----------------------------------------------------------------------- Brood War FAQ made by Kildread2 (Kildread2@hotmail.com) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Special Terms 3. Species Overview 1. Terran Overview 2. Zerg Overview 3. Protoss Overview 4. Terran Units & Abilities 1. SCV 2. Marine 3. Firebat 4. Ghost 5. Medic 6. Vulture 7. Siege Tank 8. Goliath 9. Wraith 10.Dropship 11.Science Vessel 12.Battlecruiser 13.Valkyrie Frigate 5. Zerg Units & Abilities 1. Broodling 2. Drone 3. Zergling 4. Hydralisk 5. Lurker 6. Scourge 7. Overlord 8. Mutalisk 9. Guardian 10.Devourer 11.Queen 12.Ultralisk 13.Defiler 14.Infested Terran 6. Protoss Units & Abilities 1. Probe 2. Zealot 3. Dragoon 4. High Templar 5. Archon 6. Dark Templar 7. Dark Archon 8. Shuttle 9. Reaver 10.Observer 11.Scout 12.Carrier 13.Arbitrer 14.Corsair 7. Terran Heroes & Stats 1. Gui Montag 2. Civilian 3. Sarah Kerrigan 4. Alan Schezar 5. Jim Raynor (Vulture) 6. Jim Raynor (Marine) 7. Tom Kazansky 8. Magellan 9. Edmund Duke 10.Hyperion 11.Norad II 12.Samir Duran 13.Alexei Stukov 8. Zerg Heroes & Stats 1. Torrasque 2. Matriarch 3. Infested Kerrigan 4. Unclean One 5. Hunter Killer 6. Devouring One 7. Kulkuza (Mutalisk) 8. Kulkuza (Guardian) 9. Yggdrasil 10.Infested Duran 9. Protoss Heroes & Stats 1. Dark Templar 2. Zeratul 3. Tassadar/Zeratul (Archon) 4. Fenix (Zealot) 5. Fenix (Dragoon) 6. Tassadar 7. Mojo 8. Warbringer 9. Gantrithor 10.Danimoth 11.Artanis 10.Credits & Legal Stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction I'm sure all of you strategy fans know of the Blizzard's Starcraft & Brood War set? If not, you cannot tell that you're a strategy fan! This game, featuring many units (and 3 species), I've decided to present yourself with a FAQ that will contain each unit characteristics along with strengths and weaknesses. Explaining all abilities along the way. Now, on to the overview of each species... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Special Terms NORMAL DAMAGE: The unit will do all of it's damage to the targeted unit minus the armor of that unit. CONCUSSION DAMAGE: The unit will do full damage against Small Size units, 50% damage against Medium Size units and 25% against Large Size units. EXPLOSION DAMAGE: The unit will do full damage against Large Size units, 75% damage against Medium Size units and 50% against Small Size units. SPLASH DAMAGE: The unit will attack and the blast from the attack will damage the units near the one who was attacked. TERRAIN LEVEL AND COVER: If you fire on an unit that is on high ground (Ground you cannot see with ground units, but can with flying units) or behind trees/rocks, that targeted unit as only a 70% chance of being hitten. If you attack from high to low ground, You will hit each time like always. BIOLOGICAL UNIT: Unit that can be affected by abilities against Biological Units. COOLING RATE: The time took for a unit to "cool down" between attacks, the higher the number, the higher the time between attacks (in milliseconds, not sure) SIGHT RANGE CALCULATION: 1 means 1 matrix (Which is approximatly 32 pixels in size) which means a unit having 8 of sight range will see equal to 256 matrixes in front of him, just create a circle with this line of matrix and voila! you got your sight range! BUILD TIME CALCULATION: I don't know how they do it, but the higher the number, the longest it takes to make that unit! MECHANICAL: A unit that can be affected by.... effects like Lockdown. Well, that's probably all the terms I'll use, if you see any other one that you don't understand, just send an E-mail telling me which! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Species Overview You have a big 3 species to chose from at the start, each with it's own strengths and weaknesses. You have the Terrans (which can be compared to ourselves), the Zerg (Think of them like the Borg in Star Trek) and the Protoss (You know the aliens with big heads and large eyes? well maybe not large eyes....) I'll view each species one after the other and explain them a little... *********************************************************************** THE TERRANS They're your average humans with the ability to go in space, they have some technology that ressemble to ours now, but much more advanced. They can put up big defense blockades very easily, these defenses can be quite hard to penetrate. They have the longest range unit in the game, It's the Siege Tank, when in Siege Mode. One of thier drawbacks is that they're somewhat slow near the start and thier first fighting unit (The Marine) is not very strong unless put into Bunkers. They also lack detection, thier first can be Missile Turrets, but usually comes after they have a good ground defense. The best bet is to put up an academy as fast as possible to build a ComSat Station. If they manage to survive the beginning and establish some outposts, they can be a big menace. They also have the ability to lift some of thier vital buildings, very useful in island maps. Except the BattleCruiser, thier units are pretty weak and cheap overall. You can easily build anywhere in the map with this species which is a very good point by me, no restriction in building. You can put up a defensive blockade right in front of the enemy base with just a few SCVs, but each one can only build 1 building at a time. Forgot the essential! The Terrans have the ability to launch Nukes using Ghosts, these Nukes are a real pain if you launch them where it will do the most damage without being detected. (Enemies can see the red dot!) *********************************************************************** THE ZERG A specie created by the Xel'naga, every single Zerg is controlled by the Overmind (or Kerrigan in the story), next is the Cerebrate and last is the Overlord. They assimilate species from other worlds in thier collective "DNA bank" so they can morph larvaes into useful creatures for them. Thier strength rely more on numbers than power. If you want to beat an opponent using the Zerg, use thier heavy production methods by buildings multiples hatcheries and mass producing one or two kinds of units. Thier units are usually useless if alone or in small groups (with few exceptions), but in large (or enormous) groups, they can be devastating. They always start with an Overlord, which acts like a scouting/supply/transport/detector unit and is very cheap and doesn't take any "food". They will never lack of detection with proper Overlord coverage. They also have the fastest rush in the game, 6 Zerglings rush, which will result in an easy win against unsuspecting opponents. However, zerg are heavy "resources eaters" and you must establish many outposts to keep the cash flow running in at a quick pace. On maps without "infinite cash" they be dead if they hang off too much. Mastering them takes micromanagement in long and tedious games, if you do not want to hear the dreaded "Not enough minerals" in a critical situation. Every unit is morphed from larva produced by Hatchery/Lair/Hive which can be ankward if your enemy has a tendency to destroy these first by sending "Kamikaze troops". Making outpost is a pain for them, they must first make an hatchery before being able to put Sunken/Spore Clonies, because they can only build on "Creep" (Organic ground that comes from Colonies and Hatcheries). You can only morph one building with 1 Drone. You lose the Drone after the building is complete. *********************************************************************** THE PROTOSS An alien species created by the Xel'Naga before the Zerg were created. They are acting nearly like humans with religion, cults and laws. Governed by the Conclave, they put all virtue in thier strength and deny other species. They banished some of thier brethen long ago for denying the ways of the Conclave, those are called "The Dark Templars" and are considered like outcasts to the Protoss of Aiur. They also try to protect thier homeworld (Aiur) at nearly all costs. These species cost much for thier units, but thier units are stronger than the other species. The Zealot is the first available fighting unit for them and can easily overpower a Sunken Colony/Bunker/Photon Cannon in groups of 3 or 4. If they build a Forge first (instead of a Gateway) and 2 Photon Cannons near thier Nexus quickly enough, they can withstand the Zergling rush easily. They have a very useful scout unit, the Observer, an always cloaked detector unit with fairly large sight range and fast speed with it's upgrades. You must be sure to accompany your attack groups by at least 2 or 3 observers. The Protoss also have a nice feature, with only 1 Probe, you can build many buildings at the same time. However, they can only build in the range of a Pylon (If you try to build a building, blue circles will appear around Pylons, you must build into these circles), which is somewhat impractical, but can be dealt with. All of thier units (exception, probes and observers) are pretty costy and should not be lost uselessly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Terran Units & Abilities Listing of the Terrans units and abilities, all statistics where taken from the Blizzard's Starcraft Compendium, JUST THE STATISTICS! not the rest: *********************************************************************** SCV (Space Construction Vehicule, I think) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 50 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 60 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 5 Normal Damage(Fusion Cutter) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0 (None) COOLING RATE: 15 ATTACK RANGE: 1 (Must be right next to the unit) SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 20 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to the SCV armor. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: Small worker unit for the terrans, equipped with it's Fusion Cutter to harvest gas and minerals, it can also defend itself with it. You should always have a good amount of them to keep the cash flowing in your bank account. STRENGTHS: It can easily kill zerglings early to resist the dreaded Zergling rush if you don't have any defense. It can easily repair any mechanical unit of the terran army (even flying ones). WEAKNESSES: Like any worker units, it's weak and can be killed VERY easily (Especially by Splash Damage attacks or abilities like Psy Storm). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "SCV ready to go, sir." When selected: "Reporting for duty." "I read you." "Orders, captain?" "Yes, sir?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Come again, captain?" "I'm not reading you clearly." "You aren't from around here, are you?" "I can't believe they've put me in one of these things!" "And now I've got to put up with this too?" "I told them I was clausterphobic, I gotta get out of here!" "???" (Too fast) When ordered: "Orders received" "Affirmative" "Right away, sir" "Roger that" *********************************************************************** MARINE Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 50 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 40 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 6 Normal Damage(Gauss Rifle) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 6 Normal Damage(Gauss Rifle) COOLING RATE: 15/7.5 if stim-packed ATTACK RANGE: 4/5 with upgrade SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 24 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to the Marine armor. Each Terran Infantry Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to the Marine ground and air attack. The U-238 Shells upgrade (Done at the Academy) will give a +1 bonus to the Marine attack range. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Stim Pack upgrade (Done at the Academy) gives a reduce for 1/2 the cooling rate between attacks and double the speed of the unit for a limited time, it also does a 10 hp damage to the Marine for each use. Stim-Packs are not cumulative! Do not use more than 1 at the same time because it will only result in a 10 hp additionnal loss for nothing. DESCRIPTION: Your basic battle-hardened Combat Marine, armed with a handy Gauss Rifle, it can easily hit targets at long-range. This is your first attacking units, but may prove to be more usuful as cannon-fodder in an advanced game. STRENGTHS: Unlike other Species first fighting unit, the Marine can attack from a distance. You can also put up to 4 in a Bunker for them to benefit the extra 350 hp protection. They can fire back at opponents while in the Bunker. You should use them to protect your Siege Tanks while in Siege Mode to prevent units to get too close to the Siege Tanks (because Tanks in Siege cannot fire right next to them). These are cheap too. Marines are good against basic air units (Wraiths, Mutalisks), with a bit of armor and Stim-Pack, 3 of them can dispose of 2 of the before-mentionned units easily. WEAKNESSES: This unit is REALLY weak and doesn't stand a chance unless in very large numbers, even then they can be killed easily by Splash Damage if they aren't spaced enough. They are better than non-upgraded Zerglings, but Zerglings with Speed & Attack upgrades will make quick work of Marines. Zealots can kill dozens and dozens of Marines. Overall they should only be used as support for your main attack or defense in Bunkers. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "You want a piece of me, boy?" When selected: "Commander" "Give me something to shoot" "Standing by" "Jacked up and ready to go" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "We gotta move!!" "Are you gonna give me orders?!?!" "Oh my god! He's whacked!" "How 'bout we FRAG this commander?" "I don't know how to get out this chicken *BEEP* outfit!" "You want a piece of me, boy?" "If it weren't for these damned neural implants you'd be a smoldering crater by now!!" When ordered: "GO! GO! GO!" "Let's move!" "Outstanding" "Rock 'n roll!" *********************************************************************** FIREBAT Vital stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 50 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 25 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 50 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 16 Concussion and Splash Damage (Flamethrower) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0 (None) COOLING RATE: 22/11 if stim-packed ATTACK RANGE: 1 (Must be right next to the unit) SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 24 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to the Firebat armor. Each Terran Infantry Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +3 bonus to the Firebat ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Stim Pack upgrade (Done at the Academy) gives a reduce for 1/2 the cooling rate between attacks and double the speed of the unit for a limited time, it also does a 10 hp damage to the Firebat for each use. Stim-Packs are not cumulative! Do not use more than 1 at the same time because it will only result in a 10 hp additionnal loss for nothing. DESCRIPTION: A person in an heavily armored gear armed with a 100% inflammable Flamethrower, which can get multiple enemies at the same time. Use this against large groups of units that attack at close-range or that are stacked together. STRENGTHS: The Firebat will decimate legions of Zealots (If Stim-Packed and in great numbers) and Zerglings (If Stim-Packed). This is the best defense against mass Zealot or Zerglings attacks. Bring those as a support instead of marine if you expect your opponent to use close-range units. Also the best unit to counter the early Zealot rush, use them against any Protoss opponent as they're bound to use the power of the Zealot early!! WEAKNESSES: This unit is weak, attacks only at close-range and does pityful damage against any Medium or Large units. You should never use them against units with range because they'll usually die before reaching thier target. Use these as support only. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Need a light?" When selected: "Want to turn up the heat?" "Yes?" "You got my attention" "Fire it up!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Is something burning?" "AHAH, that's what I thought!" "I love the smell of Napalm" "Nothing like a good smoke!" "Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?" "Got me questions about propane?" "Or, propane accessories?" When ordered: "Naturally" "Slammin'" "You've got it!" "Let's burn!" *********************************************************************** GHOST Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 25 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 75 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 45 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 10 Concussion Damage(C-10 Canister Rifle) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 10 Concussion Damage(C-10 Canister Rifle) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 7 SIGHT RANGE: 9/11 with upgrade BUILD TIME: 50 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to the Ghost armor. Each Terran Infantry Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to the Ghost ground and air attack. The Ocular Implants upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) will give a +2 bonus to the Ghost sight range. The Moebius Reactor upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) will give a +50 maximum energy bonus to the Ghost. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Personnal Cloaking upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) gives the ability to cloak for the Ghost. It costs 25 energy units to cloak and after that it decreases at a rate of 1 per second. This should be the first upgrade you research at the Covert Ops. The Lockdown upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) will let the Ghost shoot a missile that will shut-down all electrical systems in mechanical units for a limited time. This only works for 1 unit per missile and does not affect units near the affected unit. It costs 100 units of energy to launch 1 missile, so a fully upgraded Ghost will launch 2 Lockdowns and cloak for 25 seconds. This will paralyze even the mightiest Battlecruiser and you can easily destroy it while it's paralyzed. This is an excellent upgrade to do against Protoss and Terran, but forget it for Zerg (They do not have any mechanical units!). The Nuclear Launch ability (Available when 1 Silo contain 1 missile) lets the Ghost pinpoint a location with a Laser (The enemy can see the red dot) and the missile will hit that exact location. The Ghost must not be killed or incapacited while the dot is still there for the nuke to fall. A good way to nuke is to target a flying unit, the dot will appear UNDER that unit and the enemy will usually not see it unless he moves that particuliar unit. Nukes are extremely good weapons, but should not be wasted uselessly on Detector-heavy enemies. DESCRIPTION: A covert missions agent, equipped with Cloaking Field, Lockdown Missiles and a Targeting Laser (When fully upgraded). Armed with a regular C-10 Canister Rifle that fire exposive bursts. This unit is better used alone or in small groups of 2 or 3. STRENGTHS: The wide range of abilities of the Ghost, Nuclear Launch first, is very dangerous. One cheap Ghost can launch an extremely deadly nuke at a very well-designed location if not detected. In combination with Cloaking Field, this is a very deadly technique. The Lockdown ability is not useless too, as you easily cripple the large Battlecruiser/Carriers fleets by locking them down to ensure no retaliation. WEAKNESSES: This unit is (AGAIN) very weak. His gun is weak and does a pytiful 2-3 damage against Medium/Large units. He cannot hold out on his own if detected. Putting him into Bunkers is useless, even if they have longer range. A non-upgraded (I talk about ailities there... not armor & weapons) Ghost is very weak and does not indicate any significant treat (unless he launch a nuke while visible). Use them only to cripple large, costy ships fleets (With Lockdown) or to nuke the enemy base. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Somebody called for an exterminator?" When selected: "Call the shots!" "Ghost reporting" "I'm here" "Finally!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "You callin' down the thunder?" "Now reap the whirlwind!" "Keep it up! I dare ya..." "I'm about to overload my agression inhibitors..." When ordered: "I heard that..." "I'm gone..." "Never know what hit him..." "I'm all over it..." *********************************************************************** MEDIC Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 50 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 25 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 60 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: None if no weapons ATTACK RANGE: None if no weapons SIGHT RANGE: 9 BUILD TIME: 30 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to the Medic armor. The Caduceus Reactor upgrade (Done at the Academy) will give a +50 maximum energy bonus to the Medic. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Heal ability (She starts off with it) permit the Medic to heal your or any allied ground biological units at a cost of 1 energy points for 2 HP healed. Although it may not seem like it, it can means the difference between win and defeat and is especially deadly with Firebats against Zealots. She heals at a very high rate and auto-acquires her targets (for healing, of course) without having to monitor her. The Restoration upgrade (Done at the Academy) lets the Medic remove any sort of condition (except Stasis Field) from anyone unit for 50 energy units. Usually not worth the hassle has you don't have time to use it normaly, but can be useful to ramove Parasites without actually killing the affected unit. The Optical Flare upgrade (Done at the Academy) lets the Medic launch a "Light Grenade" bringing the affected unit's sight range to 1. The unit can still attack as far as normal, which usually means that the upgrade is useless, but it must have some means to see you. The only good use to it is to blind moving detectors (Overlords, Observers and Science Vessels) to restrain thier detection range to 1. The effect can only be removed by using Restoration on the affected unit. DESCRIPTION: A Field Medic brought to space. Can make even the baddest wound recover in seconds with different drugs and stimulants. Features a Grenade Launcher to blind her assailants. STRENGTHS: Heals your infantry at an incredible speed!! Your Marines will actually last much longer in battle and can easily mow down Photon Cannons or Sunken Colonies if they are backed up with Medics. This unit should be the first to die because it will greatly hamper your destruction of those Marines/Firebats. Always have a Medic for 2 infantry units, this usually makes a good rating, less/more is either overkill or not enough. Be balanced! WEAKNESSES: It relies on energy to heal up so, if you overuse it, you'll end up not healing at all! Also one Medic only can heal 1 unit at the same time, which is somewhat impractical. They also lack any self-defense weapons, so they're pretty easy prey. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Prepped and ready!" When selected: "Need medical attention?" "Did someone page me?" "State the nature of your medical emergency!" "Where does it hurt?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "I've already checked you out commander..." "You want another physical?" "Turn your head and cough" "Ready for your spunge bath?" "His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib, stat!" "CLEAR!! *bzzz*" "He's dead, Jim..." When ordered: "I'm on the job!" "On my way" "Stats!" "Right away!" *********************************************************************** VULTURE Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 75 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 80 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 20 Concussion Damage(Fragmentation Grenade) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 30 ATTACK RANGE: 5 SIGHT RANGE: 8 BUILD TIME: 30 UPGRADES: Each Terran Vehicule Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Vulture plating. Each Terran Vehicule Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +2 bonus to the Vulture ground attack. The Ion Thrusters upgrade (Done at the Machine Shop add-on) will double the speed of the Vulture. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Spider Mine upgrade (Done at the Machine Shop add-on) will give the Vulture the ability to display "Mines" that will burrow in the ground and only come out when detecting an enemy ground unit (Not flying nor hovering) and explode by throwing itself against the enemy unit, delivering Splash damage. The Vulture only has 3 mines and you cannot replenish them, which make the upgrade obsolete. DESCRIPTION: A guy in an hoverbike, can cruise over the ground very fast and is armed with Fragmentation Grenades and 3 Spider Mines. Could be a replacement for the Marine. STRENGTHS: The only strength of this unit is it's speed, which makes it ideal for hit-and-run jobs. Also can lay Spider Mines, but only 3 per Vulture, lay them before attacking with the Vultures (Better not wasting them). Could replace the Marine, but I much prefer the Goliath even if it costs more. A hit and run is useless if you only use normal attacks, use them to defend agaisnt enemy infantry (Marines/Firebats). It is best used combined with Firebats. WEAKNESSES: This unit usually dies easily, you must rely on it's speed and it's not very useful. The Fragmentation Grenades are very slow to fire. It does not defend itself against the air and cannot hide into Bunkers which makes it less useful than the Marine. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "All right, bring it on" When selected: "I read ya, sir" "Somethin' on your mind?" "Yeah?" "What do you want?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Something you wanted??" "I don't have time to f*BEEP* around!!" "You keep pushing it boy..." "and I'll scrap you along with the aliens!!!" When ordered: "Yeah, I'm going..." "I dig" "Oh! Is that it?" "No problem!" *********************************************************************** SIEGE TANK Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 150 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 100 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 150 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON (in Tank mode): 30 Explosive Damage(Arclite Cannon) GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON (in Siege mode): 70 Explosive and Splash Damage(Arclite Shock Cannon) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON (in Tank mode): 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON (in Siege mode): 0(None) COOLING RATE (in Tank mode): 37 COOLING RATE (in Siege mode): 75 ATTACK RANGE (in Tank mode): 7 ATTACK RANGE (in Siege mode): 12 SIGHT RANGE: 10 BUILD TIME: 50 UPGRADES: Each Terran Vehicule Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Siege Tank armor. Each Terran Vehicule Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +3 bonus to the Siege Tank (in Tank mode) ground attack and gives a +5 bonus to the Siege Tank (in Siege mode) ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Siege Mode upgrade (Done at the Machine Shop add-on) gives the ability to the Siege Tank to transform itself into an immobile artillery battery. The damage along with the attack range of the Siege Tank is greatly enhanced DESCRIPTION: A man inside a bulky tank, armed with an Arclite Cannon and the ability to immobilize to shoot with it's Arclite Shock Cannon. This one is terrifying against the ground, but laughable against the air. STRENGTHS: Definitively, it's extreme power, it can attack units way before they can even see you and deal a hefty amount of damage. This unit should always be put behind Bunkers at choke points of your base. This should prevent nearly all ground assault or really hamper the enemy attack force. WEAKNESSES: No air attacks, it must be covered from air assault!! It's great power is nothing against the air. Also, it cannot attack units close to it and if a unit is close to one of your tanks, you can expect your other tanks to fire that particuliar unit to kill him and the Splash damage will damage even kill the Tank. They need some time to put themselves in Siege Mode, so do not do this in the middle of a battle (Unless your covered). It fires with a HUGE delay between attacks leaving it defenseless if your enemy uses "lures" to make your Tanks fire. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Ready to roll out!" When selected: "Orders sir!" "Identify target!" "Destination?" "Yes sir?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "(Singing a song)" "I'm about to drop the hammer!" "And dispense some indiscriminate justice!!" "What is your major malfunction??" When ordered: "Move it!" "Absolutly!" "Delighted to, sir!" (I WON'T CHANGE IT AGAIN!!!) "Proceeding..." *********************************************************************** GOLIATH Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 50 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 125 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 12 Normal Damage(Twin Autocannons) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 20 Explosive Damage(Hellfire Missile Pack) COOLING RATE : 22 ATTACK RANGE : 5/8 with upgrade (only for air weapon) SIGHT RANGE: 8 BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Terran Vehicule Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Goliath armor. Each Terran Vehicule Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Goliath ground attack and gives a +4 bonus to the Goliath air attack. The Charon Boosters Upgrade (Done at the Machine Shop add-on) gives a +3 bonus to the Goliath attack range, only for the air attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: Someone inside a sort of of walking robot (like in some Japanese animes...) featuring Twin Autocannons capable of tearing through infantry and critters alike and an Hellfire Missile Pack to deal with air treats. A good replacement for the weak Marine. STRENGTHS: Once the Charon Boosters Upgrade is completed, this unit can fire his missiles from the same distance of the Guardian making this unit a perfect defense against Guardians. It also deals a fair amount of damage to the air. WEAKNESSES: This unit is very stupid and tends to scatter instead of walking in groups. Unlike air units, you cannot stack them one upon another which makes it impractical against Guardians attacks because there is usually 3 Guardians firing on 1 Goliath and the other Goliaths just walk in place trying to reach thier targets... Also it's Autocannons are weak and have a greater delay than the Marine. Use it against enemy Carriers/Battles/Guardians. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Goliath online" When selected: "Channel open" "Go ahead tac-com" "Com-link online" "Systems functional" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "MilSpec ED209 online" "Checklist protocol initiated..." "Primary level one diagnostic..." "USDA Selected..." "FDIC Approved..." "Checklist Completed. SOB..." When ordered: "Target designated" "Acknowledge HQ" "Confirmed" "Nav-com locked" *********************************************************************** WRAITH Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 150 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 100 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 120 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 8 Normal Damage(Burst Lasers) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 20 Explosive Damage(Gemini Missiles) COOLING RATE : 30 for Ground/22 for Air ATTACK RANGE : 5 SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 60 UPGRADES: Each Terran Ship Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Wraith armor. Each Terran Ship Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Wraith ground attack and gives a +2 bonus to the Wraith air attack. The Apollo Reactor Upgrade (Done at the Control Tower add-on) gives a +50 maximum energy bonus to the Wraith. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Cloaking Field Upgrade (Done at the Control Tower add-on) gives the ability to cloak to the Wraith at the cost of 25 energy units for cloaking and 1 energy unit for each second afterwards until decloaked or run out of energy. Should be the upgrade you research while building your first Wraith. DESCRIPTION: A flying plane, ressemble today's jets, but more sophisticated. Armed with a Burst Laser against grounds defenses and Gemini Missiles against Enemy air units. Can also cloak using the newly found "Cloaking Field". STRENGTHS: The ability to cloak is the major advantage of the Wraith, cloak them even if you know the opponents has detectors, in sufficient numbers, you can destroy the detectors with minimal loses, thus rendering you invisible and the enemy is helpless. Can easily overpower Carriers/Battle fleets if in sheer numbers. WEAKNESSES: High reliability on the Cloaking Field. This unit is simply too weak to stand a real chance if detected. This unit is a high contender for "Area-effect" abilities (like Plague or Psy Storm) and those abilities can really cripple you Wraith Fleets because they tend to stack on upon another. These abilities can kill them even if they don't see them. Wraiths against Ground Units sucks, unless in great numbers, the wraiths will loses. Even if you win you'll end up with a semi-destroyed fleet if you battle against heavy-armed ground troops (Nearly anything except Marines...) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Wraith awaiting launch orders" When selected: "Standin' by" "Reporting in" "Transmit coordinates" "Go ahead commander" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "My transmission... breaking up... come back..." "I'm curious why I am so good!" "I gotta get me one of these..." "You know the best starfighter in the fleet is?" "Yours truly..." "Everybody gotta die sometime, right?" Possibility : "Everybody gotta die sometime, Red." (Line from a movie) "I am invincible, that's right!" When ordered: "Coordinates received" "Sector locked-in" "Roger" "Attack formation" *********************************************************************** DROPSHIP Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 100 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 150 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None ATTACK RANGE : 0 SIGHT RANGE: 8 BUILD TIME: 50 UPGRADES: Each Terran Ship Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Dropship armor. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: A transport airship. No weaponry, can load & unload in second, due to poor fundings, the Dropship is not equipped with fast propulsion. STRENGTHS: Simply put, none. It can load units, but it's the worst transport in the game. WEAKNESSES: It's slow and the acceleration when you actually start to move it is extremely snailish (It's not a word, I know). You can actually kill it even if it tries to run away because of the time it takes to accelerate. Easily destroyed means easily lose troops because you lose what was inside the Dropship when it was destroyed. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Can I take your orders?" When selected: "Go ahead HQ" "I'm listenin'" "Destination" "Input coordinates" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "When you're moving your overhead luggage, please be careful" "In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device" "To curl chunks, please use the barfing bags in front of you" "Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop" When ordered: "I copy that" "In the pipe, five by five" "In transit HQ" "Hang on! We're in for some chops!" "Buckle up!" "Strap yourself in boys!" "Hay captain!" *********************************************************************** SCIENCE VESSEL Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 225 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 200 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None ATTACK RANGE : 0 SIGHT RANGE: 10 BUILD TIME: 80 UPGRADES: Each Terran Ship Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Science Vessel armor. The Titan Reactor Upgrade (Done at the Science Facility) gives a +50 maximum energy bonus to the Science Vessel. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Defense Matrix ability (Starting ability) lets the Science Vessel give a protective energy shield to 1 unit (Friend or foe) which add 250 HP to the life of the unit for 100 energy units(although you don't see how much damage the shield has sustained). It will go out after a short time if it's not destroyed before. Useful, but you will usually don't care about it unless in extreme cases. The EMP Shockwave Upgrade (Done at the Science Facility) lets the Science Vessel launch an energy-charged missile (For 150 energy units) that will emit a field depleting all energy and shield points from units within the range of the blasts. Especially useful against massive protoss groups that are stack in tight groups. Best use against Archons. The Irradiate Upgrade (Done at the Science Facility) lets the Science Vessel launch a cloud of gas (For 75 energy units) that attach to the targeted unit and deliver damge in a cumulative fashion (3 per second) to this unit and units nearby. In total, it delivers nearly 250 damage. Only affects biological units, so it's extremely powerful against Zerg players because they cannot do anything about it (If a Guardian is infected in a tightly stacked group of 24 Guardians, it's hard to see which one is the carrier). By my opinion, the best ability of the Science Vessel. DESCRIPTION: A mobile, flying, Science Lab!! Provides you with detection, an energy shield to protect an unit. An energy/shield depleter missile and a Poison Cloud capable of killing the strongest organic unit in minutes. A Science Vessel is truly a nice addition to any army. STRENGTHS: It's mobility and detection range makes it your only mobile detection method. Should always be done in quantities more than 3. With it's wide range of abilities, you can easily wreak havoc in a Zerg group by irradiing them or scare the Protoss by Depleting the Shield of thier Archons. This unit is a very versatile unit and a great scout. As good acceleration and speed to get away from "Scouts Hunts". WEAKNESSES: No Weaponry. It cannot stand out by itself and it costs gas a plenty. So you don't want to lose them easily. It also relies on energy, once it is depleted, it's basicly dead if attacked. There is no real way to protect it as your enemy can easily send Kamikaze troops to take care of your Vessels and attack with cloaked units afterwards... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Explorer reporting" When selected: "AH! Greetings commander!" "Transmit orders..." "Receiving transmission..." "We have you on visual" "Explorer reporting" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "I like the cut of your jib" "E=MC... d'oh let me get my notepad..." "Mmm... Fusion A, I thought you'd remember that" "Who let all these mad monkeys free?!?!?" (Monkey noises) "I think we may have a gas leak" (Funny voice) "Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption?!?!" (Alarm ringing) "Ah...., the ship.... out of danger..." When ordered: "Excellent!" "Commencing!" "Affirmative sir" "Let's roll!" *********************************************************************** BATTLECRUISER Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 8 MINERALS NEEDED: 400 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 300 STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 500 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 25 Normal Damage(ATS Laser Battery) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 25 Normal Damage(ATA Laser Battery) COOLING RATE : 30 ATTACK RANGE : 6 SIGHT RANGE: 11 BUILD TIME: 160 UPGRADES: Each Terran Ship Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Battlecruiser armor. Each Terran Ship Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +3 bonus to the Battlecruiser attacks. The Colossus Reactor Upgrade (Done at the Physics Lab add-on) gives a +50 maximum energy bonus to the Battlecruiser. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Yamato Gun Upgrade (Done at the Physics Lab add-on) lets the Battlecruiser launch a highly destructive energy charge for 150 energy units. The Battlecruiser will charge for approximatively 5 seconds and then fire on the targeted unit dealing nearly 260 damage to that particuliar unit. This ability has a greater range than the Battlecruiser's sight range. Ideal for destroying detectors from afar. DESCRIPTION: The capital ship of the Terran army. This flying, slow-moving behemoth is truly a fearsome sight upon the battlefield and it can deliver some serious damage with its ATS and ATA laser batteries. Can also decimates your key troops with Yamato Gun from afar. Protected by thier massive plating, they can be very dangerous if not prepared for them. STRENGTHS: Firepower and armor. They have a big 500 HP and 6 of armor when fully upgraded. They can take quite a beating and deliver serious damage (if not killing) before going down. This vessel is extremely good against Scourges because it kills them in 1 shot. If you want to attack with these, build a good fleet (6 and more) and try to hide it from your opponent eyes to surprise him. WEAKNESSES: The cost is extreme and a good player can usually take care of Battlecruisers easily (Lockdown), losing them is a dealing a great blow to your army because of the cost and time spent building them. Thier speed is not very fast too, do not expect to run away with these with no casualities. Do not focus on them because units like Dragoons and Goliaths can really ruin your fleets if in great numbers. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Battlecruiser operational" When selected: "Good day, commander" "Hailing frequencies open" "Battlecruiser reporting" "Receiving transmission" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Identify yourself!" "Shields up! Weapons online!" "What? No shields? Well, buckle up!" "We are getting WAY behind schedule..." "I really have to go... Number One" When ordered: "Engage!" "Make it happen" "Take it slow" "Set a course" *********************************************************************** VALKYRIE FRIGATE Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 3 MINERALS NEEDED: 250 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 125 STARTING ARMOR: 2 HIT POINTS (HP): 200 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 5 Explosive and Splash Damage(HALO Rockets) COOLING RATE : 64 (Between volleys of 15 or 16 rockets) ATTACK RANGE : 6 SIGHT RANGE: 8 BUILD TIME: 60 UPGRADES: Each Terran Ship Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Valkyrie armor. Each Terran Ship Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Valkyrie air attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: A flying ship capable of firing huge volleys of HALO rockets against the air, but defenseless against ground attacks. More of a support ship than a reat treat by itself. STRENGTHS: High damage against flying small/medium units. Will totally kill them in a matter of seconds if put in groups of 6 or more. Can also sustain some major damage. Deadly against huge Mutalisks/Guardians or Devourer fleets because they stack on each other, they make easy prey for Valkyries groups. I usually make more versatile units... but this one can be a lifesaver sometimes. WEAKNESSES: No defenses against ground assault, you must protect them against ground troops. As previously said, this is more a support vehicule as it cannot do anything against the ground. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Valkyrie prepared..." When selected: "Don't keep me waiting..." "Achtung!" "Need something destroyed?" "I'm here to help" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "This is very interesting... but stupid" "I have ways of blowing things up..." "You're being very naughty..." "Who's your mommy?" "???" (huh?) "(Horse neighing)" When ordered: "Achtung!" "Of course, mein herr" "It's showtime!" "Jawohl!" (Means yes in German) "Perfect!