GamingHyena's Guide to America's Army Training FAQ v1.4 America's Army can be quite frustrating because so much of the game depends on the successful completion of your training. Therefore, I created FAQ to help you complete the training so you can get on with the game. *NOTE* This FAQ cannot be put on any website, public or private, without express permission of the author. Want permission? E-mail:, if you provide a tip I can use, I will credit you in the next version of the FAQ. Check out my website for reviews and more walkthroughs at Comments? AIM me at Screename GamingHyena2000 Copyright 2003 All rights reserved. AA Screename: GamingHyena *NOTE* The following websites have my permission to post this FAQ (as of 3/20/03). If you see it on any unauthorized sites, please let me know: *NOTE* Version 1.0: Initial Release (3/24/03) Version 1.1: Added Expert Marksmanship training (3/26/03) Version 1.2: Fixed typos, minor errors (3/28/03) version 1.3: Added list of sites where FAQ can be published, added AIM screename (4/4/03) version 1.4: Added Medic and Special Forces walkthroughs (1/1/04) Table of Contents: 1. Copyright Information 2. Version History 3. Basic Training 4. Airborne School 5. Advanced Marksmanship 6. Medic 7. Special Forces Basic Training: Rifle Marksmanship: Background: Ah, the joys of Rifle Marksmanship. This is one of the most frustrating training missions in the entire game. Although easy to pass, it can be quite difficult to master. Objectives: -23 hits: Marksman (lowest level required to pass) -30 hits: Sharpshooter -36 hits: Expert Marksman (required for sniper training) You begin with the drill instructor informing you of the basics of the Rifle Marksmanship training course. You get 40 targets, and 40 bullets. You only need to hit 23 targets to pass, although you'll want to hit more if you want access to sniper weapons (and who doesn't). When the instructor finishes speaking, walk over to your right and pick up the M16A2 rifle and ammo from the table and proceed to firing point 9 (go outside the gate and head right). Alternatively, you can just stand there for a while and you will be teleported over to firing point 9 with your gun. Now you get the chance to fire 4 clips of ammo into the targets to the front of you. Two clips will be in the standing position, and two will be in the unsupported position (i.e. you can stand, crouch, or lay down). You must wait until the instructor says, "commence firing" to start shooting, or he blows his whistle and you have to start over. Alternatively, fire only in front of you. Shooting anywhere else (such as at the soldier in the observation tower or at the recruit to the far right you of will result in you starting over. Also, killing the instructor (and believe me after retrying a few times you'll want to) will result in a lengthy stay at Ft. Leavenworth. The first time you try and qualify, I recommend using your shots to try and hit targets while zoomed. For the rest of you who are just trying to qualify for Expert Marksman, I find rapidly clicking in semi-automatic mode is quicker than burst mode in finishing the hated practice rounds. Now comes the tricky part: the qualifying trial. You get 20 rounds standing and 20 lying down. Remember that you only get 40 targets, so although you don't have to hit every one you shouldn't be too choosy. You will also need to reload your weapon before you qualify, so don't forget. There are two basic methods for succeeding on the firing range, so try both and see which better fits your style. Continuous Zoom: As the name implies, you will be zoomed in for the entire exercise. This allows you to react quickly and hit the target sooner (they only stay up for a few seconds). The main downside is that your soldier's constant loud breathing throws off your aim. However, it is still possible to shoot accurately if you know when to fire during his breathing cycle. You can fire accurately just after the soldier breathes in or out (listen for the distinctive "Wheeee," and "Whoooo" sounds). Be careful, since you only have a window of about a second to aim and fire before he inhales/exhales again. When scanning for targets, move the scope down so that you can see the range on the upper half of your screen. However, since your soldier breathes regularly, you can easily time your shots to coincide with his breathing cycle. Snap Shot: Snap shot refers to seeing the target, then quickly going into zoom mode and firing. The advantage to this method over Continuous Zoom is that you don't have to contend with the breathing problem. The main disadvantages are that you don't have a lot of time to properly aim you shot, and if you wait too long your soldier will start to breathe and throw off your aim. If you choose this route, aim your rifle at the target and then use the scope to make any minor adjustments before firing. However you ultimately choose to shoot, using the scope