L E G E N D O F F A E R G H A I L (Electronic Zoo) PROLOGUE Faerghail is a German adventure that commences in the mythical land of Thynn, whose Duke despatches your party of six to quell an uprising of Elves in league with the Devil. The story slowly comes alive as you explore eight dungeons scattered across 27 outdoor maps of this sprawling land. Essentially it is a "hot square" game in which messages and events are triggered when you step on particular squares. Some puzzles revolve around keys and artifacts, while others are riddles. Character development is crucial; there are six magic classes, for instance, with nearly 300 spells on tap. Combat is unwieldy, for you cannot move weak characters (such as Priests) to the rear ranks, as in most RPG's. A formidable, combat-intensive quest of immense scope, Faerghail is well-written but often vexing. GENERAL The locations of many items are randomised. And more than a few of the weapons, spells and artifacts are useless. While combat is plentiful, you can avoid many battles by running away; in order to win the final one, though, your characters will have to develop their attributes in combat. One of the most confounding aspects of the game is wending your way through all the trees in the outdoor areas. Once you have the crystal for auto-mapping, this is less of a problem. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT Create at least twelve characters, then install five in your party. You will soon be joined by Sigurd, a notable warrior who grabs all the experience points and gold after a battle. You will dismiss him later. Your party should consist of a Paladin, a Wizard, a Healer, a Priest, a Smith and a Thief. The Priest should be a female Half-Elf. The Healer should be a female Elf. Levels are hard to attain, except for the Priest and Healer. Bring them up to Level 25 or 30 as soon as possible, and teach them all of the languages to increase their concentration. Levels cost from 1,500 to 2,250 gold, so you will need a lot of money. You can buy some weapons but you will 'find' the best ones. To boost bargaining power, give a lot of gear and money to a character who possesses a valuable item. Then have him sell the valuable item, bargain with the buyer to raise the price, and accept the offer. The Emporium will be unable to give you the money, but you will increase your bargaining power. Rations can be obtained by resting at the Inn, receiving 84 rations, giving them to one of your party, dismissing him, admitting another one, resting, giving the rations to him, then dismissiing him. Later you can bring them back into the party. You can have as many as 300 or more, and will need them in the Mine or Castle. As previously pointed out, the location of many items is randomised. After saving, you can return to the place where you found valuable items and get more of them. Strive for several Hammers of the Gods and Dragon Weapons. Always save just before you rest. Otherwise you will find all of your goods missing. In most cases the Emporium will identify objects when you try to sell them. You will get positive identification of potions and scrolls. Use maps to find out what they represent. There is a Healer in the Southeast part of the Eastern Wilderness (see EASTERN WILDERNESS and DRAGON TEMPLE, later). The Emporium can repair only non-magic items. See the Smith to repair magical gear. The Book gives commands to do certain things, but many are INCORRECT!! The correct letters (for keyboard only) are: O = SAVE or LOAD the game outside the villages U = to USE something C = to CAST a spell F = to have the Smith repair something P = to have the Thief open a door S = to PAUSE the game CHEAT: GETTING GOLD THE EASY WAY As you leave the village you will receive an amulet. It is vital to the quest but can be sold for 800 gold. Then dismiss the entire party, re-boot and re-install the party. You'll find another amulet as you leave the village; repeat this process for lots of gold! You can get gold by bringing in up to seven more of the other characters you created, take their gold and rations, then dismiss them later. You may want to create up to 32 characters, take their weapons, gold, rations, dismiss them, then erase them and repeat. CHEAT: SAFE BANKING To avoid having your deposits stolen from the bank, withdraw your money and dismiss a member of your party. Admit another one, give him the gold, dismiss him, admit another one, and so on, finally bringing your regular member back in. You can always call up a member, even in a tavern. WALKTHROUGH FROM THYNN TO THE MINE Leave Thynn with a party of five. You will be joined by Sigurd. Head for the Mine Entrance and Tavern, almost due West around trees. Enter the Mine and go WEST six times, SOUTH, WEST seven times, NORTH, then WEST four times. You will find a CRYSTAL BALL: type M for a short distance mapping ability. Go NORTH, then WEST and take the next exit SOUTH. Continue SOUTH until you hit a wall, then WEST to a wall, NORTH to the second EAST exit, NORTH, WEST, NORTH and DOWN the steps. On Level 2 (starting in the Northwest corner), go EAST to the second opening, then SOUTH to a wall, EAST, SOUTH to a wall. Go WEST, SOUTH to a wall, then zig-zag SOUTHEAST until you arrive at a large room. Stay to the North to miss a trap, but enter the first North room, where you will find a STEEL KEY and perhaps a random object or two. There is also a big nugget of GOLD. Another nugget is in the extreme Southwest corner. You can rent a spade in the extreme Southeast corner. As you return, by retracing your stepas and moving Northwest, you will encounter a double entrance. Take the NORTH side passage to a dead end, and use the spade to open a passage. Follow this passage to a CHEST that contains the SHAOLIN STAFF. Now go to the area North and East of where you rented the spade, and you will find the stairs to Level 3. Work your way SOUTHEAST until you hit the Eastern wall (bring up the map, via the M key: if you see no more passages going East, you're there). Go due SOUTH until you hit a wall, ignoring the side passages along the way, and you are in the Southeast corner. Then go WEST, and you will find GUNPOWDER and some other items. On the return trip North, take the second entrance to the West, enter and continue WEST to a wall. USE GUNPOWDER and you'll find a room with CHESTS containing small amounts of GOLD. (You can also use gunpowder on Mine Levels 4, 5 and 2, in a room in the Pyramid, one in the Castle, and elsewhere). To return to the surface, go to the NORTHWEST. Here you'll find a door. USE PICKLOCK (or GUNPOWDER if that doesn't work). Continue NORTH to the stairway. Exit the Mine, and you'll be in the Western Wilderness, facing West. Or, after leaving the Mine (while in the Eastern Wilderness), go SOUTH six or seven paces, not counting your East, West or North steps. Keep going WEST to a second mine entrance. Enter and turn around, use the M (mapping), and you will see another set of stairs. Take these to the Western Wilderness. CYLDANE AND THE ELEMENTALS Go WEST to a tree, then NORTHWEST to Cyldane, whose entrance is on the East side. The Count will send troops to the East and suggest that you go to the Monastery of Sagacita to learn about the Elves. Before doing so, dismiss one of your party, go NORTHEAST and into the maze (the entrance is on the East side) and add the old man to your party. Hold on to the leather pouch, go to the end of the maze, and answer the four Elementals with: FIRE, DAUGHTER, ECHO and EYES. Then make a note of the Oracle's statements. Go SOUTH and collect the STAFF OF AGE. Leave the maze and head SOUTHWEST to the Abbey (the entrance is on the South side), which is the Monastery that Cyldane told you about. ABBEY Dismiss the old man and enter the Abbey. You can avoid a lot of battles by having the character with the highest bargaining ability answer, then hit the 'W' key to withdraw. You can also withdraw and repeat this. Go to the Southwest corner, collecting any useful items that you find along the way. You will meet a Monk, who should be added to the party. Going WEST on the South side of the Abbey, you will find goods only in the 5th and 7th cells. Go DOWN the stairs, which are at the Southwest corner; the passage goes North to the stairs. On the Abbey's second level, go due EAST of the stairs to a wall, then NORTH, then WEST and you will find a hole in the floor. JUMP through, making a careful note of where you land because you must return to