HitMan Codename 47 v.2.0 By Gearbolt Gear_bolt@hotmail.com **This is my first walkthru , sorry if its not too good. Thanks to rockman for supplying really useful info on Mission 8 and Mission 10* ~NOTE:. I only suggest the absolute necesities , with minimal amount of money used. I.Training. II.Mission 1 III.Mission 2 IV.Mission 3 V.Mission 4 VI.Mission 5 VII.Mission 6 VIII.Mission 7 IX.Mission 8 X.Mission 9 XI.Mission 10 XII.Mission 11 XIII.Mission 12 Email me if you have any questions reguarding the missions in the faq __________________________________________________________________________________ I.Training Summary -The training is fairly simple . If you have the hang of the game just grab the suit and zoom on by. At the end of the training you'll face up with a guy in blue clothing , take him out , grab his clothes Then head to the gate and the guy will let you out . Details -You start locked up on a bed , a mysterious voice starts shouting at you to wake up . When youfinally come to you now have control.Basically the rest is covered in the manual , again I suggest you run through this if you are notfamiliar with it . Hitman has quite a different interface from other games. -When your done just take out the blue guy and grab his clothes and leave as stated above. -Make sure you have NO weapons that are visible , mainly any guns drawn out or rifles. If you do,you fail and you otta run all the way back to do it all over again -If you are dressed like the dude in blue youll be let out . Head out through the door. ================================================================================== II.Mission 1 -Recommended inventory -Sniper rifle *highly suggested* Summary -Head to the elevator shaft west of the park -Head up the elevator and setup your sniper rifle -Wait about 20 seconds or so -when he is chatting away take a shot -run ! Details -You start by you car , remember how to get back . -Continue down the street then head to the alley on left of the park -start the elevator and select the roof -Setup your rifle on the way up -wait about half a minute and the two should show up -Your target will come from the left -Your target is in black and red -Make sure you DONT shoot the blue lotus member -when you have a clear shot take it -If you miss you may have about a 30% recovery chance -If you read the info on the guy he is paranoid and will run like a little girl if you miss. -But of course you can always hit shift+esc to restart -Once you land your shot run like hell back to your car. -Its kind of fun to shoot the guy out of the helicopter ,but whenever i have I always failed. So if you want to practice sniping go back to that level. -Make sure you dont fight back against the guards unless you bought more than a sniper rifle. ================================================================================== III.Mission 2 -Recommended inventory -Car bomb*HIGHLY suggested* -fiber wire or Obayan knife Summary -Wait by the sewer grating for about half a minute -Kill limo driver (hide body in the sewers) -take clothes -take out bomb -go to drivers side of limo and use bomb -go near your car -time the bombs explosion to take out men at the end of the street -RUN! Details -The sewer grating is in the center of the area -when the driver starts to take a whiz stab him or strangle him -Make sure that the civilian has passed by first -Grab the drivers threads -he has a gun too but dont bother with it you wont need it -take out the bom and go the the drivers side door and right click and set the bomb -if you hang around too long the blue lotus member around the car will notice you so jet out back to you car -once you plant the bomb the meeting finishes (no matter how long you take, unless you start shooting up the place) -wait about 25 - 35 seconds and the car will start driving -when the car is a little before the blue lotus members on the end of the street let em have it -Run back to your car ================================================================================== IV. Mission 3 -Recommended inventory -1 handgun or if you have to the uzi -fiber wire or obayan knife Summary -Go through the window in the back of the restaurant -Drop a GUN there -go to the North East corner of the area -kill the negotiator in black and red -take his clothes and amulet -go inside the restaurant through the front -drop the amulet anywhere inside(default is num - ) -talk to bartender -go to restroom and grab your gun -open the door and kill the chief and lotus member -RUN! Details -The restaurant is in the middle , place a gun in the bathroom by going into the window in the back. (you can also ask for the key from the bartender in the beginning) -The red dragon negotiator comes alone from the North easter corner of the map -A police man (in a pale green) comes down east along the road while a civilian walks west. -by the time the policeman and civilian are gon the negotiator should be about to turn south to the restaurant. -get him before just before he turns -Drag him down into the sewers nearby just north of you , do it quickly -now you can take your time rummaging through his dead body getting his amulet and clothes -When your done with it exit the sewers and head to the restaurant -the men in the front will disarm you (but you did put the gun in the restroom right?) -When you talk to the police chief dont stay in front of him too long or he will be suspicous -get the key to the restroom right away and grab your weapon. -to make escape a bit easier after you take the two targets out shoot open one window. -run out the window going west up the road to your car and burn out ================================================================================== V.Mission 4 -Recommended inventory -knife -silenced beretta *not absolutely necessary but you kill alot of people in this one -Uzi with full ammo Cant really summarize this , its quite involved. Details -Start by heading into the restaurant. -go straight then right into the next room then straight into the door in front of you -wait til you see both a yellow and green waitere go in and out of the restroom -kill the body guard (guy with sun glasses just out side of the restrooms, he is alone) make sure you use a knife, a fiber wire has a much larger chance of him catching you. -drag him into the restroom on the right and take his clothes, the one on the left waiters go in and out of.If a waiter catches you or both of them ,dont worry. Take them out with your silencer. they will run to the body so you have time. It also saves you time later. -now go to the bartender and he will give you a flyer. -You now get access into the ViP area. -go to the front entrance and take the door on the right the one without a staircase. -they should let you in. go to the area with a fountainand look for a door with a husky, rugged man in front of it.(wearing purple i think). -he'll let you in then go up the stairs and talk the the old lady -she'll let you have her best prostitute (how thoughtful). -follow the prostitute into the room and talk to her. -she'll make a deal with you by giving you the combo for the safe if you help her escape -you'll agree and she'll lead the way. -when she stops at a ladder go up it. -youll then be behind something(I forgot) then run right to the gates -she'll hand you the combo on a piece of paper then give you a big smackeroo -you should have no problems going around as long as your still dressed as a bodyguard(guys with sunglasses) -Dont go up the ladder again instead use on of the doors on the left. -in the kitchen go left down some stairs. The red dragon guys should pay you no mind. -go through left then right. You should come to som corridor with 3 ways. -take the far right and you should see a guy guarding a door. Go past him a bit and look around. There will be a red dragon guy patrolling around here. -If he is coming wait till he leaves then go back to the guy guarding the door and take him out with a silencer. If you can drag his body into the room he was guarding then close the door. If not then kill everyone in the basement you should be ok. -Talk to the captured agent and he will give you the safe location -the safe is in one of 3 places use your map to find out where it is -a large red room with two red dragon guards under the actual "guard floor" -If its here take the two guards out open the safe and take the green Jade dragon and run back to the main entrance,you should be clear with no hostilities -A warehouse type room behind the VIP room with one redragon guard. -take out the guard and 2 or 3 more will come ,take them out too , then you should be ok . Just run back to the main entrance to the whole building just in case. -by the brothel just past the room where the old lady stands. -Kill him quickly and quietly and you should be ok. -when your done go to the shop connected to the dining area of the restaurant -talk to the old man and he will give you poison ( you have to pick it up ) -go to the restrooms and wait inside to kill one of the waiters or both , if you havent already -take one of their clothes and go in the kitchen. -put the poison in the soup and take it to your target -the Fat guy will insist on tasting it first ( Damn moocher ) he dies and your target scampers off. -You are now a suspicious character and alot of people are after you. -Run down to the basement where you freed the agent , take the clothes of one of the dragon guards. run past the room where you freed the captured guy and go left then make a right and you should follow through to an area with a box with an ak and clips on it take it if you have time if not you still have the Uzi -go past the box then right , open the door then go left , another left past some guards go across the bridge and you will come to a room with a elevator in it. Go up the elevator. -Dressed as a Red dragon member you should be ok. go straight up the stairs and you will see you target. -When you feel comfortable for a fight with about 8-10+ guards , shoot your target until hes dead and take out the rest of the guards on the top floor -Now wait at the top of the stairs and take the guards out as the come up its easier. -when its all done, go down the stairs and left thourhg a metal door -It goes to an elevator , go down the elevator and kill the guard or run down to your boat and your done, ========================================================================================================== VI.Mission 5 Inventory -M60 -Kevlar vest -compass -binoculars -beretta *you may go over income on this mission but if you do dont worry you'll make it up later on* Summary -Fight as little as possible on this map in the beginingto conserve your ammo for the end -head south east from your starting location -pick up golden statue just outside the door to the plane -head north east to village -take out golden statue before entering -take it to chief -follow river west -kill two soldiers -take clothes -continue following river -go up the outpost -take out man in outpost -kill the rest on the bridge and in the outher outpost -wait by the slave until you get the message he is free -go back to village chief -wait til his brother comes Details -Use the map to ensure your going to the crash site , its the yellow circle. It should be roughly southeast -The statue is right outside the door of the crashed plane pick it up and continue east to the river -follow the river up north and you should encounter two guards kill them -dont take their clothes or you may be attacked when you enter the village -take the golden statue before you enter, then head to the center of the village where there are 4 people kneeling -go back to the place where you killed the two guards and take one of their clothes and continue west to the bridge -when you get there , there are two lookout towers one accross the bridge and one on your side -go up the one on your side and when your ready for a fight with 7 others kill the guy in the tower with one shot -kill the first 3 below you -jump down and wait til 2 or 3 more come , kill them then run to the barbedwire barracade and shoot the guy in the other outpost -wait without shooting until the prisoner starts to run. he will be ok by himself -run up the river back where you took the guards clothes and take back your clothes or you may be attacked -wait by the village chief for about a minute and his brother should come. -mission completed. ================================================================================== VII.Mission 6 Inventory -Same as before Summarry -Go south -avoid the druglords guards by going to the left -At the jaguar area goon the right side of the wall and climb the cliff and slowly walk to the passage way Details -The passage is the little dot south of your location -In the begining there will be some guards right in front of you -conserve your ammo by waiting until they move forward -go left then continue south -you should be ok just head to the dot -when you arrive at the area where the jaguar is go on th right side -there should be a shorter part of the wall where it meets the cliff side -walk up the cliff then slowly head to the passage way and you should be done =================================================================================== VIII.Mission 7 Inventory -doesn't change Summary -Go left kill the 3 soldiers along the way -take one of their clothes -hide bodies -continue following around the gate -go inside base -go in mansion -kill target -pick up bomb -run outside to drug lab -kill the men there or as many as possible -place bomb on box of explosives -run away while detonating the bomb from a safe distance -go to airplane Details -The way I did it was not what I think it should have been , none-the-less it worked for me 3 times.I did die once on one of the times. This may also take you more than one try There definately is another way but I have yet to try one that works well. -You start off outside the passage -go left along the fence , but not too close -when you see the fence take a corner you should see a group of 3 men take them out with a handgun (need to save M60 ammo) -take one of their clothes and hide the bodies in the jungle -continue following the fence -once you get into the base familiarize yourself with the locations you need to get to -The drug lab is past a guard post on the left of the mansion and the airplane is behind the mansion. Make sure you know absolutely sure where they are before you start shooting up the place. -When you are ready go into the mansion -Go to a room upstairs on the left -kill the man in the room -more soldiers will come in -take them out with your hand gun -when your done go into the druglords room -this guy is tough and will constantly taunt you -after you shoot him enough he will stat making fun of you -after the 6th taunt shoot him some more and he should die -take the bomb -when you go outside keep running and bullets should miss you -head to the druglab -kill the soldiers in there then plant the bomb (the same way you planted the carbomb) on the box marked explosives -If you entered through the rightside it will be on your left , left side it will be on the right -run out and when your past the guard post detonate it -run to the airplane -keep moving around dodging bullets -use the airplane and your off ================================================================================== IX.Mission 8 *Rockman has given me some very useful info on how to kill the men in the hotel room quietly and how to enter the dentist office much easier Inventory -Fiber wire A rough map of main areas I went through FIRST FLOOR STAIRCASE-> KITCHEN ---> | | | |-|<--POOL/SAUNA DOOR |_______| | = | | | | | | __| = | |____| | |DINING ||MAIN HALL RIGHT HALL |AREA |----| | +-------|---||-||-|----+ | | ----| This was hard to do , I know it was not done too well but hopefully you get the idea -Details -Make sure you dont take anything metallic, knives , guns etc -you can take the fiber wire if you think you need it -talk to the guy at the front desk to find out where your man is staying -turn left a bit and youll see a door with a sign in front of it that says pool -go into the door and into the changing room -apparently you can't go into the pool without proper attire -go into the last booth on the right and there are some snazzy black trunks -go to the pool and go right twice -you should be in a sauna area -look inside the door and there should be a man with pink undies either about to sit down , walking in the room to sit down or already sitting down(depending on how long you took) -when he is settled down in the sauna turn up the heat using the valve -when he dies take the xray key from his corpse -change back into your suit and head up the stairs and take the staircase on your right -a roomservice person with a vacuum should bewalking around just past the metal detector -if not look at the doors for a big blue paper hanging on the knob -if he is walking around , follow him until he enters a room -either way take the blue paper hanging on the door -It is a key *Courtesy of Rockman -Go to room 201 , and on the balcony and you can jump on the balcony where your target is located -strangle the body guard , make sure you creep up to him slowly or he may detect you, -then take his clothes -take the green Do not disturb sign -open the door outside and strangle the other guard -drag his body inside -place the do not disturb sign on the door outside -pick up the silenced gun on the table -go into the bathroom and shoot your target in the HEAD *otherwise people may hear his screams* -pick up the rest of the junk(key,letters) on the table and take the black suitcase by the bed -drag all their bodies into the bathroom, sometimes a guard will come in to check and then you may be chased. Putting the bodies in the Bathroom can avoid it -Use the staircase behind the green door and go to the 3rd floor |__| == ----+ + == []\\\\ õ | -+ | | *Also told to me by Rockman -go to the roof top its just past the metal detector on the 3rd floor on your right through double doors that have a green sign on it -there is an open window on the left building which leads you into the dentist office Take this door once you have the bomb in your case || rooftop \ / +---__\/__---+------====---====---( )---- | | | ^open window you should go through | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---____---------------------------- ^--- door you should have gone through -get your Silenced pistol ready and walk through the open window and shoot the man on your right in the head, if he fires a shot it will probably call other guards and possibly policemen -once you kill him put your gun away and take the door on your left -go straight through to the xray room -pick up the bomb , its a green metallic canister -It should be placed in the black case -head back down to the kitchen (go out through the window and take the double doors on your right see diagram of rooftop -to get to the kitchen once through the double doors go left then right, straight through two double doors and take another right and there should be a door with a green sign on it go all the way down -when your in the kitchen go right into double doors with a green sign -you should be in the garbage dumpster -go left down stairs and you should be done ================================================================================== X.Mission 9 Inventory -Mp5 SD -Beretta SD -pentagon knife -Kevlar vest Summary -go forward a bit and you should see a gang member walking around -kill him -hide his body -push the track switch (near a blinking arrow sign -Go to the KinkyCola bar -go to the back room and talk to the woman -when the guy is enjoying the show attach the transmitter -when they start moving wait about 45 seconds -they should stop -They can be in one of 3 places -If they are in the middle , south just head on there -on the left pull the switch in the middle that is higher north -on the right pull the switch just a bit south -Go to the ware house and kill the dogs with your berettaSD -Enter and use your MP5 SD to take out the gang there -hide the bodies in the back -wait for Ivan inside the Warehouse -Your done Details -Head south a bit and you'll encounter a gang member of the flaming windmills (ooh scary) -kill him and hide his body behind a building , on the left is best there are more gangmembers on your right -go to the Kinky Cola bar (sounds fun) its in the center ,and marked on your map -when inside use the door on your immediate left and talk to the exotic dancer -She'll give him a special show -You can watch but put the GPS transmitter on the car first -when he is done wait a bit and they should start moving -to check which warehouse they went to use your Map 'M' key default ________________________________|Start|__________ | | | | | | Train switch | | | | | | |-------| | | |--| |Right | | |Left warehouse() () ___ |warehou| | | | | |Bar| |se | | the () represent where the train breaks open the gate | | | | | | |_______________|__| train _ | | | | switch1 ()______| | | -trainswitch2 | | | | |-----------------()--| | | | | | | | South Center | | | | warehouse | | _______|_____________________|__________________ Rough outline of main points -If the are in the left warehouse hit the top trainswitch and trainswitch 1 -Southern center warehouse just hit the Trainswitch and it should automatically go straight down there -If they are in the right warehouse hit the top trainswitch and trainswitch 2 -Go to the warehouse they are in and there will be dogs around there -kill the dogs with a beretta they hurt quite a bit so back up and shoot, if you cant do it with the beretta use the MP5 but conserve as much as you can -Take the GPS transmitter from the car -go in the warehouse and kill all the gangmembers in there with you MP5 SD -When your done with them hide all the bodies on the front by moving them into the back -Use the transmitter on the briefcase on the floor -pick it up and wait -Ivan will arrive in 3 minutes and if there are bodies that are right by where you are inside he will abort the meeting -if not , your done! =================================================================================== XI.Mission 10 *Note : its best to kill the guards in the beginning with the guns dropped by other guards* *In the ship its a big possibilty that if you reload you may die or miss something by changing guns* *Rockman informed me that there is a carbomb in the ammo spot in the southeast corner of the map you can use this to put it on your targets car which saves you the time to