Do You Like Horny Bunnies? / (H na Bunny-san wa Kirai?) FAQ / Walkthrough by StriderVM [] For the MS-DOS / Windows system Version 1.1 ========================================================== Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Basic Walkthrough III. Detailed Walkthrough a. The beginning b. Sae Route c. Hiromi Route d. Ryo Route e. Chimaki Route f. Akina Route IV. Walkthrough summary V. Thanks ========================================================== I. Introduction Do You Like Horny Bunnies / H na Bunny-san wa Kirai is bishoujo (That means H or HENTAI!) game that is made by the Japanese company Zyx, which can be found at [] . This game is now domestically available in english thanks to G-Collections. [] Generally, if you played the game Kango Shicyauzo and/or Tottemo Pheromone (or perhaps the majority of H-Games) , this game plays EXACTLY like it. You have the story driven through text and upon reaching a branch point. you are given a choice on what to do next, which can decide the women that can be your partner (Or any at all) and the endings itself. Why the seemingly "controversial" name? Well because IT IT SO! XD Seriously though, although it sounds better in Japanese (H na Bunny-san wa Kirai?) but it also means the same as in the english translation..... Unfortunately, it is the heart of jokes on this games board on the GameFAQ's messageboards...... XD ..... Not that I could blame them though........ ^^ I have made this walkthrough to guide you to the endings in each of the five girls and to get 100% of the CGs in the game. Walkthrough 1.0 to 1.1 Differences Fixing of spelling errors, also fixed some walkthrough sections..... ========================================================== II. Basic Walkthrough Well, this part is made for the people who still want to have some challenge on this game, I will give you some general tips on beating the game....... 1. On the beginning of the game, when Akina "inspects" you, you will be given a choice to do it, not do it and jumping on her. This decides if you are interested on Akina. 2. Of course, if you want to target the girl you like, you must think about her! 3. Over the course of your first days, at times, you will be given choices on where to go to relax and/or do something. This decides on who girl will you meet and will also decide which girl you will end up in the middle of the game. Still stuck? Can't still find all the CGs? Well, to the detailed walkthrough! ========================================================== III. Detailed Walkthrough a. [The beginning] On the start of the game and meeting Akina, on this event she will start to "inspect" you. Your reaction to this event will decide who's girl are you gonna end up with. Do it -> Other girls route Don't Do It -> Other girls route Jump on Her -> Akina Route After the event, Akina will arrange a party for you, since the event will be hours until it starts, you will be given an option. Go Home -> Akina Route Stay Here -> Other girls route On your first day, you will be given an option to think about one of the girls, this decides, which girl you want to end up with. Just choose the girl you like (Or the one you haven't seen the CG's yet =P) Sae -> Hiromi -> Ryo -> Chimaki -> Akina -> After finishing the chores in Platinum, you will be given an option on where to do, go to the restroom, rest or go to the main hall. Go Clean the Restroom -> Sae Event Rest for a While -> Akina Event Take a Look at the Hall -> Hiromi Event If you go to the restroom, you will meet Sae there. If you decide to rest, you will meet Akina. If you decide to return to the hall instead, you will meet with Hiromi. --------------------------------------------------------- [Sae Event] I Don't Think It's Wierd -> Sex Event (More) You Are Wierd -> Sex Event [Akina Event] No Choices, you won't have sex with her either, but this is a deciding factor if you want to get her. [Hiromi Event] I don't do it much -> Sex Event (More) Of course! All the time! -> Sex Event --------------------------------------------------------- On the next job day, you'll decide again on where to go : Go to the Hall -> Ryo Event Take a Break -> Ryo / Akina Event Clean the Restroom -> Chimaki Event Going to the hall will result to meeting with Ryo. Taking a break will result in you seeing Ryo and Akina. Cleaning the restroom, you will meet up with Chimaki. --------------------------------------------------------- [Ryo Event] Just Show you right? -> Sex Event (More) Don't you want more than that? -> Sex Event [Ryo / Akina Event] Although you will see Ryo and Akina being intimate with each other, no sex scenes (again) . Still a deciding factor to getting Akina though. [Chimaki Event] No, This is