--- --- ---- -- ---- 4 ---- ---- --- ---- --- ------ ------ --- ------ --- --- ------ --- ------ ------ --- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- --- --- MECHWARRIOR: VENGEANCE (OR MECHWARRIOR 4) By Rarelink (Daniel Guajardo) Art / Format by Rarelink Version 1.00 Full Walkthrough and Weapon Guide --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- To jump to a specific area highlight the code you'd like, press CTRL + C to copy it, CTRL + F to bring up the search box, and then CTRL + V to paste it, and finally press ENTER to find it. Area Search Shortcut 1. Version History 2. Abbreviations 3. General Info. 4. Walkthrough a. Operation 1: Mission 1 4a b. Operation 1: Mission 2 4b c. Operation 1: Mission 3 4c d. Operation 1: Mission 4 4d e. Operation 2: Mission 1 4e f. Operation 2: Mission 2 4f g. Operation 2: Mission 3 4g h. Operation 2: Mission 4 4h i. Operation 3: Mission 1 4i j. Operation 3: Mission 2 4j k. Operation 3: Mission 3 4k l. Operation 4: Mission 1 4l m. Operation 4: Mission 2 4m n. Operation 4: Mission 3 4n o. Operation 4: Mission 4 4o p. Operation 4: Mission 5 4p q. Operation 4: Mission 6 4q r. Operation 5: Mission 1 4r s. Operation 5: Mission 2 4s t. Operation 5: Mission 3 4t u. Operation 6: Mission 1 4u v. Operation 6: Mission 2 4v w. Operation 6: Mission 3 4w x. Operation 6: Mission 4 4x y. Operation 6: Mission 5 4y z. Operation 7: End Game 4z 5. Weapon Guide 6. Contact Info. 7. Copyright Statement 8. End --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERSION HISTORY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.01, 12/31/02: Corrected minor details. Version 1.00, 12/17/02: Walkthrough and weapon guide completed! Version .90, 12/16/02: Completed all mission walkthroughs except three. Version .75, 12/15/02: Completed more mission walkthroughs; almost done (phew); removed weapon commentary; I will add it later or sooner if I get many requests for it. Version .35, 12/12/02: Completed more mission walkthroughs. Version .30, 12/11/02: Completed more mission walkthroughs; added full disclaimer and copyright statement; removed the 'Mech guide because I felt it was uninformative at this time. Version .25, 12/11/02: Completed another mission walkthrough. Version .20, 12/11/02: Compiled part of weapon Guide and wrote part of commentary for Weapon Guide; completed three more mission walkthroughs. Version .15, 12/10/02: Began 'Mech guide - added Cougar. Version .10, 12/10/02: Walkthrough for Operation 1: Mission 2 complete. Version .05, 12/09/02: Disclaimer and copyright notice complete; contact information posted; abbreviations compiled; walkthrough for Operation 1: Mission 1 complete. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. ABBREVIATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------- For the most part, most of these abbreviations are obvious (LL means Large Laser). I chose to abbreviate to save space. If you are interested in my mission 'Mech and Setting recommendations, know these abbreviations. Components ECM : Electronic Countermeasures BAP : Beagle Active Probe LA : Light Amplification JJ : Jump Jets AMS : Anti-Missile System LAMS : Laser Anti-Missile System HS : Heat Sink(s) Beam Weapons Flamer : Flamer CFlamer : Clan Flamer BL : Bombast Laser ER SL : Clan Extended Range [ER] Small Laser ER ML : Clan Extended Range [ER] Medium Laser ER LL : Clan Extended Range [ER] Large Laser SL : Small Laser ML : Medium Laser LL : Large Laser ER PPC : Clan Extended Range [ER] Particle Projections Cannon PPC : Particle Projections Cannon ER SPL : Clan Extended Range [ER] Small Pulse Laser ER MPL : Clan Extended Range [ER] Medium Pulse Laser ER LPL : Clan Extended Range [ER] Large Pulse Laser SPL : Small Pulse Laser MPL : Medium Pulse Laser LPL : Large Pulse Laser Missle Weapons LRM5 : Long-Range Missile 5 LRM10 : Long-Range Missile 10 LRM15 : Long-Range Missile 15 LRM20 : Long-Range Missile 20 CLRM5 : Clan Long-Range Missile 5 CLRM10 : Clan Long-Range Missile 10 CLRM15 : Clan Long-Range Missile 15 CLRM20 : Clan Long-Range Missile 20 MRM10 : Medium-Range Missile 10 MRM20 : Medium-Range Missile 20 MRM30 : Medium-Range Missile 30 MRM40 : Medium-Range Missile 40 SRM2 : Short-Range Missile 2 SRM4 : Short-Range Missile 4 SRM6 : Short-Range Missile 6 CSTRK2 : Clan Streak Short-Range Missile 2 (also known as SSRM2) CSTRK4 : Clan Streak Short-Range Missile 4 (also known as SSRM4) CSTRK6 : Clan Streak Short-Range Missile 6 (also known as SSRM6) TBolt : Thunderbolt Narc : NARC Beacon CNarc : Clan NARC Beacon Flare : Flare Launcher Explosives : High Explosives Artillery : Artillery Beacon Ballistic Weapons AC5 : Autocannon 5 AC10 : Autocannon 10 LBX AC10 : LBX Autocannon 10 LBX AC20 : LBX Autocannon 20 CLBX AC10 : Clan LBX Autocannon 10 CLBX AC20 : Clan LBX Autocannon 20 UAC2 : Ultra Autocannon 2 UAC5 : Ultra Autocannon 5 CUAC2 : Clan Ultra Autocannon 2 CUAC5 : Clan Ultra Autocannon 5 Gauss : Gauss Rifle LGauss : Light Gauss Rifle CGauss : Clan Gauss Rifle TOM : Long Tom Artillery MG : Machine Gun Array CMG : Clan Machine Gun Array Armour FF : Ferro Fibrous REACT : Reactive Armour REFLECT : Reflective Armour --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. GENERAL INFO. --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Difficuly Level ---------- This FAQ was written for the Regular difficulty level. I've rated each mission as either very easy, easy, fairly easy, moderate, fairly difficult, difficult, or very difficult. Please let me know if this rating system sucks. I'm always willing to change anything on this FAQ if it's no good. - Cheats Disabled ---------- This FAQ is written for a game that has heat enabled, unlimited ammunition and invincibility disabled. - Piloting Your 'Mech ------- Unfortunately, I'm not going to explain the controls in this FAQ. I'm going to assume you are familiar with the them. Outlining them in here would be pointless because many players use custom controls and / or joysticks anyway. Perhaps I will create a FAQ on piloting your 'Mech, but only if I get enough requests for it. - Lance Mates -------------- Also, please be familiar with how to command lance mates during battle, as that'll play a huge part in conquering this game. During the walkthrough I will constantly add in commands similar to: [Lance mates F4 > F1]. This basically tells you what keys to press on your keyboard. Most of the time I will be using F4 to command the lance mates since F4 gives a collective order to ALL mates and not just one. It helps, because commanding them one-by-one can be time consuming. - Notes -------------------- Throughout the FAQ you'll often see me add "Note: [etc]" to specific passages and missions. These notes are mostly relevant and can include anything from tips, tricks, battle strategies, to unlocking other objectives during game play. Pay attention at your own risk. I think that's all I have to say, but you can never be sure... --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. WALKTHROUGH --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- a. OPERATION 1 : MISSION 1 : Destroy Enemy Communications Relay (4a) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Very Easy Mission type : Destroy Briefing: Our rebellion starts here. We are going to raid and destroy the key component of the Steiner communications net. Enemy forces are light and resistance should be minimal. Destroy the three communications relay stations and Steiner communications will be cut off from Kentares IV. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Shadow cat; JJ; HS (1), 102.02 (KPH); ER MPL (3), CMG (2), ER SL (1), CSTRK6 (1), ER LL (1); FF. Lance Mates : Lance Mates are automatically equipped. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha Primary Objective : Destroy all three communications towers. Secondary Objective : Destroy all escaping enemy units. MISSION START --------------- The mission will start with you and your lance mates (Casey and Sir Peter) being dropped off outside the mission site. At this point, Casey and Sir Peter are unable to take orders from you, but don't worry, as you'll gain control of lance mates later. For now, accelerate to full speed and go forward into the lunar crater. DESTROYING THE RELAY --------------- Proceed to Nav Alpha and look for the communications relay. They appear as three large satellite dishes. The area will be swarming with small targets such as APCs and turrets. There are many of them, but they are very weak and won't annihilate you unless you're extremely terrible at piloting your 'Mech. Anyway, to end the mission quickly, simply destroy all three towers. To obtain the bonus / secondary objective, destroy several of the ground targets. You'll then be instructed to destroy all remaining targets. For a laugh and to save ammunition, use your 'Mech to step on the enemy targets. Just like squashing insects [insert evil laugh here]... You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Flamer 1 ML 2 SL 2 SPL 2 LRM5 1 SRM2 2 AC5 1 MG 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- b. OPERATION 1 : MISSION 2 : Destroy Steiner Missle Vehicles (4b) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Very Easy Mission type : Destroy Briefing: Steiner is moving missile vehicles through our operational area in preparation for an attack. Sweep the area and destroy the Steiner launch vehicles. The vehicles will be escorted and this escort may include enemy 'Mech forces. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Shadow cat; JJ; HS (1), 102.02 (KPH); ER MPL (3), CMG (2), ER SL (1), CSTRK6 (1), ER LL (1); FF. Lance Mates : Lance Mates are automatically equipped. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta Primary Objective : Destroy all enemies at Nav Alpha. Primary Objective : Destroy all enemies at Nav Beta. GONZALEZ --------------- In this mission you'll have another lance mate, Gonzalez, who is also not playable at this time. Start out by heading to Nav Alpha. DESTROYING THE FIRST SKUD LAUNCHER --------------- After climbing the first hill, you'll start picking up the enemy escorts. Among these are Swiftwinds and Vedettes. The only unit that remotely poses a threat is the Osiris. Let the Osiris intercept you so that it can pull away from the other escorts. Once in range, use your weapons to blast it to pieces and then take out the remaining units, and finally, the SKUD launcher. Be sure to stay out of the SKUD's and Fuel Truck's explosive range, as the splash damage can really put a dent on your poor tiny 'Mech. After killing all targets you'll unlock the second Primary Objective, which is to gladly kill all units at Nav Beta. DESTROYING THE OTHER SKUD LAUNCHER --------------- Follow the mountain ravine to Nav Beta, where you'll meet up with several more escorts, along with another one of those funny-looking-when-they're-running Osiris 'Mechs. Or, for a shortcut, you can use your jump jets to leap the mountain on your right side. Switch to passive sensors for a neat-o surprise attack. Destroy the escorts and the accompanying SKUD Launcher to complete the mission objectives. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Osiris 1 --------------- ER ML 1 LRM10 1 SRM4 2 UAC2 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- c. OPERATION 1 : MISSION 3 : Destroy Steiner Dropships (4c) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Very Easy Mission type : Destroy Briefing: We have an opportunity to cripple Steiner's activities on and around Kentares IV. Three Dropships are preparing for take-off. If we strike quickly, we can deliver a decisive blow. Be careful if they get powered up, Dropships can be devastating. Target mobile APUs to slow down their launch procedure. Also, their engines are vulnerable to attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Shadow cat; JJ; HS (1), 102.02 (KPH); ER MPL (3), CMG (2), ER SL (1), CSTRK6 (1), ER LL (1); FF. Lance Mates : Lance Mates are automatically equipped. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma Primary Objective : Destroy all Steiner Dropships. Secondary Objective : Destroy all Steiner APUs. DESTROYING THE FIRST DROPSHIP --------------- You'll start outside the mission area. Head to Nav Alpha where you will see the first Steiner dropship. Around it are three static APUs. I recommend to destroy them first, since they are fairly easy to begin with. Also, if the APUs are given enough time to power the ship... 1. ...the dropship will most likely succeed in lifting. 2. ...the dropship guns will turn you into scrambled eggs. Assuming that you destroyed the APUs, aim your fire at the dropship engines. Fire your weapons and maneuver your 'Mech simultaneously because there are tons of smaller targets concentrating their fire at you. Taking out the smaller targets isn't necessary, but will obviously increase your goodie-bag (salvage components) at the end of the mission. Note: Steer clear of the Dropship splash explosions! Damage from the splash radius is enough to send your 'Mech into critical status. DESTROYING THE OTHER DROPSHIPS --------------- Proceed to Nav Beta and Gamma, and follow the same steps as Nav Alpha. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Hellspawn 1 --------------- ML 2 MPL 1 SPL 1 LRM5 2 LRM15 1 MRM10 1 SRM2 1 UAC2 1 MG 1 CMG 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- d. OPERATION 1 : MISSION 4 : Defend Landing Facilities (4d) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Easy Mission type : Defend Briefing: Steiner has taken an increased interest in our activities. We must escape and you need to provide cover until we can power up our Dropships and escape. Make sure the APUs that are powering up the Dropships survive. Enemy forces may be heavy and will include 'Mech assets. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Shadow cat; JJ; HS (1), 102.02 (KPH); ER MPL (3), CMG (2), ER SL (1), CSTRK6 (1), ER LL (1); FF. Lance Mates : Lance Mates are automatically equipped. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : None Primary Objective : Defend the APUs while the dropship powers up. Secondary Objective : Destroy all hostile units to clear for takeoff. DESTROY LRM CARRIERS ------------- Your first goal is to find and destroy all LRM carriers. From your starting position they are located on the left-most side of your radar. There are two of them - take them out. Next, seek and destroy the SRM and Vendette vehicles. There are three 'Mechs in the area as well: Osiris, Hellspawn, and a Shadowcat. Don't worry about them while you take care of the smaller targets. Several lance mates will help you fight the 'Mechs. DESTROY 'MECHS ------------- After you've rid the area of the smaller vehicles, target the enemy 'Mechs. They'll most likely finish off one of your APUs, but try to destroy the 'Mechs before they reach the other APU. In the event that they do stomp both APUs, you'll have failed at reaching the second objective, but the mission won't end. You'll still have to kill off the rest of the forces to ensure your escape and completion of the primary objective. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Hellspawn 1 Flamer 1 ER SPL 1 SPL 1 LRM10 1 CLRM5 1 SRM6 2 AC5 1 AC10 1 UAC2 1 CUAC2 1 Gauss 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- e. OPERATION 2 : MISSION 1 : Recon (4e) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Very Easy Mission type : Recon Briefing: We will be making a hot drop and conducting a recon sweep of the surrounding area. Once this is done, it will allow us to land our forces and begin operations on Kentares IV. This will be your first command opportunity. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Shadow cat; JJ; HS (1), 102.02 (KPH); ER MPL (3), CMG (2), ER SL (1), CSTRK6 (1), ER LL (1); FF. Lance Mates : Jen McQuarrie Hellspawn; ECM, 100.04 (KPH); MPL (3), CLRM5 (1), LRM10 (2), SRM4 (1); FF. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma Primary Objective : Scout Nav Alpha. Primary Objective : Scout Nav Beta. Primary Objective : Scout Nav Gamma. Primary Objective : Destroy all combat units encountered. NAV ALPHA ------------- After dropping, head to Nav Alpha. Instruct your lance mate to rendezvous at the Nav point [F1 > F5]. After running a few hundred meters you'll pick up some Peregrines (helicoptors, genius) on your radar. Immediately switch your lance mate to attack mode [F1 > F8]. To keep the Paragrines from spotting you, enable passive sensors. Head towards them and shoot them down and continue to Nav Alpha. Before reaching the Nav point you'll encounter a Raven 'Mech and more Peregrines. Destroy the choppers first, then finish off the Raven, which is an annoyingly fast 'Mech that resembles a chicken. Continue to Nav Alpha where a Bulldog tank and another Raven are waiting. Help them meet their doom and tread on to Nav Beta. NAV BETA ------------- At Nav Beta you'll have to fight off a decent wave of Bulldogs along with a Cougar. Destroy the Bulldogs first, then the 'Mech, and head for the last nav point: Gamma. NAV GAMMA ------------- Fortunately for you, Gamma is full of Bulldog weaklings. Blast them to oblivion or just your jump jets to land on top of them for a quick kill. Mission over. You're a hero. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Cougar 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- f. OPERATION 2 : MISSION 2 : Capture Depot (4f) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Moderate (if not detected), Difficult (if detected) Mission type : Capture Briefing: We have located a Steiner base. With a quick strike, we think we can cut off their communications and take control of the base. This will give us some good quality salvage. Enemy resistance will be heavy. Expect 'Mechs supported by combat helicopters. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Cougar; BAP, JJ; HS (1), 96.95 (KPH); CLRM10 (2), ER LL (2), ER SL (1), ER ML (1); FF. Lance Mates : Jen McQuarrie Hellspawn; ECM, 100.04 (KPH); MPL (3), CLRM5 (1), LRM10 (2), SRM4 (1); FF. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough (this mission can have two outcomes) Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta Primary Objective : Destroy main base defenders. Primary Objective : Destroy Comm. Station before they radio for help. DESTROYING THE COMM. STATION ------------- At the start of the mission, Radio Control will suggest to switch to passive sensors. Do as they say and accelerate to nav Alpha. Have your lance mate form on you to avoid any trouble [F1 > F3]. Use your jump jets to help you climb the first mountain in front of you, and then walk a few hundred meters until you here Ian exclaim that the Comm. Station is near. Once in sight, zoom in and use your CLRMs and your LL's to destroy the station before you are detected. The mission will change depending if you are detected or not. If you are NOT detected, the original objectives remain along with your completed objective: Primary Objective : Destroy main base defenders. Success : Destroy Comm. Station before they radio for help. If you are detected, the objectives are altered, and I will explain what to do after the first half of this mission walkthrough. OUTCOME 1: IF NOT DETECTED --------------- Go to Nav Beta, Gamma, and stop at Delta, with passive sensors on through all the points. These Nav Points should be free of any forces. From Delta, you should be able to see some of the forces stationed at Nav Epsilon, and specifically, Calliope Turrets, which provide Long-Range Missle support to enemy opponents. Since they can't detect you with passive sensors enabled, use this opportunity to destroy them (there is one turret on a hill to the left, and one on the opposite side) with your LRMs and LLs. The turrets can still detect you visually, so try to be covert and quick. Note: To avoid additional reinforcements, head to the area located at 20 degrees from Nav Epsilon and destroy the Secondary Comm. Station and the Turret Control Tower located there. Or, you can leave them be and just blow up all on-base units AND their reinforcements. Yeah, that sounds right. NAV EPSILON --------------- After you destroy the turrets, enable your radar to draw towards you two patrolling helicopters. If you don't destroy them now, don't worry about it, destroy them when they circle back your way. Proceed to Nav Epsilon, where you'll notice four to five Peregrines on ground level. Shoot them as they power up and take off (you're a mercenary - show no mercy!) and don't forget to switch your lance mate to attack mode [F1 > F8]. REPAIRING --------------- Afterwards, two enemy 'Mechs will rush towards you looking to avenge their Peregrine buddies - a Catapult, and a Cougar. Fend off the Catapult first since it's the strongest of the two 'Mechs, then rip through the Cougar. If possible, try to shoot off the Catapult's missle bays, as that'll basically render it useless. After the battle, you and your mate will probably be heavily damaged. You can find a Mobile Field Base (repair bay) West of Nav Epsilon. Go to it and repair and command your mate to repair also (F1 > F9). Note: Due to some bug, glitch, or whatnot, your lance mate(s) may or may not repair their 'Mechs when you instruct them. First, make sure there is an available repair bay / mobile field base nearby. Repeat your commands twice [F4 > F8, F4 > F8]. If these options don't work, then the repair feature is not available within that specific mission or all repair areas have been vaporized. Note: There are two idle 'Mechs sitting west of Nav Epsilon. DO NOT destroy them - they will be added to the salvage you gain at the end of the mission. Next, you should be picking up another Cougar plus a Hellspawn on your radar. For two easy kills, let them follow you to the Northeast area of Nav Epsilon where you'll see several fuel tanks. When they are in range, destroy the fuel and watch the bodies fly as the splash damage engulfs your two opponents. If not, just destroy them using good ol' normal battle tactics. If the mission doesn't end, do a quick sweep for smaller, stray targets like Calliope Turrets and Peregrines. Once you rid the area of them the mission will come to a successful end and you'll receive a boat-load of salvage. Merry Christmas you 'Mechwarrior, you. Note: If you were detected at the start of the mission, scroll down for the second half of this mission walkthrough. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Catapult 1 Shadow Cat 1 --------------- Flamer 1 BL 1 ER LL 1 ER SL 1 LBX AC10 1 NARC 1 ER SPL 1 SPL 1 CFLamer 1 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]1 LRM10 1 LRM15 1 LRM20 1 CLRM5 2 SRM2 2 SRM4 2 SRM6 2 UAC5 2 CUAC2 2 MG 2 UAC2 2 LRM5 3 CMG 3 ML 3 SL 4 OUTCOME 2: IF YOU ARE DETECTED --------------- If you're detected, the objectives will change to these and the mission difficulty will increase: Failed : Destroy main base defenders. Primary Objective : Insure allied Swiftwinds arrive and cargo helicopters (At Nav Zeta) escape. Secondary Objective : Destroy any assets helpful to Steiner. Failed : Destroy Comm. Station before they radio for help. NAV ZETA --------------- Quickly head to Nav Zeta [Lance mate F1 > F3]. Enable your radar. You've been spotted, so passive sensors are useless at this point. On your way to Nav Zeta you'll encounter four Peregrines. Shoot down the ones closest to Nav Zeta, and let the rest fly out of range. You'll see three Calliope turrets on radar - take out the ones on the right side of the base and then blast the other Peregrines that appear. Note: If the enemy destroys the grounded helicopter units at Nav Zeta, the mission will end in failure and you'll have to restart. These units are designated as enemy targets, but DO NOT destroy them. A Catapult and a Cougar will come into radar. Fend off the Catapult first since it's the strongest of the two 'Mechs, then rip through the Cougar. Killing them is not absolutey necessary, but you'll have to keep them busy while the rest of your team works. After a few minutes, you'll get the signal to break away from the enemy as the objective lights up: Primary Objective : Break contact with all enemy units. Switch to passive sensors and run like a mad man towards Nav Alpha. If you choose to finish the mission this way, you most likely will NOT receive the Catapult 'Mech along with some of the others. This is why I recommend completing the mission without being detected at the start. Plus, it's just easier. The rest of the FAQ will be written assuming you succeeded in achieving Outcome 1's results since the Catapult is a good unit to have at this point in the game. Let's face it, the 'Mechs you have now are basically crappy, and you need a new ride. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Flamer 1 BL 1 ER LL 1 ER SPL 1 SPL 1 CFlamer 1 LRM10 1 LRM15 1 LRM20 1 CLRM5 1 SSRM2 1 NARC 1 LBX AC10 1 UAC2 1 UAC5 1 CUAC2 1 MG 1 CMG 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- g. OPERATION 2 : MISSION 3 : Relieve and Escort Friendly Techs (4g) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Moderate Mission type : Escort Briefing: A group of technicians is pinned down by enemy units. We need to rendezvous with them and escort them to friendly territory. Time is of the essence. The vehicles that the techs are using are very vulnerable, so pay attention to them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Catapult; HS (13), 75.96 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2), ER LL (2), LL (1); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jen McQuarrie Shadow Cat; LAMS, HS (1), 92.02 (KPH); ER LL (1), ER MPL (3), ML (1), MRM10 (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta Primary Objective : Link up with the technicians. SRM CARRIERS AND RAVEN --------------- Before approaching Nav Alpha, head Northeast. You'll see a group of targets consisting of two SRM Carriers and a 'Mech Raven. [Lance mate F1 > F8]. Kill the carriers and then waste the Raven. Be weary of the Raven - it has a fairly strong Long-Range Missle arsenal. Now head to Nav Alpha fast [Lance mate F1 > F3]. On your way, a Uziel will come into radar range on your left flank. He's only trying to keep you from the techs., so leave him alone for now and continue on. SOUTH OF ALPHA --------------- About 2000m from Alpha, a pack of Condors (small tanks) will come into radar [Lance mate F1 > F8 ]. Head South towards them and give them hell. Then go back Southeast directly towards Alpha again. DESTROYING THE MOBILE TURRETS --------------- At about 1200m a Hellspawn will come into range, along with some Bulldog tanks. Act quickly and use your strongest firepower to take out this 'Mech, then use your lasers to ravage the Bulldogs. A few hundred more meters towards the Nav Point, 4 Mobile Turrets will be stationed. Destroy them quickly. Apparently, the enemy is trying to distract you from the techs.. Once again head back towards Alpha, you're almost there! NEW OBJECTIVE --------------- At Nav Alpha you'll link up with the technicians who are inside small, ground vehicles, and an ally 'Mech Shadow Cat. A new objective will ignite: Primary Objective : Escort the APCs across the brige at Nav Beta. ESCORTING THE TECHS. --------------- Head towards Nav Beta by following the path between all the hills and try to stay in front of the technician APCs because they are terrible drivers and you might accidentally step on them (or maybe that's just me) [Lance mate F1 > F3]. Along the way you'll encounter several enemy 'Mechs. Below is a list and the approx. range at which you'll come in contact with them: [Lance mate F1 > F8] 2300m from Beta : Hellspawn (1) 2100m from Beta : From left flank Hellspawn (1), Peregrines (4-5), SRM Carriers (2) From right flank Uziel (1) 1600m from Beta : Raven (1) 1200m from Beta : Uziel (1) At the 2100m mark, while fighting the Hellspawn, Peregrines, and SRM Carriers, a Uziel (remember the Uziel from earlier?) will attack the APCs from their right side. Find him on your radar, head towards him, and destroy him first, then destroy any remaining units in the area. CROSSING THE BRIDGE --------------- After fighting the last Uziel, you'll see a bridge located 500m from Nav Beta. The APCs will automatically cross it. Blow up the bridge after all the APCs have crossed to complete the final objective. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Raven 1 --------------- Uziel 1 PPC 1 ER MPL 1 CLRM10 1 MRM10 1 MRM20 1 LBX AC20 1 CUAC5 1 MG 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- h. OPERATION 2 : MISSION 4 : Capture Base (4h) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Fairly Difficult Mission type : Capture / Destroy Briefing: We have an opportunity to strike at Steiner forces, drive them out of the region, and get a little revenge. An added bonus will be the capture of their launch facilities and satellite control. The war is starting to turn, let's make this count. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Catapult; HS (13), 75.96 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2)x2 ammo., ER LL (2), LL (1); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jen McQuarrie Shadow Cat; LAMS, HS (1), 92.02 (KPH); ER LL (1), ER MPL (3), ML (1), MRM10 (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Hellspawn; AMS, HS (0), 82.01 (KPH); SRM6 (1), CMG (2), ER MPL (2), ML (1), LRM15 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta Primary Objective : Clear way to Control Center (Nav Beta) for technicians. EN ROUTE TO ALPHA --------------- At mission start, three SRM Carriers, two Laser Turrets, and a Fuel Truck will come into radar [Lance mates F4 > F8]. They are only a couple hundred meters away, so take them out with your long-range weapons. An easy solution would be to wait for the SRM Carriers to near the Fuel Truck and then wasting them with the splash damage. Either way, these targets are harmless. Head to Nav Alpha and then to Nav Beta. NAV BETA --------------- At Nav Beta you'll have to fight two Uziels and a Bushwacker 'Mech. The Bushwacker is titled "sentry1" on your HUD display. There will also be two Calliope Turrets, but DO NOT destroy them. You'll need them later on. Disable them by destroying the turret control tower located to the left of the left-most Calliope. After you destroy the control tower, the technicians will move into the area. Finish off the Uziels and the Bushwacker while they are doing so and repair using the Mobile Field Base (repair bay) located to the right of the right-most Calliope. Don't forget to instruct your lance mates to repair if necessary [F4 > F9]. CONTROLLING THE BASE --------------- After a few minutes the techs. will gain control of the base, including the Calliope Turrets. Alright, new objective obtained! Primary Objective : Defend Control Center and technicians.Their The turret's firepower is pee-wee, but at least they provide some support. Two Peregrines will head towards the base from the Northeast. Easy kills - take them out then head back to the base. COUGARS GALORE --------------- Shortly after, two 'Mech Cougars will approach from the Northwest and three LRM Carriers will approach from the opposite Southeast area. Destroy the LRM Carriers first, then head back to combat the two Cougars, and then return back to Southeast to fight a third Cougar! USING CHEAPNESS TO WIN --------------- Note: This might seem like a lot of targets, but an easy way to destroy all three Cougars (and even the 'Mechs from before), would be to have them follow you to one of two missle gantrys located on the base (one on the right side, one on the left). Each gantry area has six missles. When an enemy target nears one of the gantry's, unload your firepower directly on the standing missle(s). The splash damage is enough to completely cinder ANY 'Mech. Oh, the cheapness! I didn't tell you this before because this mission isn't THAT difficult. I figured you could handle one or two 'Mechs on your own. After you wipe the floor with the third Cougar, head East [Lance mates F4 > F8] and you'll see yet another Cougar and his partners, an Argus and another Argus. Incinerate the Cougar first, as I am sure you loathe Cougars by now, then do the same with the Argus 'Mechs. Mission over. Finally. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Buchwacker 1 --------------- Uziel 1 Uziel 1 Flamer 1 ER LL 1 ER ML 2 LL 1 ML 1 SL 2 ER SPL 2 SPL 2 LRM5 1 LRM10 1 LRM15 2 LRM20 3 CLRM10 1 MRM30 1 SRM2 2 SRM6 1 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]1 SSRM4 [CSTRK4]1 AC5 1 AC10 1 LBX AC10 1 UAC2 1 CUAC2 1 CUAC5 1 Gauss 1 LGauss 1 MG 1 CMG 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- i. OPERATION 3 : MISSION 1 : Sweep And Destroy (4i) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Fairly Difficult Mission type : Sweep / Destroy Briefing: A Steiner Dropship has crashed and we may have a chance to capture it and further cripple Steiner's ability to move troops. Scout the nearby area and brush aside the enemy 'Mech screen. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Catapult; AMS, HS (13), 61.99 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2)x2 ammo., ER LL (2), LL (1); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Shadow Cat; LAMS, HS (1), 92.02 (KPH); ER LL (1), ER MPL (3), ML (1), MRM10 (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma Primary Objective : Wait for response from scouting groups. Primary Objective : Destroy all units at Nav Alpha. Primary Objective : Destroy all units at Nav Beta. Primary Objective : Destroy all units at Nav Delta. Primary Objective : Destroy all units at Nav Gamma. SCOUTING --------------- You won't have any real objectives at mission start. Just wander around for a bit until the scouting groups return communication. They'll first advise you to head to Nav Alpha, where you'll encounter a patrol of unconfirmed enemy 'Mechs. NAV ALPHA PATROL --------------- At Nav Alpha you'll fight two Cougars [Lance mate F1 > F8]. Killing them is easier done than said. During your fight, the scout patrols will upload a second Nav point - Nav Beta. Go there. NAV BETA PATROL --------------- At Nav Beta you'll battle two Osiris 'Mechs and one Raven. You'll also be notified of a third patrol at Nav Delta. Go there. Note: Assuming you're using the recommended 'Mechs, don't exhaust your CSTRKs here. Save some for the later patrols, which consist of much more advanced 'Mechs. NAV DELTA PATROL --------------- Nav Delta has an Osiris and a Cougar. These 'Mechs are simple. Take them out quickly and head to the final uploaded point at Nav Gamma (it should be uploaded by now, if not, just wait a few minutes until you receive a confirmation from one of the patrols). NAV GAMMA PATROL --------------- At Nav Gamma you'll spot two 'Mech Vultures. These targets land in the heavy category and definitely out-do you in armor and firepower. At first contact on radar, enable your passive sensors to avoid missle lock-on from a distance. Use the land, such as the hills, mountains, and water to your advantage, and steer clear of splash explosions. With passive sensors on, you can shoot them from afar and they'll have a difficult time returning fire, considering they are armed with fairly weak, short-range energy weapons. The real threat is the arsenal of LRMs each Vulture carries. Once in close range, enable your radar so you can use your CSTRKs. To disable the Vultures, destroy one of their legs or both of their missles bays, located to the left and right of the mid-torso. Then just aim for the torso and light 'em up like a Thanksgiving roast. Beat them, and the mission is over. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Osiris 1 Vulture 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- j. OPERATION 3 : MISSION 2 : Capture Supply Convoy (4j) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Moderate Mission type : Capture / Destroy Briefing: Steiner is attempting to move repair supplies, technicians, and reinforcements to a Dropship. Intercept the convoy, destroy the military forces, and capture the convy. They are ahead of you on the mountain paths, so move fast. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Catapult; HS (13), 75.96 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2)x2 ammo., ER LL (2), LL (1); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Shadow Cat; LAMS, HS (1), 92.02 (KPH); ER LL (1), ER MPL (3), ML (1), MRM10 (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Hellspawn; AMS, HS (0), 82.01 (KPH); SRM6 (1), CMG (2), ER MPL (2), ML (1), LRM15 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta Primary Objective : Overtake the convoy and destroy the guards. Secondary Objective : Destroy all Steiner forces. CROSSING TO ALPHA --------------- Head to Nav Alpha as fast as you can. Instead of following the mountain path, which is a total waste of time, cut through the hill on your right [Lance mates F4 > F3]. If you are in the recommended 'Mech, the Catapult, you'll have a hard time climbing steep areas so stick to areas that are passable. You'll see some patroling Nightshades in range (jet fighters / bombers). Shoot them down if you can, but if you miss one or all don't worry about it. ATTACKING THE CONVOY --------------- At about 800m from Alpha, you'll notice multiple targets on radar. That's the convoy, plus the guards. Head towards it, regardless of what Nav point they pass. There are many ways to attack the guards, but let's do it my way since this is my FAQ (evil laugh). Cycle through the targets until you land on a Cougar. This is the end of the convoy / guards. Keep up with the convoy until you can visually see it. Stay on top of the hills and destroy as many guards as you can. If you sustain significant damage, it's time to move from your post. Fight your way up from the back of the convoy to the front. Here are the 'Mechs you'll encounter, most likely simultaneously: Cougar (2) Arugs (1) Vulture (1) Bulldog (2) If the fight breaks off from the convoy, leave the fight and let your lance mates take care of any remaining 'Mechs in that area. Follow the convoy and destroy the guards that remain with it, which will win the mission. You'll receive a ridiculous amount of salvage (ridiculous = good). You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Argus 1 --------------- BL 1 ER SL 2 LL 1 ML 2 SL 4 ER PPC 2 PPC 1 ER MPL 1 ER SPL 1 LPL 2 MPL 1 CFlamer 1 LRM5 2 LRM10 1 LRM15 1 LRM20 1 CLRM5 2 CLRM15 1 MRM10 1 MRM20 1 MRM30 1 MRM40 1 SRM4 3 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]2 Artillery 1 AC5 2 AC10 2 LBX AC20 1 CLBX AC10 1 UAC2 2 UAC5 1 CUAC2 1 CUAC5 1 CGauss 1 Gauss 1 MG 3 CMG 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- k. OPERATION 3 : MISSION 3 : Destroy Dropship (4k) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Difficult (or very easy, depending on approach) Mission type : Destroy Briefing: We can take a strike at a Steiner Dropship. It is crippled, but that doesn't mean it will not get its weapons online. If it does activate its weapons, use range, mobility, and friendly artillery to bring it down. If we win though, we will have a huge advantage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Catapult; HS (12), 61.99 (KPH); CLRM20 (2), ER LL (2), LL (1); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Shadow Cat; LAMS, HS (1), 92.02 (KPH); ER LL (1), ER MPL (3), ML (1), MRM10 (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Hellspawn; AMS, HS (0), 82.01 (KPH); SRM6 (1), CMG (2), ER MPL (2), ML (1), LRM15 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : None Primary Objective : Find damaged Steiner Dropship. Primary Objective : Destroy damaged Steiner Dropship. FINDING THE DROPSHIP --------------- This mission can be very