Jurassic Park Hints by Joe Bert Renfro III K.D., E.R. (Killer of Dinosaurs, Eater of Ribs) If you've recently purchased a Packar Bell P.C., you probably received the disks to this diabolical game in the mail. And if you've ever wondered to yourself, "What were all those teachers in Southern California doing with their time during the tandem Winter and Earthquake Breaks?"... well, this is your answer. If you appreciate my utter waste of time, please upload as much cash as you can PKZip to CompuServe # 71564,2426. (In lieu of "dinero", send me some E-mail, with or without comments on this document. I'm utterly bored.) Jurassic Park Passwords Triceratops Paddock......C37EF8D1 Stegasaur Paddock........4D9458D1 Gallimimus Paddock.......15AC78D1 Pteradon Dome............13AE78D1 Brachiosaur Paddock......72AF98D1 Visitor's Center 3-D.....FDC478D1 Maintenance Shed 3-D.....9DC498D1 (New! No Hints) Hints and Clues T. Rex Paddock This is where the game begins, but Rex has flown the coop. If you pick up the bullets you find when the game begins, press "I" for Inventory to switch back to the cattle prod. It works better for the dragonflies you're about to en- counter. After you figure out how to get out of the pit, make your way counter- clockwise to the first computer terminal. Select Paddock Systems, and open the bunker. Make your way to the bunker, picking up Tim along the way. Try to ignore the spitters. When you find the bunker, grab the tool kit and head to the center-north of the screen. There you'll find another pit, but this one has a first aid kit and a grated drain pipe. Grab the first aid if you need it, then head into the pipe. Tim will wait for you outside. Lex is in here. Head due north. At the first left, turn west (left) and grab the I.D. in the dead end. Go back east, and turn left (north) at the passage you came in on. Proceed north to the next left (a "T" intersection) and turn left again (west). Travel west past the first right (north) turn to the point where the passage "L's" to the right (north). You should find a crate here. Lex has broken her leg. You have to push the crate into the water, and "swim" it to her. Head back the way you just came, pushing the crate ahead of yourself. Turn left at the north turn you bypassed a moment ago. (If you come to the "T" intersection, you've gone too far.) Now make your way in a clock- wise direction (sort of). With a minor detour or two, you'll find Lex in the north-east section of the screen. She gets on the crate, and you "swim" her out, continuing in a clockwise direction. (There are two first aid kits along the way. I suggest you walk through a few times to learn the maze before you try to actually rescue Lex.) When you have the I.D. and Lex, and you are at the screen where you came in, head south out of the pipe. Tim will join you again. With both kids in tow, make your way north-east, to the gate. If you have both kids and the I.D., the gate will open up , and then you'll transition to the Triceratops Paddock. The Sewer T. Rex Paddock Keys to the Sewer + First Aid (there are two of these) i Identification (gets you through the fence gate œ Lex л Crate (to float Lex out on) c compies œ ЩЭЛ ЭЭЭЭЭЛ ЩЭЛ ЩЭЙ К ЬЭЭЭЭЛ К ЬЭЭЙ К К ЩЭЭЭЭМ а +ЭЭЪЭМ ЧФШЭЙ в ЩЭЭЭЙ ЩЭЭМ ЭЭЙ К ЩЭЭЭЭЙ ШЭЛ в в К ЬЭМ К ЬЭЭЛ ЬЭЭЭМ лК К ШЭЭЭМ ЩЭЭЙ К ШЭЭ ШЭЭЪЭЭЫЭЭ +ЭЛ ЩЭЙ ЬЭЭМ iЭЭЭЭЙ ШЭМ ШЭЭЙ ЩЭЭЭ К в ЬЭЭЫЭЪЭЛ ЬЭЭЭЭЪЭЭЭЭЭЭЭМ cа а К Entrance Tim This is a schematic representation of the sewer. I think it's pretty accurate. If you find any errors, let me know so I can update it. Just remember, after you get the crate, travel in a basically clockwise direction to get her. I usually go munched when I traveled in the counter-clockwise direction. Triceratops Paddock C37EF8D1 What happened to the kids? Don't ask me. You find them again on the other side of the Stegasaur Paddock. For now, galavant about collecting fruit. You need them to drug an enormous triceratops adult in the north-west. This takes some time, but be thorough. If you're more than one flower short, you'll probably get squished. Once you've collected the fruit and found the big triceratops, just charge past it to the south. You'll drop the goodies, and the dino will dally long enough for you to duck out of the way to the east. This is a VERY rough diagram of the Triceratops Paddock. Key *** Fence === Road Tri First Big Triceratops (use the fruit) Tr12 Second Big Triceratops (dodge in front of it) ииии Bock wall Tri2 knocks down B Bunker