Type in the following codes while playing for the desired effect: gunsgunsguns - All Weapons ifiwerearchman - Extra Money gesundheit - Full Health morepoliceplease - Higher Wanted Level nopoliceplease - Lower Wanted Level giveusatank - Tank bangbangbang - Destroy All Cars ilikedressingup - Change Costume itsallgoingmaaad - Crazy Pedestrians nobodylikesme - All Pedestrians Attack You weaponsforall - Pedestrians Fight Each Other timeflieswhenyou - Time Advances Quicker madweather - Very Fast Game Clock boooooring - Faster Game Play tortoise - 100% Armor skincancerforme - Clear Weather ilikescotland - Cloudy Weather ilovescotland - Rainy Weather peasoup - Foggy Weather anicesetofwheels - Invisible Cars chittychittybb - Flying Car cornerslikemad - Improved Car Handling nastylimbscheat - Gore Mode mcaffenweapon - Electric gun --- Grand Theft Auto 3 In Portland Harbor there are 3 places that will give you loads of money. 1. Bring a cap car,an ambulance (medic car), one tank, fbi car, swat car and any public sevices that you may think of and bring them in the harbor in an area left of were you enter from the street and just let the cars there. 2. Bring securicars to the dock door 2 to get money. 3. Also in the left of the harbor there is an garage that has a list of cars next to the entrance. Bring all the cars is the list and when ever you will need any of those cars you wil come ang get them from here (unlimited times.)!!!You have to complete the list to get cars from there.!!! Collected with the help of FatMan, ion_dais@impromex.ro George Silvio, georgesilvio@yahoo.com