====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== ___ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ |_ _|___ | |__<_>._ _ _ ___ | |__<_> | _>| |_ ___ ___ | |__ ___ | |._ _ | |/ . \| / /| || ' ' |/ ._>| / /| | | <__| . |/ ._>/ | '| / /|___|| || ' | |_|\___/|_\_\|_||_|_|_|\___.|_\_\|_| `___/|_|_|\___.\_|_.|_\_\ |_||_|_| T H E T O K I M E K I C H E C K - I N W A L K T H R O U G H By The Slipped Disk (slippeddisk@hallofmirrors.org) and The Raven Version 1.2 (April 10, 2002) TOKIMEKI CHECK-IN (TCI) is one of the newest bishoujo games to come from the excellent company Peach Princess. The program itself was written by Crowd, and comes on two CDs, one with the actual game and the other with support materials and behind-the-scenes work. To spare you my own poor summary skills, I'll give you the summary written by Everett Lo of HENTAINEKO.COM: "Traditional Japanese inns, known as "ryokan," are wonderful places to enjoy the calm wind through the Japanese pines, bathe in traditional Japanese hot springs, and find the true spirit of the Japanese soul. It's also a great place to find romance and naughty fun! "You are Takayuki Yamano, the reluctant operator of Yamano Inn, which you took over from your parents after graduating from college. An average Japanese youth who's more than a little bit of a slacker, you wanted more than anything to get away from the inn where you grew up by trying to get a job in Tokyo -- but here you are. It's hard work, but you don't mind being around your childhood friend Ayumi and the spunky but cute Makoto, who work with you in the inn. Not to mention all the lovely ladies who are guests in the inn." So to the more cynical and jaded of the Hentai Games sub-culture, this is a basic decision tree game with excellent graphics and sound. You're presented along three days with a number of decisions to make, and based on your choices, you succeed in seducing one of a selection of 10 female characters, spread along 17 possible endings. In an ideal world, you then head off to happiness, but happiness is often elusive. The game can be terribly addicting; I basically lost a good portion of the evenings of a couple weeks playing it. Luckily, the programmers have a hefty amount of game save spots and they include the life-saving "skip" feature, which allow you to skip quickly to the next decision spot. Since there are scenes in this game that are played in EVERY POSSIBLE ITERATION, this was an important feature indeed. You can only, for example, endure hearing the same lecture or witness the same time-passing conversation so many times before you bust a blood vessel or something. The "skip" feature made this endurance a snap. Once you start taking a scientific approach to the game (which I had to for this FAQ) you start to find some real anomalies in the decision tree. For example, choosing to sweep versus mop the floor can mean the difference between success and failure. Hey, thanks for that one, fellas! The game has exceptional balance and sprinkles opportunities to see some num-nums at a good portion of the decision tree. For example, any moron can get at least one hentai scene with most of the women (especially Debutantes or Ayumi); you only have to make one or two choices regardless of your previous ones to find yourself naked or doing really weird things in some secluded part of the Inn. The rub (so to speak) is getting ALL the required right decisions to not just score, but score multiple times, and also to do the right things to get the "best" ending. To my shock, I've had at least one case where I've slept with the same character twice in one game and STILL not gotten the best ending, meaning I'd forgotten to do some other thing in the game. This can be VERY frustrating, but luckily, this walkthrough will help you not suffer. There are four kinds of endings in TCI: The generic "It's good to work at the Inn" ending, the endings where you do something bad and get sex for it, the "Happy Endings", where you come to a nice resolution with your chosen girl, and the "Best Endings", which have actual stories going on as you go, coming to a fine, wonderful conclusion. Obviously, the first kind are the easiest to get, and the second kind are somewhat easy, but ruin your chances for the happy and best endings. ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== S O M E G E N E R A L H I N T S T O A V O I D C H E A T I N G ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Oh, my walkthrough scares you? That's understandable. This is a special game and it shows a ton of effort, so you probably just want some ideas before you dive into flat-out step-by-step instructions. * Paying more attention to a girl gets you closer to her. (duh) * Sit in your room or the employee room alone, and you TEND to stay alone. * Except in a few special cases where you don't. * The girls don't like you being a jerk to them or ignoring them. * Sometimes, the girls tell you where they're headed, so you can find them. * The questions the girls ask and the decisions you're asked to make are never really trick questions. Should you peek in their rooms, say yes to their advances, or agree to drive them somewhere? Hell YEAH! * In a few special cases, you will find yourself in the SAME situation with the SAME girls, but your previous choices before in the game will give you an ENTIRELY different response on the part of the girls. Don't think you've lost just because you see the same scene beginning to happen again. * Feel free to save the game before you make a choice, however, in case the game surprises you with the response. * The storyline twists and weaves, but there are several events (dinners and breakfasts) which are immutable, that is, they happen in pretty much every game. In these meals, you see ALL the girls, one after another, regardless of if you've been mean, nice, or lecherous to them. It's an opportunity, in a very rough sense, to see your progress. * If everyone says goodbye at the end and no one steps forward, start over, mack. You lost. Ayumi of course is glad to work with you, but does she still have her clothes on? Yup, you're a loser. Retry. * Also, wait until the first decision tree and save before you make a choice. This gives you a vital slot to restart the game without having to sit through the opening scene. * None of these hints apply to Makoto. I don't understand Makoto at all and she makes no sense in her choices, and therefore she's the most realistic female character. (Good thing this is being written under a handle) ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== W A L K T H R O U G H S ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Well, enough of that namby-pamby stuff; let's see some walkthroughs! Before we begin, I'd like to give you some caveats and warnings: There is a code system at work here. Anything in (Parenthesis) happens regardless of your actions and no choice has to be made; I just leave those in there so you get a sense of time. In one case (The punishment scene) the game goes on for an ASTOUNDINGLY long time with pretty much no intervention from you, and it happens each and every time you play. I figured it'd be nice to know that you haven't made some big error or are deep in a mistake and don't know it. The other codes tell you the kind of scene that happens after you make a decision: (R) - Romance. You get a nice drawing or text indicating you're closer to the girl. (H) - Hentai. You score with the girl, with accompanying sound and graphics. (Woo) (D) - Dead End. Basically, you get some sort of Hentai scene, but it ruins your chances for a "Best" ending. Or, sometimes, any special ending at all. Without it, however, you can't get 100 percent of the gallery. Choices, choices.... ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Ayumi (The Maid) Ayumi works at the Inn with you and has been a friend since childhood. She's very shy and submissive (in a Japanese game? Say it isn't so!) and spends most of her time fumbling around you. She's also exceptionally good at getting you and the guests to attack her at every turn. You'd think she'd carry some mace. ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== (You have to work at the old Inn!) Clean the Outdoor Bath (You meet Mai) (You meet the Trio) Yes, I have a Girlfriend Go to the Garden Clean up inside the Inn Ask Ayumi to show kyoka-san to her room Yes, they're pretty (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) Take away the dishes Have Ume-San check the Bath Help Ayumi Finish Try to save Ayumi OR Watch the situation unfold (HD) (Day 2: Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Sweep the front yard Go to town Allow Ayumi to Accompany me Go shopping with Ayumi No, I don't care about that Drink some Sake Rape Ayumi(H) OR Don't Rape Ayumi (Day 3: Makoto wakes you up) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto) Stay inside the Inn Go to the Kitchen Call the Debutantes to Dinner NOTES ---=- Ayumi, being the cover girl for the program, is everywhere in this game; you see her constantly getting underfoot in all sorts of situations. She gets the saddest when you choose other girls, but don't let her sad demeanor indicate to you that you're not going to succeed elsewhere. Ayumi is also one of the more off-kilter aspects of the game because in a number of different situations, people will attack her sexually (including yourself!) and you will have to make a choice about how to respond. If you want to see all the endings and images, you have to choose to throw her to the wolves a number of times (remember to save your game) but in at least a small show of conscience, you can't win the game if she gets raped. In some situations, you will not be given the choice to rape Ayumi, this indicates that you're already far along in your relationship with her that the thought doesn't occur to you. Good for you. ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Kyoka (The Mysterious and Sad Girl) Beautiful and fascinating but amazingly aloof, this dark-haired beauty won't talk to you directly and your attempts to warm her up fall on deaf ears. Forget romance; you can't even have a civil conversation! With persistence and tons of drinks, however, you can probably get some secrets out of her. ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== (Day 1: You have to work at the old Inn!) Clean the Outdoor Bath (You meet Mai) (You meet the Trio) No, I don't have a girlfriend (Best) OR Yes, I have a Girlfriend (Happy) Go to the Kitchen Go to town with Makoto-san Show Kyoka-san to her room (You Meet Yuki) Yes, they're pretty (The Party is in Full Swing, everyone is smashed.) Go to the Employees' Room Try to stay awake Show some guts and stay awake I'd better not pry (Day 2: Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Clean Up Inside the Inn Mop the Floor (R) Gather mushrooms in the mountains Don't Ask Mai-San to show me the painting Go to the lake (R) (You meet the Debutantes) No, I don't care about that (H) (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) DAY 3 (Makoto wakes you up) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto.) Go someplace outdoors Go to the mountains (H) (You chat with Ayumi about nudity (Hey, don't ask me)) Call Kyoka-san to dinner (H) (All Right! THREE Hentai Scenes!) NOTES ---=- Kyoka is the most "normal" of the characters, in that the plot becomes very clear within a short time. The only choice that kind of makes no sense is negotiating what I consider to be the "Employees' Room Maze" on Day 1. Awake, awake, as opposed to nap and awake, etc. Very confusing. Her "Best Ending" is also one of the more interesting. Oh, and she's a lush. ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Kumi (Youngest of the Trio) You crazy freak! The youngest of the three students who travel together at the Inn (which you and the game call the "Trio") is perky, bubbly, and curious about you and your romantic attachments. Luckily, you have a lot of self control, which lasts you at least half a day on the three days you come to know each other. ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== (Day 1: You have to work at the old Inn!) Clean the Outdoor Bath (You meet Mai) (You meet the Trio) No, I don't have a Girlfriend Go to the Garden I'll be their tour guide Go to the mountains (R) Ask Ayumi to show Kyoka-san to her room (You Meet Yuki) Yes, they're pretty (The Party is in Full Swing, everyone is smashed.) Take Away the Dishes Have Ume-San check the Bath Let Ayumi Finish alone (Day 2: Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Pick Up the Futons Clean the beds myself Go to town (You meet the Debutantes) No, I don't care about that (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) Go to sleep I choose Kumi (H) (Day 3: Makoto wakes you up) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto.) Stay inside the inn Clean Up inside the inn Go Play with the Girls * Required for all of the Trio. Hit Me * This is a little hard to explain. Basically, you need to play so Stand Put * That you win. It'd be boring to indicate how many times you hit or * Stand. Good Luck! By the way, if you don't quit, you can't lose. Allow Natsuki to break her promise (You chat with Ayumi about nudity (Hey, don't ask me)) Call the Trio to Dinner (B) NOTES ---=- It is explained in the excellent liner notes that Kumi refers to herself in the third person as a result of Japanese culture that says this is how young girls talk. How cute! That makes the sex even more fun! It's worth noting that even though Kumi (And Nanami) are seen nude in the first (R) scene with Natsuki, that actually counts AGAINST you in your scale along Kumi and Nanami. Weird, but true. ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Nanami (Middle of the Trio) Constantly battling with Natsuki and playing with Kumi, this green-haired girl is the middle age of the three students called "The Trio". She's playful and fun, and and just a little bit weird and romantic. ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== (Day 1: You have to work at the old Inn!) Clean the Outdoor Bath (You meet Mai) (You meet the Trio) No, I don't have a Girlfriend Go to the Main Hall Clean up inside the inn Ask Ayumi to show Kyoka-san to her room (You Meet Yuki) Yes, they're pretty (The Party is in Full Swing, everyone is smashed.) Go to the Employees' Room Try to stay awake Just take a nap (Day 2: Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Pick Up the Futons Clean the beds myself Go to town (You meet the Debutantes) No, I don't care about that (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) Drink some sake Don't rape Ayumi (H) (Day 3: Makoto wakes you up) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto.) Stay inside the inn Clean Up inside the inn Go play with the girls * Required for all of the Trio. Hit