i Identification Card (to get into the bunker) + First Aid (3 all together in this paddock) a Ammunition кФП РФй Outhouse *********************************************************************** * лл лл лл + a ллллллллллл лл * * лл ллTriлллллл ллл АБВллTri2лл * * лл АБВлл лл * * лл лл ллл ллллллллллл лл * * лл ллиииилл кФФФП * * ллллллллллл лл лл Г B Г * * лллл * лл лл Рй Рй * * ********************************* + лл лл *лллл * лл*****ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл*ллллллББлллллл ллл л л * *ллллллллллллллл мммммммммммм ллллл*i *л л * *ллллллллллллллл лл п п лл л********************л ллллл * * *лллллллллл мммммл ллллллллллллл м лллллллллллллллллллллл * *лллллллллл ллллл ллллллллллллл м =================== ВВВВВВВВВВВВБллллллл кФП ллл лллллллл ===============лллллллллл лллллллл БББББББББББАллллллл РФй лл лллл мм л =====ллллллл ллллл ллллa лл лллллллл АААААААААААлллллл ================= ллл лл+ л ллллл лллллл лллллллл ============Jeep======== лллллл лл л лл лллл ллл лл лллл ммм м п ллллллллл лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллммммлммммлллл ллл ллл лл ллп п лллп ммллл лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллм л ллл мммлллллл лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл ллллллллллллллллллллллл ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл ллллллллллллллл a ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл You're not through yet. One more big dino guards another passage to the far right of the screen. But this time you don't have any fruit. Climb the rock wall at the eastern end of the screen. Kill of the spitters on the wall, using your bullets and your cattle prod. (Bullets won't hit one persistent spitter to the south of you who is a little bit higher, but you CAN zap has noogies with the tazer!) Now, gaze in awe at the dino to the east. Imagine if you will the carnage that will ensue if you are not careful. How is your DNA level? Do you feel strong? If not, hop back down to the west, find one of the two first aid kits in this section (DON'T try to sneak out past the first big dino. There are no more fruits with which to distract it!) One of the kits is real close to you. Fix yourself up, surmount the wall one last time, then cast your frail body in an Errol Flynn manner headlong into harms way. The big triceratops will try to squish you. Dodge back and forth in front of it, causing it to knock down the rock barricade to the south. As soon it falls, run like the dickens straight south, and jump into the nitch. If you have enough DNA remaining, jump down, travel west evading the spitters, grab the I.D., then make your way east, turning north into the bunker. Stegasaur Paddock 4D9458D1 This is the first 3-D section of the game, but there are no raptors here! Head down the elevator, learn the maze, and find your way back out to the 2-D game section. This is where the trouble begins. You need lots of blocks to get everywhere in this section. Basically, make your way to the back of the paddock, crossing one concrete suspension bridge, using the white cube-shaped stones to get you up, AND DOWN, the cliffs. (Push the stone off cliffs, landing on it to get down.) You'll end up finding the kids in the north-west, near a second concrete bridge. Gallimimus Paddock 15AC78D1 If you're not careful, this is where you get eaten by T. Rex. Turn the sound way up the first time for the full effect. You can climb down into the canyon to the north, drop the kids off in the bunker, and then figure out how to get them out, if you want. Or you can let them tag along, find your way into the canyon to the south, and play through anyway. It doesn't matter. Or you can drop em off in the bunker, and leave them there. THAT doesn't matter! Once you get into the spitter paddock to the far west, they reappear again! You have to make your way into the valley to the south. There is an easy way to get there, but the T. Rex is always waiting. You'll want to see your untimely death at least once, so here's how to do it: Get in the north can- yon. Travel west past the bunker dropping off the kids. Continue west through the oncoming stampede. At the west end you discover you are in a box canyon. Grab the first aid, then head up the steps to the south and jump into the next canyon. It doesn't matter what you do, now. You'll get munched. But it's fun to watch. Make your way west along the finger-like ridge. You'll see some bullets, which you should make your way down to