Tomb Raider 3 Gold : The Lost Artifact (C)Copyright - Denny NoRaX ( ============================================= Feel free to distribute, BUT you confirm me first if you want to publish it. ver 1.5 ------- - Find the Secret #2 on Level 5, thanks to "Andreas Sch„fers" for the info!. ver. 1.1 -------- - Find the Desert Eagle Weapon, thanks to RickZ( - still can't find the last secret on Level 5 (It's A Madhouse!) ====================================================================== Highland Flind -------------- Secrets = 3 of 3 After the scene with the Helicopter, Climb the Red Vines on the wall, Climb down. go forward on the edge of the pool, pull the crate on your right, climb the crate. Monkey swing to the other side to get the small medipack. Swim down and follow the current, climb the dock, go forward to the opening on your left. Go up the ramp, kill the dog and the henchmen, take the item they leave. Before you proceed forward, go back down the ramp, head Right and crouch on the small cave. Take the item on your right, then go back out from the cave. (Actually there is nothing to do inside the cave if you ask me, only the lever to open the hatch). Go back on the ramp, go left to small cage room to take the large medipack, go out, go forward to another opening, look on the windows, Jump and Kill the henchmen. Go out on the opening near you, find the way to the henchmen you've killed. Take the shotgun ammo on the ground and take the other ammo on the small alcove with smoke. There is Two Cage door on each side of the smoke Alcove, First go to the right side, jump to reach other side, kill the henchmen, you'll enter the small pool area. Dive on the water, take the crowbar, climb up, forward on the lever, SAVE FIRST (this lever will open the right cage door that i mention before), PULL the Lever, then QUICKLY run and go in on the right cage door. DON'T KILL the two Henchmen, JUST run on the last henchmen and wait on the back of the Dog Statue, WAIT until the henchmen open the Cage Door. GO Forward to the Cage door, Kill the Henchmen, Open the door with the Crowbar, take the SECRET #1. Go out from the room and then crouch on the right crawlspace to exit this secret area. Kill the henchmen, then go forward to the cemetery. Go to the left opening first to kill the henchmen, and kill the other henchmen on the right opening, take the item there then go back on the left opening, go forward. You'll see small ledge on your right and sliding ramp. Turn around and jump backward on the small ledge, jump to another ledge and another green ledge below. You'll see the Obelisk in the center of the mud swamp, run & jump on the side of the obelisk, go through the hard-to-see hole in the wall. Go forward, crouch and go left first at the intersection to the opening, you'll see another the Cemetery area, go forward on the dog statue, take the item on the Crate, kill the Guard. Go back on the intersection, and go forward. Don't jump on the mud swamp yet, instead climb up the ledge, take the small medipack and Thistle Stone on the smoke alcove. Monkey swing to the other side and you'll go back on the side of bridge. Before you jump back on the two cage door with the smoke alcove in the center wall, look the red vines on the side of the pillar, find a way to climb it to the roof of the bridge. Kill the henchmen, then climb the opening on the left side of bridge, take the SECRET #2. Go back down on the bridge. To Open the left Cage door you must pull the lever in the building on the left side of the bridge. Before you do that, jump and grab on the red vines in that building, climb down, take the small medipack on the dam. Go back where you from, WALK slowly on edge of the rock, you'll see some ammo and harpoon on the left side of building. This is the tricky part, SAVE FIRST, then find the good place to jump. Try to jump & jump to that place, if you fail, restore the game, repeat the process until you succeed. After you grab the Harpoon and the ammo, don't jump on the water yet. Look forward, you'll see some item in the darkness. SAVE AGAIN, jump on the water, QUICKLY try to swim on the surface near the brown ledge, Hopefully the bug of this game will make you out from the water, Take the UZI'S!. Swim back, look the bridge, there is two pillar on each side, each side have the harpoon ammo, so check it out. go back on the dock, before you proceed forward, look behind you (on other side of the dock) you'll see some yellow item (1 Rocket ammo), we'll