UPRISING Join or Die Version - 1.0 Author: Ryan Davis ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- I. Introduction II. Controls III. Field Tactics IV. Upgrades a. Wraith Tech b. General Tech V. Mission Support VI. Costs of War VII. Campaign VIII. Appendices IX. Version History X. Credits XI. Contact Info XII. Legal Info --------------- I. Introduction --------------- After playing through and beating Uprising three times, I noticed that no FAQ/Walkthrough could be found for the game. Considering how much I enjoy this game, I feel that I could honor the game in no greater way than by writing a walkthrough for it. What is Uprising you ask? Well, this little game is all about a small group of rag-tag rebels striving to defy an evil empire. This group's primary offensive force is YOU. It is up to you to save the galaxy by capturing all the planets from the Imperium. To do this you must eliminate the Imperium threat in each planet's Hotzone, which is essentially the region of the planet that must be controlled in order to maintain rule over the planet. Removing the Imperium usually means destroying and capturing all of the enemy citadels, or bases. While in-mission Uprising moves as an action/FPS game might. In the cock-pit of your mobile command unit, called the Wraith, you engage in combat utilizing the Wraith's vast arsenal of weapons, each designed with a specific purpose. Also in your Wraith, you have the ability to call in support units that are essential to your victory. In this manor, the game is also very strategy oriented. Not only are skills needed in personal combat, but to win you must plan and execute battle tactics against your enemy. ------------ II. Controls ------------ The default controls are fine for the most part, but here are some suggestions on changing the controls that will make life a lot easier. - Change the left and right strafe buttons to A and D, respectively. (For those of you who prefer the W based setup) - Change the weapon buttons to optimize speed when changing weapons. I put 1=laser, 2=HSM, 3= Spline. The rest of the them can be changed to suit the order in which you acquire the weapons. - Sensitivity should be changed to what you are used to. Also consider calibrating for controlling the citadel as well as for the Wraith. - Whatever else you feel will help you. ------------------ III. Field Tactics ------------------ Wraith The Wraith is the unit you control while attempting the planetary take over. It is equipped with a number of weapons which can be enhanced and expanded as the campaign progresses. The wraith is also outfitted with adjustable shields. From the wraith you engage in combat, deploy units, claim bases, and manage your own. First and foremost, managing your wraith well is of absolute importance. For those with any kind of FPS experience under their belt, fighting enemy units will not be a problem. Dodge and shoot are your two most important tools here. Managing your Energy Triangle (to be described later) in critical situations can make all the difference between capturing an enemy base and death. A superb pilot can easily usurp the enemy citadel and claim it for their own as quickly as a pilot who relies heavily upon his units to do the job for him. Energy Triangle A player can easily go throughout the game without the use of this feature. While it is not necessary to beat any particular mission, it can make the entire game a lot smoother just by learning this fairly simple function. The energy systems in the Wraith are broken down into three subsystems: Weapons, Shields, and Speed. Each vertex of the triangle is labeled with one the subsystems. By placing the indicator closer to a particular vertex, that subsystem becomes enhanced by drawing power from the other systems. For example, placing the indicator very close to the Weapons vertex will allow the Wraith to deal more damage, but at the same time slow it down and decrease its defenses. I would strongly recommend against using the manual adjusting function. Instead, use the "Cycle Power Settings" button (default key C). This will cycle through the subsystems and max them out. It will then bring the triangle back to the equalized state. When you wish to cross the map from one area to another, switching the power triangle to full speed will help out a lot. While in the heat of battle over a citadel, focusing energy on weapons and or shields is a good idea. With weapons maxed out, after the citadel is destroyed, you can take out a single building in a matter of seconds. This is also effective for dealing with those pesky heavy turrets. Note: with Shields at max all weapons are disabled except lasers. HUD and Map Views The HUD is where you will be spending most of the game. Any function that can be executed from the map screen can be done here. However, the same is not true of the opposite. While in the map view you can move your Wraith, but is not recommended as combat is very difficult, if not impossible. However, traveling across a planet while in map view can come in handy. Sometimes where you want to go is not so apparent from the HUD, so the map view is offered as a way of solving this dilemma. Using the hot keys for calling buildings can be helpful, but not essential, as the map offers a user friendly way of managing your bases. Citadel - When you hear a warning regarding your base being under attack, hit your map view and repair the buildings. If you are close to the base, return and help defend it against the attack. If you are far away, enter citadel view and repel the attackers. - A common occurrence is the destruction of a power building or other outlying building without any warning and/or repeated destruction of the same building. This happens because the enemy deploys a single troop of soldiers behind the building itself. This makes them out of range of your citadel's guns, and your medium turrets are most likely defending the front of your base. Redeploy your turrets behind this building and further assaults will be stopped. - A single KSat building requires two power buildings in order to function. This means that if you have one KSat building, don't waste building slots on too many power slots. This also means that with a limited number of bases slots may be wasted on power buildings that are not actively pumping power. - Be sure to deploy turrets via citadel view if your wraith is far from your base. Recycle your units Simply put, once your done with a unit, select it and hit delete. This will sell the unit back, returning a fraction of the cost used to deploy it. The amount returned is directly proportional to the damage sustained by the unit. So if the unit has 50% of its health left, selling it will return 50% of the power used to deploy it. This practice can be done with any kind of unit in the game, except for a citadel. Unit Deployment This is a brief run down of when and how your units should be deployed. Infantry - best used to destroy buildings, but require cover in order to do their job. They are too easily killed to make effective units in straight up combat. Tank - good for taking down infantry and turrets, and providing support when capturing a base. They are iced pretty quickly by AAVs. AAV - excellent support unit. Use these in conjunction with infantry to provide cover. Can be easily beaten by SAM sites. Bomber - make sure a line can be drawn between the bomber site in your base and the target without crossing any other enemies that might destroy it before it reaches its target. Bombers tend to be less effective as the campaign progresses; KSats fill its role far better. KSat - while they can easily replace the bomber, they are far more expensive and must be used wisely. Mistarget a bomber and you need only to sell it back before it drops its payload; mistarget a KSat and thats 900 power down the drain. SAM Site - putting one SAM guarding each citadel is a good idea. Placing a SAM is most effective when set away from your base to get early shots at incoming bombers. Upgraded SAMs make short work of anything in the air. Medium Turret - two well placed turrets can make all the difference in defending against enemy guerilla attacks. Placement usually depends on the terrain and the location of the Imperium and Natives on the map. In general, out in front of the base, as reinforcement of the citadel turret is a good idea. This will also give your turrets the angle to stop infantry from bombing your citadel. Unit Destruction This is a brief run down of how to remove those pesky enemy units. Infantry - run them over, rarely should you waste ammo. Tank - spline is an excellent way of dealing with them. Combine with laser/HSM to kill them even faster. AAV - if you have an advanced heat seeker (like the Helix) launch away, otherwise you'll need to do some maneuvering. Line up with the AAV such that when it makes its strafing run at you, you can look up at a 45 degree angle and unload lasers and HSM, or whatever you got. As you fire, hold reverse and continue shooting, this should extend the time you need to finish it off. Bombers - kill them if ever you see them, because if you see one it means it is on a bombing run, and your base is its target. They are difficult to take down, so you may want to switch to citadel control in order to take it out. KSat - considering this is not an actual unit that can be destroyed the best you can do is try and find the enemy KSat building and remove it. If you are told a KSat strike has been detected, hurry to the site of the strike and quickly reclaim your citadel. SAM Site - they are no threat to your wraith, but make sure you remove them from an enemy base before your bomber strike arrives. Medium Turret - these should never present a problem. They are easy to kill and just as easy to dodge. It is rare that you will ever be fighting these because the enemy citadel will usually be destroyed by the time you are within its range. Native Units Heavy Turret - these can be a pain. It is difficult to destroy these with the Wraith's more conventional weapons, and often impossible if they are upgraded and your weapons are not. While their fire is very slow making it easy to dodge, they deal an extremely large amount of damage. Use your citadel to eliminate them if they are in range. Use infantry to bomb it, while you distract it. Otherwise just call in a bomb strike. Or just turn weapons to max and unload. Light Turret - shouldn't be an issue. Low health and low damage potential means an easy kill. ------------ IV. Upgrades ------------ Viewing this information: All the possible upgrades are listed with the prices needed to obtain them. The words following the price indicate what feature of the item that the upgrade increases. Note that unless already owned, the first tech level makes the technology available for use in combat. A short description of what each weapon does is included as well. What you upgrade, and in what order you do so really depends on your playing style. If you rely on the skills of your Wraith piloting then you are best off upgrading the wraith's weapon's first. However, if you like assaulting a base with strategy and letting your units do most of the work, then you should most likely upgrade them first. Although somewhere in the middle is probably your best bet. This is discussed in great detail later. It should be noted that if every mission is completed you should have enough money to buy almost every upgrade. In fact, you can get every upgrade minus the final two levels of the KSat building. Of course other combinations are possible, but this is my recommendation. ---------------------- IV.a Wraith Technology ---------------------- Wraith Chassis -------------- Standard Chassis : Owned Reinforced Chassis : 20000 - Armor Advanced Chassis : 40000 - Armor - Always a good idea to upgrade your wraith. Laser ----- 100 K-Cycle Gatling Laser : Owned 109 K-Cycle Gatling Laser : 25000 - Damage 123 K-Cycle Gatling Laser : 50000 - Damage - Shoots a yellowy bolt directly at the target. Try to upgrade this to LV3 as soon as possible. With infinite ammo and huge damage output with max weapons set, you will never get tired of this weapon. Heat Seek Missile ----------------- Alpha-Class, Limited HSM : Owned Beta-Class, Limited HSM : 8000 - Damage, Range, Refire Gamma-Class, Limited HSM : 12000 - Damage, Range - Fires two gray and black projectiles that will curve in the air with limited homing towards the target. A trusty side arm, but its your lasers that will be doing most of the work. Cupid Missile ------------- Cupid Missile Rack : 12000 Cupid Missile Rack II : 8000 - Ammo Cupid Missile Rack III : 10000 - Damage - Fires a set of three vertically aligned dumb-fire rockets. Excellent for making quick work of pretty much anything. Save them for those annoying heavy turrets. Flame Gun --------- Flame Gun : 15000 Flame Gun : 9000 - Damage, Ammo Flame Gun : 6000 - Ammo - A strange, dancing red-yellow tube is emitted from the wraith and will remain trained on the target, so long as the target remains within range. This weapon is pretty much worthless. The description says that it can damage buildings, but it really can't. Spline weapon level one does more damage to an enemy tank than the flame gun does at level 3. Land Mine --------- Land Mine : 8000 Land Mine : 7000 - Ammo Land Mine : 6000 - Ammo - Places a mine beneath the wraith (with IFF capability). A good way of protecting your base from pesky guerilla attacks from soldiers, but because of the time it takes to set them up, it really isn't worth it. Remote Health ------------- Basic Remote Repair : 10000 Remote Repair : 15000 - Damage, Ammo Advanced Remote Repair : 20000 - Damage, Ammo Ultra Remote Repair : 25000 - Damage, Ammo - A Repair Kit box falls from the sky a couple meters in front of you. Great for those long journeys away from home, but with 5 lives per mission, it will be rare that you'll need it. Spline Gun ---------- Spline Weapon : 14000 Improved Spline Weapon : 14000 - Damage Ultra Spline Weapon : 14000 - Damage - A long blue string jets out from the wraith attaching to the target. Make this your first weapon purchase. At LV1 you will rarely need to heal at a citadel. Mine Layer (need mine tech) ---------- Automatic Mine Layer I : 20000 Automatic Mine Layer II : 16000 - Ammo - Deploys a device to deploy the mines. helps out with the tediousness of laying mines... Helix Missile ------------- Helix Missile I : 25000 Helix Missile II : 15000 - Damage, -Ammo Helix Missile III : 10000 - Ammo - Two HSM-looking missiles with trails of smoke home