grab, and an oil drum. Zap the red bees with the cattle prod, and push the oil drum off the cliff to the south.Get in the north canyon. Travel west past the bunker dropping off the kids. Continue west through the oncoming stampede. At the west end you discover you are in a box canyon. Grab the first aid, then head up the steps to the south and jump into the next canyon. The following T. Rex evasion tactic comes from Janet Deacon CIS# 72114,1552, a third degree black belt in Dino-kata: "As for getting by the T-Rex, I pick up the flares (I think you might be able to use regular ammo), turn around to face him (east) and keep firing until I kill a gallimimus right in front of him." Apparently, Rex is diverted by the hot flesh, (what man wouldn't be?) You can go west (left) and end up in the dilophosaur paddock, the kids magically at your side. But you shouldn't. Run to the right (east) Push the oil drum, which you knocked off the cliff a few moments ago into the trench. It will break open, and you'll be able to use it to climb out as you continue east (to the right). Turn around, face west, and fire your flare into the oil to set it ablaze, insulating you from T. Rex (insulated by fire!) You'll see the I.D. on a cliff to the north. Snake your way around and up, snag it, continue clockwise to ta third valley to the south, let the kids out of the tunnel, then continue west to the dilophosaur paddock. This is what I had to do: With or without first dropping off the kids at the bunker, make your way west along the finger-like ridge. You'll see some bul- lets, which you should make your way down to grab, and an oil drum. Zap the red bees with the cattle prod, and push the oil drum off the cliff to the south. This next part is tricky, and takes a lot of practice. Walk the character to the north-west edge of the cliff you're on (where the drum was,) and make him "jump" down. If he just drops off, he'll die, (and so, vicariously, will you.) You have to fiddle with the keys to make him do it, but eventually he will. Make your way to the barrel, and push it into the canyon to the south. (You are now east of the T. Rex, but don't worry. He never shows up again.) Push the oil drum into the trench to the east. It will break open, and you'll be able to use it to climb out as you continue east (to the right). You'll see the I.D. card on a ledge to your north. Continue clockwise around the hill, past the door to the tunnel, up the cliff face, and then back again counter-clockwise to get the I.D. Use it to open the tunnel door if you dropped the kids off in the bunker. Travel west, up either canyon you now have access to (the most southerly is the safest. There is first aid hidden in a cave here.) If you allowed yourself to be eaten by T. Rex, you probably found the flares. Depend- ing upon which route you chose, grab the flares or backtrack to them, then con- tinue west (left) to the spitter paddock. Just before you get there, if you travel clockwise around the hill, you'll find first aid and ammo in the box canyon. But you probably don't need these. (There is a purpose for the flares. Run back to the trench where you spilled the oil, and fire a flare into it. A fire will erupt. This MUST be for dis- tracting T.Rex once you have run by him. If this is true, then there's pro- ably an easier way to get into the southern canyon than trying to jump off that cliff where the oil drum was originally. But I haven't been able to fig- ure it out. Perhaps if you wait long enough, T. Rex just runs past you and then you dart in and get the flares. I dunno.) Dilophasaur Paddock #1 (Spitters by the hundreds!) The scene changes to the Spitter Paddock, but you don't get a password. If you meet your third death here, you have to start all over again in the Gallimimus Paddock, with that long leap to negotiate again. So be careful. Drop the kids off at the Visitors' Center Main Gate a little ways to the west. Then travel south and duck under the fence before cross over the bridge,. You need to push the block to get out of the ditch. Use the zapper. There are two ways to get through here. If you turn south just after you get under the fence, you can jump in the river, swim across, climb into the raft and paddle east, bypassing the rest of this paddock along with the next two. If that's what you want to do, skip ahead in this document to the 2nd spitter section. We're going to work our way east along the north bank of the river. You'll eventually cross the