is a must. Without it, you have almost no chance of hitting faraway targets. When aiming, try and have the black bar in the middle of the scope cover the body of the target (where you can only see its head). The first 20 rounds are where you will make or break your qualifying trial (when you are standing up). Since it is more difficult to accurately hit targets when standing, you must make sure you don't waste your misses (remember, you can miss 4 rounds and still qualify as an Expert Marksman). Also, if you miss a target the first time, do not try for it again (unless you have too many missed targets already). Some targets seem to have force fields around them that makes them bulletproof, meaning you can waste your shots on them all day and not hit them. Obstacle Course: Background: With the horrors of the rifle range behind you, you can now advance to the next training mission. The obstacle course will introduce you to the basics of movement in America's Army by having you maneuver around the course. Objectives: -Complete the obstacle course in under 1:30 Courage: Once the instructor is finished explaining the basics of the course, move forward and sidestep (strafe) through the mini maze, staying in the white lane of the course. The next part of the course teaches basic jumping and crawling skills. You must crawl, jump, and crawl again under the logs to pass this part. Simply crouching down isn't enough; you must lie down to get under the logs. If you find yourself unable to get into the crawling position, you may be standing too close to an object. Take a step back and try again. Honor: Next comes the climbing portion. Climb up the wooden ladder and walk across the beam. It's best to look down at the beam when walking and try and keep the beam in a straight line in your vision. Instead of climbing down, you can simply jump off the beam; it will save you time during your timed run of the course. Integrity: You are faced with a wooden wall with handhelds. It is too big to jump over, so obviously you must climb it. Look up and move forward when facing the wall to climb over it. Loyalty: This part of the course combines you skill of climbing with your skill of walking forward. Just climb up the ladder and walk across the planks (don't worry, you won't fall through them). You can then either climb down the net on the opposite side, or simply jump down (and be treated to a sickening crunch when you hit the ground). Respect: In keeping with the previous theme of "you'd have to be a retard not to pass this course," the instructors challenge you with a tube to get through. But you'll show them! Simply crouch and walk through the tube. Now who's Mr. Smartypants? Hmm? Service: You must now walk across a thin beam over a sand pit. Although easy, you might want to fall just once to spite the instructor who has an unnatural attraction to his "freshly raked sand pit." Courage: Your final obstacle consists of rows of barbed wire you must pass under. Just lie down and crawl underneath all the barbed wire to finish the course. There, wasn't that fun? Now you are ready for the timed part of the course. Simply navigate the course again under a minute thirty seconds to pass. Since the instructor doesn't stop you at every point like he did before, this should be easy for you (although he seems very impressed in your ability to perform these simple tasks). US Weapons: Background: Now you get to handle the fun stuff. Heavy weapons abound in this mission, and best of all - no marksmanship test! Objectives: -Familiarize yourself with U.S. infantry weapons Walk over to the M249 SAW and pick it and the ammo up by using the "action" command (default button: E). On the firing range, you can try and hit the tanks or (your old arch nemesis) the red targets. Once you're done spraying the field with inaccurate fire, proceed to the next table. You get the M203. It's like the M16, but with a grenade launcher attached. You ought to fire off a few grenades (default button: H) because they make this comical "boink" sound when you lob one off. And just in case you were wondering, no you cannot shoot one at the ground and blow yourself up. You only get practice grenades (and a good thing too if you were planning on using them to blow yourself up). Next come the smoke and frag grenades. Those of you who have suicidal tendencies can rejoice in the knowledge that these are live grenades that can kill you. However, you might want to throw a few onto the range to see what they're like. Also, you can "cook" a grenade by holding it in your hand, pressing the "alternate fire button" and then throwing. Remember that the grenade only has a 5 second fuse, and you don't want to be holding it when it goes off. If for whatever reason you don't want to try the weapons, you don't have to. Just walk up the stairs at the far end of the range to complete the mission. MOUT Training: Background: Although MOUT