.:. .:. | Myst IV: Revelation | - Walkthrough by Coelho Buda (aka Orlando Soares, the.hare@zmail.pt) - Version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- A. Table of Contents --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. Table of Contents B. Version history C. FAQs D. Walkthrough 1. Tomahna 1.1 Day 1.2 Night 2. Haven 3. Tomahna Interlude 4. Spire 5. Tomahna Revisited 6. Serenia 7. Final Considerations 8. Viewer Codes E. Contributors F. Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- B. Version history --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (25.10.2004) - Initiated FAQ listing. Added more information to the solution for the Camoudile puzzle in Haven. Added notes about the missing scale for the Hexagonal pipe and the Frequency Puzzle in Spire. Added contributors to the list. Update list of sites with permission to host this walkthrough. (17.10.2004) - Updated list of sites with permission to host this walkthrough. Added note about French and Portuguese versions of the walkthrough. Corrected some spelling and grammar errors. Altered paragraph about the tuning gears in Spire's bottommost level. Version 1.0 - Corrected a few more errors. Finished walkthrough. Update list of sites with permission to host the walkthrough. (12.10.2004) Version 0.7 - Corrected some errors. Finished Tomahna Revisited and started on Serenia. Updated list of sites with permission to host the guide. (11.10.04) Version 0.3 - Finished the walkthrough up to Tomahna Revisited. Added Viewer Codes section. (10.10.2004) Version 0.0 - Started walkthrough. Laid skeleton for sections. (08.10.2004) All dates are in European format which means dd/mm/yyyy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- C. FAQ --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - General questions - Q: I took some beautiful screenshots but I can't find them on my computer. Are they only available within the game? A: No, but you'll have to have the game running in order to be able to extract them. Once you have loaded a savegame, press ALT+TAB to switch out of the game. Go to the My Documents folder and inside this one, access the 'myst4- revelation savegames' folder and then the 'journal' folder. All the pictures will be there. You'll have to copy them to another folder as when you exit the game the 'journal' folder becomes empty again. - Haven - Q: I have tried your solution for the Camoudile puzzle in Haven, but it doesn't work. Are you sure it is the right one? A: Yes, my solution is working, but you need to apply it to a puzzle that hasn't been touched yet, that is, the puzzle must be in the initial state for the solution to work properly. If it isn't, you'll need to reset the puzzle. Q: How do I reset the Camoudile puzzle? A: Return to Achenar's hut in the middle of the lake and enter it. This is very important: you must actually enter the hut, not stand outside of it. Only entering the hut will reset the puzzle. - Spire - Q: When I zoom in on the lock where the Nara Knight chess piece should be, it is empty. What do I do? A: Don't worry: it might seem like it isn't there, but the piece is present. I had this happen to me on my first run through the game, but when I returned from the bottommost level after tuning the cables, I tested the Nara frequency and as soon as it was set the lock started vibrating. On zooming in, the Knight chess piece was there. Q: I have tried to use the solution for the Frequency puzzle in Spire, but it isn't working. What can be wrong? A: Before you start setting frequencies, remember that the cables have to be tuned. Q: I've tuned the gears, but when I set the first frequency nothing happens. A: It might be that you haven't tuned the cables correctly. Remember that the first positions in which the indicators on each gear are initially, count as number one, so when you pull them down to the correct positions (4th, 3rd and 7th) you only have to move the first indicator three spaces down, the second indicator two spaces and the third indicator six. Once tuned, using the sliders upstairs in the correct frequencies produces a more melodious sound. Q: The gears have been correctly tuned, but the blue crystal lock stops vibrating as soon as I change it to the stone frequency. A: The second setting for this crystal is 1. Unfortunately, when you are coming down from the second setting for the previous crystal (which is 12) the selector has an annoying tendency to slide to 0 instead of 1. As this isn't the correct position, as soon as you change it for the next crystal, the blue one stops vibrating. So you have to be a little more careful when setting this frequency. Will post more as I come across them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- D. Walkthrough --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello. Coelho Buda here (or for those familiar with the Guild of Greeters, Rabbit). Myst IV: Revelation marks the return to the node system, which means you haven't the freedom of movement that is available in a true 3D environment, but each node can behave like it was 3D. If you have played Exile, this system is just like the one used there. As always and as in my previous walkthroughs, any contributions will be gladly accepted, ^_^ and can be sent to my e-mail. This walkthrough has been translated to French by Nootilus of the Guild of Greeters and there's also a Portuguese version done by me. Warning: This walkthrough contains major spoilers. It could seriously affect your enjoyment of the game. I do not give out hints or nudges. I simply state how a given puzzle should be solved. That said, read on at your own risk. So without further ado, on to the game itself. ------------------- 1. Tomahna ------------------- The game begins with you inside a tram with a cute little girl. This is Yeesha. Listen to her speech and enjoy the tram ride. When you are close to the end the tram will halt and Yeesha will tell you to take a picture of Tomahna (the Age you are in) to remember it when you are gone. This is a way for the game to tell you that you can take picture shots of the environment which will be very helpful throughout the game. To take a picture, click on the imager icon (leftmost icon) on the bottom bar. This will make the game toggle to camera mode. Click the left mouse button to take a picture and the right mouse button to close the camera mode. While in camera mode you can move the screen around to select what you want to photograph. Once you are done, enjoy the rest of the ride. When it ends, Yeesha will leave you alone outside of the Observatory. ------------------- 1.1 Day ------------------- Once you have full control of your character, look around you. The game has beautiful graphics. Watch the pretty birds fly by. Before proceeding look to the left and down near where you exit the tram. There's a button to call the tram and below it a symbol. Get a close up of the symbol below the lever and take an imager shot to refer to it later. Continue forward and pull the lever on the right to open the door to the Observatory. Enter it. Go up the small flight of stairs to the right. This room has a lot to be discovered. Some of the items that can be found here include an orrery, several operable drawers with writing materials, crystals and bottles and also small cabinets. Continue forward to trigger a sequence of Atrus explaining why he brought you here. It will trigger the first puzzle and your first choice: you can choose to follow Atrus instructions and solve the puzzle or do nothing. The end result will be the same: the Viewer will overload causing a short-circuit to the entire Age. To solve the puzzle you'll need to overlap a wave sign over one provided by Atrus in the machine behind you. This is done by manipulating two signals: a red and a green. The slider on top selects the signal and the knobs below alter the signals amplitude (how high or low it sounds), frequency (how fast or slow it cycles) and phase (how ahead or behind relatively to the pattern signal). You will need to do this for the two prison Ages: Haven and Spire. It's relatively easy if you follow the instructions Atrus gives out. If you find it too hard, as I said above, you can always choose not to do it. Once you're done, there will be a small explosion and Atrus will go off to Rime (another Age) to find some materials to repair the viewer. He will leave you with a list of things to do while he's gone, so you'll have your work cut out for you here in Tomahna. So here is what you need to do: 1 - Restore full power to the Age by closing the gates at the water facility 2 - Look up the combination for Rime in Atrus journal so you can contact him later 3 - Turn on the roof antenna 4 - Keep an eye on Yeesha Let's start with the journal which is in a drawer next to the calibration machine. Pull the drawer out to open it, close up on the journal and pull the cover to the left to open it. Read the journal. Make a note (or take a picture) of the colored crystal code for Rime. I'll put it here in terms of colors and slider positions you will need to select when the time comes and explain what this means when you get to the Viewer. Rime code: Red 6, Cyan 3, Yellow 8, Green 8, Blue 2 Walk to the other side of the room. In the middle you will find a stair leading to an elevator. Get a close up on the lever that opens the elevator and take a picture of the symbol below. Continue past the viewer and climb up a small flight of stairs. There are three security cameras here (not working because there's no power) and two maps on the wall to the right. The first one maps out Tomahna and the one below is a sketch for the Telescope. Continuing forward will lead you to the Telescope chair. The chair has a button that makes it transport you up to where you can turn on the antenna. As the power is still out, there is no way of getting there now. Return to the elevator and pull the lever. Enter the elevator. Fortunately there's enough power to operate it to the middle level. When the ride finishes, use the lever on the right to open the door and exit. Proceed along the walkway to the first conservatory. There's a ladder leading down to the bottom of it. Climb down and take a picture of Atrus' Family Tree (written in D'ni). The lamp in the middle is not working because there's no power. Return upstairs, cross to the other side and exit the conservatory. Yeesha will beckon you from the other conservatory to come see something. Before going to her, you can step into the Botany Lab and explore. To the right of the entrance, there are some pressurized chambers. There is a symbol on the wall of the closest one to the entrance. Take a picture of it. On the table in the middle, there is a book with diagrams of butterflies and a microscope that shows a close up of a leaf. Opposite the pressure chambers, there's a small cabinet with venetian lid. Open it to reveal a power box. Notice all the glowing symbols bellow the columns? Each corresponds to a place in Tomahna and you have been pictures of them so now you know at least what three of those columns refer to. There are two symbols glowing red. These are the ones that correspond to the gates at the water plant. For now, leave the power box. Continue exploring the lab. You will find some beetles within a glass case. You have another choice here. You can leave the case alone or open it. This will affect the way Yeesha reacts to you a little later on when you return here. If you set them free she will be upset with you. If you leave it as is she will comment on her experiment and that she has to report the results to her father. Past the fireflies, there is a door at the back. It is closed and will remain so until you can open it from the other side. To the right of the door there is a workbench. On a drawer you will find Catherine's Journal. Read it to find out more about what is going on. Further to the right, it's possible to open one of the chambers to see one of Catherine's flowers up close. When done, exit the Botany Lab and continue to the second conservatory. Yeesha will show