Mega Man (PC (DOS)) FAQ/Walkthrough (c) Adamant (Fredrik Jullum) INDEX: 1: Revision History 2: Game Data 3: Controls 4: Startup 5: Story 6: Weapons 7: Walkthrough 8: Disclaimer 1: Revision History v. 1.00: November 28th, 2002. I wrote the entire FAQ. Took me about 30 minutes. I wrote this because there was no other FAQ for this game (only one for the NES game, and those games are entirly different.) 2: Game Data Title: Mega Man Developer: Hi-Tech Platform: PC (DOS) Genre: Platformer/Shooter Megaman, Dr. Wiley, Met-All and Sniper Joe are copyright Capcom. All other characters are probably copyrigthed Hi-Tech 3: Controls (Note: This is for keyboard only. The game can also be played with a Joystick. I don't have one, though) STARTUP SCREEN Ctrl, Up/Ctrl, Down/ Ctrl, Left/Ctrl, Right: Move Cursor Return: Choose option STAGE SELECT SCREEN CONTROLS: Ctrl, Right: Megaman looks right Crtl, Left: Megaman looks left Return: Enter stage GAME CONTROLS: Right/left: Move Right/left Up/Down: Climb up down (while on a ladder) Space: Shoot J: Jump F9: Pause F10: Quit game Esc: Open menu MENU CONTROLS: F10: Commit suicide P: Equip regular buster D: Equip Dynamite Add-on (when you have it) V: Equip Volt Shield Add-on (when you have it) S: Equip Sonic Wave Add-on GAME OVER SCREEN CONTROLS: C: Start the stage over S: Return to the Stage Selct screen 4: Startup: When starting the game, you'll have to choose between some options: (Remember: You have to hold Ctrl to move the cursor) Graphics Card: CGA, EGA, VGA, TANDY (Choose VGA. Everything else just screws up the graphic.) Animation: ON, OFF (I have absolutely no idea what this one does.) Masking: ON, OFF (Ditto) Sound: ON, OFF (I never got any sound no matter what. Just keep it on, it wont destroy the game or anything) Joystick: ON, OFF (Note that the default setting is ON. If you don't have a joystick, remember to turn this off.) START GAME: After you're finished messing around, move the cursor here and press enter. 5: Story: The evil scientist Dr. Albert W. Wiley has appearently hid himself in a bunker or something. The front door is locked, and can only be opened by using 3 code cards. These have been given to the robots Dyna Man, Volt Man and Sonic Man. Our hero, Mega Man must defeat these evil robots to gain access to the bunker, and capture Dr. Wiley once and for all. 6: Weapons: Every Megaman game has a bunch of different weapons you can get (at least I think so). This is no exception. Here's a list (note that I made up the weapon names myself): Blaster (P): Mega Man's normal gun. Infinite ammo, small bullets. You can't charge it in this game though. Dynamite Add-on (D): A stick of dynamite. Explodes after a certain time, or by pressing space again. Explotion is very small. Hard to hit stuff with. Volt Shield Add-on (V): A small shild appears aroud Megaman. This can hurt enemies, but since it's so small, you usually get hurt in the process. Sonic Wave Add-on (S): A small wave that bounces off walls. Acts like the Gemini Laser in Megaman 3 (NES), except it disappears faster (which is a good thing) 7: Walkthrough Intro Stage: Dunno why there's an intro stage, but anyway. Run left. A robot dog will attack you. Don't bother, just continue to the right. Yes, you'll be attacked. Screw that. You make it to the gate before you die anyway. Enter the gate to beat the stage. Now you'll get to the Stage Select Screen, where you can choose which Robot Master to attack. Dyna Man's stage: This is by far the easiest one. Still no walk in the park, though. You'll start in some kind of warehouse. Run right, avoid enemies, until you reach the conveyor belts. Now you have to jump between these over a bottomless pit. Wee. When you get to the end, drop down, turn left to avoid the spikes in the wall, and run right. Now you need to time a drop perfectly. Press left just as you drop off the conveyor belt, and you'll make it. If you don't, you'll fall down the bottomless pit. Continue left. There's a conveyor belt here with some blocks on, but don't mind them. You'll just walk behind them. Drop down at the end, but hold left so you'll land at the next floor instead of landing in the bottomless pit. Now go left. You'll have to jump between disappearing blocks to make it to the other side here. If you fall, you'll land in the flames. If that happens, quickly jump to one of the blocks before you lose too much energy. The blocks disappear quickly, so you'll probably fall off some times. After this, you have to jump between platforms over fire while cannons shoot fireballs at you. It's hard to avoid the fireballs, but try your best. Get to the ladder at the very left, climb down, and go left while blasting enemies to find the gate. Enter