sounds like the noise an agitated barnyard animal might make, it actually stands for Military Operations in Urban Terrain. As the name implies, you will spend the course in an urban setting (actually just a big building with a bunch of doors) and have to differentiate between friend and foe. For those of you who are old enough to remember, it's a lot like Hogan's Alley for the NES. Objectives: -Shoot target Charlie -Shoot target Bravo -Shoot target Alpha -Unlock door in dark -Cross finish line When you first start out, you are told that you should throw a flashbang grenade into the room to stun your opponents, then rush into the room before the effects wear out. Actually, all that's required of you is to shoot the three cardboard cutouts of the terrorists (one is to your left behind some tires, one is in the window to your right, and one is in the upper lefthand corner). They won't fire back, so you can take your time if you choose. When all three are shot, the door will open. Inside the next room are a doorway and a ladder leading down. Take the ladder down and crawl through the tube (the doorway just leads behind the window where you shot the terrorist. Turn on your night vision goggles (default button: V) and you should see a person behind the grate up ahead. This person is a civilian; so don't shoot him (although you have to wonder what a civilian is doing in a pipe). Take a right and go down the pipe. At the end of the pipe is yet another person behind the grate, but this one is a terrorist. Shoot him and follow the pipe out until you see a group of terrorists (don't forget about the other terrorist in the final pipe to the right). Shoot the three terrorists in the room and head out the door. Continue down the hall, shooting terrorists along the way (use your night vision goggles to get them all). You should come to a locked door. Face the door and hold the "use" command to pick the lock. Head right and you should see a ladder. Climb the ladder and go through the doorway. Shoot the terrorists and go through the doorway (by the civilian in and yellow jacket). Follow the hall down and open the final door. Walk outside to finish the mission. Since you have finished basic training, you are now able to play online. Airborne School: 250' Tower: Background: Finishing Airborne School allows you access to the 82nd airborne division as well as Ranger School. But first, you must successfully parachute off a 250 foot training tower. Given the difficulty in making a safe landing plus the game's rather lackluster instructions, this is easier said than done. Objectives: -Successfully parachute off the training tower Airborne training is conducted at Fort Benning, Georgia. The instructor tells you the basics of airborne training and leaves you with one very important bit of information: "Make sure you are facing 90 degrees from the direction you are moving and flare before hitting the ground and go into a PLF." What this basically boils down to is: look straight ahead when you are about to land if you don't want to be 2 feet shorter. The easiest way to tell if you are looking straight ahead is if you can see equal parts of both your left and right hands at the very top of your screen. Of course, since you start the mission looking straight ahead, as long as you don't move your mouse you won't have to worry about that. When you reach the top of the tower, you get the second vital piece ofinformation for parachuting safely: "Press to flare your parachute and slow you descent before landing. Be careful: flaring too soon or too often can lead to a premature collapse of the parachute." Unfortunately, the game isn't nice enough to tell you when "too soon" or "too often" is, so I've developed a good rule of thumb for flaring the chute at the right time. At the top of the tower, the instructor will say "safety-line-time safety-line-time safety-line-time" and then you will drop. When you drop, repeat to yourself "safety-line-time safety-line-time safety-line-time" at the same rate as your instructor said it, and then flare the chute. When you flare the chute, just tap the "flare" button a few times before you hit the ground. You can only flare your chute about 3 times before it collapses, so don't tap the button too quickly. With any luck you will land safely (your soldier automatically rolls when he hits the ground) and pass the mission. Live Jump: Background: Your final jump is from an airplane flying at 1,250 feet. Furthermore, you must land within the designated circle to pass the mission. Although slightly more difficult than the training tower, it can be done on the first try with proper instruction. Oh, did I mention it was being done at night? Objectives: -Successfully parachute from a C-17 Globemaster -You must land within the circle to pass the mission Again, this jump can be done easily provided your timing isn't off. You start the mission looking out the door