== By Ecchifan Crescendo is copyrighted by D.O., and distributed by G-Collections.com. All rights reserved. For more information on this game, please visit http://www.g-collections.com. ================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough--scenes & graphics format, detailed walkthrough 3. Contact info =========== INTRODUCTON =========== Version 2.0 12-12-03 Version History: 1.0 12-06-03 Walkthrough writeup started 1.1 12-11-03 Corrected Yuka's path. Character graphics edited & added. 2.0 12-12-03 Added Kaho3-4. All character graphics unlocked. Finalized version. Crescendo is a story-driven game where you, as Ryo Sasaki, spend the last few days of high school to sort out your relationships with these important people in your life: Kaho Nagira--a high school classmate who you once had a crush on; knowing that you can't say "no," she exploited those feelings in order to persuade you to join the literary arts club with her. Kyoko Ashihara--a fellow member of the literary arts club who is one younger than you and Kaho. She and Kaho have known each other since junior high. Yuka Otowa--your cheerful and easy going classmate who is rumored to "put out" for 50 bucks. You often get in trouble defending her from classmates who treat her like dirt. Ayame Sasaki--your stepsister who gave up college to work and support both of you when your parents died. You recently found out that you're adopted, and not related to Ayame by blood. Kaori Shito--the school nurse that you often "visit" by cutting class and sleeping in her office. She was friends with Ayame in college. =========== WALKTHROUGH =========== 1. Scenes & Graphics Format --------------------------- The focus of this walkthrough is on the sex scenes, because they can be tough to obtain. As noted in my review of Crescendo, as posted at Gamefaqs.com, you can finish this game without unlocking one single sex scene. And where appropriate, this guide will point out the choice that is required to unlock a particular computer graphic for a character. This walkthrough will provide sample paths or decisions to reach all the endings. Please note that as of version 2.0 of this walkthrough, all character graphics have been unlocked. Since the graphics and scenes recollections are organized with nine per page, in a 3 row horiztonally by 3 row vertically format, this walkthrough will refer to particular graphic in this format for the first page: [name]1 [name]2 [name]3 [name]4 [name]5 [name]6 [name]7 [name]8 [name]9 There is a separate graphics page for Kaho, Kyoko, Yuka, Ayame, Kaori, and Other. Whenever this guide refers to a specific character graphic, that character's name will be inserted into [name]. For example, if the guide refers to Kyoko's graphic located second from the top down and second from the left, the guide would identify the graphic as "Kyoko5." Also, the character graphics number more than nine. Thus, the reference for the second graphics page for that character would be: [name]10 [name]11 [name]12 [name]13 [name]14 [name]15 [name]16 [name]17 [name]18 It is IMPORTANT that the user of this walkthrough understands this system, because Crescendo uses these graphics in place of an endings list, and this walkthrough will make note of the ending unlocked, and its location, on the graphics page. The sex scenes are also organized in a similar format. But since there is only one page for all the scenes that appear in Crescendo, this walkthrough will refer to the scenes as follows: S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 2. Detailed Walkthrough ----------------------- There are MANY ways to get the endings and unlock various graphics. The paths and decisions below guarantee that you'll unlock the sex scenes, and provide some of the optional character graphics as well. If you stray from the paths below, you can still get the good endings, but you may not be able to unlock some scenes. a) Kaho: Day 1: ---help? yeah ---join? ok ---what ---warn ---good ---apologize Day 2: ---pass ---look ---more time ---stay [key decision!] For the next decision, you could choose either: ---no thanks--Kaho3 OR ---alright--Kaho4 ---go home/wait Day 3: ---you're right [key decision!] ---with Kyoko ---visit--Kyoko5 [optional] ---kiss--Kyoko6 [optional] ---let Kaho visit? ok--Kaho5-6 Day 4: ---. . .--Kyoko7-8, Other11 ---accept--S1, Kaho9-12, Other12, Kyoko13 (Kaho's GOOD ENDING!) Kaho is in a bind. She went out with Ryo's best friend because he asked her to. She turned Ryo down flat in the past, but slowly returned his feelings over the years she's known him. And as Kyoko's close friend, she had an obligation to help Kyoko pursue her love for Ryo. In order to become Kaho's lover, Ryo really had a ton of work to do to resolve these issues. To get the bad/normal ending (Other13), in the last decision just decline instead. If you read Kaho's walkthrough carefully, you'll notice that playing Kaho's path will unlock Kyoko's graphics. So Kaho's and Kyoko's paths cross a bit until Day 4. Also, in Day 3 if you DON't choose "you're right", you'll skip directly to "let Kaho visit?" decision. But if you don't make that choice, you won't have a chance at Kyoko's good ending, as explained further in Kyoko's path below. b) Kyoko: For Days 1, simply follow Kaho's path and decisions. Day 2: ---pass ---wait--Kyoko2 ---more time ---leave--kyoko3 ---sure--Kyoko4 For Day 3, you MUST make the same choices as Kaho's EXCEPT for: ---let Kaho visit? don't [key decision!] Day 4: ---I love Kyoko--S2, Kyoko9-13, Kyoko14 (Kyoko's GOOD ENDING!) Kyoko's feelings for Ryo is strong. If Ryo and Kaho spend the night celebrating on Day 3, she'll think something's going on between Ryo and Kaho. Also, by going home with Kyoko on Day 3, it shows that Ryo is interested in her. The home visit and kiss allowed Ryo to see a different side of Kyoko. To get the bad/normal ending (Other13), simply don't choose "I love Kyoko" on Day 4. c) Yuka: For Day 1, follow Kaho's path. Day 2: ---more time ---look ---turn down ---classroom [key decision!]