============================================================================== FAQ/WALKTHROUGH FOR THE BARBARIAN IN DIABLO II: LORD OF DESTRUCTION Written By Magic Mario (magic_mario@hotmail.com) ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ------------------------------ [ Introduction ] ------------------------------ ============================================================================== Hello again all, as this is yet another walkthrough by Magic Mario. This time I have decided to give my knowage on the class of the Barbarian in the game Diablo: LoD. I have played with this class for a long time, and I know pretty much what it takes to by a good one. So everyone sit around Mr. Magic, and listen to what I have to say. ============================================================================== -------------------------------- [ Versions ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================== [Version Final] -Finished up the guide and did The Run Down, Equipment, Last Few Words, and the Contact & Copyright Info sections. Now that the guide is done, I can go to sleep! :) [Version 0.60] -The Stat Distribution section is up along with the stats for all of the skills. Enjoy! [Version 0.50] -Finished the Combat Masteries, and Combat Skills sections. [Version 0.30] -Started this guide, and got done with The Basics, Begining Tips, and Warcries. ============================================================================== ---------------------------- [ Table of Contents ] --------------------------- ============================================================================== 1. The Basics 2. Begining Tips 3. Warcries 4. Combact Masteries 5. Combat Skills 6. Stat Distribution 7. The Run Down 8. Equipment 9. Last Few Words 10. Contact & Copyright Info ============================================================================== ------------------------------ [ 1. The Basics ] ----------------------------- ============================================================================== Well the basic use of a barbarian is to smash and hit everything in your way. There are tons of Barbs already on Battlenet, but hey, whats one more? Anyway the basic thing is learn skills that make your enimes toast, from what I have seen thats not very hard. The have three different kinds of skills, you have War Crys, Combat Masteries, and then you have Combat Skills. Let me go into a little ore detail with these skills. Warcries: Deals with skills that raise you stats, and sometimes hurt the enemies. Combat Masteries: Lets you master different skills to give you a good advantage in battle. Combat Skills: Skills that do anything from Bash, to Leap, or you can just do a Whirlwind of attacks to beat the mess out of the enemies. Well I could go more indepth witht he skills, but thats what I will leave the Skill section for. For now just sit back, and read a couple of tips that I have for new people. ============================================================================== ---------------------------- [ 2. Begining Tips ] ---------------------------- ============================================================================== Out of all my time of playing I have found out things that took me a long time to figure out. Now I will save you the time and just tell you some helpful hints. -Until level 15 DONT Dual Wield. Or at least until you find some equipment with halfway decent defense. -Leech Mana will be your friend throughout the entire game. Try as soon as you can when you start to get a Manald Heal Ring. I only have one and I can use Whirlwind forever, and it will never run out. -Polearms just arnt for Barb, so I really don't think its a good idea to use them. -Get Whirlwind ASAP (as soon as possable). I just started using it, and I'm level 65, I could have been using it sooner but I thought it stole to much mana. Then I found out that you can hold the button and it will go on until you run out of mana. If I constanly hit something I wont run out of mana. -Never fall for cheap tricks. I hate to say it but I feel into a trick myself. I was just looking for a game on Battlenet, and I saw a game called -I Dupe-, well I dont like to cheat, but I decided to check it out. There was a Amazon in the game and she told me to put my sword in my Stash, and come outside of town. Well I did as she said, but in the pit of my belly, I knew something was up. Well I got outside of town and she killed me, I was like "WTF", but she just said to get my sword and come out and kill her and she would dupe my sword. So I did as she said once again, but this time I got outside of town and again she killed me, but this time my sword fell on the ground. She took it and ask me what I would give her for it. Now around this time, I knew I wasn't getting my sword back, but I asked her for it back. She left, and that was the last time I ever saw my sword again. I only tell my sad story so that no one else falls for such a dirty trick. This why Battlenet is