F.B.I. Hopkins - Walkthrough INTRODUCTION This walkthrough only lists the necessary actions to complete the game. So, if you really wanna enjoy this game, be sure to talk with every characters and read everything. Think before reading...and only use this walkthrough if you really don't know what to do... Have fun! CHAPTER 1 : HEAVEN AND HELL 1. APARTMENT Take the SCREWDRIVER on the table near the window. Search the couch on the left of the screen and take the CAR KEYS. Take the GUN near the television, then exit the apartment. 2. STREET Read the 2 posters on the wall (an advertisement for a travel agency - - and a classified ad - Select the KEYS in your inventory and click on the red car. U will be notified of a hold-up in the central bank, so go there (the bank is the building in the top left of the map, near the aeroport). 3. OUTSIDE THE BANK Select the FBI CARD in your inventory and click on Sergeant Anderson (the cop with blond hairs in the middle of the screen). Talk to him and ask him the MEGAPHONE. Click on the bank with the MEGAPHONE and ask to the terrorists what they want. Ask them to take you in exchange for the hostages. 4. BANK After the cutscene, read the paper on the roof of the bank. It's a bomb diagram and the letters MLR are outlined in red. Take the elevator and exit the roof. In the central room, go to the left and search the shelves on the wall...u will find a WIRE CUTTER. Move the left trash can and look at the box hiding behind it. Use the SCREWDRIVER to open the box. U will see 3 threads on the right : a green one, a yellow one and a red one. Select the CUTTER in your inventory and cut the threads in this order: Yellow (Middle), Green (Left) and Red (Right). The bomb will be disarmed. Talk with the people there (the nurse, the journalist and Sergeant Anderson), then leave the bank. 5. EMPTY LOT The switchboard operator will tell u that the helicopter has been found in an empty lot, so go there (bottom left of the screen). Talk to the doctor and look at the corpse, then move the paper in the middle of the screen (between the body and the pool) and take the PIECE OF SHOELACE. Look at the helicopter and take the EMPTY BOTTLE, then search the trash can and you will find a PIECE OF MEAT. 6. FBI LABORATORY Leave the empty lot and go to the FBI Laboratory. Talk to the researcher and give him the PIECE OF SHOELACE. Exit and go to the FBI building. 7. FBI Talk to the punk (Agent Jackson), then enter the building. Talk to the switchboard operator and to the 2 other men near the reception desk, then go in your office (the room on the left of the screen). Search the drawer and you will find a KEY. Use this KEY to open the cupboard on the right and take the GRENADE. If you wish, you can also take a look at your computer (the password is 'HOPKINS') and read the files there or even play the 'breakout' game... Leave your office and go to the room on the right. Talk to your girlfriend Samantha, then go see your boss (use the elevator near the distributor on the right). Before leaving the FBI, talk to the switchboard operator again and she will tell you that a man called from the laboratory. So, go to your office again and call the laboratory ( The scientist will tell you that the shoelace belongs to the killers and that they are probably hiding in the forest... 8. FOREST Leave the FBI and go to the forest on the bottom left of the screen (near the empty lot). Take the ROPE in the small boat, then launch it on the small piece of wood (left of the waterfall). You will now be able to cross the lake. When you're on the other side, be sure to select the GUN in your inventory. Now go all the way left. As soon as a killer appears, right click on him with the mouse to use the gun. Repeat this process until you can't move any further to the left (that should make 7 screens), then go north. Select the GRENADE in your inventory and throw it in the hut. Sadly for you, one of the bad guys will shoot you before dying and you will wake up in...heaven !! 9. HEAVEN Talk to the strange man behind the reception desk...and you will learn that you're dead !! Go to the bar on the right and take some PEANUTS from the distributor on the counter. Take also the DARTS on the target, then continue right. Take the WIG on the shelf to the left and then the WOMAN'S DRESS. Now, select the WIG and the DRESS in your inventory and put them on. Go back to the central room and go north. Talk to the guard and ask him if he wants a drink. He's not thirsty, so give him the PEANUTS and ask again. This time, he will accept and will go to the bar. Now that he's away, open the door and enter the teletransporter room. Pull the lever on the right of the screen then enter the teletransporter. Select the DARTS in your inventory and throw it at the switch near the lever. CHAPTER 