Warlords Battlecry II (General and Daemon) FAQ TheManWhoCan joeyolbean@hotmail.com this FAQ is copyright Joe Soloway Table of Contents 1. Introduction to the game - backround info about game 2. Basics about game - making hero - starting out - levelling up - choosing profession - choosing speciality 3. The Daemon Race - buildings - armies - strategy using daemons - strengths/weaknesses of daemons - titan 4. In game info - items - campaign - inventory screen - spellbook - hotkeys 5. Starting your army - what race to choose - how to start - basics of a good army 6. Map Editor - basics =============================================================== 1. Introduction to the game - backround info about game Welcome to the Warlords Battlecry II FAQ. It is generally about the Daemon race but it does have some things on other races. I'm writing this because there are no FAQ's on this game yet, partially due to the fact that there is documentation about the game already installed on your computer. In any case, hope this guide helps. Warlords Battlecry II is not really a hugely popular game yet. I figure it should be because it is a great strategy game with elements of an RPG, mixed with great graphics and sound. In my opinion, it is one of the better strategy games out there and you will find yourself addicted to it after a short while. =============================================================== 2. Basics about game - making hero - starting out - levelling up - choosing profession - choosing speciality This section is about starting the game for the first time. Things start very slow in this game and your hero is no stronger then your strongest unit. He/she is basically a pushover. Making Your Hero The game has 12 races to choose from and each has their own strengths/weaknesses and different heros. The hero is broken down into four main groups at the right hand side of the screen: Strength - combat, health, training, conversion Dexterity - speed, health, resistance, morale Intelligence - resistance, morale, training, command Charisma - morale, merchant, conversion, command The four main ones are correct, but the breakup may not be, it;s close though. Next, choose what mode to play in: Normal Mode - gain normal experience, and it your hero dies, you still gain experience points Bronzeman Mode - gain 25% more experience, but if you die, no experience for your hero Ironman Mode - 50% more experience, but if you die you go back to the beginnig of your level Ironman Mode - Double experience, but if you die, you stay dead Those are the choices that you have. Whatever race you choose, is what those will apply to and what you hero will look like on screen. You then have to choose a portrait and a name for your hero. You portrait does not change your hero model in the game. Starting Out This part tells you how to start your game, what you need to do to win etc. The game uses a different method of collecting resources. Instead of just mining your resources and returning them to your base, your hero, or one of his generals, must convert the resources, then the income starts. Converting basically means win over, or change. You have to change the resources to your colour in order to start collecting. After that is done, you can send up to 8 builders into the mine to increase it's production. Enemies can come and convert your buildings any time they want, and if you have men in the resource when it gets converted, you lose them. Press "R" to display your command radius. Anything inside this can be converted excluding quest shrines. You can convert enemy buildings if you have a chance. Every building that you build, adds 2 to your army limit with some exceptions. So in order to produce many units, you must have many buildings. Walls and resources do not add anything to the limit, but both are important. Your hero can build. So even if your base gets destroyed, but you hero lives, you still have a hope of winning..........a small hope. The resources are as follows: Gold Metal Rock Crystal The counters are located at the top right hand and are in that order, from left to right. Every race uses different amount of different resources, so converting what you need first is very important. Your units gain experience as well and they gain levels. The higher the level, the better the unit. Weather matters in this game. Certain weather gives bonuses to troops. Daemons like the rain. That's about it. As long as you keep building and converting, there ins't much else you can do to speed up the process. Levelling Up This is the best part of the game by far. You get to pump up your hero and make him out to be exactally what you want. It's a good idea to make a well rounded hero instead of a lop sided hero. This way, if someone exploits a weakness, you have other strategies to help. Levelling up occours when you reach a certain number of experience points. You earn experience by converting, and sending your hero into battle to kill enemies. The levelling up screen is quite complicated and you should end up spending a lot of time debating on what to do. Hero Strengths: Strength - combat, health, training, conversion Dexterity - speed, health, resistance, morale Intelligence - resistance, morale, command, training Charisma - command, merchant, morale, conversion I'm not sure if these are right, but they are close. Each strength that