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Zerg units & abilities This is the listing of Zerg's units statistics and other things. Mail-me any clarification because I never play Zerg because it's my worst specie. The quote section for the Zerg has been removed seeing the obsolete meaning of it (Zerg units only says growls and roars so...) *********************************************************************** BROODLING Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 0 MINERALS NEEDED: 0 (Produced by ability) VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 (Produced by ability) STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 30 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 4 Normal Damage(Toxic Spores) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 15 ATTACK RANGE : 1 SIGHT RANGE: 5 BUILD TIME: Instant UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Broodling carapace. Each Zerg Melee Attack Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Broodling ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: A newborn from parasites launched by a Queen (born from the death of the host). Armed with Toxic Spores, this unit is not a major component of your army. STRENGTHS: The only strength I can think of is that they are born in twins and for the cost of one enemy unit (A costy one, I hope). They also make cheap scouts. WEAKNESSES: Weak HP, average speed. This unit is not meant to attack, only there because you used Spawn Broodling. Send them to the butcher (local enemy base) to get rid of them or just wait until they die. *********************************************************************** DRONE Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 50 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 40 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 5 Normal Damage(Spines) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 22 ATTACK RANGE : 1 SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 20 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Drone carapace. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Burrow Evolution (Done at the hatchery/Lair/Hive) permits the Drone to burrow underground to hide from enemy attacks and unburrow when the area is clear. A good defense against attacks targeted on your workers. DESCRIPTION: The Zerg worker unit used to morph into structures and get minerals & vespene gas. Can defend itself with his spines, but it's not recommended STRENGTHS: Only strength is the ability to hide from danger with the Burrow ability, detectors still see them. WEAKNESSES: Not a good attacker (big surprise) and is rather slow, also you lose your Drone when morph it into a building (Even if you can pull off a strategy this way) Zerg are the worst outpost makers because you must finish building your Hatchery to put Sunken/Spore colonies, in the meantime you must protect with your units. *********************************************************************** ZERGLING Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 0,5 (2 Zerglings needs 1 food unit) MINERALS NEEDED: 25 each (You must pay 50 always for 2) VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 35 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 5 Normal Damage(Claws) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 8/6 with upgrade ATTACK RANGE : 1 SIGHT RANGE: 5 BUILD TIME: 28 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Zergling carapace. Each Zerg Melee Attack Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Zerglings ground attack. The Metabolic Boost Evolution (Done at the Spawning Pool) nearly doubles the moving speed of the Zergling. The Adrenal Glands Evolution (Done at the Spawning Pool) reduces the Zergling cooling rate to 6. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Burrow Evolution (Done at the Hatchery/Lair/Hive) gives the ability to the Zergling to burrow underground hiding from enemy units. Can be used to scout the minerals spots or to ambush an opponent attack from behind. DESCRIPTION: Fast, little melee attack unit. Weak, but fearsome in large, fully upgraded numbers. They can tear a Marine to shreds very easily with thier Claws. STRENGTHS: With these units, you can execute the fastest rush in the game. Extremely deadly on small maps, you surely know what is a Zergling Rush so I will not explain it. If you get a Hive soon enough to upgrade your Zerglings early, you can easily overflow an opponent with massive Zerglings (100 and more) if they do not have any real compact defense. You also get two when you hatch 1 egg. WEAKNESSES: Weak, again. The bonus that they are easily produced, cheap and comes in packs of 2 balances that fact. They are more a finishing unit because they cannot easily pass through heavily fortified bases. Not the best unit to defend yourself with, unless against Siege Tanks. *********************************************************************** HYDRALISK Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 75 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 25 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 80 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 10 Explosive Damage(Needle Spines) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 10 Explosive Damage(Needle Spines) COOLING RATE : 15 ATTACK RANGE : 4/5 with upgrade SIGHT RANGE: 6 BUILD TIME: 28 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Hydralisk carapace. Each Zerg Missile Attack Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Hydralisk air and ground attacks. The Muscular Augments Evolution (Done at the Hydralisk Den) augments the moving speed of the Hydralisk. The Grooved Spines Evolution (Done at the Hydralisk Den) gives a +1 bonus to the Hydralisk attack range. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Burrow Evolution (Done at the hatchery/Lair/Hive) permits to the Hydralisk to burrow underground, so you can make masses of them and hide them in a little corner all borrowed one upon another (bad technique against units with Splash damage because they could kill 10 groups if they are all stock one upon another, like the Reaver). The Lurker Evolution (Done at the Hydralisk Den) gives the ability to the Hydralisk to morph into a fearsome creature called Lurker. For more information about it. check it's own section. DESCRIPTION: The Zerg ranged units, you will usually always see them if you play against Zerg. They can shoot down airships and kill ground troops with thier Needle Spines. You can also morph them into Lurkers. STRENGTHS: Strength in groups, large groups of fully upgraded Hydralisks are very fearsome. If your opponents does not have any stable defense against Hydralisks (Tanks and Bunkers, or Reavers) they will fall prey because they take the same time to produce than Zerglings and they're fairy cheap for thier strength. They can hold out on thier own very easily against Battlecruisers/Carriers and will usually kill the Ships before you have any significant loses (unless you didn't have many Hydralisks at the start of thier attack) WEAKNESSES: They fall prey easily to Splash damage, Tanks and Reavers acts as butchers against them, especially Reavers who can kill 3 to 5 Hydralisks with 1 Scarab. Destroy those units with flying units of your own and after this attack with your Hydralisks to counter this weakness. *********************************************************************** LURKER Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 125 (Also need an Hydralisk) VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 125 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 125 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 20 Splash Damage(Subterranean Spines) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 37 ATTACK RANGE : 6 SIGHT RANGE: 8 BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Lurker carapace. Each Zerg Melee Attack Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +2 bonus to the Lurker ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Burrow Ability (Already evoled only for the Lurker) permits to the Lurker to burrow underground to attack using it's long line of Spines. He starts with this ability even if you did not evolve it at your Hatchery/Lair/Hive, but it doesn't give the ability to other units. DESCRIPTION: A superior genetic strain of the Hydralisk. Can tear apart ground troops with thier deadly Subterranean Spines, a lethal treat if not prepared. STRENGTHS: If you stack up 5 or 6 at a choke point of your base along with a few Sunken Colonies behind, any ground assault is determined to fail. It may say 20 Splash Damage, but it can hit the same unit twice or 3 times! A good combination is Dark Swarm with Lurkers under it it is the best offense to clear those annoying "Photon Cannons fields". WEAKNESSES: They take some time to burrow unlike other Zerg units which burrow nearly right away. Also, they can only attack when underground which makes them ideal targets when they are moving or with units like Tanks/Reavers with great range, they can kill them easily from afar and Lurkers cannot sneak upon them unless you're willingly wanting to spare a few Lurkers in the process. *********************************************************************** SCOURGE Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 0,5 (Like the Zergling) MINERALS NEEDED: 12,5 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 37,5 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 25 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 110 Normal Damage(Suicide) COOLING RATE : None (They kill themselves in 1 hit) ATTACK RANGE : 1 SIGHT RANGE: 5 BUILD TIME: 30 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to the Scourge carapace. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: A kamikaze type, flying bat-like creature. It crashes itself into flying ships and deliver massive damage with the numerous toxins within thier own body. STRENGTHS: Speed and power. They are fairly quick and they deliver a massive 110 damage to the targeted unit, killing nearly all (Except Capital ships) with 2 Scourges (Sometimes 1 depends on the unit). They are the Carriers wotrst enemies because of thier speed, they should already have hitten the Carriers by the time the Interceptors got out of the Carrier, which means heavy lost for the opponent. They're fairly cheap too. WEAKNESSES: Small HP, if the flying units have any kind of ground support, the Scourges will fall before they reach thier target. This weakness makes them ineffective against Battlecruiser, because one shot from a Battlecruiser = 1 Scourge dead. Use them against Battlecruisers only when you're distracting them with other kind of units, if you do not do so, the number of Scourges required to kill a large group of Battlecruisers is rather high. *********************************************************************** OVERLORD Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 0 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 200 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None ATTACK RANGE : 0 SIGHT RANGE: 9/11 with upgrade BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to the Overlord carapace. The Pneumatized Carapace Evolution (Done at the Lair/Hive) doubles the speed of the Overlord. The Antennae Evolution (Done at the Lair/Hive) gives a +2 bonus to the Overlord sight range. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Ventral Sacs Evolution (Done at the Lair/Hive) gives the transport ability to the Overlord. So you've got the Zerg transport!! DESCRIPTION: Big 'n ugly control provider for the Zerg, center of the Zerg production and essential to any Zerg player, in big quantities. STRENGTHS: Great range of advantages, great detection range, transport unit, food provider and fastest transport in the game. It also doesn't need any food to produce. With this unit along with Spore Colonies, the Zerg can easily outmatch any cloaked or covert assaults. WEAKNESSES: No weapons, if it has great advantages, that means if you lose many of them, you lose many advantages. Also it starts extremely slow, if you want to use them, you MUST do the Pneumatized Carapace Evolution to even stand a chance of escaping. *********************************************************************** MUTALISK Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 100 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 120 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 9 Normal Damage(Glave Wurm) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 9 Normal Damage(Glave Wurm) COOLING RATE : 30 ATTACK RANGE : 3 SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to the Mutalisk carapace. Each Zerg Flyer Attacks Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to the Mutalisk air and ground attacks. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Guardian Ability (Available when you have a Greater Spire and Hive) gives the option to morph your Mutalisk into a Guardian. For more info regarding the Guardian see his own section. The Devourer Ability (Available when you have a Greater Spire and Hive) gives the option to morph your Mutalisk into a Devourer. For more info regarding the Devourer see his own section. DESCRIPTION: A small airborne unit, capable of launching special Glave Wurms that ricochet on multiple enemies for some damage. Also the basic strain for Guadian and Devourer. STRENGTHS: With thier speed, you can amass great groups then, you just pass through the defenses barriers and you attack the inside where (hopefully) they didn't put any defense. Also, this is a small unit so all Explosive type damage deals 25% of thier damage which is a very good advantage, because your Mutalisks die less easily. WEAKNESSES: Thier basic attack sucks. Even with the ricochet it's still extremely weak. They cannot take upon massive groups of ground units that attacks the flying unless they are in large groups too. They are also easy prey for units like Corsair or Valkyrie, because of the Splash damage. The Valkyrie is easily the best unit to counter huge Mutalisks groups because they stack one upon another and make easy prey for the HALO Rockets. *********************************************************************** GUARDIAN Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 150 (Need a Mutalisk) VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 200 STARTING ARMOR: 2 HIT POINTS (HP): 150 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 20 Normal Damage(Acid Spore) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 30 ATTACK RANGE : 8 SIGHT RANGE: 11 BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to the Guardian carapace. Each Zerg Flyer Attacks Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +2 bonus to the Guardian ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: They are like organic bombardiers, they can only attack the ground with lethal Acid Spores. A fearsome sight in large groups. STRENGTHS: Great range, if you see heavy immobile defenses, this is the unit to go for, bring them some protection against the air, and you're ready to win! They are extremely dangerous, just when you think you've got a stable, inpenetrable defense, someone comes up with a huge Guardians group and wipes you out. Best unit to pass through heavily defended fortresses. WEAKNESSES: Hopeless against the air, they cannot do anything about it, and don't think about running away, thier speed is extremely slow compared to thier base strain (which is the Mutalisk). They are also heavy resources eaters, a Guardians costs 150m and 200g because I count the price of a Mutalisk in it. Which makes them very difficult to amass big groups of them unless you've got multiples outposts mining gas and minerals. *********************************************************************** DEVOURER Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 250 (Need a Mutalisk) VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 150 STARTING ARMOR: 2 HIT POINTS (HP): 250 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 25 Explosive Damage(Corrosive Acid) COOLING RATE : 100 ATTACK RANGE : 6 SIGHT RANGE: 10 BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to the Devourer carapace. Each Zerg Flyer Attacks Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +2 bonus to the Devourer air attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: A big, skull-like creature that uses Corrosive Acid to eat through the thickiest plating. You see these along with Guardians usually. STRENGTHS: The best strength is the support aspect of the Devourer, it attaches up to 9 Acid Spores to units near the unit you've attacked, each acid spore reduces the armor by 1 (Your armor can be in the negative) and the rate of fire by 1/8. A unit with 9 spores attached to it is as good as dead. Best used with the cooperation of Mutalisks, you attach the spores and you let the Mutalisks finish them. WEAKNESSES: Defenseless against the ground (Just like the Valkyrie and Corsair), but it's biggest drawback is it's rate of fire... It's the slowest in the ENTIRE game!!! If you've got a Devourer with 9 spores attached to it, you'll fire once every 30 sec i think!! This unit is definitly not designed to being used alone because of this weakness. *********************************************************************** QUEEN Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 150 STARTING ARMOR: 2 HIT POINTS (HP): 120 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None ATTACK RANGE : 0 SIGHT RANGE: 10 BUILD TIME: 50 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to the Queen carapace. The Gamete Meiosis Evolution (Done at the Queen's Nest) gives a +50 bonus to the Queen maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Parasite Ability (Starts with it) lets the Queen launch a parasite (For 75 energy units) that will attach to the targeted unit and lets you see through the eyes of that unit. If the opponent wants to remove it, the only choice is to kill the afflicted unit or use Restoration from Medics (If he's Terran that is...). Be aware that this can be use against you by planning a sneak attack. Also the opponent can see it when he selects this unit the border of the wireframe will be green. The Ensnare Evolution (Done at the Queen's Nest) lets the Queen launch a Glue-like substance (For 75 energy units) that will "Ensnare" units in a certain range. This substance will slow down the speed and rate of fire of the afflicted units. Not the best of abilities, but certainly helpful sometimes. The Spawn Broodling Evolution (Done at the Queen's Nest) lets the Queen launch a parasite egg (For 150 energy units) that will enter the body of ANY ground unit featuring organic people in it (Even siege tanks or Dragoons) and will kill it instantly to give birth to 2 Broodlings. The Broodlings are weak, but if you amass a fleet of 8 to 12 Queens, you can kill up to 8 or 12 Dragoons for a 150 energy units each. This is hands down the most harrassing techniquein the entire game because of the range of the ability (I think it's 9) and the effect of it. Don't care about the Broodlings they don't serve anything so just kill the units. The Infestation Ability (Starts with it) lets the Queen enter a severly damaged Terran Command Center (The energy must have lost at least 1/2 of it's energy) and infest it with parasites in a matter of seconds. It will keep it's ability to lift off so you can easily fly it back to your base. Also, at the moment of infestation, the Command Center is healed back to full health. This can be harrassing because even if you're sure to lose the Command Center, at least let your opponent lose it anyway, because they cannot do anything to get it back once it's infested. This Command Center also lets you produce Infested Terrans, for more info about them read thier section. DESCRIPTION: A creature that usually hovers near the mining colony of Zerg bases, appear to watch the larvaes, but are used to cripple if not kill the opponent if used correctly, with a wide range of useful abilities, this is a prime target for any opponent. STRENGTHS: The abilities it has are awesome (Best is Spawn Broodling) make sure you always have some Queens if you want to harrass your oppponent for nothing (Energy regenerates by itself so....) the speed at which it flies is fairly fast, the acceleration is snailish at first but soon goes rapidly enough. WEAKNESSES: No weaponry, so if it's attacked and you cannot flee, it's done for, cannot defend itself. Also, it's abilities may be awesome, but they feed on the 250 maximum energy (when upgraded) of the Queen, and you don't have any means to rejuvenate that energy, except waiting. So there will always be a moment where your Queens will be useless while they replenish thier energy reserves. A good unit, but handle with care. *********************************************************************** ULTRALISK Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 6 MINERALS NEEDED: 200 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 200 STARTING ARMOR: 1/3 with upgrade HIT POINTS (HP): 400 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 20 Normal Damage(Kaiser Blades) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 15 ATTACK RANGE : 1 SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 60 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Ultralisk carapace. Each Zerg Melee Attack Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +3 bonus to the Ultralisk ground attack. The Chitinous Plating Evolution (Done at the Ultralisk Cavern) gives a +2 bonus to the Ultralisk starting armor. The Anabolic Synthesis Evolution (Done at the Ultalisk Cavern) nearly doubles the speed of the Ultralisk. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: Large, fearsome organic creature capable of tearing through massive defenses while able to sustain a big deal of damage. Can destroy any ground unit or buildings with thier Kaiser Blades. STRENGTHS: High HP. If you upgrade Speed and Armor, you've got a perfect killing machine!!! In large numbers (6 to 12) it can easily tear through those choke points to enemies bases. Also, if you're opponent sees some Ultralisk, he may begin to focus more on strategic defense than attack, this can be an advantage. WEAKNESSES: Cannot burrow like other Zerg units, it's size largely makes it a primary target for nearly all opponents. Also, they cost a little booty so it may not be wise to lose them uselessly. *********************************************************************** DEFILER Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 50 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 150 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 80 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None ATTACK RANGE : 0 SIGHT RANGE: 10 BUILD TIME: 50 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Defiler carapace. The Metasynaptic Node Evolution (Done at the Defiler's Mound) gives a +50 bonus to the Defiler maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Burrow Evolution (Done at the Hatchery/Lair/Hive) lets the Defiler burrow after throwing a Plague or Dark Swarm on the enemy or your units. This is a must for Defilers, because you could hide them near enemy base and constantly hammer on thier buildings with Plague. The Dark Swarm Ability (Starting ability) lets the Defiler launch a cloud of parasites (For 100 energy units) that protect units inside the cloud (ANY units even opponent's) against ranged attacks, the only damage that can still be done to units inside the cloud is Splash Damage from Reavers and Siege Tanks or melee attack damage. A good strategy to destroy big cannon field is to Dark Swarm near the cannons and send Hydralisks/Lurkers to destroy the cannons while they fire uselessly on the protective cloud. The Plague Evolution (Done at the Defiler's Mound) lets the Defiler launch a corrosive type acid (For 150 energy units) thats eats through ANY material. It will do cumulative damage until the unit is near-death or is healed by restoration. The total damage dealt is between 200 and 250. Against the Protoss, this ability eats directly through the structure of the unit/building while leaving the shield intact. This is a great crippling ability. Best against Terrans because if the buildings gets in the red, the building will self-destruct if not repaired. The Consume Evolution (Done at the Defiler's Mound) lets the Defiler devours one of his own brethen to recover 50 units of energy. It's better to use this on Zerglings or Broodlings because even an Ultralisk gives only 50 energy units. Good if you rely on Defiler as your main harrassing unit but multiples burrowed units near the defiler is less subtle than only 1 Defiler. DESCRIPTION: A scorpion-like creature made of nearly 100% toxins and cancers. It actually uses those toxins to attack the enemy. STRENGTHS: A fairly good harrassing unit (Plague) an support unit (Dark Swarm. Good abilities, but nothing compared to the Queen. WEAKNESSES: Again, it relies on energy, you can refill it unsing Consume, but you most likely tends to pinpoint where the Defiler is hiding because of the blood stains. Not a good strategy. The speed is slow, if it's discovered then forget about it, you will lose it. *********************************************************************** INFESTED TERRAN Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 50 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 60 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 500 Explosive and Splash Damage(Suicide) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None (They kill themselves in 1 hit) ATTACK RANGE : 1 SIGHT RANGE: 5 BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to the Infested Terran carapace. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Burrow Evolution (Done at the Hatchery/Lair/Hive) lets the Infested Terran burrow until you need of extreme force to quickly destroy buildings. DESCRIPTION: A deformed Terran who will now give is new life for the glory of the swarm. Packs quite a punch when it explodes (if it does...) STRENGTHS: These little guys deal a hefty 500 damage in splash and explosive, can actually destroy 3 Supply Depots if you place it at the good place. If you can get a couple of them inside the enemy base, you can easily destroy thier most vital buildings. WEAKNESSES: They're very easily killed, if they are killed before getting to thier target, they do not explode, they just die. Also, to have them, you must take an enemy Command Center (Friendly if you play with a Terran partner) which is easier said than done. If you have a Terran partner, this weakness is obsolete. It's quite rare to see these in multiplayer games. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Live for the Swarm!" When selected: "Ready to kill!" "Prepare to die!" "Ready to serve!" "Sacrifice me!" "I did it for the Swarm!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "I am wretched..." "But I am strong!" "I am the future!" "I am ZERG!!!" When ordered: "Yes!" "Immediately" "Gladly!" "For the Overmind!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Protoss Units & Abilities Unit listing for the Protoss, note that someunits do not have a quotes section because (you guessed it) they only produce different sounds. Sometimes they also speak in thier own language which I cannot spell correctly so I'll write "(language)" in these cases. *********************************************************************** PROBE Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 50 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 20 SHIELD POINTS : 20 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 5 Normal Damage(Particle Beam) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 1 SIGHT RANGE: 8 BUILD TIME: 20 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Probe armor. Each of the Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Probe Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: Robotic worker unit of the Protoss. Can defend itself with it's Particle Beam, but is most likely to die. STRENGTHS: The only advantage of the Probe is that it can begin building a building then return mining unlike other species. WEAKNESSES: Worst worker unit in the game, SCVs at least have a little more HPs (even if it doesn't help THAT much) and can repair themselves, Drones can burrow out of sight. Probes cannot do anything against an enemy assault apart dying while trying to run away. *********************************************************************** ZEALOT Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 80 SHIELD POINTS : 80 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 16 Normal Damage(Psi Blades) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 1 SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Zealot armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +2 bonus to the Zealot ground attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Zealot Shield. The Leg Enhancements Upgrade (Done at the Citadel Of Adun) doubles the speed of the Zealot. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: Protoss first fighting unit. Can deliver hefty damage with thier Psi Blades, this unit is clearly the strongest of each species 1rst fighting unit. STRENGTHS: Thier high HP in the beginning. Thier power also, they can kill Marines and Zerglings in 3 hits. If you amass a group of them early in the game, you can totally overpower an unwary opponent with sheer power. Even in the late game, they can kill opponents when they have Leg Enhancements (which greatly helps thier speed). Zealots should always be a thing to watch for. WEAKNESSES: They have a bigger cooling than Marines and Zerglings which leaves a big pause between attacks. They also cost much more than them, you could have 2 Marines for 1 Zealot (2 Marines do not kill 1 Zealot btw) or 4 Zerglings for 1 Zealot (4 Zerglings easily kill 1 Zealot). Protoss units really cost a big amount in the long run. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "My life for Aiur!" When selected: "(Language)" "(Language)" "I long for combat" "What now calls?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "En taro Adun!" "All for the empire!" "Doom to all those who treathen the homeworld!!!" When ordered: "For Adun" "(Language)" "Thus I serve!" "Honor guide me" *********************************************************************** DRAGOON Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 125 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 50 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 100 SHIELD POINTS : 80 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 20 Explosive Damage(Phase Disruptor) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 20 Explosive Damage(Phase Disruptor) COOLING RATE: 30 ATTACK RANGE: 4/6 with upgrade SIGHT RANGE: 8 BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Dragoon armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +2 bonus to the Dragoon ground and air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Dragoon Shield. The Singularity Charge Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +2 bonus to the Dragoon attack range. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: The robotic machine used by fallen Zealots, thier dead bodies are put inside those robots so they can continue to battle along with thier brethren, attacks with lethal Phase Disruptor shots. STRENGTHS: Hits ground and air for a decent amount of damage. Good for defense because it's mobile and cannons aren't. Dragoons are perfect units to get rid of huge Carriers/Battlecruisers fleets as they deal a hefty 26 damage (when fully upgraded) each and have fairly good range. WEAKNESSES: They are quite large and tend to stumble upon one another if made in big groups. Thos units sucks against melee ground units that hit fast and quick because they do little damage to them because of Explosive damage and thier cooling is too slow to compensate. Much more useful against the air. It's really costy and quite a hassle to have your big group of Dragoons decimated by Spawn Broodlings (I did that one time). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "I have returned" When selected: "Receiving..." "Awaiting instructions..." "Transmit..." "Input command..." "(Language)" "(Language)" "Make use of me!!" "I am needed?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Unauthorized transmission..." "Incorrect protocol..." "BEEP..BEEP.. Drop your weapon you have 15 seconds to comply..." "5...4...3..2.1 (Phase shot)" When ordered: "Confirmed" "Initiated" "(Language)" "(Language)" "Commencing..." "(Language)" "For vengeance!" *********************************************************************** HIGH TEMPLAR Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (biological) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 50 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 150 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 40 SHIELD POINTS : 40 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: None ATTACK RANGE: 0 SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 50 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the High Templar armor. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the High Templar Shield. The Khaydarin Amulet Upgrade (Done at the Templar Archives) gives a +50 bonus to the High Templar maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Psionic Storm Upgrade (Done at the Templar Archives) lets the High Templar send massive current in a certain area and for a limited time (For 75 energy units). All units caught inside the storm will sustain massive cumulative damage, usually enough to kill any unit under the 200 HP mark. Works better against slow-pokes, because other units can get out of the storm rather quickly and nearly intact. Doesn't work against buildings. The Hallucination Upgrade (Done at the Templar Archives) lets the High Templar create two duplicates of any unit (Friend or foe). These units have the same HP, but they attack for 0 damage and get double damage from each attack against them. Any effect targeted on an Hallucinated unit will destroy that hallucination. Also, hallucination cannot use any of the original copy of the unit (Hallucinated Ghosts cannot lock-down for exemple). Best used as a diversion, send 10 or so Shuttles into the enemy base with only 3 or 4 having troops inside while the other 6 or 7 are hallucinated. The Archon Merging Ability (Starting Ability) lets two Templars give thier life to become a single Archon. Keep in mind that an Archon costs 2 Templars (Which is pretty costy) use with care. For more info on the Archon, read it's own section. DESCRIPTION: The Protoss spellcaster. Can unleash various dangerous Psy Storms or trick the enemy with Hallucinations, also the base product for Archons. STRENGTHS: Thier ability, Psionic Storm, can be quite lethal if used carefully, especially against massive Hydralisks groups. If your Templars are empty of thier energy, just merge them into Archons to battle once again. Best way to use them is to stick them into an upgraded shuttle, to help transport because of thier slow speed, (DO NOT lose the Shuttle, however) WEAKNESSES: They move like turtles, extremely slow, if your enemy targets your Templars, I hope you have some protection or Shuttle nearby, otherwise, they're dead. Little HP also, easily killed by nearly anything. A Templar requires at least Psy Storm to be effective and is reliable on it's energy and energy doesn't last forever. Be aware though that they can be REALLY dangerous in the hands of an expert. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "???" (Thier language or something else?) When selected: "Your will?" "I heed thy call" "State thy being" "Your force..." When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Your force betrayed you..." Possibility : "Your thoughts betray you..." (Star Wars) "I see you have an appetite for destruction..." "And you learned to use your illusions..." "But I find your lack of control disturbing..." When ordered: "You think as I do..." "It shall be done..." "(Language)" "My path is set..." *********************************************************************** ARCHON Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Ethereal, means not biological nor mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 4 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 300 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 10 SHIELD POINTS : 350 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 30 Splash Damage(Psionic Shockwave) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 30 Splash Damage(Psionic Shockwave) COOLING RATE: 20 ATTACK RANGE: 2 SIGHT RANGE: 8 BUILD TIME: 20 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Archon armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +3 bonus to the Archon ground and air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Archon Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: The combined ethereal form of 2 High Templars. Ressembles to a ghostly blue ball of light. Can hit air and ground with Psy Shockwaves. STRENGTHS: Immense shield strength, these units are groups clear clearers because of thier Splash attack. Deal 39 damage when fully upgraded, if you hope to kill someone with brute strength this may be your unit of choice. However it's not as invincible it seems to be. WEAKNESSES: 1 EMP shockwave and your Archons are as good as dead with thier 10 HP. Even if they can kill Zerglings in huge numbers, thier cooling is quite slow (Even if it says 20 it seems more than that). They can't be replenish easily because they take quite a large number of energy units from shield batteries to be healed. They also cost a major booty of vespene gas, because you sacrifice 2 High Templars which makes 300 gas. Amassing a huge group of those is quite costy and sometimes useless. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "The merging is complete..." When selected: "(Language)" "Power overwhelming..." (CHEATER!) "We burn..." "We need focus..." When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "It all looks so different on this side...." "Break on through!" "It's beautiful..." "They should have sent a poet..." When ordered: "Eradicate..." "Annilihate..." "Obliterate..." "Destroy..." *********************************************************************** DARK TEMPLAR Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (biological) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 125 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 100 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 80 SHIELD POINTS : 40 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 40 Normal Damage(Warp Blades) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 30 ATTACK RANGE: 1 SIGHT RANGE: 7 BUILD TIME: 50 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Dark Templar armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +3 bonus to the Dark Templar ground attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Dark Templar Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Permanent Cloaking Field lets the Dark Templar cloaks upon is arrival and for the ENTIRE game until it dies. Very useful, however enemies can still see a distortion when a cloaked unit moves. Dark Archon Merging Ability (Starting Ability) lets 2 Dark Templar merge to become 1 Dark Archon. Costy like the Archon, it's your choice to make them. For more info on the Dark Archon, read it's own section. DESCRIPTION: The Protoss that where banished from Aiur to Shakuras. Through thier lifetime, they evolved a technique that deflects the light from them, rendering them invisible to normal eyes. Can deal death like true assassins with thier deadly Warp Blades. STRENGTHS: Permenantly Cloaked and great attack power. A drop of 4 Dark Templars early in the game can get your opponents having only a few detectors which are easily taken out by the Dark Templars. They can kill Probes, Zerglings, Drones, Marines and Broodlings in only 1 hit. Which makes them really fearsome. The worker colony of your opponent will be entirely crippled before he has a chance to do something. WEAKNESSES: They are covert units, if they are used in open combat where they are detected, they don't stand much of a chance against major troops, unlike the Zealot, thier speed cannot be upgraded. They suck against Zerg because of the abundance of Detectors units and quick hits units (Zerglings and Hydralisks). Use them in the beginning, but stop if you see it's not working. (Element of surprise is essential) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Adun Toridas" When selected: "Yes?" "(Language)" "I'm waiting..." "(Language)" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Your tanuts are inadvised Templar!" "Do not provoke me to violence..." "You can no more evade my wrath..." "And you fear your own shadow!!!" When ordered: "For Aiur!" "So be it!" "(Language)" "Very well..." *********************************************************************** DARK ARCHON Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Ethereal) FOOD NEEDED: 4 MINERALS NEEDED: 250 (Need 2 Dark Templars) VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 200 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 25 SHIELD POINTS : 200 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: None ATTACK RANGE: 0 SIGHT RANGE: 10 BUILD TIME: 20 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Dark Archon armor. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Dark Archon Shield. The Argus Talisman Upgrade (Done at the Templar Archives) gives a +50 bonus to the Dark Archon maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Feedback Ability (Starting Ability) lets the Dark Archon use the stored energy inside the targeted unit to damage that unit while depleting the energy in the process (For 50 energy units). This ability is essential to get rid of pesky spell-casters quickly and easily. Just target the unit and BOOM!. However, don't do it on a unit that already used some of it's abilities because it will maybe not die. Keep it against fresh units. The Mind Control Upgrade (Done at the Templar Archives) lets the Dark Archon tinker with an unit mind/program to make that unit side with them (For 150 energy units). Be aware that doing this spell leaves the Dark Archon very vulnerable because it completly depletes the Shield of the Dark Archon. Keep that ability against big and costy units (Battlecruisers/Carriers) or against a worker unit from another species to start your own Terran/Zerg base. Don't rely on this because it's costy in energy and you may lose a few weakened Dark Archons in the process if you're not careful. BTW, the effect is permanent and can only be reversed by another Mind Control. The Maelstrom Upgrade (Done at the Templar Archives) lets the Dark Archon shut down at thinking of Organic creatures in a certain radius (For 100 energy units). Be aware that this ability affects friend and foe alike. Extremely useful against Zerg because all of thier units are organic in nature you are sure to stun them! Best used against thightly stacked Mutalisks/Guardians/Devourers and move yourself in for the kills while they're helpless. However, it's not very long and wears off pretty fast. DESCRIPTION: Identical to the Archon, the only difference is the disturbing red color of this unit. A spell-caster to heart with his abilities to stun organic units, alter enemies minds and deplete energy reserves. Truly a good unit. STRENGTHS: Awesome abilities, these abilities can easily overthrow any victorious assault if used correctly. A 12 Carriers attack against you is not very much when 4 Carriers become yours to kill them with, even if you lose them, it's your enemy the nbig loser because he paid for these Carriers and you used them to kill even more costy Carriers. The speed is fairly quick to guarantee a fast getaway if targeted. WEAKNESSES: No weapons! I first thought these Archons at weapons more powerful than a normal Archon, but they have nothing. It an unit that relies on energy and, as you know, energy doesn't last forever. You will always need some time to refill your enrgy once in a while. A Dark Archon after a Mind Control is easy prey with thier meager 25 HP so you must get them to safety ASAP. Costy enough to cost you 2 Dark Templar who are a fearsome force in the game. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "We are respawned..." When selected: "Must have energy..." "We hear you..." "Forces in chaos..." "Must feed..." When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Must consume..." "...or oblivion will take us..." "Adun, save me..." "????????" (What the hell is that?!?!) When ordered: "**yelling**" "We'll go..." "Forgive our ways..." "We move..." *********************************************************************** SHUTTLE Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 200 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 0 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 80 SHIELD POINTS : 60 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: None ATTACK RANGE: 0 SIGHT RANGE: 8 BUILD TIME: 60 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Shuttle armor. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Shuttle Shield. The Gravitic Drive Upgrade (Done at the Robotics Support Bay) nearly doubles the speed of the Shuttle. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: A robotic transport for the Protoss, with the speed upgrade, it becomes the best transport in the game! STRENGTHS: Once upgraded in speed, it enables quick and hidden forces drop for covert operations. Clearly the fastest transport in the game. Getting these is essential for your High Templars and Reavers to move around more quickly. WEAKNESSES: Like every transport, it has no weapons so it's easily taken down if pursued. Also, seeing the cost of protoss units, you don't want to lose your shuttles and your opponent knows this and will surely hunt them down. This is a pretty costy unit by itself 200m for 1 Shuttle. To permit your drops, seek a safe area or create a diversion. *********************************************************************** REAVER Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 4 MINERALS NEEDED: 200 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 100 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 100 SHIELD POINTS : 80 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 100/125 with upgrade Splash Damage(Scarab) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 60 ATTACK RANGE: 8 SIGHT RANGE: 10 BUILD TIME: 70 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Reaver armor. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Reaver Shield. The Scarab Damage Upgrade (Done at the Robotics Support Bay) gives a +25 bonus to the Reaver ground attack. The Reaver Capacity Upgrade (Done at the Robotics Support Bay) lets the Reaver carry 10 Scarabs instead of 5. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Scarab Shop (Starting ability) lets the Reaver self-produce a Scarab for 15 minerals. Always replenish your Reavers before attacking! You cannot have more Scarabs than 5 without upgrade and 10 with upgrade. DESCRIPTION: A caterpillar-like roboticly engineered unit. Launches highly damaging Explosive Homing Scarabs. It's firepower is a compensation for is extremely slow speed. STRENGTHS: Extreme power, can tear through Marines/Zerglings/Zealots/Dark Templars/Hydralisks I call that unit "The Butcher" because of the awesome damage it does against ground troops, the only unit capable of firing before him is the Tank in Siege Mode. Even better, the Scarabs explosions will not affect your units nearby (affects allies units though) so you can pretty much attack while the Reaver clears huge portion of the opponents army. WEAKNESSES: Have you seen it's speed? Don't expect to move it around like this, you'll need a Shuttle (or a great deal of patience). Can be taken out easily from the air, and it cannot get away because of it's speed. It also has a long delay between Scarab launching and if you constantly fire, you will run out of Scarabs, even if you produce them as them fire. A great unit, but with very evident weaknesses. *********************************************************************** OBSERVER Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 1 MINERALS NEEDED: 25 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 75 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 40 SHIELD POINTS : 20 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: None ATTACK RANGE: 0 SIGHT RANGE: 9/11 with upgrade BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Observer armor. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Observer Shield. The Gravitic Boosters Upgrade (Done at the Observatory) doubles the speed of the Observer. The Sensor Array Upgrade (Done at the Observatory) gives a +2 bonus to the Observer sight range. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Permanent Cloaking enables this scout to spy anywhere on the map and safe from harm to some extent. Clearly the best scout because of this ability. DESCRIPTION: A moving satellite. Actually uses an advanced Cloaking Field that is always on-line. Because of the output of energy required, no weapons of any kind could be installed. Any additionnal energy source would make the Observer easily detectable by it's size and energy signatures. STRENGTHS: Permanently cloaked, which is the best thing for a scout. You can easily scout the map with no worries of being taken down (Unless you run into a detector, then you're in trouble) its range once upgraded is fairly big and as a good speed. Cheapest detector in the game! WEAKNESSES: No weapons, no abilities, nothing! Only an Observer, as no other purpose than to observe. Which fairly restricts the use of this unit. Very weak also, taken down easily if detected. *********************************************************************** SCOUT Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 3 MINERALS NEEDED: 300 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 150 STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 150 SHIELD POINTS : 100 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 8 Normal Damage(Dual Photon Blasters) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 28 Explosive Damage(Anti-Matter Missiles) COOLING RATE: 30 for ground/22 for air ATTACK RANGE: 4 SIGHT RANGE: 8/10 with upgrade BUILD TIME: 80 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Scout armor. Each Protoss Air Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Scout ground attack and a +2 bonus to the Scout air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Scout Shield. The Gravitic Thrusters Upgrade (Done at the Fleet Beacon) nearly doubles the speed of the Scout. The Apial Sensors Upgrade (Done at the Fleet Beacon) gives a +2 bonus to the Scout sight range. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: The Protoss description for a scout, is a pretty strong powerhouse against the air (Anti-Matter Missiles), but really pityful against the ground (Dual Photon Blasters). A "scout" more useful in attacks. STRENGTHS: Clear superiority in air-to-air combat, can kill Battlecruisers and Carriers very easily in groups. A definite must to gain air superiority. WEAKNESSES: The only weaknesses they have is thier really stupid air-to-ground attack, which doesn't do much damage and looks really pityful and thier really pricey cost. I mean, 1 costs 300m and 150g?!?! it's nearly the same price as a Carrier!!! A Terran opponent can get much more Wraiths before you have a sizeable Scout force. If the price and build time was shorter, this unit would be more useful. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Teleport Successful" When selected: "Awaiting Command" "Standing by..." "Contact!" "Cho'gal" (A name from Warcraft 2, I think...) When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Signal unstable..." "Psionic link dissipating..." "I just ignored transmission" "(Voice distorts in mid-transmission)" "??????..... reengaged!" (The beginning is not understandable...) When ordered: "Due yours!" "(Language)" "It will be done!" "????? acknowledged!" *********************************************************************** CARRIER Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 8 MINERALS NEEDED: 350 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 250 STARTING ARMOR: 4 HIT POINTS (HP): 300 SHIELD POINTS : 150 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 6 Normal Damage(Pulse Cannon) <72 total damage> AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 6 Normal Damage(Pulse Cannon) <72 total damage> COOLING RATE: **CLASSIFIED** ATTACK RANGE: 8 SIGHT RANGE: 11 BUILD TIME: 140 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Carrier armor. Each Protoss Air Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Carrier ground and air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Carrier Shield. The Carrier Capacity Upgrade (Done at the Fleet Beacon) lets the Carrier carry 8 Interceptors instead of 4. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Interceptor Hangar Ability (Starting Ability) lets the Carrier produce an Interceptor (For 25m) which serves as weapons for the Carrier. Always fill up your Carriers before attacking! DESCRIPTION: A HUGE capital ship to the Protoss. No weapons installed on it, but can launch up to 8 Interceptors capable of dealing 72 damage when fully upgraded to air and ground. Truly an immense powerhouse. STRENGTHS: Extreme force, 12 Carriers can realy wreak havoc on an unprepared opponent. Defenses like Turrets/Spore/Cannons/Bunkers usually fires on the Interceptors which can be easily replaced if lost. WEAKNESSES: They take some time to begin thier attack, so a Zerg opponent can send a flurry of Scourges to deal with Carriers, the Scourges will hit the Carriers before you lose 1. A Terran opponent can easily overpower them with Battlecruisers or Lockdown the Carriers and finish them with Wraiths. A Protoss opponent should use masses of Scout to counter this, along with well placed Psy Storms. As you can see they are easily blocked when you sense this sort of attack coming. Almost any unit with some armor can easily shake off much damage from the hits of the Interceptors, which makes them very weak in comparison. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Carrier has arrived" When selected: "(Language)" "Your command?" "??? Protoss!" (The first sounds like "you" or "your"...) "Instructions..." When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Our enemies are legions!!!" "And still, you procastinate?!?!?" "COMMAND! Or you will be relieved!" "This is not an idle threat!" When ordered: "Affirmative!" "(Language)" "(Language)" "Commencing..." *********************************************************************** ARBITER Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 4 MINERALS NEEDED: 100 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 350 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 200 SHIELD POINTS : 150 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 10 Explosive Damage(Phase Disruptor Cannon) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 10 Explosive Damage(Phase Disruptor Cannon) COOLING RATE: 45 ATTACK RANGE: 5 SIGHT RANGE: 9 BUILD TIME: 160 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Arbitrer armor. Each Protoss Air Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Arbitrer ground and air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Arbitrer Shield. The Khaydarin Core Upgrade (Done at the Arbitrer's Tribunal) gives a +50 bonus to the Arbitrer maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Permanent Cloaking Shield is an ability unique to the Arbitrer as it cloaks any of your units within range (Not your allies mind you) for the entire moment where they stay under the Arbitrer's field. This technology is an advantage, but it emits a disruption that keeps the Arbitrer from cloaking (Even when using another Arbitrer Cloaking Shield). A truly remarkable ability. The Statis Field Upgrade (Done at the Arbitrer's Tribunal) lets the Arbitrer initiate a disruption in space-time (For 100 energy units), causing all units in an certain area to get "frozen in time". Units caught in this can't be attained by any means, they are impervious to any effects from this world for a certain time. A good use is to stun a portion of an opponent attack force, then slaughter the remaining portion and wait around the stunned units to return to this world so you can slaughter them! Can be also used to as a last resort to protect your units from a Nuke. The Recall Upgrade (Done at the Arbitrer's Tribunal) lets the Arbitrer open a gate in the continuum (For 150 energy units) to bring back any of YOUR units from any place on the map to under the Arbitrer (Doesn't work if you do this over water when trying to warp ground units). Although this ability seems to be made to send back wounded to safety, the best use remains in a more offensive tactic. Try to enter at least 1 Arbitrer in the middle of an enemy base then let the Recall loose to bring your previously prepared heavy troops in the middle of the base to wreak havoc without having to break through the fortress-like choke point of this base. DESCRIPTION: A vessel strangely made, emits a cloaking field other units but not him. Can defend itself with a Phase Disruptor Cannon, although it should be more reliable on it's abilities. STRENGTHS: The cloaking field is a distinct advantage as it procures permanent cloak to all units within it's range. His abilities are fairly good on the offensive/defensive for great covert attacks and such. The Recall is probably very fearsome if you see an Arbitrer safely go to your main base and stop at workers... WEAKNESSES: It's only weapon is useless, too long delay and pityful damage. Relies more on energy than weapons, but useful even if it doesn't have any energy left. Opponents tend to target them first so you may need to make more than 1 for a covert operation to work (Hallucinations work extremely well for this, imagine some 10 Arbitrers coming to the enemy base with only 1 real!!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "Warp field stabilized.." When selected: "We are vigilant.." "We shield your presence..." "(Language)" "(Language)" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "We sense a soul in search of answers..." "Do you seek knowledge of time travel?" "We'll take that as a yes" "And now for your first lesson... hahahahah" "**extremely fast speaking** Do you seek knowledge of time travel?" When ordered: "(Language)" "(language)" "(Language)" *********************************************************************** CORSAIR Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Mechanical) FOOD NEEDED: 2 MINERALS NEEDED: 150 VESPENE GAS NEEDED: 100 STARTING ARMOR: 1 HIT POINTS (HP): 100 SHIELD POINTS : 80 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 5 Explosive and Splash Damage(Neutron Flare) COOLING RATE: 8 ATTACK RANGE: 5 SIGHT RANGE: 9 BUILD TIME: 40 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Corsair armor. Each Protoss Air Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to the Corsair air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Corsair Shield. The Argus Jewel Upgrade (Done at the Fleet Beacon) gives a +50 bonus to the Corsair maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Disruption Web Upgrade (Done at the Fleet Beacon) lets the Corsair launch an electric "web" in a given area (For 75 energy units), preventing all types of weapons to operate, even organic ones. Best used immobile defenses because units can just walk out of the field to fire again. Use it to drop units inside a base even if he has defenses on the side, you prevent them from firing then you drop the load... Also, it doesn't affect air units. DESCRIPTION: A new addition to the Protoss fleet, the Corsair surely doesn't beat other ships by weaponry, but easily beats them in terms of ability, mobility and cheapness. STRENGTHS: Deals splash which is useful against tighly packed air units (Even if he still deals little damage). Most noticeable is the usefulness of the Disruption Web, with this ability, opponents can't feel safe even if they have a heavily defended fortress, because... ALL CAN BE DESTROYED IN A BLINK OF AN EYE with Disruption to prevent his defenses from fighting back. WEAKNESSES: They may fire quickly, but the damage they deal is still laughable (Wow!! 1 damage per hit against Battlecruisers!!! I will surely win with that...) and besides thier ability they cannot do much in a serious game. Don't expect to use them for anything other than Disruption Web. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "It is a good day to die!" (Protoss are just a gang of cheaters.......) When selected: "I stand ready!" "May I be of service?" "Ready for battle!" "(Language)" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Look at our... Pretty lights!" "I wonder what this button does.... **various computer noises**" "**said in echo voice** I think that was a BIG mistake!" "**Talks with a bizarre voice, almost sounds like singing...**" "**a follow-up from the last quote**" "Zephram Cochrane?!?! Is that you?" "What did you do to your hair?" When ordered: "AH! At last!" "Excellent" "I thought you'd see it my way" "Adun Toridas!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Terran Heroes & Stats For the Heroes, I designed a new way of rating them, instead of stating weaknesses and strengths (Which are basicly the same as thier corresponding unit), I'll give them an evaluation stating if it's really better to have a unique instead of a normal unit. Some heroes also have a shorter cool rate, all these shorter cool rates where taken from S. Natari "Expert Guide" on GameFAQs. Below the heroes name are thier unit class. All Heroes requires 0 food to maintain, they are self-sufficient (Don't ask why). A flashy description (based on imagination) was done for each hero. Even if they are heroes, some have quotes from normal units, now on to the listing: *********************************************************************** GUI MONTAG (FIREBAT) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 160 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 16 Concussion and Splash Damage(Flamethrower) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 22/11 when stim-packed ATTACK RANGE: 1 SIGHT RANGE: 9 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to the Civilian armor. Each Terran Infantry Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +3 bonus to Gui ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Stim Pack upgrade (Done at the Academy) gives a reduce for 1/2 the cooling rate between attacks and double the speed of the unit for a limited time, it also does a 10 hp damage to the Firebat for each use. Stim-Packs are not cumulative! Do not use more than 1 at the same time because it will only result in a 10 hp additionnal loss for nothing. Stim-Packs are a must with him because he can easily afford the 10hp loss per use. BACKGROUND: A normal Firebat grew into fame after his successful comeback from a stated "Kamikaze mission" using his strength and flamethrower alone, this heavy Firebat protected a Terran colony on Mar Sara for more than 1 hour from heavy Zerglings assaults. When reinforcements arrived, he had suffered several wounds that should have caused his death, but he was still standing there emptying is heavy flamethrower on the never-ending Zerg forces. After that mission, he stayed more than 3 full months in coma. After his awakening, he was given the militia's "Medal of the Eagle" and promoted to First Sergeant. Even after being given the choice to live a peaceful life, Gui remained in the militia, still handling his trusty Flamethrower. EVALUATION: He begins with 160 hp which is very good for an infantry unit. His 3 armor is a good complement for helping him reach troops before sustaining major damage. Using Stim-Packs with Medics is the ultimate in "fire"power with him. However, his weapon deals the same amount of damage than a normal Firebat which is a little drawback. Overall, I would give him a 6/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Want to turn up the heat?" "Yes?" "You got my attention" "Fire it up!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Is something burning?" "AHAH, that's what I thought!" "I love the smell of Napalm" "Nothing like a good smoke!" "Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?" "Got me questions about propane?" "Or, propane accessories?" When ordered: "Naturally" "Slammin'" "You've got it!" "Let's burn!" *********************************************************************** CIVILIAN Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 40 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: None ATTACK RANGE: 0 SIGHT RANGE: 7 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to the Civilian armor. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None, except being annoying... DESCRIPTION: A normal guy like everyone who happens to be where he doesn't belong. Usually stated as "War Victims" or staring in the local cemetary. Also know as the anonymous soldier. EVALUATION: Best hero in the entire game!!! (Hope you don't believe that) I mean, why did Blizzard put this guy in the hero category? The only he serves is to watch him die or to test different abilities on him!! Overall he gets a 2/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When 100% complete: "What I'm doing here?!?!" When selected: "Hey there!" "How y'all doing?" "What's up?" "'bout it?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "I wanna see all I can see!" "I'll tell what, I think I'll join up!!" "I'm a little clausteurphobic though..." "Don't think they'll put me into any tight spaces?" "Hey! What the hell?!? I need that college money!!!" When ordered: "Sure thing!" "All right!" "No sweat!" "Yep!" "I'm goin'!" *********************************************************************** SARAH KERRIGAN (GHOST) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 250 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 30 Explosive Damage(C-10 Canister Rifle) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 30 Explosive Damage(C-10 Canister Flare) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 7 SIGHT RANGE: 11 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to Sarah armor. Each Terran Infantry Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to Sarah ground and air attack. The Moebius Reactor upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) will give a +50 maximum energy bonus to Sarah. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Personal Cloaking Field lets Sarah cloaks for 35 energy units and for 1 energy unit per second of cloaking. Excellent way of sneaking by heavy troops and such. Just watch for detectors ok? The Lockdown Missile lets Sarah launch a Missile (For 100 energy units) that will stun any mechanical unit for a limited time. You can attack that unit while it's disabled, but it cannot fight back!! An excellent ability against costy vessels. DESCRIPTION: One of the few women to ever enter and succeed in the Ghost Training process. During her training, she discovered that she had a gift, she could read people minds. After serving in the Confederation's covert militia for several years and assisting the bombing of Korhal in an attempt to squelch an open revolution from Korhal's people. She thereafter joined Arcturus Mengsk in his secret revolutionary organisation known has the "Sons of Korhal" and was assigned to the Lieutenant grade. After securing his position as the next emperor of the galaxy, Mengsk let Kerrigan fall into the hands of the Zerg, thus commiting the most tremendous error of all humanity.... EVALUATION: Has all abilities of a normal Ghost except for the Nuke Launch. More HP than a normal Ghost by far, she can take quite a beating before going down and her starting 3 of armor sure does help. She does more damage than a normal Ghost, but the weapon still sucks with too long cooling and pityful damage against large units. Overall, I would give her a 8/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "I'm ready..." "What now?" "I'm waiting on you!" "Lieutenant Kerrigan reporting!