Sheep Walkthrough/FAQ by cigomen ================================================================== | S H E E P W A L K T R O U G H / F A Q | ==================================== == | version 1.2 | | *FINAL* | | Written by Bostjan Cigan | |--------------------------| | Copyright (c) 2001-2002 | | Bostjan Cigan. | | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | -------------------------- CONTENTS ======== I. AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT NOTICE II. CONTACT & WALKTROUGH INFO III. WALKTROUGH CHAPTER ONE : Story CHAPTER TWO : Basics CHAPTER THREE : How to move the Sheep CHAPTER FOUR : Powerups CHAPTER FIVE : Select a character CHAPTER SIX : Characters description CHAPTER SEVEN : Types of Sheep CHAPTER EIGHT : Avoiding enemies CHAPTER NINE : Skill settings CHAPTER TEN : Hints and tips CHAPTER ELEVEN : Game Cheats CHAPTER TWELVE : Sheep links IV. FAQ V. FINAL WORDS VI. OTHER CREDITS VII. OTHER WALKTROUGHS I. A U T H O R & C O P Y R I G H T N O T I C E ======================================================== Author of this walktrough is Bostjan Cigan. This walktrough may only be published on sites, that are listed further down in this FAQ. NONE OF THIS FILE MAY BE COPIED, REPRODUCED, CUTTED OR EDITED WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. THIS GUIDE MAY BE FREELY PUBLISHED ON THE SITES LISTED BELLOW, ANY OTHER SITES THAT WANT TO PUBLISH THIS GUIDE, PLEASE E-MAIL ME AND ASK ME FOR PERMISSION FIRST. SITES THAT MAY PUBLISH THIS GUIDE WITHOUT ASKING (BUT MUST GIVE FULL CREDIT TO AUTHOR): IGN ( Gamefaqs ( Xcheater ( NeoSeeker ( The Gamer ( Gaming Planet ( II. C O N T A C T & W A L K T R O U G H I N F O ========================================================= WALKTROUGH INFO --------------- This is the Sheep walktrough (probably the only one on the NET). This walktrough will teach you how to play Sheep and it will also give you some hints and cheat codes. The walktrough is divided into 11 chapters: CHAPTER ONE : Story CHAPTER TWO : Basics CHAPTER THREE : How to move the Sheep CHAPTER FOUR : Powerups CHAPTER FIVE : Select a character CHAPTER SIX : Characters description CHAPTER SEVEN : Types of Sheep CHAPTER EIGHT : Avoiding enemies CHAPTER NINE : Skill settings CHAPTER TEN : Hints and tips CHAPTER ELEVEN : Game Cheats CHAPTER TWELVE : Sheep links WALKTROUGH HISTORY ------------------ version 0.1 = written the top of document, only a few hints and tips version 1.0 = written most of this guide, added more hints and cheats version 1.1 = v1.0 was quickly written, here is the full guide ===================================================================== version 1.2 *FINAL* = added some sheep related links, more faq STILL TO COME IN WALKTROUGH --------------------------- This is probably the final version of this walktrough. I maybe add world description, but that's not so important. If you want to add anything to this guide, e-mail me and I will post it in this guide, with full credit of course. E-mail: CONTACT INFO ------------ If you have any questions about this walktrough or the game Sheep, e-mail me on: I will try to publish them in this walktrough and reply back to you too. NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY E-MAIL ME QUESTIONS THAT ARE NOT LISTED IN THIS GUIDE. IF I SEE A QUESTION THAT IS ALREADY LISTED IN THIS GUIDE, I WILL AUTOMATICLY DELETE IT WITH NO REPLY. TRY THE CTRL+F BUTTON TO SEARCH THIS DOCUMENT FOR THE THINGS YOU NEED. III. W A L K T R O U G H ============================ CHAPTER ONE: STORY ================== Millions of years ago, members of an advanced alien race were left on a young green Earth to observe the development of the primitive life forms. As the years passed, the descendants lost sight of their lofty task and became one with their surroundings, indistinguishable from Earth creatures. The indigenious population could not know that amongst them lived a vastly superior life force, one which has envolved from a mental and physical state, far beyond their comprehension ... ... SHEEP CHAPTER TWO: BASICS =================== It isn't so hard to learn how to play Sheep. You can choose amongst keyboard, mouse and joystick control. I advise to anyone who starts to play Sheep, that he first takes the tutorial missions in the game before starting to play the real missions in Sheep. If you do not know the controls, here are some of them: Keyboard controls ----------------- Move forward = Forward key Move backwards = Backward key Move left = Left key Move right = Right key Hold one Sheep = Go near Sheep and hold ALT key Use items (candy) = Spacebar key Open fences = ALT key Mouse controls -------------- Moving around = Move your mouse up, down, left, right CHAPTER THREE: HOW TO MOVE THE SHEEP ==================================== As you probably know from your life experience, Sheep do not move the way you want. The authors of this game tryed to make an artifical Uninteligence. When you approach from the right, your Sheep move left. When you approach from the left, your sheep move right. You can even move the Sheep by holding them and bringing them to the end of the level. Here are a few hints on how to move the Sheep: Hint 1 : Try the tutorials in the Sheep game. They help you a lot and you will know how Sheep react to your moves. Hint 2 : You can always try to carry your Sheep. Using the ALT button near the Sheep, you can hold it and bring it to the end of the level. Hint 3 : When you approach Sheep from the right (as said before) they go to the left. Try doing everything opposite what you plan to do. THIS HINT DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK. YOUR SHEEP MAY MOVE ANOTHER WAY. CHAPTER FOUR: POWERUPS ====================== There are some powerups in the game itself to move your Sheep more easy. You can use the RADIO (it starts when you pick it up), SHEEP follow you during this one. If you pick up a candy, you can place candies so Sheep will follow you. If you pick the GOLDEN GLOBUS in each level (four in each world) you can play a bonus level. So, let's repeat this one: CANDIES You place candies and Sheep follow you in that path. RADIO - You pick it up and Sheep follow you constantly until its effect ends. GOLDEN GLOBUS If you pick four golden globuses, you get a bonus level at the end of the world. CHAPTER FIVE: SELECT A CHARACTER ================================ Before you start to play Sheep, you can select a character (aka herder). There are four characters available: BoPeep, Adam Halfpint, Motley and Shep. Each character has its own way of handling Sheep and its own way of cheat codes (see cheat section for more). EXAMPLE: If you use MOTLEY, you can bite your Sheep when using cheat codes. CHAPTER SIX: CHARACTERS DESCRIPTION =================================== Each character has its own way of herding Sheep and its own way of cheats (see cheat section for more details). Here is a brief description of the characters: BoPeep ------ As I can see, she is a male herder. She can hold sheep and bring them to the end of the level and she can scream to make them go faster. Adam Halfpint ------------- He is a male herder and he has the same capabilities as BoPeep, but better cheat mode. Motley ------ He is a sheep dog. He can guide sheeps and he can bark to make them go faster. Shep ---- A realy good name for a Sheep dog. He can also bark at sheep to make them go faster and he can bite them. CHAPTER SEVEN: TYPES OF SHEEP ============================= There are four types of sheep that you must herd during one world. One type of sheep in one level and another one in the second. Each sheep react in their own ways to your moves. EXAMPLE: The longwool sheep are slover, while the pastoral sheep react faster and move faster. Here is a brief description of the types of sheep: PASTORAL -------- The most regular sheep. They have white wool and react faster to your moves. That isn't always good. If and enemy is approaching and sheep react faster they can go wright to them. FACTORAL -------- They look the same as factoral sheep, but they have brown wool. They have the same capabilities and faults just like the pastoral sheep. LONGWOOL -------- These sheep have a very long brown wool. They react slow to your moves and move slower than regular sheep. NEOGENETIC ---------- These are a very veird type of sheep. They have the same capabilities as the pastoral and factoral sheep, but they act very cool and they vear glasses. CHAPTER EIGHT: AVOIDING ENEMIES =============================== You will encounter lots of enemies in the world. Here are some hints on how to avoid them: Hint 1 : If possible, hold one sheep and bring it to the end of the level. Hint 2 : Try to use the hints I've told you in CHAPTER THREE. Hint 3 : In the beginning, try to play on the easy skill. You have more time and more sheep. Hint 4 : Try to find powerups. The radio is very useful and Sheep can follow you. CHAPTER NINE: SKILL SETTINGS ============================ You can play Sheep on three skill settings: EASY ---- As the name says, this is the easiest. You have more time and more sheep. MEDIUM ------ Medium setting. I recommend to people that have already played Sheep. HARD ---- For advanced players. You have less time and less sheep. CHAPTER TEN: HINTS AND TIPS =========================== HINT 1 = MOTLEY --------------- When playing any level with Motley if you press q,w,e in quick succession he will bite the sheep nearest to him causing it to jump over any obstacle. HINT 2 = ADAM HALF PINT ----------------------- Adam Half Pint can drop pints to get the sheep to follow him. Apparently you have to type pint really quickly while holding down Alt + Shift. HINT 3 = MODERN PASTORAL SHEEP ------------------------------ The Modern Pastoral sheep can be made to follow any character by chasing them around the same object five times! Try this one at your own risk. If doing this one with Shep you run the risk making him puke. HINT 4 = EASY LEVEL SKIP ------------------------ Sometimes it's easier to just grab the sheep individually and carry them to the end of the map. HINT 5 = EXPLORING ------------------ Make sure you explore the map as much as you can before setting out. It's often possible to find quicker paths to the end and you won't risk losing that many sheep. HINT 6 = ALWAYS BE ON A LOOKOUT ------------------------------- Always be on the lookout for hint signs and for other sheep that will assist you in your efforts. CHAPTER ELEVEN: GAME CHEATS =========================== To cheat in Sheep press ESC during gameplay and type any of these cheats: IWANTTHEMALLANDIWANTTHEMNOW = Sheep will follow you FATSHEEP = Sheep grow to 150% of their size MINISHEEP = Sheep shrink to half of their normal size POOSHEEP = Pastoral Sheep Poo instead of Graze CANCELCHEATS = Cancel any cheats entered CHAPTER TWELVE: SHEEP LINKS =========================== Here are some sheep related links: Sheep home page: Sheep cheats and hints Sheep revisions: IV. F A Q ============= This is the FAQ section of the walktrough. Here there are described common questions by users and answers. If you want to e-mail your question, e-mail it and I will post the answer here. See the contact section for more details. Question : Some of the cheats don't work in the game. Why? Answer : There are later versions or earlier of Sheep that may not be compatible with some cheats. Question : When I run the game it gives me an error message: DDRAW has commited ... What's wrong? Answer : You probably don't have the latest Direct-X drivers installed. Install the latest drivers from Question : My game keeps on crashing. What is wrong? Answer 1 : Your computer may not be compatible with Sheep. Try updating your drivers. Answer 2 : Your computer does not have the required requierments for Sheep. (P200, 32MB ram) Answer 3 : If the top things don't work, reinstall Sheep or install a never version of Sheep. Question : When I run the game, the intro movie doesn't play and the game crashes. What shall I do? Answer 1 : Reinstall the game. Answer 2 : Try running the game without movies. (config section of game) Answer 3 : Install BIK audio player ( Answer 4 : Install a never version of Direct-X ( Answer 5 : Install the latest version of game ( Answer 6 : If the top answers do not work, there is something wrong with your system or your PC does not meet the requierments for Sheep. Try updating your hardware. Question : I do not get far in sheep. I'll just exit the game. Answer : No, don't! Play and you won't regret it! V. F I N A L W O R D S ============================ So. It isn't so hard, is it. If you finish this game, let me know. In PC GAMER SLOVENIJA it was marked extrodinary game and the mark was 85%. For 40$ this is a very fun game to play. Too bad there aren't any multiplayer modes. Well, you have enough work with single player episodes. This game is worth to try and it is also worth your money. VI. O T H E R C R E D I T S ================================= The cheats for Sheep were submited from the CHEAT BOOK DATABASE ( Some hints for Sheep were also submited from the CHEAT BOOK DATABASE ( VII. O T H E R W A L K T R O U G H S ========================================== If you are interested, I am also the author of these walktroughs: - Gabriel Knight, Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned - Unreal Full Walktrough (includes enemies, items, weapons description) and a full walktrough - Quake III Arena Walktrough I do not have in plan to write any more walktroughs, maybe one will pop up.