so messed up, cheaters, hackers, and all of the above. No amount of time and training will help you if you get cheated out of your best sword. Never fall for this very underhanded trick. **More To Come As They Smack Me In The Face** ============================================================================== ------------------------------- [ 3. Warcries ] ------------------------------ ============================================================================== As I find myself as a Whirlwind Barbarian, I dont really use Warcries at all, I dont think they are all that usefull, but its really up to you. Warcries are skills that have different effects, and they usually affect a large area of things. ============================================================================== Howl ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 1 Skill Mana Cost: 4 LEVEL ENEMY RUNS(yards) ENEMY RUNS(seconds) ----- ----------------- ------------------- 1 16 3 2 19.3 4 3 22.6 5 4 26 6 5 29.3 7 6 32.6 8 7 36 9 8 39.3 10 9 42.6 11 10 46 12 11 49.3 13 12 52.6 14 13 56 15 14 59.3 16 15 62.6 17 16 66 18 17 69.3 19 18 72.6 20 19 76 21 20 79.3 22 Effects: Makes enemys run from you. Pros: Helps get enemies away from you. Good if your stuck in the middle of a crowd of monsters. Cons: Dont really hurt the enemy, only makes them run from you. ============================================================================== Find Potion ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 1 Skill Mana Cost: 2 CHANCE OF POTIONS: ------------------ Healing: 60% Mana: 30% Rejuvenation: 10% LIFE AND MANA REJUVENATION ------------- ------------ Act 1: Light Healing/Mana Act 1: Rejuvenation Potions Act 2: Healing/Mana Act 2: Rejuvenation Potions Act 3: Greater Healing/Mana Act 3: Full Rejuvenation Potions Act 4: Greater Healing/Mana Act 4: Full Rejuvenation Potions Act 5: Greater Healing/Mana Act 5: Full Rejuvenation Potions LEVEL CHANCE TO FIND % ----- ---------------- 1 15 2 27 3 36 4 44 5 50 6 55 7 59 8 62 9 66 10 68 11 71 12 73 13 75 14 77 15 78 16 80 17 81 18 82 19 83 20 84 Effects: Looks over a dead body to find a potion on them. Pros: Good if you need a spare potion. Cons: Not really usefull due to the fact that potions dont really cost that much. ============================================================================== Shout ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 6 Skill Mana Cost: 6 LEVEL DEFENSE BONUS % ENEMY RUNS(seconds) ----- --------------- ------------------- 1 100 20 2 110 30 3 120 40 4 130 50 5 140 60 6 150 70 7 160 80 8 170 90 9 180 100 10 190 110 11 200 120 12 210 130 13 220 140 14 230 150 15 240 160 16 250 170 17 260 180 18 270 190 19 280 200 20 290 210 Effects: Raises yours, and anyone elses defense in your party. Pros: Get a big defense boost. Cons: Only lasts for a few seconds. ============================================================================== Taunt ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Howl Level 6 Skill Mana Cost: 3 TARGET'S DAMAGE TARGET'S ATTACK LEVEL DECREASE % RATING DECREASE % ----- --------------- ----------------- 1 5 5 2 7 7 3 9 9 4 11 11 5 13 13 6 15 15 7 17 17 8 19 19 9 21 21 10 23 23 11 25 25 12 27 27 13 29 29 14 31 31 15 33 33 16 35 35 17 37 37 18 39 39 19 41 41 20 43 43 Effects: Makes enemies run over and attack you, while lowering there defense and damage dealt to you. Pros: Good if you fight a monster one on one. Cons: But when does that ever happen? ============================================================================== Battle Cry ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Howl, Taunt Level 18 Skill Mana Cost: 5 LEVEL DURATION(second) TARGET DEFENSE -% TARGET DAMAGE -% ----- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- 1 12 50 25 2 14.4 52 26 3 16.8 54 27 4 19.2 56 28 5 21.6 58 29 6 24 60 30 7 26.4 62 31 8 28.8 64 32 9 31.2 66 33 10 33.6 68 34 11 36 70 35 12 38.4 72 36 13 40.8 74 37 14 43.2 76 38 15 45.6 78 39 16 48 80 40 17 50.4 82 41 18 52.8 84 42 19 55.2 86 43 20 57.6 88 44 Effects: Lowers enemies defense and damage dealt. Pros: Works in a longer area than Taunt, area gets bigger as you level it up. Cons: Just a better Taunt, and not the best thing to use when your stuck in the middle of a butt load of enemies. ============================================================================== Find Item ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Find Potion Level 12 Skill Mana Cost: 7 QUALITY OF THE ITEMS: --------------------- Low Quality: 5% Normal Quality: 60% Superior Quality: 30% LEVEL CHANCE TO FIND % ----- ---------------- 1 13 2 19 3 24 4 29 5 32 6 35 7 37 8 39 9 41 10 42 11 44 12 45 13 46 14 47 15 47 16 49 17 49 18 50 19 50 20 51 Effects: Looks at a dead body for an extra item. Pros: Gives you the extra little look for something else. Cons: Really hard to get anything good, usually only find crappy stuff. ============================================================================== Battle Orders ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Howl, Shout