this location. CATACOMBS This is Level 1. Make your way to the Southeast corner, to the three cell doors facing West. Enter the centre cell. Go DOWN the steps. You will be in the exact centre of Level 2. Go WEST, SOUTHEAST then NORTHEAST to a room with four doors. Go SOUTH. In the Southwest corner of the large room, you will find a ROPE. Continue SOUTHWEST to the first hallway running East. At the end of this hall is a STONE SARCOPHAGUS. Give it to your strongest character (you may want to sell it to the Emporium at Thynn, then buy it back when you will need it at the end of the game......or give it to character you're not using, and retrieve it later). There is a lot of treasure in the Catacombs if you need more loot. When ready to leave, return to the hole through which you jumped earlier and have a Rogue USE THE ROPE. Retrace your route back out and exit. EASTERN WILDERNESS and DRAGON TEMPLE Return to the Mine Entrance from which you emerged earlier. At this point in the game, only one mine entrance is available in the Western Wilderness, and two in the Eastern Wilderness. Enter and you will be on Level 4. Try the door and you will meet an Elemental. Answer: PLOUGH. Use the AMULET to open the door. Go DOWN the stairway and use 'M'. You will see an Eastern stairway that leads to the Eastern Wilderness. Or, enter the mine and turn until you see stairs going East. Take them back to the Eastern Wilderness. Go to the Southeast part of the Eastern Wilderness. Six spaces from the bottom and two spaces from the East, facing North, you will meet a Healer. USE the AMULET, and she will give you a HEALING STAFF. Don't use it too much (the Smith can repair it, as he can all items). Go SOUTH to the Dragon Temple and enter. You need to locate the MITHRIL BALL and a STAFF from the Dragon Statue; take the stairs located in the Southeast area to the Second Level. On Level 2, leave the stairs and head directly WEST until you run into the Statue which will give you the KEY STAFF. Then go to the Southeast corner room for the MITHRIL BALL. You can get 500 gold in each of the rooms North and South of the stairs, plus a STAFF OF LIFE. In a room West and South of the Dragon Statue is a CATCHLOCKHILT SWORD. On the first level directly West of the stairs are five full sets of ARMOUR, many WEAPONS and GOLD. The answer to the Elemental is: AND. After more exploration, leave for Thynn. SAVE. Get lots of RATIONS and check your bank account. This is a good time to unload items by selling them or leaving them with NPC's at the Inn. You will need plenty of empty slots for the next sequence. ELVEN CEMETERY From Thynn, go NORTHEAST to the Elven Cemetery and note the name of the LAST PERSON buried. Go directly to the Elven Pyramids. To answer the guard's random question, consult the family tree in the book. Answer incorrectly and he'll ask another question when you try to go East. Keep trying until you get it right. If you answer correctly, he will vanish and you can continue EAST. Enter the Pyramid and avoid as many battles as you can. You are seeking the IRON, RUBY, RING, FIRE, WATER, AIR, EARTH and GLASSY KEYS plus the DEMON MASK, DEATH ARMOUR and DRAGON ARMOUR, and GOLD, WANDS, CASKETS and other items, but nothing necessary for solving the game. ELVEN PYRAMID Inside the Pyramid, go SOUTH to a wall, WEST to a door, SOUTH through a door, EAST to the next door. Turn NORTH. Move NORTH to the next door and enter an Elven Bathroom, where you can rest safely. SAVE first. In fact, you should SAVE in at least three different points in the Pyramid because the program sometimes locks up in here! Exit, go EAST, NORTH, EAST and SOUTH through a door, then EAST and NORTH through the first door and UP the stairs. From this point on, you will not have any trouble with the stairs. On Level 2, go WEST twice into a room with four doors. Go WEST, SOUTH then EAST into a room and get the RUBY KEY. Go back to the four-door room and head SOUTH, EAST and SOUTH into a room, EAST then SOUTH into another room. The answer to the guard is: SOMETHING. You will get the IRON KEY. From here, go WEST into a Cell Block (you must break the door down). There are 14 cells, 7 North and 7 South. USE the IRON KEY to unlock the cells. On the North side, enter