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Easily amused, huh?" "Doesn't need a telepath do know what you're thinking..." "You get hot annoying people, don't you?" "You may have time to play games..." "But I've got a job to do!" When ordered: "It will be a pleasure..." "I read ya.... hmmmph" "I gotcha" "Thinkin' the same thing..." *********************************************************************** ALAN SCHEZAR (GOLIATH) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 300 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 24 Normal Damage(Twin Autocannons) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 20 Explosive Damage(Hellfire Missile Pack) COOLING RATE : 22 ATTACK RANGE : 5/8 with upgrade (only for air weapon) SIGHT RANGE: 8 UPGRADES: Each Terran Vehicule Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to Alan armor. Each Terran Vehicule Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to Alan ground and air attack. The Charon Boosters Upgrade (Done at the Machine Shop add-on) gives a +3 bonus to Alan attack range, only for the air attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: Alan once served for the Confederation's militia and made it to the grade of Sergeant Major, but found that it would be in his best interests (and bigger wallet) to form his own mercenaries group. They were rumored to have enslaved a Cerebrate during the various wars between Terran/Protoss/Zerg. Siding with many renagade groups, Alan is now wanted an a heavy ransom is put on his head. Many bounty hunters have tried to find the signs of his presence, but as of now Alan remains hidden. Before his disappearance, he was supposedly seen in company of a Dark Templar, however the witness of this event was later found killed on Tarsonis in his own house, suspect the use of cloaking devices that helped the assassin to pass security systems. EVALUATION: A good unit, double power for the ground weapons, which makes it even more effective against ground troops. However, his missiles have the same power as any Goliath which is not a good thing. His HPs are a little low, if you check Kerrigan (which is an infantry unit) and Alan (Vehicule) they have respectivly 250 and 300 which is not a great difference. Begins with 3 armor so he can take more hits. He's more proeficient against ground troops than air troops. Overall, I would give him a 7/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Channel open" "Go ahead tac-com" "Com-link online" "Systems functional" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "???" (Another language... Japanese maybe?) "Checklist protocol initiated..." "Primary level one diagnostic..." "USDA Selected..." "FDIC Approved..." "Checklist Completed. SOB..." When ordered: "Target designated" "Acknowledge HQ" "Confirmed" "Nav-com locked" *********************************************************************** JIM RAYNOR (VULTURE) Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 300 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 30 Concussion Damage(Fragmentation Grenade) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 5 SIGHT RANGE: 8 UPGRADES: Each Terran Vehicule Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to Jim plating. Each Terran Vehicule Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +2 bonus to Jim ground attack. The Ion Thrusters upgrade (Done at the Machine Shop add-on) will double the speed of Jim. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Spider Mine Ability (Starting Ability) will give to Jim the ability to display "Mines" that will burrow in the ground and only come out when detecting an enemy ground unit (Not flying nor hovering) and explode by throwing itself against the enemy unit, delivering Splash damage. Jim only has 3 mines and you cannot replenish them. So after you used them, forget about it. DESCRIPTION: Jim Raynor, marshall of Mar Sara, also the contact for Mengsk's organization "The Sons Of Korhal". Jim Raynor did his basic combat training passed it flawlessly, he is more apt to pilot a Vulture because of it's speed and maneuvrability. He will be one of the first people to experience the fierce attacks of the Zerg and will be arrested for defying Confederation's orders and will be rescued by Mengsk's men. After Mengsk's betrayal, Raynor disapearred and was later found with Tassadar. He made friends with Preator Fenix who was later killed in Kerrigan's attack. Raynor vowed to kill Kerrigan for her murderous ways and from that particuliar day, no one ever heard of him again. EVALUATION: I always found that Vultures were weak and useless and this is not an exception. Although he's stronger than normal Vultures, he still fall easily upon the battlefield. Definitly not a good choice (Unless the only thing you do is Hit-and-run tactics...). He can replenish his Spider Mines which makes them useless again. Overall, I would give him a 4/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Go ahead commander" "Raynor here" "This is Jimmy" "Anytime you're ready!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Hey! Quit it!" "What's your problem man?" "Look commander.... do you mind?" "I knew I should have stayed in bed this morning..." When ordered: "This should be good" "OOh yeah!" "Sounds fun!" "Right on..." *********************************************************************** JIM RAYNOR (MARINE) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 200 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 18 Normal Damage(Gauss Rifle) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 18 Normal Damage(Gauss Rifle) COOLING RATE: 15/7.5 if stim-packed ATTACK RANGE: 4/5 with upgrade SIGHT RANGE: 7 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to Jim armor. Each Terran Infantry Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to Jim ground and air attack. The U-238 Shells upgrade (Done at the Academy) will give a +1 bonus to Jim attack range. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Stim Pack upgrade (Done at the Academy) gives a reduce for 1/2 the cooling rate between attacks and double the speed of the unit for a limited time, it also does a 10 hp damage to Jim for each use. Stim-Packs are not cumulative! Do not use more than 1 at the same time because it will only result in a 10 hp additionnal loss for nothing. Seeing his big HPs, you must do Stim-Packs, even more if you have Medics backing him up! DESCRIPTION: Jim Raynor, marshall of Mar Sara, also the contact for Mengsk's organization "The Sons Of Korhal". Jim Raynor did his basic combat training passed it flawlessly, he is more apt to pilot a Vulture because of it's speed and maneuvrability. He will be one of the first people to experience the fierce attacks of the Zerg and will be arrested for defying Confederation's orders and will be rescued by Mengsk's men. After Mengsk's betrayal, Raynor disapearred and was later found with Tassadar. He made friends with Preator Fenix who was later killed in Kerrigan's attack. Raynor vowed to kill Kerrigan for her murderous ways and from that particuliar day, no one ever heard of him again. EVALUATION: Jim Raynor in Marine state is much more useful than his Vulture, just because he hits 3x times more than a normal Marine and has 5x times more HPs than a normal Marine sure makes this unit worthwhile. By my bet, the best infantry hero for the Terrans. Overall, I would give him a 9/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Go ahead commander" "Raynor here" "This is Jimmy" "Anytime you're ready!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Hey! Quit it!" "What's your problem man?" "Look commander.... do you mind?" "I knew I should have stayed in bed this morning..." When ordered: "This should be good" "OOh yeah!" "Sounds fun!" "Right on..." *********************************************************************** TOM KAZANSKY (WRAITH) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 4 HIT POINTS (HP): 500 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 16 Normal Damage(Burst Lasers) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 40 Explosive Damage(Gemini Missiles) COOLING RATE : 30 for Ground/22 for Air ATTACK RANGE : 5 SIGHT RANGE: 7 UPGRADES: Each Terran Ship Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to Tom armor. Each Terran Ship Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to the Wraith ground attack and gives a +2 bonus to Tom air attack. The Apollo Reactor Upgrade (Done at the Control Tower add-on) gives a +50 maximum energy bonus to Tom. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Cloaking Field Upgrade (Done at the Control Tower add-on) gives the ability to cloak to Tom at the cost of 25 energy units for cloaking and 1 energy unit for each second afterwards until decloaked or run out of energy. As with any Wraith, it's a must to have this researched as soon as possible. DESCRIPTION: Tom Kazansky, while his origins made him subject to many puns and teasing from his comrades he quickly climbed the hierachic ladder in the Dominion to make it to Colonel. He was recruited by Mengsk when he started to acquire new and special military personnel. Many times he proved his incomparable flying and maneuvring skills in dangerous missions. Due to his many services, the Dominion gave him an enhanced Wraith to continue to serve thier cause. He is a friend of Magellan, also considered as the greatest pilot in the entire Dominion, he still prefer to leave politics and leadership to other people. EVALUATION: Tom Kazansky is a great flying unit!! Having 500 hp he can withstand quite a beating before going down and the Cloaking ability further enhances his survival! Did you see his air-to-air damage? 40!! He clearly rules the air with that. One of the best Terran heroes to have at your side! He would get a 9/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Standin' by" "Reporting in" "Transmit coordinates" "Go ahead commander" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "My transmission... breaking up... come back..." "I'm curious why I am so good!" "I gotta get me one of these..." "You know the best starfighter in the fleet is?" "Yours truly..." "Everybody gotta die sometime, right?" "I am invincible, that's right!" When ordered: "Coordinates received" "Sector locked-in" "Roger" "Attack formation" *********************************************************************** MAGELLAN (SCIENCE VESSEL) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 4 HIT POINTS (HP): 800 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None ATTACK RANGE : 0 SIGHT RANGE: 10 UPGRADES: Each Terran Ship Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to Magellan armor. The Titan Reactor Upgrade (Done at the Science Facility) gives a +50 maximum energy bonus to Magellan. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Defense Matrix ability (Starting ability) lets Magellan give a protective energy shield to 1 unit (Friend or foe) which add 250 HP to the life of the unit for 100 energy units(although you don't see how much damage the shield has sustained). It will go out after a short time if it's not destroyed before. Useful, but you will usually don't care about it unless in extreme cases. The EMP Shockwave Upgrade (Done at the Science Facility) lets the Magellan launch an energy-charged missile (For 150 energy units) that will emit a field depleting all energy and shield points from units within the range of the blasts. Especially useful against massive protoss groups that are stack in tight groups. Best use against Archons. Claerly the best ability to use for Magellan has you can easily go inside enemy bases to launch this considering his very high hps. The Irradiate Upgrade (Done at the Science Facility) lets the Magellan launch a cloud of gas (For 75 energy units) that attach to the targeted unit and deliver damge in a cumulative fashion (3 per second) to this unit and units nearby. In total, it delivers nearly 250 damage. Only affects biological units, so it's extremely powerful against Zerg players because they cannot do anything about it (If a Guardian is infected in a tightly stacked group of 24 Guardians, it's hard to see which one is the carrier). DESCRIPTION: Normally, he would be considered a normal Science Vessel, but many great battles in the Zerg wars were won because of his precise scouting. A precious unit to any bataillon. This Science Vessel was named after an ancient explorer "Magellan" who is the name of his commander also. To help in his scouting duties, the Dominion added great deals of extra plating to greatly enhances it's resistance to damage. They also wanted to add weapons, but the head in chief of the Vessel refused has the use of weapons would overthrow the priorities of the Science Vessel, which is scouting and bringing precious reports. May have worked for the Confederation before Mengsk came to power. EVALUATION: Basicly a normal Science Vessel, but one of the best scouting units out there! With his 800 hps he can go anywhere on the map without dying and all you have to do is repair it. Can easily replace any other Vessel by it's scouting abilities. Overall, he would get a 8/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "AH! Greetings commander!" "Transmit orders..." "Receiving transmission..." "We have you on visual" "Explorer reporting" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "I like the way you gibble" "E=MC... d'oh let me get my notepad..." "Mmm... Fusion A, I thought you'd remember that" "Who let all these mad monkeys free?!?!?" (Monkey noises) "I think we may have a gas leak" (Funny voice) "Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal counterplant?!?!" (Alarm ringing) "Ah...., the ship.... out of danger..." When ordered: "Excellent!" "Commencing!" "Affirmative sir" "Let's roll!" *********************************************************************** EDMUND DUKE (SIEGE TANK) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 400 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON (in Tank mode): 70 Explosive Damage(Arclite Cannon) GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON (in Siege mode): 150 Explosive and Splash Damage(Arclite Shock Cannon) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON (in Tank mode): 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON (in Siege mode): 0(None) COOLING RATE (in Tank mode): 37 COOLING RATE (in Siege mode): 75 ATTACK RANGE (in Tank mode): 7 ATTACK RANGE (in Siege mode): 12 SIGHT RANGE: 10 UPGRADES: Each Terran Vehicule Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to Duke armor. Each Terran Vehicule Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +3 bonus to Duke (in Tank mode) ground attack and gives a +5 bonus to Duke (in Siege mode) ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Siege Mode ability (starting ability) gives the ability to Duke to transform itself into an immobile artillery battery. The damage along with the attack range of Duke is greatly enhanced and become one of the most powerful units in the game. DESCRIPTION: Edmund Duke as made it as far as General because of his uncanny ability to side with the victorious. Sent on the planet Char to take care of an unknown alien species, he is more informed than he looks like. Many pirates and rebellions members make him thier primary target because his strategic along with tactical methods are clearly superior to normal people. EVALUATION: A Siege Tank with more hp, but it's advantage is in Siege Mode, he deals a hefty 150 damage in that form!! Has any Tank he got his weakness against the air however. Nevertheless, he makes a great unit to have on your side. He would get a 7/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Make up your mind!" "WHAT?" "I haven't got all day..." "Well?" (This one sounds funny...) When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Been a General for fifteen years..." "Now, I'm taking orders from a pup!" "This Korhal's outfit is a mess..." "You all need some good old-fashioned discipline!" "That's what you need!" When ordered: "'bout time!!" "This size of action..." "Should work..." "All right then..." "Decisive action" *********************************************************************** HYPERION (BATTLECRUISER) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 4 HIT POINTS (HP): 850 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 30 Normal Damage(ATS Laser Battery) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 30 Normal Damage(ATA Laser Battery) COOLING RATE : 22 ATTACK RANGE : 6 SIGHT RANGE: 11 UPGRADES: Each Terran Ship Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to Hyperion armor. Each Terran Ship Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +3 bonus to Hyperion ground and air attack. The Colossus Reactor Upgrade (Done at the Physics Lab add-on) gives a +50 maximum energy bonus to Hyperion. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Yamato Gun ability (starting ability) lets Hyperion launch a highly destructive energy charge for 150 energy units. Hyperion will charge for approximatively 5 seconds and then fire on the targeted unit dealing nearly 260 damage to that particuliar unit. This ability has a greater range than the normal Hyperion sight range. Ideal for destroying detectors from afar. DESCRIPTION: A normal Battlecruiser that has been furnished with extra plating and firepower to become the "Sons Of Korhal" Flagship. After Mengsk's betrayal, Jim Raynor high-jacked the Battlecruiser to escape and from this day the Hyperion is his own capital ship. It is rumored that Raynor disapearred with the ship so he may still be alive... EVALUATION: A slow behemoth with more hps and a little more firepower, basicly, it's too much firepower on the battlefield and it makes him a primary target for paralisis abilities (like Lockdown). It's a good unit, but too big and slow to mean anything. Overall, I would give him a 6/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Go ahead commander" "Raynor here" "This is Jimmy" "Anytime you're ready!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Hey! Quit it!" "What's your problem man?" "Look commander.... do you mind?" "I knew I should have stayed in bed this morning..." When ordered: "This should be good" "OOh yeah!" "Sounds fun!" "Right on..." *********************************************************************** NORAD II (BATTLECRUISER) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 4 HIT POINTS (HP): 700 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 50 Normal Damage(ATS Laser Battery) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 50 Normal Damage(ATA Laser Battery) COOLING RATE : 30 ATTACK RANGE : 6 SIGHT RANGE: 11 UPGRADES: Each Terran Ship Plating Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +1 bonus to Norad II armor. Each Terran Ship Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Armory) gives a +3 bonus to Norad II ground and air attack. The Colossus Reactor Upgrade (Done at the Physics Lab add-on) gives a +50 maximum energy bonus to Norad II. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Yamato Gun Upgrade (Done at the Physics Lab add-on) lets the Norad II launch a highly destructive energy charge for 150 energy units. The Norad II will charge for approximatively 5 seconds and then fire on the targeted unit dealing nearly 260 damage to that particuliar unit. This ability has a greater range than the Norad II's sight range. Ideal for destroying detectors from afar. DESCRIPTION: Built especially under the supervision of General Duke this is his own flagship, if you see Norad II, you can be sure Duke's on board! Built for sheer firepower, this Battlecruiser is a fearsome beast. Alone, it can easily destroy small outposts with minor, if any, damage. However, the Norad II was destroyed by the Zerg during one of its scouting missions and it wasn't reconstructed since, but Duke is planning on building a more advanced model. EVALUATION: Even if it has less hp than Hyperion, it packs a hefty 20+ damage than it. Just like the Hyperion, it's a slow and big guy that is an ideal target for stasis abilities. A good unit, but easily countered... Overall, he would get a 7/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Make up your mind!" "WHAT?" "I haven't got all day..." "Well?" (This one sounds funny...) When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Been a General for fifteen years..." "Now, I'm taking orders from a pup!" "This Korhal's outfit is a mess..." "You all need some good old-fashioned discipline!" "That's what you need!" When ordered: "'bout time!!" "This size of action..." "Should work..." "All right then..." "Decisive action" *********************************************************************** SAMIR DURAN (GHOST) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 2 HIT POINTS (HP): 200 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 25 Concussion Damage(C-10 Canister Rifle) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 25 Concussion Damage(C-10 Canister Rifle) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 7 SIGHT RANGE: 11 UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to Duran armor. Each Terran Infantry Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to Duran ground and air attack. The Moebius Reactor upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) will give a +50 maximum energy bonus to Duran. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Personnal Cloaking ability (Starting ability) gives the ability to cloak for Duran. It costs 25 energy units to cloak and after that it decreases at a rate of 1 per second. This should be the first upgrade you research at the Covert Ops. Essential for the weak Samir Duran. The Lockdown upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) will let Duran shoot a missile that will shut-down all electrical systems in mechanical units for a limited time. This only works for 1 unit per missile and does not affect units near the affected unit. It costs 100 units of energy to launch 1 missile, so if during has the Moebius Reactor upgrade, he will be able to launch 2 Lockdowns and cloak for 25 seconds. This will paralyze even the mightiest Battlecruiser and you can easily destroy it while it's paralyzed. This is an excellent upgrade to do against Protoss and Terran, but forget it for Zerg (They do not have any mechanical units!). DESCRIPTION: Supposetly a member of a rebellion group against Mengsk, he will join the United Earth Directorate to serve under thier command. Even if much of his past is unknown, the Directorate will trust him. Which is a big mistake.... He is the assassin that killed Stukov in the Psi Disruptor... EVALUATION: He's pityful, his gun doesn't do much damage (like all ghosts) he has little armor and not much hp. I prefer to kill him myself because the traitor ticks me off. Overall, he would get a 4/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "What do you need?" "Yes captain?" "How can I be of service?" "I'm here..." When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Is there a problem?" "Mwha ha ha I like your style friend!" "But I think you're getting a little too familiar..." "I don't believe we've met..." "I am Duran... Who are you?" "I told you my name!! It's Duran! DURAN!" "What's so funny?!?" "Please, please, tell me now...." "Is there something I should know?" When ordered: "Right away!" "Of course!" "I'll take care of it!" "You've got it!" *********************************************************************** ALEXEI STUKOV (GHOST) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 250 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 30 Concussion Damage(C-10 Canister Rifle) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 30 Concussion Damage(C-10 Canister Rifle) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 7 SIGHT RANGE: 11 with upgrade UPGRADES: Each Terran Infantry Armor Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to Stukov armor. Each Terran Infantry Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Engineering Bay) gives a +1 bonus to Stukov ground and air attack. The Moebius Reactor upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) will give a +50 maximum energy bonus to Stukov. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Personnal Cloaking upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) gives the ability to cloak for Stukov. It costs 25 energy units to cloak and after that it decreases at a rate of 1 per second. This should be the first upgrade you research at the Covert Ops. The Lockdown upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) will lets Stukov shoot a missile that will shut-down all electrical systems in mechanical units for a limited time. This only works for 1 unit per missile and does not affect units near the affected unit. It costs 100 units of energy to launch 1 missile, so if Stukov has the Moebius Reactor upgrade, he will be able to launch 2 Lockdowns and cloak for 25 seconds. This will paralyze even the mightiest Battlecruiser and you can easily destroy it while it's paralyzed. This is an excellent upgrade to do against Protoss and Terran, but forget it for Zerg (They do not have any mechanical units!). DESCRIPTION: A close-friend of General DuGalle, a great tactical and strategic mind and an invaluable advantage to the United Earth Directorate. Has the grade of ..... In an attempt to destroy the Zerg, Alexei Stukov will take control and hide the Psi Dusruptor from DuGalle because of his actions, DuGalle will send Samir Duran to "Dispose" of him. After Duran killed Stukov and disappeared, General DuGalle considered his actions. On Earth, he will be known as a hero because the General has hidden the cold reality from normal people, "That he killed the one he trusted has is friend from the opinion of an unknown ally (Samir Duran)" For this error and his defeat from Kerrigan. General DuGalle will rejoin Stukov in death as he commits suicide... EVALUATION: Same as Kerrigan, this Ghost as the same capabilities. so he would get the same rating... 8/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Call the shots!" "Ghost reporting" "I'm here" "Finally!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "You callin' down the thunder?" "Now lead the world with!!" "Keep it up! I dare ya..." "I'm about to overload my agression inhibitors..." When ordered: "I heard that..." "I'm gone..." "Never know what hit him..." "I'm all over it..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Zerg Heroes & Stats Just like the Terran heroes, however, only a few will have quotes sections (you all know why, don't you?). *********************************************************************** TORRASQUE (ULTRALISK) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 4/6 with upgrade HIT POINTS (HP): 800 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 50 Normal Damage(Kaiser Blades) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 15 ATTACK RANGE : 1 SIGHT RANGE: 7 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to Torrasque carapace. Each Zerg Melee Attack Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +3 bonus to Torrasque ground attack. The Chitinous Plating Evolution (Done at the Ultralisk Cavern) gives a +2 bonus to Torrasque starting armor. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: A really overpowered Ultralisk, needs the proximity and close-range of a Cerebrate to be born correctly. Any foe seeing Torrasque on the battlefield must do whatever is necessary to destroy it because it was seen razing a heavily-defended fortress all by itself and the creature was nearly undamaged! EVALUATION: When you need sheer power over strategy to get past heavy defenses, Torrasque is the best unit to go! with a hefty 800 hp and major damage-dealing capabilities, even the mightiest foe will suffer casualities. It would get a 9/10. *********************************************************************** MATRIARCH (QUEEN) Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 300 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None ATTACK RANGE : 0 SIGHT RANGE: 10 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to Matriarch carapace. The Gamete Meiosis Evolution (Done at the Queen's Nest) gives a +50 bonus to Matriarch maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Parasite Ability (Starts with it) lets the Matriarch launch a parasite (For 75 energy units) that will attach to the targeted unit and lets you see through the eyes of that unit. If the opponent wants to remove it, the only choice is to kill the afflicted unit or use Restoration from Medics (If he's Terran that is...). Be aware that this can be use against you by planning a sneak attack. Also the opponent can see it when he selects this unit the border of the wireframe will be green. The Ensnare Ability (Starting ability) lets the Matriarch launch a Glue-like substance (For 75 energy units) that will "Ensnare" units in a certain range. This substance will slow down the speed and rate of fire of the afflicted units. Not the best of abilities, but certainly helpful sometimes. The Spawn Broodling Ability (Starting Ability) lets the Matriarch launch a parasite egg (For 150 energy units) that will enter the body of ANY ground unit featuring organic people in it (Even siege tanks or Dragoons) and will kill it instantly to give birth to 2 Broodlings. The Broodlings are weak, but if you amass a fleet of 8 to 12 Queens, you can kill up to 8 or 12 Dragoons for a 150 energy units each. This is hands down the most harrassing technique in the entire game because of the range of the ability (I think it's 9) and the effect of it. Don't care about the Broodlings they don't serve anything so just kill the units. The Infestation Ability (Starts with it) lets the Matriarch enter a severly damaged Terran Command Center (The energy must have lost at least 1/2 of it's energy) and infest it with parasites in a matter of seconds. It will keep it's ability to lift off so you can easily fly it back to your base. Also, at the moment of infestation, the Command Center is healed back to full health. This can be harrassing because even if you're sure to lose the Command Center, at least let your opponent lose it anyway, because they cannot do anything to get it back once it's infested. This Command Center also lets you produce Infested Terrans, for more info about them read thier section. DESCRIPTION: Stronger Queen, actually happened accidentaly, she wasn't meant to exist, but Zerg don't care much about thier forces so they use it as they see fit. EVALUATION: Nothing big here, just a normal Queen with enhanced durability. The same thing as normal Queens... 7/10 *********************************************************************** INFESTED KERRIGAN (INFESTED TERRAN) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 2 HIT POINTS (HP): 400 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 50 Explosive and Splash Damage(Claws) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 15 ATTACK RANGE : 1 SIGHT RANGE: 5 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to Infested Kerrigan carapace. Each Zerg Melee Attack Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to Infested Kerrigan ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Ensnare Ability (Starting ability) lets Infested Kerrigan launch a Glue-like substance (For 75 energy units) that will "Ensnare" units in a certain range. This substance will slow down the speed and rate of fire of the afflicted units. Not the best of abilities, but certainly helpful sometimes. The Personal Cloaking Field lets Infested Kerrigan cloaks for 25 energy units and for 1 energy unit per second of cloaking. Excellent way of sneaking by heavy troops and such. Just watch for detectors ok? The Psionic Storm Ability (Starting Ability) lets Infested Kerrigan send massive current in a certain area and for a limited time (For 75 energy units). All units caught inside the storm will sustain massive cumulative damage, usually enough to kill any unit under the 200 HP mark. Works better against slow-pokes, because other units can get out of the storm rather quickly and nearly intact. Doesn't work against buildings. VERY useful as Zerg don't have much lethal area-related abilities. The Consume Ability (Starting Ability) lets Infested Kerrigan devours one of his own brethen to recover 50 units of energy. It's better to use this on Zerglings or Broodlings because even an Ultralisk gives only 50 energy units. Good if you rely only on Infested Kerrigan's abilities. DESCRIPTION: The form of Kerrigan once she was assimilated into the Swarm by the Overmind. Is now the embodiment of supreme evil and rules by terror and force. Hates anyone that gets in her path and will usually kill them all. More like a newborn child not used to strategy and such... In this form she is guilty of killing : General Duke in the Norad III, the Matriarch Razsagal of the Dark Templar, Preator Fenix and Judicator Aldaris on Shakuras. EVALUATION: Her attack is slow, but hurts a lot! The only Zerg unit that can cloak instead of burrowing (where they can't move). Her Psy Storm attack is a nice addition to the Zerg arsenal of already deadly and/or harrassing abilities. However, if targeted, she is easily disposed of... She gets a 8/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Yes?" "Hmmmph...." "What is it now?" "I'm listening..." When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "You begin to annoy me, Cerebrate!" "I don't think that I need you...." "Should you become a nuisance..." "I'll kill you myself!" When ordered: "mmmm....." "On my way..." "A bold move..." "All right!" *********************************************************************** UNCLEAN ONE (DEFILER) Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 250 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None ATTACK RANGE : 0 SIGHT RANGE: 10 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to Unclean carapace. The Metasynaptic Node Evolution (Done at the Defiler's Mound) gives a +50 bonus to Unclean maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Burrow Ability (Starting ability) lets Unclean burrow after throwing a Plague or Dark Swarm on the enemy or your units. This is a must for Defilers, because you could hide them near enemy base and constantly hammer on thier buildings with Plague. The Dark Swarm Ability (Starting ability) lets Unclean launch a cloud of parasites (For 100 energy units) that protect units inside the cloud (ANY units even opponent's) against ranged attacks, the only damage that can still be done to units inside the cloud is Splash Damage from Reavers and Siege Tanks or melee attack damage. A good strategy to destroy big cannon field is to Dark Swarm near the cannons and send Hydralisks/Lurkers to destroy the cannons while they fire uselessly on the protective cloud. The Plague Ability (Starting ability) lets Unclean launch a corrosive type acid (For 150 energy units) thats eats through ANY material. It will do cumulative damage until the unit is near-death or is healed by restoration. The total damage dealt is between 200 and 250. Against the Protoss, this ability eats directly through the structure of the unit/building while leaving the shield intact. This is a great crippling ability. Best against Terrans because if the buildings gets in the red, the building will self-destruct if not repaired. The Consume Ability (Starting ability) lets Unclean devours one of his own brethen to recover 50 units of energy. It's better to use this on Zerglings or Broodlings because even an Ultralisk gives only 50 energy units. Good if you rely on Defilers as your main harrassing unit but multiples burrowed units near the defiler is less subtle than only 1 Defiler. DESCRIPTION: Same as other Defilers, but contain many more toxins which makes in even more fearsome and disgusting. EVALUATION: Same as normal Defiler, but more hps and armor. Slightly better, but use normal Defilers anyway. 6/10 *********************************************************************** HUNTER KILLER (HYDRALISK) Vital Stats: SIZE: Medium (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 2 HIT POINTS (HP): 160 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 20 Explosive Damage(Needle Spines) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 20 Explosive Damage(Needle Spines) COOLING RATE : 15 ATTACK RANGE : 5 SIGHT RANGE: 6 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to Hunter carapace. Each Zerg Missile Attack Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to Hunter air and ground attacks. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Burrow Ability (Starting ability) permits to the Hunter to burrow underground, so you can make masses of normal Hydralisks and hide them in a little corner all borrowed one upon another (bad technique against units with Splash damage because they could kill 10 groups if they are all stock one upon another, like the Reaver). DESCRIPTION: The Hydralisks of the Cerebrate Daggoth, they need much more attention in birthing and are not available normally. These Hydralisks have twice as much power than other Hydralisks. True to thier name, they ARE indeed Hunter Killers... The only Cerebrate that is able to birth them is Daggoth. Some of them were given to Kerrigan when she was trying to discover her hidden powers. EVALUATION: Very good to mix with normal Hydralisks, this way your opponent will usually not check if you have special Hydralisks by checking all of you 100 and + Hydralisks. A force to be reckon with... 9/10 *********************************************************************** DEVOURING ONE (ZERGLING) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 120 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 10 Normal Damage(Claws) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 6 ATTACK RANGE : 1 SIGHT RANGE: 5 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to Devouring carapace. Each Zerg Melee Attack Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to Devouring ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Burrow Ability (Starting ability) gives the ability to Devouring to burrow underground hiding from enemy units. Mostly used to hide them before an attack. DESCRIPTION: A more resistant to damage Zergling. Deals more damage and has more armor and hps. Usually seen with packs of normal Zerglings and you can't see the difference between them without doing an autopsy! EVALUATION: As with the Hunter Killers, mix them with packs of normal Zerglings to get that extra whack. Useful as it can take a little beating before going down... 7/10 *********************************************************************** KULKUZA (MUTALISK) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 300 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 18 Normal Damage(Glave Wurm) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 18 Normal Damage(Glave Wurm) COOLING RATE : 30 ATTACK RANGE : 3 SIGHT RANGE: 7 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to Kulkuza carapace. Each Zerg Flyer Attacks Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to Kulkuza air and ground attacks. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Guardian Ability (Available when you have a Greater Spire and Hive) gives the option to morph Kulkuza into a powerful Guardian. For more info regarding the Kulkuza Guardian form see his own section. DESCRIPTION: A Mutalisk featuring double damage extra defense. Easily mistook for a normal Mutalisk until you fall prey to it.... EVALUATION: Usually I use Mutalisk in large groups, that's why I find it pretty useless because a Mutalisk that does double damage in, say... 5 groups of normal Mutalisks give a very insignificant advantage... 6/10. *********************************************************************** KULKUZA (GUARDIAN) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 4 HIT POINTS (HP): 400 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 40 Normal Damage(Acid Spore) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : 30 ATTACK RANGE : 8 SIGHT RANGE: 11 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to Kulkuza carapace. Each Zerg Flyer Attacks Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +2 bonus to Kulkuza ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: The Guardian form of Kulkuza, he is suspected to be able to revert to his Mutalisk form at any time, but none of this as been proven and witnesses to this fact disappeared.... EVALUATION: Same as Mutalisks, Guardians are used in great numbers but a 40 damage-dealing Guardian can be a real advantage, more than his Mutalisk form. He would get 7/10. *********************************************************************** YGGDRASIL (OVERLORD) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 4 HIT POINTS (HP): 1000 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON : 0(None) COOLING RATE : None ATTACK RANGE : 0 SIGHT RANGE: 11 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Flyer Carapace Evolution (Done at the Spire/Greater Spire) gives a +1 bonus to Yggdrasil carapace. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Ventral Sacs Ability (Starting ability) gives the transport ability to the Overlord. So you've got the Zerg transport!! DESCRIPTION: The only Overlord that is given the type of control of a Cerebrate, this flying behemoth can easily be differencied to other Overlords by his over-sized body (bigger than normal). EVALUATION: A great unit, great armor and immense hps, what's best however is that he gives off 30 in control which can help reduces the morphing of Overlords a little bit. Incredible scouting unit because of his hps and defense, he can pass right over a heavily defended outpost and come back alive! He surely inherits a 9/10. *********************************************************************** INFESTED DURAN (Infested Terran) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 300 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 25 Concussion Damage(C-10 Canister Rifle) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 25 Concussion Damage(C-10 Canister Rifle) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 7 SIGHT RANGE: 11 UPGRADES: Each Zerg Carapace Evolution (Done at the Evolution Chamber) gives a +1 bonus to Infested Duran armor. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Personnal Cloaking ability (Starting ability) gives the ability to cloak for Duran. It costs 25 energy units to cloak and after that it decreases at a rate of 1 per second. This should be the first upgrade you research at the Covert Ops. Essential for the weak Samir Duran. The Lockdown upgrade (Done at the Covert Ops add-on) will let Duran shoot a missile that will shut-down all electrical systems in mechanical units for a limited time. This only works for 1 unit per missile and does not affect units near the affected unit. It costs 100 units of energy to launch 1 missile, so if during has the Moebius Reactor upgrade, he will be able to launch 2 Lockdowns and cloak for 25 seconds. This will paralyze even the mightiest Battlecruiser and you can easily destroy it while it's paralyzed. This is an excellent upgrade to do against Protoss and Terran, but forget it for Zerg (They do not have any mechanical units!). VERY useful because it's the only "stasis" ability of the zerg! The Consume Ability (Starting Ability) lets Infested Duran devours one of his own brethen to recover 50 units of energy. It's better to use this on Zerglings or Broodlings because even an Ultralisk gives only 50 energy units. Only good if you use Lockdown a lot. DESCRIPTION: Seems to be Kerrigan's subordinate, but he is also doing his owns little experiments hidden on other planets. Probably a spy from a higher personality not know to us.... Story for sequel? Maybe.... Seeks to merge a Protoss being with a Zerg entity to create a perfect hybrid of the two races. EVALUATION: A little more powerful than his normal form (Defensivly not offensivly). Useful because he has the Lockdown ability and is the only Zerg unit to feature that ability! He also has Consume to restock on energy! A great unit to have. 8/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "What do you need?" "Cerebrate!" "How can I be of service?" "I'm here..." When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Is there a problem?" "Mwha ha ha I like your style friend!" "But I think you're getting a little too familiar..." "I don't believe we've met..." "I am Duran... Who are you?" "I told you my name!! It's Duran! DURAN!" "What's so funny?!?" "Please, please, tell me now...." "Is there something I should know?" When ordered: "Right away!" "Of course!" "I'll take care of it!" "You've got it!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Protoss Heroes & Stats Like thier units section, some of them will have quotes and some won't because they produce robotic sounds instead of speaking. *********************************************************************** DARK TEMPLAR Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (biological) STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 40 SHIELD POINTS : 80 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 45 Normal Damage(Warp Blades) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 30 ATTACK RANGE: 1 SIGHT RANGE: 7 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Dark Templar armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Dark Templar ground attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to the Dark Templar Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Permanent Cloaking Field lets the Dark Templar cloaks upon is arrival and for the ENTIRE game until it dies. Very useful, however enemies can still see a distortion when a cloaked unit moves. DESCRIPTION: The Protoss that where banished from Aiur to Shakuras. Through thier lifetime, they evolved a technique that deflects the light from them, rendering them invisible to normal eyes. Can deal death like true assassins with thier deadly Warp Blades. They were the ones with Zeratul on Char and they helped Tassadar when he was in his Stasis Cell. EVALUATION: Basicly the same as normal Dark Templars with only a few differences. Just use normal Dark Templars they're better than those. 