Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel Recruit Guide v1.1 by Ancient Talisman Wanna mail me? mailto: suportgiathainguyen@yahoo.com with Fallout Tactics in subject line. I'll try to reply as soon as I can. INDEX 01.00 INTRODUCTION .01 Skills, Perks, and Stats * A recommended character. 02.00 RANK AND CHARISMA 03.00 SPECIALIST LIST .01 Recommended .02 Develop your own specialists 04.00 RECRUIT POOL .01 Preparation .02 Recruit List 05.00 NOTE .01 Race Note .02 Chemicals 00.00 OTHERS .01 FUTURE QUESTIONS .02 VERSIONS .03 CREDITS & THANKS .04 Legal Mumbo jumbo ****************************** * 01.00 INTRODUCTION * ****************************** THIS GAME IN GENERAL (FALLOUT TACTICS is (c) 2001 Interplay Entertainment Corp) Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel is one of my most awaited games. One word of advice, don't expect much RPG elements of Fallout 1 and 2 in this game. It's a combat game poor and simple, no reputation-affect towns and lengthy quests. Actually, almost no quest's in this game. If you touch this just to play some new combat game, you'll not regret. If you're a Fallout fan, expect a bunch of surprises. 01.01 Skills, Perks and Stats The game revolves around combat. Skill points distribution will be concentrated on combat skills. Stats points development and perk achievement will be oriented toward combat and combat support as well. You may try to do otherwise, but that's invitation to frustrate and disappointment. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These are the most important skills+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ a. Small gun: for normal and common weapons, using mostly in first part of the game, from mission 1 to mission 8, 9. In the later missions Sniper-style recruits will take full advantage of Sniper rifle to kill from afar. We can snipe up to 50 hex so we'll need at least 150 to 200%. Can learn by magazine, but Bullet and Gun is not that common, I think there's about 3-4 mag per game. bonus = 2*IN b. Big gun: for heavy weapon specialists , using mostly in second part of the game, from mission 7 to mission 11, later missions big guns're not effective any more, with some exceptions of Browning M2 (ammo .50 cal) and Rocket Launcher (most effective in vehicle and random encounters, not so great in missions). As said above, the most important guns are: Browning M2... pause, i guess RL worth it too. Try to hoard as much .50 cal as you can (in Random encounters with mutants), even 10000 is not too much; or from Behemoths in later part. HW specialists will play an important role in your squad: shock troop. Nothing like one or three HWSs with browning m2 between the other teammates and a horde of robots, super mutants and deathclaws running toward your team screaming for blood. Or like one or two guys in a bunker full of Super Mutants. c.Energy weapon: For laze, pulse and plasma weapons. Very much in demand in dealing with robots as they can withstand most kind of SMG and BG weapons. Sunbeam laze will replace sniper rifle in sniping robots. Two options for you: hire EW specialists for these missions or develop EW skill yourself. There're some interesting EW specialists later on in my game but they can vary depended on your character and your game. d.Sneak: You need this to recon the battlefield and infiltrate enemy base if needed. Snipers need it to get to good position, Slayers need it to get near to theirs targets without wading through a rain of bullets, rockets and laze. Other than leather armor (normal and advanved) any kinds of armor will lower sneak skill. e.First aid: To regain the lost HP. Can only use consecutively 4 or 5 times before gain bandaged status--> can used FA skill on him/her/it no more. Cheap and effective. Try to heal with FA kits while the other hand hold FA field kit-->increase FA skill temporarily. Can learn by reading. about 4-6 books per game f.Doctor: Mainly for cure bandaged and other serious status: cripple, blind, concuss... Before patch 127 there's a big chance of fully healed even if the patient is 1/187 HP. After patched, sighed... mostly 65---70 HP per use, fully healed are pretty rare. g. Trap+Pilot+Outdoor: Useful, but can be developed through books. Don't spend skill on them. If too pressed, you can always hire specialists. Minefields can be detected by high level, high perception, sneak crawl boy or girl. After that some 12 gauge shotgun shells with someone SMG 90+ is enough to clear them. dont