of the airplane. Pay attention to the lights near the doorway. They flash from red to yellow to green to signify when you are to jump. Once outside the aircraft move forward and left towards the drop zone. Your goal is to get as close to the green smoke as possible. All the meanwhile, you should be counting "one and two and three and four." all the way up to twelve. When you hit twelve, you should flare your chute. This will slow you down some. By this time you should be facing forward. Flare it again about a second later to slow down even more and you should hit the ground. You will go into a roll and with any luck end up still inside the circle. Congratulations, you just earned your airborne wings! Expert Marksmanship M-24 Range: Background: Congradulations! You finally made Expert Marksman. Welcome to sniper school. You will be training with the M-24 Sniper Rifle. Objectives: -Hit the white target. You only get one shot. All snipers live by a simple rule, "one shot, one kill." Unfortunately, this will be your standard as well when qualifying for this course. The good news for you is that you only have to be accurate once to qualify. Therefore, I would suggest training a little before you have to make it count (if you choose not to train you can simply walk off the range to begin your qualifying shot). At these ranges,hitting a target is virtually impossible unless you take the following steps first: 1) Drop to the ground 2) Make sure there are no obstructions and you have a clear shot 3) Use the tripod (default button: H) 4) Make sure you take the shot at the right time during your breathing cycle. You have all the time in the world to make the shot, so only take it when you are good and ready. Scan the range and find the white target. Get into position and aim the cursor at the target. You willnotice how much breathing affects your aim, so remember to shoot only after the "Wheeee" and "Whoooo" when you aim is at its best. Finally, try to aim at the head of the target, since there seems to be a slight drop in the path of a bullet at these ranges. This is a lot easier than qualifying for Expert Marksman, so relax and only fire when you feel ready. M-82 Range. Background: The M-82 is the big brother to the M-24, firing a whopping 50 caliber shot. This will allow you to take on both infantry and vehicles with ease. Objective: -Destroy unexploded ordinance. You only get one shot. This rifle handles a little differently from the M-24, so you might want a few practice shots. The recoil on the M-82 is unbelieveable, and is so powerful you will be jolted out of zoom mode when you fire. Your job in this case is to destroy an unexploded mortar shell. Line up your shot using the same steps as the M-24 and look for the mortal shell. It looks like a typical image of a bomb (actually, it looks like a giant chicken leg sticking out of the ground). When you have located the shell, aim for the top white portion of the shell and fire. That should give you enough height to compensate for the distance and allow you to pass the course. Medic Test Background: Unlike other games, medic is not a class onto itself. The only difference between the medic and the other members of your squad is that if you press "use" on a friendly wounded soldier you will heal them (and gain some honor to boot). Although healing in AA is very easy, medic training involves several long mulitple choice tests to qualify. Training takes place in a hospital, but there is little of interest there except for the classes. You can't skip past thelessons, so I suggest disabling "full screen" mode and doing whatever you wish on your computer while the lesson plays in the background. You have as long asyou want to take the test, so feel free to walk away from the game for a few minutes if you don't want to listen. Objectives: -To score at least 70% on the multiple choice tests. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Airway Management 1) As a medic, what priority is it for you to help an injured soldier? x A)First priority B)Second priority C)Not a priority D)None of the above 2) It is your duty to learn first aid. X A)True B)False 3) Saving a human life brings honor to yourself and the United States Army. X A)True B)False 4) The first step inthe Combat Lifesaving Steps is: A)Control Bleeding B)Check the Breathing X C)Check for Responsiveness D)Treat for Shock E)Protect the Wound 5) What is the primary purpose of "Shake and Shout?" A)To make sure the casuality is not faking it B)To attempt to get the casuality to "snap out of it" X C)To ascertain the the subject is indeed a casuality D)None of the above 6) If the casuality is choking or cannot talk: A)Finish the evaluation and begin first aid X B)Stop the evaluation and begin first aid C)Call 911 D)Tell them to "walk it off" 7) The method to open the airway on a casuality with no suspected head or neck injury is the head-tilt/chin-lift method. X