Level 24 Skill Mana Cost: 5 STAMINA/LIFE/MANA LEVEL DURATION(second) INCREASE % ----- ---------------- ----------------- 1 35 35 2 45 38 3 55 41 4 65 44 5 75 47 6 85 50 7 95 53 8 105 56 9 115 59 10 125 62 11 135 65 12 145 68 13 155 71 14 165 74 15 175 77 16 185 80 17 195 83 18 205 86 19 215 89 20 225 92 BATTLE ORDERS RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: ------------------------------------ Shout: +5 Seconds Per Level Battle Command: +5 Seconds Per Level Effects: Raises you and your partys max Life, Mana, and Stamina. Pros: This is the only Warcry that I like, its good to use if you are in a group, or even by yourself. It will raise your Life, Mana and Stamina to very high levels. Somone used this on me once and it raised my life to 3000. You should at least put a point or two into this skill. Cons: Its not an aura so it will go away after 2 mins. ============================================================================== Grim Ward ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Find Potion, Find Item Level 24 Skill Mana Cost: 4 Duration: 40 Seconds LEVEL RADIUS ----- ------ 1 2 2 2.6 3 3.3 4 4 5 4.6 6 5.3 7 6 8 6.6 9 7.3 10 8 11 8.6 12 9.3 13 10 14 10.6 15 11.3 16 12 17 12.6 18 13.3 19 14 20 14.6 Effects: Creates a Totempole out of a dead enemy that scares off nearby enemies. Pros: Good if there are little weak enemies around that you dont want to fight. Cons: Doesn't hurt enemies juts makes then run. ============================================================================== War Cry ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Howl, Taunt, Shout, Battle Cry, Battle Orders Level 30 Skill LEVEL MANA COST DAMAGE STUN LENGTH(seconds) ----- --------- ------ -------------------- 1 10 23-35 1 2 11 30-42 1.2 3 12 37-49 1.4 4 13 44-56 1.6 5 14 51-63 1.8 6 15 59-70 2 7 16 66-77 2.2 8 17 73-84 2.4 9 18 91-93 2.6 10 19 89-101 2.8 11 20 97-109 3 12 21 106-118 3.2 13 22 114-126 3.4 14 23 122-134 3.6 15 24 130-142 3.8 16 25 139-151 4 17 26 148-160 4.2 18 27 158-169 4.4 19 28 167-179 4.6 20 29 177-188 4.8 WAR CRY RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: ------------------------------ Howl: +6% Damage Per Level Taunt: +6% Damage Per Level Battle Cry: +6% Damage Per Level Effects: Stuns enemies in the area for a few seconds. Pros: Stuns a big group of enemies, stoping them from hitting you. It hurts the enemies to. Cons: Stun doesn't last for long. ============================================================================== Battle Commands ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Howl, Shout, Battle Orders Level 30 Skill Mana Cost: 11 LEVEL DURATION(seconds) ----- ----------------- 1 15 2 25 3 35 4 45 5 55 6 65 7 75 8 85 9 95 10 105 11 115 12 126 13 135 14 145 15 155 16 165 17 175 18 185 19 195 20 205 BATTLE COMMAND RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: ------------------------------------- Shout: +5 Second Per Level Battle Orders: +5 Seconds Per Level Effects: Raises your and everyone elses skill levels by one for a short amount of time. Pros: Gives you that little boost of extra skill that you need. Cons: Only raises your skills that you already have by one, not skills that you dont have. ============================================================================== Suggested Points To Put In Warcries ============================================================================== This is how I would put points into the Warcries tree of skills. Note this is how I feel, and you can do whatever you feel is right for you. Howl: 1 Find Potion: 0 Shout: 1 Taunt: 0 Battle Cry: 0 Find Item: 0 Battle Orders: 20 Grim Ward: 0 War Cry: 0 Battle Commands: 0 Total: 22 Skill Points Spent ============================================================================== --------------------------- [ 4. Combat Masteries ] -------------------------- ============================================================================== This is where all of your Passive Skills are. A Passive Skill is a skill that is automatic, meaning you dont have to do anything for it to work, it just does. This tree mostly deals with Mastering weapons, but there are a few other things in this tree that will be of alot of help. NOTE: This whole skill tree is Passive! ============================================================================== Sword Mastery ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 1 Skill Mana Cost: None CHANCE FOR CRITICAL LEVEL DAMAGE +% ATTACK +% STRIKE % ----- --------- --------- ------------------- 1 28 28 3 2 33 36 6 3 38 44 9 4 43 52 11 5 48 60 12 6 52 68 13 7 58 76 14 8 63 84 15 9 68 92 16 10 73 100 17 11 78 108 17 12 83 116 18 13 88 124 18 14 93 132 19 15 98 140 19 16 103 148 20 17 108 156 20 18 113 164 20 19 118 172 20 20 123 180 21 Effects: Raises the attack rate and power of any sword you use. Pros: Good if you wish to be a sword barb. Cons: Bad if you wish to use a different weapon. ============================================================================== Axe