almost unerringly. Excellent for destroying those darned AAVs and bombers. Mole Torpedo ------------ Mole Torpedo : 29000 Mole Torpedo II : 22000 - Ammo, Speed Mole Torpedo III : 28000 - Damage, Ammo - A torpedo drills its way towards the target with mild homing. Good for taking out turrets from long range, but close up with lasers is my preference. Also effective against tanks. Mortar ------ Mortar : 30000 Mortar HE : 20000 - Damage Mortar HEAP : 18000 - Damage - A gray bomb is "tossed" from the top of the wraith with indirect fire. - damages buildings, but limited ammo and a lack of need, make this weapon a third stringer. Hive Missile ------------ Hive Missile : 35000 - Shoots tiny cones that arch forward and up, then strike downwards quickly. Excellent for destroying buildings at close range, or from very far away. BFM 9000 -------- BFM 9000 : 40000 - A large helix missile that homes unerringly. One of these bad boys will destroy any unit with a single shot, but you only have four. Anti-Matter Disk ---------------- Antimatter Disk LV1 : 60000 Antimatter Disk LV2 : 30000 - Damage Antimatter Disk LV3 : 40000 - Damage - A three sided disk spins with destructive force. Probably the most powerful weapon in the game because of its ability to destroy a citadel so quickly. Suggestions The first new weapon to purchase is the spline weapon. This weapon dramatically increases your survivability. If you are taking heavy flak, just whip out the spline and suck an enemy dry. Maxing out your lasers early in the game can result in a huge payoff. LV3 lasers with weapons set to max is (IMO) the best weapon in the game, plus you have unlimited ammo. HSM is a good choice as well, as it is a good combination with the laser and very cheap. Helix = instant AAV destruction. ----------------------- IV.b General Technology ----------------------- Soldier ------- Recruits : Owned Green Units : 4000 - Damage General Infantry : 8000 - Armor, Mobility Veterans : 16000 - Damage Elite Guard : 23000 - Armor, Mobility Tank ---- Wildcat : Owned Hyena : 7000 - Armor, Mobility Cheetah : 11000 - Damage, Armor, Mobility Leopard : 22000 - Damage, Armor, -Mobility Puma : 35000 - Armor, Mobility AAV --- Sparrow : Owned Crow : 5000 - Armor, Mobility Hawk : 10000 - Damage, Armor Condor : 18000 - Damage, Armor, Mobility Eagle : 26000 - Damage, Armor Bombers ------- LR-12 : Owned LR-18 : 7000 - Damage, Mobility LR-23 : 18000 - Armor LR-40 : 17000 - Damage, Mobility LR-51 : 25000 - Damage, Armor, SAM Site -------- Salvo : Owned Barrage : 15000 - Damage, Refire Rake : 40000 - Refire Turret ------ Alpha Class : Owned Beta Class : 15000 - Armor, Range, Refire Gamma Class : 40000 - Damage, Armor Citadel ------- Spitter : Owned Shrike : 8000 - Damage Saracen : 16000 - Damage, Refire Slammer : 28000 - Damage Slaughterhouse : 40000 - Damage Power Building -------------- 210 tHz Model : Owned 270 tHz Model : 8000 - Speed 330 tHz Model : 14000 - Speed 390 tHz Model : 24000 - Speed KSat Building ------------- PeaceKeeper : 18000 Warmonger : 36000 - Damage Punisher : 72000 - Damage Suggestions There is a huge difference between each AAV level, making them a good choice to upgrade. Soldiers are cheap, but become less valuable as the game progresses. Bombers seem to be replaced by the KSat in most missions, so upgrading them really isn't too important. I always upgrade my power buildings quickly, but overall, there really is no point unless you want to zoom through missions. KSat is definitely worth the first upgrade, but the other two are not. Citadel upgrade is an excellent way of fortifying your bases although you might be better off leaving that to your turrets. ------------------ V. Mission Support ------------------ You can purchase units before heading into a mission as a means of additional force in the Hotzone. This is normally just a waste a credits, but certain missions, such as the final mission, can be difficult. Item Cost -------- ---- Life 8000 Soldier 2000 Tank 4000 AAV 3000 Bomber 8000 However, in any mission these items may be freely obtained. In-mission, you may hear a clank, and then hear your radar pinging. This means that a powerup has been dropped for your retrieval. Such powerups can be any of the following. Item Identifier ----------- ---------- 1000 Energy large Z Repair wrench Extra unit symbol of a wraith (can be any extra unit) Reload symbol of a missile (can reload all or one weapon) Extra Life large + ---------------- VI. Costs of War ---------------- Unit\Level 1 2 3 4 5 ---------- --- --- --- --- --- Soldier 40 50 60 70 80 Tank 125 125 110 100 110 AAV 60 60 60 60 80 Bomber 60 60 60 110 130 KSat 900 Turret 75 85 95 SAM 100 120 140 Building Standard Booster -------- -------- ------- Barracks 50 700 Tank 200 800 AAV 200 1200 Bomber 240 700 Citadel 800 Power 100 KSat 600 - Costs for deploying Citadels, Power Buildings, and KSat Buildings are the same regardless of level. ------------- VII. Campaign ------------- "For forty generations the peoples of known space have suffered beneath the yoke of an oppressive imperial power. Unable to bear this tyranny further a small but growing federation of worlds stands against the Imperium, determined to resist. It is a time of both great hope and dread, but the promise of freedom lies within our grasp and yet its price may be heavy indeed." Starting credits: 1200 Starting power for each mission: 2000 The layout of the seven galaxies is as follows R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 2 5 1 4 7 3 6 - Note: the 'R's refer to the rank of the galaxies which will be referenced later in this guide. In order to advance to the next rank, two planets of one galaxy of the current rank must be completed. There are a number of randomized events for each campaign game. - The layout of the 6 galaxies, excluding Raven XI, which is always the seventh galaxy. - The picture associated with each galaxy is not connected to its name. - The color and arrangement of the planets in each galaxy. - The prices for sending a probe and a spy are randomized, but appear to fall within a given range, such ranges will be listed for each galaxy. - The rewards in credits for conquering a planet's hotzone also appears to fall in a range. - Rotational velocities of planets. Non-random events include: - Size of planets. Size of planets will be denoted from largest to smallest by the order in which they are listed under "Planets:". - which planets belong to which galaxies. Galaxy 1 -------- Planets: Solaris, Priva, Erudara Cost range for Probe: 538 - 652 Cost range for Spy: 713 - 1316 Reward range: 10834 - 13092 Erudara ------- Probe - Note: no probe attempt will ever succeed on this planet, however the information that would be gained from a successful probe is as follows. Imperium: all level 1 Native: all level 1 Walkthrough Objectives: Claim the northeast citadel. Hotzone: the Imperium owns 2 of the 6 available command bunkers before the mission begins. The first is the one in the very center. The second is the one in the northeast corner, which is your objective. Terrain: snow Speed - Best Time: 1m59s Claim the citadel and call in power and infantry buildings. Now move southwest through the gap in the mountains. Turn left and head east to the next claim. Place another infantry building here. Now head straight north along the eastern mountain ridge ignoring any Natives. Begin your assault on the citadel tower, by first calling in a group of soldiers and providing them with cover to set their detpacks. Continue deploying squads as they become available. Before long the citadel will fall. Now it is time to unload on the remaining buildings. Once they are removed, call in your citadel and deploy turrets to protect it as it comes online. Map Completion - Best Time: 3m25s Claim the citadel and call in a power building. It doesn't matter too much what you do with the other slot, because there's a lot of claim squares in this mission. (Note: if you are trying to go as fast as possible on this mission, you will need to place a power buildings in every slot just to keep up with the speed with which you will be claiming citadels.) Deploy some turrets to defend the citadel if you want, but the Imperium is not very ambitious on this mission, so your citadel should be just fine while you're gone. Head west past the two Native light turrets and the past the soldier building straight into the unowned command bunker. Claim it and place your buildings. Don't put a bomber though, because it will get shot down pretty much no matter where it is headed to. Now head straight north and claim the next bunker. The final unclaimed bunker is located in the southeast corner of the map. Now it is time to oust those pesky imperials from the center claim. With so many potential units at your disposal this should not be a difficult take over at all. Try to eliminate the turrets first, then call in a bomber strike, or deploy a couple squads of soldiers at the citadel while giving them cover with AAVs, tanks, and yourself. Finish off the rest of the buildings and claim the square for your own. Now all that is needed is to capture the final citadel in the northeast corner and Erudara's hotzone is yours. To get there, travel to the your southeast citadel, as you did before, and head directly north. The small hill provides good cover if you want to check out the surroundings before launching your assault. The quarters are a little tighter than the last citadel, but it shouldn't create too big of an issue. Getting a bomber over this far is going to be a little tricky, so just stick with infantry, AAVs, and tanks. Once your citadel comes online the mission will end in victory. Solaris ------- Probe Imperium: all level 1 Native: all level 1 Walkthrough Objectives: remove all native generators and capture all citadels. Hotzone: There is a claimable command bunker in each of the four "islands," and only one is preowned by the Imperium. Native generators appear on the northwest and southeast islands. The NW island has an infantry, bomber, tank, and AAV generator, and the latter two can be taken out using the citadel's gun. The SE island has 2 tank, 2 infantry, and an AAV facility. This makes a total of 9 native buildings to destroy. Terrain: grasslands Best Time: 7m9s Claim the first citadel and call in power and infantry. Defending your base is not important here. Move on to either the northwest or southeast islands. Heading to the southeast island is reached by heading across the bridge. You can take out the soldiers and tanks here if you want, or just roll on past them. Run past the natives to the claim square, two tanks should spawn in when you approach. Before calling in the drop ship be sure to clear out any enemy forces within the vicinity. If you don't you will most likely lose your citadel while it is being transported. I would suggest a bomber here, if not two. A single bomber strike will usually take out a native building. Once the citadel is online use it to destroy the native infantry building to the north. You can finish off the rest of the natives here (infantry, 2x tank, AAV) or move on to the north. Make your way to the northwest command bunker via the dirt land bridge thing at the northwest corner of this island. In the middle of this island is an area with an extra soldier and bomber pickup surrounded by a barrier, once you claim this island's citadel it will be unlocked. Run past the natives to the claim, remove the native light turret and any other hazards before calling in the citadel. Once again, call in a power and bomber. The citadel's turret can take out a tank building to the east and an AAV building to the south. Eliminate the rest of the natives or continue on to the northeast island by using the bridge. This citadel is situated in sort of a weird half-ditch. Call in all those bombers you have at your command and lay waste to the Imperium's only foothold in Solaris' hotzone. This capture is not an easy one because of the added danger of heavy native forces in the area, and the fact that you must destroy three additional imperial buildings. If you haven't finished off all the natives yet, do so now, otherwise congratulations on a mission complete. Priva ----- Probe Imperium: all level 1 Native: all level 1 Walkthrough Objectives: Capture the citadel at the northeast. Hotzone: The Imperium owns the northeast citadel. The rest are easily obtained without any imperial interference. Placing bomber sites in the first and center citadels is a good idea because of how close they are to the enemy encampment. Terrain: Desert Speed - Best Time: 2m13s Claim the first citadel with two power buildings and one bomber. Head directly east over the hill and claim that bunker with two infantry and a power. Continue west as much as possible over the hill. Once you hit the pavement go north following the path to the east. When you see the path split to the right, take it and continue up the paved ramp. This area is heavy with enemy forces. There are two native tank generators here. Since this is about speed, you must ignore them. Call in your bomber to strike the citadel. One payload probably won't do it, so complement it with a soldier squad. Be moving at all times, albeit difficult to do so because of all the obtuse buildings and random land outcroppings. Be calling in forces as much as possible. Finish off the other buildings quickly and call in the citadel. Be sure to heal at the claim square. Once the citadel is online you win. Map Completion - Best Time: 3m30s Claim this bunker with two powers and a bomber. Then go directly west down the hill to the next claim. Put a power, bomber and infantry. Now head south, up the paved ramp. Turn right and head west, destroying the native tank. When the paved road turns right (north) zoom up the hill straight into the claim area. Claim the citadel and call in your buildings. While you wait for the citadel to come online deploy some troops to rid your new fortress of the native AAV building. Or just wait for your citadel to do it for you. Now head directly north over the hill to the paved road, then off the paved road again and up the hill to the claim area. Beware the heavy turret here, go ahead and call in the citadel, just keep the turret distracted until the citadel is online. Put whatever you want here, by this time power should not be too much of an issue. Now is a good time to sell back any buildings in your other bases and replace them with buildings you will need to assault the heavily fortified enemy encampment. Your next stop is the target citadel in the northeast. Head