Dracula Resurrection Walkthrough v1.0 Copyright (C) 2002 by OutRider WARNING: This walkthrough (like the others) contains spoilers. Please use at your own risk, and don't say I didn't warn you. To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4538.html Copyright notice: Don't plagiarize this guide, as legal action will be taken against you. Please don't reproduce this guide for profit. Please do not distribute this guide, and please don't email me requesting permission to add my guides to your site, as enough places already have them on their pages. Please do not make an HTML version of any of my guides. Other than that, have fun and I hope this guide helps you out. Thanks! Walkthrough: DISC 1: Watch the prologue scenes and when you have control of Jonathan Harker, you'll find yourself standing in front of the Golden Crown Inn. Go inside and watch the sequence where two men get up and push Harker out of the way as they leave. You'll also be introduced to a woman who apparently runs the place. After that, talk to the old man you saw as you entered about getting to Dracula's castle and then talk to the old woman about it too. When you're finished, leave the inn. Outside, walk straight until you see two signs. Follow the one that is labeled 'Pons' and take it until you see a sign that says 'Cuemeterium'. Follow that and you'll see yet another set of signs that point you in the direction of a cross and a cemetery. Take the path that will eventually end at the cemetery. When you get to the cemetery, head on inside and go towards the back and turn right to find a tool shed. Pick up the pickaxe that you find there and go back the way you came. If you noticed, you'll have seen some blue lights hovering above a tomb of some sort. Go there and go into your inventory by right-clicking and click on the pickaxe. Click on the spot just below where the lights are hovering and you'll see an icon where you'll see the axe inside a green circle. Use that icon on the spot and Harker will dig up a bracelet of some sort. Pick it up and if you want to, take a look at the picture just behind the tomb and then look at the grave nearby. When you're finished here, leave the cemetery and go back to the Cross and Cemetery intersection and this time go to the Cross. When you arrive, walk up to the cross and inspect the ground on the right side of the cross. You may (or may not) be able to see a slingshot lying there, and if you don't, just turn up your computer's brightness. Once you do find it, pick it up. Leave here and go back to the intersection. On your way there, you should see a well and a bridge with a man standing there. Go to the bridge and the man won't allow you to pass. Oh well, maybe some other time. Anyway, go past the well and head towards the inn. Go inside and talk to old man and woman about the new dialogue choices (the bracelet and the slingshot w/ the man and only the bracelet with the woman). Leave the inn and go back to the intersection. Take the Lacus path and follow it to a cabin. You'll see a man standing on the deck named Goran, and when you try approaching him, he prevents you from going any further. I suppose we'll just have to find another way to get through. Go back a little ways and you should notice another path leading to an old oak tree. Follow this path and climb on up. Go into your inventory and use the sling on the tree with the birds flying around it. Harker will send a rock flying towards it, scaring the birds and distracting Goran. Climb back down and go back to the cabin. Pick up the club lying against the wall and then go around and use it on Goran. Harker will knock him out, and afterwards, pick up the flute inside the barrel that sits in one corner of the deck. Go out onto the dock and get the knife that's sticking in another barrel. Leave this area and head back inside the inn. Go down to the basement (the door is near the bar area) and once you're down there, open up the cupboard and take the telescope you find inside. Go back upstairs and talk to the old man about the flute. He'll tell you the code that the bandits use. Go up the stairs and go to the end of the hall and enter the room that you find. This is the old woman's bedroom. Go over and push the small dresser to the other side of the room and then climb on top of it. You'll find a small door handle, so pick it up and then use it on the hatch door. Enter the loft, and walk over to the crown sign and the tripod. Put the telescope on the tripod and then look through it. You'll see Iorga warming his hands. While still looking through the telescope, use the flute on Iorga and Harker will play the tune he learned. Iorga will run towards the inn and stop underneath the sign. Look to your right and you'll see some rope to cut. Use the knife on it, and Harker will cut the rope, which results in Iorga being knocked out. Leave the loft and head back down into the bedroom. As soon as Harker climbs down, the old woman comes in through the other door saying that she's going to lock the doors because Viorel will be furious because Harker knocked Iorga out. You won't be able to leave through the front door anymore, so leave the room through the door in which the old woman entered and drop down through the hole in the balcony and you'll be on solid ground once more. Go to where Iorga was knocked out and examine his body. You'll find a set of keys that you can pick up. If you feel like checking things out, go to the cabin, but Viorel is there right now and he won't let you get through. Since Iorga is no longer guarding the bridge, go there and attempt to cross. As Harker tries crossing the bridge, some unknown force causes it to collapse (look at the way the boards fall off, it doesn't seem right). Now that we can no longer cross the bridge, we'll have to find another way. Go to the well and in the close-up view, use the well key (the one between the other key and the door handle) on it to unlock it. Climb down and go to the end of the corridor and up the stairs. Take the lamp you find at the end and go back down the stairs. Go over to the dark area and look near the left side of it. When the icon changes into a magnifying glass, click and you'll see a hook. Use the lamp on it to