you level up, adds a bonus to the above skills. These are generally more expensive to level up because they apply to 3 or 4 skills. Hero Skills: Combat - how well your hero performs in hand to hand combat. - high combat means your hero will hit more often, and be hit less often. Health - more hit points and faster regeneration of those points Speed - how fast you hero moves and attacks Magery - more mana, applies a casting bonus to all spheres of magic, mana regenerates at a faster rate and you start with more mana at the beginning of a battle. Morale - how well your troops fight in your command radius, hit more often, be hit less ofter etc. a very high morale rating applies a bouns to troops not in the raidus as well. also helps troops evercome psychological effects such as dragon fear, chaos etc. Command - increases the command radius, which in turn increases the range of spell effects. also allows more troops to be in your retinue (available after a battle at the right hand side of screen) Conversion - faster conversion for you hero. useful to convert enemy buildings and leave before attack. a low conversion has the opposite effect. Merchant - lowers the cost of buildings and units. Training - gives your hero more experience after a battle, gives more experience to every unit you produce, gives your hero extra ability points when levelling up. Resistance - your hero's armor rating. the higher the armor, the less damage your hero will take. it also lowers the chance of assisanation. Hero abilities: The abilites of the hero are directly affected by the speciality of the hero. IE, Assasins have the ability "Killing Blow", this adds a 4% chance of killing anything on the battle field in one blow. Death Knights have the ability "Inhuman Strength", this adds 15+ melee damage. Every specaility has different abilities, but they do share some. Hero Magic: If your hero has magic, this is where your purchase magic spells. In order to get the last spell, all of the spells of that sphere must be purchased. There are about 11 spheres of magic, each having unique effects. Chaos, Illusion, Nature, Ice, Summoning, Alchemy, Rune, Healing, Pyromancy, Necromany and common spells are the spheres of magic, each having about 10 spells within. Common spells are given when any hero gains magic ability. Casting - this helps with the effectiveness of casting spells. the more casting ability, the higher percentage of success. Choosing a Profession You get to choose a profession for you hero. This means your hero becomes one of four professions: Warrior Wizard Rogue Priest Each profession has strengths weaknesses. You are given bouses depending on your profession. IE, warriors gain a bonus in strength while wizards gain 5 to 10 + in intelligence or something like that. Once you level up again, you get to choose a speciality. Choosing a Speciality This means your hero will be a master at a certain profession. Warrior - Barbarian, Death Knight, Fighter Barbarians and Fighters are tough in hand to hand combat but do not have much magic. Death Knights are much more powerful and have spells in 3 different spheres of magic (chaos, ice, summoning). However they are much slower, and their charisma is way lower. Ability points are also expensive. Wizzard - Ice mage, Pyromancer, Necromancer, Illusionist etc. Wizards are incredible spellcasters with a huge range of spells to choose from, especially if a race with extreme or high intelligence is selected. However they are very weak in hand to hand combat and if their mana is drained, they are usually pushovers. Rogue - Assasin, Merchant etc. Rogue Assasins are very fast and have access to magic. On top of that, they can have up to a 20% chance of killing anything on the battlefield in one shot. This includes Heros and Titans. On the downside, they do not do much damage since they do not have access to spells the wizards do and they lack the strength the warriors do. They also have a low resistance rating and health rating, which can make them easy to kill. Priest - Healers etc. Priests are sort of in the middle. They have access to spells, and some can be strong. They cannot be very strong when compared to warriors but still have some experience in spells, and they usually have decent speed. On the opposite side, they have average to low resistance, low health and damage. I only have experience with a couple of different heros so there are a lot more. IE, Runemaster, Merchant, Ranger, Summoner, Bard, Paladin etc. Each speciality provides a bonus to an appropriate hero strength indicated at the right hand side of the screen. And so ends this section. Choosing a hero correctly will make or break you. The hero is by far the coolest part of this game because of the huge selection. =============================================================== 3. The Daemon Race - buildings - armies - strategy using daemons - strengths/weaknesses of daemons - titan Daemons are extremely strong in this game. They have the strongest units in the game by far, but have low dexterity and charisma..That means, low speed, low merchant, command, conversion. Lots of their units fly and can attack ground and air troops. This is an extremely good advantage as other races don't have many flyers that are strong, also, many other enemy units don't have the ability to attack flyers They are pretty good spellcasters