--Yuka2 ---close ---go ---go ---stop it Day 3: ---listen ---amusement park--Yuka4 [optional] ---stay ---no ---hotel? don't enter [key decision!] ---no--S3, Yuka6 For Day 4, you have 2 alternatives (you should save shortly after reaching Day 4): (a)---look--Yuka7 ---hug--S5, Yuka15 (Yuka's GOOD ENDING!) OR (b)---stay--Yuka8 ---take home/look ---hug--S5, Yuka15 Please note that going to Classroom in Day 2 is required to unlock Yuka's path. The hotel decision in Day 3 was Yuka's test for Ryo, to see if she could truly trust him. Also, while you're on a date with Yuka on Day 2, if you choose "coffee shop" or "hotel" instead of "amusement park," you'll skip Yuka4. Yuka's storyline is rough. She has to put up with a lot at school and home because of her personal circumstances. Yuka wanted redemption, and found it with Ryo's help. To get Yuka's bad ending: Day 3: ---hotel? enter--S4 Day 4: ---talk/don't talk--Yuka16 (Yuka's BAD ENDING!) d) Ayame: Day 1: ---help? yeah ---join? ok ---what ---leave ---I'm shocked ---apologize Day 2: ---more time [key decision!] ---wait for Kyoko ---turn down ---go home [key decision!] ---go home [save here] ---buy present--Ayame4, Other14 ---do [key decision!]--S6, Ayame5-8 Day 3: ---her room Day 4: ---yes ---nurse's office ---I love you too--S7, Ayame11-14, Ayame 15 (Ayame's GOOD ENDING!) To get Ayame's bad ending (Ayame16), simply choose "you're my sister" instead of "I love you." The endings aren't really good or bad per se, because Ryo ends up staying with Ayame in either case. However, for the good ending, you decide to marry her some day; for the bad ending, you stay as brother and sister. To unlock Ayame's path, you MUST choose "more time" on Day 2, rather than "pass." The possibility of Ayame's beloved brother leaving her is a major conflict for her path, and stalling for time increases the risk of Ryo leaving. Also, if you don't choose "go home" for the fourth decision on Day 2, you'll go to either Kaho/Kyoko path, or Kaori's path. In addition, on Day 2 if you decide not to "do" your sister, you'll skip the graphics Ayame5-6. And in a twisted sort of way, if you DON'T do her, you WON'T get Ayame's good ending. Ryo and Ayame's relationship is the most complicated one within Crescendo. They clearly suffered a great deal of hardships at the sudden death of their parents, and each felt responsible for these deaths. Whereas such guilt can often widen the gulf between family members, in this case the guilt strengthened Ryo's and Ayame's resolve to stay together as a family. The notion that good luck and bad luck goes hand in hand certainly applies to the Sasaki family. e) Kaori: For Day 1, follow Ayame's path. Day 2: ---more time [key decision!] ---wait for Kyoko ---turn down ---nurse's office [key decision!] ---come in Day 3: ---movie [big Easter Egg!] ---city lights--Kaori4-5, Other15 ---leave it--Kaori6 [key decision!] Day 4: ---I'm in love ---go mess--Kaori7-11, S9, Kaori14 (Kaori's GOOD ENDING!) Please note that you MUST go to the nurse's office after you turn down Kyoko on Day 2 (decision 4). Otherwise, you'll end up on either Kaho/Kyoko's path or Ayame's path. To get Kaori's bad ending, for third decision on Day 3, "put back" instead of "leave it." This will lead to S8 and Kaori12-13, followed by Kaori15 (Kaori's BAD ENDING) on graduation day. You could also "leave it" on Day 3, and make other choices on Day 4 to get the bad ending, but you won't unlock S8 and Kaori12-13 if you do that. I think the conversations between Kaori and Ryo are the most interesting in Crescendo. Although there's a big age difference between the two, they share a lot of interests and understand each other in a way that Ryo can't with gals his age. So in that sense, they are the best match for each other. In addition, when Ryo is with Kaori, he shows a surprisingly tender side that he wouldn't normally show others. And Kaori seems to act the same way as well. f) Miyu: Miyu is a hidden character in Crescendo. In order to unlock her path, you have to reach at least one ending (good or bad) with the other regular characters. Day 1: ---stroll through school [key decision!] Day 2: ---listen Day 3: ---take her out Day 4: ---go out ---accept--S10, Other6-9, Other10 (Miyu's GOOD ENDING!) On Day 1, you MUST stroll through school in order to unlock Miyu's path. If you choose to go to the library instead, you'll continue on to the regular paths. Also, If you don't follow these decisions exactly, you'll automatically jump to Miyu's bad ending. Please note that Miyu's graphics are buried in "Other" page. You MUST go through her good ending path in order to unlock her graphics. Miyu's story is an interesting side story. The regular storyline made a brief reference to her when you submitted the membership list for the literary arts club for your senior year. And her time spent with you raised comparisions to the movie, The Sixth Sense, and introduced a little bit of spookiness into the game. ============ CONTACT INFO ============ Please direct all comments, questions, corrections, etc. to Ecchifan via email: ecchifan999@yahoo.com