river to the east on an earthen bridge. (There are two here. Continue east. DON'T take the one which goes to the right!) Then im- mediately cross back on a third bridge to get to the computer terminal. Un- lock the bunker door, then work your way carefully along the north bank of the river until you come to the Pteradon Dome. Travel counter-clockwise around the base of the hill. When you see the Pteradon Dome door on the hill above you, work your way south, then west to find the open bunker. Take the I.D., work your way clockwise to the west side of the hill upon which stands the Pteradon Dome, climb up the hill, and use the I.D. to open the door you saw a moment ago. Pteradon Dome #1 13AE78D1 You're going to work your way in a circle clockwise around this level of the dome. An I.D. is hidden under some eggs in a dino nest. The location of the I.D. varies, so you'll have to search each time. Break the eggs by shooting or zapping them. You need the I.D. to exit through the door on the other side. Brachiosaur Paddock #1 There's no password for this level. On your third death, you have to go back to the Pteradon Dome. Walk down the stairs, then travel south-east along the river bank until you come to a bridge. There are a lot of spitters here, but if you just charge past them you can make it unscathed. Cross the bridge to the north side of the river, then travel east until you come to the computer ter- minal. Unlock the Pteradon Dome door, then jump down toward the fence. Travel east to where the dino embryos are strewn about. Collect them all, then grab the I.D. next to Dennis' wrecked jeep. Use the I.D. to open the gate, and scoot into the open Pteradon Dome door before it closes on you. If you're too slow, the door will close and you'll have to climb the hill at the top of the screen and negotiate your way through the Brachiosaur Paddock again. Pteradon Dome #2 (bottom floor) There is no password for this level, so once again its back to the top floor if you eat it three times here. Climb the hill to your west, knock down one of the white blocks, and use it to scale the hill at the back (north) of the dome. Wend your way counter-clockwise, until you come to the retracted drawbridge. Kill the resident spitter, then continue west to the control panel. (The lighted panel to the left of the bridge near the waterline IS NOT the control panel.) Zap it or shoot it. Sparks will fly, you will hear the sound of electric motors, and the bridge has become extended. Run east back to the bridge, cross over it heading south, then travel west as far as you can go. You'll then snake your way into a box canyon, in the far west of which you will discover one of those white boulders. Push it south, climb over the hill, then rush west through the tunnel, back into the Spitter Paddock. Dilophasaur Paddock #2 There's no password for this level, either. Snake your way west as far as you can go. This maze is a lot easier than it looks. There are lots of first aid kits along the way. You have to pass a hill which is unclimbable, snake your way west some more, and you'll finally come to the raft... yes! It's the same raft you could have climbed into when you first escaped from old T. Rex and dropped the kids off at the Visitors' Center Main Gates! Jump into the water, climb aboard the raft, and paddle downstream (east), paralleling the same route you took to get into the Pteradon Dome the first time. (You could just jump into the raft, cross the river, get out of the raft, and run back to the Visitors' Center Main Gate where you left the kids. But that won't work. The gates won't open unless you ride the raft down- stream.) You'll eventually be carried back into the... Pteradon Dome #3 Wend your way eastward, dodging spitballs and Ichthyosaurs and dagger-like rocks. When you see the waterfalls, work your way to the low point on the south shore. Land the raft, get out, climb the boulder to your east and get the first aid, Climb back down to the other side, assassinate the resident spitter, and climb back into the raft which has safely negotiated the rapids by itself. Now wend your way carefully again, and if you're lucky you will pas into the Brachiosaur Paddock again. Brachiosaur Paddock #2 72AF98D1 Lucky? Whaddaya mean, lucky? Well, this time you get a password. You'll never have to trompmthrough that that guano-covered dino-aviary again! Continue west, getting out of the raft at the island with the Computer Terminal Unlock the gate, get