Mastery ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 1 Skill Mana Cost: None CHANCE FOR CRITICAL LEVEL DAMAGE +% ATTACK +% STRIKE % ----- --------- --------- ------------------- 1 28 28 3 2 33 36 6 3 38 44 9 4 43 52 11 5 48 60 12 6 52 68 13 7 58 76 14 8 63 84 15 9 68 92 16 10 73 100 17 11 78 108 17 12 83 116 18 13 88 124 18 14 93 132 19 15 98 140 19 16 103 148 20 17 108 156 20 18 113 164 20 19 118 172 20 20 123 180 21 Effects: Raises the attack rate and power of any axe you use. Pros: Good if you wish to be an axe barb. Cons: Bad if you wish to use a different weapon. ============================================================================== Mace Mastery ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 1 Skill Mana Cost: None CHANCE FOR CRITICAL LEVEL DAMAGE +% ATTACK +% STRIKE % ----- --------- --------- ------------------- 1 28 28 3 2 33 36 6 3 38 44 9 4 43 52 11 5 48 60 12 6 52 68 13 7 58 76 14 8 63 84 15 9 68 92 16 10 73 100 17 11 78 108 17 12 83 116 18 13 88 124 18 14 93 132 19 15 98 140 19 16 103 148 20 17 108 156 20 18 113 164 20 19 118 172 20 20 123 180 21 Effects: Raises the attack rate and power of any mace you use. Pros: Good if you wish to be a mace barb. Cons: Bad if you wish to use a different weapon. ============================================================================== Pole Arm Mastery ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 6 Skill Mana Cost: None CHANCE FOR CRITICAL LEVEL DAMAGE +% ATTACK +% STRIKE % ----- --------- --------- ------------------- 1 30 30 3 2 35 38 6 3 40 46 9 4 45 54 11 5 40 62 12 6 55 70 13 7 60 78 14 8 65 86 15 9 70 94 16 10 75 102 17 11 80 110 17 12 85 118 18 13 90 126 18 14 95 134 19 15 100 142 19 16 105 150 20 17 110 158 20 18 115 166 20 19 120 174 20 20 125 182 21 Effects: Raises the attack rate and power of any pole arm you use. Pros: Good if you wish to be a pole arm barb. Cons: Bad if you wish to use a different weapon. ============================================================================== Throwing Mastery ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 6 Skill Mana Cost: None CHANCE FOR CRITICAL LEVEL DAMAGE +% ATTACK +% STRIKE % ----- --------- --------- ------------------- 1 28 30 3 2 33 38 6 3 38 46 9 4 43 54 11 5 48 62 12 6 52 70 13 7 58 78 14 8 63 86 15 9 68 94 16 10 73 102 17 11 78 110 17 12 83 118 18 13 88 126 18 14 93 134 19 15 98 140 19 16 103 150 20 17 108 158 20 18 113 166 20 19 118 174 20 20 123 182 21 Effects: Raises the attack rate and power of anything you have to throw you use. Pros: Good if you wish to be a throwing barb. Cons: Bad if you wish to use a different weapon. ============================================================================== Spear Mastery ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 6 Skill Mana Cost: None CHANCE FOR CRITICAL LEVEL DAMAGE +% ATTACK +% STRIKE % ----- --------- --------- ------------------- 1 30 30 3 2 35 38 6 3 40 46 9 4 45 54 11 5 40 62 12 6 55 70 13 7 60 78 14 8 65 86 15 9 70 94 16 10 75 102 17 11 80 110 17 12 85 118 18 13 90 126 18 14 95 134 19 15 100 142 19 16 105 150 20 17 110 158 20 18 115 166 20 19 120 174 20 20 125 182 21 Effects: Raises the attack rate and power of any spear you use. Pros: Good if you wish to be a spear barb. Cons: Bad if you wish to use a different weapon. ============================================================================== Increased Stamina ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 12 Skill Mana Cost: None LEVEL STAMINA BONUS % ----- --------------- 1 30 2 45 3 60 4 75 5 90 6 105 7 120 8 135 9 150 10 165 11 180 12 195 13 210 14 225 15 240 16 255 17 270 18 285 19 300 20 315 Effects: Raises the max amount of stamina you have. Pros: You can run longer. Cons: None really, just dont put a lot of points into this skill. ============================================================================== Increased Speed ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 24 Skill Mana Cost: None LEVEL WALK/RUN SPEED BONUS % ----- ---------------------- 1 13 2 18 3 22 4 25 5 28 6 30 7 32 8 33 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 40 16 41 17 41 18 42 19 42 20 43 Effects: Raises your speed of running. Pros: Lets you run faster. Cons: The speed increases later diminish quickly. ============================================================================== Iron Skin ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 18 Skill Mana Cost: None LEVEL INCREASED DEFENSE RATING % ----- -------------------------- 1 30 2 40 3 50 4 60 5 70 6 80 7 90 8 100 9 110 10 120 11 130 12 140 13 150 14 160 15 170 16 180 17 190 18 200 19 210 20 220 Effects: Raises your defense by a percentage. Pros: What do you think, it makes you harder to hit, and you take less damage. Cons: Nothing, this is just a good skill all around. ============================================================================== Natural Resistance ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 30 Skill Mana Cost: None LEVEL WALK/RUN SPEED BONUS % ----- ---------------------- 1 12 2 21 3 28 4 30 5 40 6 44 7 47 8 49 9 52 10 54 11 56 12 58 13 60 14 61 15 62 16 64 17 64 18 65 19 66 20 67 Effects: Your resistances encrease with every point. Pros: It raises you resistances to all four elements. Cons: Putting to many in will turn out bad due to the fact that that raises diminish quick. ============================================================================== Suggested Points To Put In Combat Masteries ============================================================================== Again this is just how I feel about how the points should go into this skill tree. Sword, Axe, Mace, Pole Arm, Throwing Mastery, Spear: Pick one and put 20 in it Increased Stamina: 2 Increased Speed: 1 Iron Skin: 20 (triple defense baby! ^_^) Natural Resistance: 5 Total: 48 Skill Points Spent ============================================================================== ---------------------------- [ 5. Combat Skills ] ---------------------------- ============================================================================== Here are your skills that you will make your bread and butter of attacking. I am a Whirlwind Barbarian, but at first I was a Frenzy Barb, so I know my way around both. ============================================================================== Bash ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 1 Skill Mana Cost: 2 LEVEL DAMAGE DAMAGE +% ATTACK +% ----- ------ --------- --------- 1 +1 50 20 2 +2 55 25 3 +3 60 30 4 +4 65 35 5 +5 70 40 6 +6 75 45 7 +7 80 50 8 +8 85 55 9 +9 90 60 10 +10 95 65 11 +11 100 70 12 +12 105 75 13 +13 110 80 14 +14 115 85 15 +15 120 90 16 +16 125 95 17 +17 130 100 18 +18 135 105 19 +19 140 110 20 +20 145 115 BASH RECIEVES BONUSES FROM: --------------------------- Stun: +5% Damage Per Level Concentrate: +5% Attack Rating Per Level Effects: Hits higher than your regular attack, and you have a chance of Stun, and Knockback when you use this skill. Pros: Strong attack, and the Stun/Knockback thing is great. Cons: There are better attack, and this one fades after the first act. ============================================================================== Double Swing ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Bash Level 6 Skill LEVEL MANA COST ATTACK +% ----- --------- --------- 1 2 15 2 1.7 20 3 1.5 25 4 1.2 30 5 1 35 6 0.7 40 7 0.5 45 8 0.2 50 9 0 55 10 0 60 11 0 65 12 0 70 13 0 75 14 0 80 15 0 85 16 0 90 17 0 95 18 0 100 19 0 105 20 0 110 DOUBLE SWING RECIEVES BONUSES FROM: ----------------------------------- Bash: +8% Damage Per Level Effects: Lets you swing two weapons at an enemy faster then your regular attack. Pros: Faster attack speed, and your attack rate goes up too. Cons: Its nothing compared to Frenzy. ============================================================================== Leap ============================================================================== Prerequisites: None Level 6 Skill Mana Cost: 2 LEVEL RADIUS(yards) ----- ------------- 1 4.6 2 7.3 3 8.6 4 10 5 11.3 6 12 7 12.6 8 13.3 9 14 10 14 11 14.6 12 14.6 13 15.3 14 16 15 16 16 16 17 16.6 18 16.6 19 16.6 20 16.6 Effects: As the name suggest, you can jump out of harms way. Pros: Lets you leap out of the enemies way. Cons: Doesn't do any damage. ============================================================================== Double Throw ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Double Swing Level 12 Skill Mana Cost: 2 LEVEL ATTACK +% ----- --------- 1 20 2 30 3 40 4 50 5 60 6 70 7 80 8 90 9 100 10 110 11 120 12 130 13 140 14 150 15 160 16 170 17 180 18 190 19 200 20 210 DOUBLE THROW RECIEVES BONUSES FROM: ----------------------------------- Double Swing: +5% Damage Per Level Effects: Throws two things instead of one at a faster speed. Pros: Lets you throw to things you have at a fast speed. Cons: Whats the use, Throwing barbs suck. ^_^ ============================================================================== Stun ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Bash Level 12 Skill Mana Cost: 2 LEVEL ATTACK +% DURATION(seconds) ----- --------- ----------------- 1 15 1.2 2 20 1.4 3 25 1.6 4 30 1.8 5 35 2 6 40 2.2 7 45 2.4 8 50 2.6 9 55 2.8 10 60 3 11 65 3.2 12 70 3.4 13 75 3.6 14 80 3.8 15 85 4 16 90 4.2 17 95 4.4 18 100 4.6 19 105 4.8 20 110 5 STUN RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: --------------------------- Bash: +5% Damage Per Level Concentrate: +5% Attack Rating Per Level Effects: Stuns an enemy for a certain amount of time. Pros: Leaves your enemy stunned for a few seconds. Cons: You have to put to many points in the skill for it to be of any use. ============================================================================== Leap Attack ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Leap Level 18 Skill Mana Cost: 9 LEVEL ATTACK +% DAMAGE +% ----- --------- --------- 1 50 100 2 65 130 3 80 160 4 95 190 5 110 220 6 125 250 7 140 280 8 155 310 9 170 330 10 185 360 11 200 390 12 215 420 13 230 450 14 245 480 15 260 510 16 275 