A)True B)False 8) The most common cause of airway obstruction is: A)Inadequately chewed food X B)The tongue C)Foreign objects D)None of the above 9) Which of the below is NOT part of the head-tilt/chin-lift method? A)Kneel at the level of the casuality's shoulders B)Place one hand on the casuality's forhead and apply firm, backward pressure with the palm to tilt the head back C)Place the fingertips of the other hand under the boney part of the lower jaw and left, bringing the chin forward X D)Use your thumb to hold the tongue and keep it from slipping back and blocking the airway 10)During the head-tilt/chin-lift procedure, use your thumb to lift, and use your fingers to press into the soft tissue under the chin. A)True X B)False 11) The Jaw Thrust method is used to open the airway of a person who has sustained a significant head or neck injury. X A)True B)False 12) Which one of these is NOT part of the Jaw Thrust procedure? A)Kneel behind the casuality's head and rest your elbows on the surface on which the casuality is lying B)Place one hand on each side of the casuality's head and grasp the angles of the lower jaw with your fingertips C)Place your thumbs on the jaw just below the level of the teeth. Lift with both hands to move the jaw forward. D)use your thumbs to retract the lower lip and allow air to enter the casuality's mouth. X E)None of the above 13) The Look, Listen, and Feel method is used to determine if a casuality is breathing. X A)True B)False 14) If the casuality is not breathing: A)Call 911 B)Continue with First AID X C)Both A and B D)None of the above 15) If the casuality does not spontaneously start breathing when you open their airway, you will need to: A)Begin the "Shake and Shout" procedure B)Use the head-tilt/chin-lift method X C)Provide rescue breaths D)All of the above 16) You can tell that air is getting into the casuality's lungs because their chest rises and falls. X A)True B)False 17) If you cannot seal off the casuality's nose or if the casuality has injuries to their mouth or jaw area that prevent you from administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, you can administer mouth-to-nose resuscitation instead: X A)True B)False 18)While giving rescue breaths, if the casuality's chse did not rise and fall, do which of the following: A)Try to open the casuality's airway more B)Administer two additional breaths C)Perform a finger sweep X D)All of the above E)None of the above ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Controlling Bleeding 1) When exposing the wound, anything discovered stuck inside should be removed before applying the dressing. A)True X B)Flase 2) Who's field dressing kit should you use first? A)The medic's X B)The casualty's C)Your own D)A buddy's 3) When wrapping the wound with the field dressing, the ends will wrap around the wound in: X A)Opposite directions B)Same direction C)Crisscross direction D)Diagonally 4) Which statement is most correct? A)Always elevate the wound X B)Elevate the wound when possible C)Never elevate the wound D)None of the above 5) If bleeding continues after applying the field dressing, what are the steps, in order, to take next? A)Direct pressure, elevate if possible, and then use a tourniquet B)Apply tourniquet immediately to prevent blood loss X C)Direct pressure, elevate if possible, apply a pressure dressing D)Apply a pressure dressing, elevate, use a tourniquet 6) Which statement is true? A)Use a pressure point between the heart and the affected limb B)Using a pressure point, be prepared to hold for at least 10 minutes C)Slowing the flow of blood allows a clot to form X D)All of the above 7) When covering a casualty who has a tourniquet, you should always leave the tourniquet in plain view: X A)True B)False 8) When applying a tourniquet, what information is recorded on the casualty's forehead? A)The time applied B)The date and time applied X C)A "T" and the time applied D)The location and time applied ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treating Shock 1) Treating for shock is the first lifesaving measure A)True X B)False 2) Which sign or symptom is NOT associated with shock? A)Clammy skin B)Rapid breathing C)Nausea X D)Runny nose 3) You should always elevate the casualty's feet when treating for shock. A)True X B)False 4) Elevate the casualty's legs except when: A)there are unsplinted fractures B)there is an abdominal wound X C)Both A and B D)None of the above 5) Make sure to provide the casualty water if they are thirsty. A)True X B)False 6) Which statement is true? A)Inform the casualty about the extent of their injuries. X B)Calm the casualty and reassure them C)Provide food and drink to the casualty D)Keep the casualty cool 7) When treating for shock, put the casualty on their stomach so they won't choke if they vomit. A)True X B)False ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Training Background: Compared to the