not Good -> Sex Event (More) Maybe it's ok to play a little -> Sex Event --------------------------------------------------------- After a while, you will choose on which girl to think about, of course, it's better to choose the girl you've thinked about before, since choosing another girl ensures you the bad ending...... Sae Hiromi Ryo Chimaki Akina After this event, the story will either continue with the girl you are targetting or getting sick and ending the story from there (The bad ending) --------------------------------------------------------- b. [Sae Route] Isn't it embarassing? -> Event Over I'll take pictures of you -> Sex Event Stop Teasing her -> Event Over Keep Teasing her -> Sex Event Refuse this Offer -> Event Over Accept this offer -> Sex Event You look like you have a fever -> Event Over Are you Horny? -> Sex Event Stop thinking -> Bad Ending Rephroach yourself -> Good Ending + Sex Event --------------------------------------------------------- c. [Hiromi Route] Take a seperate bath -> Event over Take a bath together -> Sex Event Tell the customer to behave -> Event over Serve the customer instead of Hiromi -> Sex Event What do you want to eat? -> Event over I'll take you home -> Sex Event Let me be alone. -> Event over Let's start with plates -> Sex Event Run away -> Event over Help Hiromi -> Sex Event You want me to watch over her? -> Bad Ending Wow, you know things about Hiromi -> Good Ending + Sex Event --------------------------------------------------------- d. [Ryo Route] Yell at Sae -> Event Over Watch in Silence -> Sex Event Eat together -> Event Over Let her eat what she wants -> Sex Event Let her spend the night with them -> Event Over Have her spend the the night with you -> Sex Event Don't chase her -> Bad Ending Chase her -> Good Ending + Sex Scene --------------------------------------------------------- e. [Chimaki Route] Turn her down -> Event Over Go for it -> Sex Event I don't want to use any of them -> Event over I want to use the pleasure beads -> Sex Event Tell her by words -> Event Over Teach her physically -> Sex Event Don't let her do it -> Event Over Let her do it -> Sex Event Turn your head -> Event Over Go with the flow -> Sex Event You maybe a little strange -> Event Over You're not strange -> Sex Event Let her go -> Bad Ending Go after her -> Good Ending + Sex Event --------------------------------------------------------- f. [Akina Route] In the game, Akina's route has the least choices, there is only one choice near the end of the game when Platinum goes into trouble. Give up on Akina -> Bad Ending Don't give up on Akina -> Good Ending + Sex Event ========================================================== IV. Walkthrough summary Sae - Don't Do It - Stay Here - Sae - Go Clean the Restroom - I Don't Think It's Wierd - (Any choice is ok) - Sae - I'll take pictures of you - Keep Teasing her - Accept this offer - Are you Horny? - Rephroach yourself Hiromi - Don't Do It - Stay Here - Hiromi - Take a Look at the Hall - I don't do it much - (Any choice is ok) - Hiromi - Take a bath together - Serve the customer instead of Hiromi - I'll take you home - Let's start with plates - Help Hiromi Ryo - Don't Do It - Stay Here - Ryo - (Any choice is ok) - Go to the Hall - Just Show you right? - Ryo - Watch in Silence - Let her eat what she wants - Have her spend the the night with you - Chase her Chimaki - Don't Do It - Stay Here - Chimaki - (Any choice is ok) - Clean the Restroom - No, This is not Good - Chimaki - Go for it - I want to use the pleasure beads - Teach her physically - Let her do it - Go with the flow - You're not strange - Go after her Akina's Route - Jump on Her - Go Home - Akina - Rest for a While - Take a Break - Akina - Don't give up on Akina Now if you didn't notice, it seems that after you have chosen your target girl and is able to date her, all the choices seem to be the second choice in order to get a sex scene. Seems too easy....... -_- ========================================================== V. Thanks G-Collection = Well, I thought the english h-game industry would die out.... Fortunately, G-collection now provides new h-games for us to "enjoy" upon .... ;) GameFAQS = For posting this guide. Myself = Because there's no guide in this game found at Gamefaqs.... I HAVE TO MAKE ONE! XD Besides, the people on the GFAQS MB haven't got the slightest idea on what this game is.... The GameFAQS's "Do You Like Horny Bunnies" MB posters = You're my inspiration to make this guide!!!!! XD XD XD Your posts are really funny!!!!! Seriously, you guys are the reason I made this guide..... =) Copyright 2003 by StriderVM End of Text File. Yeah it's finished, you can go resume the thing you're doing before.... yeah.... =P