you a salamander and talk about her necklace, Serenia (another Age) and her two brothers. That necklace will be very important throughout the game. For now, exit the second conservatory. There's a fork here. The left path leads to Atrus and Catherine's bedroom and the right path leads to the water plant. Take the left path to the bedroom. This is one of the few opportunities you'll have to explore the bedroom by day (although you will not be able to do much there as there is no power yet.) Before you enter, notice the plaque on the floor outside the entrance. Close up on it to see something from Uru. The walkway continues to another platform on the left with two levers. Again, as the power is still out, there is nothing to do here. This means that the rest of the Age is off limits for now. Return to the bedroom and explore a bit. There is a note on the right bedside table (take a picture), a lamp on the left bedside table, a desk with a lamp and some drawers and a fireplace with a picture above it. Opening the central top drawer on the desk reveals a note explaining how to turn on the code panel inside the fireplace. As there's no power you can't do that yet. Exit the bedroom and go to the water plant by returning to the second conservatory and taking a right at the fork (with your back to the conservatory). Climb down the stairs to the Gate controls. Notice the two glowing red symbols. These are the same symbols as the ones in the power box. Although you don't need to, reset the gates by pulling the middle lever. Now return to the Botany Lab. You can use Zip mode if you want to (rightmost icon on the bottom of the screen). To use Zip mode, click on the lightning bolt icon, and then select a destination from the little vignette strip. When you arrive at the Botany Lab, Yeesha will be there. Enter the Lab and she will make fun about her father and tell you about the Power box. She'll tell you that you need to have the green light on top of a column lit up to have the power turned on to that section. She will also say that she isn't allowed to touch electrical things so, it will be up to you to set things working again. She will then proceed to the glass case with the beetles. Depending on what you did before, when you take a step forward she will have a different reaction. When she leaves, go to the Power box. Open it. Right now, the observatory and the elevator have power. The red glowing symbols for the water gates are off (you reset the lever at the water plant). The panel in front of you has two rows of buttons and a switch on the left side (this acts as a reset for this puzzle). There is a button on the right that is used to transfer power. What you have to do now is transfer enough power units from the working sections to the water gates so that you will then be able to turn the generator for the whole Age back on. Columns from left to right correspond to: Observatory, Living Quarters, Left Water Gate, Right Water Gate, Elevator and Botany Lab. The first row of buttons sets the column to transfer from and the second row of buttons sets the column to transfer to. Select a button from the first row, then select a button from the second row and then hit the transfer button. To activate the gates follow this sequence: From column To column 1 6 1 3 left gate turned on 6 1 5 6 6 1 1 2 2 6 2 4 5 4 right gate turned on When you are done, the gate symbols will glow cyan and the Power box lid will close. Return to the water plant and the symbols should be glowing white. Take a moment to save, because this is the last time you will be seeing Tomahna by day. Press the button on top of the controls to open the water gates. The water starts flowing, powering the dynamo wheel and creating electricity. Turn around and climb the stairs. At the top you will see Yeesha crossing the walkway and waving to you. Go forward to trigger a sequence. An earthquake will happen (make that a Tomahnaquake ^_^), you will fall down and be rendered unconscious . When you come to, you'll be in... ------------------- 1.2 Night ------------------- Tomahna by night. Wow, amazing and gorgeous! Pity that in coming to, you'll be a little woozy, hence the distortion on the field of vision. Maybe you bumped your head somewhere or those green fumes had something to do with it. Anyway, climb up from here as this helps to clear the old noggin. You can only climb to the side of the Conservatory. If you make a detour to the Botany Lab and take a peek at the Power box you'll see that the whole Age is powered now. You can get to the bottom of the first Conservatory and turn on the lamp there. It can be tilted to light up the Family Tree and take a better look at it. Climb up, exit the conservatory and proceed to the elevator. Return to the Observatory to check on Atrus. Exit the elevator and turn right. Go to the security cameras (you can get a close up on them if you want to and see different parts of the Age) area. Now that the power is on and it's dark you can see a lever with a light on the handrail behind you. Pull the lever to open the roof of the Observatory. Continue to the Telescope chair. Sit on it, tilt around a bit and press the button. Once on top, close up on the telescope. You can move it around using the two small wheels and get a look at the moon. All you need to do here though, is turn on the antenna by pressing the button with the windmill symbol on top of the right wheel. Exit the close up, press the red button and exit the chair. Return to the viewer in front of the elevator. Time to contact Atrus. Get a close up on the viewer console. You'll see five compartments with a button in front of each one, another button below these, a monitor showing static, a color wheel selector and a slider with nine positions (0 being the first). Each of the slider positions corresponds to a different crystal and each of the color wheel positions can be used to produce different color crystals. Pressing a button in front of a compartment places the corresponding selected crystal there. So, to input the code for Rime, do the following (as in the sequence I mentioned earlier) pressing the button in front of each compartment, left to right after a crystal has been selected: Place slider on slot 6 (initial position is 0), color wheel stays on Red; Place slider on slot 3 and color wheel on Cyan; Place slider on slot 8 and color wheel on Yellow; Place slider on slot 8 and color wheel on Green; Place slider on slot 2 and color wheel on Blue. Once you are done, press the big button below the compartments to listen to Atrus. He can't leave Rime due to an electromagnetic storm. What he says next is very important: 1 - Go to his bedroom and press the button on the desk to discover his commentaries on Haven and Spire 2 - Tell Yeesha not to forget her homework. OK, so on to Atrus' bedroom. Exit the viewer and go to the elevator. Select the bottommost position. Enjoy the ride to the other side. As the walkway was destroyed during the quake, the elevator is now the only way for crossing to the other side. You'll arrive on the platform that was on the left of the bedroom. The switch on the end can now be operated to have a bridge switch from the Yeesha's bedroom to this platform with the pivot point being the Kitchen area. For now, let us examine the bedroom. Go to the desk and turn on the lamp there. Open the topmost central drawer and press the button (button won't work if the drawer is closed) that is below it to open a panel revealing two books: one for Spire (red) and one for Haven (blue). Besides some more background information, you will find viewer codes for both Ages, which I reproduce below: Spire code: Green 1, Blue 7, Red 8, Yellow 4, Cyan 5 Haven code: Blue 2, Red 8, Purple 1, Green 5, Yellow 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: you could now return to the Observatory and input the codes to see a static image of each Age, following the same method I explained for the Rime code. However, other than being pretty pictures these do not add any relevant information to the game (other than showing a little more of the trickery Sirrus is capable of, which you'll learn later on). So I won't include it as a must do, but mention it here so you can go there if you want to. The viewer for Haven shows a shipwreck and the viewer for Spire shows some crystal statues like the picture above the fireplace in the bedroom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go across the room and turn on the lamp on the bedside table. Then, turn around and go into the Fireplace. The game will take over and you will collect Yeesha's Memory Amulet which will flash whenever a memory (read: clue) is present at a given object or location like it's doing right now. Press the icon of the amulet to see a short movie of someone trying to grab Yeesha. For now, do nothing inside the fireplace. Exit to the bedroom and take a look around with the amulet. You'll get a reaction at the close up view of the painting and you can use it on both of the books. This will work as an audio book in the voice of the person who wrote it. Exit and go to the plaque on the floor in front of the bedroom. Another reaction here. Onwards to the Kitchen area. Go to the platform next to the bedroom an turn the switch. The gangway will come to this platform. Cross to the other side. Approach the table on the outside and get a close up on the book. Use the amulet. Take a picture of the book (you'll be needing those translating skills in a bit) and notice the notepad on the right. Translating it you'll see it's Yeesha's name (she's been practicing). Enter the Kitchen. Explore around. There's a fireplace with picture's of the boys on the mantel, to the right there's a picture of Atrus and Catherine and on the back you'll find the food preparation area. The amulet reacts on the stove (which can be operated). Above the stove there's the symbol for this area (no longer needed, but nice to see consistency within a game). Behind you, the water spout is also working. Continue to the front of the Kitchen to see Yeesha's picture on the right wall and a chess set to which the amulet reacts. These pictures, along with the family tree, the D'ni alphabet book and something Yeesha will say are the key to another puzzle you'll have to tackle later on. Exit this area and move the gangway. Notice that there's an area below the one you are about to go to. Continue forward to Yeesha's bedroom. On the left there's a toy (a table with balls, pins and holes that can be tilted and a bookcase. On a close up, you can see a an Age book and a paper with the print of an hand. The books on top all have names (written in D'ni) and five of them can be pushed at a time. This is the puzzle I was referring to above, but it is still too early to solve it. On the writing desk, you'll find a crystal sculpture to which the amulet reacts. There's also an orrery above the desk. To the right of the desk is Yeesha's bed and a dress to which the amulet also reacts. Finally, there's an aquarium on stand near the door. Exit the room and return to the platform with the elevator. Use Zip mode if you want to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: optionally, if you want to see some more amulet reactions here's a list of places where you will get them. Below first conservatory: Family Tree picture Botany Lab: flower inside pressure chamber; Catherine's Journal; Power Box Observatory outside: symbol for Observatory below tram call lever Observatory inside: Atrus' Journal; Viewer console; Security cameras; Telescope. Again, as with the Viewer codes for Haven, Spire and Serenia (when you get it) these are not crucial to finishing the game but they sure add to the atmosphere. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the bedroom and go to the fireplace. Close the panel by pressing the button in front of you. The objective of this puzzle is to light up the tiles where the lasers are pointing to. Tricky part is that when you press a button, it lights up four buttons: above, below, right and left. Here's a diagram of what has to be lit and another one of the order and which buttons to press so as to light the correct tiles. OXOOOOOO XOXOOXOO OXXXXOXO XXXXXXOX OXXXOXXO XOOOXOXX X - lit tile O - unlit tile OOOOOOOO O5OOOOOO OOOOO3OO OO74OOOO 6OOOOOO1 OOOOO2OO O - do nothing number - press tile in this sequence If you make a mistake, pressing the button below the panel will reset the puzzle. When you are done, the game will take over and the elevator will go down. Exit the elevator. Climb down the small flight of stairs and get a close up on the Nara made Age seal. Use the amulet for a triggered memory. This is the area that blew up, destroying the walkway above and releasing that noxious green smoke. Turn around and pull the lever to open the chamber. Enter it. Once inside pull the small lever on the right to close the chamber and open the linking books. Left one (red) leads to Spire and right one (blue) leads to Haven. Let's deal with this one first. Touch the linking panel and enjoy the flight. ------------------- 2. Haven ------------------- You arrive on Haven inside a chamber that is literally falling apart. This was a communication cell with a divider wall to prevent Achenar from reaching the linking book for Tomahna, which is behind you inside a stand. Apparently, it didn't work. Closing up on the debris on the floor will show what happened. Some high pitched frequency destroyed the divider wall. To the right, there's a tray that can be tilted to transfer items between the two sides. Inside, you'll find Yeesha's satchel that triggers a memory of her running away from someone. There's also a pipe that can be pushed up to blow a horn that was probably used to signal Achenar so that he would know he had visitors. When you are done, go outside. Continue forward until the path is blocked. Move the little crab away (if it is in the way) and move the stone aside. Behind it, there's the top half of a broken crystal figurine. It triggers the amulet. Use it to see the brothers fighting each other. Turn around, walk forward and turn left. There are two paths here. One leads to the back of the link in chamber and it's filled with some sort of structure and the other is a tunnel into the cliff. Take this one. At the top you will see a drawing of a gargantuan creature (a Cerpatee as you will find out in a bit). To the left there's a rope ladder leading down. To the right there are two paths: one leads up and offers an aerial view of the island and the other leads to Achenar's camp. Go down the ladder on the left. The path leads to the shipwreck you saw when you linked in. To the right, near the beginning of the "pier" there's a totem. Approach it and get a close up. Use the amulet. When you are done take a picture of the symbol on the totem and associate this totem with the Cerpatee animal (this is part of a puzzle that needs to be solved later one. Return to the beginning of the "pier" and go forward. On your way to the wreck, there's a scene where some crabs eat a fish. When you get to the wreck you'll be faced with this Age's first puzzle. There's a wooden box inside the elevator, four cannonballs outside and to the left and down from the elevator there's another box (the counterweight) with four more cannonballs nearby. What you need to do here is figure out how to take some cannonballs up the elevator with you, to trigger a pressure plate in the upper floor that will make a piece of gangway elevate. Go to the counterweight box and move 3 cannonballs into it. Return to the elevator. Pull the box outside and move 2 cannonballs inside it. Push the wooden box to the elevator and follow it inside. Turn to the right to see the commands for the elevator. Wind the counterweight (by rotating the wheel) and release the brake (lever to the right). The elevator will go up. At the top, push the wooden box forward. Wait for the gangway to rise and cross to the other side. Once inside the ship proper, you can either go up or down. Go down first, by taking the rope net at the left hand side. This leads to Achenar's work area. At the end, the amulet will react to the stuffed Karnak above the work table. There's a diagram on top of the work table. Take a picture of it. It tells you which animal eats what and will help you establish a pecking order (needed for the puzzle that also uses the totems). Enter the room off to the side at the back. The amulet reacts to the tools on the table. There's also a tube with a rubber reservoir at the end. Pushing it releases a green cloud of the same stuff that made you woozy back in Tomahna. Looking around confirms that Achenar is one very disturbed person. Return upstairs to the middle level. Take the ladder upstairs. Once up there, you will be greeted by a Karnak eating a fish. Notice it's hind paws. You can correlate this information to the picture you took downstairs. Now, before entering the ship, continue forward until the end. Turn to the right and rotate the leftmost gear. This will unfurl the sail and show you a map of the island along with the territory each animal occupies. It will also trigger a memory. The five animals are represented here: the Cerpatee at the top, below it the Mangree and to the right of the Mangree, the Camoudile. Below the Camoudile is the Zeftyr and to the left of the Zeftyr is the Karnak, our fish eating friend. Take a picture and when you are done, push the wooden tab by the right of the gear to collapse the sail. Enter the room to the right, and turn right. Examine the treasure chest to trigger a memory. Afterwards go to the other end of the room and examine Achenar's first journal. You can use the amulet for a voice over. Here you will learn the eating habits of the Zeftyr, the Camoudile and the Mangree, along with their names. Further along will come the Karnak (a scavenger) and references to the fifth creature. When you are done, return to the pier. To lower the elevator to the pier, just touch the metal tab next to the winding gear for the counterweight. Then, retrace your steps to the top of the cliff. Now, take the path to the right that leads to the aerial view. You'll see a red flag waving in the distance and a wood structure to your left. This jungle is a maze and you'll have to navigate it. Climb down and go to the camp area. Approach the tent to trigger a cutscene. A Zeftyr will run out and you will use the tent as an hang-glider to pursue it (I choose to think we're not running away from it in abject terror ^_^). It proves smarter than you, as it hangs back just below the base camp and watches you crash land. You then wake up with a Mangree looking over you. This scene is also important as it contains a clue to another puzzle. You will hear a Mangree screaming: high then low then high again. The one looking over you will become alerted, just in time to escape the Camoudile that bounds over you in hot pursuit of a cold meal. When you get up, I suggest you do some exploring. It's very hard to give directions here in the jungle as there aren't many reference points I can use, so if you know the places I'm talking about, this will be much easier. Look down to see some prints. Zoom in and the amulet will react. Right now you are in a three way fork with the tent remains to your left. The Camoudile came from your right. Take the path in front of you. Walk to the end of this path. You will see a Mangree jumping from a tree to another one across from it and hear the warning call again: high, low, high. Go forward again and you'll arrive at what seems to be a dead-end. There's the hunting post Achenar mentioned on his journal. You can push the red plants aside. Do so and this lets you continue to the hunting post. Climb up. Turn around and pull the cover down. Another diagram that helps establish the pecking order. Take a picture. The pile of bones to the left triggers a memory. Now, observe the three wheels in front of you and the Mangrees at the distance. Do a close up and you'll see they are playing with the Mangree totem. Unfortunately, one of them is always covering the symbol. To make them go away so you can take a picture of the symbol you'll need to reproduce the sound for the warning call using the wheels in front of you. This includes not only the pitch, but also the duration which is long, short, long. Sorry I can't be of further help, but this is something you'll have to practice until you get it right. It also serves as practice for a puzzle with the same principal later on. I normally manage it by doing 3/4 of a turn for a long duration and 1/4 of a turn for a short one. In this particular case, you'll need to turn the rightmost wheel first, then the leftmost one and then the rightmost one again. You also shouldn't take too long between changing wheels as this can affect the sound reproducing. When you have managed to reproduce the correct sound, the Mangrees will go away. Take the picture of the totem and climb down from the post. Return to the three way fork and take the path with the tent remains. You'll see and hear a Camoudile up there stalking prey. Continue forward. At the intersection, turn left. Continue forward. You will pass by a Karnak on your right and going forward from there will lead you to a gate. Zoom in on the panel to the left. Use the amulet. You'll learn what you need to do to solve this puzzle. Open the panel by pulling on the bottom central area (where there seems to be a wood tab). The objective of this puzzle is to get the hammer to rest on the white pins without the hammers themselves being inside the sliders. The solution is listed below. As there's no way to reset the puzzle, save the game before you start solving it to prevent headaches (trust me on this one...) In the solution, a letter followed by a number, an x and a direction means you have to move that slider a number of holes in the direction indicated. The first move means: move the middle slider two holes to the left. t - top slidder m - middle slider b - bottom slider lh - light hammer dh - dark hammer Step by step moves: lh down m 2x left lh up dh up m 1x right lh down dh down m 1x left lh up t 2x right dh up m 1x right dh down lh down m 1x left lh up t 1x right dh up m 2x right lh down dh down m 1x left lh up -----> upper lock done b 2x left dh up m 1x right dh down b 1x left dh up m 1x right dh down ---> bottom lock done At the end of this, the gate opens. Cross it to enter the lake area and the Karnak habitat. Zoom in on the lake to trigger a memory. Turn around, zoom in on the totem and trigger another one. Take a picture of the symbol. Now climb down the trail to the intersection where you saw the Camoudile. Instead of going right and returning to the tent remains trail, go forward. You will find a trap on the left side of the trail. Use the amulet to trigger a memory. If you continue forward, you'll arrive at base camp. Turn around and return to the intersection. Turn left to the path with the tent remains. Take it. Pass the three way intersection and this time go forward. You can use the Zip mode to get there faster. You'll arrive at another intersection. To the left there are two Zeftyrs feeding. To the right leads to the swamp area. Take the left path to visit the Camoudile habitat. You'll witness an attack in which the Camoudile kills a Zeftyr. Pass the feeding Camoudile and the tree stump and turn around. There's a Karnak waiting for its turn at the carcass and an axe imbedded on the stump. Use it to trigger another memory. Turn around and go to the end of the trail. Turn left and a Camoudile will try to attack you. Fortunately for you (and unfortunately for the poor beast) the poisonous green gas those plants emit will render it unconscious and probably give it one very bad headache, which is nice as it matches the one you'll also feel as the vision blurs yet again. Wait for your vision to clear and zoom in on the left plant. Trigger another memory to learn about the proprieties of the gas and what a sadistic person Achenar is (not that it needed any more confirmation). When it ends, leave this place and go forward one screen. Take a right detour here to