east across the desert land until you see some pavement to your right. Now follow that east to the enemy base. This area is quite difficult, so you may have to use more than one life to get the job done. If you do die, be sure to hurry on back to the battle, hopefully your troops won't all be dead by the time you get there. Staying out of enemy sight as much as possible, call in bomber strikes on the two native tank buildings. Make sure to kill any SAM sites before they arrive. There is a heavy native turret here between two small concrete hills. Trying to kill it with soldiers may be difficult, so just call in a bomber. Now you can begin your final attack on the Imperium base. Destroy any turrets from a distance and call in the bomber. Once it drops its payload move in for the kill. Alternatively, you may just want to call in two bombers and not risk fighting the citadel at all. Be warned as the Imperium calls in AAVs, tanks and infantry like crazy. Be sure to deploy as many troops as possible to keep them off your back. Eliminate the other buildings and claim the square to complete the mission. Galaxy 2 Planets: Scintillae, Dinarou, Chaud Cost range of Probe: 1225 - 1261 Cost range of Spy: 1643 - 2159 Rewards range: 38346 - 43529 Dinarou ------- Probe Imperium: all level 1 Native: all level 1 Walkthrough Objectives: Capture the northeastern citadel. Hotzone: the Imperium controls two citadels at mission launch, but the other three are up for grabs. Terrain: lush Speed - Best Time: 2m6s Claim the first citadel and call in all infantry buildings. Quickly destroy the native tank ahead to your right. If you don't remove the tank it will shoot down the citadel. Now move east, then head down the hill north, between the two light turret, bypassing the claim square. Once out in the open valley head along the ridge to your right and travel east until you see two heavy turrets guarding a passage upwards. Fly past them and journey up the long hill. Once you see the Imperium citadel unleash all of your soldiers upon it. While they work destroy any surrounding turrets, troops, and tanks all the while keeping the attention of the citadel's main gun. If your initial soldiers fail, you have plenty more. However, you do not have a lot of time here considering how much damage you will likely be taking on. If you can manage to ice the citadel quickly remove the remaining buildings yourself and make the claim. Once the citadel is online, you win. Map Completion - Best Time: 5m50s The Imperials and natives become much more hostile on this map so it is very important that you properly deploy your turrets to defend your bases. Be sure to check your map view and repair any buildings that have been damaged. It is common for your first base to undergo heavy assaults, so you may find yourself in the citadel view often. This map has a lot power to mine and there is no real rush, so just place a power, infantry and AAV on the first base. You must be sure to protect your citadel while it is being dropped in, the surrounding troops are all but guaranteed to destroy it if left unguarded. Speaking of surrounding troops, it appears that the Natives have themselves well established here on Dinarou. Wait for your citadel to come online, and remove those generators that are within reach of the citadel. Defend your base with some turrets and begin to advance towards the next bunker to the east. This citadel must also be protected before coming online. Putting a bomber in at least one slot here is a good strategy as the final enemy base is just over the hill to the north. Take out the surrounding natives and head down the hill to the valley floor. As you go it is likely that an infantry squad and a tank or two will warp in, just kill them or ignore them. The Imperium has already occupied the base to the north, so move right and claim the base to the east. Placing a bomber facility here is a good idea because it will be within short range of both enemy citadels. Now move northwest and advance upon the enemy's citadel. There are a number of native generators and turrets here, so it might be in your best interests to remove them before assaulting the Imperium. Call in a bomber and lay waste to the rest of the base. This base can become a difficult fight as the Imperium will deploy hordes of tanks and other units to stop you. Just call in more of your own units. Once you have claimed the base, you can finish off the resistance by deploying turrets and repairing yourself as you fight. Protect the base and prepare for your final assault. This task of taking the final citadel is not easy because of how far away it takes you from your bases. Head directly east from this citadel until you see the two heavy turrets guarding the hill. You can take them out if you want or just run past them. Follow the hill all the way up to the northeast citadel. On your way up, some troops may warp in to stop you. Stay hidden from the main enemy forces up here while you destroy the two turrets to your left and right. Now call in your bombers and finish off the rest of the base. When your citadel comes online you'll win. Chaud ----- Probe Imperium: all level 2 Native: all level 2 Walkthrough Objectives: capture all citadels. Hotzone: the Imperium already owns the base behind the gate in the northeast corner, as well as the base in the northwest. All that is needed to open the gates to access the main Imperium Citadel is to claim both bases on the northern half of the map. However, to actually beat the map you must control all citadels. Terrain: lava Best Time: 4m7s There is no easy way of doing this mission. Just claiming the first citadel can be pretty tough. The game sets you up so that you go over the hill to claim the base and gives you a couple soldiers to remove the heavy turret that is guarding the bunker. Do not call in the citadel until that turret is destroyed, if you do it will be automatically destroyed once it hits the turret. On the other hand this is a very easy way of removing that turret, albeit expensive. Once you claim the citadel hordes of Imperium tanks and other units teleport in to hinder your efforts. They can be tough considering you have no troops of your own to deploy. Just use turrets and keep yourself healthy as you attack them. Alternatively, rather than trying to destroy that pesky heavy turret from the get go, turn around and head to the northwest where there is another claim, that is not being guarded quite so well. There are initially some soldiers here, but not much else. Now that you have a base you can create some soldiers or whatever to go claim the first base much more easily. After you have these bases head east. Capture this unowned base and fend off any troops that warp in to stop you. Defending all your bases in this mission is very important. Now it is time to venture across the lava river to the Imperium's territory. If you captured the first three bases quickly enough you may still have enough time to capture the eastern base on the Imperium's side of the map. If not, then place a bomber facility in the southeast base that you own and prepare for battle. Even if you moved too slowly to get the eastern base, it probably won't be very fortified. Launch your bomber and destroy the base. The natives have their own SAM sites here along with the Imperium's so be sure to take them out first. Once you have this base the next base in the northwest will be easy. Bombers shouldn't have to big of a problem getting from place to place so long as you remove the SAM sites within the enemy bases themselves. When traveling to the northwest base you will encounter two heavy turrets. Eliminating them is a good idea considering the amount of back and forth you may end up doing. Knock out this bases SAMs and call in your bombers. Hopefully you also have a bomber facility in the western base to aid you here. Getting this base can be hard just because the hordes of level 2 tanks the Imperium dishes out. Once you claim this base you'll get a message indicating that the gate blocking the main Imperium citadel is deactivated. Put a bomber here and in the eastern base to aid your destruction of the main enemy citadel you are about to assault. Just follow the dirt road from this citadel to the gate. When you approach, the gate will begin to drop down. As you move towards the base three tanks will warp in to stop you. Past them is a squad of soldiers, then finally the base. While you do have a significant advantage here, you may die trying to get the base. Just try to overwhelm the enemy with hordes of your own troops. Tanks work well in taking this base. After you've claimed the base and your citadel comes online the mission ends. Scintillae ---------- Probe Imperium: all level 2 Native: all level 1 Objectives: capture the one and only citadel. Hotzone: the only citadel is owned by the Imperium. Terrain: arid Note: This mission has no claim squares, meaning your success is almost entirely dependent upon the power of your Wraith. At this point in the game you may not have upgraded your Wraith to meet the challenge. Come back later when your Wraith has more weapons. This next tip is a bit cheap, but can really help you out a lot in the later missions. Because there is no way of generating units of your own other than by using the ones provided through the extra drops, this mission gives you many of said items. So rather than using these items on Scintillae, instead try to accumulate as many as possible, and then abort the mission or die. You can do this as many times as you like to gain a huge amount of extra units to deploy in other missions. From this mission you can gain: 12xsoldiers, 6xtanks, 6xAAVs, and 4xbombers. Like I said, this is really cheap and can ruin the rest of the game if you really abuse it. Walkthrough - Best Time: This mission will be very easy if you waited you complete it until the end of the game. Move forward through the gate and destroy the tank generator here. You must destroy this generator. Try to conserve enough ammo of a weapon that can damage buildings so you can destroy the final citadel. Antimatter disks work best for this purpose. Turn right and destroy the weapons facility. Use lasers to take its health down half way, then use a weapon that will damage buildings. If you stay at the bottom of the ramp, the two light turrets will not be able to hurt you. Destroy it from this position, then move up to claim the six extra soldiers. Now head west and move across the acid water, ignoring the heavy turret on the bridge. Straight ahead is an AAV generator (that must be destroyed) surrounded by light turrets, destroy it and the three surrounding weapons facilities. You'll get 3xtank, 3xAAV, and a bomber. Now head through the now open gate located near the end of the bridge with the heavy turret on it. Ignore the infantry generator and destroy the weapons facility to get six soldiers. When you approach the acid water, you can go right for a weapons facility with 3 extra bombers or go left and destroy the tank generator (must) and grab the 3 extra tanks in the weapons building. Further west is an AAV generator to destroy (must) and another weapons building with 3 extra AAVs. Through the next gate is an area with an infantry generator and a tank generator. Ignore them and move right. Go past the four light turrets, through the acid water ignoring the heavy turret. Now you've reached the citadel grounds. This bunker is well defended. Out front are four heavy turrets. Once in side, there are two native SAM sites and two light turrets. Ignore the four heavy turrets and enter the bunker. Launch a bunch of Antimatter disks at the citadel (or whatever you have) until it is destroyed. Then quickly destroy the remaining buildings. Be very careful not to die here. If you do die, you must restart the level from the beginning. Keep yourself healed with the spline gun. Don't be afraid to suck the life from your own tanks if need be. Once you call in the citadel, do your best to defend it will it comes online. Once it does come online, the mission is accomplished. Galaxy 3: Planets: Niflheim, Attila, Ghorvati Cost range of Probe: 1744 - 1774 Cost range of Spy: 2754 - 2966 Rewards range: 76884 - 87135 Niflheim -------- Probe Imperium: all level 4, except AAV level 3 Native: all level 3 Objectives: "secure" all citadels. However, you don't actually need to own all the citadels on the map, if fact you can actually win by just owning the north-middle and northeastern bunkers, and have the Imperium own no others. Hotzone: when the mission starts you have full view of the hotzone. You can see that of the seven bunkers, none are owned. Although, within the first minute, the Imperium will claim the north-middle then the northeastern. Then it will later claim the northwest, on to the east-middle, southeast, and south-middle. The Imperium has KSat capabilities. Terrain: snow/ice Walkthrough Speed - Best Time: 2m17s Trying to beat this mission quickly is very difficult, but can be done. First off, don't even claim the first base. head across the map to the north-middle bunker as fast as possible. To get there head around the mountains to your north and cross the ice lake. By the time you arrive the citadel will have already been called in. Switch your Energy Triangle to full weapons and unload on the citadel. It will be destroyed, but you can't claim the bunker yet because an AAV building has been called in. Wait for it to drop in and then destroy it. Be careful not to step in the claim square much, as it is heavily mined. Call in the citadel and two power buildings. Drop a couple turrets and protect the area until the citadel is on the ground. Now hightail it over to the northeast base. If you did it right, the Imperium will not have called in the citadel yet, but you probably won't have the power to call in your own. Hopefully you can either kill enough random enemies around here in time to call in the citadel before the Imperium, but you may have to do a repeat of the last base. Actually, it is pretty easy if that happens considering you can destroy the citadel in just a couple of shots while it is still in transit. Claim this base and hold it for about thirty seconds and you will beat the mission. Map Completion - Best Time: 20m40s While none of the bases are yet claimed, the enemy will soon possess three bunkers. This means that you need to work quickly. This mission can be done one base at a time, but it becomes much easier if you work to secure the three south bases quickly. You can consider your first base safe as the