light up the darkened area and take the grappling hook you find on the ground. Leave the well and go back to the inn's balcony. Use the grappling hook on the hole and Harker will climb back up. Go through the bedroom and exit out the other door. Head downstairs and talk to the old woman about the bridge. She'll give you a key, so take it and open the red cupboard next to you. Use the key on the drawer and take the lighter and another key that you find inside. Read the journal and then head into the cellar. Before you head downstairs, however, there is a small candle in the opening on the ground. Use the lighter on it to light it and then head downstairs into the cellar. Go around to the front of the large barrel in the room and use the key you got out of the cupboard on the locked panel. When it's opened up, use the dragon ring on the circle to open up the barrel. Take the ring back and then advance into the barrel to reach the other side. Follow the tunnel to the end and go to the door to your left. Look at the stone ball on your right and click on it. It'll move, revealing a mechanism similar to the one that was on the barrel. Use the dragon ring on the mechanism and you'll open up the mine entrance. Take the ring and exit through the door to find yourself outside. Follow the path and if you look to your left, you'll see Viorel blocking the path to the inn. Go to your right and you'll eventually end up at the cabin. Go to the cabin door and use the cabin key on it to unlock it. Go inside and go over to the stack of barrels. Take the crowbar out from underneath the barrels to have them fall out. Go onto the lift and close the gate. Watch the sequence as Viorel cuts the cable, sending the lift plummeting to the bottom. Luckily for Harker, he walks away unhurt. Go to the left of the lift to see a couple of chains. Use the crowbar on them and watch as the rest of the mine comes crashing down. Take a piece of wood from near the cliff and go out to the end of the rock outcropping. Use the plank on the chasm and cross it. Once you've arrived on the other side, go over to the pile of stones. Use the crowbar on one of the stones and you'll end up uncovering a skeleton. Take the right arm off (when looking from its point of view) and get closer to the gate that's behind it. Use the lighter to light the lamp and use the skeleton arm to pick up a bar of some sort. Turn around and go down the stairs off to the left (You'll see a video of Jonathan Harker descending further down into the mine when you find it). You'll be in a room with a broken bridge when you enter, and to get across, go up to the edge of the bridge and use the bar on the chains. Harker will slide down the chains and arrive on the other side. Go the left of the table and you'll see a darkened passage, follow it and you'll come to a rail station. There is a wagon car to your right that is already sitting on the rails, go to it and walk behind it. Turn the lever mechanism to the left of the wagon and watch the little sequence. Look up and to your right to find a pulley with a hook on it. Take the hook and go back to the rails. To the left of one of the rails, there's a rail switch. Use the hook on it and then operate it to change the direction of the rail. Go back up the stairs and head back to where you left the wagon. Get behind it and turn the mechanism. Watch the sequence as Harker goes on a long trip down the railway. After the sequence, follow the tracks to where they're broken and notice that the rail car has spilled its contents at the bottom. Turn around and go back to where you see a door lying up against the wall. Move the door to uncover a passage. Go into the passage and down the stairs to find another mechanism. Click on the tube and it'll open. Use the dragon ring on it to have the tube close and rotate. Take the dragon ring back and watch as the mechanism 'fixes' the broken tracks. Go back up the stairs and attempt to cross the well. Watch as a swarm of bats come down and prevent Harker from continuing on. Turn around and on the right side of the rail, there is a lamp. Use the lighter on it to light it and then pick it up. Go back towards the well, but don't try crossing it just yet. Look down and to your left and you'll see a puddle of the barrel's contents that it had spilled when the rail car crashed. Use the lantern on it and watch the sequence. Go to the other side of the well and go to your right. On a small platform, there is a lever you can pull. Pull it and you'll be asked to insert Disc 2. Do so and when you come back to the game, I'll continue on with the walkthrough. DISC 2: As Disc 2 opens, you'll see a sequence where Dracula's henchmen are watching Harker ride to the castle, and then Dracula shows up. He explains to his henchmen that Harker is going straight to his death and he doesn't even know about it. After that, Harker arrives at a cemetery. Go straight until you see a set of stairs off to your left, then turn right and go down the spiral staircase. Look at the lock on the wall to the left of the door, use the dragon ring on it to unlock it and then take it back. Go inside to realize you're in a cell. Go to the back of it and there's a lamp on the pillar closest to the door that is unlit. Light it and you'll be introduced to Dorko, Dracula's previous wife. Ask her about Mina and then leave. Go up to the very top of the spiral staircase, and if you turn around, you'll see that Dorko has followed you. Click on her and she will open up the door to the Great Hall. As you go inside, the door will close behind you. Go towards the stairs on the other end of the room, but rather than going up the stairs, go to the door in the hallway just to the left of the stairs. Examine the lock to find a set of keys in it, take it. The key that was in the lock will break off the ring, but you'll still have the key in your inventory. Go up the stairs and enter the first door you come to and you'll find yourself in a chamber. Go down the stairs and through the door to enter Dracula's room. Look at the ball on the pedestal in the room and click on it. It'll rise up and unlock the chest near Dracula's bed. Take the ball and then go over to the chest. Open it up and take the