cells 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (use the RING KEY to enter cell 7). On the South side, enter cells 1, 2 and 4. You will get a RING KEY, two MAPS (three & four from the manual), a warning about the old King, and the name: 'SPINGO'. Return to the stairs and go UP. From the stairs, go EAST, NORTH and EAST, then through a South door (use gunpowder), EAST through the next door, EAST through a secret door (the TRUE SCROLL is here, but is useless!), back WEST two spaces, then NORTH through the door into the Library. Get the SCROLLS (ENCHANT ARMOR, BOOK OF HERBS). Do not push the button! Move SOUTH and WEST into a square room with three doors. Take the South door and follow the hall through a South door. You turn West at several points in this corridor, and will feel light-headed. When this happens, you have been spun around, so turn around, reverse your direction and continue. Go WEST, then NORTH. Continue NORTH then EAST and enter the first South door to find the FIRE KEY and the SACRED DAGGER. Return to the square room with three doors. Go WEST. There are three secret doors. The TOP one is opened with the FIRE KEY, and yields the WATER KEY. Enter the MIDDLE door to get the AIR KEY (use the WATER KEY to enter). The SOUTH door is opened with the AIR KEY, and yields the EARTH KEY. Now go to the North room, enter, and go to the West wall and USE the GUNPOWDER to get the KEY OF LIGHT, some SCROLLS and GOLD. Return to the square room again. Take the East door, turn SOUTH into an alcove, use the KEY OF EARTH (don't push the button, which will close off the exit). Search all three rooms and get the DRAGON ARMOUR, DRAGON CHAINS, HOLY SYMBOL, GOLD, POLYMORPH WAND and GOLDEN CASKETS. Go to the stairs and go UP. On Level 4, go directly NORTHEAST to get some SCROLLS (ENCHANT WEAPONS, LORD OF RINSE) and GOLD, then return to the stair door. Go WEST, then SOUTH, then EAST into an alcove and get the GLASSY KEY. Go WEST and SOUTH into a room, then WEST, and USE the GLASSY KEY to enter the secret room. BUY INFORMATION. SAVE. Go back EAST to the room across the hall, USE the GUNPOWDER, and take what you find. Return to the room you just left. Move NORTH, then WEST into the first room. Take the LOOT, then go SOUTH to the secret door. USE the KEY OF LIGHT, then enter. USE HOLY WATER (from the Chapel in the Abbey) on the BLACK FLAME. (If you haven't found it yet, back up one space to the North. Use gunpowder to blast a hole in the East wall. Enter. Blast a hole in the South wall. Continue blasting holes to the South until you enter a room with the old King). Answer: CIRCLE to the Elemental. Go SOUTH to the old King, who will give you an ELVEN BOW. Go NORTH. Exit the room. Now go all the way NORTH, then EAST along the wall until you encounter the Mask Bearer outside the alcove in the North wall. Attack him, and he'll flee. Enter the alcove. USE the LEATHER POUCH to get the DEMON MASK. Also get the DEATH MASK (but never use it until you kill the Dragon). To the right and left of the Master is 3000 in GOLD. DERELICT CASTLE Return to Thynn, then head NORTH and WEST for the Derelict Castle in the Northwest section of the Eastern Wilderness. SAVE just before entering and keep this SAVEd game intact in case you must restore later. Enter the Castle. Head directly WEST, enter the room then go SOUTH to the Western side. In the centre of the Western wall is a secret door. Enter it, into a long corridor. You will see five secret doors on the way down (each has a large inverted 'U' on it). You can find items in them: the first room has ELVEN ARMOUR and a MAGIC BROADSWORD, the next room has three POTIONS (HOLY WATER). Return to where you entered the long corridor. Go EAST through two doors, then SOUTH, EAST, NORTH and EAST into a room, and you will get more nice items. Return to the long corridor and enter the first room. Go EAST through the door, then EAST and NORTH through a door. Turn WEST and go UP the stairs. Go WEST into a room, then NORTH to get a CRANK HANDLE for the shutters. The answer to the question is: RULER. Search the rooms, then go back DOWN the stairs and to the corridor. Enter the third secret door and go directly EAST, then a little NORTH, through a door, then SOUTH through a