run after him, just remember to detonate it when you see him drive off* Inventory -Pentagon Knife -MP5 SD -Beretta SD -Walther wa2000 *useful but not necessary* Details _WITH SNIPER RIFLE_ -go up the ladder and snipe the guy at the corner of the warehouse in front of you -take his clothes and take out your beretta and take out the guy that should be around the corner , in between the warehouses -take a position where you can snipe the man at the top of the ware house on the left and the two men guarding the gate -head on in and kill any patrolling guards with your beretta or mp5, take a few enemy SMG's as you go you can hold as many uzi's or mp5's as you want -follow the tracks right and youll come up to another guarded gate stand back and snipe them off -make sure no one runs to report of dead guards you'll get a message -continue left past some building then right and youll arrive at yet another gate -kill the men guarding it and the other 3 men around you -there will also be a man standing on the building behind the gate to the left -follow the tracks down and kill the guards that should be coming up the tracks towards you if not wait for them -work your way left along the first warehouse by the ship and kill any guards you see and also take out the guy guarding the limo -wait around the back in between the two warehouses and there will be some more guards -take one of their clothes after you have taken them out if you haven't already -go to the left of the stairs where a crew man stands alone , get behind him and give him your knife -grab his clothes -move his body to the side a bit more -stand in between the warehouses and snipe at all the men on the crows nest of the ship -crows nest is like a long pole and a platform at the top, there should be two -if you hurry up the stairs take out the guards patrolling the deck -enter main part of the ship on the right side -if you have already seen the cutscene of the man arming the bomb wait for him to come up -kill all guards in your way , wait near the door for your target to run out, kill him (diagram 1) Diagram 1 ------------------------\ ________________ \ | | \ | | \ | | \ | ||staircase | / |==_____________| / stair case door / ( ) ___________________________/ Top ship ========================================== Diagram 2 Down stairs | | Cargo hold | |[][][] | { <--- door , go through here | |[][][] × | ==|///// × ^stairs =========================================== Diagram 3 down next stairs | () | ==<--stairs you should go down | --| | | | ==<-- stairs you should have went down -go down the staircase that should be in front of you then once down the stairs go left and left again imediately and through a door(diagram 2) -go down the stairs on the left outside the doorthen go right and right again and youll see a door turn right a bit and youll see another stair case (see diagram 3)go down those stairs -and follow through and kill all the crew down there (guys in tanktops) -if you go all the way to the end youll find the nuke -disarm it then head all the way up -go up another set of stairs and up the ladder to the captains area, if you killed all the crew and your target you should be done, if not itll show you where the rogue crew member is , kill whoever you missed and start up again =================================================================================== XII.Mission 11 (second to last mission) Iventory -Kevlar vest Details -Enter the facility, seems familiar doesn't it -talk to the man at the desk he'll tell you to go up the stairs , through the operating theatre and the office of your target is on the right -before you go there go to through the double doors just across from you and go upstairs, you'll find an uzi there -no go into your targets office and surprise surprise a trap (It will be a surprise if you didn't notice the emphasis on how easy it was and the name of the mission) -ok to get another weapon quickly get the key hanging on the wall of your targets office -run to the room across and grab the shotgun -take out some SWAT members and take a vest , MP5 or clothes if you wanna look cool -Now go to the room downstairs through the double doors , into the room with a statue of a man with a golden syringe go thru door here>() \ \/-------\/ / | | | (:( | | ^statue | \ / \___(--)___/ ^Double doors in between the staircases on the bottom floor -now go through the door on the left (see diagram) -go straight through a caged door and up some stairs to the second floor -go to the middle left room through some double doors to find a man on a wheel chair -you need to find him an antidote -get it for him(its in the caged area in the same room on the table) -Diagnose it to him he'll lead you to the last level -wait til he goes up the elevator then go down the stairs you see ==================================================================================== XIII.Mission 12 (Final mission) Inventory -whatever you had from last mission Summary -Find all guns in lockers and in empty room -Find where the clones are coming from and kill them when you can drag a dead clone with you on the stepping platform (the ones you see them stepping on when they are sent out) -you then have access to the source. Kill all the clones you havent and go through the double doors , your "father" will be in the dark corner in the left kill him and see the ending -If he stuns you , you get locked up in bed. Gameover =================================================================================== I know the details arent extremely good but i will revise it and add more as time comes. If you have questions email me at Gear_bolt@hotmail.com.