Imperium will not go after it. In order to move quickly and claim the bottom bases you'll need to put all power buildings in your first base. Now head east to the middle-south base, ignoring the three heavy turrets and the tank generator. There are two light turrets and one heavy turret here to stop you from claiming this spot. Go ahead and call in the citadel, but make sure you keep all three turrets distracted. Deploy three turrets to surround the heavy turret. Taking out the two lights first is easy, and the heavy turret will be far too confused to pose any threat. Place power buildings here. Now continue east to the final southern base. There are no turrets, but there is a tank and infantry generator down the slope to the northeast. Use your citadel to destroy these as soon as possible. This base comes under attack quite often so you should defend it well. Also, be warned that this citadel is a favor target for the Imperium's KSat attacks. Now you should have enough time to claim the east-middle base without Imperium interference. The only problem here is that this ice sheet area is saturated with heavy turrets and generators. Be careful about yourself and the turrets you deploy getting in their line of fire. Once you're online use the citadel to destroy the AAV, bomber, tank, and heavy turret. For this base, you can place a power in its one and only slot to get the 10000 units of power, or place a bomber facility to take advantage of its proximity to the next two Imperium bases. At this point the Imperium may begin to unleash its KSat attacks. When you are told of the destruction of a citadel you really don't have much choice, other than to run back and reclaim it. You have three choices as to which citadel to strike next. The base at the northwest is a good choice to hit because this is where the KSat building is located. Knocking this out is a very good idea considering the Imperium is relentlessly zapping the southeast base. However, mounting an effective offensive against this base without any northern bases of your own can be very difficult, not to mention that getting over to that base is a pain, especially after you die. It is probably best to go after the northeast base. Make sure all nonessential power buildings are sold, and you have enough tanks and AAVs to counter the enemy forces. There are two heavy turrets guarding the west entrance to this base. You pretty much have to take them out as they will kill any drop-shipped citadel. Call in a bomber strike on the northeast citadel. If the combat starts getting too hot, you can easily retreat to resupply and heal. Both natives and imperials fight hard for this base. Use everything you've got. This is a very difficult take over. If you think you can risk it, sell all power buildings in order to increase your forces, then after you take the base, turn them back into power buildings. Keep at it and the base will fall. After this base, the going is downhill. This side of the map is even more infested with turrets than the south side. Destroy as many with the citadel gun, then go in with your wraith. Move in to strike the north-middle base. Use bombers, or even a KSat strike if you opted to upgrade it yet. You should have many troops at your disposal so don't be stingy, you will need every troop you got. Staying out of the heat is a good idea as you will need to keep a cool head about deployment. This will also help you take out the surrounding turrets that threaten your troops. After this base is yours the last citadel in the northwest corner will be easy. Destroy. Claim. Win. Attila ------ Probe Imperium: all level 3, except AAV level 2 Native: soldier level 4 tank level 3 AAV level 2 bomber level 3 Objectives: capture all citadels Hotzone: two of the seven bunkers are own upon your arrival: the center and the south-middle. The Imperium will quickly claim the east-middle base, then on to the southeast and then northeast. Terrain: grasslands Walkthrough Best Time: 5m38s This entire map is infested with natives. Trying to remove them all is possible but time consuming. Whatever generators and turrets you can reach with the citadels you claim should be taken out, as the units they spawn can really hinder your efforts. The following walkthrough is described in order to minimize time and consequently is also the easiest way of completing the mission. You'll have to move fast to claim the proper citadels. Claim the first one and call in three power buildings. Now B-line it for the east-middle base. If you make it in time the Imperium citadel will be dropping in. Knock it out of the sky with a couple shots. Now claim it for yourself, but be careful of the heavily mined claim square. Trying to keep this citadel from being destroyed is a little tricky because you really need to keep moving in order to continue capturing unowned bunkers. However, you must destroy the heavy turret to the west of the bunker. Clear out any mobile units and the citadel should be okay. Call in all power buildings. Now hurry to the base directly to the south. The Imperium may already have their greedy little hands on this base as well, but you should be able to destroy the citadel before it comes online. There are a couple of AAVs around here that can easily destroy your citadel in-transit, so kill them first. The enemy may call in a couple of tanks, so make sure they don't kill it either. Once you have this base, the mission becomes much easier. Call in powers. Run directly north all the way to the northeast base. On your way, be sure that your east-middle base is properly defended by placing a couple of turrets in between the infantry generator and your base. There really shouldn't be an issue about capturing this base. There are generators nearby. Place some turrets in front of the infantry generator to stop them from blowing anything up. Once you have this one, move west to the northwest base and claim it. There is a heavy turret very close to the base, so kill it before it can knock out your citadel. Now you have all the bases except the center and south-middle, each of which have only one slot to place a building. This means the Imperium really has no hope of beating you. First sell all those power buildings and get ready for battle. Out of the 12 slots that you have, taking down the next two bases should be very easy. However, all the native forces can complicate things. Avoid using bombers, unless you know the path is clear. Otherwise just use a lot of infantry units to take down the citadels. Go for the citadel in the center first, then the south-middle. The only reason that taking the center citadel might be difficult is because of the four heavy turrets that guard it. It is probably best to take them out first before you attack the base itself. Once you have this base, proceed to the base south of here. This base is easy, though there are at least three heavy turrets that can potentially cause you a problem. It is best to call in the citadel and just keep them distracted rather than trying to remove them all. Once the citadel is online, you win. Ghorvati -------- Probe Imperium: all level 3 Native: all level 3 Objectives: capture all citadels. Hotzone: The enemy owns two citadels to the northeast and a heavily fortified citadel in the southeast. In order to advance to the citadel in the northeast, you must control the base to its southwest. Then, to advance to the last citadel the northeast citadel must be owned. Terrain: desert Walkthrough Best Time: 8m49s Move up the hill towards the two level 3 native tanks. A squad of soldiers and some tanks will warp in to help you with them. Claim the citadel at the top of the hill. Just call in two powers for now. Take out the tanks and tank generator (and heavy turret if you can reach it) with the citadel gun. Now move down the hill and claim the bunker. Some enemy troops may warp in here to try and stop you. Just deploy and redeploy your turrets to take care of them. Bombers work reasonable well in this mission, so placing one here is a good idea. I just went with KSat though. Out of your five slots, you should have two powers, bomber(KSat), AAV and tank. Soldiers don't help too much in this mission, as you face a lot of tanks and AAVs, and do not have too much need for rapid deployment in taking down citadels. Advance to the north. As you near the next citadel you will encounter lots of tanks. Now approach the citadel along the southern wall, staying behind the rock wall to your left, so that you are hidden from the citadel. Now you can observe almost the entire enemy base without being seen. From here, call in your bomber strike. Once it destroys the citadel, move in to remove the remaining buildings. Note the heavy turret to the northwest, take it out before it becomes a problem for calling in your citadel. The Imperium will fight for this base, but it is nothing to really worry about. Just be sure to remove the generators around here. Also, try placing your turrets so they surround your base. The Imperium likes to deploy troops on the back side of the base, destroying your power building before the citadel's gun even detects them. Place a power here and move your bomber building to this location. When you approach the north gate, it will now open. The northeast base is actually very easy to attack because of the position that the hill gives you to observe their base. Launch your bomber, then descend the hill once it is destroyed. Before you call in the citadel you need to remove the heavy turret mounted on the east wall. This area can become cluttered very quickly as the Imperium sends hordes of tanks and AAVs after you. Once the enemy forces have been eliminated, call in the citadel. Now prepare for the final assault. Sell all your bombers, KSats, and if you have a lot of power in reserve sell those buildings as well. For this final base attack the bomber strike is provided for you. As you head south through the gate the terrain changes to pavement. A message will appear telling you that a bomber squadron is being called in to strike the base. This area is covered with native SAM sites quickly remove them to clear a path for the bombers. Now stay back until the bombers drop their payload. Move in on the base. Ignore the two heavy turrets and AAV facility at the base of the hill. Climb the left or right ramps and deploy everything you've got. There are four heavy turrets up here, two on each side. Remove them and the remaining buildings, then call in your citadel. Throughout this time you will be fighting many tanks so you may be taking a lot of damage. If you can't destroy all the turrets, just remove the buildings and call in the citadel so you can heal yourself, then try to remove the rest of the enemy forces. This base is not so hard to destroy because of the bomber strike. Once the citadel is online you will win the mission. Galaxy 4 Planets: Rhemorrah, Fenris, Anshar Cost range of Probe: 1745 - 1819 Cost range of Spy: 2923 - 3039 Rewards range: 73807 - 76950 Rhemorrah --------- Probe Imperium: all level 3, except AAV level 2 Native: all level 3, except bomber level 4 Objectives: capture all citadels Hotzone: the Imperium owns three of the six bases. You have a chance to capture the two southeast bases. Terrain: snow Walkthrough Best Time: 9m35s Claim your first base and get two power buildings. Now head east. Navigate around the winds in the snow until to come to the claim square. There a lot of native structures in the area so beware for any forces that might try and destroy your citadel. Now head north to the second of the twin bunkers. Claim it and defend both bases with turrets. When your citadels come online destroy all of the surrounding natives. Once this is done, set up for an assault on the north most base. A good set up is two powers, AAV, tank, bomber/KSat, and another of your choice. To reach the north base follow the north path until it curves west. From within this passage you can see the citadel. Call in the strike. Proceed to deploy your troops and lay waste to the other buildings. Once you have this base, destroy any natives. Now head to the southern twin to this base. This base is easy because of how close it is to your last base. Call in a strike and overwhelm them with your many troops. Beware the surrounding natives and call in your citadel. Once you have it, destroy the natives and prepare to attack the northwest base. This base is the hardest on the map to capture. As soon as you approach the base two heavy turrets warp in right in front of you. Additionally, this will trigger four bombers to begin an attack run. It is best that you retreat for now and try to destroy those bombers. Deploy AAVs and wait for the bombers to arrive. Once they are gone, return to the northwest citadel. Knock out the two heavy turrets. Attack the citadel and move in on the rest of the base. Call in all your forces to attack. This base may take several tries, because of the added natives that surround the base. Fenris ------ Probe Imperium: all level 2 Native: all level 3 Objectives: capture all citadels. Hotzone: only the center citadel is controlled by the Imperium upon entering the Hotzone. Terrain: pavement Walkthrough - Best Time: 5m20s This mission is by far the weirdest in the game. The idea of the mission is that the planet is used as a transmissions relay station, so because of this you are able to transport in additional troops by standing on the claim square of any citadel you own. By calling in troops you will usually get two or four tanks. So to take full advantage of this, having your tanks at level 5 can help a lot. Convoys are also deployed as you stand on the claim square, which will attempt to travel from one destination site to another, once it reaches the site it will be replaced by troops that you can use. Any of these troops (not convoys) that are deployed to help you may be removed with delete if you need more power. What makes this mission so difficult is that it is almost entirely up to you to win this mission. All but the center citadel have only slot to place any buildings in. Since you will be needing all the energy you can get to claim all the citadels, most of these slots will be filled with power buildings. That leaves you with only the provided troops, who aren't much help in assaults, and the weapons on your wraith. If you don't have the weapons upgraded on your wraith, you might want to consider coming back later in the game. Start off by calling in a power building and moving around the hotzone clockwise by going south. At each base, call in a power