door to find a much-needed LADLE. Return to the corridor, then enter the next secret door North. Go EAST through a door then NORTH to the stairs. Go UP to Level 2. LEVEL 2 and THE VAMPIRE Go WEST, then SOUTH across a corridor. You can get two SEAL RINGS here. Then go back NORTH to the corridor and EAST into a large room, where you will meet the Vampire in the North part of the room. USE the MITHRIL BALL on him. Pick up the VAMPIRE. Go EAST out of this room, and you will be in the map on page 3 of the manual. Enter the secret room to get a TALISMAN that will heal the entire party. Return to the Vampire's room and go SOUTH through the Banquet Hall, then SOUTH through the next room. There is a secret door here (see Map 4 on page 15 of the manual). Search this room thoroughly. Go back NORTH into the room, then NORTH into the next room. Now move EAST, SOUTH and WEST into a room, which was Idrielle's room. Search this room thoroughly. Exit the room and go SOUTH through a door to find the DOOR KEY that will let you out of the Castle. Search, then head SOUTH to the stairs and UP to Level 5. LEVELS 5 & 4 There are lots of traps on Level 5, so follow these directions precisely. First SAVE the game. As you go through regular doors, they lock, and as you go through secret doors, they change. Go EAST through a secret door, picking up any treasures as you go (to avoid explosive traps to the South and West, blast a hole in the West wall and go WEST). Then go NORTH into an alcove, get the treasure, and go into the next alcove, where you will be stopped. USE the VAMPIRE, and you can proceed. USE the LADEL to fish out the EMERALD. Now turn around until you face South, move SOUTH once and blast a hole in the West wall. Go WEST, then SOUTH through a regular door, then SOUTH, EAST, and then EAST through a secret door, and DOWN the stairs to the Fouth Level. BASEMENT After exploring Level 4, head WEST from the stairway, then SOUTH to a secret door, and WEST across a bridge (through a secret door and then through two doors) into a room. Go NORTH, then take the first East exit. It will be a slide to the first level in the Basement. There's a BONE in the basement that you should grab. Look in a room to the West of the basement's centre. Go WEST twice, NORTH through a secret door, NORTH, WEST and NORTH. Go through the door. NORTH, EAST and NORTH. Go through the door to the stairs. Go UP to the First Level and then WEST, NORTH and WEST to a long corridor. NORTH to a wall. EAST through a secret door. EAST out of the room. USE the MASTER KEY and you will be out. HAMMER OF THE GODS This means leaving without the Hammer of the Gods, which you should eventually return for before the final battle. The hammer is in the Southeast area of the basement, where you will be constantly spun around. But keep your bearing, go to the Southeast corner, through Idrielle's Tomb via a secret door EAST, then NORTH through another door. There is a cross formation with three switches. Turn off the NORTH switch and the WEST switch, and you can now approach the Hammer by heading directly NORTH between the two centre columns. You will still be spun about, but if you keep at it, you will arrive and claim the Hammer. BASEMENT & SUB-BASEMENT It is not vital to do so, but you can find a lot of GOLD, INFORMATION from a Prisoner, some POTIONS and other items here. If you encounter tomb doors, just walk through them. In the Southwest corner is a Healing Fountain. In the Southwest corner of the basement is Idrielle's Tomb, plus a MAP that is the one on page 21 of the manual. The steps to the Sub-basement are in this area. If you go here, you will go NORTH into a hall. Stay near the walls to avoid a trap. Go NORTH, EAST and SOUTH and enter the first EAST door to find a GAIN LEVEL POTION. If you picked up a BONE on the level above, use it to get past the Dog in the Southeast corner; otherwise, avoid this area. Explore, then go UP to the first floor and out. BACK TO THE MINES Return to Thynn and buy the SARCOPHAGUS (if you sold it) and at least 350 RATIONS. Enter the mine in the Southernmost entrance. Go NORTH. Say 'YES'. Re-enter the mine. You are now on Level 5. (For 13,000 gold, go to the Northeast corner and find the passage going East, go into