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Simple enough? lets begin. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1 The Concept of Onslaught and how to Win -------------------------------------------------------------------- Onslaught is a new team gametype that pits one team of players against another, whats so new about this is that its a large-scale vehicular combat mode, you will probably see more vehicles roaming the level then you will players, this really helps let UT2k4 compete with some of the other titles, players who enjoyed games like Tribes (i know i did) and battlefield 1942 will find themselves *right* at home in this game type. Each team starts off with 1 base, each HOME base has a "Power Core" the objective of the game is to destroy your opponents power core and effectively blow up they're base. pretty simple right? Not quite. The concept really comes into play with you take into effect that you CANNOT directly attack your opponents base, you must LINK to it. this is where all the strategy of Onslaught really comes into play. In each level, there are a number of "extra" bases for the players to take over. You start with the one(s) that are linked to your OWN base and build off that. Using this system you create a "connect-the-dots" type pattern to your Enemies base. Once you establish a link to your opponents main base, you may then attack and destroy it. The concept of the game is very fun and requires a LOT of team-play and tactics. People love Team-play and people love tactics, its fact. So ya got that? it's nothing too complicated. It should be noted that 1 gun can interact with just about everything in the game, and that is the Link-Gun. Make Sure you understand what this gun is capable of when you play. The link gun can (1) Repair your own damaged vehicles. and (2) Repair your power nodes. The Main base power node (the one your team starts at) cannot be repaired at all, its the only exception to the rule. i'll dive more into the link-guns uses in section 3. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2 The Vehicles and how to use them -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright. Now lets take a brief overview of the vehicles, then ill go into detail about each one. The vehicles present one of the biggest changes in UT2k4 and they're are about 9 or 10 of them, you really should be aware of a vehicles functions before you go romp around in it. I hope to clear up not only what a vehicle is capable of, but also to provide some great tips to help players out when driving or flying a vehicle. There are a few very important rules that everyone should be aware of with vehicles, your opponents can STEAL your own vehicles and you can steal they're vehicle. you *cannot* steal vehicles that are NOT in play, if no one *HAS GOTTEN INTO* the vehicle since it spawned, and its not yours, then you cannot access that vehicle, stop trying. If someone gets into a vehicle, drives it around, and then gets OUT that vehicle is considered fair-game for ANY player to get into and drive, always be aware of noobs jumping out of they're Goliath. you can easily capitalize on the goliaths tremendous stopping power by Stealing it, and shooting them in the face, even if it IS heavily damaged. Another Important rule, if you get into a vehicle, the FIRST thing you NEED to do is Look around for teammates, I dont CARE what vehicle your driving, if your vehicle is going to stay ON the ground (Manta is included here) then you REALLY should offer a ride to other players. "But k-wix! some vehicles have only 1 or 2 positions!" WRONG! players are able to jump ON a vehicle and hang on for the ride (Presuming of course the driver is sane) Always be aware and never drive off in a vehicle while someone is running behind, tell him to Get ON and support you with fire. 4 Players riding ON a Goliath touting its full aresenal of weapons can be as devastating as the Leviathan. The Key to fighting in vehicles is to work in groups. Certain Vehicles are increadibly vulnerable to other types of vehicles. take note of this and try to follow a vehicle who is good at killing what can kill YOU. A good combination would be a Raptor and Goliath combo, the raptor can carry good air support while the Goliath protects the Raptor. A Great Combination! On a last note, if you want to know *anything* about the vehicles, read below. You can also find out how to defeat the vehicles hear aswell. -------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLIATH------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ~armor~ pretty tough, a Goliath can take a beating and keep kicking, be extra careful when getting out of a damaged goliath because