heXen II Walkthrough ************************************************************* * Published in DIRTY LITTLE HELPER September 1997 * * with courtesy of Jamie Madigan * ************************************************************* This walkthrough was written by Jamie Madigan. It's currently in the draft stage, so comments and revisions are welcome. Please contact the author by email at s981764@umslvma.umsl.edu with any comments, corrections, or additions. Why use a text walkthrough instead of a recorded game demo showing a solution? Well, (1) it's a much quicker download (2) you can skip ahead to the part you're having trouble with (3) you can print it out and have it to refer to while playing the game (4) my Grandpappy didn't have these newfangled demo's, and it was good enough for him! This walkthrough was written originally while playing the Assassin on the highest difficulty level. Monsters are usually not mentioned in the interest of brevity, so always keep a sharp eye and ear out for them. Items and artifacts are also not usually mentioned, so make sure you keep an eye out for them, too. As of now, this walkthrough is a work in progress. Some of the puzzle solutions may be slightly different (e.g., the treasury key is dug up at Anton's grave, rather than the forge yard, etc.) I'm currently endeavoring to find out all the possible solutions, which will be included in future versions of this walkthrough. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Hub #1: Blackmarsh 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 This is the Medieval hub, where you combat archers, spiders, skull wizards, golems, imps, hydras, and sheep. Some of the puzzles and settings in this hub make little sense, but they only get better in later hubs. At the end of this hub, you must battle the first of Edilon's Four Horsemen, Famine. *****Step 1: The Bones of Loric***** -You start the game in Blackmarsh -Turn to the right and run up the ramp & open the door. Hit the switch on the lower right of the mural on the right side of the room. This will open the opposite mural, revealing a secret passage. Jump down it, hit the triangular switch next to the bars. Go through the teleporter. -Go back to where you started the game and go down the hall & open the door. Hit the triangular switch to the right, then step on the floor plate when the coffin moves. Go through the door to the left and down the hall. -Come to an open area. Follow the path to the left, through a cave. -Come to a wooden bridge. Jump in the water to the right and find a triangular switch under the bridge. Hit it and go through the teleporter. -Follow the corridor. Hit the lever to activate the wheel. Hit the triangular switch on the wall to open the bars. Go through the big door opened by the wheel, and follow it to the bones. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 2: The Mill Key***** -Turn left and jump into the water. Go forward through the teleporter. Open bars & enter the Wizard's Lab. Go through the door to Barbicon. -Follow the cave to the catapult. Play skeet with the sheep. Stand on the catapult pad & hit attack or jump to fling yourself over the wall. (Note: hit the back key right as you're over the wall to drop down and grab some goodies) -Follow the cave to the broken wall (go through breach for goodies). Go back through the breach and turn left, walk up to big door to open. You're now at the drawbridge. -Drop into the moat and go left. Break the grate and go through, following the passage. Take your first right and swim up. Break through the wall. Note the message on the floor next to the table. -Follow the hall to a door. Open it and go up the stairs to the left . Take a right up a few more stairs & dispatch the auto-crossbow. Turn around and go back down the 2nd set of stairs, and go through the door on the right. -Go into the room and into the adjoining room to the left. Break the jars and hit the symbol on the wall to reveal a secret passage. Follow to the crossbow. -Use the crossbow to destroy the tower with the dragon banner on it, revealing a teleporter. Jump across the moat and enter the teleporter, which takes you to a nearby ledge. Grab the mill key. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****Step 3: Crush the Bones**** -Jump into the moat and go to the left, following it back to the drawbridge. Retrace your steps to Blackmarsh. -Go up the steps to the right. Follow the cave back over the bridge & out into the open area. Go to the left & through the door to The Mill -Go forward, drop down into the pond, and follow the path. To get up onto the outcropping with the Chaos Device, stand on the bush and run diagonally (forward & strafe left at same time) and jump at the last second. Grab weapon #2 behind the tree, too. -Follow the cave under the outcrop to an open area with 2 teleporters. Go to the teleporter on the left to get to the mill. Go up the ramp and through the door. Go to the back of the gear to grind the bones to dust. Go back outside to collect the dust. -Go through the teleporter and then through the 2nd teleporter outside. Hit the switch by the bell to open the underground passage. Follow the passage to a door leading back to Blackmarsh. Go through. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****Step 4: The Castle Key**** -Retrace your steps to the Wizard's Lab. Walk into the gold pool to make the potion. Collect it and go through the door to Barbican. -Go through the cave, past the catapult, and into the castle as before. Retrace your steps to the secret leading to the useable crossbow, but take the door to the left of the secret passage. -Go up the stairs and hit the lever to activate the drawbridge. Go up the ramp to a room with a Tomb of Power and a cauldron. Drop through the hole in the floor and go through the door in front of you. -Follow the passage to a room with an Archer Lord & some broken stairs. Push an iron barrel to the broken stairs and climb up. Go through the passage to the left. -Open the window and watch the spiders drown. Drop into the moat and go right. Swim up to the mithril door on the left to transform it to wood. Break the wood and get the castle key. -Swim to the left and get the ring of waterbreathing. Follow the moat to the drawbridge (which is now open) -Cross the drawbridge and follow the passage to the open market area go right to find the castle entrance. Unlock the doors and go through the doors to the King's Court. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****Step 5: The Treasury Key**** -Walk around the courtyard and down the hall to a 4-way intersection (there should be a butcher's sign in front of you). -Go left (when facing the sign) and keep going straight until you find the door to the Stables. Enter it. -Go forward through the double doors and follow the hall until you see a big wooden door to the right. Go through it. Go straight ahead and smash your way through the hay bails. Find the note about a buried key next to the corpse. -Go back into stables area & walk forward until you see a bunch of haybails and a ladder leading up to a loft on your right. Jump up on the hay and climb the ladder. At the top, when you're facing the ladder there's a passage to the right leading to some ramps. Climb the ramps ALL the way to the top & open the secret door. -Hop across the rafters to a wooden door on the right. Open it and throw the switch in the little room on the other side. Hop down and grab the shovel. -Turn around and walk forward, dropping back down into the stables. Turn left, walk a few steps, then turn right. Follow the hall in front of you to the forge's lawn. Walk to the left of the tree to get the treasure key. Retrace your steps back to the start of the area and the door to the King's Court. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 6: The Tailor's Key***** -Go left and return to the 4-way intersection near the butcher's. Keep going straight until you see the door to the Inner Courtyard to the left. Enter it. -Go left and go up on the guillotine. Shoot out the glass and jump across. Push the wall with the symbol and follow the passage to the Forgotten Chapel door. Enter it. -Follow the hall to the left and open the 2nd wooden door (the 1st one will be locked). Climb the stairs leading to the alter. -Walk past the alter on the left and notice 3 steps on the wall. Hop up the steps and push on the 2nd angel from the left. The alter will slide back, revealing a hidden passage. -Drop down this passage to the spider's den. Find the web-wrapped corpse. Smash it and pick up the tailor's key behind you. -Walk forward and drop down to the sewers. Follow them to the door and teleporter. -Fall down into the pool, then run up the ramp and through the previously blocked door on the right. Go right and through the Inner Courtyard door. -Retrace your steps to the King's Court ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 7: The Disrupt Magic Scroll and Amulet of Hunger***** -Go right and straight through the 4-way intersection. Go left at the door leading to the Stables, and left again at the Tailor's sign. Go in the shop and go upstairs. Unlock the closet and knock out the false back to get the disrupt magic scroll. -Retrace your steps to the 4-way intersection. Go right and back to where you originally started the King's Court area. Go through the magical barrier and enter the doors to The Palace. -Follow the hall to the throne room. Keep going straight and go through the door that rolls out of the way, into the bedroom. Cross the bathing pool and follow the hall to the courtyard with the fountain. -Drop down into the courtyard and open the door on the right. Follow the passage down to the spiral staircase. Find the treasure room near the bottom of these stairs. Unlock it and go in to get the amulet and other goodies. Go through the teleporter and retrace your steps back to the door to the King's Court. Enter it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 8: Sand, Glass, and Lens***** -Return to the 4-way intersection near the butcher's shop. Go left then take your 1st right to "The Shoppe". Enter and go upstairs. Shoot the chest and wall near the foot of the bed to reveal the secret shrine of the Brotherhood of Hunger. Enter and approach the alter, triggering a message. -Exit The Shoppe and return to the Stables door. Enter it. -Return to the forge where you dug up the treasury key. Go upstairs and hit the button next to the fireplace. Enter the secret passage and follow it to the stable key. Retrace steps, exit the forge, and return to where you found the shovel in the stables. -Go up the ramp to the left (the one that led to the rafters), but only go up the first ramp. Turn right and go into the domicile. Take your second left and unlock the door with the stable key. Enter the room and smash the carpet on the floor to reveal a trapdoor. -Follow the trapdoor passage, smashing the wooden wall and opening the double doors. Hit the switch on the left and collect the sand in the trough on the right. Walk up the ramp on the far end of the room and return to the forge. -Approach the forge near the anvil to heat the sand to glass. -Return to the King's Court door; enter it. Return to the Inner Courtyard door; enter it. -Take a right and follow the hall to another shop. Go upstairs and climb up the fireplace. Go to the grindstone to craft the Lens of Seeing. MAKE SURE YOU PICK IT UP from the left of the wheel (it's hard to see, but you MUST pick it up)! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 8: The Crystal Golem***** -Return to the guillotine and take the hall to the right. Follow the hall up a ramp and go left across a catwalk. Climb some stairs and kill a bunch of Archer Lords. -Walk through the teleporter in the back of the room. Walk through the crystal arch to get the ability to kill the Crystal Golem. -Return to the catwalk and drop down to the left. Follow the path to the tombstone maker's shop. Go upstairs and hit the switch next to the bookcase, revealing a hidden passage. -Follow the passage to a room with a bunch of imps. Take the door to the left, follow the hall to a room with a blood stained pedestal (step on it to open the grate above, near the guillotine). Go down the ramp to the left and through the teleporter. -Kill the Crystal Golem. Go through the red teleporter. The first Horseman, Famine, awaits you!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Hub #2: Mazaera 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 This is the Mezo-American hub. New adversaries you encounter include scorpions, were-jaguars, and the deadly were-panthers. Your old friends the archers, golems, hydras, and skull wizards (oh my!) are here, too. This level culminates in a brush with Death, the 2nd of Eidolon's dark generals. This is probably my favorite hub. The puzzles seem to flow for the most part, and the scenery and textures are probably the most beautiful in the game. *****Step 1: The Ornamental Stone Key***** -Start the game in The Plaza of the Sun -Walk forward and take a left at the intersection. Defeat the golem and hit the button on the wall. Turn around and follow the hall back to the (now) 4-way intersection. Go straight, follow the path, and hit the lever to extend the bridge across the lava. -Return to the 4-way intersection, go right, follow the path across the bridge and over the lava. Enter the structure. -Go straight and approach the alter to open the wall at the top of the stairs. Ascend the stairs & grab weapon #3. -Turn around and face the stairs. Go around to the left for a Tomb of Power. Then go around to the other side and find the door leading to the Obelisk of the Moon. Enter. -Follow the path around and down the stairs. Enter the structure and go straight to a room with an obelisk. Complete the sequence by walking on both floor panels. This will open 3 doors. -Go through the left door (when facing the obelisk the way you first came in). Follow the hall to a corridor with torches lining the walls. -Take a right and find the collapsing bridge. Stand on the edge and look down. Drop down to the platform, go through the teleporter, and grab the ornamental stone key. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 2: The Fire Element***** -Race across the collapsing bridge (remember to jump at the end!). return to the door leading to The Plaza of the Sun. Enter. -Go back down the stairs by the alter inside the building. Go to the corridor behind the stairs where the 2 locked marble doors are. -Open the door to the left and follow the hall to the Test of Fire. Prove your worth by hopping across the bobbing platforms to hit 3 buttons on either side and rear of the central structure. -Jump from one of the higher platforms to the center structure. Go around to the front to collect the Fire element. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 3: The Jade Skull***** -Hit the button on the wall near where you go the Fire element to drop the platform. Enter the door to the Court of 1000 Warriors. -Ascend the stairs and open the double doors. Climb the next stairs. Go left (or right --doesn't matter) to the outside of the structure. Grab the goodies (get that Icon of the Defender!) -Go around to the front of the structure and go up the stairs, all the way to the top. Step on the disk with the red dagger and watch it rotate. Turn around and notice that a platform has risen in the lava pool (along with a Stone of Summoning). -Also notice that a door has opened to the left of the lava pool. Go through and follow the hall. Go left (or right --doesn't matter) at the ring of turning, down some stairs into a big chamber. -Go right through the unbarred door, down some stairs to a broken rope bridge. Drop off the bridge (like that's a problem...) and go through the passage to the right. Dive into the water and hit the switch ahead of you, removing the bars in the floor. Swim down the tunnel, collect the jade skull, and hit the second switch. -Swim back up and notice that a second exit has opened up above. Swim up through it. Follow the corridor all the way back, past the Staff of the Ovimencer, to the start of the broken rope bridge. -If you want, jump across the bridge to score some goodies (Tomb of Power, Mystic Urn, etc.) -Retrace your steps back to the door leading to The Plaza of the Sun. Enter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 4: The Water Element***** -Hit the button to activate the lift. Go up and retrace your steps to the 2nd door that opened with the ornate stone key. Follow the hall to the door leading to The Square of the Stream. Make sure you hop over that stream! Enter the door. -Go down into the yard with 4 exits, one on each side. Go through the passage on the right and follow the hall to a well. Prove your worth by swimming down the well, through a maze, and up to the surface on the other end. Go into the room and collect the Water element. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 5: The Serpent's Heart and Crystal Skull***** -Grabbing the Water element will cause a passage to open behind you. Go through it and follow the hall back to the yard with 4 exits. Go straight across to the exit that is now unbarred. -Come to a large room with an obelisk with a Mystic Urn on top. Grab all your goodies then exit the room through a passage under the stairs where you first came in. -Follow the hall to another big room. Go around the perimeter of the pool and step on the floor plate in the back, raising a platform in the middle of the pool. Grab the serpent's heart from the platform. -Retrace your steps, but just before returning to the room with the obelisk, take the narrow staircase on your left, returning you to the lawn with 4 exits. -Go up the stairs opposite you to a room with a Tomb of Power and altar in front of a small pool. Walk up to the alter and put the serpent heart on it. Grab the crystal skull. -Retrace your steps to the lawn with 4 exits. Take the stairs opposite you back to the door leading to The Plaza of the Sun. Enter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 6: The Element of Air***** Follow the hall back to the room with the altar and stairs leading up and outside. Go up the stairs and return to the door leading to The Obelisk of the Moon. Enter. -Go to the room with the obelisk and 4 exits. go into the rooms opposite and to the right, placing the skulls on the red shelves. Enter the room to the right or left when the secret doors open. Go through the door leading to the Palace of Columns. -Go forward, then left when you come to a hallway. Follow the hall down to a large outdoor area with a pyramid-like structure on one side and several columns on the other. Go down the narrow hall between the columns. -Come to a hall with many pillars and red carpet. Notice 2 doorways in front of you, one on the right and one on the left. Go through the one on the right and down a short hall to an area with lava. Hit the button on the wall to the left and cross the bridge that raises up out of the lava. Hit the button on the wall across the bridge, raising another bridge up to your left. -Backtrack to the hall with columns & red carpet. Go through the other doorway and cross the bridge you just raised. Follow the catwalk around to the teleporter. Go through to the Tomb of the High Priest. -Walk forward and come to a large area on the left with 2nd piece of weapon #4. Go straight across the arena and turn left down a hall and short flight of stairs. -Come to a large room with a platforms that lowers from the ceiling. Go straight across to the room with a skull wizard and Tomb of Power. Turn around and go into the passage on either side of the stairs you came in on. -Go to the back of the area with the green stone walls and the wall will slide back. Run down the passage quickly so as not to get smashed. Come to a balcony overlooking another skull wizard. -Drop down and open the sarcophagus, which will open a passage under the balcony you dropped down from. Follow the passage to a room with the Air element. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 7: The Earth Element***** -Retrace your steps to the door leading to the Palace of Columns. Enter. -Take the ramp to the left or right of the teleporter down. Go back to the hallway and take a right or left, returning to outside area with the columns on one side and pyramid-like structure on the other. -Go around to the back of the pyramid and walk down the narrow stairs. Enter the door to the Court of 1000 Warriors. -Go up the stairs to the left and drop down from the catwalk. Go to the left and prove yourself in the Test of Earth by slipping through the crushing blocks. Get the Earth element. -Halfway back through the blocks, turn and take the lift up. Return to the door leading to the Palace of Columns. Enter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 8: The Bridge of Stars***** -Return to the Obelisk of the Moon door. Enter. -Return to the room with the obelisk and 4 exits. Take the exist closest to the stairs leading down to the obelisk (toward the beginning of the area). Take your first left to the door leading to the Bridge of Stars. Enter. -Go up the stairs and over the bridge (first piece of weapon #4!). Follow the hall around the left or right to find the Bridge of Stars. -Take the hallway on the other side of the bridge to the teleporter. Place the Earth, Air, Water, and Fire elements in the middle of each bridge, dropping down to the lower level after each is placed. Do a little victory dance. -Return to the teleporter and notice the new stairs to the left. Go down them and through the red teleporter. Death awaits ye with big, nasty, pointy teeth!