bother to disarm: Mines are too heavy to carry around for use, expensive to buy but not that expensive to bring home for sale. h. Steal. Useful for acquiring expensive medical stuffs and equipments but don't develop it. Almost every games has Babs (after mission 6, rank 5, save the ghouls) as a thief. Use her then drop her back into recruit pools. best game have her 6 or 7 perception so she could have pickpocket. i.Throwing. Grenades of all kinds are very common. I don't find much use for them except throwing pulse grens through walls toward bots. you may develop them, but there're some recruits with throwing tagged. Gren is not very effective. j. UNARM and MELEE: if you prefer to choose the way of Slayers, well, spent on these two lavishly. If not, NOT a point. I thinks that's all for skills. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These're Most Important General Perks:+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ a. Bonus ROF: AG 7, PE 6, IN 6 lvel 15. less one AP for using weapons. b. Mutate! Give it to new recruits to get Gifted (+1 each stats, -5 Sp each level, -10% of each skills) or Fear the Reaper (perk/2 lvels, loss HP suddenly and when leveling up). But if you want to gifted, try to wait until level 12 or later to reduce the total loss of SP. c. Divine Favor: CHA 8, level 14. perk/2lvel and +1 to highest STAT (not exceed racial restrictions). If you wait till level 14 to choose it you will have perk in lvel 15, 17, 19, 21, 23... ghoul will be perk/3 level. (meaning a Fear Ripper, 8 Cha Ghoul can get divine favor to have perk/2 level) d. Leader: 6 CHA. +1 AGI to other members of the team, not to leader. But they must be near leader to get it. 2 leader stand beside each other will get +1 AGI each, others +2. e. Loner: <5 CHA, outdoor 40. +10 to every skill when staying away from teamates. But it's a bug. The bonus is on all the time even when you're standing next to someone. This actually makes it pretty good as you get +10% to all skills at all times. I think it's not that good with low CHA like that. I choose it for recruits. f. Bonus Ranged Damage (2 levels) AG 6, LK 6 . +15% to damage caused by guns. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you choose to play as Sniper, you should have traits Finesse and Kamikaze and the following: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ g. More Criticals (3 levels) : LU 6. +5 to CRitical chance each MC level h. Sharpshooter: PE 7, IN 6 +2 to PE when shooting. i. Tunnel Rat AG 6 crawling at walk speed (depend on your preference) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you choose to play as Slayer (up close and personal, rough and tumble...) choose these perks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ j. Toughness(3 levels) EN 6, LK 6 +15 to DMG resist. each levels. k. *Bonus HTH Dam. (3lvl): ST 6, AG 6 obviously. l. *Bonus HTH Att. AGI 6: -1 AP to kicks and fist m. HtH Evade : Unarmed 75% add 1/6 Unarm skill to AC if both hand empty or use unarm weapons. n. *Silent Death AG 10, Sneak 80% ectasy. o. *Slayer ST 8, AG 8, Unarmed 80% Must have for this type. p. *Silent Running AG 6, Sneak 50% Obviously there're so many perks for this type, it made hard to choose. It depend on your style though (shrug). I recommend k,l,n,o. Save perks if need be until you can achieve them. The problem with slayer-style is a slayer will need all his/her perks just for those * perks above. Nothing left for other functions. So If your character is slayer, you will need a Leader, or Doctor. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ STAT. POINT DISTRIBUTIONS+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gift is maybe the most useful for Character development. Penalties in SP are steep but acceptable. 7 points more in place of SP are so much yummies. So this is my proposal for your consideration ---A recommended character--- 5STR+6PER+1EN+7 Char+5LU+9INT+7AGI Explain: so that Gift will give us 6STR+7PER+2EN+8 Char+6LU+10INT+8AGI . 6ST will be enough for most gun except browning m2. 7 per 6 LUC for several perks. 8 CHA for Leader and DIvine favor. 