get it later (if you want that badly). Make your way back to the bridge, if you want to grab the rocket ammo (near the dock), move to the right ledge of the bridge, look down, try to jump on the green ledge, make your way to the rocket ammo, then go back to the bridge again. Jump & grab again to the red vines on the left building, this time make your way on the opening on your left. SAVE FIRST, then pull the lever, QUICKLY run and jump back to the bridge and go to the left cage, kill the henchmen. Go forward, you'll see the large cage door with the Snake statue on each side, you'll need two Thistle Stone to open this door. So go left from that door, go forward to the set of stairs, kill the dog statue, forward. Before you head left on the opening, LOOK the Windows on the wall above you, there is two windows and the broken ones on the wall, that is the way to get the next secret. If you look up on the left opening, you'll see opening (Let's Call it CheckPoint #A), go through the opening, take the flare near the monkey swing. (NOTE : If you look outside, you'll see Nessie, swimming on the lake :)) Now, do monkey swing to other side, kill the bird, crouch on the small cave, SAVE, QUICKLY crouch on the right side opening as the boulder coming at you. After you feel save, go forward, find the exit. Kill the henchmen, take the small medipack on the small alcove, go through the opening. Jump on the Red vines ledge, go through the opening, look the red vines on the opening wall. Climb up, then do jump backward, draw your guns, jump on the middle green ledge, kill the bird, take the ammo on the alcove and small medipack on other side. Find a way to climb the roof, climb the roof, take the other Thistle Stone, climb down and try to go down to the middle stone bridge (that you monkey swing earlier). Jump to the small Opening above the CheckPoint #A, Look the broken windows (there are 3 windows: 2 windows and the broken one). run & jump to the broken window, suprisingly you'll be go through the window and slide down to the ledge. Get the large medipack below, then jump on to the cave, this will trigger SECRET #3. Go forward until you see the small pool, swim down and take the flare on the right corner. Proceed forward and CAUTION, the monster will attack you with fire, try to dodge his attack and QUICKLY jump into the water in front of him. Swim forward until you on the cave, swim to another hole to reach the SubMarine? Climb up, kill the henchmen take the large Medipack. Go to the Control Room, pull the lever on the right to open the door. Go through the door, kill the dog, go forward & climb up until you back on the previous road. Use the two Thistle Stone on the Snake mouth to open the Door, Slide down to end this level. Willard's Lair -------------- Secrets = 3 of 3 After the scene with the guardian, slide down, quickly run on the right side, turn around, drop down and grab the ledge to avoid the boulder. After the boulder is gone, climb back up & take the crowbar, proceed forward, crouch on the small hole. swim down & take the harpoon ammo, go back out. Kill the wolf below, then run and jump to the green ledge, drop down below. Walk slowly, avoid the trap, go forward to boulder room. Avoid the boulder, take the ammo, then go to the other room and avoid the boulder. Go Forward, SAVE before slide down. Slide down, QUICKLY turn right, climb the ledge and if you timed is right you can take the MP5 ammo also, Climb the ledge, Strafe to the left, QUICKLY crouch and climb down AFTER the second spiked wall is move to the right. Take the ammo, Crouch & Climb down again to Reach the SECRET #1. Go back climb up, go to the small opening with the sign : ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE. SAVE FIRST, go in the small opening, after you stand up QUICKLY turn around 180 degrees, Jump and Grab the ledge, Climb up & do backflip grab the ledge. Take the ammo on the left side, jump back, forward (You can take the ammo below if you want). Jump on the right ledge, keep forward avoid the spiked, jump on the right ledge again to reach new area. Don't climb the vines yet, walk past the spike, take the flare, go back, climb the vines. There is two path here, if you take the down path you can take the small medipack, flare (which is pretty useless). Instead climb up the ledge above you, jump forward, climb up the ledge, turn around 180 degrees, do running jump and grab, climb up, take the uzi ammo, go back. Go in the new area, kill the