=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for ECOQUEST: THE SEARCH FOR CETUS =============================================================================== ___________________ | GUIDE INFORMATION | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо AUTHOR : Tom Hayes E-MAIL : tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com SYSTEM : PC UPDATED : 22nd May, 2004 VERSION : 2.0 __________ | CONTENTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Point List 5. Copyright Information _________________ | VERSION HISTORY | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо VERSION 2.0 : 22nd May, 2004 Updated the format. VERSION 1.0 : 22nd May, 2003 First version. =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== EcoQuest is an educational point and click adventure game by Sierra, with a large focus on saving the environment. The game involves a boy named Adam, who one day finds that his father has rescued a dolphin from the ocean. The dolphin asks Adam to go on a journey under the ocean to save a whale named Cetus from a vicious manta-ray known as Flesh-Eater. Although EcoQuest is quite easy, it suceeds in being a well made and interesting educational game. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== _______ | HOUSE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо The game starts in an office near the beach, where an oil-covered seagull has been found by Adam's father. Look at the seagull. Get the bottle of detergent and the clean rag. Use the bottle of detergent on the clean rag, and then use the rag on the seagull. Get the water bottle at the right side of the gerbil's cage. Use the water bottle on the cage. Get the garbage bag near the recycle bin at the bottom-left corner of the room. Get the membership card and certificate on the chair at the left side of the office, and then get the torn envelope to recycle it. Get the empty soda can at the left side of the desk and throw it in the bin. Look at the books above the computer five times, and then look at the computer. Look at the board to view the diagram for the sattelite buoy. Talk to the rug in the middle of the room, and then look at the fish tank. Use the fertilizer solution to clean the oil off the coral. Use the keypad on the door. Enter the code from the manual, and press E to open the door and enter the laboratory. Look at the propeller on the speedboat. Look at the board to read the instructions. Talk to the dolphin three times and get a mackarel from the bucket. When the dolphin stops swimming, throw the mackarel into the pool. Throw another mackarel into the pool, and then climb into the pool. Hold onto the dolphin's fin after he stops swimming. Climb out of the pool and get the frisbee on the counter. Throw the frisbee in the pool six times and catch it when it is thrown back. After the fourth time, the dolphin will say that his name is Delphineus. Pull the lever at the right side of the pool to open the hatch. Open the door to return to the laboratory and open the cupboard to get the scuba gear. Use the scuba gear on Adam to enter the ocean. _______ | OCEAN | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Swim north twice to the cruise ship. Get the closed glass jar at the left side of the area, and recycle the two items on the left to create a path through the garbage. Swim west. Use the oxygen tanks on Adam to dive into the ocean. Swim down twice. Swim east. Swim down through the gap in the seaweed at the bottom- left corner of the area to find Eluria. Before Delphineus swims off to the fish apartments, he will tell you to search for the Oracle. Get the steel cage. Recycle the beachball, desk chair, pipe, radio, shopping cart, teddy bear, television and the three-wheeler. Enter the temple at the right side of the area and get the conch shell on top of the pedestal. Exit the temple and look at the bronze statue. Give the conch shell to the servant, and get the trident from Poseidon. Return to the temple and look at the mosiac tile puzzle. Solve the puzzle by moving the tiles or clicking the Help button. After solving the puzzle, look at the marble wall at the right side of the temple and put the trident in the three eyes. The Oracle will appear to ask three questions. Click the man for the first answer, click the fish for the second answer, and click the heart for the third answer. After correctly answering the three questions, the Oracle will tell you to find 'The Sign of Trust'. Exit the temple and enter the round building. Talk to the room and the senator will ask you to solve the column puzzle. Move the columns at the left side of the room so that they match the columns at the right side of the room. After solving the puzzle, talk to Superflous the crab. Exit the temple and swim west to the garden. Recycle the fishing line, purse, pot, sheet, shoe, soda cans, spray bottle, tire, vegetable can and wheel. Use the fertilizer solution on the whale statue and talk to Demeter the lobster. Get the shell that drops from the statue and swim east. Swim to the top-left corner of the area to arrive at the fish apartments. Get the cotton cloth at the top of the steps. Recycle the candy box, cap, plate, shirt, shoe, sock, toaster and toothpaste