MASK OF THE SUN Part One There are places to go, and things to do in this game which are not necessary to complete the adventure, however, I have included them in this Solution so that you get to see the whole game, and not what is just necessary to solve it. Specific instructions are enclosed in quotes, so type what you see. In the beginning of the game, you are in an airplane just landed in Mexico. You are on a search to find the famed Mask of the Sun. Here is what to do: "Out Plane," "Get Map," "Look Map," "Get in Jeep." You then start traveling North automatically. When stopped, continue with "West," "Get All," "Out Jeep," "Go Hut" "Give Food." At this point the old woman will give you a flute, and tell you something -- remember it. Then "Out," "Get in Jeep" "West," "NW." You will now be at the statue of a cat whose head has been removed. Type "Drop all but Pills," (these are your strength pills), "Out Jeep," "Look Statue." You will see the secret word "XOTZIL." Remember it. Then "Get Head," "Drop Head on Statue." At this point the statue turns into a jaguar and departs. MASK OF THE SUN Part Two Now, "Get in Jeep," "Get All," "NW," and you will find yourself at the foot of the first pyramid. So, "Out Jeep," "Go Stairs," "Up," "Light Match," "Light Lantern," "Go Door." Now, you will find yourself in a room with a snake attacking you. You must type the next command quickly, or the snake will kill you. Type "Shoot." The snake will then leave you. You are now in the first pyramid. So, "Search Platform," "Open Door," "Forward," "Get Bowl," "Forward." You are in the boulder room. This is a worthless room, but kind of fun. Watch the boulder. When ready to continue, type "Turn Back," "Left," "Move Sarcophagi." A ghost will appear; do nothing. After about 30 seconds, the ghost will disappear, and will leave behind the second bowl. Type "Get Bowl," "Turn Back," "Left," "Right," "Get Bowl." The skeletons in the room will now be attacking you, so type "Hit Skeleton With Amulet." Then "Get Bowl," "Get Urn," "Place Urn on Right Pedestal," "Go Door," "Go Jeep," "Get in Jeep." You have now conquered the first pyramid! Now on to the second pyramid. Go "SE," "South," "West." Here you will find a peddler trying to sell you a bottle of stomach remedy. Don't buy it! Then "West," "SW." You are now at the second pyramid. So, "Out Jeep," "Go Pyramid," "Right," "Search Door." You find a gold key. Then "Forward," "Move Block," and you find a black key. Now, "Open Door With Gold Key," "Go Door," "Down," "Forward," "Left," "Forward," "Right," "Look Pool" (make sure you look!). Then "Turn Back," "Left," "Forward," "Right," "Up," "Out," "Forward," "Forward," "Left," and you have exited the pyramid. Now on to the third one! MASK OF THE SUN PART III Continue with "Get in Jeep," "NE," "NW," "Forward," "Forward," "Out Jeep," and you are now at the third pyramid. So, "Climb Pit," "Forward." At this point it would be wise to "Save Game" as the next obstacle requires exact timing, and chances are you will have to do it a few times before succeeding. Continue with "Forward," "SW." You must answer the SW quickly also, as it is another place where if you are too slow to respond, you die. After you have left this room, it will tell you that Raoul has died. This is unimportant. You now will find yourself having to jump across a river of lava. You need to hit the return key, when the rock is under the lava and ready to rise. You should be able to determine this after watching it for a while. Once you cross the river, type "XOTZIL" then "Go Door," "Forward," "Look Altar," "Place Amulet on Altar," "Get Mask." This however is not the real mask. So you must continue searching for the real mask. So type "Search Altar," "Get Mask," "Wear Mask," "Turn Back," "Go Passage," "Forward." At this point you meet the Sun God, and he asks you a riddle. The answer is "Coffin." Then go "R," "L," "L," "L," "R." You are now in the Crumble Room. I would save game at this point, as you will soon confront your enemy Roboff. The directions you now take don't really matter. Roboff will eventually appear. However, *before* he does, type "Wear Mask." When he shows up, he will want the mask, so "Give Mask." Now the jaguar you set free comes back and kills Roboff. However, the jaguar now stands in front of you and you must "Play Flute" to soothe the savage beast. He then walks away, and you can exit the pyramid. You are now finished with Mask of the Sun!