Moria This is a document that is designed to help the beginning (maybe experts can get help too) Moria version 4.87 players succeed. It will (hopefully) touch all aspects of Moria playing. If you have any other questions, send a letter and a stamp to: Jeremy Mitchell R.D. 1 Box 369 Morgantown, PA 19543 (I don't get electronic mail) Success all depends on what you want to be. A warrior is good to start out but gets real weak real fast. The only time a warrior is power is when s/he is a high level, has lots of gold, has a very good weapon and very good armor. A wizard is my first choice. Wizards are weak in the beginning and usually die in the town. If you avoid everything in the town it'll be fine. Priests are only powerful once you get to about level 38. They have almost no attacking spells, actually I think they have 4. I suggest you don't waste your time with the other classes.Also, with a wizard,I suggest you get magic missile first then phase door, this will you with attacking and defending. If you start out with a very high intelligence then you learn two spells right off the bat. I know how to get into Wizard Mode and God Mode. If you ever happened to press ^W, you'll see the word "Password" at the top of your screen. If you guess the Wizard or God Mode (two seperate words) password a new set of commands is active. I'll tell you the Wizard Mode password but not God Mode because God Mode is too powerful for beginners and you would'nt learn to work at the game. The Password is ....... for those of you who want to know. Make sure to capitalize the first letter and nothing else. What my personal mission is is to get as much good armor and weapons as possible. I have about $550,000 (all of it was earned), Full Plate Armor [25,+13] (R), a War Hammer (+6,+7) (HA) [+5] (+3 to STR), a Jewel-Encrusted Crown (0,+2) of Might and many others. Most of these things are on level 653. This level is best for shopping. The Balrog is always a nuisance so I just teleport him away. With the Wizard mode I can jump to any level I want (^d) instantaneously. By now I've been playing over a year. I have already defeated the Balrog, but I found out you can't save your character after you beat him. I found a copy of my character and have been playing since. I'll give you a list of commands to use if you find the Wizard Password. the asterisk(*)- lights up the whole maze. If the maze is already lighted or you do this in a lighted room, all the lights disappear(not your torch or lantern). ^d- you can teleport to any level you want (0-1200) ^m- you can make a file that tells you all about every monster. It takes a while so be patient. ^t- you can teleport (randomly) ^i- you can identify any object in your inventory ^v- restore a lost (not dead) character These are all the wizard commands I can come up with right now. These commands and some others added on are part of God Mode, but it's too powerful. When you're on the first level, you may come across kind of a shock. Every once and a while, you'll see a message that says "it touches you" the first time I encountered that I was pretty scared. It is an invisible icky thing. You may have even died from one (I have). One thing to do is teleport away (^t), or you can try to fight it by moving around in a circle. There are many other invisible things like Ghosts, Invisible Stalkers, Balrogs, Evil Iggies and Yeeks just to name a few. But there are different varieties of things like yeeks and icky things that some are invisible and some aren't. What you need is a ring of see invisible (Very rare), or a special weapon. Either a (SM),or (HA), I'm not sure if a (SU), or (SE), will let you see invisible. These are the kind of weapons that you usually find in the lower levels of the maze. They usually don't come in the town, and if they do, have $10,000 or more to buy one (and that's cheap!). If you are a wizard (which I hope you are) when you cast a spell for the first time, you will get experience for it. I suggest you cast magic missile when you first get it. but not the others. I suggest you wait until level 10 to cast all the non-attacking spells because some of the confusion and slow monster type spells don't work on a particular type of creature and you'll just waste your mana. When you're in the town, stay away from mean looking mercernaries and battle scarred veterans, and rogues. Kill all of the singing, happy drunks as possible, sometimes they have money. Let's talk about selling in some stores, they try to trick you badly. Especially the magic store. usually, if you go in there to sell something, they'll off $1 for it. That does not mean it is worth $1. You have to sell alot of different items to get how the pricing goes, like a potion usually goes for $10-20, or even $100. Some amulets you can get $10,000 for (Amulet of the Magi). It is much different for weapons and armor. One thing I like about this game is that you don't absolutely have to get certain objects in a certain order to win. When you first start out, you could teleport to level 50 meet the Balrog and die right off the bat. You wouldn't need to get a (HA) sword to get past level 35 or something. Before I discovered God Mode, My dad broke into the program and learned how to change the character. I usually don't do that anymore except in special circumstances. When I got to level 40, I found that all my spells weren't at 5% failure rate. I simply changed the level number number and that gave me what I wanted. If you have Norton Utilities, you can change your character. Once you get to level 40, go into your file, and go to byte number 426 and change that to FF in hex. If you do this before you have learned all of your spells or level 40, you can't learn and more spells or your name would still be less than Wizard Lord. If you don't care about titles, just wait till you have all your spells. Das ist alles. If you want a more in-depth description of anything, you have my address. Just write. I have a couple of questions, if you can answer them, it would be greatly appreciated. What does an Amulet of the Magi do? All it's done for me is raise my armor class not by much, but the store will pay $10,000 for it. also what does a potion of learning do? If you know, tell me. Please distribute this document to every single bulletin board you know. Make copies and give it to your friends who play Moria. Merci beaucoup, Danke schoen, spaseebo, thank you