they are one of the strongest vehicles in the game, and they are easily repairable by 2 people, i've seen MANY players steal a goliath, repair it, and run back to they're own OTHER goliath, and bring 2 down on the enemy, Goliaths in pairs can be unstoppable at times. ~positions~ 2 Positions, there is a driver (who gets to shoot the big ol' cannon) and there is also a gunner (who sports the .50-cal machine guns) ~speed~ I would say "Slow" would be a proper term, its not horrible, but its definitely not good either. Its always a good idea to know where your going in a Goliath. Try to avoid any insane stunt driving. Go get a Scorpion if your into that. ~140mm Cannon~ The main weapon of the Golaith is a wonderful tool indeed, it can destroy less-armored vehicles (such as the Manta, the Scorpion, and the Raptor all in 1 shot) The cannon is slow to swival and manta pilots will always try to outmaneuver the cannon by flying in loops or big circles over the Goliath itself, this is a pretty good strategy and tends to make the Goliath loose focus on the Manta, this is bad because the constant damage will eventually kill the Goliath. If your piloting one, be aware of the Goliath killers (the Manta and Raptor) and make sure to shoot them before they get to close. There are height limitations on the cannons firing range, so if a Raptor climbs to high it can be all over for you very quickly. If your driving and a Raptor begins attacking, its a better idea to switch to the .50 cal and try to shoot it down. ~.50 Cal Machine Gun~ The secondary weapon is great for taking out troops, lesser vehicles, and attacking things that the main-gun cannot get to. as a gunner it is your job to provide support fire for the Goliath, take special note of any aerial units and take them down as Quickly as possible, a well places aerial unit can end a tanks life VERY quickly. ~Tips & Tactics~ Goliaths are Great assault vehicles, they're massive appearence will send enemies fleeing in terror and it takes the focus off of lesser vehicles on your team (if an opponent see's a Scorpion and a Goliath, he will typically focus on the Goliath) Abuse the Goliaths strength in combat and crush lesser vehicles and troops as quickly as possible. Avoid getting out of a Goliath once your inside because any intelligent opponent will steal one if he can. Never forget that you can switch to your 50 cal if your by yourself by hitting "2" use it as support fire where your cannon can't reach. ~How to Defeat a Goliath~ These guys are imposing, but if you pay attention, they're are some EASY ways to take these guys down. The easiest way is in a Raptor, fly directly above the tank and reign down on it, if the pilot of the Goliath is intelligent, he will jump in the 50. calibur and fire back, now start dodging, but keep your fire on the now-helpless tank and with enough pummeling the pilot will realize that he can't win and leave the tank. destroy it. Another way is with the new weapons, the AVRiL and the Mine Layer and the Grenade Launcher, any of these weapons will deal out some punishment and they all can flank the tank. be intelligent when engaging a tank, try to stay close, and try to stay away from the big cannon. Use Grenades and Spider Mines to pepper it from over a hill, stick the grenades to the rear or treads and eventually you'll destroy the tank. Also, don't forget the AVRiL. Simply Lock on and shoot it, BE careful hitting a tank with an AVRiL saps 1/4th of its Hp so you will instantly become a target, and unless you have some sort of defense to hide behind, you'll be dead quickly. If you think your skilled enough, another option is to engage the tank in a manta, stay airborn as much as possible and try to keep your fire centered on teh tank, avoid *running* from it once your close because the tank *will* shoot you if you flee from it. one shot and its all over for the manta fighter aswell. Good Luck. -------------------------------------------------------------------- HELLBENDER---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ~armor~ Gotta love the Hellbenders armor, its actually pretty good. Its much better then a Scorpion or Manta and will keep the hellbender ticking for awhile, The Hellbender is typically easy to repair aswell so its not uncommon to see one person fully repair a heavily damaged hellbender. ~positions~ 3 Positions, there is a driver (who can honk and gets license plate privilages) there is a Middle-Turret who shoots "EMP" Projectiles, and then can shoot a beam to trigger them off in a connect the dots fashion, and there is a Rear Gunner seat this is probably the most useful Goliath feature, as it can easily be the most deadly, its a charged Blast. It should be noted that one person can effectively pilot a Hellbender by himself, i've done it many times. ~speed~ Another very good Statistic of the Hellbender is its speed, it really moves for the ammount of protection and firepower behind it. Take advantage of this and push the hellbender to its limit. Its also worth noting that the hellbender is unbelievably good at Smashing targets. make absolutely sure to abuse this feature. ~HORN!