it and use the gunpowder at the end of the passage. This opens a Southern passage to a room with the gold). Work your way to the South central area, where you will find the Spring. Move SOUTHWEST to a large room. Go SOUTH and WEST through a door, then SOUTHEAST. Un-equip each item (don't drop them), then walk into the Spring, and you will be on the other side. Get the RING OF POWER and return. (For 13,000 more gold, go to the Northeast corner, face EAST and use the gunpowder. This opens a passage to a room with the gold). Go back to the NORTHWEST, then WEST to a wall, NORTH to a wall, EAST to a wall, NORTH to a wall, EAST to a wall, NORTH to a wall, EAST once, and NORTH to a wall. Move EAST and SOUTH to the steps DOWN. Don't forget to re-equip your gear. LEVELS 6 & 7 On Level 6, head SOUTH to the first stop, then EAST to the second opening and SOUTHEAST to a large room. Go WEST, then all the way SOUTH until you encounter a strong light. Return NORTH, then EAST to a large room, then SOUTH, then EAST until you find Adamit. Now go back NORTH to the large room. Move SOUTHEAST, take the second opening to the West, then go SOUTH and EAST until you meet a Dwarf. The answer is: SPINGO. Then you need to use the STONE KEY. To get it, go EAST to the stairs. Get it and return to the Dwarf. Go NORTH to the T-shaped room. You will find a Dwarf who will make you a MIRROR SHIELD. USE ADAMIT. With this, go back to the strong light and get the CORONA RING. Return to the Dwarf and go past him. Do not go into the large room to the North. SAVE and rest (you cannot save on Level 7!). Adventurous Approach You can proceed as suggested here, which is recommended for more experienced players, or skip on to the Cautious Approach. Go DOWN the steps into a large room and follow these directions EXACTLY or you will die!! `Proceed: WEST 2 - NORTH 3 - WEST 1 - NORTH 1 - WEST 2 - SOUTH 3 - ` EAST 1 - SOUTH 3 - EAST 1 - SOUTH 1 - EAST 1 - SOUTH 2 - ` WEST 4 - NORTH 1 - WEST 2 - SOUTH 3 - EAST 2 - SOUTH 2 - ` WEST 5 - NORTH 2 - EAST 1 - NORTH 3 - WEST 1 - NORTH 2 - ` EAST 4 - NORTH 3 - WEST 1 - NORTH 1 - WEST 1 - NORTH 1 - ` WEST 2 - SOUTH 2 - WEST 2 - NORTH 2 - WEST 2 - NORTH 2 - ` EAST 3 - NORTH 1 - EAST 4 - SOUTH 1 - EAST 2 - NORTH 2 - ` EAST 2 - NORTH 2 - WEST 3 - NORTH 1 - WEST 2 - SOUTH 2 - ` WEST 2 - NORTH 1 - WEST 1 - NORTH 1 - WEST 2 - SOUTH 1 - ` WEST 1 - SOUTH 1 - WEST 3 - NORTH 1 - WEST 2 - SOUTH 2 - ` EAST 1 - SOUTH 1 - EAST 1 - SOUTH 1 - EAST 1 - SOUTH 4 - ` EAST 1 - SOUTH 3 - EAST 3 - SOUTH 2 - WEST 1 - SOUTH 2 - ` EAST 1 - SOUTH 3 - WEST 2 - NORTH 2 - WEST 1 - NORTH 3 - ` WEST 2 - SOUTH 4 - WEST 2 - NORTH 2 - WEST 1 - NORTH 2. Now, go WEST to the first entrance. When you leave here, go to the door and go EAST, EAST, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, EAST, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, WEST, NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, WEST and NORTH. Go WEST to the third entrance. Go to the top of the stairway and SAVE THE GAME. Now go back DOWN to the entrance and go EAST, turn sharply SOUTH alongside the wall, SOUTH four times, turn WEST and enter to find the CRYSTAL SWORD. When you return to the main entrance, remember to go EAST twice and LOOK NORTH. (You will be in line with the entrance). Go NORTH, then WEST. In the first entrance, you will find DRAGON ARMOUR, a POTION, and the STAFF OF SUNRISE. There is a tunnel all the way around the large room, where you can find a lot of NUGGETS. But after you get the STAFF OF DEATH and a POTION, the only thing left is Elven Armour at the far end. Cautious Approach After obtaining the CORONA RING and STONE KEY, return to the large room. Exit to the NORTHEAST, EAST, NORTH four times and EAST four times. Go NORTH and WEST to the corner. Face WEST, and USE GUNPOWDER twice. In the top centre of Level 6, you can use the CRYSTAL BALL SPELL to see a detached area. You will be at the stairway described in the previous paragraph. Go DOWN the stairs, face SOUTH and USE GUNPOWDER twice to find the CRYSTAL SWORD. Go SOUTH, USE GUNPOWDER once, and you will find the DRAGON ARMOUR, POTION and STAFF OF SUNRISE. (SAVE before entering this room). The STAFF OF SUNRISE must be approached from the East or North. Then go