tube. Swim east and return to the round building. Use the cotton cloth on the oily shell, and give the shell to Superflous to receive the starfish badge. Exit the building and return to the fish apartments. _________________ | FISH APARTMENTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Swim toward the apartments and Gregarious the watchman will appear. Give him the starfish badge. Push Narcissus the blowfish into the middle apartment and remove the plastic baggie to receive the sea urchins. Recycle the baggie and exit the apartment. Enter the middle-left apartment and talk to Epidermis the angel fish. Use the sea urchins on the plants at the right side of the room, and Epidermis will give you a sharp shell. Exit the apartment. Enter the middle-right apartment and talk to Hippocrates the swordfish. Use the sharp shell with the rings on Hippocrates' nose and he will give you the fish-bone tweezers. Get the six-pack rings on the floor and and use the sharp shell on the rings. Exit the apartment. Enter the top-right apartment. Use the fish-bone tweezers on Erroneous the turtle twice, and he will give you four metal screws. Recycle the two red balloons on the floor. Exit the apartment. Enter the bottom-middle apartment and talk to Gregarious to swim to the boat on the surface. _______ | OCEAN | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Talk to the fisherman. Open the inventory and put the four screws in the cage. Use the steel cage on the propellers at the back of the boat to return to the fish apartments. Recycle the sushi sandwich and the wine bottle, and then get the water pump at the left side of the area. Enter the top-left apartment and recycle the bleach bottle on the table. Put the water pump in the window to wake up Olympia the lionfish. Exit the apartment to receive the gold mask from the senator. Look at the marble wall at the right side of the temple and put the trident in the three eyes. Show the gold mask to the Oracle to receive the scroll. Exit the temple and swim south. Swim east to the big head and recycle the doll, plastic flamingo, teddy bear and the underwear. Get the mirror and swim east twice. Give the closed glass jar to the octopus and swim into the sponges at the bottom-left corner of the area. Swim out from the sponges and get the open glass jar. Swim east and get the fishing lure on the pillar. Use the trident on the toilet tank and get the float. Open the panel in the submarine and get the hacksaw. Swim west. Show the mirror to the octopus and get the cable. Swim west, and swim through the opening at the top of the area to enter the cave. Open the pirate chest, and look at the pike. Use the pike on the pirate twice to reveal the key. Jump back into the water and try to get the key. A red fish will swim off with it, so follow it east twice to the cave. Swim towards the fish, and then swim west three times to find that the fish has been eaten by the anemone. Use the fishing lure on the anemone and get the key. Swim west and use the open glass jar in the ear of the statue to get the flashlight fish. Swim east twice, and then swim up to find the drift net. Use the sharp shell to free Persephone the lobster. Swim down, and swim east three times. Use the flashlight fish to provide light in the cave. Look at the top-right corner of the cave and pull out fourteen of the rocks. Look at the rocks below the opening. Use the oily rag and the key in the lock to open the metal box. Get the protective clothing to swim through the opening to the dumping site. In the inventory, use the transmitter on the float, and then use the transmitter and float on the cable to make the sattelite buoy. Use the sattelite buoy on the barrels, and then swim north to exit the cave. Use the trident on the door and Flesh-Eater will chase Adam into a driftnet. Use the sharp shell to cut the driftnet and return to the coral reef. Swim east three times to return to the cave, and swim north twice through the opening to return to the ship. Use the trident on the cabin door and swim through to the other side of the ship. Swim up to find Cetus. Talk to Cetus, and he will fall asleep. Swim south and enter the whale's mouth. Use the hacksaw to cut through the harpoon shaft. Exit the whale's mouth and move close to Cetus. Pull the harpoon, and use the healing potion on the wound. Enter Flesh-Eater's lair and use the sharp shell on the net to free Delphineus. Use the lionfish spine on Flesh-Eater to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== BOTTLE OF DETERGENT Found near the seagull in the office. It is used with the clean rag to make the soapy rag. CABLE After the octopus at the coral reef has been shown the mirror, the cable can be found outside the lair. The cable is used on the transmitter and float. CERTIFICATE Found in the envelope on the chair in the office. It is not used. CLEAN COTTON CLOTH Found at the top of the steps outside the fish apartments in Eluria. It is used to clean the oily roomy shell. CLEAN RAG Found near the seagull in the office. It is used with the bottle of detergent to make the soapy rag. CLEAN ROOMY SHELL Made by using the clean cotton cloth on the oily roomy shell. It is given to Superflous in the round building at