and if they lose all of their mana, they are still a force to be reckoned with. They suck up resources like crazy and are pretty slow at building. From that description, it doesn't sound like they are a very good race so let me put it into perspective how strong they are. Succubi leave souls for spellcasters. Souls, when devoured, replenish mana. 1 Salamander can kill the following: 3 Dark Elf Summoners 3 Aincient wisps 4 Skeletons 3 archers at once. This has happenned before, so don't doubt it. Buildings A very important part of this game is knowing what buildings do what. Not having to stop and read what the upgrades are during battle is very important. Doomspire The command centre of the daemon race. Needed to build the rest of your buildings, so if you don't have this, you can't build anything. Can be upgraded to level 5. Pit This is where the units come from. One unit is built at a time so it is a good idea to have lots of these. No upgrades are given by the pit. Gallows This building gives resource upgrades. It give increases the income from all converted mines. 3 upgrades total. Portal Quite and important building. Adds 4+ to your army limit, allows the succubi to be produced, gives various upgrades: Gives immunity to banish spell to all daemon units Gives 3+ combat for all daemons Gives 5+ damage for all daemons Gives 3+ speed for all nightmares Gives 3+ and 5+ viewing ranges for daemons Lightning Spire Shoots lightning at gound units at first, upgrades allow it to shoot at flyers. Changes weather to rain which gives bonuses to troops. Eerie Produces flyers. Gives upgrade for doombats to become almost immune to fire damage, and gives 3+ combat for harpies. Summoning Tower Prodcues Summoners. Gives upgrades: Ability to summnon up to 8 quasits Daemons are produced 25% faster Daemons are produced 50% faster Summoned armies gain 25 more XP Summoned armies gain 40 more XP Chaos Shrine Produces Titan. Gives upgrades: All daemons gain 1+ armor for all types of damage All daemons gain 2+ armor for all types of damage Mana regenerates at 50% normal rate Daemon Tower Can add generals or hero into the tower to strengthen it. Shoots at ground and air troops. Daemon Wall No upgrades. Provides protection for base. Those are the daemon buildings. Get to know them off by heart to help win battles. The upgrades are listed from left to right in the upgrade menu of that building. Daemon Armies This is just as important as the buildings. Knowing what units to produce and when to produce them is crucial. Quasits Built from the Doomspire and are the builders of the daemons. They cause poison sometimes. Imps They can fly. They do magic damage and shoot pretty fast. About 20 damage. First unit produced. Nightmares Fast daemon cavalry. Can only attack ground units but attack pretty fast. Lots of HP and pretty good resistance. Succubi Leave souls for spellcasters to devour. They fly. Strong, good resistance. Salamander Hits multiple enemies at once. High combat rating, great damage, up to 80% resistance to fire damage. They can cause fear to enemy troops. Daemon Extremely strong units with high resistance. They can summon imps and they can fly. They cause chaos to enemy troops. They do double damage against strong creatures. Summoner Generals of the daemons. They can convert, banish and summon daemons, attack ground and air units with 40 magic damage. Average resistance for daemons. Doombat Fast producing bats that only attack other flyers and buildings. With the doombat upgrade, they are very useful for hunting down enemy dragons. Harpies Have the ability to drain all mana from anyone who has mana near the harpy. Fast producing, but relatively weak. Dragon Causes fear, 50 fire damage that does splash damage to near units and a high resistance rating make Dragons a great asset. Balora The daemon titan. Causes fear, ignores enemy armor, explodes after death, does great damage (about 135) , resistance ratings of 80% and a VERY high combat rating makes balora very difficult to hit and kill. Those are the daemon units. It's a good idea to take squads that are mixed, as salamanders are not the greatest at taking out buildings, but are great against units, where as nightmares and succubi are great for taking out buildings. Take succubi with your spellcastes. A plentiful supply of souls insures that your spellcaster will never run out of mana. You can use spells to attack the souls as well, so if there are lots in your command radius, use a spell with a wide range of effect and you will hit the souls as well as enemies. You still gain mana back since the spell you cast usually does not cost anything over 70-80 mana, and the souls give something like 25-30 mana per soul. Strategy Using Daemons This section is geared to good strategies using daemons. If used correctly, they are an incredibly overwhelming opponnent and can walk over any race. On the other hand, if you use the wrong strategies, then you will usually get crushed before you start. 1. Make a well rounded hero. This is extremely important because if someone knows your handicap, they can exploite it, and then you will have nothing to fall back on. A daemon Death Knight is an incredible opponent since he does an outrageous amount of damage, and has access to 3 different spheres of magic. 