2 : BERNIE'S RIDDLES 1. FOREST You're now back in the forest. Before leaving the hut, take the BILL (20$) on the ground. Select the GUN again in your inventory and go south, then all the way right, using the same technique as before to kill the gangsters. Leave the forest and go to... 2. SAMANTHA'S HOUSE Search the blue vase and take the CHEWING-GUM inside. Open your inventory and eat the CHEWING-GUM...u will now have an ALUMINIUM FOIL WRAPPER. Open the drawer under the vase and take the LIGHTER. Shoot the door with your gun, then open it. Before going inside, open the fuse box and use the ALUMINIUM FOIL WRAPPER to replace the damaged fuse. In the bathroom, open the curtain and inspect the corpse in the bath. Read the inscription, then take the MIRROR above the bath. Take the DUSTER (near the drawer), then search the drawer and take the SLEEPING PILLS. 3. FBI Leave the house and go to your office at the FBI. You will find an ENVELOPPE on your desk. Open it and u will find a VIDEO TAPE inside. 4. SAMANTHA'S HOUSE Go back to your girlfriend's house. Turn the television and the recorder on. Put the VIDEO TAPE inside the recorder and watch it. 5. SWIMMING POOL The first riddle is very easy. Go to the swimming pool (bottom right of the map) and give the CHICKEN LEG to the dog. You can now take the JERRY CAN without problems...do so. Throw the MIRROR in the middle of the swimming pool, then look at the corpse and read the paper with the second riddle. 6. MUSEUM Leave the pool and go to the museum. Inside the museum, go to the right, near the statue of Louis XVI. Open your inventory and do the following: 1) Put the OLD RAG in the BOTTLE. 2) Fill the BOTTLE with the JERRY CAN. 3) Use the LIGHTER on the BOTTLE. Throw the BOTTLE on the fireplace near the statue and watch the result. Examine the new corpse and read the new riddle. 7. MOVIE THEATER Go to the movie theater and talk to the watchman. When he asks for a warrant, give him the BILL. Climb the stairs and open the door on the right. Inside the projector room, put the cable in the socket (right wall). Pull the switch on the projector, then push the lever on the left machine. Leave the room, go down and enter the theater. Inspect the corpse and read the inscription with the last riddle. Talk to the usherette, then leave the theater and go to the... 8. SHOOTING RANGE Inspect shooting range n°5. Select the GUN in your inventory and shoot the target. Use the lever on the right and look at the target...you've just killed your girlfriend !!! Take the KEY and the VIDEO TAPE from her dead body. Before leaving, talk to the receptionist. 9. SAMANTHA'S HOUSE Return to your girlfriend's house and watch the new VIDEO TAPE. Then leave and go to the FBI building. 10. FBI Enter Samantha's office. Use the YELLOW KEY to open the cupboard. Search it and you will find a paper with a code (328MHZA). Use this code to access your girlfriend's computer and read all the files there. Leave the office, go to Captain Murphy's Office and talk to your boss. 11. AEROPORT After the discussion, go to the airport (top left). Talk to the pilot and he will fly you over Condor Island. CHAPTER 3 : CONDOR ISLAND 1. BEACH Move the shell on the beach and take the GOLD COINS. 2. VILLAGE Go left and talk with the tourists sitting at the left table. Give them the GOLD COINS to play the '421' game and you will win 70$. Take the SHOVEL near the 2 tourists, then go to the shop on the far left and buy a FISHING ROD (select the BILL in your inventory, then use it on the ROD). 3. BEACH Return to the beach and use the SHOVEL to dig the sand. Do it three times and you will finally find an EARTHWORM. 4. FOOTBRIDGE Leave the beach and go to the footbridge. Put the EARTHWORM on the HOOK, than 'use' the FISHING ROAD on the ocean and start fishing. You will catch a FISH. 5. FACTORY ENTRANCE Leave the footbridge and go to the factory entrance on the left. Give the FISH to the cat and the employee will fall in the oil puddle. Follow him and go to the bar (right of the screen). 6. BAR Talk to the factory employee, then put the SLEEPING PILLS in his glass. Wait until he fall asleep, then take the RECEIPT from his pocket and leave the bar. 7. LAUNDRY Go to the laundry (middle of the screen) and talk to the owner of the shop. Give him the RECEIPT and u will receive the EMPLOYEE's JACKET in exchange. Search the JACKET and you will find a CARD. 8. FACTORY ENTRANCE Leave the laundry and return to the factory entrance. Talk to the guard, then show him the CARD (badge) and you will be able to enter the factory. 