Type anywhere in the game: mpkfa - God mode mppos - Show position mpfps - Frame rate mpbodyguard - Invulnerability mphighlander - 99 lives mpthewolf - Jump to the next level mpbadmofo - Jump to the level before mpbringthegimp - Next boss enemy mpignition - All keys mpturbocharger - All spells mppetrol - Health mparmorall - Armor mpglovebox - All weapons mpshoes - 99 souls mpironpockets - Player cannot be robbed mpbandaid - Stopps health countdown mplockpick - Skull key mpomar - Fire shield mproadrunner - More speed mpwinturbo - Super scroll mpbadbreath - Freak artefact mpmintybreath - Worship artefact mpbackpassward - Reversed moving mpbishop - Bishop artefact mprook - Rook artefact mpyourit - YourIt artefact mpprojectilejam - ProjectileJam artefact mpslomotion - SlowMotion artefact mpthreadsoflife - ThreadsOfLife artefact mpboo - Ghost artefact mppoorsport - Flags save the game