building to begin harvesting power so you can continue capturing bases. Before you call in your citadel you must eliminate the surrounding enemy forces, because they WILL destroy it. On the other hand, by calling in the citadel several friendly troops warp in, which can help you fight off the enemies, not to mention you will be able to deploy turrets to help. The hardest part about claiming each citadel is the presence of the two level 2 heavy turrets that guard each non-corner claim square. If heavy turrets are not an issue for you than this should be fairly easy. My suggestion for taking them down in stand in the claim square and call in the citadel so you can heal as you fight them. Now max weapons and fire at one of them while strafing back and forth. Hopefully the turret to your back won't hurt you too much as you take down the first one. Once the first one is destroyed, turn around and kill the other one. Now, if you have secured this citadel quickly enough you have a chance to grab the citadel directly to the west, all the way across the map. However, this means you must travel through the heavily fortified center base. As you go this way, you will probably see the two AAVs flying over you to capture the west-middle base for the Imperium. Take them out before they can call in the citadel. Now capture the base. Continue working your way clockwise from here. But don't worry too much, you have plenty of time. Once you have these northern three go for the southern three. At this point you should have either seven or eight bases. Sell off any power buildings that have sucked all the power out of their respective base. Also, sell any that you think you won't need to attack the west-middle base. If you own it already, skip to the next paragraph. Your best bet, is to call in some help from the claim square and follow them until they reach the west base. Take out the turrets first, then try attacking the citadel itself. Once it is down the rest is easy. Use a bomber strike or a KSat to do it. Now the only base left is the center base. This is pretty tough, as there are four heavy turrets within the little ditch that the base is encamped in. Once they are gone, you can launch an attack on the citadel. Even after it is down you still need to destroy three other buildings. Hopefully, you have enough troops to keep the enemy distracted while you pound away with everything you've got. Once you have this citadel, the mission is over. Anshar ------ Probe Imperium: all level 3 Native: all level 3 Objectives: capture all citadels Hotzone: of the six claims in the mission none are owned before hand. Terrain: lava Walkthrough - Best Time: 4m9s This mission is very easy if you know the order that the Imperium will claim their citadels. Once you know this, you can intercept them at each point. The order is as follows: south-middle, center, west-middle, northeast, northwest, and southwest. Claim this bunker and place powers in its slots. Place a couple turrets and move north. From here you have some choices. You can head east and try for the center citadel or the south-middle citadel, or claim the citadel in the west-middle. The bunker in the south-middle is the first citadel that the Imperium will attempt to claim. Trying to stop them from doing so is extremely difficult. Destroying their first citadel is easy, but claiming your own is almost impossible. The area is swarming with enemies and turrets. Successfully calling in a citadel is just not going to happen. Instead go for the center citadel. I know you see the west-middle citadel right in front of you, and you want to capture it, but if you cap it now, you won't have enough energy to cap the center one in time. Additionally, if the Imperium does claim the center citadel, they will construct a KSat building here, and that's no fun for anyone. The layout of the center base makes it difficult to mount an offensive against it. At the center bunker, call in your citadel, deploy a SAM site to deal with the AAV and start attacking the heavy turret. Try to destroy it quickly so you can move on to the next bunker. Two native tanks will warp in here. Once the enemies in the area are gone call in power buildings and head back to the west-middle bunker. Call in your citadel. Kill the two tanks here and the heavy turret to the south. Now call in your other buildings. Place a turret between the north building in the base and the infantry generator. The next bunker on the Imperium's list is the northeast base. Run to the other side of the map. If you didn't make it in time, don't worry about it, just retreat to the northwest base and claim that one instead. If you did make it, there should only be two enemies defending the base, making this a very easy capture. Head to the west. The northwest base is defended by a heavy turret and some other random units. Call in the citadel and attack them while the base is coming online. Now it is time to organize your bases for the offensive. Replace your unneeded power buildings with AAVs, tanks, bombers, and soldiers. This mission works very well with bombers, as the natives have no forces that can really prevent them from dropping their payload. If you were able to capture all the bases in the proper order, the Imperium should have only one base left to be defeated. Approach the base from the center citadel and call in all your strikes. If you approach it from the east a heavy turret warps in along the narrow road. There are a number of native forces around here so be careful as you plan your attack. There are two heavy turrets initially, but when you destroy one, another will replace it. You may very lose a citadel while taking this base, but it is no big deal, just keep up the battle and call in another. Try to keep your self healed as enemies will continually spawn in. If you're unable to capture all the bases. You will need to attack each one from your closest base. The northeast base is poorly defended by the Imperium, so this is a good choice for a first target. If the Imperium managed to capture the center citadel, the mission will be very difficult. Just prevent them from doing so and you should be fine. Galaxy 5 Planets: Dakka, Firbolg, Nan, Sahara Cost range of Probe: 2354 - 2431 Cost range of Spy: 3857 - 4194 Rewards range: 82981 - 98016 Dakka ----- Probe Imperium: all level 4 Native: all level 4 Objectives: capture all citadels Hotzone: all but two citadels are owned by the Imperium; the northern two. To open the gate to the center, you must own all of the surrounding citadels. Terrain: lava Walkthrough - Best Time: 7m39s This mission is not easy. The Imperium is already well established and you have only two bases to begin with. Your best chances lie in the power of your units. It is best to have all your units fully upgraded at this point. While there does seem to be a heavy presence of natives in this mission, any of them that actually pose any threat can be eliminated with the citadel guns. Also, having your power buildings fully upgraded is important as you will need the power as soon as possible. Also, having them fully upgraded will allow you to free up those much needed slots to bring in unit facilities. Claim the first base and then the one to the west. There is no combat in obtaining the first, but the second base has a couple defenders. Destroy them and secure the citadel. In these five slots, two powers, a KSat, a tank and an AAV will suit you well. Before you try to attack anything. Use your citadel's guns to blow away any natives. Now defend each of your bases by putting a turret on the back side of each of the buildings in the bunker and a SAM site out in front. When you do attack the Imperium, it is not too critical in which way you decide to go around the map. But the Imperium's KSat building is in the east-middle citadel. As such, head clockwise around the map. KSat the citadel and call in your troops. The biggest pain here is the AAVs. After they are down you can call in your citadel without too much worry. Reinforce your units with these slots, destroy the surrounding natives, and defend your base. Now move south to the next base. Execute the same plan here. The only extra worry is the heavy turret in the corner. Just destroy it before it can threaten your citadel. Now there is only one more exterior base. Move all the way to the southwest corner and destroy the base. This base should be no problem considering the number of bases you now control. After you capture the base, you'll receive a message indicating that the gates have opened and you can now attack the inner citadels. Which citadel you go for first isn't important. Taking these citadels can be hard so make sure you are fully prepared to attack before going in. If you approach from the east you have a good vantage point to plot your attack and call in strikes. There are no native generators here, but there are heavy turrets and SAM sites. Because the two bases are so close to each other, it can seem overwhelming, but just focus on a single base and you should be okay. While you are in battle be sure to keep yourself and your units away from the huge column of light, as anything that touches it will be instantly destroyed. The other base has units around it, but you don't need to worry about them yet. Just make sure you keep your citadel intact while it is being dropped in. Once it comes online, the fun begins. Notice that since the two bases are so close to each other, you can actually destroy the enemy citadel with your own citadel's guns. You can try to destroy the other buildings, but doing that is much harder. Now scramble your troops across the lava, and destroy the rest of the base. Once you have this base you win. Firbolg ------- Probe Imperium: all level 4 Native: all level 3 Objectives: stop the Imperium from gating ten convoys and capture all citadels. Hotzone: the Imperium owns all three citadels. Terrain: snow Walkthrough - Best Time: 8m53s This map is essentially a solo mission because you must take down at least one citadel entirely by yourself. You can purchase units to support you in the mission, but I like to go solo. Besides you should have enough extra units from past missions to take at least one citadel. Nevertheless its best if you have weapons that can damage buildings. Hive is good for this mission, as is the antimatter disk. Also, the spline weapon is essential in this mission, as you will not have a way of healing yourself until you get a citadel. You might want to return to this mission later if you do not yet have your wraith upgraded enough. This area where you are dropped into the hotzone is where the convoys will be headed. If they reach the teleport pad a message will appear indicating how many have been allowed to escape. You must not let ten do so. Actually, if you just focus on taking the citadels one by one, there should be no threat of ten ever reaching the warp pad. Each citadel has a teleport pad where the convoys spawn from. When they appear an escort of natives appear with them. By destroying the convoy itself, all of its escorts will instantly die. The convoys will appear on your map as large 'X's. The first citadel to capture is to the south. Head down there to the open plain that the Imperium occupy. Try to stay out of range and call in a bomber or attack with your hive missiles. Then move in to finish off the citadel with mortars or other weapons. Call in some other units to keep the other enemies off your back. Be careful not to waste all your extra units though. If you manage to claim this base, the rest of the mission is a lot easier. You will need a power building here, and a bomber might be a good idea as well. Take care of any surrounding natives around here. They tend to be stationed on top of the ridges surrounding the area. Now, head back to the teleporter and make sure no convoys are in the area, and if there are, kill them. From here you can attack either the middle or northeastern base. Going for the middle base might be easier as your bombers will find it easier to attack it. Follow the same tactics that you used to kill the first citadel. Once you have this base, the last one is very easy. Make sure to destroy any natives and check for nearby convoys. If you don't win once you have the last citadel, go around and kill any convoys that had been sent out. Once they are destroyed you will win. Nan --- Probe Imperium: soldier level 4 tank level 5 AAV level 3 bomber level 4 Native: soldier level 5 tank level 3 AAV level 4 bomber level 4 Objectives: capture all citadels. Hotzone: no bunkers are owned by the Imperium. However, you already own the north base. The southeast bunker will be claimed within the first couple seconds of the game. Terrain: snow Walkthrough - Best Time: 1m41s This mission is either extremely easy or extremely hard. To make it easy, just run around the hotzone as fast as possible claiming all the bunkers before the Imperium can get to them. The first one they go after is the southeast base. Begin by moving south at full speed. As you move use hotkeys to call in three power buildings. As you descend the hill and continue moving, try to stay to the right of the land masses. After you pass the blue ice spikes turn left right into the center command bunker. Do not stop while you move over the claim square. Just claim the bunker and keep moving. Call in three more power buildings as you move southeast. When you arrive, the citadel will either be in the air or coming online, giving you enough time to destroy it. Once you do, you might need to wait for the other building that the Imperium called in so that you actually claim the base for yourself. Once you do claim it, deploy a SAM or two and head north. The next base to grab is the one to the north of this one. It is a short trip, so hurry over there and grab it. This citadel may already be owned so destroy it and claim the base. Deploy a SAM and head to the south-middle base and claim it. Now on to the southwest. This base has a single heavy turret that will shoot at you. Call in the citadel and destroy the turret. The mission is over when the last citadel comes online. The Imperium didn't even stand a chance in this mission. Alternative If you are unable to beat this mission by out running the Imperium, the alternative is not all that different. You simply need to grab as many bases as you can, and then mount an offensive against the bases that the Imperium were able to capture. The Imperium goes after the southeast and east-middle bases first, so you can ensure the capture of the three other bases simply