8AGI=9AP. 10 IN will yield the most in Books, mags and SP earn per level. I intend to use Elixir of Life to offset the dangerous endurance and never get near where bullets fly thickest. Concentrate on playing as Leader, Lockpicker (maybe), Doctor and Sniper. FA can be learnt or hire a doc or nurse. playing as DOCTOR to harvest XP in healing. yes, they're for doc only, not for other lowly grunts or gunslingers or even leader. Traits: Heavy weapon specialist : Fast shot (combine with Bonus ROF===> -2AP for each shot--> 3AP for a burst of minigun --->9AP HWS can shoot 3 times a turn.) (NINJA) maybe Night Person + Small Frame. later Mutate to Gifted in level 12. remember to get Night Vision --> we have a Night op. specialist. (Genius) Or we can save a perk by choose Gift with Finessee now. Tag: Energy gun, SMG, Doctor. Spend points on SMG, sneak and doctor, left EW till level 9 or more before you should start. (so you will save a perk, no need to choose tag! later) Perk: Comprehension(a must, we can learn about repair, scout, first aid and SMG, science too); Wait till level 9 or 12 then Mutate (maybe Night person-->Gifted); Leader or wait till level 14 to try Divine Favor; Sharpshooter, More Criticals(3),Bonus Rate of Fire (or Gain AGI/Bonus Ranged Damage). So, NINJA has Comprehension, Mutate, Leader, Divine Favor, Sharpshooter, More Criticals(3), Bonus Rate of Fire as soon as you can Genius will have Comprehension, Leader, Sharpshooter, Divine Favor, More Criticals(3), Bonus Range Damage or Sniper if you like. NINJA has 45-60 Sp more than Genius. Your choice. Now go out and get them. If your fingers itch for some juicy bits of drugs and money and Rp and weapons... be patient. Wait till after Quincy (mission 6) and gain rank 5. Babs will be for rent at Recruit pools. Develop her a bit, then wander through various place to take and take and take (save and save and save). For gambling, maybe Stumpy? If not him then choose any rcruits with Gambling tagged. Until your repair skill (learn by book) get to desired level (around 80 and upwards) choose specialist in game to repair the vehicles. I used Ed for quite a while. Read more in RECRUIT POOL sections. ************************************** 02.00 RANK AND CHARISMA* ************************************** Rank and CHA are important if you want to have access to good recruits, excellent equipment and big vanity. We shall look at them a little carefully Ranks in BOS: from 1 to 13* {Initiate} {Senior Initiate} {Squire} {Senior Squire} {Junior Knight} {Knight} {Senior Knight} {Knight Commander} {Junior Paladin} {Paladin} {Paladin Commander} {Paladin Lord} {General} Ranks can be affected by 3 element: a. Successful operations with all objectives completed and hidden obj completed (an example is BUENA VISTA mission, other than 2 official obj, one hidden is eliminating most of the robots) Hidden obj is shown in the brief of that mission. b. CHA: higher CHA, faster the rate you climb upwards. ANd maybe, just maybe, higher CHA will affect quality of the recruits too. I suspect it because recruits in my game is pretty different in other people's games. the number of total stats points each of them have, some small anomalies, tag skills, traits. A fear the reaper ghoul is definitely better than a normal ghoul. save mutate! And a sniper-material recruit with initial EW tag will be super duper yummy. one more perk for more criticals c. Brown Noser: 1 brown noser = +1 rank. Good for your low CHA recruits. for high CHA, I'm not sure. I don't find it neccessy other than recruits Grimm brothers early. About CHARISMA hmmm. There are 3 uses for it: a. Rank: as said above. b. Perks: Leader and Divine Favor. DF is most fun but it requires 8 CHA. Low CHA give us Loner. Good but in my book it can't hold candle to DF. c. Shopping: if you don't like to steal and gamble and even if you like both, you still need bartering. Buying and selling to save and earn the hard cold cash of RP and $. ******************************* 03.00 SPECIALIST LIST* ******************************* In recruit pool there's some known specialist .01 Recommended specialists (meaning they play this role almost every games) Thief: Babs gambler: Stumpy Sniper/Leader: Clarisse, Mechanic: Ed HWS: Joe grimm. Brian (in my game he's Big gun tagged from beginning and I built it up to 200. Nothing so satisfy as sniping with Rocket Laucher) HtH specialist Riddick, Deathclaws .02 Develop your own specialists 2 ways to do: use them to let them earn EXP (actively) or just left them in Recruit Pool to receive Xp passively. I will discuss the second way It seem in prior version to 127, recruits in Pool will be actomatically leveled up, distributed SP and chosen Perks. It suck and this second way is not possible. I play version 127 and find that: after a long period of fighting and earning a significant amount of