back in the raft, work your way to the low spot on the north shore, get out of the raft, travel east to the bridge, and cross to the south side of the river. This whole area should be pretty familiar, but this is the last tiome you have to negotiate it. Travel west. When you get to the hill, turn south, and go through the open gate. Dilophasaur Paddock #3 This is your third trip through this paddock, each time without a password. Travel west along the ridge, jumping down to the north at the first hint of danger (It's covered with spitters!) Continue to work your way west, until you pass the hill with the computer terminal. Work your way counter-clockwise around it, shove the block you find over to it's base, then climb up to the terminal. Zap the spitter, unlock the gate, climb down, run the gauntlet to the west, then pass through the open gate. Three more spitters lie ahead. You'll pass the ditch you climbed throuh to get into the Dilophasaur Paddock the first time. Cross over that bridge, and the Main Gates will be wide open with the kids waiting for you. (You don't actually have the recquisite I.D. I think Dennis' I.D. was the one next to the jeep where you found the em- bryos. But the point is moot, because the gate is open!) Visitors' Center FDC478D1 Captain! There be velociraptors here! And I have as yet to get through! To make your system run faster, press escape and lower some of the Detail settings. Press "M" to examine the progress map occasionally... but basically, you're on your own here! HOW TO COMPLETE THE FIRST 3-D SECTION from Packard Bell, via Janet Deacon A. Objectives to complete the 3-D Sections 1. Exit the Visitors Center level 2 via the ramp up to Vistors Center Level 1. 2. Exit the Visitors Center level 1 to outside. 3. Enter the maintenance shed level 1 via the ramp down to the maintenance shed level 2. 4. Collect the night goggles. 5. Exit the maintenance shed level 1 via the ramp down to maintenance shed level 2. 6. Switch the power on. 7. Take the lift down to the dark caves. 8. Take the lift to the pipe caves. 9. Take the lift to the water caves. 10. Take the lift up to the Visitors Center level 3 11. Take the lift down to the Visitors Center level 2 12. Meet Dr. Hammond and the others on Visitor Center level 1. B. Level 1: Visitor Center Level 2 Start near the center of the map (rotation off - J.D.) 1. Go forward, towards the top, out of the first room and turn right. 2. Follow the corridor to the second room, keeping to the left of the room/corridor. 3. Exit the second room at the top. Keep the wall to the left. 4. Follow the corridors to the top edge of the map and turn left. 5. Pass through three small rooms and turn left. Head toward the bottom of the map. 6. Pass through two large rooms. Exit the second large room to the right. 7. Continue through the short corridor into a large room. Exit this room to the left. 8. Pass through another large room along the right side. Exit the room at the bottom edge of the map and turn left. 9. Pass through five small rooms and into the sixth. Exit the sixth small room to the right and up the ramp to Visitor Center level 1. Sherlock Holmes Stuff The various passwords certainly look like Hex codes (If you want to see Hex codes in action, go to your DOS Shell, highlight JP.EXE, and press F9 once or twice to get the proper display.) Perhaps these passwords mean something to some programmer somewhere, but they're all Greek to me. I don't know if any passwords remain to be discovered, 'cuz I'm nothing but 'Raptor food in the last section. But if they mean something to you (they all end in 8D1) maybe with a little detective work we can cheat our way to the next level. (If, indeed, it exists. Eh, Watson?) Message me here or at CompuServe if you figure it out. Joe CompuServe 71564,2426 Notes: Thanks to Janet Deacon for the T. Rex notes. Pete Durr says you can beep the jeep in the triceratops paddock, causing the baby tri-tops to ram it, knocking it over, and spilling useful stuff on the ground. The maps in this walkthrough were written with ASCII characters, and look pretty good the way I made 'em. They get transposed when posted to CIS. I hope the maps make sense to you. They look REAL good on my computer. There were some mistakes (discovered by Janet Deacon!) in the walkthrough as originally posted. Sometimes I mixed up east and west in thew gallimimus paddock. Chalk it up to dinosaurian induced dyslexia. It's fixed in this version. Joe Bert May 18, 1994