discover the Camoudile totem. Proceed to the end of this little trail and turn right at the huge boulder. The totem is behind it. Take a picture and trigger the memory. Now return to the intersection where you saw the two Zeftyr eating. Climb the path to your left (when leaving the Camoudile habitat) and you'll see two Mangrees running away from a Camoudile. You'll also hear the Mangree warning sound again (just in case you hadn't figured it out yet). Proceed forward to yet another intersection. The path on the right leads to the Gate area (Karnak habitat) and the path on the left with the wooden planks leads to the swamp (Zeftyr habitat). Take the left path. Enter the swamp and keep going until you get to a stone with prints on it. There's also a small frog like creature. Zoom in on the prints to trigger a memory. At the next intersection, turn left to find the final totem, the Zeftyr one. As before, take a picture and trigger a memory. Return to the last intersection and this time, take the right fork. This leads to the bridge puzzle and this is the one that requires all the information you've been gathering so far. Climb up and go to the right. Touch the handle on the pulley hanging from the ceiling to have the cover over the bridge lock lift. After solving this puzzle you can return here by pressing the lever to the right when approaching the bridge from the other side (not that you need to, but it's an available option if you want to soak up the environment some more). You'll have to enter the combination again to lower the bridge once you are on this side, though. The lock has five tubes that look like flutes and each tube has a symbol viewer. Below the lock there's a pyramid just like the one in the hunting post. To the left there's what looks like a wood fan that will lower the bridge once the correct sequence has been chosen. One of the viewers is broken, so you'll have to use one of the ones either side of it as a reference to set it to the correct symbol. The objective here is to organize the various animals, represented by their symbols, in descending pecking order. From the eating diagram on the wreck and the diagram on the hunting post, the order is Cerpatee, Camoudile, Mangree, Karnak and Zeftyr, logic being carnivores first (in order on size) then omnivores (Mangree and Karnak, with the Mangree being more intelligent) and finally herbivores (Zeftyr). With this in mind, set the tubes like so: 1 - three holes showing (blank square) 2 - two holes showing (three triangles on the vertex of a big one) 3 - five holes showing first so as to set the fourth tube and then reset to initial position (four leaf clover) 4 - five holes showing (four squares) 5 - four holes showing (letter s rotated 90 degrees) Pull the wood fan and the bridge will lower. Cross to the other side and the bridge will come up again. Enter the hut on the left. There's quite a few things hidden around and all of them will come in handy very soon. Open the trunk nearest to the door to find some pulleys and diving gear. Proceed to the next trunk and open it. Look at the inside of the lid. Take a picture of the drawing with the monkey and the squares with dots and markings. Approach the bed. Use amulet on the shirt and on the second of Achenar's Journals. From this you'll learn the name of the Cerpatee, that Achenar seems to be repenting and on the road to redemption and that Mangrees have names. You've already found one inside the trunk. Go to the desk and unroll the piece of paper at the top of the small writing plank. Take a picture of White Beard's name. Turn around and climb up the mast. Examine the telescope and have a look around. There's another Mangree name on the top of the table. Take a picture. Use the amulet on the box next to the drawing. Look at the painting on the easel. Lift it up (can't be in zoom mode to do this) and you'll find the final name behind it. Zoom in, take a picture and trigger the memory. Return downstairs and exit the hut. Turn left and continue to the jungle. Walk to the end of the wooden walkway until the nasty Camoudile starts snapping at you. Turn left and proceed to the hut at the end. Climb up. Watch the Camoudile enter this clearing and the Mangrees running for dear life. Notice wheel in front of you. Just like the ones in the Hunting post. Turn around and examine the diagram hanging from the ceiling. Trigger the memory. Turn around and take a picture of the fruit throwing call. OK, what you have to do here, is get the Camoudile to fall into the pit and have White Beard throw a fruit at him so that he'll disturb one of those poison plants and knock himself out. White Beard has to be the one doing the throwing because is the only one strong/accurate enough to do it. Unfortunately, moving the Mangrees around involves using the wheels to simulate their names and the game is a stickler for precision. Feel free to turn around and bang your head against the nearest wall. ^_^ Save the game and prepare yourself for one of the annoying puzzles in this game. Each of the names you have been collecting is made up of two tones. As in the other puzzle, there's high and low tones and also a middle one. There are two lengths: short and long. A square means short and a rectangle means long. The names are written from top to bottom, so to call a particular Mangree begin in the top line and go down. If you need to reset the puzzle at any time, walk back to the hut in the middle of the lake and then back here. When you are ready, here's the sequence: Letters A through E denote stations; P denotes Pit. Number - denotes wheel to use, numbered left to right 1/4 or 3/4 - denotes length of signal C B D P A E Mangree moves Camoudile moves Free Station from to from to 1 1/4 3 3/4 E A E D E 3 3/4 2 1/4 A B A E A 1 1/4 3 3/4 B E B A B 1 3/4 2 3/4 E D E B(P)E This gets the Camoudile in the pit but White Beard isn't in the throwing station yet 2 1/4 1 1/4 D C D E D 1 1/4 3 3/4 C B C D C 3 3/4 2 1/4 B A B C B 1 3/4 2 3/4 A E A B A 3 3/4 2 1/4 E B E A E I strongly suggest you save your game here, unless you want to redo the whole thing. You'll have very little time once the Camoudile is in the pit to throw the fruit 1 1/4 3 3/4 B C B E P 3 3/4 1 1/4 2 1/4 The Camoudile is put to sleep. Climb down and return to the end of the wooden walkway. Climb down the ladder and you'll be greeted by a Mangree and see the sleeping Camoudile in the pit. Follow the path to the right and climb the wooden post at the end. This nest is filled with Mangrees. There's a compass, and some shirts and linens. Zoom in on the shirts and trigger the memory sequence. Turn around to the left and zoom in on the plant leaves with the drawings. This is the solution to one of the puzzles in Serenia and also the solution needed to finish this Age. It says you'll have to stroke the bottom stripe of the third coil of a flying snake (you'll see it in just a bit) four times to the left and then pat it on the head when it awakens. I shall name it Quetzy (short for Quetzocoatl). Follow the path of leaves to the end. If you turn around you'll notice you have quite a following. The Mangrees seemed to have taken a liking to you. Sit on the chair and look right and down. Zoom in on Quetzy and trigger the memory to see Achenar doing what is needed to wake it up. Repeat what he did when the memory finishes. It will seem like Quetzy is going to attack you but never fear. Once it's gone, touch the lever. The chair will start moving and a passenger will join you for the ride. Once the chair stops, return to the linking chamber. If you go back to the chair, zooming on the lever and triggering a memory replays the ride. Once inside the chamber, link to Tomahna. ------------------- 3. Tomahna Interlude ------------------- On linking in to Tomahna, you will see Achenar outside of Yeesha's bedroom, linking to someplace and the link book falling to a deck below the bedroom. Go see what happened. Pull the small lever to open the chamber and when it's open, use Zip mode to go to Yeesha's bedroom. The room is a shambles. Seems like Achenar was searching for something. Go to Yeesha's bed and use the amulet on her Journal. You'll find out about Serenia, Serenia's viewer code and Yeesha's spirit guide. Of special importance to solve the bookshelf puzzle is a note on a Friday where there's a drawing of Atrus working on the bookshelf. She says all the names are written in D'ni and that she won't forget who is older. This was the final clue to solve the bookshelf puzzle (along with the family tree, the note from Atrus to Catherine, Yeesha's notepad where she practiced her name and the pictures of the family). I will not solve the puzzle just know, as I prefer to solve Spire first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: at this point, you could return to the viewer and input Serenia code to see a picture of it. As with the other codes, it doesn't add much to the story. Serenia code: Red 7, Yellow 6, Purple 4, Blue 3, Green 1 The image is a place near the link in spot in Serenia. You see a bit of the stone forest maze and water in the distance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go to the bookshelf and zoom in on the lower left display. Trigger a memory to hear Achenar saying "I knew you had one". He has stolen Serenia's linking book from Yeesha. That's where he linked to and that was the book you saw falling to the deck below. Zoom in on the right compartment to see Yeesha's handprint. It says she is a child of water, which means her spirit guide is a water spirit. You'll learn more about spirit guides when you link to Serenia. For now, exit the room and return to the linking chamber (you can use the Zip mode if you want to). Once there, pull the small lever to close it and then link to Spire using the book on the left. ------------------- 4. Spire ------------------- Before you start, a warning: Spire is evil! Then again so is Sirrus, so that makes it even. As with any Myst game the details are very important, but in this age they are even more so. Now that this is out of the way, look around you. The scenery is beautiful. You arrive inside a blown up link chamber. As with Haven, the same system was adopted here. You'll find a book on the bench across the room. Use the amulet on it to trigger a memory. Yeesha's first mistake with Sirrus: telling him she knew D'ni. Second mistake: teaching it to Sirrus. Anyway, when you are done, exit and start climbing down. On your way down, you'll path a elevator shaft, off to the side. Enter it and see that the call button is broken. You can zoom in on the shaft but you won't see much. Exit the elevator and continue climbing down until you arrive at a garden with crystal statues. If you used the viewer code, this is what you would have seen. Proceed to the statues and trigger a memory sequence. Turn left, and zoom in on the tools, bedroll and extinguished fire on the floor. Trigger another memory sequence. To the right and back there's a tunnel that leads to an elevator. Instead of taking that route, let's go another way. Turn back to the statues. Proceed to the left and to the back of the statues. At the end of this walkway, there's a huge crystal jutting out from a stone pipe. Take a picture and note the shape of the pipe (pentagon). Zoom in. Trigger the memory sequence and confirm that is indeed a pentagon shaped pipe. Zoom out. Notice white mark on scale on the fourth position (counting the one where the indicator is as one). This will become relevant near the end of this Age. Now turn right. Examine the pipe hole. Zoom in and trigger a memory sequence. Jump in and enjoy the slide down (hope the Traveler has heat resistant pants! ^_^) Once the ride ends, go forward. There's a sort of book device at the end. Pull the lever below it to open. Trigger a memory sequence. This is a circuit board for the Age. It shows where there's power. Right now, nothing is powered up. There's a group of four fuses on the upper left side, a group of seven fuses below that one and a group of 35 fuses on the right hand side. There's also a lot