guards. Jump down, take the Chairn Key on the Wood table. Take the left path from the map, look for the W sign crate, pull the crate, use the Crowbar to open the door. Pull the first Crate on the floor to take the ammo. There is some stacked of crate on the corner : [3][2] [*][1] Pull twice the [1] box, go to the other side and push the [1] box to the corner. Pull twice the [2] box, then push the [3] box to reveal the SECRET #2. Go back out. Save first then go through the bookshelves, go right onto the small alcove, this will trigger the bookshelves on the left, go through into the small room and this will trigger the bookshelves on the north. Go through to the north bookshelves, First take the shotgun ammo on the right, SAVE, take the ammo on the left, this will trigger the bookshelves on the small room, QUICKLY run to that room ('cause it's timed) and go into the secret area. If you failed, just go back to the north bookshelves and step on the left floor to open it again. Draw your gun, walk up, kill the wolf, head left to the dark room, take the ammo and small medipack, go back to the previous room. DON'T step on the glowing floor, run up, look for the opening on the right wall, jump on that ledge, and you will go back to cemetery area (Level 1). Search for strange black stone floor near the obelisk, SAVE and then use the Chairn key on the hole in the wall. Kill the three guardian, then go back where you from, go forward, kill the other guardian. First climb up the ledge to the north opening, look for the hole on the right, crouch, kill the guardian, grab the item, go back out. Don't go to the chopper yet, go left, climb back down, take the right path (where the guardian was), and you'll be back on the first level, and also this will trigger SECRET #3, climb down. Go through the open door, kill the guardians, go forward, go to the left to the big statue. Take the ammo, kill the Guardians, go through to the hidden hole (north from the big statue). Jump down, kill the Guardian, go forward to end this level. Shakespeare Cliff ----------------- Secrets = 3 of 3 Kill the Guard, go forward, pull the blue crate, take the ammo, pull the switch to open the door. Kill the Repair Man, go forward, kill the other man, pull the blue crate, take the ammo. Push the crate to the fence next to little crate, pull it again, go in the fence take the shotgun ammo and the SECRET #1, go back out. Go Forward, kill the man on the control room, go through the door, take the right path. Jump on the right ledge, shoot the shutter, go forward, shoot the shutter, take the item, go back to the control room. Head to the left shutter, shoot it, head forward and avoid the fire. This is the Drill room, Find the ladder on the center, jump backward and grab the ladder, climb down. Head to the first ledge on the left, QUICKLY do backflip to avoid the fire, take the ammo. Wait until the drill come down. Run and jump to the other side, pull the switch on the ledge, climb the ledge, crouch on the hole, kill the rats, pull the switch, go back out, head past the fan blade. Slide down, find the way to the other room, kill the sniper & mechanic man. Climb up the ramp, go forward, avoid the flame, look the flame came from, look up, there item up there, jump on the ledge where the flame came from. Shoot the shutter, go through it, Climb up, take item, go back, and forward. SAVE first, jump down, QUICKLY run and jump forward to the ledge before the train is coming. Slide down, go to the right tunnel (with the large medipack in the middle track), this is the tricky part, if you not fast enough, the train will smack you... RUN and QUICKLY jump on the hole in the left wall. This will trigger SECRET #2 : The Rocket Launcher. Go back to the Yellow door, pull the switch, kill the mercenaries, use the quadbike on the ramp, SAVE, hold brake and push the gas together to make jump more further. Release the brake, and you will brought to the next ramp, go forward avoid the hole. Turn left, try to jump with the quadbike to the other side. You'll come into the broken tunnel and the broken train, kill the mechanic man, pull the switch near the burning drum and this will open the toilet door. Go forward to the toilet area, step on each front of the door will open it, kill the mechanic, take the ammo, Go back. Ride the Quadbike, head to the right into the ramp, try to ride into the upper train. Use the bike to jump to other side, follow the road until you came on the wood floor. Leave the