Hold down [F1] while playing the game and type Mukor God Mode (or start game with windie.exe -god) Dedly Weapon that kicks ass Golrg Giant Btiny Dwarf Qsave Quick save Pause Pause game Frame Screenshot Tough Increase skill level Mecam 1st-person view Gocam Fixed camera view Spcam Enemy view Bamff End level Gamma Change gamma level Sepku Suicide Bills Demo Ifall Fall to earth Hicup Fly through the air Silly Decrease enemy AI Lunar Moon gravity Funky Changes keyboard layout Catch No-Clipping-Mode Aiaim Changes AI Agrav Changes gravity Bzone View changes Fpers Sound debug Goura Gouraud Shading ON/OFF Ntrud Choose an enemy Plane Shows points Nfade Color fading ON/OFF Gmode Faster Colid Shows possible collision points