to meet the boss. DYNA MAN: He'll jump around while throwing dynamites downwards. There's not much strategy here, except to run under him when he jumps, stand at the other side of the room, and blasting him when he stands still. If you win, you'll recive the Dynamite Add-on. Sonic Man's stage: This stage is like a maze, except most ways are blocked off. Go through the pipe until you get to a room. Shoot the right blocks to open the way. You might want to get rid of the bats first. Continue through the pipes to the next room. Here you need to shoot the balloons to open the blocked pipe. Continue to the next room, which is filled with water. Make your way right, then climb the ladder. In this room, you need to jump between platforms to and fro. Shoot the bats before jumping, that's safer. Get up the first ladder instead of continuing. Then go right until you reach the disappearing blocks. There's water with an eel under them, so try to keep on. It's not easy when a block appears right over you, though. Jump before it appears to get on, but not too early. After this room, you'll reach the gate to Sonic Man. SONIC MAN: He's the easist robot master of them all. He'll jump/swim around, and shoot out sinking red dots (or whatever they are). Run under him when he jumps, but stay there until he shoots his dots. The run in the opposite direction while throwing a Dynamite. Try to make it explode on him, he'll die from one hit. It's hard to hit him though. When he dies you'll get the Sonic Wave Add-on Volt Man's stage: This is one of the most annoying stages in any game I've ever played. Prepare to die a lot. You'll start on some wires with sparks flying aound and birds trying to knock you off. If you get hit, you'll drop down one level, so stay off the lowest level, okay. Get all the way right, past the magnetic thingies, then drop down the hole. Now you have to get across some sparks from Elec Man's level in Megaman for NES. Except now there's magnet thingies behind you. Run at the right moment, and you may make it. It's really annoying. Continue left, then down the ladder, to get to a passage with spiders. Run right while constantly pressing space, and you'll gun them down beore they get to do much. Drop down the pit, and hold left to find an E- tank. To get it, use Sonic Wave on the wall. Then go right, and prepare for the single most annoying area in the game. Disappearing blacks over instant- kill spikes. A really hard set too, you won't believe how many times I've died here. And once you get across, there's another set for you to cross. Remember, don't break yor monitors, kids.After that, it's a smooth ride. Down the ladder, go left, jump between platforms, grab goodies, go up the ladder at the end, and cross another wire section, then enter the gate to Volt Man's lair. VOLT MAN: He's hard. Pretty much impossible without Sonic Wave. He'll jump around with his shield so you can't hit him. Then he'l stop, shoot two bullets while dropping his shield, the jumping into the ceiling to hide. If he hits you with a bullet, you won't be able to hit him before he hides. He's that fast. Jump over them, then quickly shoot him with the Sonic Wave. It's alos possibe to hit him with the Sonic Wave when he's in the ceiling by bouncing it off a wall. If you manage to defeat him, you'll get the Volt Shield Add-on. Dr. Wiley's stage: Note that his name's spelled Wiley. It's supposed to be Wily. Anyway, you'll enter the bunker without problems. This stage is pretty basic, with few enemies. Note that Met-Alls and a Sniper Joe will show up here. The Met-Alls are a bit over-sized though. Anyway. The stage consists of short sections with enemy-gunning, then you'll face a boss. Repeat this 3 more times to get the baisc layout of the stage. The bosses are the same as the ones you've fought in the stages, so use the same tactic. Just remember to use Volt Shield against Dyna Man. You'll get powerups after each fight, so you shoudn't have any trouble (except maybe with Volt Man. He's still hard) Just continue through the stage until you reach the final gate to Dr. Wiley himself. DR. WILEY: He'll fight inside a jumping robot that's pretty easy to avoid. Use Sonic Wave to destroy the first layer. Now Wiley's energy will refill. He won't get any new weapons though, but you can see him in the robot. He's one of the better looking sprites in the game. Anyway, switch to Volt Shield and attack him with that. He should fall easily. Now you'll recieve an ugly one-screen ending I won't spoil, then the game quits. Wasn't that fun? 8: Disclaimer: This was written by me, Fredrik Jullum, for It may not be used anywhere else without my permission. If you want my permission, mail me on