of symbols. Each of these represent a location here in Spire (kind of like the power box back in Tomahna). To the right of this circuit board is a metal pipe leading up. This is your exit from this level. Examine the rest of this location. Go left. There's a control box here. The symbol on the lid looks like a castle with waves above it. It's an electromagnet and the waves represent magnetic forces. Zoom in on the lid and trigger a memory. Press the button beside it to open the lid. Inside you'll find a slider and seven LEDs (numbered 1 to 7). There's a power gauge on the right and a switch on the left. Flick the switch down. Now, let's ground some conductors. It took me a few tries to find the right combination, but to save you the time, here it is: move the slider right, left, right, left and right. This works because one move to the right lights up 4 LEDs and one move to the left turns two off. All seven LEDs will light up. The game will take over and you'll see something being pulled down by the magnet force. If you now go to the circuit board, you'll see that this area is also lit up. From there, and to the left you can go to the end of the walkway and see an huge crystal that is storing electricity. A cable leads out into the void and connects to several floating stones. A ladder seems to lead out to the left, but can't be used right now. Turn back to the pipe leading up and climb it. At the top, move the lever to the left to open the trap door (if you had come by the elevator back at the Statue Garden, this trapdoor would be locked and it would be impossible to open it from the outside). This area leads to Sirrus work area, botany lab, and another elevator to the right and rest area and workbench, to the left. For now, continue climbing the pipe. This is another control area. The control box lid here has a symbol that looks like a ship sailing over some waves. It's another electromagnet, this one pointing down. Zoom in and trigger a memory. What you have to do here is balance out the floating rock you saw coming down when you powered the box downstairs. This is all explained in one of Sirrus Journal (to which we'll get to in a bit) and also through the triggered memories at the control boxes when they are covered up. You'll learn that the location downstairs is a dock and that the floating stone is actually a stone ship. Open the box. This one has is exactly like the one below but only with four LEDs. You need to light up two LEDs here. The sequence for this, after flicking down the switch, is move the slider left, right and right. Game will take over, and although you won't see it from up here, the stone ship will be at the proper position to be boarded at the dock area. Climb down to the middle area and go left. Approach Sirrus' workbench. On your way there, zoom in on the floating stone to the left and trigger a memory. As long as you are here, take a moment to follow the path next to the floating stone to the end to add a link to the Zip mode. It might come in handy. Do not use the elevator though. There's no need to and you have some more things to do on this level. Return to the floating stone and continue to the bench. Zoom in on the first of Sirrus' Journals and use the amulet for a voice over. You'll learn a lot about how the Age works, some of it's secrets and why the stones float. You'll see how the stone ship was created, how the electro crystals work and of Sirrus' failure. Contrary to his brother, Sirrus doesn't seem the least bit remorseful. To the right of the journal, there's a device that shows how the crystals work. It also can be used to trigger a memory. Do so. To the right is a telescope that triggers yet another memory sequence. It shows you the destination of the stone ship. You'll go there in a bit. For now, go to the left and behind the workbench area. This path leads to the Botany Lab, where Sirrus' nurtured a flower to offer to Catherine (seen in the pressure chamber in Catherine's Botany Lab, and also in triggered memory sequence in Tomahna by Night Botany Lab.) Zoom in on the statue and trigger a memory sequence. The Botany work table shows a diagram, but that doesn't look like flower experiences. Looks like Sirrus has been extracting something from the plants around here. Return to the trapdoor, and from there to the dock area below. On arriving here, notice that a gangway has been extended to the stone ship. Walk to the ship and get inside. Push the lever up and it's a small ride to the other island. Once there, get out of the ship and proceed forward and to the right. Cross to the other side and zoom in on the pipe. Trigger a memory sequence and climb down. To the right there's a web of chains. Go there first. Zoom in on the porthole and use the controls on the right to move the view around. There are three places where the blue button will light up, but one of them is more important than the others. Before you start moving it around, trigger the memory sequence. This is where Sirrus discovers that this Age has no bottom and the link book is lost forever. First hotspot is at the bottom of the stalactite that is currently shown in the viewer. Click on the blue button to zoom in and again to zoom out. Second hotspot is almost at the top of this stalactite. Again click the blue button to zoom in and again to zoom out. To the left of this one is the most important one: it shows a crystal jutting out from a windpipe (of circular shape) and the white mark on the scale is in the third position (again with position one being the first where the middle indicator is). Zoom out from the viewer and go to the machine at the end of the other path. This one had me banging my head on the wall for a while. The gears won't turn not because there's no power (as I first assumed) but because there's a floating stone nudged in them that prevents them from turning. Touch the stone (on the right side of the screen) to set it free and then pull the lever. This will enable a floating stone to form a bridge near the stone ship. Return upstairs. Cross the walkway and use the floating stone to cross to the other side. Continue to the end to find another circuit board. Zoom in and use the amulet. Return to the floating stone and step left to the control box. I forgot to mention we are trying to power an artifact that lets you access the bottom most point of the Age and that looks like a chair with spider legs. I shall refer to it as spider chair. For that we need exactly 36 conductors to be lit. Zoom in on the closed lid and trigger a memory. The symbol here looks like a three stringed lyre. Open the lid. Wow! That's a lot of conductors! After much experiment, the sequence for the slider here, after flicking down the switch, is : move slider right, right, left, left and right. You need to light up 29 LEDs which this sequence does. Return to the stone ship and to the main spire. Now, 29 from the island plus the 7 from the dock station makes 36. All you need to do is to turn off the ones above the area where the metal pole leads to (upper magnet control room). Go there and turn them off by flicking the switch up. Climb down and this time, go to the right, towards Sirrus' rest area and second workbench. On your way there, notice a piece of paper on the floor, near a square piece of rock. It's the first note on Quartz crystals. Zoom in and take a picture. Keep going until you get to the third crystal jutting out from the windpipe. This one is broken and there's no scale, but the shape is an hexagon. Zoom in, take a picture and trigger the memory sequence. This confirms the shape of the pipe and also the position for the last indicator, which is set on the seventh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Here is some additional information on a feature I missed. Thanks to Anthony Germon for sending it to me. "[...] when you are near Sirrus' rest area, in front of the third (hexagonal) crystal, jutting out from the windpipe, you can indeed notice that there's no scale. Of course you may get the position for the last indicator during the memory sequence. But, when facing the crystal, if you turn yourself 180?, just above the chessboard and a little to its right, you can also see the missing scale, which is damaged and stuck in some pillar, and you can zoom on it." This will also provide you with the correct setting for this cable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turn around and go to the cot area. Zoom in on the chess set to trigger a memory that completes the one triggered on the chess set back in the Kitchen in Tomahna. Turn around to the water bucket. Notice a piece of paper on the floor. Zoom in and take a picture (first note about the blue crystals). Now go to the workbench. On the left there's a rotating display with crystals inside. Below it there's a note on Nara. Take a picture. On the top and to the right, there's a note on rock. Take a picture. Now open the small compartment to find two more notes, the one on top about blue crystals and below this one, one about rock. You'll have to move the small gear aside to be able to lift the note about the blue crystals. Take a picture of both notes. Now, turn to the right, walk forward and examine the hole there. Jump into it. At the bottom you'll be face with the spider chair. To the left of the chair there's a statue with a list of numbers. Take a picture of it (as it will help determine the correct frequency for Rock). Open the gate in front of the chair by pulling the lever down. Leave the lever with the lightning bolt symbol as is. Exit through the gate to the other side. Climb up the stairs and look to the floor. Zoom in on the note and take a picture. This is the only note about quartz but it's more than enough. The elevator cab is here, but you won't be needing it. Return to the spider chair and sit down. Press the button on the right. A control panel closes over you and everything lights up. If you look carefully to the left side you'll see numbers next to symbols. These indicate the amount of energy needed to access a level, and this is how I knew that 36 was the correct number. Pull the knob on the left down one position. You'll go down and the statue will come down with you. Zoom in on it and use the amulet. There seems to be a whole lot of flasks around. Pull the knob on the left down another position. You will go down again and this time you'll see four displays in front of you. Inside each there's a different piece of crystal. On the left there's Quartz and Stone and on the right Nara (in the form of a Knight chess piece) and Blue Crystal. These are locks and the notes you have been collecting let you find out what are the frequencies to make them vibrate and thus open. But before you do that, you need to tune the machine. Click on the button in the panel that looks like three capital 'E' letters. You'll have to open the panel first to reveal the button. Once at the bottom, you'll see three gears each with a different geometric symbol: a pentagon, a circle and an hexagon. Each corresponds to one of the windpipes I told you to take a picture of. On the right there's some tools. Zoom in on them and trigger a memory sequence. After this, set the gears accordingly. Remember that the first position counts, that is first position on each gear is number one, not zero. Code is: Gear one (pentagon) in 4th position Gear two (circle) in 3rd position Gear three (hexagon) in 7th position If you make a mistake, the white handle in each gear can be used to reset the indicator to its original position. Once they are properly tuned, return upstairs by pressing the big black button up and to the left. When the ride ends, save the game. Get ready for another annoying puzzle. Seems to be one per Age. But first let's find out the sequences. Open up the notes on the quartz crystal. The first one says the first slider should be set to 6. The second one says the optimum setting is near 8-12-4. Push the sliders on the chair control panel to these positions: the first one to 6, the second one to 12 and the third one to 4. The quartz