Heroes of Might & Magic IV Class Guide Version 1.00 (april 25) By Dutch_Viking (jwb_dutch_viking@hotmail.com) ========================================================================= Table of Contents: ========================================================================= 1) Legal stuff 2) Introduction 3) Skills and starting class 4) Skill combinations and the resulting class ======================================================================== 1) Legal stuff ======================================================================== This FAQ is Copyright 2002- Jan Willem Barends. This FAQ may not be copied, edited and no information may not be taken out from this FAQ without my permission. If you want to put this FAQ on your website than email me. ======================================================================== 2) Introduction ======================================================================== This is my first attempt at writing a guide for a game so please don't burn me to bad. I was looking for a guide like this for my own game, but I guess I had to write it myself. It took me about an hour to find al the different classes and the skill combinations needed to get to those classes I hope hope you find this guide helpfull, I know I did! ======================================================================== 3) Skills and starting class ======================================================================== There are 9 different primary skills in the game. Every primary skill has 3 secondary skills. Starting Heroes get 2 Skill-levels in their starting skill. (Barbarians start with 3 skill-levels) Skill - starting Heroes Tactics - Knight (Life), Death Knight (Death) Combat - Barbarian (Might), Archer (Nature) Scouting - Thief (Chaos) Nobility - Lord (Order) Life Magic - Priest (life) Order Magic - Mage (Order) Death Magic - Necromancer (Death) Chaos Magic - Sorcerer (Chaos) Nature Magic - Druid (Nature) Starting Heroes don't get any class abilities. ======================================================================== 4) Skill combinations and the resulting class ======================================================================== Heroes turn into a special class as soon as he/she gains his/her second skill-level in any skill other than his/her starting skill. Secondary skills count towards this. Example: An Archer (basic Combat, basic Archery) gains basic Scouting If he then gains another level of Scouting or one of Scoutings secondary skills (Pathfinding, Seamanship or Stealth) he turns into a Ranger Anyway, here are the skill tables: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tactics --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Combat = General = +1 morale to all + Scouting = Field Marshal = +10 % to melee and ranged attack to all + Nobility = Lord Commander = +2 morale to all + Life Magic = Crusader = maximum morale for hero + Order Magic = Illusionist = +20 % to illusion spell effects + Death Magic = Reaver = permanent Bloodlust for hero + Chaos Magic = Pyromancer = permanent Fire Shield for hero + Nature Magic = Warden = +10 % to melee and ranged defense to all --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = General = +1 morale to all + Scouting = Ranger = +5 ranged attack + ranged attack ability for hero + Nobility = Warlord = +5 to melee attack for hero + Life Magic = Paladin = permanent Death Ward for hero + Order Magic = Battle Mage = +20 % on Magic Fist and Ice Bolt spell effects, gains magic fist spell + Death Magic = Assassin = +3 speed and movement for hero + Chaos Magic = Fireguard = immune to fire based spells, half damage from fire based attacks + Nature Magic = Beastmaster = +20 % bonus to Summon Wolf spell for hero --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scouting --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Field Marshal = +10 % to melee and ranged attack to all + Combat = Ranger = +5 ranged attack + ranged attack ability for hero + Nobility = Guildmaster = gains Stun-attack, chance to stun enemy with melee attack + Life Magic = Prophet = permanent Spiritual Armor on hero + Order Magic = Seer = +2 Scouting radius + Death Magic = Ninja = gains poison melee attack (as poison spell) + Chaos Magic = Fire Diviner = +20 % on all fire spell effects + Nature Magic = Bard = maximum luck for hero --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nobility --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Lord Commander = +2 morale to all + Combat = Warlord = +5 to melee attack for hero + Scouting = Guildmaster = gains Stun-attack, chance to stun enemy with melee attack + Life Magic = Cardinal = +5 % to resurrection skill + Order Magic = Wizard King = melee attack gives target maximum bad luck + Death Magic = Darklord = melee attack gived target maximum negative morale + Chaos Magic = Witch King = gives hero the Fear ability (keeps opponent from retaliating) + Nature Magic = Beastlord = +20 % on Summon Wolf and Summon White Tiger spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Crusader = maximum morale for hero + Combat = Paladin = permanent Death Ward for hero + Scouting = Prophet = permanent Spiritual Armor on hero + Nobility = Cardinal = +5 % to resurrection skill + Order Magic = Monk = permanent Chaos Ward for hero + Death Magic = Dark Priest = Vampiric melee attack, heals 1 hit point for every 2 damage done + Chaos Magic = Heretic = ignores effects of all wards + Nature Magic = Summoner = +20 experience points to summoning skill --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Illusionist = +20 % to illusion spell effects + Combat = Battle Mage = +20 % on Magic Fist and Ice Bolt spell effects, gains magic fist spell + Scouting = Seer = +2 Scouting radius + Nobility = Wizard King = melee attack gives target maximum bad luck + Life Magic = Monk = permanent Chaos Ward for hero + Death Magic = Shadow Mage = permanent Blur for hero + Chaos Magic = Wizard = spells cost 2 spellpoints less to cast for hero + Nature Magic = Enchanter = +20 % to all summon and illusion spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Reaver = permanent Bloodlust for hero + Combat = Assassin = +3 speed and movement for hero + Scouting = Ninja = gains poison melee attack (as poison spell) + Nobility = Darklord = melee attack gived target maximum negative morale + Life Magic = Dark Priest = Vampiric melee attack, heals 1 hit point for every 2 damage done + Order Magic = Shadow Mage = permanent Blur for hero + Chaos Magic = Lich = melee attack ages enemy + Nature Magic = Demonologist = +50 to all demon summoning spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaos Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Pyromancer = permanent Fire Shield for hero + Combat = Fireguard = immune to fire based spells, half damage from fire based attacks + Scouting = Fire Diviner = +20 % on all fire spell effects + Nobility = Witch King = gives hero the Fear ability (keeps opponent from retaliating) + Life Magic = Heretic = ignores effects of all wards + Order Magic = Wizard = spells cost 2 spellpoints less to cast for hero + Death Magic = Lich = melee attack ages enemy + Nature Magic = Warlock = +10 spellpoints, regenerate 1 extra spellpoint per day --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nature Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Warden = +10 % to melee and ranged defense to all + Combat = Beastmaster = +20 % bonus to Summon Wolf spell for hero + Scouting = Bard = maximum luck for hero + Nobility = Beastlord = +20 % on Summon Wolf and Summon White Tiger spells + Life Magic = Summoner = +20 experience points to summoning skill + Order Magic = Enchanter = +20 % to all summon and illusion spells + Death Magic = Demonologist = +50 to all demon summoning spells + Chaos Magic = Warlock = +10 spellpoints, regenerate 1 extra spellpoint per day --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any hero with two skill-levels in at least three different Magic schools turns into an Archmage Archmages gain +20 % to all spell effects This will override any previous class! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is possible to change a heroes class after the first change. Because the game counts the two higest skill-levels to determine class (AFAIK!)