~ The Hellbender deserves a special section just for this, simply because too many players are unaware of the smashing potential behind a hellbender, When your driving one, there really isn't much that can stop you from going forward, so make sure you take advantage of this and keep the hellbender moving and active, crush as many troops as possible. Honking at them adds to the terror. This weapon is one of the least-used weapons in UT2k4, why? because its one of the hardest weapons to not only understand, but to use effectively. Primary fire spits out these orbs, they travel quite slow and you can spit out many of them, it functions much like the Shock Rifle, Secondary fire shoots out a trigger mode to trigger one of the orbs and then, in a link-fashion all the surrounding orbs blow up one by one. suffice to say, it takes some Skill to use this gun. The concept is simple, shoot out a BUNCH of balls and ignite them all up causing devistation. The blast radius isn't huge and most shots end up so off-timed that the effectiveness of the gun dwindles to nothing, ontop of that the balls of energy travel VERY slow, so it almost forces some one to use it in close combat ONLY. That said, one important technique when firing this gun is to aim for the ball you fired *FIRST* because your chain will then travel backwords and since the balls are traveling the opposite way, the chain blast will happen MUCH closer to where you shot it, so the idea here, is to keep track of your first shoot and follow it up in a circular portion with other shots, then detonate from your first and watch the fireworks. Still, this weapon is hard to use, but if used appropriately, it can instantly kill Mantas, Troops, Scorpions, and in some cases, even Goliaths. ~Rear Charge Turret~ This is probably the most effective Hellbender weapon. its like a Sniper rifle, anyone who is good at popping heads with the lightning gun will have a blast with this, it charges up and unleashes a straight forward beam of Energy, the beam is rather potent and can kill a Manta in typically 1 strike sometimes 2, it depends on the life of the Manta, ontop of that, the turret is very easy to aim and shoot, it has no really big limitations and its extremely good at taking Raptors out of the sky, One should note it *doesnt* have the firepower to compete with a Goliath though, so a firefight with a Goliath will often result in the doom of your precious Hellbender. One *final* important note about the Charge turret, a fully charge Blast is not only really damaging, but has the most actual force in the Game. One Shot can send all of the lesser vehicles and including the Hellbender itself Flying! I love hitting a Driving Scorpion with One blast and watch them fly barrel rolls through the air. It really just packs a punch. ~Tips & Tactics~ Despite all the usefulness of the Hellbender, it does NOT get used enough, people play favorites with the Manta, Raptor, Scorpion, and Goliath and as a result, this vehicle gets totally neglected in combat use. One person can pilot this thing as an effective sniper pilot, drive where you want to, Switch to gun three and knock people over. A Fully Manned Hellbender is impressive, especailly if each person is doing what they are supposed to. A Hellbender isn't all that great at holding assaults on its own, its more inteded for Dominance control in a section, once a Node has been taken, its a great idea to drive a Hellbender in and keep watch for the light vehicles that would like to come in and steal the node, use gun 3 to keep everything away, you outrange, outpower, and can kill them 90% of the time. Excellent! ~How to Defeat a Hellbender~ The best way to Defeat a Hellbender is with the Goliath, hands down. just assault and crush him with the cannon, a Hellbender can only take about 3 Cannon blasts where you can take atleast 5 charge-up blasts, and yet you fire as fast if not faster, so just crush him, if he gets out, shoot him. A Hellbender commonly will keep moving if engaged with troops, and will often-times run them over or try to shoot them with the EMP or in some cases, try to snipe you with the Rear Turret, all three present specific challenges and should be addressed differently, try to keep on your toes and predict where the Hellbender is going to go, a well-placed AVRiL will destroy it very quickly. Spider Mines also are very nice to kill a Hellbender with, they will track it, jump and eventually blow up. Quite effective. One should note that if you are a Troop yourself and you see an enemy hellbender with a Pilot in the rear-turret, be extremely careful, one charged blast will crush you. Despite what anyone says, people can be exceedingly accurate with it too, try to keep hidden. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MANTA--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ~armor~ The manta sports what is probably the *Worst* armor in the game, if your in a Manta always be aware that one shot from *many* weapons can kill you in 1-2 Strikes (typically 1) These weapons are: AVRiL, Raptor Missles, Hellbender Rear Turret, Goliath Cannon, Scorpian Sticky Energy, Anything from the Leviathan Pilot, The Lightning Gun, and the Flak Cannon. Suffice to say all of these weapons are potent destroyers of Manta craft, ideally, stay OUT of sight. Be aware that *you* as a pilot can take full damage while in the Manta, its not uncommon to see a person killed before the actual vehicle. ~positions~ There is only 1 position in the Manta, and thats the driver, who can drive, Jump, Go Down, and fire the Plasma Gun. Its worth Mentioning that the Manta is the *best* troop transport in the entire game, 2 other players can hop on the Manta (one on each wing) and tag along for the ride. This is one of the BEST features of the manta, be absolutely sure that you crouch to let other players jump on and drive them around. Not only is this a good way to transport, but the firepower of additional troops is a more then welcomed change to the Manta, a group of three in a Manta can devastate. ~speed~ For the worst armor in the game, the Manta makes up for it by being the most agile and quickest vehicle in the game. This is why it also serves as the best troop transport, you can almost instantly bring people to a node thats under attack and one of its best features is saving a node thats under attack by a Goliath, Its Unfortunate that most players don't seem to realize this yet and focus on running people down. (which isn't a bad thing!) ~Driving the Manta~ Driving isn't so simple here as you can Jump and Crouch in the Manta, This is not only a great dodging technique but a wonderful way to take enemies by suprise, a Well placed Jump can be the difference between life and death in a Manta, so be aware. Another Great feature of the Manta is how sneaky it is, many players are starting to realize that you can't really hear a manta coming, it is almost completely silent, abuse this feature and run down some unsuspecting players, you can really nail people when you learn how to drive the Manta, its one of the most effective methods of troop-killing. Nice. On a last note, never forget to pick people up on the manta wings if they need it. ~Plasma Burst~ The Mantas main weapon (aside from running things down) is a twin barrel plasma shooter, it shoots a nice burst-shot and deals a very light damage with a nice fire rate. This gun is effective at dealing out light damage to troops and some vehicles, but thats about it, If you ever engage a Goliath (it will happen often) your best bet is to run up close and pick at it with this weapon. ~Tips & Tactics~ The biggest advantage of the Manta is its speed, you can *easily* run away, come back, transport other players, and dodge in combat very effectively. Be sure you don't let your opponent hit you, its also a good idea to be aware of how high the manta can actually jump! you can get to many areas that other vehicles can not, its very common to see mantas jumping over other vehicles in an attempt to dodge it. In closing, speed & stealth is your *Greatest* weapon while you pilot the Manta, don't ever forget to use it. ~Dee mann adds You can also put Spider Mines on the Wings of a Manta, and they will jump out at enemies when you pass by them, this is a Sweet technique! It really ups the range and fire-power of the Manta, id presume you could try it on other vehicles aswell, but it would probably be most effective on the Manta simply because of the speed behind it. Check it out! ~How to Defeat a Manta~ Well, Mantas are honestly one of the easiest craft in the game to defeat, Many manta pilots will boast of they're ability to dodge an incomming blast, but in the end its rare to see a Manta outright dodge an oncomming Goliath Blast, or something of that nature. A Mantas strength is speed, and its weakness is *distance* if you have a Lightning gun, one or two shots can honestly outright destroy it and its a big target for a lightning gun. So aslong as you keep