Mark All Courses Completed: Browse to your game directory and open the file yourname.txt in the \System\Save folder. Replace your line with this: 511,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15 ,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,0, Note: Always make a backup before overwriting files. --- America's Army Console Commands/Cheats It is possible that all these will not work, but most should.. summon agp_characters.npc_airborneinstructor summon agp_characters.npc_towerobserver summon agp_characters.npc_towerobserverfemale ------------------- start or open (bridge, pipeline, hq_raid, tunnel, insurgent_camp, mout_mckenna) ---------- \"playerlock 0\" -------------- \"mpcheat changeclass g\" (r, s, s24, ar, m4a1, f, ak, ak74su, gp, rpk, svd) --------------------- \"mpcheat god\" -------------------------- \"mpcheat ghost\" To fly \"fly\". To walk again \"walk\". ------------------------------------------------- To turn off fog, type \"show fog\" (\"show fog\" to turn on again) ------------------------------------------ For 3rd person, type \"behindview 1\" (\"behindview 0\" to turn off) ------------------------------ For the game to not draw the HUD, for screenshot purposes agphud 0 ------------------------------ Reconnectreconnect --------------------------- kick PLAYERNAME --------------- kickban PLAYERNAME ----------------- switch MAPNAME --------------- playerlist ------------ admin CONSOLECOMMAND ------------------ suicide --------------- setname ---------- ghost ------ killpawns (kills summoned players/monsters) ---------- possible commands, ripped from a ut command list BRIGHTNESS Cycle through 10 screen brightness values. CANCEL Cancels an \"open\" command in progress that is trying to connect to a network server. CDTRACK num Play the specified CD track. CPUSPEED# Identify your CPU speed, useful for machines which don\'t autodetect their speed properly. For example, CPUSPEED266. DEMOPLAY [?noframecap] [?timebased] [?3rdperson] Play a recorded demo. noframecap plays the demo back as fast as possible. This option is assumed if timedemo 1 is enabled. timebased gives a smoother playback if the playback machine is significantly slower than the recording machine. 3rdperson lets you fly around a first person demo as a spectator. eg demoplay mydemo?3rdperson?timebased DEMOREC Record a demo to DISCONNECT Disconnect from the current server ENDFULLSCREEN Go back to playing in a window. EXEC filename Execute the console commands in the filename, default is in the System directory. EXIT Exit the game.. FLUSH Flush all caches. Regenerates all lighting, 3d hardware textures, etc. Can be useful to clear texture corruption due to 3D hardware driver bugs FOV angle Set the field of view, for example \"FOV 90\" for 90 degrees. GETCOLORDEPTHS Get a list of color depths supported by your 3D hardware GETCURRENTCOLORDEPTH Get the current color depth (16 or 32) GETCURRENTRES Get the current resolution GETRES Get a list of available resolutions HIDEACTORS Hide actors during game play. JUMPTO x y z In UnrealEd, move the viewport to a certain X,Y,Z location, useful in conjunction with tester reports generated with the REPORT command. MUSICORDER num Change to a certain track in the song (0ambient, 1action, 2suspense). NETSPEED number Change your desired network data rate. Use 2600 for modem, 5000 for ISDN, 20000 for Cable/ADSL/LAN OPEN url Opens a local map (eg \"dm-turbine.unr\") or an Internet server (eg \"\" or \"\"). s_occfactor A3D 2.0 occlusion factor s_maxnodedist A3D 2.0 maximum node distance s_reflect 0 or 1 A3D 2.0 reflections s_occlude 0 or 1 A3D 2.0 occlusions s_wavetracing 0 or 1 A3D 2.0 Wavetracing s_refgain A3D 2.0 reflection gain s_refdelay A3D 2.0 reflection delay s_maxpoly A3D 2.0 maximum number of polygons s_maxreflectpoly A3D 2.0 maximum number of reflection polygons s_polysmall A3D 2.0 smallest polygon size s_polylarge A3D 2.0 large polygon size s_a3dsources A3D 2.0 Sources SETRES WxHxD Set the resolution and color depth. eg SetRes 800x600x32 SERVERTRAVEL url Change levels from the UnrealTournament Server console window. STOPDEMO Stop recording or playing back a demo. PREFERENCES Displays the Advanced Options window. RECONNECT Reconnect to the current/previous server SHOT Take a screenshot and save it in the System directory with a consecutive name like Shot0001.bmp. TOGGLEFULLSCREEN Toggles fullscreen mode on and off. TYPE Types text on the console. Hubi,