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-= 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Hub #3: Thysis 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 This is the Egyptian hub that a lot of people need help on. The new monster (mummy) isn't really that tough. There's imps, scorpions, spiders, archers, golems, and hydras, to be sure, but the fighting action isn't as hard, in my opinion, as the 2nd hub. The real fun comes from this hub's puzzles. They are, in a word, challenging. The puzzles are, however, probably the easiest to believe, and the most creative in the game. This represents the game's best work in the puzzle department. *****Step 1: The Eye of Horus***** -Start the hub in the Temple of Horus -Go up the stairs and through the door with the scarab on it. Read the signs on the wall. Go left and follow the hall, up a ramp and through a door. -Come to a small square with 4 columns, a big statue and a golem. Go left, follow the hall around until you come to a balcony overlooking a stone obelisk. -Hop down (or take ramps to left or right) and go down the passage under the balcony. You will come to a small pyramid with a door in the center. Hit the ankh button the right wall by jumping up. This will open the door in the pyramid. -Inside the pyramid, avoid the cobra's fireballs and push on the wall to the right. Get the Eye of Horus. Hit the button to shut off the cobra and open a door across the outside room. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 2: The Key of Anubus***** -Enter the room and go down the steep slope on the left. Follow the hall to an area with a red carpeted bridge spanning a chasm and leading to a locked door. Remember this location. -Look down and to the left while standing on the ledge. Drop down to that platform and break the cracked wall. Follow the passage to a room with a body an a table. Jump up and get the Key of Anubus. Also note the message on the wall regarding the Summer solstice. -Go back to the ledge in the chasm under the locked door. Fall down, find the room with the scorpions, and go through the blue teleporter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 3: The Scarab of Time***** -Go back down the steep slope to the bridge over the chasm. Unlock the door across the bridge. Enter the Chamber of the Sun and note the message on the wall about Ra (the sun god) rising to his highest point on the sky. Enter the blue teleporter. -Turn right and jump down. Turn left & notice a new passageway has opened. Follow it to a room with a Tomb of Power, a barred door on the left, and a bust of Anubus on the right. Place the Eye of Horus in front of the bust, opening the barred door. -Go through the door and left into a room with 3 red teleporters and an ankh on the floor. Go through the red teleporter on the left, entering the Palace of the Pharaoh. -You will see a flight of stairs in front of you, flanked by 2 grey tubes. Go to the tube on the right and hit the grey button there, opening the bars. Go down the tube and fall into the water. -Along the left wall you will se a Krater of Might and a chest. Smash the chest to get the Scarab of Time. Retrace your steps back through the tube and enter the red teleporter to the Temple of Horus. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 4: The Guardian Key***** -Go straight across to the red teleporter leading to the Temple of Nefertum -Follow the hallway around until you come to an area with 2 ramps (on left and right) leading up into a temple. Go up a ramp, follow the hall, and enter the blue teleporter on your right. You're now at the current day Wheel of Time (not affiliated with Tor Publishing or Robert Jordan in any way...). Remember this location. -On the left wall is a sign telling of Set searching for his Scarab of Time (which you now have). Walk up to it and a door to its right will open. Go through and follow hall to a big blue teleporter (Portal of Set). Go through and enter the Ancient Temple of Nefertum 1000 years in the past. -Go through the double doors and down a ramp. Break out the wall to the left of the ramp, and follow the hall up the slope. Drop down and follow the hall to the left. Walk past 4 snake statues, up some stairs, and up a ramp. -Come to doorway blocked by 3 bars. On the other side is a jar. Hit the button the left of the bars, opening a door on the other side of the jar. -Go back to the room with 4 snakes and notice a new teleporter to the right, leading to the Shrine of Naos. Enter. -Smash the pot on the left, revealing a floor button. Step on it to open the giant sarcophagus. Go through the passage, up a ramp to the left or right, and through the blue teleporter on the right. -Jump down to the feet of the big statue on the left. Note the sign on the wall that talks about realigning the Wheels of Time. Walk between the statue's feet and press on the wall to open a secret door. Follow the passage up the ramp and through a door. -Notice the small pyramid on the left. To open it, find the camouflaged switch on the wall and hit it. Step inside the pyramid to be lifted up into a room with a blue teleporter. Enter it and find yourself on the giant statue's lap. Grab the Guardian Key. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 5: The First Canopic Jar***** -Drop down and go back through the passage between the statue's feet. In the room with the little pyramid, go right down the ramp. Find the camouflaged button on the right-hand wall. Hit it to open a secret door. -Notice the wall in front of you. It shows 3 squares, each composed of 9 smaller squares. Some of the smaller squares are green. The pattern looks like this: X O O O O X O X O O X O O O X X O O O O X O X O X O O -The X's represent green squares. Remember these patterns. They're going to help you solve a future puzzle. -Go through the teleporter on the left. Drop down and go through the red teleporter, returning to the Ancient Temple of Neferum. -Go right at the 4 snakes, and press on the wall to the left of the statue to open a secret door. Take the hall to the left, follow to some ramps leading up into the temple (look familiar?). Go up a ramp and follow the hall to the left. Unlock the door with the bird on it. -Go into the room with a sarcophagus in the middle. Walking across the room will open the coffin to the right and cause a hole in the wall to start firing fireballs at you. Hit the button in the coffin to the right to stop the fireballs. -Climb up the sarcophagus in the middle of the room, then hit the button on the wall near its head. This will open the sarcophagus and a secret doorway at its feet. Climb up again to the sarcophagus and collect the rough cut gem. -Turn around and follow the secret passage to a bridge with 9 buttons on it. This is far and away the most fiendish, frustrating, and infuriating puzzles in heXen II. As far as I can determine, one of the patterns found on the wall in the Shrine of Naos (shown above) will work to solve this puzzle. It seems to be randomly determined. Try steeping on the buttons that are green in the diagram, from the bottom up. The other important element to this puzzle is that you have to go across the buttons very slowly. Wait until each button raises back up and the eye closes. You will get dumped back at the ramps leading up into the temple many times, but keep going back through and trying the patterns over and over. You'll eventually get through. If anybody knows exactly how this puzzle operates, please email me at the address shown at the top of this walkthrough. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 6: The Hapy Canopic Jar***** -Once you've crossed, collect the Canopic jar, opening the bars. Retrace your steps back to the blue teleporter. Go through and find yourself at the ancient Wheel of Time. By pressing the blue button on the wall, turn the wheel until it reaches the Constellation of Hippopotamus -Shoot the beetle button on the right hand wall to open a secret passage. Follow it back to the teleporter leading to the modern Temple of Nefertum. -Return to the teleporter leading to the Temple of Horus. Enter. -Enter the red teleporter going to the Pyramid of Anubus. -Walk forward through the scarab door, down a hall and through the double doors. Go down the left hall and open the door with hieroglyphics on it to the left. Walk up to the bars on the right to open them. -Walk up to the stone block in the middle of the room to ready the rough cut gem for cutting. Press all 4 buttons around the gem to cut it. Jump up and grab the Serpent's Eye gem. -Go back out to the hall and go left, following the hall to a door on the left. Open it and enter the serpent's room. Walk down the steps and place the Eye gem on the pedestal, creating a bridge. -Walk up to the serpent to wake him up, then destroy him. Collect the Hapy Canopic jar. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 7: The Dark Pharaoh's Staff***** -Walk back out into the hall and go right at the fountain with the snake statue, climbing back up the ramp. Hop across the 3 pillars on either side of the ramp to reach the balcony. -After the wall breaks, follow the corridor to a large area with pillars and a large square red carpet (don't walk on it; it's a trap!). -Press on the wall with a red handprint, then hit the ankh button. This will cause the Dark Pharaoh's scepter to appear back in the main room. Turn around and grab it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 8: The Duamuteff Canopic Jar***** -Creep up on the red carpet. When it opens, jump down, avoiding the spikes. Follow the hall, up the ramp and through the exit on the left. Follow the hall around to the right. Open the hieroglyphic door. -Walk through the illusionary wall next to the body in the corner. Climb the stairs. -Push on the bloody handprint, then go forward down the ramp and through the double doors. Go up the slope of sand to the right of the coffin, climbing to the ledge above. Press on the panels in the following order: middle, left, right. Drop down the coffin and take the stairs. -Follow the hall until you come to a beam laying across a pit. Grab the glyph and fall down. This area has 2 floor plates. Push an iron barrel onto each, opening a doorway. -Go through the new door, and go through the double doors. Walk up to the bust of Anubus in the pillar of light to place the staff. -Go up the new ramp on the other side of the bust, and open the door. Grab the Duamuteff Canopic jar on the left. Walk up to the bars on the right to open them. -Go through the illusionary wall again and retrace your steps back to the Temple of Horus red teleporter. Enter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 9: The Pharaoh's Key***** -Take the teleporter to the Palace of the Pharaoh. -Go through the tube on the right again. Go all the way forward through the water and open the door with a bird on it. -Swim to the left of the 2 statues and break out the cracked wall. Swim along the tunnel and take your first right. Walk up the ramp and to the red wall, opening it. Drop down and climb the steps out of the water to your left. Step on the floor plate, opening a door overhead. -Drop into the water on the right and swim back through the underwater tunnel, going straight this time. -Go through the teleporter. Go up the stairs and follow the hall to a room with a ramp on the right. Smash the bust of Anubus to open a secret room containing some goodies. -Go up the ramp and come to a room with a locked door on the left and an open doorway on the right. Go right (duh!) and follow the hall to the throne room. -Hit the switch on the back of a pillar to the left of the throne, causing the throne to slide back. Drop down into the room and get the Pharaoh's key. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 10: The Qebhsenuef Canopic Jar***** -Go back out to room with the locked door on the left. Unlock it and enter the Pharaoh's bedroom. Shoot the scarab to the left of the bathtub, revealing a secret passage. Enter the burial chamber of the Dark Pharaoh. -Go through the doorway on the left and climb the ramps. Find the Qebhsenuef Canopic jar at the top. -Go back down the ramps to the burial chamber and place all 4 jars on the pedestals. Jump on the boat and take a ride! Climb the steps and go through the red teleporter to the Temple of Light. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- *****Step 11: The Key of Ra, Sundial, and Lower Crown of Egypt***** -Follow the hall up the steps . Come to a pit with a box in the middle. Drop down and follow the hall to a trench guarded by a golem. -Hop up the steps on the far right and throw the lever, opening the 2 doors down in the trench. Hop down, turn around, and do the hokey-pokey. Grab the Key of Ra. -Turn around and go through the other door, through an illusionary wall. Go back upstairs, circle around the pit to the other side, follow the hall, and unlock the door. -Go up to the sundial and push the button until it reads 12:00. -Jump off the side of the platform. Go down the ramp and follow the hall to a barred treasure room. Approach the bars and hear a door open above. -Retrace your steps to the 1st pit with a box in the middle. Notice that it's now open on one side. Jump across, fall down, and collect the Lower Crown of Egypt. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 12: The Staff of Nefertum***** -Approach the bars to open them. Retrace your steps to the teleporter leading to the Palace of the Pharaoh. Enter -Return to the teleporter to the Temple of Horus. Enter -Retrace your steps all the way back to the Chamber of the Sun (across red carpeted bridge over gorge). Walk up to the door to destroy it. Get the staff of Nefertum. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 13: The Upper Crown of Egypt***** -Go through the blue teleporter and return to the room with the 3 red teleporters. Go through the Temple of Nefertum teleporter. -Retrace steps to current day Wheel of Time. Step on the wheel to place the Staff of Nefertum and to reveal a button. Set the button to the Constellation of Isis. -Watch the fireworks and collect the Upper Crown of Egypt. -Return to the teleporter leading to the Temple of Horus. Enter. -Place the crowns on the pedestals to the left and right of the ankh on the floor of the room with the 3 red teleporters. -Drop down the lift and stomp out Pestilence! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Hub #4: Septimus 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Welcome to the Roman hub, where you shall ultimately face War himself, the 4th and last of Eidolon's dark generals. Many of the adversaries from the 1st hub are back in force, with the singular addition of the very dangerous Medusa. You also get friendly with one of the game's toughest monsters, the Skull Wizard Lords, or Shadow Wizards. This hub balances between action and puzzle solving, calling on both quick fingers and some clever lateral thinking. There is a strong emphasis on "Easter eggs" or "secrets" in the form of releasing artifacts in the Temple of Mars. There are lots of clues written on the walls, particularly near the doors that connect the maps. Make sure you note them all. *****Step 1: The Power Crystal***** -You start the hub in the Hall of Heroes. -Go forward until you come to steps leading down to a shallow pool. Go left, up some stairs out of the pool, and go right down some more stairs. -Enter the room with a long pool and catwalk overhead. Turn left along the length of the room and take the hall no the left down some stairs. Come to a hall with red carpet, a red gem, and a medusa. Grab the Crystal. -Notice the cracked wall up on the left. Knock it out, jump up, and hit the button to release a prize in the Temple of Mars. -Retrace your steps to the shallow pool, but go straight, up a short flight of stairs to the catwalk in the room with the long fountain. Follow the catwalk around to a room with a gold teleporter. Enter it. -Go up the steps and come to a hedge maze. Go left at every opportunity to work your way to the bottom left corner. Kill the medusa and hit the button, opening some doors back by the shallow pool. -Near the exit in the upper right corner of the maze, there is an illusionary wall. Find it, walk through, and hit the button for a Mars prize. -Retrace your steps back through the maze and return to the gold teleporter. Cross the shallow pool to the opposite side, going through the recently opened doors. Follow the passage to a room with stained glass and a pedestal. Approach the pedestal to place and charge the Crystal. Hop up and collect the Power Crystal when done. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 2: The Silver Bar***** -Break out the window in front of you, hop through and down to the yard. Go through the ornate arch in front of you, and take the stairs down to the right. -Come to a room with a machine in the center, a button on one wall, and a red shelf on the other. Approach the shelf to place the Power Crystal. Then hit the button to activate the machine and rotate the bridge. -Exit the room and keep going straight so that you renter the room on the catwalk. Cross the bridge, hit the button on the right, and quickly return to the bridge before it rotates again. -Follow the narrow hall to the door leading to the Forum of Zeus. Enter. -Go forward and then right, following the hall to the ledge overlooking a pool. Jump in, then swim forward and to the right, to an underwater passage. Swim up, climb out of the water, and hit the button. Climb the other stairs and hit the second button, completing the sequence. -Return to the pool and take the lift up. Walk across the floorplate to rotate the bridge. Drop down onto it, turn around, and follow the corridor. -Follow the hall to the left or right until you can overlook a courtyard with a medusa and a fountain. Carefully creep out through a window and onto a very narrow ledge that runs the parameter of the courtyard. Walk the ledge to a cracked wall. Break it out and hit the button for another Mars prize. Drop down into the courtyard. -Exit the courtyard through the hall on the left (when facing the fountain), walk up to the darker wall to the left or right to move it. Come into a room where stairs rise up and hit the button on the wall. This will drop a platform out in the room with the pool. -Go down the stairs and take the passage on the right. Keep following it to a room with 3 buttons and a message to "Choose your fate." Choose "life above all others" by hitting the button on your left, then turning around, taking a right to the room with 3 artifacts up on ledges. Go up the stairs to the left and get the Mystic Urn. -Backtrack to the room with the pool. Dive in and take the lift up again. Cross over the recently dropped platform to the left. -Follow the hallway to a room with many pillars. Run forward through a lightning blast, and around to the left or right to a room with 6 lenses. Align all the lenses by hitting the floor plates on either side of the room. -Go back out next to where the lightning strikes, and take the narrow stairs up on the right. Walk around the catwalk and through the narrow hall no the other side. Now you're on the catwalk above the 6 lenses. Step on the button on the central platform, opening a door. Hop down and go through. Follow the hall to Zeus's throne room. -Be penitent and approach Zeus's throne by crouching. Collect the silver bar. Exit the throne room (by crouching) and retrace your steps to the door leading to the Hall of Heroes. Enter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 3: The Gold Bar***** -Retrace your steps to the hedge maze, find the exit to the maze on the left-hand side of the wall. Follow it to a door leading to the Temple of Athena. Enter. -Go forward to the room with a pool in it. Jump into the pool and break out the cracked wall, following the tunnel to a button. Hit the button to drop a pillar in the next room. -Get out of the pool, then go up the stairs (pushing an iron barrel up to the broken stairs if necessary), following the hall to the catwalk over a courtyard. Drop down to the pool on the left and hit the button for a Mars Prize. -Get out of the pool and hit the button on the left wall, activating a lift. Take it back up to the catwalk and take the hall on the left, following to a room with a button. Hit it to open the house back in the courtyard. -Go back to the courtyard, drop down, and enter the house. Follow the hall up some stairs and around to a second courtyard with a Mystic Urn. Go straight ahead and follow the hall around to the left, until you come to a mural on the left wall with a red edge around it. Keep going straight, up some stairs, and into a room with a Tomb of Power and a button. As always, hit the button. -Return to the red-edged mural and go through the doorway opposite it. Follow the hall around to a big yard with a temple in it. -Enter the temple and look up. Shoot the button on the ceiling to get a Stone of Summoning. Exit the temple and hop up to the ledge running around the right-hand side. Hit the button at the end of the ledge. -Hop down and take the lift to the upper ridge. Walk around the ridge and hit the button at the end, summoning some Skull Wizards and opening a door behind you. Go through the new door and follow the hall to a catwalk over another courtyard. -Go through the doorway between pillars on the left. Follow the hall around to the room with the gold bar and an imp ambush. Stand outside the room and fire at the top of the stairs where the cracked step is. Enter the room and avoid awakening the imps by not firing or using any of your weapons. Step on the floorplate, get the gold bar, and press the button behind the statue of Athena for a Mars prize. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 4: The Diamond Scepter***** Drop down into the courtyard, go through the narrow hall in front of you, through to the second courtyard (grab the ring of flight to get the Krater on top of the house) and back to the door leading to the Hall of Heroes. Enter. -Follow the hall to the hedge maze, and go through the exit on the opposite wall. Follow the hall around, and go through the exit on the opposite side of the building (not the ornate building). -Follow the hall and go through the door to the Reflecting Pool. -Follow the hall and dive down into the pool. Climb out and find the hall leading to the outside area with a big temple and a gold golem. -Place the gold and silver bars on the shelves flanking the temple door. Go through the door when it opens. -Take the hall to the right, down a short flight of steps to a room with a stone bridge over a pool. Go across the bridge and up the stairs to the room with a door leading to the Baths of Demetrius. Enter. -Go forward into the first room and go into the alcove on the left. Take the stairs down, and go through the archway to a room with a Skull Wizard and grates over lava. -Go down stairs to a room with a long bridge. Note the 2 buttons on each wall. Push the buttons in the following sequence: fire, steam (vertical wavy lines), water, air (horizontal wavy lines). Collect the Diamond Scepter at the end of the bridge. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 5: The Crown of Kings***** -Hop down off the bridge. In the area below there are 3 roman numerals: I, II, and III. Below each numeral is a triangle that can be turned by walking up to it. Past the III find a room with a pool. Across the pool is a button, over which are three triangles showing the proper alignment for the roman numerals. -So, return to each of the numerals and turn the triangles as shown in the room with the pool: I to 12:00, II to 3:00, and III to 6:00. -Return to the room with the pool and step on the floor plate, releasing the floating barrels (kudos to Raven for this bit of creative genius!). Hop across the barrels and hit the button, opening an archway to the left. -Swim through the archway and up some stairs to the left. Go through the doorway on the opposite side of the room and keep following the stairs up until you come to a 2-way intersection. Go into the room on the right. There should be a pool with a platform in the center in the middle of the room. -Dive into the pool and take the underwater passage to the right. Swim up to the room with the Bo Peep staff and a button on the wall. Hit the button (do you ever not hit a button?) to get a Mars prize. -Open the door, go through, and follow the hall all the way to the end to score a bunch of Glyphs. Return to the room with the pool in the center, and go through the exit on the opposite wall. Go right into the room with stairs and a medusa. -On the upper right is a window you need to jump up to, leading to a room with the Crown. You can make this jump 2 ways: (1) by hopping up on the fountain to the right (2) by climbing up the stairs on the left and jumping across. Both can be a little tricky and may take a couple of tries. -Grab the Crown of Kings. Go through the door and return to the door (incorrectly) labeled the Hall of Heroes. Enter and it will actually take you to The Reflecting Pool. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 6 The Sunstone***** -Return to the room with the stone bridge over the pool. Dive into the pool and take the underwater passage beneath the bridge. Climb up out of the water, take the lift up, and hit the button on the left. This will lower the bridge before you. Jump down, go straight and then right, then right again up some stairs. Follow the hall until you come to the newly lowered bridge. Cross it and follow the hall. Notice 2 pedestals, one on the left and one on the right. Place the staff and crown on the pedestals to open the door ahead. -Enter the door to The Temple of Mars, the god of war. -Follow the hall until you come to a large open area. Go through the door to the left, down the steps and into a room with lightning surrounding a Tomb of Power. Run through the lightning and across the floor plate. This will lower a lift. Take it up to a catwalk. Hit the button on the opposite wall. Go down the hall to the left to an alcove overlooking the swinging blades. Hit the button. Go back across to the catwalk, and through the opposite hall, to a room with a Skull Wizard Lord. Defeat him and collect the Sunstone from the alter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 7: The Shadowstone***** -Return to the outside area and take the door opposite you. Follow the stairs down to a large room with stairs leading up and a catwalk overhead. Take the stairs all the way up and hit the button on the wall, opening to doors on the opposite wall. -Go through the door on the left to collect all your Mars prizes. -Go back through and take the door on the right. Go up some stairs on the right, then right again to a room with a Skull Wizard Lord. Defeat him and collect the Shadowstone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 8: The Voidstone***** -Go back out of the room and up to the alcove on the right. Hit the button to open a path past the blades. Jump down to the hall with the blades. Follow the wall to the left past them. -Go through the doorway to a balcony overlooking a courtyard with a statue of Mars. Jump down and take the passage under the balcony to another Skull Wizard Lord. Defeat him and collect the Voidstone. -Return to the courtyard with the statue of Mars. Take the hall to the right or left of the statue to a second courtyard with 3 pedestals in the center. Place the Sunstone, Shadowstone, and Voidstone on the pedestals to open the center stone. Jump down to vanquish the mightiest of Eidolon's generals, War. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Hub #5: Return to Blackmarsh 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Blackmarsh: See it again for the first time. Eidolon's been busy since you've been gone, surrounding himself with lots more baddies. Of particular note is the Fallen Angel, who is one of the toughest foes to take out yet. Now that Eidolon's four generals are crushed, It's time to storm the Serpent Rider's citadel and confront him once and for all. The puzzles leading up to this event are not the most fiendish in the game, but the final confrontation is WELL worth it. *****Step 1: The Gold Sphere***** -Start the hub in the Cathedral, facing a sign. Read it. -Turn left and follow the hall around past the barred door and down some steps to a storage room. Smash the one of the crates in the back to reveal a crawlspace. Crawl through (by crouching) and drop down twice to some bars over water. Step on the 2nd bar to break it and drop down into the water. -Turn around and notice a coffin atop a couple of steps. Press the camouflaged button on the coffin, opening a tunnel to the right. Hop up and crawl through, dropping back down into the water. -There will be a door on the right and a white teleporter on the left. Open the door, then go through the teleporter to Tyranith's bedroom. Read the book. -Turn around and go to the foreroom. Notice the pool of holy water on the left (you will need to return here later). Go through the door, and follow the hall to the right, back to where you started the hub. -Go left through the door to the Tower of the Dark Mage. -Turn left and go down the narrow hall to the spiral wooden staircase. Go up the stairs past the 1st door to the 2nd doorway on the left. Go through and come to a great chasm with an imp statue. -Smash the planks on the left and find the alcove with the giant gear. Hit the gear to extend the bridge across the chasm. Hurry across the bridge before it retracts. -Go upstairs to the left and up the ramp. Go through the door and up another short ramp. Cross the room and go up one last short ramp to the Shadow Wizard's bedroom. Notice the red dragon head mural on the wall. Break it out and take the Gold Sphere from its hiding place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****Step 2: The Mage's Tomb***** -Retrace your steps to the spiral staircase (hit the button near the chasm to extend the bridge). Go down and take the 1st door on the right. Come to a courtyard. -Climb up the rampart to a room. Notice the note on the bench saying that only 2 golden lions stand between you and the dark mage. Break out the golden lion tapestry in front of you to reveal a secret passage. -Take the secret passage to the lift. Take it up and go through the door to the Dark Mage's Laboratory. Defeat him and grab the sheet music from the table (apparently the Dark Mage is an Andrew Loyd Weber fan). -Crawl to the area behind the chair and place the gold sphere between the two electric prongs. -Step on the teleporter between the 2 flickering metal balls back in the lab, taking you to an outdoor arena with a golem on the left. Defeat him to open the door at the top of the stairs. -Go through and follow the hall to an outside room with a statue, ring of flying, and a book high up on a shelf. Smash the front left corner of the statue's base to topple it. Grab the Ring of Flying to fly up and grab the Mage's Tomb. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Step 3: The Underhalls***** -Turn around and fly through the red teleporter mural, taking you back to the spiral staircase. -Return to the Cathedral door. Enter it. -Go left up the stairs and come to a room with stained glass on the right and an organ at the end. Approach the organ to play the sheet music. This opens a doorway out on the other side of the stained glass. Break it out and follow the corridor up a ramp and into the bell tower. -Drop down beneath the bell to the room with the body of Tyranith. Creep through the teleporter and find yourself on a ledge overlooking a cathedral alter. -Grab the Defiled Holy Relic next to you on the ledge. Drop down and go through the teleporter behind you. Turn left and go right at Tyranith's message where you started the hub. Follow the hall back to the room with the holy water basin. -Walk up to the basin to cleans the Holy Cross. Collect it and return to the teleporter. Enter it and approach the defiled alter to cleans it and reveal a secret passage. -Hop down to the secret passage beneath the alter and follow the tunnel to a room with a hole in the floor. Break out the wall to the right, revealing lots of goodies. Return to the room with the hole and drop down to a room with a teleporter. -Approach the mural opposite the teleporter to open it. Go down the passage to the sewers Dan notice a 2-way fork. Go down the left hall and take the 1st left to find the entrance to the Underhalls. Enter. -Go forward down the hall and stairs. At the 3-way intersection, go right (to the left lies a trap) Dan come to a room with a dirty stream running through it and stairs leading down on the left. A barred drainage tube should be on the right. -Go down the stairs to the left and drop down into the stream. Follow it to a room with 4 tubes lining the walls. Climb the steps at the end of the room and turn the wheel on the wall (Raven ran out of buttons...). This will unbar one of the tubes (now the 2nd tube on the left). Enter it and fall down to another sewery room. -Turn the wheel on the left-hand wall to unbar the big drainage tube back in the room with the dirty stream. Go through the low arch on the left and follow the hall to a room with a lava pit. Climb up the spiral ramp that runs the circumference of the pit to the top. Follow the hall to a wooden door. Open and enter a room with 3 imps and exits to 3 sides. -Place the Mage's Tomb on the Pedestal in the center of the room, opening the mural and revealing a set of double doors. -Take the hallway with the Tomb of Power. When the hall dead ends, hit the wall to the left, revealing a secret passage. Go up the stairs and out into the hall. Turn left and follow the hall back to the room with the dirty stream. -Jump into the now unbarred drainage tube and follow it to a room with a ledge over each side and a handful of imps. Climb the stairs to the left and jump across to the opposite ledge to get the Prybar. If you so desire (it's not necessary to progress through the game), you may jump back across and follow the tunnel back to the Dark Mage's Tower. Make your way back to the Mage's Laboratory and pry open the jammed door to get some goodies. If you do, return to where you found the crowbar. -Go back down the steps, turn left and continue to follow the tube. Drop down into the water and turn the wheel on the wall to get the Icon of the Defender. Swim up through the hole on the right (closest to where you found the Icon) to enter the torture chamber. Notice the 2 doors. -Open the one on the left and walk up to the cell's right-hand wall. When it crumbles, notice where "help" is written on the wall of the adjoining cell. Shoot the wall to get a hidden Krater of Might. -Climb up the stairs to leave the torture chamber and return to where you placed the Mage's Tomb. Enter the double doors to Eidolon's Ordeal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****The Final Step : Eidolon's Precision-Jumping Ordeal***** -Turn right and follow the hall to a room with 3 stained glass windows. Break the one straight ahead and go up the stairs. Keep going straight at the 3-way intersection, coming to a room with a bridge over lava, flanked by cannons. Run across the bridge quickly to come to "Eidolon's Family Fun Switch-Throwin' and Precision-Jumpin' Ordeal". -Go forward, down the narrow stairs to a room with stairs going up to a balcony. Go up the stairs and hit switch #1 to the left. This will open 2 doors underneath the balcony. -Drop down and hit switch #2 in the alcove to the right. Go back up to the balcony and go up the narrow stairs on the right. Jump across to the small shelf. Turn left and follow the stairs to a room with an uneven spiral staircase. -Hop down and hit switch #3, drooping you down. Take the stairs beyond the spider back up to the spiral stairs. Climb to the top and hit the floor button, dropping a platform outside. -Step off the edge and return to the main room. Jump across the 2 pillars flanking the main door Dan then to the small shelf on the opposite wall. Follow the hall to a room with a tightrope over lava. Run across the tightrope and hit switch #4. -Run back across, return to the small shelf, and jump to the ledge on the left. Follow the path around and upstairs to a room with a box in the middle. Hit switch #5 to lower the box. Ride it down and turn to face switch #6. Jump across and hit it, completing the ordeal. -Return to the 3-way intersection (past the bridge over lava and cannons) and go left. Come to a room with stairs on the left and a pillar on the right. Go up the stairs and come to a room with lava and more stairs on the right. -Go up the stairs to the small balcony. Carefully drop to the lower ledge below the balcony. Hit the switch in the alcove to raise the bridges to the corner platform in the lava. Go up the bridge and throw the switch to unbar the door at the top of the stairs. -Go through this door and take the stairs up to the left. Walk up to the bars to open them. Come to a room containing a lava pool with a small platform in the middle. Walk the ledge around the parameter of the lava and throw the switch on the other side. Hop onto the platform and ride it up. -Follow the hall to the bars, open them, then hop across to the top of the pillar to get the Soul Key. Drop down and retrace your steps to the door leading to Eidolon's Lair. -Enter and face Eidolon. Do you think there's still a chance you two can sit down, have a beer, and talk things out? Probably not..... The final test is left to you....remember that the Chaos Sphere grants Eidolon the power over life and death. Use this information wisely. - Jamie Madigan s981764@umslvma.umsl.edu