2. Take lots of succubi with your hero. This way, lots of souls will be around you to devour/eat/attack. It's a pretty big advantage to be able to cast your biggest spell over and over again. Wildfire is an incredible spell as it hits everything inside the command radius that is not part of your army. This includes, enemies, walls, buildings, heros, towers, resources etc. This spell is definately the unit killer and should be used often. 3.Convert Quickly. Do not stop converting. If enemies come and convert your buildings, try to drive them away. Generally people will not want to fight your hero in the early stages of battle. Especially a Death Knight. 4. Use your power advantage. Daemons are the strongest race in the game. Try not to sit back and build up a massive attack. Cripple your opponent as quickly as possible. Send in a squad of succubi and nightmares as soon as you can. This will do a lot of damage. Since you are so much stronger then everyone else, you don't need to spend so much time building a giant squad of Salamanders and Daemons. You need to spend a lot of time converting, because daemons use up a lot of resources. 5. Build buildings fast. If you have the resources, use them. Don't save them. If you have 150 stone to build a pit, use the stone because it will replenish. You have to build everything quickly, becuase it takes a long time to build. If you don't believe me, play againt the computer daemons as they usually have 3 to 4 pits by their level 2 Doomspire. 6. Put quasits into mines. This is great to increase resource production, especially if resources are scarce. 7. Mix up your units. Do not take all one kind of unit because a single unit has weaknesses, and therefore your whole squad will share the weakness. 8. Take out the towers first. They do lots of damage and have good to great health. They can absouloutely smash your squads if there are lots of them. 9. Build lot of towers all over the place. 10. Build walls. During the match, it's a great idea to build walls to protect your base. Think of it, build 1 section of walls around your base, then line them with towers on the inside. Build 2 more sections of wall around that, then put towers in between. This tactic is extremely useful because the walls will have to be destroyed in order to get to your base. Walls also serve as a distration to units. Enemy units like to attack walls which does no harm to your base because your towers will be busy crushing them. 11. If your hero has to many spells, set his attitude to Magic Defender. Then you concentrate on your units. 12. When trying to uncover the map in the very beginning, set the formation to wide line. Your units cover the most ground this way and helps to uncover the map quicker. Also, use an imp or some other unit, and set the attitude to scout. 13. Salamanders hit multiple units. Use this to your advantage. Send in some salamanders with succubi, to really crush enemy cavalry. Even though salamanders are great cavalry killers, they suck at killing towers and buildings. Don't get me wrong, they are still strong, but their speed is quite low and they can get pummeled while trying to kill towers. 15. Build lots of summoners. This gives you an instant supply of daemons if you need them to help defend your base. They can also convert. 16. Spend lots of points on training. High level units help a lot in the battle because they are stronger, but are built at the same speed as normal units. 17. Upgrade stuff quickly. Anything that helps boost your units stats is a good thing. 18. Send in squads from 2 different sides at the same time. This means the enemy has to split up their defences, and the lower the nubers that are attacking you, the better. 19. Succubi can kill the animals roaming around and they sometimes leave souls. Note: For some reason, my Daemon Death Knight causes fear upon troops and so do my salamanders. I can't find anywhere this could be accounted for in stats. It doesn't say that salamanders cause fear or heros cause fear. If anyone has an idea why this happens, please e-mail me. Well that's about it. There are plenty more strategies so if you have a good one, email it to me and I will add it here and give you credit for it. Strengths/ Weaknesses of Daemons The computer breaks up daemons as follows : Strength - extreme Desterity - low Intelligence - average Charisma - low This will go in depth more of those ratings. Pros: Strongest units in the game Good spell casters Extremely strong Heros Very strong Titan High combat ratings Units can fly Summonning chain - summoner summons daemons, daemons summon imps Posibility of having almost unlimited mana if Succubi leave enough souls Cons Slow builders Slow unit producers Use lots of resources Can be slow moving Low charisma Titan Daemons titan is Balora. She can fly, she has a very high combat rating, very high resistance rating, and does pretty good damage ( 135 i think). She ignores enemy armor, causes fear, and explodes when defeated. Having her around is a great way to insure your heros safety if she is placed in the same unit due to the fact she causes fear. Fear doesn't allow enemy units to attack. =============================================================== 4. In game info - items - campaign - inventory screen - spellbook - hotkeys Items There are a ton of items in this game, and then there are the special atrifacts. If you gain 3 of the same artifacts and they are worn, then