your distance you'll be fine. Now there are times when a Manta will come at you at FULL speed and you really wont no what to do so you'll just get Squashed, heres a few useful tips for DODGING the Manta, because its easily done. -Duck. Believe me, it actually works pretty well. -Dodge. You can fake out a Manta pilot fairly well by dodging to the side just as he is about to hit you. -Shoot. If you have the AVRiL or the Flak Cannon, you can really screw over the Manta pilot. One well placed shot when he's coming at you will typically destroy him. Infact, if you see one coming, try switching to the Flak Cannon, Crouch and aim up and shoot a grenade just as he flies to you, you'll typically either kill him, or prevent him from killing you. The best part is the manta pilot probably isn't expecting that, and since Manta pilots LOVE the run people over, it becomes easy to predict they're behavior.. they will come right to you. A Lot of Manta pilots will also try to "strafe" into you when in close combat, this is even easier to dodge aslong as your paying attention! Shooting at a Manta pilot while they are coming at you is critical to success. -------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORPION------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- ~armor~ A Scorpions armor is below average, but its not nearly as bad as the Manta, i've seen Scorpions survive a Goliath blast if the shot isn't dead on, Another great tactic, of course is to repair them often, a Scorpion you can repair in about 10 seconds and its quick to become a fully repaired and operational vehicle. Be aware that *you* as a pilot can take full damage while in the scorpion, its not uncommon to see a person killed before the actual vehicle. ~positions~ The Scorpion only has 1 Position, but like the Manta, you can get about 2 Troops ontop of it to ride along, it makes a great transport. the man who drives gets both weapons, the Plasma String and the Blades. ~speed & driving~ The Speed of the Scorpion is Great, for what it lacks in armor, it really makes up for in speed, its the classic "buggy" of UT2k4 is the fastest thing on wheels, it can be fun to drive around in it. The Scorpion also has great turning ability, Especially when you count the handbrake, you can spin the Scorpion around very quickly and do a 180 if you hit the space bar during a turn. ~Sticky Plasma String~ The Sticky Plasma String. This is a *very* controversial weapon but in the end, you will find that once you understand it, its VERY effective, basically its a chargeable gun that shoots out a "string" of plasma with "dots" on it, these "dots" attach themselves to things and the rest of the wire wraps around and eventually the string pops and deals some seriously damage to the target. This gun is *very* effective against the Manta, infact i'd call it the Manta killer. One well placed shot will instantly destroy a manta. This weapon is also effective for ensnaring troops and other vehicles like the Goliath, its the Scorpions best weapon against other vehicles. ALSO! make absolutely sure that you use this weapon against the enemy base, the nodes have a tall part, you can shoot the middle and the web will fully wrap around the enemies base and deal a GREAT ammount of damage, this makes the Scorpion very effective at killing the enemy base, quickly and painlessly. Its cool to see a Scorpion drive in biiig circles around an enemy node shooting web on it while the enemies struggle to catch/shoot the buggy, very effective. It should be noted that the weapon in general does quite a bit of damage and fully charged blast that is stuck to an enemy unit will injur it significantly. ~Scorpion Blades~ Alright, used in conjunction with driving, a player has the option of extending the blades of the Scorpion to cut players up. Any soldier struck by the Scorpion Blades is slain instantly and typically cut in half. Its not easy to get players usually, they will often-times dodge your blades so its typically have to suprise them. A good technique is to drive at a player and slam on the brakes while turning, side-swiping the unsuspecting player, if timed right you can slam your back end into them and kill them. This technique is even more deadly with your Blades out. ~Tips & Tactics~ The Scorpions best weapon is the Plasma String so make sure you understand how it works, Its a good all-around weapon and aslong as your shooting targets you should be doing a pretty good job. The Scorpion is especially good at killing the Manta so make sure you openly engage with mantas, the green string is attracted to the fan of a manta and will quickly destroy it. A Fully-charged web shot will also devestate a Goliath, if you can