Beavis & Butt-Head DO U. AUDITORIUM Click on Dean to ask question then try to exit through the stage, when Dean tells you to "sit down" click on the light coming out of the wall to do hand shadows, do this a couple of more times, then talk to Kimberly until she gives you paper then click on Beavis or Butt-Head with the paper and Beavis will make a plane, next click the plane on the Dean and you will be free. LIBRARY Go to the back & automatically ride cart, then click on window & when Stewart goes after his papers, take his card. Have Beavis shut down the computer, talk to Stewart and Butt-Head will have an idea and after that you will have your first mark. DORMS Get blind concert paper from the dork in front of the building, then pick up the hose & put it in the window. Go inside and when they are done, go down trash, click on lever on garbage truck and move broken T.V. then get skirt. Go to bathroom and open lockers until you get a cloth then click on stall door and when Beavis needs toilet paper give him the cloth. Get the saw and the soap bottle on the wall. Go out to the hall then go to the laundry room, get panties and put soap bottle in washer then use hose in washer and then click on map & go to the music room. MUSIC Click on the cello and end up at Deans, click on map & click on the knight "Sir Walter Hancock", I said cock, he he he he he, then go inside the building next to Van Driessen which is the cafeteria. CAFETERIA Click on salad bar, make a salad, put pepper on it until Beavis sneezes, take the tongs. Talk to the lady to work off your hours. After playing Simon Says with the food and completing it successfully. Then go to map & Deans (by clicking his picture). DEANS Go in Deans room and get golf club and turn off the speaker on the wall, go back to hallway & get microphone. Go to map & go to track. TRACK Click on golf balls, click single ball & stop the swing between 1-3 lights but before 4th light. Then shoot a second ball on the fourth light & hit the coach, now go get his shades and go back to Van Driessen (knight on map), and when you get there then go in to Java 101 building. JAVA 101 Click on java machine and when she turns to face Cornholio, get tips jar. Go back to Van Driessen. VAN DRIESSEN Put the tips jar and blind concert paper in his case and give him the shades. Back to dorms. DORMS Use tongs to get map out of case that is outside dorm. Go inside & to the laundry room, use change on washer, go down hallway to deliver the dress. Talk to hall monitor & get check for dorms. Go to agriculture. AGRICULTURE Click on gate to cow, get the cattle prod off the wall, go to bull's pin, click on bull with panties & when he goes after beavis get the pitch fork. Go to Dorms. DORMS Hey, it's the cow. Give the cow the peanut butter, take the cows 'poop' & use the bucket on the cow. Go to track. TRACK Use coins on soda machine, go to the track and use the cattle prod on Cornholio. Now you got your check for the track. Go to music. MUSIC Click on the device that the flute girl is using to keep her timing (can't remember what it is called) until she leaves, use saw on lock and get flute. Take the sheet music off the piano. Go to biology. BIOLOGY Grab heart, use pitchfork on heart when it is on the floor, put heart in model body. Now you have a check for biology. Use flute on snake and have Beavis get the eggs. Go in to bag and put eggs in egg tray. Go to agriculture. AGRICULTURE Give milk to teacher. Hey, another check. Go to Deans or where the blonde model is and give her the map you got with the tongs. Go to art. ART Go to empty easle where nude model is & draw her by clicking on easle, give paper to teacher, another check. Go to Deans. DEANS Go to psychologist's room, give her the picture that Beavis drew, close the blinds, turn off the lights and quickly take the picture on the floor. Go to communications. COMMUNICATIONS Talk on the phone. Replace the microphone with the one you have. Answer phone until it doesn't ring any more. Go talk to the disk jockey & get another check & record. Now put the microphone on the satellite and aim the satellite at Van Driessen and click on him. Now go to Van Driessen and give him the sheet music. Go to music. MUSIC Play cello, while Beavis plays cello have Butt-Head play the radio. Yet another check, the final check. GYMNASIUM Get punch from old lady and put it on the record player, put your record on the record player. Have Beavis grab the rope then have Butt-Head grab the end of the rope. Go up to the ladder and click on the basketball hoop. DORM ROOM Get scissors off desk. Go to phone, click play on answer machine, click on phone and let the answer machine get it, now hit record on answer machine then click on the phone, let answer machine get it again. Leave frat house and go to Deans. DEANS Go in bag & place your certificate in the painting. Use buffer on spots. Go in Deans room, leave to hall, use buffer again on wall, go back to deans room and put your certificate on the wall. Go to horse with bird poop. HORSE Use cow poop on horse, now use the saw on the horse. Go to track. TRACK Use scissors on keys, use keys on storage doors. Go to field, give the megaphone to the cheerleaders. Go back to lawn mower, use keys on lawn mower, use cheerleader stand on lawn mower, click on party on map. FRAT HOUSE Give frat brother the beaver head, shield, & Deans certificate. Click on three different beer cans. Now kick some ASS!! End. Walkthrough by Shane McConnell