crystal begins to vibrate (the lights on the conductors turn off meaning that energy is being spent to make the crystal vibrate). You have the correct frequency for Quartz: 6-12-4. Notice that there's only a hole on the Quartz ring and that it spins slowly. Now for the Rock. The notes for rock say that the total power is 20 and that the last slider must be set to 5 (seen in one of the notes). This means that the power distributed to the other sliders has to add up to 15. There's a lot of combinations, but the notes also say that the lab vibrated strongly with one of the melodies from the music chart. So that reduces it to 10-5 (as found on the last three lines of the chart), since this is the only pair from the melodies chart that adds up to 15. The correct frequency for Rock is 10-5-5. Test it and notice the lock behavior. This one has three holes. Now for the Blue Crystal. The notes let you know that the setting for the first slider is 3. The other ones must be set to the total output from the garden, which is 4, and docking station which is 7. The total is 11. So if the total is 11 and the first one is set to three and one of them has to have the full power from the docking station, which is 7, the sequence is either 3-7-1 or 3-1-7 (since both add to 11). Testing these reveals that the correct one is 3-1-7. Notice the lock behavior by zooming in on it. This one has two holes. And for the final one, Nara. This is the easiest one. The only note on Nara says that it will have to be all the power the board can generate, equally divided by three. Since the full power is 36, dividing it by three means the frequency is 12-12-12. Zoom in on the lock and see that it has four holes. So frequencies we have, now to determine the order. Since the slower vibrating materials take longer to get to a hole in the ring, it's better to have them set up early. In order of the number of holes, this means the correct order (along with frequency settings) is: Quartz: 6-12-4 Blue Crystal: 3-1-7 Rock: 10-5-5 Nara: 12-12-12 Now for the annoying part. You have to get all four locks vibrating at the same time and this requires speed while setting up the sliders. This would be easy if the control system wasn't so clunky and the mouse hovering sensibility was a little more sensitive. My suggestion, at least for the first setting is to set up the first and third slider to the correct positions and leave the second one to the end. As this involves cranking it up to the maximum, it buys you some time. Once it starts vibrating, set the next combination and so on. With a bit of luck you'll get it right and the bridge in front of the chair will lower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Here's an alternative way of solving this puzzle, provided by Greg Diroll. Thanks for sending it to me. "As you state, the clumsiness of the mouse control makes it difficult when time is so important while trying to get all the pieces to vibrate. The key to speeding up each code is knowing that the 3rd number selected in each sequence only has to be crossed and not "set." For example, the quartz code is 6-12-4 and Blue is 3-1-7. Starting from zero, I set 6 and 12 on the 1st 2 cables. I then went directly to 7 on the 3rd cable, hence passing 4 and activating the quartz, and setting the 3rd number of the 2nd sequence. I then reversed to the 2nd cable, set 1, and then slid the 1st cable back to zero quickly(passing 3 and activating Blue) and then up to 10 to start the Rock sequence. Then to 5 on the 2nd cable and so on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once this happens, click the blue button on the right to have the control console lift up and free you. Walk over to the bridge and cross it. Save the game. Climb to the new area and you'll see an huge stone slab in the elevator to the left. You'll have to get rid of it. To your right is a panel with two settings. Move the slider to the right (below the drawing for what looks like a Bishop chess piece). Move forward and you'll see a figurine inside an electrical cage. Zoom in and trigger the associated memory. Oh, so the crystal figurines will act as bombs once they are grounded. Continue to the second of Sirrus' Journals. You'll learn of Sirrus bitterness, his trickery of his mother as well as taking advantage on her feelings and that he is not the least bit sorry for what he did: he's quite blase about it. You'll also learn of his plans to blow up the linking chamber, how he tricked Atrus into giving him some Nara (in the form of chess pieces and his surprise at finding out he has a sister and the anger/envy he feels towards her because Atrus chose to teach her the Art of writing Ages and didn't do the same with him. Approach the nearby dispensers and zoom in on each one. You'll have the opportunity to trigger two memory sequences, showing a figurine being retrieved and deposited into the sliding container. The one on the left is made of rock and the one on the right is made of Nara. Since you need to blow up the rock slab that is blocking the elevator, Nara would be the right way to go. You'll have to make sure that the container is pushed to the left so that the Nara figurine will fall to the ground and blow up. Slide the container to the left and return to the spider chair. Set the sliders to 12-12-12 and watch the cutscene. A figurine slides to the back of the other area and an explosion similar to the one witnessed on Tomahna when the quake took place will be seen. Seems that both brothers had an hand at that event. Return to the area that just blew up. The elevator is now unblocked. Enter the elevator. If you want to save the game here, as this will be a fun ride. Lift the lever up and enjoy it! The ride ends on the shaft chamber near the beginning of the Age. By the way, the ride up here should explain why this elevator wasn't working: beside the slab of stone blocking it downstairs, there was a missing section of the shaft that Sirrus substituted for electromagnets. Turn around an zoom in on the medallion next to the lever. Flick the little latch and take a picture of the color scheme that appears. This changes from game to game, so I can't tell which scheme you'll get. It's also part of the solution to another puzzle in Serenia and the reason why you needed to visit Spire before going to Serenia. Zooming in on the lever, replays the elevator ride. Exit the elevator and proceed to the link chamber. Link back to Tomahna. ------------------- 5. Tomahna Revisited ------------------- Time to take care of the book shelf puzzle in Yeesha's room. Pull the small lever right to open the chamber and Zip mode to the bedroom. Once inside, approach the bookshelf. There are two rows of books, with eight books each. Number the books in each row from one to eight. I'll refer to a particular book like so 2:4 in which the first number is the row and the second number is the book. On the spine of each book there's a name written in D'ni. After gathering all the clues (Yeesha's Journal where she says all the names are written in D'ni and that she won't forget who is older, the family tree below the first conservatory, the note from Atrus to Catherine, Yeesha's notepad where she practiced her name and the pictures of the family) all that's left to do is translate the names so you can find out which books to push. Since you already have Atrus, Catherine and Yeesha's names in D'ni, the only ones missing are Achenar and Sirrus. If you translate the other names, you'll see some familiar names there, like Rand for example. Or you could simply try to find out which are the ones you want from looking at the Family Tree picture. The order to be used, as Yeesha says she won't forget who is older, is descending chronological. So that would be Atrus, Catherine, Achenar, Sirrus and Yeesha, which translates to: 2:4 1:6 1:8 1:3 2:6 Push these books into the shelves to have the bookshelf lower. Climb down the manhole to the deck. Step forward and you will see some diving equipment here. Continue forward to find a painting on an easel, a glowing lamp with beetles flying around it and Serenia's link book laying on the floor (this was where you saw it drop to when Achenar linked there). Open the book and link to Serenia. Before you start exploring Serenia, do a small detour. Turn around, do a close up on the stone pedestal behind you and trigger a memory. Poor Yeesha! Link through the book laying on the floor back to Tomahna. This is a very nice surprise, especially if you played Exile, because you are in the same place where Exile starts! Approach the bench on the left, zoom in and trigger a memory that replays the first scene from Exile. Turn around and go through the corridor there. At the end, turn the little fan knob to unlock the door and step through. The door at the back of the Botany Lab is now opened. Return to the balcony you just left, and turn right to Atrus' office. Turn left and go to the leftmost mural. Zoom in to trigger another scene from Exile. Zoom in on the right mural and trigger another memory, this one of Catherine teasing Atrus. Continue to Atrus' desk. The linking book to Serenia is on a bookstand to the right. Turn on the lamp on top of Atrus' desk. Zoom in on the feather and trigger a memory. Zoom in on the Journal and use the amulet for a voice over. The journal teaches you about Serenia, and the family trip there. It also talks about how Yeesha underwent her Spirit Guide ceremony. When you are done, turn right and link to Serenia. ------------------- 6. Serenia ------------------- Serenia is a maze like place. As with Haven (but even more so here) it's very difficult to give out directions. I strongly suggest you get acquainted with the Age and at least learn the locations for the water control puzzles (there are three), the Spirit Guide manifestation points (stone circles for Wind Guides, circular pools for Water Guides and burning stones for Fire Guides) as well as their shapes (Whirlwind, Water Column and Flame Column) and their offerings (Pollen for Wind, Bubble for Water and burning Sap for Fire). Start by going forward. Cross the bridge and go past the bubble fountain on the right. Continue forward past the white butterflies. To your left you'll see a water wheel and in front of you there's a bridge. Turn left and go to the water wheel. Pull the control handle on the wheel to the right so as to stop water from flowing to the left. You need to do this as part of a puzzle you'll encounter later on. There's also a water pool here. Return to the main path. Cross the wooden bridge. You'll see Achenar walking briskly to the right. This is a four way intersection: the path from where you came, a stone path to the left, a stone path where you saw Achenar in front of you and two wooden bridges to the right. Follow the path where Achenar was. Pass the stone circle to the left and continue to another intersection. You'll see two water conduits intersecting on the right, a path to the right and a path to the left. Take the left path. Turn left and notice a small wooden box in a stone shelf to the left. Zoom in and trigger a memory. This is what Achenar was hiding. Open the box and use the amulet on the Journal for a voice over. This Journal will let you learn what the brothers have been up to in Serenia, as well as their intended plans for Atrus. It also tells you that there's been a fall out between them. Continue forward on this path. At the end, just before a bridge, you'll see some burning stones. Incidentally, if the game takes over when approaching a Spirit Guide manifestation point, it means the Guide is there. Do nothing to it tough. I point this out because a Fire Spirit might be here. You'll deal with them later on. Cross the bridge and you'll be standing under a pollen tree. Turn left and go forward. There's a water pool on the left (and probably the Water Spirit guide is there). Forward again until you get to another water control point. Climb the small wooden ladder on the left. At the top, pull the little car right so that its top wheel connects with the wooden axle. Go