Eluria. CLOSED GLASS JAR Found in the garbage near the cruise ship. It is given to the octopus in the lair at the coral reef. CONCH SHELL Found on the pedestal in the temple at Eluria. It is given to the statue of the servant in the courtyard. EMPTY SODA CAN Found at the left side of the desk in the office. It is thrown into the recycle bin. FERTILIZER SOLUTION Adam's father will give him the fertilizer solution after the seagull has been cleaned. It is used in the fish tank to clean the oil from the coral. It is also used on the whale statue in the garden at Eluria. FISH-BONE TWEEZERS Hippocrates the swordfish will give Adam the fish-bone tweezers after the six pack rings have been removed from his nose. They are used to remove the balloon from Erroneous the turtle's throat. FISHING LURE Found on the pillar near the submarine at the coral reef. After the fish with the key has been caught by the anemone, the fishing lure is used on the anemone to find the key. FLASHLIGHT FISH Found by using the open glass jar in the ear of the big head statue. It is used to provide light in the cave. FLOAT Found in the toilet tank near the submarine at the coral reef. It is used on the transmitter to make the transmitter and float. FOUR METAL SCREWS Erroneous the turtle will give Adam the four metal screws after the balloon has been removed from his throat. They are attached to the steel cage. FRISBEE Found on the counter in the laboratory. It is thrown to the dolphin in the pool. GARBAGE BAG Found at the bottom-left corner of the office. It is used to collect garbage in the ocean. GOLD MASK Superflous will give Adam the gold mask in the round building after all the fish have left the fish apartments. It is given to the Oracle in the temple. HACKSAW Found in the panel on the submarine at the coral reef. It is used on the harpoon shaft in Cetus' mouth. HEALING POTION Demeter the lobster will give Adam the healing potion after he uses the fertilizer solution on the whale statue in the garden at Eluria. It is used on the wound on Cetus caused by the harpoon. KEY After the fish with the key has been caught by the anemone, the key is found by using the fishing lure on the anemone. After the lock of the metal box has been oiled with the oily cotton cloth, the key is used in the lock. LIONFISH SPINE Olympia will give Adam the lionfish spine after the water pump has been used in the window of her apartment. It is used on Flesh-Eater. MACKAREL Found in the bucket at the left side of the counter in the laboratory. It is thrown to the dolphin in the pool. MEMBERSHIP CARD Found in the envelope on the chair in the office. It is not used. MIRROR Found near the big head at the reef. It is shown to the octopus in the lair at the coral reef. OXYGEN TANKS Found in the cupboard in the laboratory. They are used on Adam before diving into the ocean. OILY COTTON CLOTH Made by using the clean cotton cloth on the oily roomy shell. It is used on the lock of the metal box in the cave. OILY ROOMY SHELL Found after talking to Demeter in the garden at Eluria. It is cleaned with the clean cloth. OPEN GLASS JAR Found by giving the closed glass jar to the octopus in the lair at the coral reef. It is used in the ear of the big statue to get the flashlight fish. SATELLITE BUOY Made by combining the transmitter, float and cable in the inventory. It is used on the barrels in the dumping site. SCROLL The Oracle in the temple at Eluria will give Adam the scroll after it has been shown the gold mask. SCUBA GEAR Found in the cupboard in the laboratory. It is used on Adam before leaving the laboratory. SEA URCHINS Narcissus the blowfish will give Adam the sea urchins after he has been saved from the plastic baggie. SHARP SHELL Epidermis the angel fish will give Adam the sharp shell after the sea urchins have been used on the plants in his apartment. It is used to cut the six pack rings on the nose of Hippocrates the swordfish. It is used to cut the six pack rings in the inventory. It is used to free Peresephone the lobster from the drift net above the octopus lair. It is also used to cut the net near Flesh-Eater's lair. It is used to cut Delphineus' net in Flesh-Eater's lair. SOAPY RAG Made by using the bottle of detergent on the clean rag. It is used to clean the oil from the seagull in the office. STARFISH BADGE Superflous will give Adam the starfish badge when he is given the clean roomy shell. It is given to Gregarious the watchman outside the fish apartments. STEEL CAGE Found in the courtyard at Eluria. It is put on the propellers at the back of the fisherman's boat. TRANSMITTER Found in the cupboard in the laboratory. It is used on the float to make the transmitter and float. TRANSMITTER AND FLOAT Made by combing the transmitter and the float in the inventory. It is used on the cable to make the sattelite buoy. TRIDENT After the conch shell has been given to the statue of the servant in the courtyard at Eluria, the trident can be found on the statue of Posiedon. It is put in the three eyes on the panel in the temple. It is used to open the toilet tank near the submarine at the coral reef. It is also used to open the ship's cabin door near Flesh-Eater's lair. WATER BOTTLE Found at the right of the side gerbil's cage in the office. It is given to the gerbil. WATER PUMP After the steel cage has been put over the propellers on the fisherman's boat, the water pump is found outside the fish apartments. It is put in the window of Olympia the lionfish's apartment. =============================================================================== 4. Point List =============================================================================== ____________ | 725 POINTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 2 : Get the bottle of detergent. 