-------------------- | OGRE BATTLE - SNES | -------------------- Created by: dais@cristal.umd.edu BA24-3C66 Both of these codes take your Lord to level 1 but give BAC3-3C76 him something like Banisor Phantom for attacks. 2BBA-DDC1 The Lords unit will be all on level 7 at the end of Scene 2. One side effect is that some Tarrot card have different effects when drawn. Created by: bahamut@terrapin.umd.edu 0000-0000 Another attack changing code. 3299-A23D Gives the Lord about 90 HP and changes his attacks. Created by: Mallrat (mallrat697@geocities.com) Date: 5/10/98 7D3E-DDDD This code has awesome potential. I usually use it to customize my army at the begining of the game. The proceedure for doing this is sort of complicated though. Here it goes, First enter the code and leave the effects off. If you have a pre-existing game that you want the army from then choose the saved game you want to use. If you don't have a good army or want a better one then go to new game and use the fireseal code (What is your name=FIRESEAL). After the game has started and you are on the MAIN map screen and are about to choose an area to fight, use the reset code (hold L button, R button, select, and start at the same time). Now the game has reset itself and you should be at the title screen again. Now turn the effects on, go to START A NEW GAME and when Warren asks you what your name is the screen will screw up and it will put you on the MAIN map screen just before you enter Warren's Island (the very first level). Now immedietly turn the effects back off. Now go see your army, you should have all of the charcters from your prevoius game but some of them will have changed and if you didn't already have 100 troops you will now have 100. There will also be a bunch of town looking icons that do nothing in battle but you can change thier class into usefull monsters and characters. This code allows you to play as characters that are normally not accessible in the game however it is a bit glitchy and the storyline will not be the same if you play with the new army. On the lighter side, this code tends to turn Male leaders into Female ones (LoL). Occasionally it will give you more than one leader also. There are so many possiblities with this code, I haven't even listed half the things you can do with it. If you want a different type of army than the one you usually recieve you can use this code too. Just turn the power off and then back on again, then turn the effects on. Start a new game immedietly and turn off the effects AFTER the screen messes up from Warren asking you your name but BEFORE you go to see your army. You should have all to mostly all town icons, these will freeze the game in battle but as I said before you can change their class into usefull creatures. Beware however not to leave the effects on when you go to see your army. Their stats will get all messed up if you "view charcter" with the effects on. A666-OD6E You (and the enemy) can attack both rows in battle, regardless of charter type and postion. A664-OD6E Invincible (no damage is taken but the enemy is invincible too so it's pretty useless) A66F-OD6E Enemy never takes damage, you do sometimes. (similar to invincible code above) A665-OD6E Clerics (clerics, monks, or shamons-the whole deal) always cure the lowest hit points (enemy OR you). They can also sometimes bring the dead back to life.) Created by: Mallrat (mallrat697@geocities.com) Date: 8/6/98 8965-DDDD The quest logo in the title screens is gone. This allows you to start the game quicker and lets you create codes more easily because it saves a few seconds every time you start the game. To my knowledge it doesn't effect any other codes in any way. FAQ contributed by Gabriel Teodorescu - gabiteo@bx.logicnet.ro