Ant missions: Complete the game once. Then, set the difficulty level to "Hard", select "Campaigns", and go to England to access the ant missions. Ant missions secrets: Use the Game Shark building modifier codes along with the vehicles and infantry menu codes while in the Ant missions to obtain the following: Mad Tank = Queen Ant Demolition Truck = Warrior Ant Chrono Tank = Larva Mechanic = Larva Shock Trooper = 2 Larvae Cheat mode: Click on the "Teams" button menu with Circle (or which ever button is currently configured as "Cancel") or the Right Mouse Button. Then, move the pointer over the following icons on the tool bar and press Circle ("Cancel") or the Right Mouse Button on each. Invincibility Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Square", "X", "Circle", "X", "Triangle", "Triangle". Full map Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Triangle", "Triangle", "X", "Circle", "Triangle", "Square". Parabomb Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "X", "X", "X", "Circle", "Triangle", "Square". Chronoshift Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Square", "Circle", "Triangle", "X", "Circle", "Circle". Harvest people instead of ore Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Square", "X", "Square", "X", "Square", "X". Money: Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "X", "X"," Square", "Circle", "Circle", "Circle". Instant victory Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Circle", "Circle", "Triangle", "X", "X", "Square". Instant 5000$: During GamePlay press triangle for the sidebar. Move the cursor towards the symbols and enter X, X, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle. Instant loss: Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Circle", "X", "Circle", "Square", "Square", "X". Nuclear attack: Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Circle", "X", "Circle", "Circle", "X", "Square". Information in this section was contributed by Nick Vogt. Civilians have names Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Square", "Square", "Circle", "Circle", "Triangle", "Triangle".