Earthworm Jim A Complete Player's Guide. I have played this game on my Sega Genesis and have beat it. The following hint file is based on the Genesis version. Unfortunatly, the PC version is an exact code-for-code version of the Sega CD's Earthworm Jim Special Edition, which has new enemies, and a new board. However, the games are so close to each other that this hint file will make perfect sense for the PC. New Junk City ============= This board is rather simple, and rather straightfoward. Kill the junkyward dogs, they release 3 health spheres that will automatically float toawards you. When you see the big moose head, whip the antlers to the left. You will be in a secret area that will end up right next to the sub-boss. The enemies consist of junkyard dogs and crows. Sub Boss -------- The sub-boss for this stage is a strange garbage-can-on-wheels type of thing. Jump over the irons he shoots out of his mouth and fire at him when you land. When he stomps his foot on the ground, move out of the way of the falling debris. When he begins to wheel across the screen, fire away when he is facing you. If you do it right, you should kill him before he starts the whole process over again. Boss ---- The boss of this level is a construction worker type person on a platform that moves across the top of the screen. When the box drops from the ceiling, whip it to the right until it hits the spring and then flies up and hits to boss. The tubas that drop will fall when they are directly over your head, so just move out of the way when it is directly on top of you (in other words, don't stand right under it). After every hit, the boss will start puking fish (yes, puking fish). Try to stay underneath him and avoid the falling tubas. After multiple hits, the boss will start to move back and forth across the top of the screen. It gets a little harder but just keep doing the same process. Andy Asteroids (All Parts) ========================== Between every major board will be a bonus-level called Andy Asteroids. The object of this level is to beat the psy-crow that will be racing with you. If you pick up 50 of the light-blue spheres, you will earn a continue (That is how it worked in the console version, but since you can just pick what stage you want to go to from the File menu, I have no idea what they give you after 50). If you pick up the electric dark-blue sphere, and press the whip button, you will become invincible for a while. If you hit the psy-crow when you are invincible, he will fall behind you (very useful). The red spheres are speed boosts, get them! (otherwise HE'LL get them, and that really sucks). If you loose the race, you have to fight him. Whip him to make him flutter his wings, then fire away with your gun. Keep doing this until he flies away. The boards get progressively harder as you go, with there being more rocks, and the psy-crow gets faster and much harder to beat when you end up fighting him. What the Heck? ============== Just follow the paths around, picking up everything along the way. Keep in mind that the plasma and new heet seeking missiles can't be selected, and when you pick them up they will be the next round fired. Use this to your advantage. The green gems are a means of transportation. Walk on top of the gems opposite to their direction of rotation until you find the "groove" where it won't let you walk forward. At this point it will either transport you to another area or move upward. When you see a big crank-wheel, whip it and it will open the gate that is next to it. A tricky part of this stage occurs when you have to do a multiple whip, one hook to the next. It is MUCH harder with the keyboard then with a joystick, obviously. The enemies on this board consist of big, teeth-filled black sacks (they personally remind me of those things on the T.V. version of Steven King's "The Langoliers"), and lawyers (the latter being one of my favorite enemies in the entire game). To kill the lawyers, whip them and when they yell "I'll sue" fire away with the gun. When you get to the part where the cat drops a bomb from the bottom of the screen, stalagmites (or -tites? Never was too good with these things) will drop from the ceiling. This is a lot easier than it looks, but not many people figure it out. Simply run right, and when they start falling from the other direction, run left. Keep running back and forth across the flat part until you get passed it. Sub-Boss -------- The sub-boss is a snowman who fires fireballs. Just keep shooting at him after you jump over his fireballs. Very simple. This is noticably different from the console version, which in a way is easier (it gives you a flat floored room, and you can whip him to take away 3 times as much health). Boss ---- The boss is the strangely-drawn cat that you see dancing in the background during the entire stage. Unfortunatly, you are without your body suit (or "naked" as they use in the PC version). This is extremely easy, just jump over the fire that he shoots at you and it will eventually eat away at the pillar holding up the platform. When it falls, walk right and get in your suit. Now for the tougher part. The main guy, being a cat, has 9 lives. He will come at you from the top and sides. The second he appears, aim your gun and fire away. You have to do this 9 times for him to die. Big Bruty ========= This is a new board for the Special Edition version of EWJ, and it was never in the original. In this board, you have to out-wit the big red dinosaur type creatures in order to continue. It's more of a puzzle than an action board. Try luring the monster to walk into the blocking walls, and they will be history. I have not made it far enough to find the sub-boss and boss for this level, as it was not in the Sega version of EWJ. Sorry! Down the Tubes ============== In this board, jump up to the hooks and press up to avoid the gorillas. Flip the switches with your whip and get on the hamsters that will come out, then use fire to eat anything in your path. When you get in the submersible, use the arrows to steer and fire to accelarate. If you hit the wall too many times you will implode, so watch out. Sub-Boss -------- None Boss ---- None Tube Race ========= In this board you have to pilot your submersible through a long section of canyon. It takes practice, you always keep your speed up and try to anticipate the turns. They give you 99 seconds to try and complete it, but it's a lot harder than it sounds. Snot a Problem Parts 1-3 ======================== Yeeha! Bungee jumping! Basically, just slap the snot monster silly until he bangs into the walls a lot, which will shred his cord. Watch out, after a few hits he will get pissed and start spinning around. When he does this, avoid him or you will be in the wall too! The boards get progressively harder, when each hit that you give him barelely budges him, and you have to avoid the monster at the bottom after level 1. Level 5 ======= Fairly straight-foward level. It's kinda difficult to see what's background and what you can actually jump on tho (at least it was on Sega). Just work your way through it, not much available tip-wise. Sub-Boss -------- None that I can remember. Boss ---- A mechanical-chicken type thingy that is falling with you through a shaft. Just avoid him and fire away, and he will eventually die. Not difficult at all. For Pete's Sake =============== Very original idea here. You have to get the puppy through the stage without him getting hurt. Shoot him with your gun and he will duck, whip him and he jumps. If he gets hurt, he will turn into a huge purple monster, kick your ass, and bring you back to a certain point along the course. Whip him to have him jump over crevases, shoot all enemies in front of him, and use the seesaws to rocket him over gaps. Sub-Boss -------- None that I can remember Boss ---- Same Intestinal Distress & Buttville ------------------------------- Intestinal Distress is a rather simple board in it's concept, but I never made it far enough to see any bosses (always used the Sega cheat codes to skip these last two boards, too damn impossible). In buttville, you have to use your head like a hellicopter to slow your descent through all the spiked corridors... VERY hard.