540 17 290 570 18 305 610 19 320 640 20 335 670 LEAP ATTACK REVIEVES BONUSES FROM: ---------------------------------- Leap: +10% Damage Per Level Effects: You jump at an enemy and land on them, then you take a final slash at them. Pros: Big damage. Cons: Bad if you jump in a huge group of enemies. ============================================================================== Concentrate ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Bash, Stun Level 18 Skill Mana Cost: 2 LEVEL DEFENSE +% ATTACK +% DAMAGE +% ----- ---------- --------- --------- 1 100 60 70 2 110 70 75 3 120 80 80 4 130 90 85 5 140 100 90 6 150 110 95 7 160 120 100 8 170 130 105 9 180 140 110 10 190 150 115 11 200 160 120 12 210 170 125 13 220 180 130 14 230 190 135 15 240 200 140 16 250 210 145 17 260 220 150 18 270 230 155 19 280 240 160 20 290 250 165 CONCENTRATE RECIEVES BONUSES FROM: ---------------------------------- Bash: +5% Damage Per Level Effects: Your attack become uninterruptible, and you get a defense and attack rating bonus. Pros: Good to use as your regular attack. Cons: The enemy can still hit you. ============================================================================== Frenzy ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Double Swing, Double Throw Level 24 Skill Mana Cost: 3 Duration: 6 Seconds LEVEL DAMAGE +% ATTACK +% ATTACK SPEED +% WALK/RUN SPEED +% ----- --------- --------- --------------- ----------------- 1 90 100 7 47 2 95 107 7-13 47-68 3 100 114 7-18 47-84 4 105 121 7-22 47-99 5 110 128 7-25 47-110 6 115 135 7-27 47-119 7 120 142 7-29 47-126 8 125 149 7-31 47-131 9 130 156 7-33 47-138 10 135 163 7-34 47-142 11 140 170 7-35 47-147 12 145 177 7-36 47-151 13 150 184 7-37 47-155 14 155 191 7-38 47-158 15 160 198 7-39 47-160 16 165 205 7-40 47-164 17 170 212 7-40 47-165 18 175 219 7-41 47-167 19 180 226 7-41 47-169 20 185 233 7-42 47-171 FRENZY RECIEVES BONUSES FROM: ----------------------------- Double Swing: +8% Damage Per Level Taunt: +8% Damage Per Level Berserk: +1% Magic Damage Per Level Effects: Rasies your attack speed (GOD LIKE), and your attack rating (ok not so god like, but hey, you cant win them all). Pros: Lets you slice at enemies with god like attack speed. Cons: Only hits one enemy, and you have to have two weapons equiped. ============================================================================== Whirlwind ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Bash, Leap, Stun, Leap Attack, Concentrate Level 30 Skill LEVEL MANA COST DAMAGE % ATTACK +% ----- --------- -------- --------- 1 25 -50 0 2 25 -42 5 3 26 -34 10 4 26 -26 15 5 27 -18 20 6 27 -10 25 7 28 -2 30 8 28 +6 35 9 29 +14 40 10 29 +22 45 11 30 +30 50 12 30 +38 55 13 31 +46 60 14 31 +54 65 15 32 +62 70 16 32 +70 75 17 33 +78 80 18 33 +86 85 19 34 +94 90 20 34 +102 95 Effects: Hits any enemy within an arms length away from you like 3 times. Pros: Lets you slice and dice a group or enemys into ground beef. Cons: Huge mana cost, have to have good mana leech rings to use this right. ============================================================================== Berserk ============================================================================== Prerequisites: Bash, Stun, Concentrate Level 30 Skill Mana Cost: 4 LEVEL ATTACK +% MAGIC DAMAGE +% DURATION(seconds) ----- --------- --------------- ----------------- 1 100 150 2.7 2 115 165 2.4 3 130 180 2.2 4 145 195 2.1 5 160 210 2.0 6 175 225 1.9 7 190 240 1.8 8 205 255 1.7 9 220 270 1.6 10 235 285 1.6 11 250 300 1.6 12 265 315 1.5 13 280 330 1.5 14 295 345 1.4 15 310 360 1.4 16 325 375 1.4 17 340 390 1.4 18 355 405 1.3 19 370 420 1.3 20 385 435 1.3 Effects: Highens your attack power by a lot. Pros: Lets you smack you enemy with a lot of attack power. Cons: When using this skill, your defense goes down to 0. ============================================================================== Suggested Points To Put In Combat Skills ============================================================================== For the last time, this is how I tend to raise my Barbarian. You may build yours any way you choose, but this is how I feel about it. Bash: 1 Double Swing: 0 Leap: 1 Double Throw: 0 Stun: 1 Leap Attack: 1 Concentrate: 10 (I have this as my Left-Click hotkey button) Frenzy: 0 Whirlwind: 20 (I have this as my Right-Click hotkey button) Berserk: 0 Total: 34 Skill Points Spent ============================================================================== -------------------------- [ 6. Stat Distribution ] -------------------------- ============================================================================== Everytime you level up, you can put 5 points divided between your four stats: Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, and Energy. This is how I suggest you divide your points, and remember this is how I feel about it! ============================================================================== Strength ============================================================================== Strength