Unlimited Shield: Enter the Password screen 1. Enter square,triangle,circle,cross,circle,triangle to enter cheatmode 2. ignore the invalid password warning and exit the Passwordscreen. 3 Enter the Passwordscreen again and enter one of the following: square,circle,circle,square,triangle,cross Exit the passwordscreen again and either start a new game or enter it again and enter a levelpassword. the cheats woun't work if you load a game. Submission: Raptor of Syntax (snake@sn.no) Invincibility: Enter the Password screen 1. Enter square,triangle,circle,cross,circle,triangle to enter cheatmode 2. ignore the invalid password warning and exit the Passwordscreen. 3 Enter the Passwordscreen again and enter one of the following: triangle,cross,triangle,triangle,square,circle Exit the passwordscreen again and either start a new game or enter it again and enter a levelpassword. the cheats woun't work if you load a game. Submission: Raptor of Syntax (snake@sn.no) Passwords: LEVEL 1: SOTXOS LEVEL 2: TOXOSX LEVEL 3: XOXOTX LEVEL 4: XSTOOT LEVEL 5: SSTXXT LEVEL 6: TXXXXC LEVEL 7: OOTXTX LEVEL 8: SSXTSS LEVEL 9: TXXTOT LEVEL 10: XTSOTX LEVEL 11: OSXXSX LEVEL 12: XTXSOX LEVEL 13: XXOTOT Legend: O = Circle S = Square T = Triangle X = X