picture and then examine the other object. If you open it up, you'll find an enamel plate, so take that as well. Go through the door next to the one you came entered through to find yourself on a balcony overlooking the library. Turn right and go through the door. Click on the mechanism that you see inside and turn the handle, a chandelier will come and join the two parts of the hall so that you can cross. Leave the room, and then go to the other side of the balcony. Go through the door and walk down the stairs and you'll be on the lower floor of the library. Go to the other side of the room, and in the corner to your right, look for the bookshelf that has an empty recess on it. You'll know that it's the one when a magnifying glass icon appears. Anyway, open up the panel and use the enamel plate on the thing you see inside. Click on the eyepiece and a ray of light will hit the writing desk. Go over to the desk (the thing with the chair, not the one with the map) and run your mouse over it, the magnifying glass will tell you where the hatch is. Click on it and the desk will open up. Near the bottom, there's a drawer that you can open, so open it up and take the four objects you find inside. Exit the library through the door closest to the map table. Go down the stairs and look where the chandelier used to be. Search through the rubble and you'll find a shield. Move the shield out of the way and pick up the gauntlet that's underneath. Go back upstairs and go to the doorway near the hole where the chandelier is now and go down the spiral staircase. Follow the path to the end and use the key you got from the vestibule on the door to unlock it. Go through the door and you'll find yourself back outside. Go to Dorko's cell and talk to her about the new topics. Afterwards, leave the cell and go back to Dracula's room. On the left wall, you'll see some markings where some pictures used to be. Use the picture that you have in your inventory on the wall and then go over and put the crystal ball on the pedestal. Make a note of the symbols on the cards, and then open up the pedestal drawer. Match the symbols with the cards in the drawer and then go over to the opposite wall and examine the broken mirror. The pictures you saw on the cards will the ones you push on the mirror. Push the three buttons in order and you'll uncover Dracula's secret passage. Go into the room and walk to the end. Look at the lock on the left side of the cylindrical structure and use the dragon ring on it. Take it back and watch as a statue moves out of the way to uncover a dagger. Go over and take the dagger and examine the lock again. Use the dagger on the lock and then turn it. The figure's mouth will open up, so then use the gauntlet on it and pull the ring inside the figure's mouth. The structure will turn, revealing a recess in which the St. George picture that you got from the library should be used. A golden Faberge egg will pop up, so use the key that you got from the library on it to unlock it and take the new key and diamond that you find inside. Take the dagger out of the crack and leave. Go back into the library and use the key from the egg on the clock. The clock hands will move to 11:40 and a picture of young Dracula will turn. Go over to it and use the dragon medal on it to have the clock hands move to 11:45. Go to the map table and move the small globe out of the way to find a star map. Put the dragon ring in the bottom left hand corner and notice where the claws are. Go over to the large globe and set the blue cursor to 40 and the red cursor to 25. Click on the map and it'll open up, and the clock hands will move to 11:50. Use the dagger on the dragon's back and watch as the clock hands move to 11:55. Click on the top of the dagger and use the diamond on it. The clock hands will move to midnight and watch the sequence to uncover the secret passage. Head inside and go up the stairs to a secret room. Go over to the lectern and examine the letter on the left table and click on the book on the right table to have it move and tip over a bottle of acid. Take the bottle and then look at the lectern. Put the cross in its spot and the lectern will turn. Take the Da Vinci picture and then click on the top of the lectern. Arrange the sets of balls so that the word SATOR is at the top and the word ROTAS is at the bottom. When you've done it correctly, the cross will be free for you to take. Go back down the stairs and look at the recess in the wall. Use the cross on it and the stairs will move and reveal the crypt. Go down into the crypt and go over to the small altar on the left side of the room. Use the acid bottle on the chain and then take the amulet that's inside. Three female vampires will show up and prevent Harker from going anywhere. Pull the handle on the wall on the left side of the altar to open up a window and send those vamps running away. Go to the other side of the room and examine the recess. Use the cross on it and watch as the stairs rise up, revealing another room. Go into that room and watch the sequence between Harker and Dorko. Dorko will lock you in the attic and you'll have to find a way out. Go to the opposite side of the room and look at the right wall. You'll see a mechanism of sorts, so use the flying man icon and click on it. Use the dragon ring on the new mechanism to open up a gateway and it'll also lower the stairs. Go over to where Mina lays and click on her. Watch the ending sequence, and you'll have finished the game. If you would like to continue on with the adventure, please get the sequel to Dracula Resurrection, which is called Dracula: The Last Sanctuary. Credits: DreamCatcher Games - For coming out with a visually attractive game. I did although find it to be a bit of a bore because it was in first-person view (I'm not much for first-person adventures, anyway) and you had to continuously click to get where you wanted to go. It would have been more fun if it was on a track, like Schizm: Mysterious Journey was. Samy - I had originally planned to use his guide to help with mine, but DreamCatcher had a solution of their own, so I used that instead. However, his guide did help me out when DreamCatcher's solution started running a little vague.