by ignoring those two and capturing the others. There is plenty of time to get these bases, but trying to get all of them can be pretty tricky. Now that you have four of the six bases, get some units ready and attack the east-middle base. There is plenty of room and power to use KSat control here, so go ahead and do it. Now move south and destroy the final base. Sahara ------ Probe Imperium: all level 4 Native: all level 4 Objectives: capture all citadels. Hotzone: the Imperium owns the northern two and the center citadel. The other three are unowned. Terrain: grasslands Walkthrough - Best Time: 4m59s Claim the first citadel and place only power buildings in its slots. Quickly deploy some turrets and head east to the next base atop the small hill. While you do need to keep moving in order to claim the last unowned base, this base comes under heavy consistent fire, so make sure it is secure before you leave. Place powers in this base as well. Now travel to the east citadel. Hopefully the enemy is not yet there and you can capture the base. If the citadel is in transit, knock it out of the sky and eliminate the surrounding forces. Call in your citadel and defend it well, as there quite a few enemies in the area. Once you have control of the base, go back to the second base you captured and fight off any natives. Use the citadel's gun to destroy the surrounding native generators that are sure to give you trouble. Do the same for the first base. Now head back to the third base and prepare for your attack on the north citadels. You should have a total of seven slots. Leave one in two of your bases for power and use the remaining five for KSat, two tank, and two AAV. As you move north towards the base, you will see an alcove to your right with several bomber buildings. You can go in here and attempt to destroy them all if you want. Note, that when you enter the alcove, a heavy turret and a squad of soldiers warp in. The main reason for doing so is that at some time in the mission you will receive a message indicating that a large scale bomber attack is heading for one of your citadels. Destroying the facilities will either stop this or reduce the number of bombers that will attack. However, rather than wasting units on destroying them, there is an easier way to deal with the problem. Once you get the message, enter the citadel view of whatever base was targeted. Now remove all the laser turrets and replace them with SAM sites. Stay in citadel view and wait for the attack once you see the bombers start shooting them with your citadel gun. All of the bombers will drop out of the sky in a matter of seconds. Now once you see the base call in the KSat strike and move up to assault the base. There should be no problem here if your units are upgraded all the way. Once you have this base, destroy the natives around here. Do the same for the northwest base as well. To enter the center, and attack the final base, you must journey south. You will see a break in the mountain ridge to the left allowing you passage into the center. You will also see a break to the right. In the alcove here there are three powerups: power, ammo, and repair. However, if you do enter, four heavy turrets will spawn in and surround you. Just get the stuff and run out. Now head into the center. This area has a lot of natives so its best that you keep moving. Kill the citadel with a KSat beam and destroy the rest with your troops and your guns. Once you claim this citadel, you win. Galaxy 6 Planets: Glac, Baal, Terra Cost range of Probe: 2410 - 3055 Cost range of Spy: 4149 - 5105 Rewards range: 84078 - 132974 Glac ---- Probe Imperium: all level 5 Native: all level 5 Objectives: capture all citadels. Hotzone: the Imperium owns four of the six citadels in the Hotzone. The northern two are unowned. Terrain: snow Walkthrough - Best Time: 4m This is probably the hardest mission you have yet faced. The Imperium unceasingly bombards all of your bases. It becomes very difficult to manage all of your bases and maintain a working offensive. The best strategy is to destroy any surrounding natives and defend your base very well. This mission almost seems to get harder as you obtain more bases, because that just gives the Imperium more targets to bombard. In this mission will also receive messages regarding large scale bomber attacks. Just place all SAM sites at that citadel until all the bombers are destroyed and you should lose any buildings. However, the presence of Imperium ground forces is the real threat to your bases. You will most likely lose several buildings throughout the course of this mission. Just redeploy your turrets and replace the building. To keep this from hindering your offensive too much, try having two KSat buildings in two different bases. This way if one is destroyed you can still have a working offensive. Claim the first citadel and place all power buildings in its slots. There is not too big of a rush here so be sure the citadel is secured before heading west. Fly past the natives and get to the northwest base. Claiming this citadel is no problem. Once it is online, use it to destroy the natives around here. Do the same for your first base. The next base is just south around the ice hill. This base is easy to attack because it is so close. Use a bomber attack or KSat to destroy it. Now deploy whatever troops you have and destroy the remaining buildings. Claim this base and defend it. The next target is the southwest base. It is best to use a KSat strike to get rid of this citadel. Move to the east and attack the next base. After you have this one, only one remains. The last base should be very easy considering all the power and units you now control. If your other bases are under attack, just repair them and keep going. Don't worry too much, because if you went back to defend a base every time it is under attack, you would never beat this mission. So as quickly as possible finish off the last base. Baal ---- Probe Imperium: all level 5 Native: all level 5 Objectives: obtain 16000 units of power and maintain control of the center citadel. Hotzone: the Imperium owns the northeast, southeast, and southwest. You own the center citadel, and the northwest bunker is unowned. Terrain: lava Walkthrough - Best Time: 6m33s This mission is very difficult, but not because the enemy is relentless, but because of the actual mission objectives. There are five total bunkers in the Hotzone, each of which has 5000 units of power. You begin with one citadel, so that is an automatic 5000 power. Then the northwest is unowned and can be obtained without a fight giving you another 5000. Now we need 6000 more. This means we need to capture at least two of the three that the Imperium owns. However, this does not include the fact that waging war can be very expensive. Try to avoid using any KSats as each strike cost 900 power, which is quit a bit. In order to keep all expenses at a low, most of the fighting will be left up to you. Try to destroy as may enemies as possible in order to get additional power. Sell off buildings. Once a bunker has been completely tapped, ignore the base entirely, don't repair it and sell off all the buildings (unless it is the center one). Let yourself die rather than repairing, or utilize the spline gun a lot. To make this mission even harder, the Imperium will use their KSat buildings, which means that you must pay an additional 800 power to call in another one. Keep in mind that the Imperium is also tapping power from the planet, so you must hurry before all the power from the bunkers are gone. Bringing in extra units for this mission can be a huge help, so you might want to consider that. Start out by calling in power buildings. Leave one for a bomber building. Now run and claim the base to the northwest. Once you have this base call in all powers. Now you must hurry and take down each base before the Imperium sucks it all up. Go for the southwest base next, as this is where the Imperium's KSat building is located. Attack the citadel and destroy the other buildings. There are a number of native heavy turrets in the middle of the lava that surrounds this citadel. It is best to destroy all of them before calling in the citadel. This will save you from having to waste 800 units of power on a destroyed citadel. If you've secured this base before the Imperium was able to drain 1000 units of power, then you're in good shape. Now head for either the northwest or southeast bases. Do the same for both of these bases, making sure to destroy the heavy turret first. Try to move fast and not spend too much power. Your best bet lies within your wraith. If you can make use of all your weapons, then the mission will be much easier. Once you have all the bases, sell every building that is not actively pumping power. Also sell back any turrets or units that you may have deployed. Once 16000 units of power is accumulated, you'll get a message telling you to return to the claim square of the center citadel in order to initiate the power transfer. Mission accomplished. Terra ----- Probe Imperium: soldier level 4 tank level 5 AAV level 4 bomber level 5 Native: soldier level 5 tank level 4 AAV level 4 bomber level 5 Objectives: capture all citadels. Hotzone: the Imperium owns two of the seven citadels. Terrain: lush grasslands Walkthrough - Best Time: 3m2s This mission is actually pretty easy. This mission description says it is difficult because of aggressive natives in the hotzone, but they are easily dealt with. Be sure to destroy any surrounding generators once a citadel comes online. It is possible to capture the five unowned citadels before the Imperium can claim any of them. Grab the first citadel and call in three power buildings. Now head west and claim the citadel there. There is a heavy turret to the north that is best removed. Put more power buildings in this bunker. Now travel across the entire map all the way to the east-middle base. Now head on up to the northeast base. From here head southwest to the little area where the four light turrets are stationed. Now go directly south to the final center citadel. This bunker is guarded by two heavy turrets that must be destroyed before calling in the citadel. If the Imperium have beat you here, try and destroy their citadel and other buildings, but you may just want to retreat and come back in force. Otherwise claim the base for your own. Now that there isn't any rush, take some time to properly defend each of your bases. Remove natives and guard against future attacks. With only two bases, the Imperium don't stand a chance. This mission is well suited for KSat control because this map has infinite power so there is really no need to conserve energy. Also, because the map is so infested with natives, using bombers, won't work very well. Keep this in mind when selling back some power buildings to equip yourself for battle. From the center base, the northwest base is probably your best target. Approach it and call in the KSat attack. Once it is vaporized move in to destroy the rest of the base. There will most likely be a heavy Imperium defensive here, so be careful not to get too injured. Call in the citadel and remove the natives. The final Imperium base is directly south. This base is very easy to destroy. With all of your forces and the KSat control this base will fall in no time. After its under your control the mission is completed. Galaxy 7 : Ruven VI Planet: Nataselah Cost range of Probe: 3538 Cost range of Spy: 5643 Rewards: nothing Nataselah --------- Probe Imperium: all level 5 Native: all level 5 Objectives: destroy all four citadels in the "nucleus". To reach the center area, you must first have two of the four surrounding citadels online. You'll receive a message indicating that a teleporter is now available to use. There are four such teleporters that will take you to the center. Hotzone: the Imperium owns eight citadels, you own two. Terrain: pavement Walkthrough - Best Time: 7m1s Before you enter the last mission, be sure that you've completed every other planet. Also upgrade everything that you possibly can. Buy extra units, or continually replay Scintillae to stock up on extra units. This mission is very tough. Call in power buildings into the first two citadel's slots, but leave one for a KSat building. Deploy the six available turrets in this area as SAM sites. Bombers are so frequent on this map, that you will need all the defense you can get. Ground troops tend to not be an issue for your first bases, and your citadel can destroy any enemies that wonder into the area. Now move right past all the native buildings. At the far east you should see a ramp that will take you up to overlook the area. At the top look to the west. You will see the ramparts where the four external citadels are located. In order to reach them, max your speed and run across the gap. Now turn left and head for the citadel. KSat the citadel and quickly destroy the other buildings. Claiming this citadel is very hard because enemy units located on the lower tier have a free shot at the citadel as it is being dropped in. Once you call in the citadel, deploy some turrets down there and shoot any tanks that appear. If you can manage to get this citadel online, use it to destroy all of native buildings on the lower area. You should also destroy the infantry building that is located on the same level. These troops will continually destroy your buildings. You should've received a message indicating that the gate from this citadel to your first two citadels is now open. This will grant you easy access between the two tiers of the level. Try to defend your base with SAM sites. Make sure you haven't lost any other buildings and repair all your citadels. Now move west to the next citadel. This base is identical because of the symmetry of the map. After you have this base, you will receive a message that one of the teleporters is open so you can enter the nucleus of the hotzone. Don't enter the teleporters yet. Move north to take down the next citadel. After you destroy the citadel be sure that you destroy the last building that is located on the lower level. When you claim the citadel, don't fill the final slot with a building until the heavy turret beyond the lower level's slot is destroyed. Make sure to defend the base and destroy the generators that are located up here. Move east to the final outer citadel. After you have control of this citadel, prepare for your final assault against the Imperium. There are any number of ways of destroying the final four inner citadels, but the easiest