bike, take the small medipack, drop down, kill the mercenaries, and the rats. Go back, Ride the bike, Jump to another wood ramp. Head the bike to the stone ramp, and try to do a suicide jump with the bike to another broken train. If you do it right, you'll be safe to drop down to area below. Shoot the sniper on the other side and the mechanic too. Ride the bike and jump to the yellow/orange building, leave the bike, pull the switch on the pillar, take the Drill Activator Card. Ride the bike again, and jump to the cage door. Kill the mechanics, then go to the control, find & flip the switch. Go to the back of the drill machine, drop down, use the Drill Activator Card on the slot to start the drill. Go back out, go to the new area that close before, drop down into the hole. Kill the rats, flip the switch to open the fence, do running jump on the black ledge on the left. Take the Pump Access Card, don't go forward yet. Go back and jump to the ladder. Climb up. Find the way back to the Toilets Room. Use the Pump Access Card on the ATM(?) inside the Toilet room. this will fill the pit with water. Dive down into the water, take the harpoon ammo on the floor, swim to the hole on the wall, swim and climb the surface to trigger SECRET #3. Jump to the left path, forward, slide down and quickly jump to the left in the little ledge, jump to another ledge. Kill the pterodactyl, again jump to another ledge. Jump to the ledge on the right corner. Try to look for the hole on the wall. Grab the ledge, start shimmy on the left until you came into the middle of the cliff. Do the backlip, take the Medipack, go forward, take the other medipack, then go back to the water, swim to the door where you got the Pump Access Card, Go forward to end this level. Sleeping with the Fishes ------------------------ Secrets = 3 of 3 Take the ammo near the yellow door on the right, go out from the locker room, drop down to the right ledge, take the flare, go forward to the pool area. Run around to the other side of pool, pull the handle, kill the mercenary, go back into the beginning of level, go through to the open door. Go forward, Slide down to the water, swim to the lever and pull it to open the cage door. Kill the frogman, swim up in the front of the cage, take the uzi ammo, look for hole, swim forward, take the harpoon ammo along the way, follow the path outside then take the another hole, take the left path to reach the SECRET #1. Swim back take the other hole, kill the mercenary. Drop down & swim into the yellow building. Climb the surface, find the switch, push it, then go back into the water, head to the new path. Swim into the control room in the middle. Climb up, Take the items, swim back, kill the frogman. Go back to control room, take a deep breath again. Swim in the front mirror of the control room, try to find a glowing object in the wall near the opening wall. Grab the Circuit Bulb, take a deep breath again in the control room, SAVE. Now we will try to find the last circuit bulb, take a deep breath, dive down, try to locate the hole in the roof. Climb up, take the circuit bulb, go back to the control room, use all the circuit bulb on the slot to open the door. Head to the new door, BUT before you swim through to the new door, swim to the hole in the right path (it's on the right side from the new door, almost invisible) to take the SECRET #2, SAVE first, before you take the shotgun ammo. Avoid the ship, then go through the newly broken wall, there is sunken sub here, search the Desert Eagle Weapon in then front of the sub, go back out from the secret area then swim through to the new area. In the new area don't climb up yet, just swim into the small hole, search for the hidden hole in the northwest corner (behind the pillar), kill the fish, take the SECRET #3, go back to the previous room. Climb up from the water, shoot anywhere to distract the guard, kill the guard, go into the control room, push the button to open the gate, go through the gate. There is two valve here, pull it all, go back to the water, kill the fish, go to the right door first, take the Mutant Sample, then swim through to the left door to take the other sample, go forward to reach new area. Climb up, head down to the experiment room, put the mutant sample on the each side (left & right) machine. Go back to main room, go up the stairs, kill the mercenary, swim down, take the Hand of Rathmore (finally!). Swim to the next area, pull the switch to open the exit, kill the fish, take