Codes End Round Early Pause the game, press and hold X, then unpause the game. The clock will go to 0:00 and the round will end. Passwords Fight Passwords Password Effect 2413-41-14-2133 Fight 01 4231-14-41-1233 Fight 02 1324-14-41-3321 Fight 03 2324-34-14-1323 Fight 04 3243-43-41-1323 Fight 05 4323-34-14-3132 Fight 06 2312-43-41-1233 Fight 07 1441-21-13-4142 Fight 08 4114-11-23-1424 Fight 09 2233-44-21-1224 Fight 10 1112-44-13-1343 Fight 11 2121-31-42-3241 Fight 12 4334-14-34-4432 Fight 13 3443-41-43-2443 Fight 14 1314-24-41-4212 Fight 15 Secrets Instantly knock down George Foreman I don't see what kind of evil person would do such a horrible deed, but if you must, pause the game, press B, then un-pause it. This will cause George Foreman go down instantly. Instantly knock down opponent Pause the game, press A, and un-pause it. This will cause the opponent to instantly go down