9. FACTORY Talk to the switchboard operator and tell her that you work for the company that insures the factory and that you want to tour it. Take the right elevator and go to the first floor. Search the 2 rooms there. In the first one, search the desk and you will find some MATCHES. In the second one, look at the paper on the desk and take the CLIP. Go to the 4th floor. Enter the room to the far left and take the GLOVES near the plant. Leave the room and go to the 2nd floor. Select the GLOVES in your inventory and put them on. Remove the cable from the socket on the wall, then use the PAPER CLIP on the socket...this will create a short circuit. Enter the room there and use the MATCHES on the TRASH CAN. Take the elevator again and go to the 3rd floor. Enter the security cabin and take the MAGNETIC CARD, then leave before the guard comes back. In the elevator, use the MAGNETIC CARD you've just found on the slot. This will open a secret passage behind the elevator. In the secret room, put the MAGNETIC CARD in the slot on the right wall, then enter the tube...you're now in a submarine ! CHAPTER 4 : UNDERWATER 1. SUBMARINE Follow these directions to reach the secret underwater base : North - North - East - North - North - West - North. When you reach the base, you will be captured and thrown in a cell. 2. CELL After Bernie's departure, search the trash can and you will find a GOLDEN RING WITH A DIAMOND on it. Use the DIAMOND on the middle laser ray, then enter the cell to the right. Open the coffin and 'use' it. An assistant will come soon after to take it to the 'Containers Room'. 3. CONTAINERS ROOM Take the BLUE FLASK and the GAS BOTTLE (the one with the poison sign) on the desk. Search the shelves and you will also find a SYRINGE. Look at the containers there and find the one with Samantha's body (2nd starting from the left). Push the switch and she will be teleported to another room. Open the door and...get ready for some WOLFENSTEIN 3D !!! *** A few notes about this part of the game : *** This sequence is not very difficult. Basically, it's a WOLF3D game. Use the ARROW KEYS to move your character and the CTRL key to shoot. Hit the SPACE KEY to open a door. You start with 100 health points and you have unlimited ammos. The map isn't very big; it is divided in 4 Sectors and there are 6 different rooms. When you're badly wounded, enter one of the 6 rooms and you'll be healed. You start in Sector 4 and the map looks more or less like this: ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ SECTOR 1B: ³ ³ SECTOR 1C: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ OFFICE ³ ³ DOME ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍ; ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍ; ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ ³ ³ SECTOR 1A: ³ ³ ÔÍÍÍÍͳ ³ÍÍÍÍ; ³ LABORATORY ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍ; ³ ³ ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ SECTOR 4: ³ ³ ³ SECTOR 2: ³ ³ CONTAINERS ³ÍÍÍÍͳÍÍÍÍͳ TURBINES ³ ³ ROOM ³ ³ ³ ROOM ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; ³ ³ ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ SECTOR 3: ³ ³ RESURRECTION³ ³ ROOM ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; 4. TURBINES ROOM Leave Sector 4 and go straight to Sector 2. Push the 2 switches to stop the turbines. Open your inventory and select the BLUE FLASK, then drink it. Now, take the GAS BOTTLE and put it in the empty slot in the middle of the room. Push the middle switch again to restart the turbines and spread the poison gas throughout the base. 5. LABORATORY Go to the laboratory in Sector 1A. Open your inventory again, select the SYRINGE and 'use' it to fill it with your blood. Put the SYRINGE inside the slot on the machine. This will create a clone of Hopkins, but your double will be killed immediately by the gas...and sent to Heaven. 6. HEAVEN With the clone of Hopkins, talk to the guy with the knife in his chest. Ask him if you can borrow the KNIFE, then go to the far right of the screen and you will see Samantha. Talk to your girlfriend and tell her that you will get her back to earth. 7. RESURRECTION ROOM Switch back to the 'real' Hopkins (click on the little icon with his face) and go to Sector 3. Enter the Resurrection Room and u will see Samantha's body attached to a strange device. Push the switch on the right machine to bring her back to life. You can now control 3 different characters...Samantha and the two Hopkins... 8. DOME Bring both characters (Samantha and Hopkins) to the Dome in Sector 1B (You can't move both characters at the same time, so you will have to do it for each...) Use a separate character to push each switch. The metal plaque will move and a tunnel will appear. 9. HEAVEN Before jumping in the tunnel, switch again to the clone. Select the KNIFE WITH BLOOD in your inventory and use it to cut the cable near the teletransporter. 10. BERNIE'S ROOM Finally, switch back to the 'real' Hopkins and jump in the tunnel. Watch the show and enjoy the final sequence. THE END.