easy or very hard, so pay attention. The objectives are pretty vague, so the advice I give you is very important. You don't know this yet, but the dropship is guarded. And I mean guarded like there's no tomorrow. There are tanks, carriers, heavy, advanced 'Mechs. Oh, yeah, almost forgot, there's also the actual dropship weapons. Let's admit it, those weapons could kick the crap out of your 'Mech if it powers up. Anyway... THE CORRECT APPROACH --------------- What we're going to do is attack the dropship from the rear where it is less guarded. If you'd like, you can try to attack it from the front. In exchange for the risk, you'll get much more salvage parts. At this point we've salvaged so many materials from other missions that it really shouldn't matter what we get in this mission. HEADING EAST --------------- From your start position head east to the right-most map perimeter boundary [Lance mates F4 > F3]. To see the boundaries, press SHIFT + M to switch to the HUD mini-map. You'll see them in orange and red and you can also see them on your radar (SHIFT + M to toggle the map OFF). Be sure to head towards the bottom, eastern corner as much as you can (I know, mountains suck). This'll avoid detection by enemy patrols. HEADING NORTH --------------- When you reach the eastern area, turn and head north along the eastern boundary. Stop when you reach 80% of the distance from the southeast corner to the northeast corner. Turn and go west a couple hundred meters, but don't leave the area. You'll start to pick up some targets on radar and among them are a couple of APUs. You know what that means. That's right, where there are APUs there are dropships! ATTACKING THE DROPSHIP --------------- Cycle through the targets until you find the dropship. Now go towards it, preferably stand atop a nearby hill or mountain, but keep your distance. What we're trying to do here is get visual confirmation. I recommend staying at least 800m to 900m away from it. This is why we have the CLRMs. When you have visual confirmation of the ship, unload your missles and lasers on it! You should have barely enough ammunition to destroy it as long as you don't waste any of it on other targets. While you're sitting there firing at the ship, an Argus will return fire at you. Step back and forth to dodge his fire but don't take your aim off of the ship. The Argus will, at the most, damage you a bit. After the ship ignites, the mission ends, and you still get TONS of stuff! Aren't you glad you listened to me? You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Mauler 1 --------------- MPL 2 SPL 3 LRM10 2 LRM15 2 LRM20 2 CLRM5 2 CLRM10 2 SRM2 2 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]2 SSRM4 [CSTRK4]2 SSRM6 [CSTRK6]1 NARC 1 AC5 1 LBX AC10 2 CLBX AC20 1 Gauss 1 LGauss 1 MG 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- l. OPERATION 4 : MISSION 1 : Raid Base (4l) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Difficult Mission type : Raid (Escort and Destroy) Briefing: We have the opportunity to raid a large Steiner base as part of a combined arms action. Your job is to guard a convoy of vehicles as they enter the base and loot the supply warehouses. Beware of possible heavy enemy 'Mech forces. Watch for the heat impact of the desert terrain. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Catapult; HS (12), 61.99 (KPH); CLRM15 (1), CSTRK6 (2), ER LL (2), LL (1); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Shadow Cat; LAMS, HS (1), 92.02 (KPH); ER LL (1), ER MPL (3), ML (1), MRM10 (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Hellspawn; AMS, HS (0), 82.01 (KPH); SRM6 (1), CMG (2), ER MPL (2), ML (1), LRM15 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon Primary Objective : Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the first site (Nav Alpha). Primary Objective : Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the second site (Nav Beta). Primary Objective : Cargo Tracks and Ian arrive at ectraction point (Nav Epsilon). ENTERING THE BASE --------------- From mission start, head west along the road the convoy is taking. A couple hundred meters in you'll see three Mobile Turrets. Take them out [Lane mates F4 > F8]. Continue to Nav Alpha. As you approach the base, multiple targets will move in to intercept you. This is where the party begins.Your group of allied forces will clash with their group of 'Mechs - like a tiny war it is. On your left flank (to the south) there will be a Cougar and a Shadow Cat. Don't worry about these two. You have allied units that will help you fight those 'Mechs. On southwest, you have another Cougar and another Shadow Cat, along with several SRM carriers and smaller vehicles. Take out the smaller targets, and then battle the two remaining 'Mechs as you move into the base. If your allies need help, well uh, go ahead and help them. Note: For quick kills, lead the 'Mechs to the fuel tanks located on the base. Let the splash damage do all the work for you. Ah, mmm, splash... Note: It is critical that you take out the small SRM Carriers because they will target your convoy more than the 'Mechs will. DEFENDING AND REPAIRING --------------- If the convoy exclaims they are under attack find them on your radar and fight off any units on them. If you're not inside the base yet, go there, towards the convoy's location. More 'Mechs will approach, specifically from 240 degrees - a Chimera a Bushwacker, and two Ravens. If you need to repair and / or reload, use the 'Mech Repair Bay located at the center of the base. Keep the 'Mechs occupied while the convoy moves on to the various Nav Points. MORE 'MECHS --------------- After the cargo tracks loot the last Nav Point, FOUR (yes, more fun!) more 'Mechs will approach from the East - two Hellspawn 'Mechs, a Uziel, and a Shadow Cat. Take the Shadow Cat and the Hellspawn first, since they're weaker, and then the Uziel (the Uziel will probably over-heat because of its PPC armament). Your lance mate(s) may or may not lose their 'Mechs on this mission, unless you instructed them to repair earlier, but that's okay. We have plenty of 'Mechs in our inventory. After the enemy targets are all wasted, head to Nav Epsilon and the mission will end. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Chimera 1 Hellspawn 1 --------------- Flamer 2 ER LL 1 ER SL 1 LL 1 ML 2 SL 5 ER PPC 1 ER SPL 2 LPL 1 CFlamer 1 LRM5 2 LRM10 2 LRM15 2 LRM20 1 CLRM15 1 CLRM20 1 MRM20 1 MRM30 1 SRM2 4 SRM6 2 AC5 1 AC10 2 LBX AC10 2 LBX AC20 1 UAC2 1 UAC5 1 CUAC2 2 CUAC5 2 CGauss 1 LGauss 1 MG 4 CLMG 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- m. OPERATION 4 : MISSION 2 : Defend Base (4m) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Fairly Difficult Mission type : Defend Briefing: Steiner forces are on a major offensive. We need to relieve forces at Nav Alpha and proceed to a large allied base at Nav Beta. You can expect a fierce assault by enemy forces at both locations. Again, watch the impact of the desert heat upon your 'Mechs. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Catapult; HS (15), 61.99 (KPH); CSTRK6 (1), CSTRK6 (1)x2 ammo., ER LL (2), LL (1); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Uziel; AMS, HS (9), 83.02 (KPH); PPC (1), ER PPC (1), CLRM10 (2); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Bushwacker; HS (3), 70.99 (KPH); CGauss (1), LL (1), CLRM20 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Vulture; HS (10), 65.02 (KPH); LL (2), CLRM10 (2), CLRM15 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta Primary Objective : Go to Nav Alpha Secondary Objective : Eliminate Guerrila 'Mechs Primary Objective : Defend 'Mech hangars at base (Nav Beta). Secondary Objective : Defend anti-aircraft guns. DESTROYING THE GUERRILA 'MECHS --------------- Head to Nav Alpha. At 2100m from Alpha, you'll pick up three Peregrines on radar. [Lance mates F4 > F8]. Shoot 'em down and head back towards Alpha. 1800m from Alpha you'll see a Shadow Cat on radar - he is hiding behind a hill in front of you and will use his jump jets to sporadically attack. Approach him and he'll move out of his hiding spot and he'll run towards another hiding spot where another Shadow Cat will be waiting to attack you. Follow them and destroy them and head back towards the Nav point. At 1600m a Uziel will pop up. He's hiding behind a hill also (what's with these guys?). Destroy him and that should successfully complete the Secondary Objective. REPAIRING --------------- At Nav Alpha you'll see a Mobile Field Base next to the allied anti-aircraft guns that sit on the hill. Use it to repair your 'Mech. If you don't repair now you can repair after the upcoming battle. DEFENDING THE ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUNS --------------- While you're at Alpha, a group of 'Mechs will appear on radar west of your location - two Shadow Cats and five LRM launchers. Their goal is to destroy the anti-aircraft guns on the hill. Destroy the LRM launchers first since they provide the greatest threat with their long-range capability. After taking a couple of their units, the pack will retreat to Nav Beta where they'll attempt to destroy the base located there. Don't follow them... yet. When they start retreating, a group of enemy bombers coming from the northwest will head towards Nav Alpha and Nav Beta. Shoot them out of the sky. DEFENDING NAV BETA --------------- Head to Nav Beta. You'll fight the remaining targets from Nav Alpha, along with two Vultures and two Uziels. Destroy the stronger 'Mechs first and save the Uziels for last or destroy all four of them by leading them to the fuel tank's located inside the base. Cheapness, much? You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Mad Cat 1 Thanatos 1 --------------- PPC 1 ER MPL 1 MPL 2 LRM15 1 CLRM10 1 CLRM20 1 MRM10 2 SRM4 1 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]2 SSRM4 [CSTRK4]3 SSRM6 [CSTRK6]1 Flare 1 AC5 2 CLBX AC10 2 UAC2 1 UAC5 1 Gauss 1 LGauss 1 CMG 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- n. OPERATION 4 : MISSION 3 : Capture (4n) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Fairly Easy Mission type : Capture / Destroy Briefing: There are a number of barges laden with supplies being moved through our operational area. Steiner will doubtlessly be guarding these barges well, but civilians will be captaining the barges. If you can destroy the escorts, they will surrender giving us much needed supplies. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Catapult; HS (15), 61.99 (KPH); CSTRK6 (1), CSTRK6 (1)x2 ammo., ER LL (2), LL (1); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Uziel; AMS, HS (9), 83.02 (KPH); PPC (1), ER PPC (1), CLRM10 (2); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Bushwacker; HS (3), 70.99 (KPH); CGauss (1), LL (1), CLRM20 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Vulture; HS (10), 65.02 (KPH); LL (2), CLRM10 (2), CLRM15 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha Primary Objective : Destroy all armed escorts around the barges. Primary Objective : Capture (come within 100meters) four of six barges. Primary Objective : At least four barges must survive. Secondary Objective : Capture (come within 100 meters of) all six barges. ATTACKING THE ESCORTS --------------- Head forward up the river and towards the enemy targets [Lance mates F4 > F3]. As you approach the barges, the escorts will intercept you. You'll encounter ten Patrol Boats, two Argus and one Uziel 'Mech. Battle them while you continue down the river following the barges. Be aware that splash damage from your battle WILL hurt the barges. In any case, as long as four survive the mission will succeed, so don't stop for too long or the barges may escape up the river. PEREGRINE REINFORCEMENTS --------------- At about 3700m from Alpha, multiple Peregrines will come in from the left side of the river. Take them out quickly. Finish off the rest of the guards and follow the barges up the river. Smooth sailing from here, my friend. LOKI ESCORT --------------- Ah, ha! But wait a second, just when you though it was safe here comes a Loki 'Mech ready to kick your butt. But if you finished off his escort buddies earlier this will be a battle he can not win. He will be the last guard. Capture the barges by coming within 100m of each one. If you were quick to take out the guards, you can capture all six and receive an insane amount of cargo (we almost have enough to start World War III). However, if the barges reach the mouth of the river, you will have to fend of about ten Mobile Turrets that sit on the banks of the river. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Loki 1 --------------- Flamer 2 BL 1 ER LL 2 ER ML 2 LL 1 SL 4 ER PPC 2 ER SPL 2 LPL 2 SPL 2 CFlamer 2 LRM5 1 LRM10 2 CLRM5 2 CLRM10 2 CLRM20 1 MRM30 2 SRM2 2 SRM4 2 SSRM4 [CSTRK4]2 SSRM6 [CSTRK6]2 CNarc 1 AC5 3 AC10 1 LBX AC10 1 LBX Ac20 1 CLBX AC10 2 CLBX AC20 2 UAC5 2 CUAC5 3 LGauss 1 CMG 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- o. OPERATION 4 : MISSION 4 : Destroy Factory (4o) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Moderate Mission type : Destroy Briefing: The destruction of a key ammunitions factory may cripple Steiner operations all over Kentares IV. We will try to strike at and destroy this factory with the help of a local guide in a swiftwind. Visibility is poor, so short-range weapons may be preferable. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mad Cat; HS (18), 70.02 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2)x2 ammo., ER LL (2), LL (2); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Uziel; AMS, HS (9), 83.02 (KPH); PPC (1), ER PPC (1), CLRM10 (2); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Bushwacker; HS (3), 70.99 (KPH); CGauss (1), LL (1), CLRM20 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Vulture; HS (10), 65.02 (KPH); LL (2), CLRM10 (2), CLRM15 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Delta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma Primary Objective : Destroy first munitions plant. Primary Objective : Destroy second munitions plant. Primary Objective : Destroy third munitions plant. Secondary Objective : Link up with local guide. LOCATING THE GUIDE --------------- Our first duty is to find the local guide that will help us around this foggy facility. Head to Nav Delta, or East. A few hundred meters in you'll start to pick up enemy targets on radar, mostly Bulldogs and Vedettes. In this mission you'll have to get in very close to the targets because the fog makes it difficult to target from far away. Go to Delta and you'll talk to the guide there. She is in a tiny Swiftwind car. You can kill her and the mission will continue, but you'll have to find the factories yourself. This is obviously not recommended. Locate her on your radar and follow her. FINDING THE FIRST MUNITIONS PLANT --------------- On your way you'll encounter some smaller targets - seven Bulldogs and two Shadow Cats [Lance mates F4 > F8]. Destroy them and find the guide again. If the guide survived, a new point will appear on your HUD - Nav Alpha. That's the first plant. If you need to repair, there are repair bays directly west of the plant. Repair before you destroy the plant so the guide won't leave the area. After repairing, target the plant (it's labeled "Munitions Plant 1" on your HUD) and destroy it. Follow the guide again. FINDING THE SECOND MUNITIONS PLANT --------------- The second plant is at Nav Beta. Destroy it. Nearby will be a Nova Cat, a Hellspawn and four Guard Towers. Battle them and move on. The next plant will be at Nav Gamma. There are repair bays spread out within the base, so repair if necessary. FINDING THE THIRD MUNITIONS PLANT --------------- Nav Gamma will be protected by two Bulldogs, a Hellspawn, four Guard Towers and an Awesome 'Mech. Blow them away, kill the plant. Mission success. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Awesome 1 Nova Cat 1 --------------- ER SL 2 PPC 1 ER MPL 1 LRM10 1 LRM15 1 LRM20 1 CLRM5 1 CLRM15 1 MRM10 2 SRM4 2 SRM6 2 SSRM2 [CTRK2]2 AC10 1 CLBX AC20 1 UAC2 1 CUAC2 1 CGauss 1 MG 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- p. OPERATION 4 : MISSION 5 : Capture Prisoner Convoy (4p) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Moderate Mission type : Capture / Destroy Briefing: A group of your father's veteran Mechwarriors is being moved to a prisoner camp for possible execution. We have helicopter assets standing by for a rescue attempt. We will strike at the convoy, destroy its escorts, and then move the convoy to an LZ for extraction. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mad Cat; HS (18), 70.02 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2)x2 ammo., ER LL (2), LL (2); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Uziel; AMS, HS (9), 83.02 (KPH); PPC (1), ER PPC (1), CLRM10 (2); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Bushwacker; HS (3), 70.99 (KPH); CGauss (1), LL (1), CLRM20 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Vulture; HS (10), 65.02 (KPH); LL (2), CLRM10 (2), CLRM15 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Delta, Zeta, Gamma, Epsilon Primary Objective : Destroy Air Defense Radar and Tower at Nav Zeta. Primary Objective : Destroy convoy escort. Secondary Objective : Destroy Targets of Opportunity. Primary Objective : Escort buses to L.Z. (Nav Delta). DESTROYING COMMUNICATIONS AT NAV ZETA --------------- Move out to Nav Zeta [Lance mates F4 > F8]. At Nav Zeta destroy the Radar dish and the Control Tower, along with the Uziel that will pick up your signal. Now go to Nav Alpha to find the convoy. CAPTURING THE CONVOY --------------- The convy will pass Nav Alpha. The escorts will be two Cougars and approx. four bulldogs. Take them out but don't let the splash ring from the explosions damage the convoy. Avoid hitting the fuel tanks and the fuel trucks that are in the area. After capturing the convoy, go to Nav Delta. While on your way, a Vulture will try to intercept the convoy from the West. Destroy it and head back towards the convoy. DEFENDING THE CONVOY --------------- At Nav Delta you'll meet up with four allied Peregrines waiting to pick up the passengers on the convoy. While they're doing so, enemy 'Mechs will come in from the East - two Uziels. Intercept them before they target the convoy with those darn PPCs. It takes only one shot from a 'Mech arsenal to destroy a convoy bus. Once they're dead the mission will end. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount ER LL 1 LL 1 ER MPL 2 ER SPL 2 LPL 1 CFlamer 1 LRM5 2 CLRM10 1 CLRM20 1 SRM2 2 SSRM4 [CSTRK4]1 SSRM6 [CSTRK6]1 Narc 1 AC10 1 LBX AC10 1 UAC5 2 CUAC5 1 Gauss 1 CMG 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- q. OPERATION 4 : MISSION 6 : Liberate Prisoner Camp (4q) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Very Difficult Mission type : Destroy Briefing: We have obtained reliable information regarding the location of the Steiner prisoner camp. Resistance will be strong, we need to strike at this camp and liberate the prisoners. Be prepared for fierce fighting involving the largest 'Mechs you have seen to this point. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mad Cat; HS (18), 70.02 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2)x2 ammo., ER LL (2), LL (2); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Uziel; AMS, HS (9), 83.02 (KPH); PPC (1), ER PPC (1), CLRM10 (2); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Bushwacker; HS (3), 70.99 (KPH); CGauss (1), LL (1), CLRM20 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Vulture; HS (10), 65.02 (KPH); LL (2), CLRM10 (2), CLRM15 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Delta Primary Objective : Link up with allied units. Primary Objective : Destroy all 'Mechs defending base. Primary Objective : Destroy both guard towers around first prisoner compound. Primary Objective : Destroy both guard towers around second prisoner compound. Primary Objective : Destroy both guard towers around third prisoner compound. Primary Objective : Destroy both guard towers around fourth prisoner compound. Primary Objective : Take out James Kulin and his lance mates. LINKING UP WITH ALLIED UNITS --------------- Start by accelerating to Nav Delta [Lance mates F4 > F8]. At about 3200m in, your radar will pick up two Cougar 'Mechs. On their left, and on your right side, three Peregrines will come in as well. Protecting the 'Mechs are several Mobile Turrets. You can take care of the Peregrines while your lance mates can take care of the 'Mechs. Return to help your mates if necessary. Now head to Nav Delta. Note: In this walkthrough, the base I'm refering to is located on the west side of the map. The rear of the base is located on the west and the front is on the east. I will be constantly making references to the rear, front, west, and east. INFILTRATING THE BASE --------------- You'll meet up with allied units at Nav Delta. Now we can either infiltrate the western base at Nav Alpha, which is the front door, or go around from the back. Going around back is conducive to your survival, so we'll try that approach. Head back south to where you first started the mission. Then head west to the west-most map boundaries. Finally, from there, head north towards the base's rear. You may or may not encounter Peregrine patrols on your way. Just shoot them down if you do, but don't worry about them if they fly away. BASE BACK DOOR --------------- If you went completely west, and then north, the first unit your radar should pick up is an LRM Carrier. Head towards it to uncover more units. Destroy each 'Mech or 'Mechs as soon as you come in contact with them to prevent them from gathering together and out-numbering you. Below is a list of enemy units you'll encounter and their initial locations. Prepare to fight them in either small groups or all together at once. From Front base area : Uziel (2), Vulture (2), Catapult (1) From Rear base area : Vulture (1), LRM Carrier (2) From South base area : SRM Carriers (1), Bulldog (2), Uziel (1) From North base area : Catapult (2) From Mid base area : Uziel (2) DISABLING THE LASER TURRETS --------------- Inside the base are more than a dozen turrets. Don't bother destroying them - it's a waste of ammunition. If you stand at the rear tip of the base and head east, you'll see a turret control tower. Destroy it and that'll disable half of the turrets inside the base, which are the ones currently closest to you. REPAIRING --------------- Use the Mobile Field Base located in the rear if you or your lance mates need to repair. Lance mates must be ordered to repair individually since there's only one repair area and they're too stupid to know that. [F1 > F9, or F2 > F9, or F3 > F9]. FINDING THE THIRD COMPOUND --------------- West of the repair bay, is the third (it's the third one but the first one to be liberated) prisoner compound. Destroy the two Guard Towers next to it to complete one of the objectives. FINDING THE SECOND COMPOUND --------------- From the third compound, head east to find another guard tower. Destroy it to allow rescue of the second compound. FINDING THE FOURTH COMPOUND --------------- From the second compound, head northeast to see two more guard towers. Destroy them to release the fourth compound. FINDING THE FIRST COMPOUND --------------- From there, head northwest to find the other Turret Control Tower and the last two guard towers to release the final compound. There are also two Catapults that were hanging out at the front of the base. You'll need to destroy them so Kulin will approach the area. BOSS BATTLE 1: JAMES KULIN AND LANCE MATES --------------- After you destroy all remaining 'Mechs and targets, you'll receive a transmission from James Kulin, one of the cretins who helped destroy your family. His pack will come in from the west. It'll consist of James Kulin in a Mad Cat and three Vultures. Let them come towards you inside the base. The buildings and the rest of the junk in the base can provide some cover against the Vulture's long-range attacks. Take out the Vultures first, since they have the strongest firepower. Then destroy James, who has a short-range equipped 'Mech, and the mission will end. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Thor 1 Uziel 1 Vulture 1 --------------- Flamer 1 LL 1 ML 2 ER LPL 1 ER MPL 1 LPL 2 SPL 1 LRM10 1 CLRM5 1 CLRM15 1 MRM10 1 MRM20 1 SRM4 2 SRM6 2 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]2 Flare 1 AC5 1 AC10 1 LBX AC20 1 CLBX AC10 2 UAC5 1 CUAC2 2 CGauss 1 Gauss 1 TOM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- r. OPERATION 5 : MISSION 1 : Destroy Bombers (4r) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Fairly Easy Mission type : Destroy Briefing: Steiner air assets based in a hidden base somewhere in the swamp land to the south of Vale male be used as a weapon of terrorism. We cannot let them threaten the local populace any longer. Destroy the bombers and the control tower to end this threat to all non-combatants in the area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mad Cat; HS (20), 70.02 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2), ER LL (2), LL (2); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Uziel; AMS, HS (9), 83.02 (KPH); PPC (1), ER PPC (1), CLRM10 (2); REFLECT. Casey Nolan Bushwacker; HS (3), 70.99 (KPH); CGauss (1), LL (1), CLRM20 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Vulture; HS (10), 65.02 (KPH); LL (2), CLRM10 (2), CLRM15 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : None Primary Objective : Destroy all eight Shilone bombers. Primary Objective : Destroy the air combat tower. Primary Objective : Destroy all 'Mechs defending base. FINDING THE BOMBERS --------------- There are no active objectives right now, so just head northeast. [Lance mates F4 > F3]. The first target you'll pick up is a Missle Turret above water. Destroy it and move towards it to take out the incoming Peregrine, then head back northeast and then east. You'll see some Condors and maybe some Peregrines. These are easy targets [Lance mates F4 > F8]. HEAD EAST --------------- Keep heading east until you pick up a Nova Cat. Take it out and then head northwest towards the air base. You'll see two Shadow Cat, one in the front and one in the rear (north) area of the base, a few more Condors and a couple of Peregrines. Destroy them all as soon as possible. ACTIVATING THE OBJECTIVES --------------- Once you set foot on base, they will alert all pilots to their stations and your objectives will activate: Primary Objective : Destroy all right Shilone bombers. Primary Objective : Destroy the air combat tower. Primary Objective : Destroy all 'Mechs defending base. ATTACKING THE BOMBERS --------------- Head north, where you'll find the bombers still grounded. Some will be located next to the Hangars located on your left and right. Incinerate them before they take off. Some may lift and circle the base, and if they do, just shoot them down. A Vulture will approach from the north. Kill him, too. FINDING THE CONTROL TOWER --------------- The control tower, natrually, is located at the center of the base. Destroy it to end the mission. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Mauler 1 Vulture 1 --------------- Flamer 1 LL 1 ML 2 ER PPC 1 PPC 1 ER LPL 1 ER MPL 1 ER SPL 2 LPL 1 SPL 1 LRM5 1 LRM15 1 LRM20 2 CLRM10 1 CLRM15 1 CLRM20 1 MRM30 1 SRM2 1 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]2 SSRM6 [CSTRK6]1 AC5 1 AC10 1 CLBX AC10 1 CLBX AC20 1 CUAC5 1 CGauss 1 LGauss 1 MG 2 CMG 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- s. OPERATION 5 : MISSION 2 : Destroy Patrols (4s) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Moderate Mission type : Destroy Briefing: We need to split up to cover all threats to the civilian populace. Your job will be to sweep through the swamp and eliminate all enemy patrols. You can expect mostly Hovercraft, but do not underestimate Steiner. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mad Cat; HS (20), 70.02 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2), ER LL (2), LL (2); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Lance mates not allowed on this mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta Primary Objective : Destroy hovercraft patrol Alpha. Primary Objective : Destroy hovercraft patrol Beta. Primary Objective : Destroy hovercraft patrol Gamma. Primary Objective : Destroy hovercraft patrol Delta. SCOUT AND DESTROY ALL NAV POINTS --------------- The first half of this mission is simple. Go to each Nav point, in no specfic order, and destroy the small patrol vehciles there. They are mostly Condors and Harassers. I recommend going Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and then Delta as the objectives clearly list. BOSS BATTLE 2: DUNCAN BURKE --------------- After you clear the last Nav point, whatever it may be, Duncan Burke will send you a communication. Of course, you'll have to battle him. Just keep walking around until you see him on your radar - he's in a Thor 'Mech. He's equipped with two PPCs and some CSTRK missles. His 'Mech is quick, but not very strong. Destroying him will complete the mission. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount ER ML 2 ER SL 1 SL 1 ER LPL 1 MPL 2 CFlamer 1 LRM10 1 CLRM5 1 CLRM10 1 MRM10 1 SRM2 2 SRM6 1 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]2 SSRM6 [CSTRK6]1 LBX AC10 1 UAC5 1 CUAC2 1 CUAC5 1 MG 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- t. OPERATION 5 : MISSION 3 : Defend Exodus (4t) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Fairly Difficult Mission type : Destroy Briefing: The city of Vale is endangered, in spite of our best efforts. We have been evacuating civilians, but time is short. Two civilian ships remain at the docks still taking on civilians. We need to buy these ships as much time as possible and guard them as they attempt to get out to sea. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mad Cat; HS (20), 70.02 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2), ER LL (2), LL (2); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Uziel; AMS, HS (9), 83.02 (KPH); PPC (1), ER PPC (1), CLRM10 (2); REFLECT. Terra Risner Bushwacker; HS (3), 70.99 (KPH); CGauss (1), LL (1), CLRM20 (1), CLRM10 (1); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Vulture; HS (10), 65.02 (KPH); LL (2), CLRM10 (2), CLRM15 (1), CLRM5 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma Secondary Objective : Destroy all hostile units in immediate area. Primary Objective : Protect the refugee ships until they can reach open water. NAV ALPHA --------------- Head north, where you'll see five Bulldogs [Lance mates F4 > F8]. Destroy them and then head left, towards a Nova Cat. Several Nightshade jet-fighters will also lock on to your position from the east. Destroy them as well and go to Nav Alpha, then from there go north again. You'll see an Awesome 'Mech. Take it down. Another Awesome and a Nova Cat will follow. Go to Nav Beta afterwards. DEFENDING NAV BETA --------------- Southeast of Beta, six Patrol Boats will approach the civilian ships. Destroy them before they reach the dock. This is when you'll receive a transmission regarding two large frigates approaching your area. BOSS BATTLE 3: THUNDERCHILD AND INDOMITABLE --------------- These ships are huge and they are equipped with some of the strongest weapons in the game - LRM20 and Long Toms. They will mostly be targeting the civilian ships, but they will occasionally fire at you and your lance mates. Since they have long-range weaponry, stay close to them and destroy them as quickly as possible. These ships have almost perfect accuracy. If you hear the missle lock-on alert on your 'Mech, swivel your torso left or right so the LRMs and the TOMs hit your arms or legs. It's better to lose an arm or leg instead of your entire torso. ESCORTING THE CIVILIANS --------------- After they're done for, escort the civilian ships to Nav Gamma. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount BL 1 ER SL 1 ML 1 ER LPL 1 ER MPL 1 ER MPL 2 LPL 1 MPL 2 LRM5 1 CLRM5 1 CLRM15 1 CLRM20 1 MRM10 1 SRM4 2 SSRM4 [CSTRK4]2 TBolt 1 AC5 1 AC10 1 LBX AC20 1 CLBX AC10 1 CLBX AC20 1 UAC5 1 CUAC5 1 Gauss 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- u. OPERATION 6 : MISSION 1 : Reconnaisance In Force (4u) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Very Difficult Mission type : Destroy Briefing: We are entering a thick, urban environment to deal the final blow to Steiner. We need to scout and destroy any Steiner units that we uncover. Urban fighting is often close range and brutal. Staying aware of your surroundings will increase the chance of survival. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mauler; HS (0), 65.02 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2)x2 ammo., CSTRK2 (2); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Loki; HS (13), 76.00 (KPH); PPC (1), ER LL (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. Terra Risner Mauler; HS (10), 60.01 (KPH); CLRM20 (2), ER LL (2), CLBX AC10 (2); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Awesome; AMS, HS (14), 65.02 (KPH); ER PPC (1), ER PPC (2), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon Primary Objective : Destroy all enemy units at Nav Alpha. Primary Objective : Destroy all enemy units at Nav Beta. Primary Objective : Destroy all enemy units at Nav Gamma. Primary Objective : Destroy all enemy units at Nav Delta. Primary Objective : Destroy all enemy units at Nav Epsilon. In this mission you will be going from point to point clearing each area of any hostile 'Mechs and / or vehicles. You have to fight extremely strong 'Mechs on this mission, and there is no where to repair. Use your surroundings and other battle tactics (shoot and hide, or whatever) to save up as much health as possible. You'll need it for the final Nav point. NAV GAMMA --------------- First of all, disregard the arranged order of the mission objectives. Instead of going to Alpha first, go to Nav Gamma [Lance mates F4 > F3]. At Nav Gamma you'll fight two Bulldogs and two Argus 'Mechs [Lance mates F4 > F8]. Three Mobile Turrets are also located here, but you can disable them by shooting the Mobile Turret Control vehicle located in the center of them. There is also a Mad Cat, which will be shutdown during the early part of the mission. If you're quick enough to destroy the already active units, you can get to the Mad Cat and pound away before it even has a chance to hit the on switch. NAV ALPHA --------------- Afterwards, go to Nav Alpha (don't forget to command your lance mates). At this Nav you'll fight an Awesome and a Mad Cat. You'll also see more Mobile Turrets, but you can disable them by destroying the Mobile Turret Control located in the center. NAV BETA --------------- Next is Nav Beta. Three bulldogs, three SRM Carriers, and an Atlas are stationed at Beta. Destroy the vehicles first and then the Atlas, then go to Nav Delta. - Speacial Note! ----------- 531m from Beta, on the southeast part of the map, you can see the FASA Interactive headquarters building. It is a one story building located at the corner of an intersection. If you don't know yet, FASA Interactive is one of the companies responsible for the creation of MechWarrior 4. For some reason, they decided to plant their building in the middle of a 'Mech warzone. Oh well. NAV DELTA --------------- Two Awesome and three Bulldog wait for you at Nav Delta. To destroy each 'Mech faster, have all your lance mates fire at one 'Mech and then the other [F4 > F1 (attack highlighted target on your radar)]. NAV EPSILON --------------- Lastly, go to Nav Epsilon, which is the most difficult of all these mini-battles. There will be over five smaller vehicle targets there plus Mobile Turrets and two Atlas 'Mechs. The Atlas is one the strongest 'Mechs in the game. Target one of the Atlas 'Mechs and instruct your lance mates to attack it [F4 > F1] while you take care of the smaller, more annoying targets. If possible, attack from behind your lance mates and use them as shields. The mission will end if you lose your 'Mech. If one of your lance mates loses his 'Mech, it is easily replacable. If you win you'll get a spiffy Atlas. You're king with this ugly, yet powerful 'Mech. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Atlas 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- v. OPERATION 6 : MISSION 2 : Rescue Pilots (4v) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Difficult Mission type : Rescue Briefing: There are friendly 'Mech pilots stranded behind enemy lines. Proceed through the Nav Points to locate their position. They will reveal their position with flares. A helicoptor with proceed to your location for air evacuation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mauler; HS (0), 65.02 (KPH); CSTRK6 (2)x2 ammo., CSTRK2 (2); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Lance mates are unavailable on this mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon Primary Objective : Defend rescue chopper. Primary Objective : Find the parking garage holding the downed pilots. This is another mission that requires you to go from Nav point to Nav point. You'll be searching for some pilots. They are located at one of five parking garages, from Alpha to Epsilon. RANDOM SEARCH --------------- Since the location of the pilots is completely random each time you play this mission, it will be hard for me to provide a detailed walkthrough. I can, however, give you some of the usual good ol' advice. AVOIDING DETECTION --------------- First of all, switch to passive sensors. Scout each Nav Point, preferrably starting with Alpha. Since the pilot's locations are random each time you play this mission, it doesn't matter what pattern you follow. Secondly, try to avoid all enemy 'Mechs until you find the pilots. You'll have a better chance of protecting the rescue teams if you're in a fresh, undamaged 'Mech. If enemy 'Mechs happen to find you and attack you, go ahead and battle them. There's a good chance you'll have to fight them anyway during the rescue attempt. You'll have to keep an eye out for 'Mechs due to your lack of radar. A good way to spot them is by looking for their search light. This mission is a night mission. Appropriately, 'Mechs will have their search lights enabled. DEFENDING THE PILOTS --------------- You'll know you have found the pilots when a communication breaks in informing you of their flares. The flares will attract almost every 'Mech in the area, which include several Cougars, several Shadow Cats, and a couple of Thors. You can count fighting at least six 'Mechs on your own. Retreat if you your 'Mech hits critical status. The enemy units will follow you, drawing attention away from the rescue chopper. Let them follow you until the rescue team leaves the area. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount ER ML 2 LL 1 ER LPL 1 LPL 1 LRM5 1 CLRM5 1 CLRM15 1 MRM20 1 MRM40 1 SRM4 2 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]2 SSRM6 [CSTRK6]1 CNarc 1 AC5 1 AC10 1 LBX AC10 1 LBX AC20 1 CLBX AC10 1 CUAC2 1 CUAC5 1 Gauss 1 LGauss 1 MG 2 CMG 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- w. OPERATION 6 : MISSION 3 : Destroy Base (4w) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Difficult Mission type : Destroy Briefing: We have located a Steiner base at the site of the local university. We may be able to get valuable intelligence from the base. 'Mech forces may be light, but reports state that static defenses are heavy. There is a generator you can destroy to deprive these static weapons of power. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mauler; HS (0), 65.02 (KPH); CLBX AC20 (2)x4 ammo., CSTRK6 (2)x2 ammo., CSTRK2 (2); REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Loki; HS (13), 76.00 (KPH); PPC (1), ER LL (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. Terra Risner Mauler; HS (10), 60.01 (KPH); CLRM20 (2), ER LL (2), CLBX AC10 (2); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Awesome; AMS, HS (14), 65.02 (KPH); ER PPC (1), ER PPC (2), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma Primary Objective : Destroy Communications Center at Nav Gamma. Primary Objective : Destroy All Units Defending Local University at Nav Alpha. Secondary Objective : Destroy Turret Power Generator at Nav Beta. DESTROYING THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER --------------- Head to Nav Beta first [Lance matse F4 > F3]. On the way you might see a Vulture nearby. Nav Beta is far from the mission start, so go ahead and destroy the Vulture [Lance mates F4 > F8] and then head back towards the Nav. At Nav Beta you'll have to fight off a Uziel, a Vulture, and a Bulldog, along with several Laser Turrets that really pose no threat at all. Destroy the 'Mechs and the Bulldog first and then take out the two large generators that located right at Nav Beta. Now go to Nav Gamma to destroy the Communications Center there. REPAIRING --------------- Nav Gamma is protected by a Mad Cat Mk.II. Even though this is a secondary objective, we came here for that 'Mech. It's one of the strongest in the game. Destroy it to salvage it and then take out the Communications Center nearby. There is a Mobile Field Base here, so use it to repair and reload if you have to. Now it's time to go to Nav Alpha. AT THE UNIVERSITY --------------- At Nav Alpha you'll battle two Uziel, two Vulture, and three Bulldog. We disabled the Laser Turrets earlier, so you don't need to worry about them. In fact, they won't even register on your radar. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Mad Cat Mk.II 1 --------------- Flamer 1 ER LL 1 ER ML 2 LL 1 ML 1 ER PPC 1 PPC 1 ER MPL 1 LPL 1 MPL 2 CFlamer 1 LRM10 1 CLRM5 1 CLRM20 1 SRM2 1 SRM6 1 SSRM4 [CSTRK4]1 SSRM6 [CSTRK6]1 TBolt 1 AC5 1 AC10 2 LBX AC10 2 UAC2 1 UAC5 1 CUAC2 1 CGauss 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION SPLIT NOTE --------------------------------------------------------------------- In the next sequence of the game you can choose from one of two missions, but not both. The first mission involves rescuing your sister, which is rated at a difficult difficulty. The other mission involves capturing some supplies and destroying one of the main bosses in the game, which is rated very difficult. Each mission yields its rewards, but obviously, one is harder than the other. It's up to you which one you choose. I will be reviewing both of them below. The first mission walkthrough is for resucing your sister (labeled x. OPERATION...) and the second is for capturing the supplies (labeled y. OPERATION...). Enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- x. OPERATION 6 : MISSION 4 : Rescue Sister (4x) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Difficult Mission type : Rescue Briefing: The unit your sister was leading has been overrun. Enter the combat area and search for her location. You must hurry. If Steiner knows your sister is out there, they will not hesitate to fire upon her. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mad Cat MK.II; HS (0), 63.00 (KPH); CSTRK6 (4)x2 ammo., CLBX AC20 (2)x4 ammo.; REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Loki; HS (13), 76.00 (KPH); PPC (1), ER LL (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. Terra Risner Mauler; HS (10), 60.01 (KPH); CLRM20 (2), ER LL (2), CLBX AC10 (2); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Awesome; AMS, HS (14), 65.02 (KPH); ER PPC (1), ER PPC (2), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Zeta Primary Objective : Locate your sister. Primary Objective : Escort your sister to safety (Nav Zeta). DAMON SQUIRE --------------- You'll be dropped off close to Nav Alpha, next to some enemy units. There are two Nova Cat and five Bulldog tanks. Destroy the smaller units first and then take care of the 'Mechs [Lance mates F4 > F8]. An uncontrollable ally will also accompany you. His name is Damon Squire and he will follow you in a Mad Cat 'Mech. FINDING YOUR SISTER --------------- Next, go north and then west until you run into another pack of units. We're trying to find your sister. We have no idea where she is at this point, so obviously it would do plenty good to search. The second pack will have the same units as the first - two Nova Cat and five Bulldog. Easy. ESCORTING YOUR SISTER --------------- Now head west again until you find two Awesome 'Mechs and two Bulldogs. After, go to Nav Beta, where you'll find your sister in a small vehicle. Escort her to Nav Zeta to end the mission. Ah, but wait! On your way to Zeta you'll notice that four Mad Cat Mk.II await your presence! They're there to see that you and your sister are mince meat. Steer ahead of your sister's vehicle and towards the 'Mechs. Two of them are coming from the south and the rest are from the north. If you're quick enough you can fight them in groups of two. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Mad Cat 1 Nova Cat 1 --------------- ER SL 2 SL 1 ER LPL 1 LPL 1 SPL 1 CFlamer 1 CLRM10 1 CLRM15 1 SRM2 1 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]2 SSRM4 [CSTRK4]1 Narc 1 AC5 1 LBX AC10 1 CLBX AC10 1 CLBX AC20 1 UAC2 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- y. OPERATION 6 : MISSION 5 : Capture Supplies (4y) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Very Difficult Mission type : Capture / Destroy Briefing: Steiner has a cache of weapons hidden somewhere in this city. Proceed through th Nav Points to locate the cache. Beware, Steiner will be ready for you and an ambush is a possibility. A lot was sacrificed for this chance, so make it count. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mad Cat MK.II; HS (0), 63.00 (KPH); CSTRK6 (4)x2 ammo., CLBX AC20 (2)x4 ammo.; REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Loki; HS (13), 76.00 (KPH); PPC (1), ER LL (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. Terra Risner Mauler; HS (10), 60.01 (KPH); CLRM20 (2), ER LL (2), CLBX AC10 (2); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Awesome; AMS, HS (14), 65.02 (KPH); ER PPC (1), ER PPC (2), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Gamma Primary Objective : Find the weapon cache and defeat Jeanine Castro. Primary Objective : Proceed to Gamma Bunker and check for the Weapons cache (blow doors off). Primary Objective : Proceed to Beta Bunker and check for the Weapons cache (blow doors off). Primary Objective : Proceed to Alpha Bunker and check for the Weapons cache (blow doors off). AMBUSHED! --------------- As if it wasn't obvious, you're ambushed at mission start. There will be three Loki and one Mad Cat Mk.II 'Mechs [Lance mates F3 > F8]. They will be instructed to target you no matter what, so use your best tactics. Kill them and go to Alpha. WEAPONS CACHE AT NAV ALPHA --------------- At Alpha you'll fight three Calliope Turrets and four Bulldogs. Not too threatening, but you'll probably be weakened from the first ambush so avoid damage as much as you can. You'll see a large structure here. This is one of the weapons bunker. Destroy its doors and you'll get a communication letting you know if it's the one you're looking for or if it's empty. If it's empty, go to the next Nav, which is Nav Beta. WEAPONS CACHE AT NAV BETA --------------- At Nav Beta you'll see four Calliope Turrets located on the roof of four seperate buildings and four Bulldogs. Destroy them and then blast the doors off of the weapon bunker. It it's empty, go to the next Nav, which is Nav Gamma. WEAPONS CACHE AT NAV GAMMA --------------- Nav Gamma is protected by some serious arsenal. There are four Calliope Turrets, four Bulldog, three Mad Cat, and a one Mad Cat Mk.II. Let the 'Mechs pick you up on their radar so they can follow you away from the Bulldogs and the Turrets. These 'Mechs are part of Jeanine Castro's Elite Lance, which is the boss in this mission. Prepare for a pretty tough battle. BOSS BATTLE 4: JEANINE CASTRO AND ELITE LANCE ------------- As I stated before, the elite lance units are three Mad Cat and one Mad Cat Mk.II. They are designated as turqoise units. After you fight for a few minutes or after you destroy a couple of the lance units, Jeanine will power up her 'Mech. You'll be advised by a communiation that a separate 'Mech is powering up. That's her. She is in an orange checkered Daishi. The Daishi is the most powerful unit in the game. Target her 'Mech and have your lance mates focus all their firepower on her [Lance mates F4 > F1]. Once she is dead, the mission will end and you'll get more salvage than you could ever want, including that bad-ass Daishi 'Mech. We'll be needing it on the next mission. You'll receive this typical salvage: Name Amount Daishi 1 Loki 1 Mad Cat 1 Mad Cat 1 Nova Cat 1 Thor 1 --------------- BL 1 ER LL 3 ER ML 4 ER SL 5 ER PPC 1 PPC 2 ER LPL 2 ER MPL 1 ER SPL 1 LPL 1 MPL 2 SPL 3 LRM10 3 LRM15 3 CLRM5 2 CLRM10 3 CLRM15 2 CLRM20 1 MRM10 2 MRM20 2 MRM30 2 MRM40 1 SSRM2 [CSTRK2]2 SSRM4 [CSTRK4]1 SSRM6 [CSTRK6]2 TBolt 1 CNarc 1 AC10 3 LBX AC10 2 LBX AC20 2 CLBX AC10 1 CLXB AC20 1 UAC2 4 UAC5 1 CUAC2 2 CUAC5 1 CGauss 1 Gauss 1 LGauss 2 TOM 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- z. OPERATION 7 : End Game (4z) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Very Difficult Mission type : Destroy Briefing: It is time to bring an end to this war. Enemy forces will be heavy and desperate. Your targets are the turret control facility and Roland's Dropship. Terminate all units to bring this war to an end. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended 'Mechs, Weapons, and Settings: Note: Don't forget to strip the weapons off the 'Mechs you are not utilizing. And any extra tonnage not being used should be added to your 'Mech's armor. Lance Commander : Ian Dresari Mad Cat MK.II; HS (0), 63.00 (KPH); CSTRK6 (4)x2 ammo., CLBX AC20 (2)x4 ammo.; REFLECT. Lance Mates : Jules Gonzalez Loki; HS (13), 76.00 (KPH); PPC (1), ER LL (1), CLRM10 (1), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. Terra Risner Mauler; HS (10), 60.01 (KPH); CLRM20 (2), ER LL (2), CLBX AC10 (2); REFLECT. Jen McQuarrie Awesome; AMS, HS (14), 65.02 (KPH); ER PPC (1), ER PPC (2), CLRM20 (1); REFLECT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Nav Points : Alpha, Beta, Delta Primary Objective : Take out all Elite Guard 'Mechs. Primary Objective : Destroy Turret Generator at Nav Beta. Primary Objective : Stop the Dropship from taking off at Nav Gamma. Well, you made it to the very end. You're almost a Hero. Now don't die. THE DRESARI PALACE --------------- You'll start out outside the Palace walls. Recognize this place? You probably do if you saw the game's intro. movie. Anyway, head east, towards the palace's entrance, which is located at bottom center of the map (or Nav Alpha). [Lance mates F4 > F3]. PALACE ENTRANCE --------------- Guarding the entrance are a Nova Cat and a Mad Cat Mk.II. They are part of the elite guard, so destroy them first [Lance mates F4 > F8]. Now got to Nav Beta so we can destroy the Turret Generator. DESTROYING THE ELITE GUARD --------------- On the way there, two Thors, a Daishi, and an MK.II will probably intercept you. These units are elite guards as well, so you'll need to blow them away just like their dead friends at the entrance. The Daishi is fairly slow, so cirle around it if you have a 'Mech with good speed. If not, just unload everything you've got on its torso. Take out the generator at Beta and if you need to repair, use the 'Mech Repair Bay located about 300m north of the Nav. Go to Nav Gamma once you're ready. En route to Gamma you'll battle two elite Nova Cat. These are the last two of the elite guard. Destroy them quickly and head for the dropship that is stationed in the area. BOSS BATTLE 5: ROLAND ------------- Target the dropship and have your lance mates concentrate all their firepower on it [Lance mates F4 > F1]. While you attack it, Roland will offer you a seat on the throne. Of course, being the cold-blooded killer that you are, you turn down the offer and continue to tear away at his retarded little dropship. The dropship will attack using Gauss Rifles and PPC weapons. They're rather strong, but you should have enough armor (especially if you repaired!) to destroy it. BOSS BATTLE: FINAL BOSS ------------- Ah, but the game isn't over yet. Just when you thought the ending credits were about roll you get another communication from someone else that's eager to die. William Dresari, your cousin, is pretty pissed off about you wasting Roland. He is waiting for you outside the palace entrance in a Daishi. If you need to repair, haul ass to the repair bays before you fight him - he's tough. An easy way to destroy him is to let him pick you up on radar while you stand within the walls of the Plantary Administration area (located in close to the palace entrance). Once he has you on radar, he'll basically follow you anywhere on the map. If you decide to follow him instead, he'll damage most of your 'Mech with long-range weapons, considering there aren't many places to hide near the palace entrance. After you kill him, the mission will end and the planet is yours to rule now! I won't give out the ending even though it's painfully obvious. Good job. You just finished the entire campaign. Breathe now. Give me a call if you have any questions. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. WEAPON GUIDE --------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Ballistic Weapons i. Inner Sphere Weaponry --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gauss Rifle (Gauss) ------------- Reload time : 8.00 Shots / ton : 24.00 Slots : 3.00 Heat : 1.00 Damage : 17.00 Range : 800.00 Tons : 16.00 Light Gauss Rifle (LGauss) ------------- Reload time : 6.00 Shots / ton : 30.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : .80 Damage : 12.00 Range : 1200.00 Tons : 13.00 LBX Autocannon 10 (LBX AC10) ------------- Reload time : 4.00 Shots / ton : 36.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 1.00 Damage : 14.00 Range : 450.00 Tons : 12.00 LBX Autocannon 20 (LBX AC20) ------------- Reload time : 6.00 Shots / ton : 20.00 Slots : 3.00 Heat : 2.00 Damage : 24.00 Range : 300.00 Tons : 15.00 Long Tom Cannon (TOM) ------------- Reload time : 7.00 Shots / ton : 18.00 Slots : 3.00 Heat : 14.00 Damage : 25.00 Range : 700.00 Tons : 20.00 Autocannon 5 (AC5) ------------- Reload time : 1.00 Shots / ton : 120.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .20 Damage : 2.00 Range : 600.00 Tons : 8.00 Autocannon 10 (AC10) ------------- Reload time : 4.00 Shots / ton : 36.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : .60 Damage : 9.00 Range : 400.00 Tons : 13.00 Ultra Autocannon 2 (UAC2) ------------- Reload time : 1.00 Shots / ton : 240.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .10 Damage : 1.00 Range : 900.00 Tons : 8.00 Ultra Autocannon 5 (UAC5) ------------- Reload time : 1.50 Shots / ton : 120.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .15 Damage : 2.00 Range : 600.00 Tons : 10.00 Machine Gun Array (MG) ------------- Reload time : .30 Shots / ton : 450.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .00 Damage : .20 Range : 150.00 Tons : 2.00 Anti-Missle System (AMS) [Component] ------------- Reload time : Automatic Shots / ton : 30.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .30 Damage : .00 Range : 100.00 Tons : 1.50 ii. Clan Weaponry --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clan Guass Rifle (CGauss) ------------- Reload time : 8.00 Shots / ton : 24.00 Slots : 3.00 Heat : 1.00 Damage : 17.00 Range : 800.00 Tons : 13.00 Clan LBX Autocannon 10 (CLBX AC10) ------------- Reload time : 4.00 Shots / ton : 36.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 1.00 Damage : 14.00 Range : 450.00 Tons : 10.00 Clan LBX Autocannon 20 (CLBX AC20) ------------- Reload time : 6.00 Shots / ton : 20.00 Slots : 3.00 Heat : 2.00 Damage : 24.00 Range : 300.00 Tons : 12.00 Clan Ultra Autocannon 2 (CUAC2) ------------- Reload time : 1.00 Shots / ton : 240.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .11 Damage : 1.00 Range : 900.00 Tons : 6.00 Clan Ultra Autocannon 5 (CUAC5) ------------- Reload time : 2.00 Shots / ton : 120.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .15 Damage : 2.00 Range : 600.00 Tons : 8.00 Clan Machine Gun Array (CMG) ------------- Reload time : .30 Shots / ton : 600.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .00 Damage : 0.30 Range : 200.00 Tons : 2.00 b. Beam / Energy Weapons i. Inner Sphere Weaponry --------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Laser (SL) ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : .10 Damage : .30 Range : 150.00 Tons : .50 Medium Laser (ML) ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : .10 Damage : .30 Range : 150.00 Tons : .50 Large Laser (LL) ------------- Slots : 2.00 Heat : 5.00 Damage : 7.50 Range : 600.00 Tons : 5.00 Small Pulse Laser (SPL) ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : .05 Damage : .15 Range : 150.00 Tons : 1.00 Medium Pulse Laser (MPL) ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : .30 Damage : .60 Range : 300.00 Tons : 2.00 Large Pulse Laser (LPL) ------------- Slots : 2.00 Heat : 1.75 Damage : 2.62 Range : 600.00 Tons : 7.00 PPC (PPC) ------------- Slots : 3.00 Heat : 10.00 Damage : 10.00 Range : 750.00 Tons : 7.00 Flamer (Flamer) ------------- Slots : 2.00 Heat : 4.00 Damage : 1.00 Range : 150.00 Tons : 1.00 Bombast Laser (BL) ------------- Slots : 2.00 Heat : 8.00 Damage : 10.00 Range : 500.00 Tons : 7.00 ii. Clan Weaponry --------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Clan ER Laser (ER SL) ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : .20 Damage : .35 Range : 200.00 Tons : .50 Medium Clan ER Laser (ER ML) ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : 1.20 Damage : 1.50 Range : 400.00 Tons : 1.00 Large Clan ER Laser (ER LL) ------------- Slots : 2.00 Heat : 8.00 Damage : 8.00 Range : 800.00 Tons : 4.00 Small Clan ER Pulse Laser (ER SPL) ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : .12 Damage : .27 Range : 200.00 Tons : 1.50 Medium Clan ER Pulse Laser (ER MPL) ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : .60 Damage : .75 Range : 400.00 Tons : 2.00 Large Clan ER Pulse Laser (ER LPL) ------------- Slots : 2.00 Heat : 3.00 Damage : 3.00 Range : 800.00 Tons : 6.00 Clan ER PPC (ER PPC) ------------- Slots : 3.00 Heat : 15.00 Damage : 14.00 Range : 900.00 Tons : 6.00 Clan Flamer ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : 2.00 Damage : 1.00 Range : 150.00 Tons : .50 Clan LAMS (LAMS) [Component] ------------- Slots : 1.00 Heat : 1.80 Damage : .00 Range : 100.00 Tons : 1.50 c. Missle Weapons i. Inner Sphere Weaponry --------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Range Missle 2 (SRM2) ------------- Missles : 120.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .40 Damage : 2.00 Tons : 2.00 Range : 250.00 Short-Range Missle 4 (SRM4) ------------- Missles : 120.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .60 Damage : 4.00 Tons : 3.00 Range : 250.00 Short-Range Missle 6 (SRM6) ------------- Missles : 120.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : .80 Damage : 6.00 Tons : 4.00 Range : 250.00 Medium-Range Missle 10 (MRM10) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : 2.40 Damage : 8.00 Tons : 5.00 Range : 400.00 Medium-Range Missle 20 (MRM20) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 4.80 Damage : 16.00 Tons : 8.00 Range : 400.00 Medium-Range Missle 30 (MRM30) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 11.00 Damage : 24.00 Tons : 11.00 Range : 400.00 Medium-Range Missle 40 (MRM40) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 13.00 Damage : 32.00 Tons : 13.00 Range : 400.00 Long-Range Missle 5 (LRM5) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : 1.20 Damage : 4.00 Tons : 3.00 Range : 1000.00 Long-Range Missle 10 (LRM10) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : 2.40 Damage : 8.00 Tons : 6.00 Range : 1000.00 Long-Range Missle 15 (LRM15) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 3.00 Damage : 12.00 Tons : 8.00 Range : 1000.00 Long-Range Missle 20 (LRM20) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 6.00 Damage : 16.00 Tons : 11.00 Range : 1000.00 Thunderbolt (TBolt) ------------- Missles : 15.00 Slots : 3.00 Heat : 6.40 Damage : 28.00 Tons : 15.00 Range : 1000.00 NARC Beacon (NARC) ------------- Missles : 6.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : 1.00 Damage : .00 Tons : 4.00 Range : 450.00 Flare Launcher (Flare) ------------- Missles : 10.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : 2.00 Damage : .00 Tons : 1.00 Range : 360.00 ii. Clan Weaponry --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clan Streak Short-Range Missle 2 (CSTRK2) ------------- Missles : 120.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .60 Damage : 2.40 Tons : 2.00 Range : 250.00 Clan Streak Short-Range Missle 4 (CSTRK4) ------------- Missles : 120.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : .90 Damage : 4.80 Tons : 3.00 Range : 250.00 Clan Streak Short-Range Missle 6 (CSTRK6) ------------- Missles : 120.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 1.20 Damage : 7.20 Tons : 4.00 Range : 250.00 Clan Long-Range Missle 5 (CLRM5) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : 1.20 Damage : 4.00 Tons : 2.00 Range : 1000.00 Clan Long-Range Missle 10 (CLRM10) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 1.00 Heat : 2.40 Damage : 8.00 Tons : 3.50 Range : 1000.00 Clan Long-Range Missle 15 (CLRM15) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 3.00 Damage : 12.00 Tons : 4.50 Range : 1000.00 Clan Long-Range Missle 20 (CLRM20) ------------- Missles : 240.00 Slots : 2.00 Heat : 3.60 Damage : 16.00 Tons : 6.00 Range : 1000.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CONTACT INFO. --------------------------------------------------------------------- a. MechWarrior Multiplayer Servers You can usually find me on Microsoft's ZoneMatch servers under the alias "Prime". I mostly play Attrition and Team Attrition games, and if there are absolutey none of those games available, I will resort to playing boring ol' Capture the Flag. b. Messenger Services I'm listed on Windows Messenger as "rarelink@msn.com" and my AIM screen name is Rarelink. c. E-mail If you have any questions, please direct them to my personal e-mail at Rarelink@msn.com. Please follow these simple rules before actually mailing me : - Subject Line ------------- I beg you, please add a subject to your mail. If I see it has no subject, or a subject that matches certain key words (like the word "enlarge"), I may and probably will mistake it for spam / porn / crap / junk and discard it. - Review FAQ --------------- Look through this FAQ thoroughly before contacting me. I realize that FAQ's can be extremely long, but you can do keyword searches in Internet Explorer and Netscape to ease your pain by pressing CTRL + F. - Feedback ----------------- Feel free to send me positive / negative / any feedback. Let me know if my FAQ was difficult to read, or understand, or if I have made any mistakes (grammar mistakes or game mistakes). Your feedback is appreciated! - Questions ---------------- Don't hestitate to contact me if you have a question or concern not covered in this guide. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. COPYRIGHT STATEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is a complete original written by Daniel Guajardo, also known by the alias "Rarelink". This document is the property of the author and he reserves all right to alter, amend, or delete any or all of this document at any time in spite of necessity. Rarelink and Rarelink Studios are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Rarelink Studios. This document was written especially for display on GameFaqs, also known as http://www.gamefaqs.com and http://www.gamefax.com, and any official Microsoft or FASA Corporation web site (a non-profit web space headed by Microsoft Corporation or FASA Corporation) that specializes in game play, games, and specifically MechWarrior, as long as its display is not intended for profit, award, and / or reward. These corporations reserve these rights because they are the creators of MechWarrior and all related names, and therefore wield the origin of any information in this guide other than personal commentary or anecdotal information provided by the author. You are not allowed, at any given time, to alter, amend, delete, or reformat this document without prior written approval from the author and only the author. No other person, corporation or company is authorized to give approval. The formation and original formatting of this document is protected by United States Copyright Law. If this law is violated, the author will seek to prosecute the violator or violators. MechWarrior, BattleTech, BattleMech, and 'Mech are registered trademarks or trademarks of FASA Corporation and / or Microsoft Corporation in the United States and / or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Microsoft MechWarrior: Vengeance, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and / or other countries. Under no circumstances will this guide, its author, and persons otherwise associated with this guide, be held responsible by any party for any direct, indirect, consequential, or special damages incurred through use of this document, including without limitation, lost profits, and loss of computer data. By accessing and viewing this document, you agree to abide by the rules of this statement and you acknowledge awareness of all information provided. This statement supercedes any prior, concurrent, or future verbal or written agreements or exchanges. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. END --------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to thank those of you who actually read this entire FAQ, and those who provided or are going to provide feedback on it. I hope this document was helpful. Until next time, Rarelink