get the web to wrap around it fully, you'll reduce its health by atleast 3/4s if not more. ~How to Defeat a Scorpion~ The AVRiL poses one of the Biggest threats to the Scorpion, its impossible to dodge a well aimed shot and the damage is devastating. Another Strong force is the Goliath, if your in one, one shot will almost always destroy a Scorpion. A Raptor is also a great way to defeat a Scorpion simply because a Scorpion really has no defense against it, but to be honest.. a Raptor is more effective elsewhere. -------------------------------------------------------------------- RAPTOR-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ~armor~ The Raptors armor is "average to poor" it can take a few shots, but nothing really big. Most Raptor pilots will use the Raptors great aerial agility and dodge things rather then take it directly. 1 well placed canon shot will destroy a raptor, and 1-2 AVRiL missles will take you down. ~positions~ just 1, the Raptor is pretty much a solo-flying ship, take off and start dominating the skies, the Raptor is great at getting quickly from one place to another. ~speed~ The Raptor has Excellent speed. Its very manueverable and stays in the air nicely, a good Raptor pilot can dodge missles effortlessly and have some nice shots on ground units. Try to avoid staying still in the Raptor, your armor isn't that good. ~Plasma Blaster~ The main gun is quite similar to the Manta, it fires a steady blast that deals "decent" damage, the key to the success of this weapon is how accurate you are, its especially easy to rain down terror on Goliaths, If you encounter one of the monster tanks, quickly fly over them and shoot down, they wont last long. You can also take out a few scorpions if your accurate enough. ~Homing Missle~ The Homing missle only actually "Seeks" 2 other ships, those 2 are the Manta and the Raptor itself, the missles arent increadibly accurate, but the missles pack a good punch, 2 solid shots will always take a Raptor out of the sky, 1 usually will destroy a Manta. the best part is that MOST mantas are not focusing on the air, this makes it exceedingly easy to take out manta's in the Raptor. ~Tips & Tactics~ One of the biggest things you will encounter while in a Raptor is the dreaded "Missle Lock-On" a lot of pilots get scared when they see this and tend to flee and look around for the damned missle. This technique isn't horrible, but there are a few things to remember; first off: there are only a few things that can lock on to you, Another air-craft or someone with the AVRiL. If its another air-craft you should be alright because you can atleast have a decent shot a dodging. However, if the missle is from the AVRiL, you are in some serious trouble, aslong as THAT person can keep a lock on you, you cannot dodge the missle, So let me ask you, fine players whats the *best* way to prevent someone on the ground from seeing you in a Raptor? Lower yourself to the ground. If you see missle Lock on, the FIRST thought that should enter your mind is to go down and get close to some terrain. Make sure you openly engage with Goliaths and don't stand still for long either. Also, the Raptor is *GREAT* for capitalizing on unprotected nodes, you can sit there and pour fire down and slowly destroy the enemies node. ~How to Defeat a Raptor~ The best way to take a Raptor Down is with the AVRiL. its really hard to dodge and will stop the pilot from doing whatever he is doing and focus on you. If your in a Goliath and see a Raptor in the distance, a well placed shot will destroy it and earn you an "Eagle Eye" award. The Hellbenders Rear Turret is extremely effective at taking out a high-flying Raptor, most pilots don't expect this, either. A Third Option would be use the Lightning gun, a few well placed shots will really injur a Raptor, its a fairly easy shot too. -------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVIATHAN----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ~armor~ The Leviathan's armor is one of the strongest aspects of the vehicle, it dons an amazing ammount of strength and resistance to just about anything. This makes the Leviathan extremely powerful in combat. The Leviathan is one of the vehicles where you don't really need to care about most attacks. The armor, however is exceedingly vulnerable to air units while exposed. Be extra careful when deploying in Raptor-infested areas. A good raptor pilot can destroy a Leviathan with some well placed blasts & missles. ~positions~ there are a grand total of 5 positions on this puppy, they are all unbelievably important. The first position is the driver, who fires the homing missles and can deploy the base for the big cannon to fire, he can