forward and pull the handle to the right. Staying still on top, approach the ladder and return the car to the original position. Descend and return to the water pool. Turn to the water control and pull the handle hanging from it. This will block the water from flowing to the left conduit. As I mentioned above this is part of a puzzle you'll encounter a little while later. Go past the small wooden ladder and continue forward. You will come across a stone circle on the right and probably see a Wind Spirit. Again, do nothing to it. Keep going forward. You'll be back to the intersection where you saw Achenar. The Wind Spirit may be in the stone circle next to that path now. This time, take the path with the two wooden bridges. You may be able to see a Fire Spirit to the left at a distance. Go past it. Cross the wooden bridge. Ignore the trail leading down from here for now (it's a dead-end with a raised drawbridge). There's another stone circle to your right. Take the left path. Another water control, and if all went well, there should be no water flowing here. There's a water pool here. Zoom in on the broken wooden cogwheel on the left and trigger a memory. Once it ends, go forward. To the left you'll see a burning sap plant and another one to the right at the distance. Take the path to the right that leads to another burning sap plant and a pollen tree. Pass the pollen tree on the right and the bubble fountain on the left. There's a path to the left here on which another pollen tree can be seen. Ignore this path and go forward. There's another bubble fountain here, a path to the left where some burning stones can be seen to the right of it and a path leading forward and downward. Take this one. The game will take over and you'll meet Anya. Listen to what she has to say. She is one of six Protectors leaving on this part of Serenia. She tells you to visit the memory chamber, so go there. Go forward, but make a detour first. At the cross roads, turn right and go to the end of the path. Zoom in on the mosaic and trigger a memory. From it you'll learn that water links everything in this Age. Take a picture of the mosaic, as it is also a map to this Age's stone maze (the one you've been navigating). Return to the crossroads and go right. Go down the stairs and at the bottom, turn left. Go down these stairs and witness a scene with Sirrus. As usual, he's up to no good. When he sees you, he'll blow up the bathyscaph to escape. Turn right and go forward. Zoom in on the offering plate and trigger another memory. Before entering the Memory Chamber in front of you, go left and to the back of the bathyscaph. Examine the blown up door and trigger a memory. The bathyscaph is used to harvest memory globes from the bottom of the Memory Plant. Return to the Memory Chamber and enter it. There are four statues at the back (two on each side) and they will replay scenes of Yeesha imprisoned, Achenar stealing something and Sirrus holding a blue egg. There's a stair leading up, but there's no need to go up there right now. The chamber in the middle of the room holds the pistil of the plant and it's beating like an heart. Exit the Memory Chamber and return to where you saw Sirrus inside the bathyscaph. You'll meet a new Protector here: she'll tell you about the Memory Chamber and that a few of their sisters have gathered at the Hall of Spirits. They'll be able to tell you more about Yeesha when they've woken up. Follow her to the back of the bathyscaph. She'll tell you of the existence of another bathyscaph and that the pollens inside a Memory Chamber grow deadlier when the plant gets old. Once more, return to where you saw Sirrus and climb the stairs. At the top turn left and go forward. Cross the suspended wooden bridge and climb down at the other side. On this plaza, there's a statue with and offering plate to the right and a small outcropping to the left. Go there. A tube at the end triggers a memory when you zoom in. Seems like this is used to call the village. Return to the plaza and go left at the top. At the base of the stairs, there's a stone lid (the control is to open it is upstairs). Climb the stone stairs, and encounter Achenar. Listen to what he has to say. It may be hard to believe, but he seems sincere. He does seem a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket and he says his brother is mad. He also mentions the Journal you found inside the wooden box and to prevent Atrus from coming here. When the scene ends, turn right. Walk the wooden walkway to the end. Notice the thing on the water control wheel? It's a Quetzy just like the one in Haven. This is way you had to go through that Age: to find out how to release this lock so you can operate this water control. Zoom in and trigger a memory of Haven. To release Quetzy, stroke the bottommost stripe on the rightmost coil four times to the left and then tap her on the head. She'll fly away and let you operate the control. Don't do it yet though. Instead, return to where you just met Achenar and pull the red lever that looks like the tongue from the statue. Return to the plaza and to the outcropping. There should be a middle aged woman there. Another Protector. She's very suspicious of you, but asks you to do a favor for her. She talks about the importance of water, the theft of the Life Stone and the diversion of the water courses. This scene is important because it triggers the awakening of the Protectors inside the Hall of Spirits and lets you move forward in the game. So you'll go there, but take the long way so as to discover a bit more of the game. Return to the stone plaza and to the base of the stone stairs. The lid should be open allowing you to go down there. Do so. Climb to the very bottom. There's a switch here (I don't know its purpose) and a pillar surrounded by three more. Zoom in on it to trigger a memory. It's the stone Achenar has been carrying around. Turn left and go forward. Zoom in on the crevice. You'll exit this chamber. Incidentally, if you had messed with the water control upstairs this area would be flooded and you'd have been prevented from proceeding this way. Climb up and you'll be on the side from which Achenar made his speech. Proceed forward. This path leads to the drawbridge I mentioned earlier. It's no longer a dead end. Now use Zip mode to return to the crossroads after you met Anya or continue on this path. Once in the crossroads, go to the mosaic. Another scene with Anya will reveal a little more of what is going on. When it ends, go straight ahead to the building on the opposite side of the mosaic. This is the Hall of Spirits. Save before you go in. Enter it and you'll be addressed by one of the Protectors there. Listen to her explanation and you'll learn you need a Spirit Guide to visit Dream. She's called Zaneka, by the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: The guide is randomly attributed. Problem is I don't know what triggers it. I've been going through the save I did but it seems I always get the same guide. It does change when you start a new game. I've been a child of Wind and of Water so far. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Imager Viewer will be flashing. Click on it. Notice a hand next to the Zip mode icon. Clicking on it will show a hand print just like the one in Yeesha's bedroom back in Tomahna. Exit the Hall of Spirits. Now that you know who's your Spirit Guide, time to go find it. Return to the Stone Forest and go to the appropriate spot to get an offering. These spots are always within a four screen distance from a manifestation place. You have to take the offering from the tree/fountain/plant to the manifestation place by holding it on the cursor. To collect an offering, place the cursor below the falling material. After you have it in hand, you can't do quick or sudden moves or the offer will disappear, but you mustn't take to long or it will also disappear. Moving more the four times will also make the offer disappear. As I have no way of knowing which Guide you have been given here's a table with the information you'll need: From Collect Spirit Guide Manifests in Pollen tree ---> Pollen ---> Wind ---> Stone circle Bubble fountain ---> Bubble ---> Water ---> Water pool Burning plant ---> Sap ---> Fire ---> Burning stones If the Guide is at the manifestation place you chose, touch it with the offer in hand. This will cause and explosion of light and shower of sparkles. If not, you'll have to visit every spot where it appears until you find it, always bearing the right offer in hand. Once this is done, return to the Memory Chamber. Before going upstairs, save the game here, as you are about to experience one of the most fun puzzles in the game as well as bear witness to a fabulous journey accompanied by the song Curtains (beautiful in itself) by Peter Gabriel. When you are ready, Zaneka will be waiting for you there and will explain you what to do. Once you get up there, the game will take over. Enjoy the video. When it ends, your Spirit Guide will explain what is going on in Dream and that it will try to help you. It'll allow you to interact a little bit with Dream, and you can play around with the color clouds and have them follow your cursor around. After some time has passed you'll be taken to what I consider to be the most fun puzzle I've ever done on a Myst game. When the screen has filled up with swirling nimbus if color surrounding a white one and the Spirit Guide has stopped talking, save the game. This puzzle is easy once you know what you are trying to do. The spirit guide told you to bring the Ancestors in closer harmony to the ones surrounding it. White, for those of you out there who don't know this, is a combination of all the colors that compose light and thus the most harmonious color there is. Your objective will be to change all the Ancestors colors to white. To do this, you brush the cursor through an Ancestor and it changes color. The color sequence is: Red ---> Purple ---> Blue ---> Cyan ---> Green ---> Yellow ---> White Once you get to white, the cycle will begin again. The best way of doing this, since the clouds are arranged in an hexagonal matrix, is to trace triangles or do zigzag motions. Now, there are some rules: - going from a cloud to another, moves the color up one level on the sequence above - going back on a color that you have just changed causes no effect at first, but if you linger to much on it or pass through it without changing colors around it, it will force a color change on the clouds that surround it - white clouds are a bit sturdier to the effect above but will also change if you brush past them So when you are ready, begin. Don't be afraid to change a white into a red if you need to or do other shapes other than triangles (like squares) if it is needed at sometimes. When all clouds have been changed to white, the Spirit Guide will tell you, you have succeeded and will reveal you two color pyramids which will come in handy very soon. You will see two white lights separating into three distinct colors each and then form two pyramids. Make a note of the two pyramids that are shown. Even if the Spirit Guide says you won't be able to see this revelation again, you will. There's a memory trigger that allows you to review this clue: G M Y R B C Where R, G, B stands for red, green and blue and M, Y, C stands for magenta, yellow and cyan. Once you are back on Serenia, say goodbye to Dream for now. You will be returning there just before game ending. Exit the Memory Chamber and return to the Stone Plaza where you met the middle aged Protector. There's a Zip mode link leading there. Don't use it until you have exited the Memory Chamber though, or you will lose a sequence with Anya. As soon as you exit the building, Anya will appear and say that she hoped to discuss what went on in Dream with you, but there isn't time. She will remain here and block anyone from entering the Memory Chamber. Once the door is closed, you can trigger a replay of the last bit of conversation by zooming in on it and using the amulet. Once at the Stone