7/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Yes?" "(Language)" "I'm waiting..." "(Language)" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Your tanuts are inadvised Templar!" "Do not provoke me to violence..." "You can no more evade my wrath..." "And you fear your own shadow!!!" When ordered: "For Aiur!" "So be it!" "(Language)" "Very well..." *********************************************************************** ZERATUL (DARK TEMPLAR) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (biological) STARTING ARMOR: 0 HIT POINTS (HP): 60 SHIELD POINTS : 400 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 100 Normal Damage(Warp Blades) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 1 SIGHT RANGE: 7 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Zeratul armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Zeratul ground attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Zeratul Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Permanent Cloaking Field leaves Zeratul invisible for all the game. Very useful, however enemies can still see a distortion when a cloaked unit moves. DESCRIPTION: Hailing from distant Shakuras, Zeratul is probably the only Dark Templar capable of killing nearly anything in a couple of hits from his Warp Blades. He is the one that discovered Infested Duran side-plan to create the perfect hybrid, after seeing this, he simply disappeared along with the rest of his forces. Probably standing in wait of a sign of any other hybrids.... EVALUATION: Stronger than normal Dark Templars (defensivly) and capable of dealing an immense 100 normal damage with his Warp Blades, Zeratul is truly the perfect covert unit in the game, he can easily deal with lone detectors (not flying ones) and can ravage a big patrol group before the opponent has a chance to retaliate. 9/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "(Language)" "Mmm?" "Your orders, Templar?" "You address me?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "You have persecuted us for generations..." "And now you beg us to aid you?" "We will do what we must!" "But we do it for Aiur! Not you!" When ordered: "So be it!" "It will be done..." "An Taro Adun!" "I do this for Aiur!" *********************************************************************** TASSADAR/ZERATUL (ARCHON) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Ethereal, means not biological nor mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 100 SHIELD POINTS : 800 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 60 Splash Damage(Psionic Shockwave) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 60 Splash Damage(Psionic Shockwave) COOLING RATE: 20 ATTACK RANGE: 2 SIGHT RANGE: 8 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to this Archon armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +3 bonus to this Archon ground and air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to this Archon Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: An Archon formed by the merging of Tassadar and Zeratul. Actually never been truly tried by the two. This is more based on theories and science to estimate the combined strentgh of this Archon when given Tassadar's and Zeratul's power. Would make an awesome weapon, but Tasssadar nor Zeratul ever wanted it to come down to this. EVALUATION: Even stronger than the already strong Archon, and dealing a hefty 60 splash damage, this unit is truly god-like. A nice addition to ANY attack force. 9/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "(Language)" "Power overwhelming..." (CHEATER!) "We burn..." "We need focus..." When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "It all looks so different on this side...." "Break on through!" "It's beautiful..." "They should have sent a poet..." When ordered: "Eradicate..." "Annilihate..." "Obliterate..." "Destroy..." *********************************************************************** FENIX (ZEALOT) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (Biological) STARTING ARMOR: 2 HIT POINTS (HP): 240 SHIELD POINTS : 240 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 20 Normal Damage(Psi Blades) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 1 SIGHT RANGE: 7 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Fenix armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +2 bonus to Fenix ground attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Fenix Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: One of the big personalities of the Protoss, assigned Preator. He is a warrior to heart and has his religious beliefs close to heart. He will be left for dead in the Antioch battle when the Zerg retook thier position in Antioch. EVALUATION: A fairly strong unit, plenty of hps and a little more attack, but in the late game, tends to be rather unecessary as you need MANY Zealots to beat someone in the late game and makes his advantages worthless, they're very useful in the beginning though.. 7/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "I hunger for battle!" "What do you ask of me?" "Executor?" "Your command?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "I fear no enemy!" "For the Khala is my strength!" "I fear not death!" "For our strength is eternal!" When ordered: "(Language)" "Immediatly..." "As you will..." "For Aiur!" *********************************************************************** FENIX (DRAGOON) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 240 SHIELD POINTS : 240 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 45 Explosive Damage(Phase Disruptor) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 45 Explosive Damage(Phase Disruptor) COOLING RATE: 30 ATTACK RANGE: 6 SIGHT RANGE: 8 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Fenix armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +2 bonus to Fenix ground and air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Fenix Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: After being found by his brethren, Fenix was transferred in the robotic body of a Dragoon to continue to serve the Conclave. Even after facing death in the face, he still fights with uncommon aggressivity. After hearing of Tassadar's goals when he betrayed the Conclave, he will join the fight to fight the Conclave to protect Tassadar. Will later be killed on Korhal by Kerrigan, true to his beliefs, he never even showed the slightest amount of fear before he died... EVALUATION: This form is much more useful than his Zealot form, he deals awesome damage to the air and ground and has a faster cooling than other Dragoons. Even in a big game he's still a major opponent. 9/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "I hunger for battle!" "What do you ask of me?" "Executor?" "Your command?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "I fear no enemy!" "For the Khala is my strength!" "I fear not death!" "For our strength is eternal!" When ordered: "(Language)" "Immediatly..." "As you will..." "For Aiur!" *********************************************************************** TASSADAR (HIGH TEMPLAR) Vital Stats: SIZE: Small (biological) STARTING ARMOR: 2 HIT POINTS (HP): 80 SHIELD POINTS : 300 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 20 Normal Damage(Psi Assault) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 22 ATTACK RANGE: 0 SIGHT RANGE: 7 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Tassadar armor. Each Protoss Ground Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Tassadar ground attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Tassadar Shield. The Khaydarin Amulet Upgrade (Done at the Templar Archives) gives a +50 bonus to Tassadar maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Psionic Storm Upgrade (Done at the Templar Archives) lets Tassadar send massive current in a certain area and for a limited time (For 75 energy units). All units caught inside the storm will sustain massive cumulative damage, usually enough to kill any unit under the 200 HP mark. Works better against slow-pokes, because other units can get out of the storm rather quickly and nearly intact. Doesn't work against buildings. The Hallucination Upgrade (Done at the Templar Archives) lets Tassadar create two duplicates of any unit (Friend or foe). These units have the same HP, but they attack for 0 damage and get double damage from each attack against them. Any effect targeted on an Hallucinated unit will destroy that hallucination. Also, hallucination cannot use any of the original copy of the unit (Hallucinated Ghosts cannot lock-down for exemple). Best used as a diversion, send 10 or so Shuttles into the enemy base with only 3 or 4 having troops inside while the other 6 or 7 are hallucinated. DESCRIPTION: The only Protoss to ever surpass Adun in heroic deeds, to protect his homeworld, he even sacrificed all he held dear. He sided with the Dark Templar, people who were banished from Aiur, he defied the Conclave orders by destroying only the Zerg and letting Tarsonis live. In the final battle against the Overmind, he focused all his Templar powers along with combining the Dark Templar powers inside his Capital Ship : The Gantrithor and crashed on the Overmind, destroying the Xel'naga creation. He his still regarded as an hero to all the Protoss people. EVALUATION: Though he may be a hero, he is not very good has a unit, he his the same as a normal High Templar, except he has more hps, a pityful attack and cannot morph into an Archon. Use normal Templars instead. 7/10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Yes Executor?" "I hear you..." "How may I help?" "Your will?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Speak quickly Executor!" "I don't have time for games!" "I was Executor long before you!" "So do not try my patience!" When ordered: "It shall be done..." "For Aiur!" "Of course..." "(Language)" *********************************************************************** MOJO (SCOUT) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 400 SHIELD POINTS : 400 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 20 Normal Damage(Dual Photon Blasters) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 56 Explosive Damage(Anti-Matter Missiles) COOLING RATE: 30 for ground/22 for air ATTACK RANGE: 4 SIGHT RANGE: 10 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to Mojo armor. Each Protoss Air Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to Mojo ground attack and a +2 bonus to Mojo air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Mojo Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: Just a normal Protoss considered special because of his heavily-enhanced Scout, he his an very clear advantage in any battles. He his also considered to be to supreme commander of all Scouts squadrons, another big personnality. EVALUATION: A Scout with MUCH MORE HPS! I means he's got 800 in total!! and he hits for 20 on the ground! He hits the double as normal Scouts in the air also... He's a worthy opponent or addition to your fleet. 9/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Awaiting Command" "Standing by..." "Contact!" "Cho'gal" (A name from Warcraft 2, I think...) When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Signal unstable..." "Psionic link dissipating..." "I just ignored transmission" "(Voice distorts in mid-transmission)" "??????..... reengaged!" (The beginning is not understandable...) When ordered: "Due yours!" "(Language)" "It will be done!" "????? acknowledged!" *********************************************************************** WARBRINGER (REAVER) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 200 SHIELD POINTS : 400 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 100/125 with upgrade Splash Damage(Scarab) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 0(None) COOLING RATE: 60 ATTACK RANGE: 8 SIGHT RANGE: 10 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Armor Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Warbringer armor. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Warbringer Shield. The Scarab Damage Upgrade (Done at the Robotics Support Bay) gives a +25 bonus to Warbringer ground attack. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Scarab Shop (Starting ability) lets Warbringer self-produce a Scarab for 15 minerals. Always replenish your Reavers before attacking! You cannot have more Scarabs than 10. DESCRIPTION: A prototype of Reaver to see if it you'd be worthwhile to enhance the defensive capabilities of a Reaver, still undergoing various tests before mass-production begins... EVALUATION: A Reaver with more hps, not much more, still hits the same (which is very dangerous even now..). Can be useful because of the extra beating he can take before dying, however, don't rely on this to escape because he is still sluggish... Overall, use normal Reavers. 7/10 *********************************************************************** GANTRITHOR (CARRIER) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 4 HIT POINTS (HP): 800 SHIELD POINTS : 500 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 6 Normal Damage(Pulse Cannon) <72 total damage> AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 6 Normal Damage(Pulse Cannon) <72 total damage> COOLING RATE: **CLASSIFIED** ATTACK RANGE: 8 SIGHT RANGE: 11 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to Gantrithor armor. Each Protoss Air Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to Gantrithor ground and air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Gantrithor Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Interceptor Hangar Ability (Starting Ability) lets Gantrithor produce an Interceptor (For 25m) which serves as weapons for the Carrier. DESCRIPTION: Tassadar's capital ship, will be destroyed in the successful attempt to get rid of the Overmind. Since this is an inanimate object, he will not be remembered like Tassadar. EVALUATION: Hits like a normal Carrier, however, did you see his hps?!?! 1300 in total!! That's unbelievable!! He can take a SERIOUS beating beofre even being in the red and takes a little more damage to be destroyed. One of the best units to have on your side! 9/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Yes Executor?" "I hear you..." "How may I help?" "Your will?" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Speak quickly Executor!" "I don't have time for games!" "I was Executor long before you!" "So do not try my patience!" When ordered: "It shall be done..." "For Aiur!" "Of course..." "(Language)" *********************************************************************** DANIMOTH (ARBITRER) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 600 SHIELD POINTS : 500 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 20 Explosive Damage(Phase Disruptor Cannon) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 20 Explosive Damage(Phase Disruptor Cannon) COOLING RATE: 45 ATTACK RANGE: 5 SIGHT RANGE: 9 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to Danimoth armor. Each Protoss Air Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to Danimoth ground and air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Danimoth Shield. The Khaydarin Core Upgrade (Done at the Arbitrer's Tribunal) gives a +50 bonus to Danimoth maximum energy. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Permanent Cloaking Shield is an ability unique to the Arbitrer as it cloaks any of your units within range (Not your allies mind you) for the entire moment where they stay under the Arbitrer's field. This technology is an advantage, but it emits a disruption that keeps the Arbitrer from cloaking (Even when using another Arbitrer Cloaking Shield). A truly remarkable ability. The Statis Field Ability (Starting ability) lets Danimoth initiate a disruption in space-time (For 100 energy units), causing all units in an certain area to get "frozen in time". Units caught in this can't be attained by any means, they are impervious to any effects from this world for a certain time. A good use is to stun a portion of an opponent attack force, then slaughter the remaining portion and wait around the stunned units to return to this world so you can slaughter them! The Recall Ability (Starting ability) lets Danimoth open a gate in the continuum (For 150 energy units) to bring back any of YOUR units from any place on the map to under Danimoth (Doesn't work if you do this over water when trying to warp ground units). Although this ability seems to be made to send back wounded to safety, the best use remains in a more offensive tactic. Try to enter at least 1 Arbitrer in the middle of an enemy base then let the Recall loose to bring your previously prepared heavy troops in the middle of the base to wreak havoc without having to break through the fortress-like choke point of this base. DESCRIPTION: Another overpowered normal unit, this is a one-of-a-kind type because of the incredible cost to produce this unit. This was meant to be the original force of the Arbitrer, but because of costs they had to lower the defensive and offensive abilities, however, they let the prototype up and running. This vessel was named after his pilot, Danimoth. EVALUATION: With 1100 hps, enemies will have a hard time getting rid of THAT Arbitrer before he does his Recall.... Even though his weapon is stronger, it still sucks. Use it for it's Recall and Cloaking Field. 9/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "We are vigilant.." "We feel your presence..." "(Language)" "(Language)" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "We sense a soul in search of answers..." "Do you seek knowledge of time travel?" "We'll take that as a yes" "And now for your first lesson... hahahahah" "**extremely fast speaking** Do you seek knowledge of time travel?" When ordered: "(Language)" "(language)" "(Language)" *********************************************************************** ARTANIS (SCOUT) Vital Stats: SIZE: Large (Mechanical) STARTING ARMOR: 3 HIT POINTS (HP): 250 SHIELD POINTS : 250 GROUND ATTACK & WEAPON: 20 Normal Damage(Dual Photon Blasters) AIR ATTACK & WEAPON: 56 Explosive Damage(Anti-Matter Missiles) COOLING RATE: 30 for ground/22 for air ATTACK RANGE: 4 SIGHT RANGE: 10 UPGRADES: Each Protoss Plating Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to Artanis armor. Each Protoss Air Weapons Upgrade (Done at the Cybernetics Core) gives a +1 bonus to Artanis ground attack and a +2 bonus to Artanis air attack. Each Protoss Plasma Shield Upgrade (Done at the Forge) gives a +1 bonus to Artanis Shield. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None DESCRIPTION: The Protoss that was appointed to replace Tassadar's position after his valiant sacrifice. Admires Tassadar to no extent. Has a new being on the battlefield, he still thinks that the Protoss species are superior to others and tend to think they can always win. EVALUATION: Same firepower as Mojo, but much weaker defense. It's a good unit, but not the best. Still fearsome, but easily disposed of if targeted. 8/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When selected: "Yes Executor!" "State your will!" "I am ready!" "Direct my wrath!" When pissed off (Selected multiple times in a row without giving orders): "Explain this unbehavior..." "STOP POKING ME!!" (Yipee! Warcraft 1!!) "Who do I look like?!?! An ORC?!?!" "This is not Warcraft in space!!!!" "It's much more sophisticated!" "I KNOW IT'S NOT 3D!!!!!" When ordered: "Indeed..." "Consider it done!" "I concure..." "For Aiur!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Credits & Legal Stuff Thanks to Daniel Pollitt for submitting various corrections to quotes. Thanks to Leon Chen for submitting some corrections/strategies for the Marine, Vulture & Medic units. Thanks to Lord Venom for submitting the correct damage ratigns for Explosive-type Damage. Thanks to Patrick for various corrections of quotes. Thanks to Bill William for various corrections of quotes. Thanks to JEJ93 for various quotes corrections/additions. Thanks to Tairc for a correction of a Goliath quote. Thanks to Brian McKay for correcting a few quotes. Thanks to Andreas Steiner for telling me the meaning of "Jawohl". Thanks to Fredrik Lindh for possible changes for the Wraith and High Templar quotes. Thanks to Warpfox for is possible change of a Corsair quote. Thanks to Drew Brommelhoff for submitting various corrections of Terran & Protoss units. Thanks to Danny Nhung for submitting 2 quote corrections to Edmond Duke. Thanks to James Chang for all his help on the Heroes descriptions. Thansk to S. Lee for all his corrections and advice. Thanks to Alex Qian for correcting 2 quotes in the Arbitrer section and 1 for the Siege Tank. Thanks to Jeremy Harris for submitting 3 corrections for quotes. Thanks to Stephanus Rudiyanto Natari for submitting a couple of corrections to errors I had made in this present FAQ and for the his awesome FAQ featuring lots of compiled info regarding units (which I used to get the cool rates of certain heroes). Thanks to Neo Darkshadow for submitting a great quantity of quotes corrections for Terran units (Especially the Dropship) and some corrections in the heroes section. Also thanks for the suggestions on quote submissions. Thanks to FKhan85704 for submitting all his quotes corrections and the complete Dragoon, Dark Templar, Scout, Infested Terran quote list. Thanks to Blizzard for making the Starcraft compendium (available on Battle.net website), I got info regarding ONLY units statistics from this. This FAQ is Copyright to Kildread2, I don't particuliarly care that much if you put it up on your website as long as you're not making any money off MY work and don't alter this guide at any point. Also, if you put it up on your site, check for updates at www.gamefaqs.com, that woudl avoid e-mails asking me about a completed section because some site owner was too lazy to take the updated guide. If you have any questions, information or comments, mail me at Kildread2@hotmail.com.