they grant a special power. IE, Sirans Breastplate, Sirans Greatsword, and Sirans Shield grant double experience from all battles. Even though the artifacts are very rare, they are well worth the effort if you get them. You don't have to be wearing the artifacts the whole match to gain their bonus. You can swith them on and off as you please and you still gain the bonus. This is good since there are a lot of great items in the game that are sometimes not worth the sacrafice. IE, Sacraficing The Mithril Armor of Warding (combat +3, Resistance +2), for Sirans Breastplate (Health +6) doesn't seem worth it to me. Usually you have to find good items in the campaign by duels and by sales, but stong high level heros also carry good items. Campaign The Campaign is one of the best parts of this game. Not only do you have the chance to gain incredible items and ancient artifacts, it also gives a great amount of experience and upgrades to your hero and units. The Orb Of Ethreia can be obtained by completing the campaign without accepting any of the resignations. If you bet the game, you get the Orb. Depending on your difficulty setting, and mode chosen, your orb becomes stronger. IE, a bronzeman hero, completing the campaign on easy will gain the silver Orb Of Ethrea which gives +6 in random skills. So as you can see, the orb is an incredibly powerful item and is definately something to strive for. Inventory Screen To access the inventory screen click on the bag or press "i" on the keyboard during gameplay. There are a bunch of different slots that you can fill with some great items. You can also carry up to 4 extra items that you can switch on an off at any time. But if your hero dies, you lose the extra items in you backpack, but keep the ones you equip. You can also drop any items that you don't want by moving them to the treasure chest at the bottom right. You can have a variety of different items. Helmets, armor, necklaces, staffs, swords, shields, bannars, two ring slots and boots. Helmets/ Crowns fit into the top, armor and necklaces fit into the second slot, staffs and swords fit into the slot underneath, the first ring fits underneath that and the second is right beside it, shields are on top of the second ring slot and boots are at the very bottom. You can't have armor and neclaces equiped at the same time, or staffs + swords etc, so you have to choose your items wisely, and always have room or be ready to drop an item if an ancient object comes your way. The Orb Of Ethrea fits into the first ring slot. Spellbook The spell book is accessed by clicking on the orb in your portrait, or by pressing "s". There is a list of all available spells highlited in yellow at the top of the book. When a spell is highlited, it tells you the effect and the cost of mana. You can also hotkey up to 8 spells using the F1 - F8 keys. Highlite a spell then press one of the F keys to hotkey it. If your hero has too many spells, hotkey the best ones or the ones used most, then set the attitude to Magic Defender. The AI will use spells when necessary, which is all the time basically, and sometimes it can get annoying because it casts spells that you would normally not cast in that situation. The Heroism spell is cast a lot by the AI and so is the shield. Hotkeys Here are a list of hotkeys that I use the most. F1 - F8 - spells "i" - Inventory Alt + i - current goals for mission "a" - attack anyting on the way to a destination "s" - spellbook "p" - patrol an area "g" - guard an area "f" - formation 1 to 0 - select squad (double click number to centre on squad) Crtl + C - convert (numpad 1 does this until you make a squad #1) "b" - build Crtl + Right Click on unit - list of attitudes Shift + Click, "a", "p" etc. - sets up a list of commands for troops Space - cycle through last messages (mouse wheel does this to) That's what I use the most in the game. It covers the most important things. There are a bunch of spells that generals use that have hotkeys but I don't know them. =============================================================== 5. Starting your army - what race to choose - how to start - basics of a good army What Race to Choose It's a good idea to choose the race that best fits your hero. If you have a daemon hero, you don't have to pick the daemon race all the time, but it does give you a bonus. Daemons also get a bonus by leading the Dark Elves. I'm not to sure exactally what the bonus is, but every little bit helps I guess. The important thing is to experiment with all of the races to find out which one you like. A quick way to do this is to make a temporary hero in the skirmish, then start to experiment. Not only does this give you experience about the game, it saves you from possibly losing your actual hero in battle, it helps choose you race and it gives you the ability to experiment with all of the different types of heros. How to Start I believe that you would want to choose a race that is rather strong in hand to hand combat first. This way, your troops can fight longer and kill more enemies while you are still figuring out what is happenning. Fast builders can take a little more skill because you have to constantly keep building to keep up with the numbers of units, and you can sometimes neglect your hero because you are constantly concentrating on building. Basics of a Good Army This is going to outline