Plaza, proceed to the water control where you made Quetzy go away. Turn the wheel to stop the water from flowing to the left canal. Time to face the brothers at their hideout. Return to the crossroads that lead to the mosaic and the Hall of Spirits (there's also a Zip mode link to it). Once there, turn left and proceed forward, passing under the bell to leave the Protectors section and enter the Stone Forest. Climb the wood steps and you'll be at an intersection with a bubble fountain and a wooden bridge. Take the left path and follow it to the end. At the end there's a burning sap plant to the right and an intersection in the next screen going left. Go forward once to the next screen and take the left path again. Pass the water control with the broken wheel and at the end of that path you'll be where the path leading from the drawbridge connects with this one. Go to the drawbridge and cross it. On the other side, there's a stairway leading down next to the winding wheel for the drawbridge. Climb down this stairway. At the bottom of the stairway, proceed toward the door. You'll meet Sirrus as he is exiting the abandoned Memory Chamber. Notice how he backpedals a little. Once he finishes his speech, proceed to the right and to the back of the Chamber. From Achenar's Journal found in the Stone Forest, you should have seen a drawing of a back underwater entrance into this memory chamber. There's a bathyscaph here and a well. You'll have to drain enough water from the well to be able to access the secret tunnel and the secret door it leads to. That is why you have been diverting the water from this location. If you hadn't done it, water would keep flowing into the well and there would be no way of accessing the secret tunnel. There are two levers here for controlling the bathyscaph: one lowers and raises it (the left lever) and the other one opens and closes its door (the right lever). Begin by pulling it up using the left lever. Close the door on the bathyscaph by using the right lever and then lower it. Still with the door closed, lift it up. This will cause some over flow and grant you access to the tunnel. Approach the well and climb down. Once inside, climb down once more. You should be able to see a glass window and below it, a wheel. Turn the wheel to the right to open a drain and allow some more water to drain out. Return to the bathyscaph controls. Lower it and with the door still closed raise it. Again this will drain some more water. Finally, open the bathyscaph door, lower it, close the door while it is underwater and then raise it. This will have drained enough water to open the secret door at the end of the secret tunnel. Go there now. Zoom in on the panel and trigger the memory. This shows you a picture of the medallion in Spire, a replay of the revelation your Spirit Guide showed you and then six small triangles separating (notice that every dot is white) and the door opening. Click on the button below the panel to open it. You will see a circle of color marbles and sliding channels. This is why you had to go through Serenia: the medallion there gives you the color combination for the six innermost positions of the panel. You then have to form triangles, using the combinations shown in Dream to form six triangles in the outermost positions of the panel, so that when combined each triangle will glow white. Each small triangle can only be one of these two types: G M Y R B C and one of its vertexes has to coincide with the color scheme from Spire. As I don't know what combination you got in Spire I won't be able to tell you where to place the marbles. You'll have to do it, but it shouldn't be too hard. It's just a question of sliding the marbles into place. To move a marble, click on it, and white lines will show you where you can move it to. Select a position by clicking on it and the marble will move there. When you have finished, click the button below the panel to open the door. Proceed through the tunnel, and climb the metal ladder at the end. Find the handle on the wheel and turn it to open the hatch. Explore the Memory Chamber. You can enter the Shrine itself if you want to but there's nothing to do inside. The plant is protected by a glass cover. To the left of the chamber, there's a sarcophagus. If you zoom in on the glass window, you'll see Sirrus frozen inside. Ignore him and climb the stairs to the top of the Memory Chamber. At the top you'll see Yeesha strapped to a chair. She'll ask you to release her by pulling the silver lever on the machine. As soon as you can, save. This is where you get to make your choices for alternate endings. I'll explain them in the Final Considerations section. For now, go to the machine. When you get there Achenar will enter. Do as he says and pull the AMBER lever. Unfortunately, doing the right thing puts Yeesha's body in trouble (then again, she already was, with Sirrus inside her body). Again, follow Achenar's instructions and sit on the chair behind you. Look up to be transported to Dream again. Prepare for this Age's annoying puzzle. Your Spirit Guide will be waiting for you and will show you Yeesha's mind being plagued by a parasite in a form that seems like a beetle with fine binding energy tendrils that are strangling her. This is Sirrus. The Spirit Guide will send you inside Yeesha's memory and you will have to sort them out. This place as five images floating around and each of them has one or more symbols attached. If you float the cursor over one of the symbols, it will replay a piece of a conversation. You have to put the conversation in order and also place each piece of it over the relevant object. The full dialog is below: 01 - (Yeesha) Daddy's really good at chess 02 - (Yeesha) You can make one just like you made my spirit guide 03 - (Sirrus) I'd like to sis, but I don't have a chess set 04 - (Yeesha) I'll tell them to when I link home 05 - (Yeesha) Well maybe mum and dad could give you a set, as a present 06 - (Sirrus) Ha, right, and I suppose you'll tell them to make it out of the same rock as this chamber 07 - (Yeesha) You should play him 08 - (Sirrus) I could, but it's really hard to carve figurines that small 09 - (Sirrus) That way, I'll never be able to break them 10 - (Sirrus) They break so easily The available objects are: chess set (C), figurine (F), painting (P), book (B) and Nara crest (N). When the correct sequence as well as the right number of sentences have been placed over an object, that object will have a white energy nimbus around it. This is the order the sentences should be put in: C - 01, 07, 03 F - 02, 08, 10 P - 05 B - 04 N - 06, 09 You can only move sentences from object to object in groups. If a group has more then one sentence the uppermost one will automatically be placed in the next object you brush over, excluding the one it came from. A sentence is place in an object in the lowest position and is removed from the highest position in the group. To acquire a group click on it. In order to simplify the solution, I'll refer to the object, rather than the sentence, you will be clicking on to acquire the initial group and then the object(s) you are going to distribute that group to. I'll also use the abbreviations above. For example, the first step of the full sequence is N --> C means you click on the group over the Nara crest and distribute it to the chess set. Here's the full sequence: N --> C B --> N --> B --> P N --> C B --> N N --> C F --> C C --> F --> C --> N --> C --> N --> C --> N F --> P C --> F --> C --> F C --> F (done) N --> C --> N --> C C --> N --> C N --> C --> N N --> C (done) P --> B --> N --> B --> P B --> P --> B B --> N (done) P --> B (done) --> P (done) After this one is done, you'll have to do another one, but this one is a Sirrus monologue. 01 - Father and mother will teach you the art 02 - See how round and smooth and empty it is 03 - And everything that's you will be sucked out of your body 04 - Then, I'll put my new memories back on my body and no one will be able to stop me 05 - See this globe little sister 06 - Of course, I'll kill them as soon as I know how to write Ages 07 - Lights will go on 08 - Leaving behind the perfect disguise for me to step into 09 - When I turn the switch, the chair you are sitting in will activate 10 - Never knowing that it's me who is doing the learning This time, the available objects are: memory globe (G), sarcophagus (S), chair (C) and book (B). Once more, when the correct sequence, as well as the right number of sentences have been placed over an object, that object will have a white energy nimbus around it. This is the order the sentences should be put in: G - 05, 02 C - 09, 07, 03, 08 B - 01, 10, 06 S - 04 Now is also a good time to save, if you want to have a savegame right before the game ends. As soon as you solve this puzzle the game will end. Full sequence for this puzzle is (following the same conventions I did above): C --> G --> C --> B G --> S --> G --> S G --> C S --> G --> C --> G --> S --> B (done) --> C (done) G --> S --> G S --> G --> S G --> S --> G S --> G (done) --> S (done) Listen to the final reassurances from the Spirit Guide. When you return to Serenia you will see that Achenar's sacrifice, due to the revelation he had of his brother, leads to his redemption. Unfortunately, it also leads to his death in his sister's lap. As soon as you stand up from the chair you'll hear Achenar's dying words and witness his death scene. Yeesha will be alright (at least until she grows old and turns into the mad woman we've seen on Uru: there's something seriously wrong with this family's gene pool). After this, you'll appear in Tomahna and listen to Atrus' conclusions. Roll on credits and you'll have the opportunity to listen to "Curtains" again. After that, the game ends. ------------------- 7. Final Considerations ------------------- Alternate endings When you are given the choice of levers to free Yeesha from the chair in the upper floor of the Memory Chamber, there are three options you can make: 1 - Pull the amber lever (the standard ending) 2 - Pull the silver lever 3 - Do nothing. If you choose number 2, Sirrus (inside Yeesha) will be freed, crush Achenar under a Spirit Stone, trap you in the process and then kill you be shooting Achenar's crossbow. Choosing number 3, leads Achenar to stand between you and Sirrus (inside Yeesha). Sirrus will take the opportunity to backstab Achenar and then shoot you where you stand. In both endings, Sirrus will also gloat about his performance and of how he now is sure that he'll be able to convince his father that he is indeed Yeesha. That's it. Walkthrough is over. Hope you've found it helpful and that you've enjoyed the game. ------------------- 8. Viewer Codes ------------------- Rime: Red 6, Cyan 3, Yellow 8, Green 8, Blue 2 Spire: Green 1, Blue 7, Red 8, Yellow 4, Cyan 5 Haven: Blue 2, Red 8, Purple 1, Green 5, Yellow 6 Serenia: Red 7, Yellow 6, Purple 4, Blue 3, Green 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- E. Contributors --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Me. ^_^ - Anthony Germon, for the telling me where the scale for the hexagonal pipe can be found. - Greg Diroll, for another way of tackling the Frequency Puzzle in Spire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- F. Legal Stuff --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is copyrighted to me, Orlando Soares. Please do not alter it or use parts of it without my permission and without quoting me. The sites with permission to post this guide are: - Guild of Greeters (www.greetersguild.com) - GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) - All Things Uru Age (www.zen13221.zen.co.uk/index.htm) - Cheat Happens (www.cheathappens.com) - The Genie (www.thegenie.net) - Counter Frag (www.counterfrag.com) - Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com) - Action Trip (www.actiontrip.com) - DHL.net (http://dlh.net) - GameBoomers (www.gameboomers.com) - Henk Gamesolves (www.gamesolves.tk) - IGN.com (http://faqs.ign.com) - Cheat Planet (www.cheatplanet.com) Copyright 2004 Orlando Soares.