tests, this final step of medic training is very easy. Objectives: -To treat 3 victims in order of the severity of wounds. This mission would have been far more challenging if you did not ecounter the most severe hurt victim first. While there is no set time limit, if you take an unreasonably long time you will fail. Walk down the NW path until you reach the first casualty behind a log ("Donny"). South of him near a tree is the next casualty ("Walter"). The final casualty is NE ("Jeffrey"). Congradualations, you are now qualified as a medic. Special Forces: SF AVWID (Aircraft, vehicle, weapon identification) Background: Special Forces represent the best of the best in the United States Army. This mission eases you into training by giving you some basic information about the Special Forces and having you take yet another multiple choice test. NOTE: Special Forces mission allow you to use your customized weapon and participate on SF maps. Keep in mind you must have at least 15 honor to be a special forces class on a SF map. Ojbectives: -Talk to all 7 Special Forces team members -Identify 11 out of 15 items in a multiple choice examination This part is easy enough. Wait for the soldier to quit talking to you, and walk over to the picnic tables and talk to all 7 special forces members. You will not be tested on what they tell you, and this part is just to give you some background information on the different members. When you are finished, go SW to building T-3164 (it has a large sign at the front) to begin your identification training. If you can't find the building/take too long looking around, you will be automatically transported to the class and yelled at by the instructor. NOTE: Before you go in, check out the guy next to the vending machine as he tries to get his quarters out of the machine. Stupid Arctic treats! Once inside, take a look around the classroom and you will see several posters on the wall. They give the basic specs of several vehicles on the test. Have a seat and let the instructor begin. If you wait too long to sit down, the instructor will kick you out of class and you have to start over from the begining. After the instructor finishes his (very long) lesson, you have a few minutes to look at the slides. Next, you are shown a series of slides and have to answer the questions related to the slides in 15 seconds. Note that the slides are timed, so if you trying to take the test on your own you will only have a limited amount of time to look. For reference purposes, feel free to get up during the exam and look at the posters on the wall. NOTE: In addition to only having 15 seconds to look at the slides, you only have 15 seconds to answer the questions. Once a slide is done you cannot go back and answer old questions, so be quick. Sadly, unlike the medic exams you cannot just turn the volume down and walk away from this training. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First Set: 1) Is this vehicle friend or foe? A)Friend X B)Foe 2) Which vehicle is this? A)M1A1 Abrams X B)BTR80 C)Mi-24 Hind D)BMP1 3) All of the following are features of this vehicle except? A)14.5mm machinegun B)Turret mounted well forward of hull X C)6 roadwheels and 3 support rollers D)Grenade launchers on side of hull ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Set: 4) The rotor is mounted in what kind of configuration? X A)Single B)Dual C)Coaxial D)None of the above 5) Is this aircraft friend or foe? X A)Friend B)Foe 6) Which vehicle is this? X A)AH64 Apache B)Mi8 Hip C)LAV25 D)UH60 Blackhawk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Set: 7) True or false: there was one RPG-7 in this group. X A)True B)False 8) Which weapon was the person on the left holding? A)AK-47 B)M9 X C)VSS Vintorez D)None of the above 9)Which weapon was not being carried by this group? A)RPK B)AK-47 C)AK-74su X D)All of the above ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth Set: 10) Which of the following is a feature of this vehicle? X A)125mm main gun B)Tricycle Landing Gear C)Four evenly spaced large wheels on each side 11) Which vehicle is this? A)M113 APC B)M1A1 Abrams C)BMP60 X D)None of the above 12) Is this friend or foe? A)Friend X B)Foe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fifth Set: 13) Friend or Foe? A)Friend X B)Foe 14) Which vehicle is this? A)Mi8 Hip B)AH-64 Apache X C)Mi24 Hind D)UH-1 Iroquois 15) How many blades are on each rotor? A)4 on both rotors X B)5 on the main rotor, 3 on the tail rotor C)5 on both rotors D)2 on both rotors ---------------------------------------------------------------------- After you turn in your test, you'll get a few tips for the escape and evasion course. Pay attention to them if you don't want to endlessly repeat the next and hardest training mission. SF E & E (escape and evasion) Background: This is by far the hardest training mission if you don't know where to go. You are dropped off at