also pack up the base at will. the other positions are all corner turrets, despite what anyone will tell you, these are *VERY* important, they supply the support the Leviathan needs to remain a heavy battle unit. ~speed~ The Leviathan has the worst speed of all the vehicles, and it should, this monster of a vehicle is unbelievably resistant and as such, its speed is so dauntingly slow that its avoided until a match really begins to progress, if you have a long distance to take the Leviathan, you best sit tight, and odds are they will know your coming. ~Homing Missles~ As the main position gunner, you can fire homing missles at an increadibly fast rate, these missles are a *bit* weaker then traditional missles but still pack a punch, the twin missle packs will auto-track anything you fire them at, this includes troops, vehicles, or anything, this is the Leviathan's MAIN weapon and it makes players focus more on dodging then attacking, make special care to spit these out at Aerial units, as they pose the most threat to the Leviathan. ~Corner Turret Blaster~ As a Corner Turret, its your job to Support the main cannon, this gun is probably the fastest firing of all the vehicles and actually does some decent damage, make sure you lead your shots (like the link-gun) so you actually deal out some damage with it, its hard to hit moving targets at long distances so its better to fucus on the closer targets if possible. If your in this position, and someone else is Driving, you should get out and REPAIR the Leviathan as often as possible, this is one of the best features and yet it is often overlooked, you can practically run by the side of the vehicle as you repair it, four players using this technique can make the Leviathan Unstoppable. ~Negative Singularity Charge Cannon~ The "Main Beam Cannon" of the Leviathan is Daunting, you first have to deploy the Leviathan, sacrificing not only all your movement, but some of your armor too. (the core seems to be especially vulnerable to attacks) When firing this, it shoots exactly where you point it, it then creates a huge blast similiar to the ION Cannon, it seems like if you hold the button down, you create a bigger blast effect. This gun will pretty much kill anything and everything in one swoop, a Deployed Leviathan outside of an enemy base will nullify it very quickly. The Cannon can actually be used again and again with a rather small recharge rate, despite how vulnerable you are, the power balance makes it worth it. Watch out for Aerial units when deployed, you have NO defense or offense against them really if your deployed. ~Tips & Tactics~ This is the best Assault vehicle in the game, Especially when it is fully manned, it becomes The strongest force in the game, its not uncommon to see people actually running from the Leviathan. You should deploy ONLY when needed, when you want to Deploy it more-so as a Siege weapon, the Leviathan becomes extremely potent. Be wary of any Raptors in the area, make them a target. One should realize that for every bit of power it gives, it is VERY slow, there are a few maps where the Leviathan is actually in the starting base, make sure you don't all hop in it to go get the first spawn point, it will take forever and you will be quickly overwhelmed by the quicker opponents. Always keep in mind that no matter how strong the Leviathan is, it can only be at 1 spot at one time on the map, and if your opponents are smart, its a very easy task to avoid it most of the time. The Leviathan is most useful when the opponent HAS nowhere to run or hide. ~How to Defeat a Leviathan~ Heh.. now thats a damn good question. Unless you yourself have a Leviathan, there isn't too much your going to be doing. I suppose the best offense is a Raptor, try to pepper it from the skies, your agility is superior to the homing missles so avoid them at all costs. its typically better to Engage the Leviathan at a *DISTANCE* rather then close up, just keep pounding it and try to press the terrain to your advantage, an intelligent team will hide and strike when the massive vehicle isn't ready. Another strategy all-together is to avoid the thing, and take the nodes that it *isnt* at, you can cover way more terrain then the Leviathan can. Remember that when a Leviathan's "core" is exposed and its firing its big cannon, its most vulnerable. shoot the part thats shooting the beam! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3 The Weapons and how to use them -------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will try to focus on not only what a weapon does, but How it can be used effectively in Onslaught. kay? ~ShieldGun ~Assault Rifle ~Shock Rifle ~Link Gun ~Flak Cannon ~Rocket Launcher