Complete list of all Quake console commands: god - god mode ON/OFF give 2 - weapon 2 available give 3 - weapon 3 available give 4 - weapon 4 available give 5 - weapon 5 available give 6 - weapon 6 available give 7 - weapon 7 available give 8 - weapon 8 available (also in shareware version !) give s 255 - 255 items shotgun ammo give c 255 - batteries will be charged give r 255 - 255 rockets give n 255 - 255 nails give h 999 - health will be set to 999 impulse 9 - all weapons and keys impulse 11 - 1 juwel available, can be repeated four times impulse 255 - quad damage fly - fly mode ON/OFF r_fullbright x - lights on noclip - clipping OFF map ExMy - jump to episode x map y notarget - invisibility map start - jump to start map end - jump to level end boss name - change player name status - information about the current situation crosshair x - crosshair ON/OFF registered x - simulate reg. version in the shareware version help - help menu clear - clear console window echo - text will be displayed on the screen screenshot - PCX dump save - save as load - load kill - player dies and restarts the level timerefresh - frames per second showturtle x - if the frame rate is blow 10 a turtle will be displayed version - version number sv_friction # - changes friction (4) sv_gravity # - changes gravity (800) sv_maxspeed # - max speed (800) sv_idlescale # - change idle scale (0) r_drawentities x - all objects ON/OFF r_drawflat x - all textures ON/OFF r_waterwarp x - underwater effects fov # - change view (90) d_mipscale # - change mip scale (1) nosound x - sound ON/OFF vid_describemode # - informations about mode # vid_describemodes - shows all graphic modes vid_describecurrentmode - informationen about current graphic mode vid_mode # - changes graphic mode vid_nopageflip x - page flipping ON/OFF vid_nummodes - # of modes vid_testmode # - 5 sec graphic mode test vid_wait - sets wait mode demos - plays the built-in demos playdemo - plays an own demo record - records a demo stop - stopps the recording of a demo cd eject - ejects CD cd loop - endless loop of track # cd off - CD OFF cd on - CD ON cd play - plays track # cd remap - reconfigures the numbers of the tracks cd reset - reloads the CD cd stop - stopps CD cd resume - resume CD menu_keys - open keys menu menu_save - open save menu menu_net - open multiplayer menu menu_main - open main menu menu_options - open options menu_load - open load menu say - message to all players say_team - message to team players color - changes color of clothes com# - information about COM # connect - connects with server, also COM # disconnect - disconnects form server maxplayers - max # of players hostname - change host name net_stats - network stats slist - list of all server ping - speed of network soundinfo - sound info stopsounds x - all sounds ON/OFF volume # - sound volume sbinfo - information about sound card bgmvolume # - music volume bgmbuffer # - sound buffer snd_show x - sound debugger cl_rollspeed # - strafe speed cl_rollangle # - sidestep angle v_kicktime # - kicktime v_kickroll # - kicktime strenght v_kickpitch # - kicktime strenght with hit r_drawentities x - show items r_drawviewmodel x - show weapons? r_draworder x - transparent walls r_dspeeds - stats r_maxedges # - max # edges r_polymodelstats - stats r_speeds - stats r_timegraph - show graph sv_nostep x - player can't walk over streps sv_maxvelocity # - max ammo speed d_mipscale x - fuzzy d_subdiv16 x - perspective calculated only all 16 pix m_pitch # - up-down sensitivity m_yaw # - turn around sensitivity sizeup - enlarge screen sizedown - small screen bf - redraw centerview - center view viewsize # - change view size showram x - RAM symbol ON/OFF showpause x - pause symbol ON/OF lookspring x - center view after mouse lock ON/OFF joybuttons # - buttons of joypad bind - set key to a certain command, e.g. BIND W "IMPULSE 9" alias - combine commands sensitivity # - change mouse sensitivity scr_conspeed # - change console speed scr_ofsx - current x position scr_ofsy - current y position scr_ofsz - current z position pause - pause the game togglemenu - console ON/OFF unbindall - erases all combinations profile - stats edictcount - stats entities - stats Comments: If x is a 1 so the feature will be enabled, if it is 0 the feature will be deactivated. For # there can be any number.