is the main thing you should be building up. This is the basic thing a Barbarbian should have when jumping into a huge group of enemies. Having high Strength means everything when trying to equip new armor, and weapons, because your strength determines the armor you use. OK say your barb has 100 strength at lvl 60 (which, to say the least, is bad), now at lvl 60, your barb could be using really good armor and weapons, but most weapons that require you to be lvl 60 also require you to have high strength. Strength also determines how high your melee damage is, as well as your throw damage. So I say try to keep your strength at the top of your to do list. Suggested Points Each Level: 2 ============================================================================== Dexterity ============================================================================== As a Barbarnian, Dexterity is right below Vitality of when to skick points in. Mostly Dexterity determines Bow and Crossbow damage. This is not a weapon you should be using on your barb. A bow on a barb is like sticking a squirle with a flamethrower, it just doesn't work. Now one thing Dexterity does help you with is your defense, and your chance to block with a shield. Another big thing is it determines your attack rating, and how much you do when you throw. You will never have to worry about it, but this determines what bow or crossbow you can use. Suggested Points Each Level: 1-2 ============================================================================== Vitality ============================================================================== Life is one of the things that most of the time, you dont have to worry about. There are a few reasons for this: -You have Battle Orders, which raises your max Life, Mana, and Stamina. -Theres all kinds of equipment that give you life bonuses. -Every point you put into this stat, you get 4 life. So its easy to understand that Vitality determines how much life and stamina you have. Suggested Points Each Level: 1-2 ============================================================================== Energy ============================================================================== Mana is something that you need dearly, but you shouldn't put any points into. Putting points into mana is just pointless, you only get 1 mana every point, and you can find mana leech rings to get the job done. Doing this is just a waste! Suggested Points Each Level: 0 ============================================================================== Overview ============================================================================== Ok this is a run over of what I just talked about. Points Divided Per Level: ------------------------- Strength: 2 (always) Dexterity: 1-2 Vitality: 1-2 Energy: 0 I say this is a good way to raise your stats: Level 1 ------- Strength: +2 Dextarity: +2 Vitality: +1 Energy: +0 Level 2 ------- Strength: +2 Dextarity: +1 Vitality: +2 Energy: +0 And keep swiching each level. ============================================================================== ----------------------------- [ 7. The Run Down ] ---------------------------- ============================================================================== Ok, this is the section where I will explain everything that I just typed. Skills, stat points, everything. I will just give you a big over view of what I think would be the best way to raise your barbarian from a little weak baby to a huge mean killing machine. ============================================================================== Level By Level ============================================================================== Ok I will give you a good start on how to raise your barbarian for the first 30 levels. I will tell you what points to put into your stats, and how to build your skill tree, level by level, here we go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to a Weapon Mastery of your choice Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to the same Weapon Mastery Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to the same Weapon Mastery Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to the same Weapon Mastery Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Bash Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Leap Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to the same Weapon Mastery Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Howl Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Shout Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to the same Weapon Mastery Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to the same Weapon Mastery Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Stun Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Increased Stamina Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Increased Stamina Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to the same Weapon Mastery Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to the same Weapon