the ammo on the corner, swim to small hole to end this level. It's A Madhouse! ---------------- Secrets = 2 of 3 Swim to the left corner, take the other Hand of Rathmore on the seabed, this will open the hatch. Get out from the water, climb the ladder, Welcome to the Zoo. Take the left path first, take the shotgun ammo, then take the north path, follow the path, kill the tiger, go forward. There is two door here, first climb the roof, jump on the other roof (one with the lamp), drop down into the hole in the middle vines. Take the Zoo key, use it in the door. Go through the door, pull the switch in the wall to open the door nearby, go through to the new open door, take the left path, climb the brick ledge, climb up to the Hedge Maze. There is two area here that you can enter, one is the cage room and the other one is the bridge room, first find a way to the cage room, head down, look for invisible wall (covered with greend vines) in the right. This will trigger SECRET #1, climb up, head forward, kill the monkeys, pull the switch behind the statue (Access to SECRET #3), head forward to take the ammo, go back to hedge maze. This time head to the bridge room. Kill the monkey, take the Aviary key on the bridge, go through the green hole. Monkey swing to the other side, drop down and jump to ledge below to avoid the spike, kill the tiger. Head up to the stairs, pull the switch, head to the room, kill the monkey. Find the cage near the path on the right, remember this place, let's call it CheckPoint #A. Go to the right path, climb grey ledge, Ride the rope onto the small island. Kill the monkeys, take the ammo. Look for small pool in the side of the small island, there is key laying on the floor bed. SAVE, dive down and QUICKLY grab the Aviary key then quickly get out from the water. There is three path here, one with the lever, the other is open already, so go to the open cage, go back to the CheckPoint #A to find the SECRET #2. Go back to the small island, Pull the switch near the small pool, Quickly climb up the ledge & RUN to the new open door before its close. Go Back to where you use the Zoo key before. Use the Aviary Key on the other side door, go through the door, follow the path, kill the bird, look for ladder on the east wall (hidden behind the tree), jump below, climb the ladder, take the ammo, then find a way back to the path. Find the ladder on the west wall, run-jump & grab the ladder, climb up, head right, jump on the green ledge, jump forward, head to the white ledge in the middle. Use the rope to slide down to reach new area. Use the Aviary key on the lock beside the statue to access the secret path. Go forward until you see the hole, don't jump in the hole, instead run to the right path until you came at the statue with hole in the front. Jump down to the hole to access the SECRET #3. Jump & Run forward to the ledge at corner, look for hole in the right below, drop down, kill the creatures, then climb the large stairs, climb down carefully, find the body in the middle ledge. Jump on the middle ledge, use the Hand of Rathmore on the body to end this level. REUNION ------- Secrets = None One of the boss in Tomb Raider 3 is back... Jump to the left or right QUICKLY before the boulder coming at you, head through the left path (from where you start), kill the guard, go forward into the dark pit. Light the flare to reveal the ledge below, jump to ledge below to access the next area. SAVE, avoid the swinging flame, jump on the dark ledge on the left. DON'T SHOOT the boss yet (it's waste), just run, don't jump in the front of the boss ledge (it's pointless). Just find a way to the top from where the side you standing (not the boss side). Climb some ledge you'll see some meteor rock come down, just find the two door with the Head Skull carving mark on it, pull the switch, go through the door, kill the guards, go to the left path, find the ladder, pull the switch below the ladder, climb the ladder to the roof top. Climb to the highest ledge, take the Large Medipack, this will trigger the Last Meteor to come down. Look the Hand of Rathmore on the other side which guarded by the boss, find a way to reach the boss. Kill the boss with Rocket Launcer (it's easy to beat the boss if you close to the boss). After you beat the boss, take the Hand of Rathmore, go through the new open door, slide down, go out from water, then go forward to the beach to end this level. ============================THE END===================================