back NORTH to the stairs. North of this is a secret door. By going into the circle, you can find GOLD NUGGETS, the STAFF OF DEATH and ELVEN CHAIN. UNDER THE VOLCANO Whether you used the 'adventurous' or 'cautious' approach, return to the stairs and go UP. Then go SOUTH. This is a long tunnel leading to the Southeast section of the Western Wilderness, with no way to get out. You will find the STONE SWORD, a Healing Spring and the entrance to the volcano and the final battle. Without the Dragon Weapons, you won't have a chance; if you don't have them, restore a saved position. Use the CORONA (one character must be holding all three items), and it will merge into the EMERALD. Use the KEYSTAFF, and it also will merge into the EMERALD, and it can be used to enter the volcano during the early morning. Otherwise you can't leave the area. Go to the Stone Halting with the STONE SWORD. Give the STAFF OF LIFE to your Priest, who can get the STONE SWORD, which you will need with the other Dragon Weapons. Heal yourself at the Spring, then wait until sunrise and USE the STAFF on the entrance to enter. The stairs down are in the Southeastern area; with the CRYSTAL BALL SPELL, you should be able to find the way down. As you head Southeast on Level 1, you can find two sets of 12 RATIONS each, GOLD and WEAPONS in the central-West rooms. The second level consists of four sections. In the EXACT order of the first section you meet the Earth Golem and the Elemental. Answer: ICEFLOWER. Go EAST. He will give you some CLAY. You will be transported to the Water Elemental Section, arriving in the Northwest corner. ON TO THE SEA OF LAVA In this section, which is like a maze, you run into the Water Elemental in the bottom passage at the extreme Southeast corner. When you meet the Water Elemental, he will give you water, and you will be transferred to the Air Elemental. By going SOUTH in the area of invisible walls, you run into Air Elementals. One of them will form a KEY and transport you to the stairs to the Third Level. If you can't find the right Air Elemental, go to the Northwest corner of the Air Elemental Section and blast a hole in the West wall. Go due WEST fifteen steps. SOUTH once. WEST once to he stairs DOWN to Level 3. After entering Level 3, you will find a passage South. To explore it, use the SHAOLIN STAFF as a bridge. If you need it, there is a Healing Spring near where you see the Fire Elemental. On Level 3, go EAST, then SOUTH and take the first passage EAST. Then go SOUTH - EAST - SOUTH - WEST - SOUTH to the Sea Of Lava. Go to the Southeast section and meet the Fire Elemental, who will FIRE the KEY for you. Then go back NORTH to the centre of the map and then SOUTH. At the Sea Of Lava, USE the SARCOPHAGUS to cross it. Equip all Dragon Weapons and Armour. Enter the first room, USE the CLAY KEY. Go through the Southern wall, and in the centre of the room you will find the DRAGON!! DRAGON The Dragon can only breathe fire twice, each time doing 96 hit points of damage. Your Priests and Healers should have at least 200 hit points, the others from 50 to 60, so when you are through attacking and on the first breath, your three characters will be dead. The Healer should USE the HEALING STAFF on all, which will revive anyone who originally had over 84 HP, and restore everyone to life. After the second breath, USE COMPLEX HEALING, which will restore all to health and life. Then finish the battle. The Hammer of the Gods is the most effective way to kill the Dragon. After doing so, USE the DEATH MASK in the DRAGON BLOOD to destroy the Dragon forever! ALTERNATIVE END GAME You enter the Volcano's third level in its Northwest sector. Rather than taking the passage South (as in ON TO THE SEA OF LAVA) go EAST then SOUTH and take the first passage EAST, then SOUTH, then EAST, SOUTH, WEST and SOUTH to the Sea Of Lava. USE the SARCOPHAGUS to cross it. Go directly SOUTH, then SOUTH, then EAST until you see an opening. Land here and go directly SOUTH until you come to a clay door. USE CLAY KEY. USE GUNPOWDER to the South. SAVE THE GAME. Ready all your Dragon Armour and Weapons. Go directly SOUTH, and you will encounter the Dragon. Attack with all forces, for spells won't work. Slay the Dragon as previously described.