------------------ Kings Quest II FAQ ------------------ Game: Kings Quest II Last updated: April 15th, 2000 Version: 2.0 Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: tomdhayes@yahoo.com Version History --------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.0 - March 27th, 2000 First version, so everything is nice and new! VERSION 2.0 - April 15th, 2000 Added a much needed introduction to the FAQ; Added a new section named 'My review', which is my review of Kings Quest II. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS I. Introduction II. My review III. The guide IV. Point listings V. Cheats VI. Conclusion VII. Copyright information --------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my Kings Quest II FAQ! I have written this FAQ to get you maximum points, but that doesn't mean that this FAQ shows you every single thing to do in the game. There are many ways to complete this game, and many things to try. For this reason, the guide does not show you everything to do in this game, so don't feel as though you have to follow it exactly. Take time from the guide to explore on your own, or to look at the various objects in the game. I hope my Kings Quest II FAQ helps! --------------------------------------------------------------------- II. My review --------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphics - 8/10 At first looks, the graphics haven't improved much over Kings Quest I. They look the same as the original, however they have been improved greatly. For a start, there seems to be more detail put into still objects, such as trees and objects to pick up. There is actually animation in things other than just the characters. At the start of the game, you are standing near a beach, and you can see a wave break against the rocks. Naturally, after playing on the PlayStation for a bit, the graphics do lose their appeal, but try and remember what it must have been like when this game was first released. People were stunned by the graphics, which are in 3D. People were even more stunned when they saw that you could actually walk about the locations, and even walk behind and in front of objects. Sound - 6/10 Unfortunately, the sound hasn't improved at all from Kings Quest I. It's still the same annoying beep boopity beep boop, repetitive annoying tone coming somewhere from within the depths of the PC. If you find the sound too annoying, you can simply turn the sound off by pressing F2. Actually, once you know about this function key, you might even leave the sound on so you can hear what people actually had to put up with. Gameplay - 9/10 Ah, the gameplay has been much improved over the original! For a start, there are more points to get. 185 of them in all, which definitely improves over the measly 158 points of the original. In order to get these points, you have to complete a series of puzzles. The puzzles can be as simple as picking up a shell, or as difficult as trying to find a magic carpet to fly above the clouds. The annoying speed factor has been much improved. In the original, the only speeds selectable were slow, normal and fast. Slow was unbearably slow, normal was far too slow, and fast was... well, just too fast. In Kings Quest II, things have been much improved. You have the choices of walking slow, medium, fast or fastest, and it definitely improves the gameplay having all these different choices of speed to choose from. The puzzles are set at about just the right level, and are far easier than the devious puzzles of the original. The game still uses the old typing interface, seeing as there was no mouse invented at the time this game was released. The old typing interface was far more annoying to use than most of the point-and-click adventure games, and usually would involve you typing in simple sentences such as "climb tree" or "get shell". As you make your way through the strange lands, you will see all manner of objects and characters with which you can interact. The game is non-linear, meaning that you don't have to follow a strict and certain path. And another aspect of what makes the game so good is trying to find all the points (185 is the most you can get). When you complete the game for the first time, it's unlikely that you will find all the points, as there are many ways to complete this game. This game has great gameplay as there is just so much to do! Lastability - 8/10 Kings Quest II is much more simple than the original, but it is also a bigger game, with much more to do. Whenever you accomplish a certain important task in the game, you will get points added to your overall score. There are 185 points to find in total, and finding every single point is very difficult. For this reason, it's likely that your score isn't going to be 185/185 straight away, so you'll probably want to go back and try and find things that will get you more points. By the 2nd game, you might have maximum points. By the 3rd game, you'll have probably found out that there's still a lot more to do in the game besides getting maximum points. By the 4th game, you might have found just about everything. And from then on, you'll probably just play the game for the fun of it! Overall - 8/10 The graphics have been much improved over the original, and there is now animation on things, such as the waves breaking against the rocks. The sounds unfortunately haven't improved, and there are still the same annoying speaker sounds which ruin the atmosphere of the game. The gameplay is good, as there is so much to do. The typing interface has been improved, and now understands many more words that you type. And the lastability has also been improved. Although slightly easier than the original, Kings Quest II is definitely the larger game. Overall, a good game which slightly improves on the original. --------------------------------------------------------------------- III. The guide --------------------------------------------------------------------- Go east - north - west - north - "get trident" - north - north - "get shell" - "get bracelet" - east - "get stake" - east - south - south - "look in log" - "get necklace" - south - south - west - wait for red riding hood (if she doesn't show up, leave this area, and then return) - "talk girl" - east - "open mailbox" - "get goodies" - west - wait for girl - "give goodies to girl" - north - east - east - "open door" - go down the ladder - east - (There could be a troll here. If there is, quickly go to the west, and then re-enter) - "get pot" - "open chest" - "get earrings" - west - go up the ladder, and exit the house - south - west - "open door" (There could be a wolf here. If there is, quickly exit the house, and then re-enter) - "give soup to woman" - "look under bed" - exit the cottage - east - north - east - north - walk behind the rock, and "look in hole" - "get mallet" - south - south - east - "open door" - "pray" - the monk will ask you your name - "Graham" - exit the monastery - south - walk around the grass until you get close to the rock with the hole - "look in hole" - "get brooch" - north - north - walk across the bridge, and go east - north - "read door" South - west - cross the bridge, and go west - west - west - west - south - south - west - south - go in the water and type "swim" - "talk mermaid" - "give flowers to mermaid" - "ride seahorse" - "give trident to king" - "get key" - east - east - north - north - east - east - east - north - cross the bridge, and go east - north - "unlock door" - "read door" South - west - cross the bridge, and go west - west - west - west - enter the cave (Hagatha the witch could be in here. If she is, just leave the cave and then re-enter) - "get cloth" - "put cloth over cage" - "get cage" - exit cave - east - east - east - east - south - south - east - south - west - "open door" - "give bird to woman" - "rub lamp" - "ride carpet" - east - "rub lamp" - "rub lamp" - "put bridle on snake" - "talk horse" - east - east - "get key" - west - "ride carpet" - north - east - north - west - north - cross the bridge, and go east - north - unlock door - south - west - cross bridge, and go west - west - north - north - "wear ring" - "wear cloak" - "get in boat" - "get out of boat" - "eat sugar" - "open door" - the next door has some ghosts guarding it, but they will leave if you are wearing the ring and the cloak - "open door" - west - climb up the spiral stairs - "open drawer" - "get candle" - go down the stairs, but stop when you reach the torch on the wall - "light candle" - continue down the the bottom of the stairs, and go east - east - "get meat" - east - east - enter the doorway - keep entering this room until the coffin is closed - "open coffin" - "kill dracula" - "get silver key" - "get cushion" - "get gold key" - east - up - up - north - up - "unlock chest" - "open chest" = "get tiara" - down - continue down the steps, and go south - west - south - south - "get in boat" - east - south - south - east - cross the bridge, and go east - north - "unlock door" North - "get net" - south - south - "fish" (Fish until you catch a big golden fish) - "get fish" - "throw fish" - "ride fish" - north - north - east - "get amulet" - south - "open door" - up - up - up - "give meat to lion" - "open door" - "home" And you've completed the game! Hopefully with 185/185 points! THE END! --------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Point listings --------------------------------------------------------------------- So, maybe you've completed the entire game, but you STILL can't find those last few points. Well, I've written a point listing to make things a bit easier. This point listing shows you how to get all the points in the game, but it doesn't tell you every single detail. For all the little details, read the guide. Onward to the point listing! Get the trident = 3 points Get the bracelet = 7 points Get the stake = 2 points Get the necklace = 7 points Open the mailbox = 1 point Get the goodies = 2 points Give the goodies to little red riding hood = 4 points Get the soup = 2 points Get the earrings = 7 points Give the soup to the old woman = 2 points Look under the bed = 4 points Get the mallet = 2 points Pray at the monastery = 2 points Say "Graham" when the monk asks your name = 2 points Look in the hole in the rock = 1 point Get the brooch = 7 points Walk across bridge seven times = 7 points Give the flowers to the mermaid = 2 points Ride the seahorse = 2 points Give the trident to King Neptune = 4 points Get the 1st gold key = 5 points Unlock the 1st door using the 1st gold key = 7 points Get the cloth from the bottle = 2 points Put the cloth over the cage = 2 points Get the cage = 2 points Give the bird to the woman = 6 points Rub the lamp three times = 6 points Ride the carpet = 4 points Put the bridle on the snake = 5 points Talk to the horse = 2 points Get the 2nd gold key = 5 points Unlock the 2nd door using the 2nd gold key = 7 points Wear the ring and the cloak = 3 points Eat the sugar cube = 1 point Get the candle = 2 points Light the candle on the torch = 1 point Get the meat = 2 points Kill dracula = 7 points Get the silver key = 2 points Get the 3rd gold key = 5 points Unlock the chest = 1 point Get tiara = 7 points Unlock the 3rd door using the 3rd golden key = 7 points Get the net = 1 point Catch the golden fish = 2 points Throw the fish back into the water = 3 points Ride the fish = 1 point Get the amulet = 3 points Give the meat to the lion = 4 points Open the door = 5 points Say "home" = 3 points Total points = 185/185 --------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Cheats --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hold Alt + D to enter a special mode. Now type "get object", followed by a number to get any object in the game. 2. Hold Alt + D to enter a special mode. Now type "tp", followed by a number to get to any room in the game. 3. Hold Alt + D to enter the special mode. Now type "position". Type an X coordinate, and a Y coordinate, and you can end up in some really weird places! --------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I hope my Kings Quest II FAQ helped! If you have any easter eggs, bugs, glitches, cheats or tips on Kings Quest II, e-mail me at tomdhayes@yahoo.com and I'll put them in the next version of this FAQ. Your name will go into the special thanks section, so please tell me if you would like your e-mail address to be shown. Have any questions or comments on Kings Quest II? Send them to the same e-mail address, and I'll try my best to answer them. Anyway, that's it for this version of the FAQ. Bye! --------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Copyright information --------------------------------------------------------------------- This Kings Quest II FAQ, copyright 2000 by Tom Hayes. E-mail: tomdhayes@yahoo.com I am in no way affiliated with the makers of Kings Quest II. DON'T copy this FAQ, or put it on your web site without my permission, which will probably be given if you ask. If you do want to put this FAQ on your web site, just send me an e-mail and ask me. Thanks for reading!