way is by using all KSats. Sell all of your non-power and non-KSat buildings. Try to have two powers for every KSat. Since there are four citadels, four KSats will work best. However, killing three and going after one manually is just as good. As soon as you warp in you will appear to be in a small ditch with citadels and columns of light all around you. These columns of light, or mini-KSats will kill you in one hit, so be careful. They appear to hit randomly. For every KSat strike you have lined up, turn to a citadel and deploy one. After your KSats are spent, attack the remaining manually. Launch all of your antimatter disks, and hopefully, that is all that will be needed. Once all four citadels are destroyed, the mission is over. Congratulations, the Uprising is victorious! "It is the dawn of a new day. Earth, the once unassailable seed of Imperial power has been breached and the Imperium's broken forces lie scattered across a thousand lightyears. From these ruins a new era of reconstruction begins and for the first time in a near eternity, both the right and the burden of self determination is ours." - You may now replay any mission you wish. You also have a new weapon - The Anvil! You have 50 of these handy anvils. They will never miss and will always destroy whatever they hit with a single use. ---------------- VIII. Appendices ---------------- This section includes all the extra info on planets that isn't necessary to beat the mission. The walkthrough covers what is needed, this area covers additional plot information. The first is the Mission Description given in the top left box in the campaign mode. Second is the information given to you by electing to send a spy to the planet. The third is the text that is displayed after hitting the launch button and before the load screen pops up. Anshar Mission Description "A sudden increase in Imperium activity on the lava planet Anshar leads us to believe they are organizing a large counter attack. Anshar's proximity to several of our important bases makes an Imperial counter attack a legitimate threat to the Uprising. Capturing Anshar and deflecting the chance of a successful counter attack is extremely important in continuing our war effort." Spy Report "Reports indicate that a valuable unowned citadel lies at the center of the hotzone. Move quickly to avoid Imperial detection." Launch "We believe the Imperium has no intentions of settling on Anshar. While they are planning to counter the Uprising, it is unlikely that they are prepared to defend against a surprise attack. There should be unoccupied command bunkers upon your arrival. Lay siege to their fortifications and capture all citadels to eradicate the Imperium from Anshar." Attila Mission Description "Historically, the water world of Attila has lent itself to very few successful assaults. Due to its easily defendable terrain, Imperium forces use Attila as a place to group for organized attacks. Putting Attila's guard in our hands would provide an ideal environment to stockpile our goods and would allow us to launch large attacks from a base closer to the Imperium home worlds." Spy Report "Information retrieved from fallen enemy units shows that the Imperium is centered in the hotzone's southeast, so the remaining terrain will not be as much a threat. The southeast citadel is used for regrouping units. To stand guard, it is constructed as units arrive, but disassemble as they leave. If timed correctly, it will unoccupied upon your arrival." Launch "While we have been aware of the Imperium's of Attila for organizing attacks, its terrain has been advantageous for Imperium defense, causing attempts at seizing Attila to fail. For Attila to become a tactical waypoint for continued advancement deeper into Imperium space, we need to knock out each Imperium citadel and gain control of the remainder of the hotzone." Baal Mission Description "Used as a waypoint in the supposed war against the Horde, the Imperium now uses Baal for launching fleets from within Imperial space. A successful attack upon Baal will provide us with a fortification along a major Imperium supply line hampering their ability to reinforce their defensive fronts." Spy Report "The key to controlling Baal is to amass power rather than spend it, we recommend both upgrading your power buildings to absorb Baal's energy more quickly and upgrading your citadel towers for stronger defense. It is also well advised to purchase units prior to landing on Baal." Launch "We are ready to introduce new technology to the Imperium. Orbiting above Baal is an assault flotilla. When operational, all Imperium fleets in orbit will be destroyed. To charge the flotilla, you must enter the hotzone and amass 16000 power units. The citadel at the hotzone's center will be your means for transferring the energy, so maintain control of it or your mission will fail." Chaud Mission Description "Once considered a useless wasteland, the lava planet Chaud has recently been the focus of Imperium attention. Large deposits of elements used in the production of fuel cells have been discovered in Chaud's volcanic plains. Seizing Chaud and gaining its ability for fuel cell production will allow us to send large fleets deep into Imperium space, ultimately putting the Imperium on the defensive." Spy Report "Reports indicate that moving quickly to secure the south shore of the lava lake will provide ample resources to mount an effective campaign on the north shore. To aid efforts towards breaking down the Imperium's defenses, our forces will drop supplies on a small island south of the north shore's center volcano." Launch "In gaining control over Chaud's resources and utilizing advanced fuel cells, we will be able to transport large fleets deep into Imperium space. This will force the Imperium to pull back all forces for defensive purposes. Controlling Chaud requires seizing all citadels and completely securing the hotzone." Dakka Mission Description "The volcanic planet Dakka is one of the Imperium's most fortified strongholds. At the center of the Imperium base lies a power transfer facility that single-handedly powers the infrastructures of several Imperium weapons factories. Gaining control of the power transfer station would deal a decisive blow to the Imperium's war efforts on several fronts." Spy Report "Reports indicate that the Imperium has recently withdrawn forces from the citadel to the west of the drop zone. Proceed quickly before an alerted Imperium defensive force reacquires the area." Launch "Dakka's power transfer facility is located at the bottom of an dormant volcano at center of the hotzone. Once you have reached the dropzone, you must discover a way to lower the central volcano's gate defenses, and disable the power transfer station." Dinarou Mission Description "Dinarou is an agriculturally rich planet. Neighboring Imperial contigents fleets use this outpost to replenish their food supplies. Seizing this haven should dampen the threat that long-range Imperium fleets pose on our home worlds. Controlling Dinarou provides us an outpost for our forces to replenish supplies on their way to Imperium space." Spy Report "Satellite photos show two paths to the hotzone's center eroded through its mountains. As Dinarou is used for agricultural purposes, all Imperium citadels are located near the eroded water ways. Thus, Dinarou's streams should guide you to the Imperium command center." Launch "Able to observe the entire hotzone from the highest mountain, the Imperial citadel keeps Dinarou safe from attack. The command center's vantagepoint allows the Imperium to quickly organize defensive strategies to defeat any assault. Knocking out the citadel will keep Imperium forces in enough disarray to allow us to seize Dinarou." Erudara Mission Description "Reports show that an Imperial expansion group has settled on the snow planet Erudara. Due to our advancements on other strategic fronts, it is doubtful that the Imperium will allocate resources from their home worlds to strengthen defenses here. Capturing Erudara will aid our efforts towards creating a stronghold in this sector for launching future attacks." Spy Report "Reports show a weakness in the Imperium's defensive strategy. Their citadel at the hotzone's center will function to resupply defensive units during an attack upon the main Imperium citadel. Destroying the center citadel will benefit our attempts at quickly seizing Erudara." Launch "Due to the Imperium expansion group transporting only a minimal supply count, much of the hotzone remains unoccupied. Thus, there will be plenty of time to construct a citadel before being detected. The Imperium holds Erudara from a well defended citadel in the hotzone's northeast. To make Erudara a stronghold in this sector, we must seize this citadel from imperial control." Fenris Mission Description "The capitol of Fenris was constructed to be the Imperium's major communications relay. Due to its design, the structure is capable of focusing the hotzone's energy to instantly transmit and receiving thousands of Imperial communications. Taking Fenris would not only allow us to put its awesome communications capabilities to our use, but it should allow us to intercept Imperial transmissions at will." Spy Report "The transit network of Fenris is vast, so look for teleports to quickly move around the hotzone. Main teleport sites are located near the city processing and storage facilities. In addition the city has many supply depots that regularly receive shipments of weapons and supplies, find them and exploit them for your efforts." Launch "As the capture of Fenris will aid us in multiple ways, we are prepared to supply additional forces at your will. By positioning your Wraith in the Claim Square of citadels under your control, that will signal us to gate in a squad of troops. Use your forces in conjunction with those that we can provide to secure all citadels in the hotzone." Firbolg Mission Description "Firbolg, an ice world thought to have neither strategic nor economic value, seems to be the center of a massive Imperial effort." Spy Report "Reports show that the Imperium, using technologies whose origins can only be speculated upon, has been developing a "Silent Assault Platform". Upon its completion, the platform will pose a considerable threat to worlds loyal to our cause. Barring attack, the Imperium is prepared to evacuate from Firbolg. It is estimated that they need only gate ten transport vehicles to secure their research. Given that the Imperium owns all citadels on Firbolg we recommend that you purchase some units before heading off to Firbolg." Launch "The Imperium is building some kind of new assault frigate using technologies we have never seen, which if allowed to come on-line, might squash our efforts in this solar system, or worse. Stop the convoys from reaching their destination." Ghorvati Mission Description "Residing on the pastoral planet of Ghorvati lies a major Imperial starport. Having become an important asset in recent years, the starport functions as a way station for Imperial fleets en route to reinforce defensive fronts. Having been unable to quell the recent revolt on Ghorvati, the Imperium has heavily fortified the starport in an effort to keep it operational." Spy Report "Spy reports indicate that the starport's peripheral defenses possess advanced warning systems. Expect quick countermeasures upon taking your first citadel." Launch "Having recently established a small outpost on the planet Ghorvati, our troops are in close proximity to Ghorvati's hotzone. Gaining control of Ghorvati's starport will force the Imperium to relinquish control over the sector, thus losing the means of reinforcing nearby defensive fronts." Glac Mission Description "The snow planet Glac is among the most fortified of the Imperium home worlds. As the Imperium's oldest stronghold, Glac's hotzone now serves as the training grounds for the Imperial Army's most elite forces. While its capture will be a difficult one, the Imperium's military truly cannot afford the loss of Glac due to our success on other fronts." Spy Report "As the Imperium can no longer expand, a citadel at the hotzone's northwest used for training expansion fleets has been inactive for quite some time. We believe this citadel will remain inactive until the Imperium organizes a defensive." Launch "Taking Glac will cripple the Imperium's ability to train elite forces. As the Imperial Military holds high importance in Glac, expect to be met with aggressive resistance from both native forces and elite Imperial forces. Eliminate all chances of the Imperial Military launching future counter attacks by securing all citadels in Glac's hotzone." Nan "A supporting planet until a short time ago, Nan's resistance was overwhelmed by an Imperium invasion. Nan's people surrendered out of reverence towards their planet being ravished by war. Soon thereafter, surprising the Imperium, local militia seized and fortified a citadel. Eager to rejoin the Uprising and eradicate the Imperium, militia forces on Nan await our help to free their planet." Spy Report "To defend citadels from Nan's militias, native forces that supported Imperial rule were aided by the Imperium in establishing and fortifying defensive compounds. The structure and placement of the compounds are designed to both defend Imperium citadels and help attack citadels that fall into enemy control. If we hope to free Nan, intelligence recommends equal attention paid to these compounds as to the Imperium." Launch "In attempts to take their planet back from Imperial rule, militia forces have renewed the fight to free Nan. As their support in the Uprising is valuable, we need you to help remove Nan from Imperial control. Use the citadel captured by Nan's militia to initiate your attack. Once you secure the hotzone and its citadels, we will move in and destroy all remaining Imperium influence." Nataselah Mission Description "Previously considered no more than legend, the mythical planet Nataselah recently surfaced at the epicenter of Imperial space. Lore encompassing the planet speaks of its resurrection accompanying the births of new empires and the deaths of old. Looming above its surface lies a seemingly impenetrable fortress. Shielded at the heart of this fortress rests the Imperial Core." Spy Report "We have been unsuccessful retrieving information on the fortress. All but one mission has vanished into silence. Brought from unrepeatable circumstances, we located a vacant area in front of the fortress. Before you initiate your attack, we