2 : Get the clean rag. 5 : Use the detergent on the clean rag. 5 : Use the soapy rag on the seagull. 2 : Receive the fertilizer solution. 2 : Get the water bottle. 5 : Give the water bottle to the gerbil. 10 : Get the garbage bag. 5 : Open the envelope on the chair. 5 : Recycle the torn envelope. 2 : Get the empty soda can. 5 : Throw the can in the recycle bin. 5 : Look at the books five times. 5 : Look at the computer. 5 : Look at the diagram on the board. 2 : Talk to the rug. 5 : Use the fertilizer solution on the coral. 5 : Open the door to the laboratory. 5 : Look at the propeller on the speedboat. 5 : Look at the board in the laboratory. 6 : Talk to the dolphin three times. 4 : Get two mackarels from the bucket. 4 : Throw two mackarels to the dolphin. 5 : Climb into the pool. 5 : Hold onto the dolphin's fin. 2 : Get the frisbee on the counter. 8 : Throw and catch the frisbee five times. 1 : Throw the frisbee for the sixth time. 10 : Pull the lever to open the hatch. 10 : Get the scuba gear from the cupboard. 5 : Use the scuba gear on Adam. 2 : Get the closed glass jar. 5 : Recycle the garbage near the cruise ship. 10 : Use the oxygen tanks on Adam. 15 : Arrive at Eluria. 2 : Get the steel cage from the courtyard. 10 : Recycle all the garbage in the courtyard. 2 : Get the conch shell from the temple. 10 : Give the conch shell to the servant. 5 : Get the trident from Poseidon. 15 : Solve the tile puzzle in the temple. 10 : Put the trident in the three eyes. 2 : Talk to the Oracle. 15 : Answer the three riddles. 2 : Talk in the round building. 10 : Solve the column puzzle. 2 : Talk to Superflous the crab. 10 : Recycle all the garbage in the garden. 10 : Use the fertilizer solution on the whale. 2 : Talk to Demeter the lobster. 2 : Receive the healing potion from Demeter. 2 : Get the oily roomy shell. 2 : Get the cotton cloth. 10 : Recycle the garbage at the apartments. 5 : Use the cloth on the oily roomy shell. 5 : Give the clean roomy shell to Superflous. 2 : Talk to Gregarious the watchman. 5 : Give the starfish badge to Gregarious. 5 : Push Narcissus into his apartment. 10 : Remove the plastic baggie from Narcissus. 2 : Receive the sea urchins from Narcissus. 5 : Recycle the plastic baggie. 2 : Talk to Epidermis the angel fish. 10 : Use the sea urchins on the plants. 2 : Receive the sharp shell from Epidermis. 2 : Talk to Hippocrates the swordfish. 10 : Receive the tweezers from Hippocrates. 5 : Get the six pack rings. 5 : Use the sharp shell on the rings. 10 : Use the tweezers on Erroneous twice. 10 : Recycle the two red balloons. 2 : Receive the metal screws from Erroneous. 2 : Talk to the fisherman on the boat. 5 : Put the four screws in the steel cage. 5 : Put the steel cage on the propellers. 10 : Recycle the garbage at the apartments. 2 : Get the water pump at the apartments. 5 : Recycle the bleach bottle. 5 : Put the water pump in the window. 2 : Receive the lionfish spine from Olympia. 2 : Receive the gold mask from Demeter. 10 : Give the gold mask to the Oracle. 10 : Recycle the garbage near the big head. 2 : Get the mirror near the big head. 5 : Hide in the sponges near the octopus. 5 : Wait for the octopus to open the jar. 2 : Get the open glass jar. 2 : Get the fishing lure near the submarine. 5 : Use the trident to open the toilet tank. 2 : Get the float from the toilet tank. 5 : Open the panel in the submarine. 2 : Get the hacksaw from the submarine. 10 : Show the mirror to the octopus. 2 : Get the cable outside the octopus lair. 5 : Open the chest in the cave. 5 : Look at the pike in the cave. 4 : Pull the pike in the skeleton twice. 10 : Use the fishing lure on the anemone. 2 : Get the key. 10 : Use the open glass jar in the statue ear. 5 : Use the sharp shell to free Persephone. 10 : Use the flashlight fish in the cave. 5 : Pull out fourteen rocks from the opening. 5 : Look at the rocks below the opening. 5 : Use the oily cotton cloth on the lock. 5 : Use the key in the oiled lock. 10 : Wear the protective clothing. 5 : Use the transmitter on the float. 5 : Use transmitter and float on the cable. 35 : Use the satellite buoy on the barrels. 10 : Use the sharp shell to cut the net. 5 : Use the trident to open the cabin door. 5 : Swim to the other side of the ship. 10 : Talk to Cetus. 5 : Use the hacksaw on the harpoon shaft. 5 : Pull the harpoon out of Cetus. 5 : Use the healing potion on the wound. 15 : Use the sharp shell on Delphineus' net. 20 : Use the lionfish spine on Flesh-Eater. 20 : Receive Poseidon's conch. =============================================================================== 5. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2003-2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.