night and have to navigate 3 way points without being detected. There is really only one path through the camp, and if spotted you have to go back to the last waypoint you reached. Luckily, the mission is not timed. Objectives: -Reach waypoint A without being spotted -Reach waypoint B without being spotted -Reach waypoint C without being spotted -Honk truck horn to be extracted. Objective A: This is a very long mission, so be sure you can set aside a large chunk of time to complete it. The helicopter instructor gives you a few tips as you make your way through the camp to the insertion point. Once you drop down, go prone. Throughout this mission, you should always stay prone to avoid being spotted. Looking South. you will see a man sitting in a little hut with a lamp on the table. He's only an instructor, so don't worry about being spotted by him. Head west until you hit the rock wall, then turn south. Go through the little trees (don't worry about the noise made by the leaves) and you should see a guard SE on the top of the ravine. Here the road splits into branches headed W and SW. Stick with the west road. You should come to a tree on the other side of the ravine and a bright light through the branches. Keep going west through the next set of trees. You should now come on a west heading to the ravine wall on your left and a large boulder on your right. There is a small gap between the two you can squeeze through. Once in the trees you should have a pretty good view of the camp to the NW. When you hit the next set of trees look up the ravine wall (south). Your instructor told you to stay on the ground but we'll break the rule for a moment. Head south up the ravine wall. To the SW you should see a guard tower and a bridge. Stay on the left side of the little valley you are in. When the valley opens up you should see a guard near the trees on a west heading. Head down the mountain and go towards the bridge. You will reach Checkpoint A just before you get to the bridge. Objective B: You are now facing the bridge. Head right down the ravine. Once at the bottom head west until you hit a large rock. Go around the rock and up the hill until you end up in a clump of bushes. You should be on the other side of the bridge with Objective A behind you. The guard tower on your left will be shining a searchlight on the road in front of you. Hug the side of the mountain and head west until you reach the next clump of trees. Keep going west until you reach a fork in the road. One heads NW and the other SW. Take the SW branch and follow it until you see another guard tower south of you. Now you have the choice of either going straight up the hill (S) or following the ravine (SE). Follow the ravine SE until it curves south. You should now see a path up the hill and the ravine staying roughly south with a bunch of trees in it. Go as slow as you can and stay in the ravine. Head towards the trees. Go very slowly and follow the ravine until you can see a large hill in front of you with some very large trees. You are almost there. Stay in the middle of the ravine and heads towards Objective B on your compass. You are getting very close to it when you can start to see a guard tower light off to the SW. Objective C: Head SW towards the large guard tower. Now comes the toughest part of the E & E training. You should see two large boulders with a tree in the middle. Crawl slowly towards the first boulder. You should be able to almost get to the tree before the guard tower can see you. Also note the guard on the far ridge due west of your position. Now the guard tower light has 5 positions: a little past the far rock, the far rock, the tree, the rock next to you, and a little behind the rock next to you. Wait for the light to go behind the rock next to you and crawl quickly past the tree and far boulder. The should be a tree next to the far boulder you can safely hide in. Follow the canyon SW until you come to a bridge. There should be a guard tower to the left of the bridge, and a Humvee to the far right. Go down the hill into the little stream and head west. You should see a large tree growing out of the side of the left embankment. You can use the nearby rock and crawl up the side of the hill if you crouch. Once up you should be able to see a truck to your SW. This is your final objective. Go prone and move towards the truck. Be careful about making too much noise; the humvee and guards are next to you. Also next to the truck is a guy sitting in a little hut like the one near your starting position. Don't worry about him; he's only another instructor. As you are heading towards the truck you should hit Objective C. Now all you have to do is flash the lights to get extracted. Head towards the driver's side door of the truck and "use" the truck to end the mission. Congradulations, you have just passed all the training missions in America's Army. I hope you found this guide useful.