You can edit your own Mission in Driver Demo (v5.6u): Open the file Mission661.dms (in SubDirectory Scripts/Missions) with something like notepad. Some basic commandos: StopPlayer Should be at start of script LoadMap "Map.lev" Does not! Load a Map. Joke! Loads a map Snowing Snow-effects (looks bad in my demo) Raining Let it rain! Night Night Driving Darknight Darker than Night Driving Foggy Fog Lightning The Sun will shine, the birds will... OK, It is what it sounds like Cops_off/Cops_on toggles cops on/off SetMaximumCops x Set maximum count of following cops Cops_Respawn x Set Cop Respawn rate to x seconds SpawnCops c,x,y,z Spawns CopCar at given coords (c is for count. coords must be entered for each car) AddCivCar a,x,y,z Spawns Civilian, lika above EnablePlayerDamage Player Car takes damage DisablePlayerDamage Player Car is undestroyable MaxPlayerDamage x Set how much damage your car can take (0 to 4096*6) CountDown x Starts Demo-Time (disable with //) PlayerCarType x Set Player Car (range is 0 to 17) ReleasePlayer Here the Mission actually starts To continue driving after loosing the tail, you have to change the following lines: Set Objective 1 NeedToLoseTail 0 The File is proceeded from line to line, so think about the right placement for your modification! If the game aborts while loading, something you changed has gone wrong. Search for wrong parameters (i.e. PlayerCarType higher than 17 or too less or too much coords for SpawnCops) A simple rule you should follow: Don't change to much at one time . . . Alex Bartmus,