will send a squad to establish two citadels at the mouth of the fortress. Hopefully, they will provide enough cover to start your final mission. Good luck..." Launch "As its legend commands, the appearance of Nataselah signals the birth of what the Uprising has fought to achieve. It is time for a new order to emerge and for an old empire to fall. It is time to put an end to the Imperium. For us to put an end to Imperial rule, you must conquer the fortress and enter the Nucleus." Niflheim Mission Description "Niflheim is the training ground for Imperial forces. Munitions stored there would be useful, and its capture would be an organizational blow to the Imperial navy." Spy Report "A large river separates the two halves of the Hot Zone. A citadel with an extensive supply of energy lies on an ice sheet to the west." Launch "Niflheim's centralized location within the Arcturan band makes it an excellent location for munitions storage. To secure Niflheim for our construction teams, capture all of the citadels in the Hot Zone." Priva Mission Description "Previously an Imperium planet mined bare, scans of Priva report scattered deposits of valuable minerals. Moving to reap planets that offered greater rewards, the Imperium left only a tech-two level citadel behind. Removing the Imperium will put the planet's resources to our uses. Its location in this sector and its mineral content make Priva a perfect base for fleet production and repair." Spy Report "The mining facility in this hotzone was constructed to channel resources past citadel checkpoints to a citadel at the channel's end. This final citadel was used to transport the mineral resources off Priva. While reports show little activity at each checkpoint, we have traced Imperium transmissions back to the citadel at the channel's end." Launch "Considering Priva valueless, many units on Priva were recalled to Imperium space, leaving much of the terrain vacant. Keeping intermittent contact with a single citadel in the hotzone, the Imperium will not be alerted of our attack in time to react. To put Priva's mineral content in our hands, we need need to find and destroy the Imperium citadel, ultimately ending the Imperium's contact with Priva." Rhemorrah Mission Description "Rich in naturally occurring cold fusion energy, Rhemorrah became an interest to the Imperium when their scientists found evidence that focusing the planet's energy fields could potentially gate fleets between sectors. While experiments have not yet succeeded, reports indicate that they are progressing rapidly. Capturing Rhemorrah will cease the development of this important technology, and control of the planet's energy resources will benefit research into new weapon technologies." Spy Report "Spy reports indicate that the Imperium has not expanded to the twin command bunkers east of your drop zone. To increase the odds of a successful campaign on Rhemorrah, capture the citadels before the Imperium organizes a counterattack." Launch "Local allies have given us the location of an unoccupied citadel in the southern snow passages of Rhemorrah. As the only defense for the nearby technology center, the Imperium citadels on Rhemorrah must be seized and fortified to ensure the safe transportation of our research teams." Sahara Mission Description "Just outside the Imperial Core, the desert planet of Sahara is used for ammunition production and exportation. Tired of a central role in the Imperium's ability to expand and conquer, rebel leaders on Sahara have indicated a desire to break from Imperial control. Providing the main ammunition supply for their fleets, Sahara's capture will wound the Imperium's lasting power in this war." Spy Report "Reports confirm information provided by local rebel groups. Most Imperial activity is located in the northern and western sections of the hotzone, with less activity found in the southern and eastern sections. Expanding east and swiftly adding the southeastern territory to your stronghold looks to be your most successful strategy." Launch "Local rebels have secretly revealed the location of an unoccupied command bunker in the hotzone's southwest. Upon fortifying that position, you should have a stronghold from which to assault the rest of the hotzone. As with other worlds, control of the hotzone is key to removing the Imperium. Once all citadels are secured, we will bring Sahara under our protection." Scintillae Mission Description "Scintillae is a dry arid planet inhospitable to most life having lost all of it's water long ago. All liquid that remains on the planet now is an extremely high molarity sulfuric acid that has slowly precipitated from the atmosphere. The Imperium has chosen this planet for this very reason in hopes that no one will wander into this area of space seeking an oasis on their long journey coreward. Here they are conducting top-secret weapons research on a fortified base located somewhere on the planet's surface. To conceal their efforts the Imperium has constructed a magnetic shield that blocks all attempts to scan the surface and inhibits teleportation to the ground. Our engineers have rigged your Wraith with high gain FTL booster so that we can get you upon the surface for a seek and destroy mission." Spy Report "There are teleporters near the start position that become activated automatically for one day when the gates drop, this should sufficient time to complete your mission. One special note sir, you should purchase a tech level of a weapon that can destroy buildings." Launch "Secure the Imperiums top-secret weapons research facility. If you can destroy one of the tech centers maintaining the magnetic shield surrounding the planet we should be able to establish a teleporter lock to send you some reinforcements before the other tech centers can compensate for the distortion in the magnetic shield. Good luck commander." Solaris Mission Description "Recently, local Imperial support aided an Imperium invasion of Solaris. To stop the Imperium from creating a military outpost in the sector, it is essential that we seize control of the Solaris. As Solaris borders our home worlds, controlling Solaris and the rest of this system will put momentum behind the Uprising." Spy Report "As the Imperium does not yet consider our movement a legitimate threat to its empire, we expect them to await your arrival at their citadel in the hotzone's northeast. To aid efforts in breaking their defense and capturing the citadel, our forces will position a repair kit on the island's east side. Make sure to use the repair kit if needed while attacking the Imperium citadel." Launch "Adding Solaris to our influence in this system will further advance the Uprising against the Imperium. Being far from Imperium Space, units in this hotzone should not organize strong resistance. Only by destroying all native enemy generators and gaining control of the hotzone's citadels can we bring the planet under our control." Terra Mission Description "With a unique ability to regenerate power, Terra has been enslaved since the beginning of Imperium rule. Seizing this world will not only put its power to our use, but it will weaken the Imperium's ability to both fund future attacks and to replenish units on their defensive fronts. Control of Terra may become a key element during the final battles of this war." Spy Report "Adamant about holding Terra's power supply, the Imperium has littered the hotzone with aggressive native forces. Unlike some past campaigns, focusing on defense will be a must for winning Terra. Take caution and secure areas before moving on. However, do not be lazy with expanding, there is no doubt the Imperium will quickly take measures to deny attempts at removing them from Terra." Launch "Removing the Imperium from Terra will force them to rely on reserve power, weakening their ability to launch further attacks. Gaining the ability to tap Terra's power supply will shift the momentum of this war, allowing us to fund large assaults upon the remaining Imperium home worlds. We need to secure all of Terra's citadels to guarantee control of this hotzone." Upgrades Archives Wraith LV1 : "Durable and fast-yet very expensive to replace the wraith's light weight, reinforced chassis is a strength and a weakness." LV2 : "Provides improved armor and durability." LV3 : "Dynamic reinforcement, miniaturization, and redundancy greatly improve the wraith's survivability." Laser LV1 : "A staple of the wraith's arsenal. Excellent against most ground targets." LV2 : "Improved laser output translates to better damage down field." LV3 : "Pushing the upper limits of the wraith's coolant capacity, the 123-k set to maximum firepower will annihilate anything short of a building." HSM LV1 : "Another staple of the wraith's arsenal. Excellent against most ground targets and air targets on runs." LV2 : "Improved damage, rate of fire, and range increase the LHSM's effectiveness." LV3 : "Much greater damage and range increase the Gamma missile's stopping power." Cupid LV1 : "Nicknamed the 'Katyushka' -provides large amounts of unguided firepower." LV2 : "Increased ammunition improves the Cupid's stopping power in long firefights." LV3 : "Better damage greatly enhances the Cupid's effectiveness." Flame LV1 : "A time-honored tradition in human warfare, the flame gun, though limited by ammunition, is one of the few weapons that damage buildings." LV2 : "More ammunition and an increase in intensity, the flame gun still more formidable." LV3 : "Increased ammunition improves the flame gun's effectiveness." Land Mine LV1 : "Equipped with IFF technology, you and your units and safe from land mines you've placed." LV2 : "Greatly improved ammunition makes the mine much more convenient." LV3 : "Better ammunition and a cheaper mine allow the user to greatly increase his/her mine laying." Remote Health LV1 : "A single repair module which will repair about two thirds of the standard Wraith chassis." LV2 : "A double module which will repair over two thirds of the standard Wraith chassis." LV3 : "A triple repair module will repair about three quarters of the standard Wraith chassis." LV4 : "A four ammo repair module which will repair three quarters of the standard Wraith chassis." Spline LV1 : "Drains protons from your opponent and directs them towards a revitalization of your wraith." LV2 : "Increased drain capacity and effectiveness increases the weapon's overall ability." LV3 : "Even greater drain capacity and a faster drain make the spline weapon a staple." Mine Layer LV1 : "Deposits a mine laying drone which will dispense 14 mines and then disintegrate. To use this weapon, you need to posses mine technology as well." LV2 : "The AML II's drone lays 20 mines as opposed to the AML I's 14." Helix LV1 : "A guided, compact missile that combines good damage with accuracy." LV2 : "The increased damage more than makes up for the reduction in ammunition, improve the Helix's threat." LV3 : "Combines the firepower of the Helix II with the ammunition of the Helix I. An excellent all around weapon." Mole Torpedo LV1 : "Perfect for undermining turrets and clearing minefields and slow-moving infantry, the mole torpedo is limited greatly by its velocity." LV2 : "Faster Torpedoes and a higher carrying capacity improve it's viability as a main weapon." LV3 : "Better damage and even more ammo make the Mole Torpedo II the ultimate weapon." Mortar LV1 : "The only indirect fire weapon, the mortar is great against buildings." LV2 : "The high explosive shell mortar increases the damage, improves the weapon's overall effectiveness." LV3 : "The High explosive shells are combined in with an armor piercing shell, allowing the shell to further penetrate a building's armor before exploding." Hive LV1 : "The Hive Missile is a high yield, trueseeking weapon. The technology used for the Hive Missile is nothing like other human technology. A prototype was found in a captured Imperial compound and we can now mass produce it." BFM LV1 : "Extremely useful against air targets, also useful against ground units. True heat seeking makes the BFM an excellent complement to the Wraith's arsenal." Anti-Matter Disk LV1 : "Using TerraTech technology, it spins across the terrain, leaving a wake of destruction." LV2 : "Better antimatter containment allows a larger payload, increasing the weapon's damage." LV3 : "A more efficient conversion of matter/antimatter energy increases the disk's punch." ------------------- IX. Version History ------------------- Version 1.0 - Current Version - Includes a Walkthrough for every mission. Personal best times are given. A speed guide and a map completion guide are given for missions in which the objectives are not to capture all citadels. General strategies are included. An upgrades listing and guide. Specific unit tactics. Appendices with Spy, Description, and Launch info. Battle expenses. All prices and tips are included for all purchasable items. ---------- X. Credits ---------- Ryan Davis None Author Special Thanks Jesse Castro Leonard Shelby Inspiration 3DO and Cyclone Studios The creators of Uprising and other great games. May you rest in peace. ---------------- XI. Contact Info ---------------- You can contact me through email at Ecmok@cox.net Any help, tips, suggestions, comments, or anything else that you want to send me is fine. I will read it and reply as soon as possible. Chances are I will included your suggestions or whatever you have to offer into my FAQ. Thanks! --------------- XII. Legal Info --------------- This Walkthrough and FAQ are for use by the public from the World Wide Web. It cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice of the author. Any violation of this code will result in strict penalty, and high fines susceptible by law. This document is to be portrayed only on the website www.gamefaqs.com and http://DLH.Net, and is to be used by the public and cannot be sold. This FAQ may not be used for sales, broadcasting, for commercial use, nor be included in any moneymaking product. This FAQ is solely for public use and may not be used in a password-protected area nor in a high security area. This FAQ may not be plagiarized in any way resulting in punishment via civil or criminal law. Do not do anything with this FAQ without the permission of the author: Ryan Davis. Uprising, Cyclone Studios, and the Uprising and Cyclone Studios logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of The 3DO Company. All other trademarks and/or registered trademarks are properties of their respective owners. Copyright 1996, 1997 The 3DO Company. All rights reserved.