Me * This is a little hard to explain. Basically, you need to play so Stand Put * That you win. It'd be boring to indicate how many times you hit or * Stand. Good Luck! By the way, if you don't quit, you can't lose. Allow Natsuki to break her promise (You chat with Ayuma about Nudity (Don't Ask Me)) Call the Trio to Dinner (R) Go see what Nanami is looking for Go see what Natsuki is looking for Go see what Kumi is looking for Go see what Nanami is looking for Choose something pretty for Nanami (B) NOTES ---=- This one won the award for the "WHAT THE FUCK" response when you try to rape Ayumi, Nanami shows up after her, and happily submits to your (drunken) charms. I have to assume that the writers balance this odd behavior out by having HER get plastered and attack YOU later in the third night. For some weird reason, I like the way this all plays out; it's nice to be SURPRISED by a game. ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Natsuki (Oldest of the Trio) You'd think the oldest girl of the three students known as the Trio would be in some way more mature or intelligent than the others, but no, in fact she's the least mature of all! Your interactions with her are an endless parade of teasings, beatings, and for reasons you can't imagine, pratfalls that make her all wet... ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== (Day 1: You have to work at the old Inn!) Clean the Outdoor Bath (You meet Mai) (You meet the Trio) No, I don't have a Girlfriend Go to the Garden I'll be their tour guide Go to the lake Ask Ayumi to show Kyoka-san to her room (You Meet Yuki) Yes, they're pretty (The Party is in Full Swing, everyone is smashed.) Take Away the Dishes Check the Bath (R) DAY 2 (Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Clean Up Inside the Inn Mop the Floor Go to town (You meet the Debutantes) No, I don't care about that (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) Go to sleep I choose Natsuki (H) (Day 3: Makoto wakes you up) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto.) Stay inside the inn Clean Up inside the inn Go play with the girls * Required for all of the Trio. Hit Me * This is a little hard to explain. Basically, you need to play so Stand Put * That you win. It'd be boring to indicate how many times you hit or * Stand. Good Luck! By the way, if you don't quit, you can't lose. Make Natsuki keep her promise and strip (D) OR Allow Natsuki to Break her Promise (You chat with Ayumi about nudity (Hey, don't ask me)) Call the Trio to Dinner (B) NOTES ---=- This is probably the weirdest progression in the game; Natsuki CONSTANTLY berates and attacks you THROUGHOUT the decision tree regardless of what you two have been up to. Quite strange, but at least she's into Strip Blackjack, right? Be sure to make her keep her promise and strip, of course. That scene's great. Oh, that and the ping pong paddle. ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Mai (The Artist) Mai is the first guest you meet; she's a red-headed artist who thinks you're nice and who is working on her painting in the mountains. When she finished the painting, she'll leave, and how that makes you feel, you don't know. ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== (Day 1: You have to work at the old Inn!) Sweep the Front Yard (You meet Mai) (You meet the Trio) No, I don't have a Girlfriend (Best) OR Yes, I have a Girlfriend (Happy) Go to the Main Hall Check the Bath Temperature (R) Ask Ayumi to show Kyoka-san to her room (You Meet Yuki) Yes, they're pretty (The Party is in Full Swing, everyone is smashed.) Go to the Employees' Room Take a nap (R) (Day 2: Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Sweep the Front Yard Gather mushrooms in the mountains Don't Ask Mai-San to show me the painting Go back to the inn (You meet the Debutantes) No, I don't care about that (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) Embrace Mai-san (D) OR Don't Embrace Mai-san (Day 3: Makoto wakes you up) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto.) Go someplace outdoors Go to the lake (H) Call Mai-san to dinner Don't go into Mai-san's room (B) NOTES ---=- Mai is my favorite because the plot for her is both believable and not too far out there, although your first time being on a rowboat does make it worth talking about as opposed to most "first" experiences. Her story is also the sweetest, unless you're the kind of sap who falls for the manufactured feel of Kumi. You'll note, also, that there's LOTS of ways to screw up with Mai, including an actual "endgame" regarding the painting. ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Misato and Keiko (The Debutantes) I just call Misato and Keiko "Misato" since they're a 2-for-1 special; you never get one without the other, in any situation. Hey, more for you! They wander onto the scene on the second day, and are an exceptionally easy couple to score with, probably as a bone to throw people who can't get the hang of the game. This is another brilliant move by Crowd, because nothing cheers up a frustrated gamer than a sudden three-way in a hot tub. Excellent work, Crowd! ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== (I am not convinced that ANYTHING you do for the first day affects the debutantes) (Day 2: Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Sweep the Front Yard Go fishing in the streams (You meet the Debutantes) Yes, I'm interested (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) Yes, I'll take the sake to them (H) (Day 3: Makoto wakes you up) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto.) Stay inside the inn Go to the kitchen Investigate the noise (H) Save Ayumi OR Just stay where I am (D) (You chat with Ayumi about nudity (Hey, don't ask me)) Call the debutantes to dinner (B) NOTES ---=- If you didn't get at least one scene with the debutantes the first time you played this game, quietly take the CD out of the drive, put it into the case, and give it to someone before you hurt yourself. ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Yuki (The Busty Model) She wants to be a star and is sad that she isn't famous yet, but Yuki is still giving it her all to become a famous "Busty Idol", a singer with a great rack. (Hey, it's a living.) She models swimsuits and does the occasional singing act, and you're welcome to sit in, if you're nice to her.... ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----=== (Day 1: You have to work at the old Inn!) Sweep the Front Yard (You meet Mai) (You meet the Trio) No, I don't have a Girlfriend (B) OR Yes, I have a Girlfriend (E) Go to the Main Hall Clean Up Inside the Inn Ask Ayumi to show Kyoka-san to her room (You Meet Yuki) Yes, they're pretty (The Party is in Full Swing, everyone is smashed.) Lay Out the Futons (R) (Day 2: Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Clean Up Inside the Inn Sweep the Floor Go fishing in the streams (R) (You meet the Debutantes) No, I don't care about that (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) Watch some TV (H) (Day 3: Makoto wakes you up) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto.) Stay inside the inn Clean Up inside the inn (H) (You chat with Ayumi about nudity (Hey, don't ask me)) Call the Trio to Dinner NOTES ---=- Hey, great swimsuits! Her character is all over the place, but you can usually make sense of it all as it goes along. Did I miss an explanation about why the lantern moved? ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Makoto (The Cook) COMPLETE (Best and Happy Endings) You begged your parents to let Makoto stay as the Cook for the Inn, because you needed her level of professional help to be able to make the meals. Of course, she's completely over the top and a crazy tomboy who sees nothing wrong with beating the living stuffing out of you at every opportunity. Maybe she has feelings for you, but she's doing a good job of having to show them to you at the hospital. ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== (Day 1: You have to work at the old Inn!) Clean the Outdoor Bath (You meet Mai) (You meet the Trio) No, I don't have a Girlfriend Go to the Kitchen Go to town with Makoto-san Show Kyoka-san to her room (You Meet Yuki) Yes, they're pretty OR No, they're not pretty (If you say they're pretty, you get a Happy ending, otherwise, You get the best ending) (The Party is in Full Swing, everyone is smashed.) Go to the Employees' Room Try to stay awake Show some guts and stay awake Peek into Makoto-San's Room (H) (Day 2: Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Pick Up the Futons Let Ume-san Clean the Beds Go fishing in the streams (You meet the Debutantes) No, I don't care about that (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) Go to sleep I choose Natsuki (Day 3: Makoto wakes you up) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto.) Go someplace outdoors Go for a Drive with Makoto-san No, there's nobody in particular (R) Call Mai-San to Dinner (B) NOTES ---=- If I perish one day on a Thursday, I will know that I could have made it to Sunday, if it wasn't for frigging Makoto and her complete unpredictability. The character makes NO SENSE to me; I busted my head for HOURS trying to figure out why saying hello to one character would doom me forever with Makoto. The same for choosing to try and stay awake instead of sleeping, or showing a guest to their room or not. I had to result to TRIAL AND ERROR to succeed, and that can cause cancer with so many choices in this game. Please, use the walkthrough, save a life. ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== Ume-San (The Mentor) Umekichi Sugida has worked in the Japanese Inn business for your father for years. Your parents trust him like one of their own, so it's natural they'd have him keep and eye on things with you. He keeps things in line, reminds you of your duties, and, occasionally, metes out punishment. Now, before you get all freaked out that there's a walkthrough for Ume-San, let me explain. See, it turns out Ume's got a little fun going on on the side, and if you happen to trip your way through the story the right way, you'll find his secret out. For the vast, vast, vast majority of the storylines, you'll see that Ume's a little odd, but only one gives the show. ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== (Day 1: You have to work at the old Inn!) Clean the Outdoor Bath (You meet Mai) (You meet the Trio) No, I don't have a Girlfriend Go to the Kitchen Don't to town with Makoto-san Ask Ayumi to show Kyoka-san to her room (You Meet Yuki) No, they're not pretty (The Party is in Full Swing, everyone is smashed.) Go to the Employees' Room Take a nap (Day 2: Ayumi Wakes You Up) (Say Hi to everyone for Breakfast!) Pick Up the Futons Clean the beds myself Go fishing in the streams (You meet the Debutantes) No, I don't care about that (You meet all 10 girls before dinner and everyone gets trashed again) Go to sleep I choose Nanami Follow Ume-San (Day 3: Makoto wakes you up) Ask Ume-San about the Video (H) (You meet all 10 girls and get a punishment for fighting with Makoto.) ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== S O Y O U W A N T A L L T H E I M A G E S ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== This special section is for people who are having trouble reaching all hundred percent of images. Maybe you think you're missing some vital scene, or maybe you think "Geez, I really feel like I've become one with every girl in this game and I'm STILL not at 100 percent." Well, the key is AYUMI, the little minx. You see, the game considers it a complete different sex scene later in the game in Ayumi is attacked by the two hotel guests earlier in the game. The scenes are labelled "virgin" and "non-virgin" depending on if you let the guests have their way. Tricky, huh? You have to go through the whole situation both with a rape and without a rape to get all the scenes. Is there a reward for getting 100 percent? Well, yes, matter of fact. Getting 100 percent will give you every single drawing associated with the game, and I do mean EVERY one. Backgrounds, poses, pictures, you name it. Is it worth it? Well, you decide. Hey, I see you already decided! Good luck! ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== T H E E N D I N G L I S T ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----===== This section refers to the "names" and numbers of the endings in TCI, which come when you complete a decision tree. What you're trying for in the game is what's called a "Best Ending": You say goodbye to everyone but your special lady, and some additional things happen that show how your relationship will go on from there, after the game runs credits. All the endings are not the same in terms of how the game considers them good and not good. That is, some endings are longer than others, and you're not as happy with your lot in life. But make no mistake, if you see credits and then the story, you've won as far as TCI is concerned. The game tells you if you've gotten the best ending or not, but has other little endings as well. Basically, if you get the credits, you get a best ending. Otherwise, you get a "Happy" ending (or maybe just an ending). Number 15 is the "default ending", the one you get if you don't get two Hentai scenes with a character. The game has 17 different endings, the names of which are listed below. I also list which character the ending centers around and whether the game considers them Happy, Best, or just a plain ending. It should be noted that not every character has both a best and happy ending. 01 - Broken Vinculum (Ayumi) (Sad Ending) 02 - Devil's Breath (Ume/Ayumi) (Sad Ending) 03 - The Value of Glory (Misato/Keiko) (Best) 04 - Destiny (Yuki) (Best) 05 - Promise (Yuki) (Happy) 06 - New Breath (Mai) (Best) 07 - Shining Lady (Mai) (Happy) 08 - Endless Night (Kyoka) (Best) 09 - The Glorious Road (Kyoka) (Happy) 10 - Natsuki Strikes Back! (Natsuki) (Best) 11 - New Breath (Kumi) (Best) 12 - With the Blooming (Nanami) (Best) 13 - Family (Makoto) (Best) 14 - The Power of Love (Makoto) (Happy) 15 - Tranquil Days (Default Ending) 16 - Brilliant Days (Ayumi) (Best) 17 - Love and Order (Ayumi) (Happy) ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== G O O D B Y E A N D T H A N K Y O U ====-======-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====---=====----==== That's it for this FAQ. It's been an awful lot of fun playing this game, and this is the first game FAQ I've written in over a decade, so it was fun re-learning how to do it. Arigato! A special thank you to The Raven, who has assisted me greatly in fleshing out the endings and verifying the walkthroughs. - The Slipped Disk (slippeddisk@hallofmirrors.org) April 10, 2002 Version 1.2 ====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====-====--====---====----=====