the basics of starting a daemon army. Choosing Retinue Depending on the number of points available, you should take one of your strongest units available, but still have enough points to take a Quasit or two with you. If the number is 18, then this is usually what I take 2 daemons 1 Succubi or 1 Salamander 1 or 2 quasits Building the Army 1. Convert all the nearest resources available and build your Doomspire 2. Go find some more resources to convert, ideally rock and crystal 3. Find some more resources to convert, rock and crystal 4. Depening on the level of hero and conversion speed, your Doomspire should be about done. 5. When the Doomspire is done, build 5 quasits, and take the one that finished building, and make a Pit. 6. Go find some more resources 7. Take the new quasit and make another pit and build 3 imps in the first pit 8. Convert Resources 9. Your first pit should be about done, and now you can build another one. 10. Make up to 2 imps from your second pit. 11. Convert resources and wait for resources to build so you can level up to a level 2 Doomspire 12. When the Doomspire is levelled up, build 3 Nightmares from your first pit and make a Gallows. Also make a Portal. 13. Resources should be pretty slim right now so it could be a good idea to attack the enemy , just to slow them down some. Try not to lose any of your retinue, because the attack is just meant to slow down, or distract the enemy. 14. Send in your hero every now and then to distract the builders from building. 15. If the portal and gallows is done, build 3 succubi from a pit, and upgrade the first resource upgrade from the gallows. 16. Try to build as many units as you can with the resources that you have. Crystal should be pretty slim if the resoucres you converted are not all level 3's, so this means you could have metal and rock to spare. If you do, level up the second resources upgrade in the gallows or build a tower. 17. If you have any rock available, build another pit. 18. At this time you should have bout 3-5 Nightmares and Succubi or better and you are almost ready to launch an attack. That's about it. That's a good way to start out building your army but there is lots of room for improvements or changes. There are probably tons of different ways to start out building your army, so don't use this as the only way to start out because it will not work all the time so you have to adapt to the situation. Campaign Editor I'm not good at this editor nor any other editor but I do know how to make a basic map that is fun to play on. (this map is for 4 people) . 1. Choose terrain by click on the terrain button in the editor. Then choose any one you wish. All of them are not good for starting terrain, IE, all hils, so it's a good idea to choose one that is flat 2. Place resources all over the map. To do this, choose the buildings button and then scroll down. Start by placing 1 level 3 resource of each in the corners of the map. Then start placing any resource all over the place, then repeat with the other resources. Don't make them all level 3 because once you get 2 level 3 resources of each, that's really all you need if you use them properly, plus, it takes away the whole challenge of converting while building. 3. Click on the sides menu. This menu allows you to choose the races that will be played, and give AI to the computer. It also allows you to choose how many opponents can be on the map at once. - to get rid of a side, start with the bottom right and click on the star beside the name to get rid of that race. 4. Give Towers to you and your opponents. Make sure that they are the same colour as your team otherwise the game will start out by having everyone attack the towers and the towers attacking you. - the game will strengthen the towers depending on the strength of the heros. 5. Add quests by choosing them in the building menu 6. If you want any kind of different terrain, add it in 7. Choose start locations for everyone. It's a good idea to start yourself in one of the corners that the level 3 resources are 8. Add any kind of extra buildings that you want in, like neutral towers, or temples 9. Save your game 10. Change options for the game, IE, starting army points, fog of war, exposed map etc. 11. Change rules. IE, no towers, no titans etc. 12. Add Special effects. Choose the effect that you want, then place the condition on the map somewhere. All the condition does is tell the computer that something is going to happen when someone walks over the spot.. You can also adjust the size of the condition. It gives the condition (little blue box with the question mark in it) a bigger radius. Then choose the place of effect and what kind of effect you want. If you want a lightning bolt, click where you want the lightning bolt to be when the condition is met. Then enter the condition spot, to create the effect. If all of this is confusing, here's an example. Condition is placed in the centre of the map.(move a hero over spot.... changeable in the condition menu) When a hero enters the condition box, a ring of fire (effect) will appear overtop of the hero (condition is met and effect happens). Hope that helped. If you are still confused by the editor, e-mail me and I wil try to help. And so ends the FAQ. IF anyone has any questions about this game, e-mail them to me and I will respond as soon as I can (within 2 days).