XP, when the squad returns to Bunker, the recruits in Pool will receive a portion of those XP and still not level up. There are some exceptions to this : Recruits with higher XP and levels than my character; and some just plain weird recuits. Those weird recruits are (in my game) Stevie and Sharon. If I save before talking to Recruit master, talk and view the status of them, quit and load+talk, their skill point spending and perks will be different. there are some ways to use this to choose perks for them but I didnot want to try. When you talk to RM the first time, some recruits has additional Xp, right. Kick your squad out, pick any great potential recruits, quit. In game screen go to chracter screen and level up them as you wish. If you want to shelve them for later developing (I left Brian until level 15 then develop him into a 200% HW specialist) remember to spend at least 1 skill points before send them back to RM. After that the game consider them the reserve of my squad and left them alone (not change their Xp to default). Now you must earn a large chunk of Xp before you can repeat this. Each time you can only mod 5 recruits, so choose carefully. This is great as you can have a number of good reserve for your squad, built specifically toward their roles in future. In later mission when your initial soldiers didnot work as well as before (Sniper rifle can't penetrate heavy armor Super mutants, or robots; a burst of AK47, Neostead didnot cause good damage to the grinning SM) you can call them out. their levels may be a bit lower (1 or 3) but they will meet your needs. The initial squad of mine (farsight, stitch, stoma, ice, core_pipboy) become obsolete and (clarisse+dos-sniper SMG and EW, rage-scout, brian-HWS) replaced them. ***************************** 04.00 RECRUIT POOL* ***************************** .01 Preparation Before meet the Recruit Master (or Recruit Yeoman) of the bunker we'll need to do a certain measures of preparations. they are to ensure we have good recruits. First, level up your current teammates, left equipment in lockers or vehicles if need be. Second, get HIGH. yes, rright, get high. not just any kind of drugs, no sir. Only one kind for you: Mentats. It's the only drug raise CHA. using one or two, three if need be (avoid addiction if possible) notice the change in your rank. Yes, that's right. Rank can change with CHA temporarily affected like that. Then go For a normal recruits to be available in the Pool, two conditions must be satisfied: One- After certain mission (see below); Two- After Certain rank (ranks stated below is rank of recruits, your character must have the same or higher rank). For special recruits, condition One will be changed with Three- your character must encounter a specific encounter. for example if you are paladin lord in mission 5 you can have Grimm brothers (but how to do that other than cheat?) .02 Recruit List I didn't add their stats here because it seem their stats change randomly each game and CHA of the main character. I know my recruits and Guiler's recruits are different from each other, especially in Tag! skill and Stats Points. Recruits we used will be promoted, but very slowly. e.g: After QUINCY: (Ghoul) Babs(4*) only available after mission Quincy Ghoul: Race Babs: Name 4*: rank stated is rank of recruits, your character must have the same or higher rank Before FREEPORT (5BOS) Robin, Jax, Stitch, Farsight, Torn, Pipboy* Note: Must recruit him in Pipboy Encounter with party <6 (me with a party of 5 was not able to do that, must reduce to 4-->succeed)--> he became CORE_Pipboy (has 10 luck). Or we can let him wander off the map and he will be available in Recruit pool as Pipboy (4luck)(Never tried this option. Anyone want to comment on this?) After FREEPORT: (8BOS) Trevor, Kevin(2*), Brian, Rage(2*), Rebecca(2*), Ice(2*), Jo, Mandy(2*) After ROCK FALLS (5Tribal) (target(3*), sharon, keith(4*)) +(?)(Fleetfoot, Slicer) Note: 1-If Charisma > 8 can we have Fleetfoot, Slicer? 2-If we have zero tribal casualties will we have those two? (5BOS) Stein(3*), Stumpy(4*), Stoma(4*), Stevie, Beth(3*) After QUINCY: (3Ghoul) Babs(4*), billy bob(4*), (?)Frank Note: 1-Must save the Ghouls in Quincy, 2-If Charisma > 8 can we have Frank? After MARDIN: (4Deathclaw) Shaav(4*), Shriek(4*), Krldraav(5*), Mother(5*), Note: Must save Matriarch and ally with them. (5Raider) Creeper, Pain(5*), Hurt(5*), Malice(5*), Boomer(6*) (3ghoul) Dillon(5*), Harold(5*), Martin(5*), (3BOS) Max(6*), Alice(6*), Ed(6*) Riddick(5*) (?) Note: Must survive Black Pitch with him. After OSCEOLLA: (5SuperMutant) Chuck(6*), Toni(6*), Bob(7*), Pump(7*), Cookie(9*) (5BOS) John(9*), vector(8*), kaisa(8*), Fran(7*), Karl(6*) After NEWTON (4Reaver) Mac(1*), Dos(10*), (Hardrive ?), (Seedee ?) Note: If Charisma > 8 can we have Hardrive and Seedee? when Mac appear she's quite developed (6BOS) Slim(12*), Shaky(12*), Clarisee(12*), debbie(11*), Peta(10*), Box(10*) Joe and Jim Grimm (10*) Note: 1-Must heal his injured leg in Brother Grimm Encounter. After (?)Canyon City (1Robot) HR1205 NOTE: it seems the recruits' stat, perks, tag skill, traits may vary between each game. I notice a big different between recruits described in Guiler's Walthrough and my game so I dont list them up there. you may save before talking to RM first time in the interlude after crucial missions to see if the stats is predetermined each game or just at the current first time state of your char. What I mean is: save before go to the exit grid of crucial missions, save before talking to RM after that, then load back to see if any stats of recruit change... ***************** 05.00 NOTE* ***************** .01 Race Note 1- BOS, Raider, Reaver: recruits came from BOS-Raider-Reaver recruits, independent from events 2- Tribal: Recruits from barbarian tribes, dependent on events, especially in mission1,when we have to keep the number of tribal casualties down to minimum. 3-Ghoul: Recruits from Ghoul clans, dependent on events, especially in Quincy, must help those ghouls (minimum ghoul casualties) and rescue Georgi (Elliot's brother); and in KANSAS CITY(minimum Ghoul casualties, me with 3 ghouls dead but the bishop still praised me); not sure about Kansas recruits though, the bishop said some about that but it seems noone new.... (shrug). 4-Deathclaw: Recruits from a Deathclaw clan, dependent on events, in mission Mardin, must save Matriarch and ally with her. Only four of them. 5-SuperMutant: Recruits from SuperMutant remnant army, independent on events, but maybe in KANSAS CITY, we should save the lab (but nothing to indicate that destroy it will affect the number of recruits though) 6-Free Recruit: There are 4 independent recruits in FT BOS: Pipboy, 2 Grimm brothers and Riddick. To hire them, first we have to go to specific encounters. .02 Chemicals You should use chemicals in game. It raise your stats in many ways, temporary of course.But not just any drug, only two kinds. First, Afterburnergum: duration: 2 days of +1STR +1 PE, after that must endure 2 days of lowered stats. Second, Mentats: 1 day of +2PE +1 CHA +2IN; 4 days of lowered stats. You better not get addicted. Any other drugs got shorter durations---> not worth it. But it's your choice. ********************* 00.00 OTHERS* ********************* .01 QUESTIONS FOR FUTURE a. Does naked moose magazine and Cat Paw has any use? b. Jet Bike Key is for what? c. Are they obtainable ? If yes, how? Fleetfoot (Tribal) Slicer (Tribal) Frank (Ghoul) Hardrive (Reaver) Seedee (Reaver) .02 VERSIONS 7/Sep/2004: v1.0, suddenly had patience to dig through BOS file on my hard disk to check data and type it out 19/Sep/2004: v1.2 retype the mess I made, adding more details .03 CREDITS & THANKS 1. Interplay for making a great game 2. Guiler (J Novakouski). His FAQ helps me great deal. if you want a thorough walthrough , check his on Gamefaqs. 3. Folks at No Mutant Allowed Forum http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/ . 4. A great website: http://www.freelancer.ag.ru/fallout/ 5. Omkar Namjoshi for his disclaimer. .04 Legal Mumbo jumbo Feel free to post this guide on any webpage or distribute it on CD, floppy, etc. Just don't modify the guide and don't sell or barter for the guide. It should be available for free. Also, people who want to post this guide on their respective web page should contact me before doing so. Although it isn't a necessity, it is something that I would like to know. If you have anything to add, that would be great! Fallout Tactics is a good game, and even the most detailed FAQs cannot show everything. I don't want any ASCII art; it just makes the walkthrough seem somewhat bigger. If you have some info, go ahead and send it to me...I'll appreciate it! I imitate this LEGAL DISCLAIMER from Fallout: A Post Nuclear Adventure Complete Game Guide Written by Omkar Namjoshi FAQ version 1.81 It's short and to the point and I don't wanna be bother too much about it. Thanks Omkar Namjoshi! >_<'';