Mastery Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to the same Weapon Mastery Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Concentrate Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Leap Attack Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Iron Skin Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Iron Skin Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Iron Skin Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Iron Skin Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Battle Orders Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Increased Speed Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Battle Orders Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Battle Orders Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Battle Orders Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Battle Orders Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +2 to Dextarity +1 to Vitality +0 to Energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skill Tree ---------- +1 to Whirlwind Stat Points ----------- +2 to Strength +1 to Dextarity +2 to Vitality +0 to Energy ============================================================================== Outcome ============================================================================== Ok, now after I just went through 30 levels, you should have a basic understanding of what to do with your barbarian. Now is is what I think you should look like after you get done building your barbarian. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dream Barbarbian At Level 99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skills ------ Howl: 1 Shout: 1 Battle Orders: 20 One of the Weapon Masteries: 20 Increased Stamina: 2 Increased Speed: 1 Iron Skin: 20 Natural Resistance: 5 Bash: 1 Leap: 1 Stun: 1 Leap Attack: 1 Concentrate: 10 Whirlwind: 20 Total Points Spent: 104 Total Points Able To Get: 110 ----------------------------- 98 From Levels 3 From the Den of Evil Quest (Normal, Nightmare, Hell) 3 From the Radament Quest (Normal, Nightmare, Hell) 6 From the Izual Quest (Normal, Nightmare, Hell) Total Points Left: 6 (spend them as you wish ^_^) Stats ----- Strength: 226 Dexterity: 164 Vitality: 169 Energy: 10 Life: 827 Stamina: 354 Mana: 118 Total Points Spent: 490 Total Points Able To Get: 505 ----------------------------- 490 From Levels 15 From Lam Esen Tome Quest Total Points Left: 15 (go to town and spend them as the like) **If any of this stuff is wrong plz tell me. It was really hard to add all of this stuff up, and I really hate math so this could really easly be wrong. I hope you don't get mad at me if any of this is wrong, I'm just stupid. ============================================================================== ------------------------------ [ 8. Equipment ] ------------------------------ ============================================================================== OK, I'm level 80 and I still have crappy equipment. It may be because I am really unlucky and cant find anything, or it may be because I dont wish to buy crap off of d2items.com. Either way, here is some of the crap I suggest for you to get. This stuff is not manatory, and if you cant seem to get any of it, dont worry, like I said, I have crappy stuff so just wear what you can get. ============================================================================== Weapons ============================================================================== Weapons are things you have to have, theis let you lay the smackdown on enemies. These are just some of the weapons I would like to get, but you cant have everything now can you? Ith Beserker Axe (Six Clean Sockets)--->Axe Ith Thunder Maul (Six Clean Sockets)--->Mace Ith Great Poleaxe (Six Clean Sockets)--->Polearm Ith War Pike (Six Clean Sockets)--->Spear The Grandfather Colossus Blade (1.08 patch)--->Sword Ith Colossus Blade (Six Clean Sockets)--->Sword -------------------------------------- All of this stuff is Uber (highly good crap) Equipment, and it will most likely be really hard to find any of this stuff. ============================================================================== Armors ============================================================================== Here is what keeps you from dieing. Get really good armor, and you want have to worry about getting hurt. Thundergod's Vigor War Belt--->Belt Arkaine's Valor Balrog Skin (1.08 patch)--->Godly Armor Shaftstop Mech Armor (A Cheaper Armor)--->Armor War Traveler Battle Boots--->Boots A Good Pair of Crafted Gloves (Hard to find a Good Pair)--->Gloves Vampire Gaze Grim Helm (1.08 patch)--->Helmet Stormshield (1.08 patch)--->Shield ============================================================================== Charms & Jewelry ============================================================================== Little things that can make a big difference if you dont have any. 100psn/20life (100 Poison Damage, 20 Life)--->Small Charm 290 Poison (Great for PvP Fights)--->Small Charm Mara's Kaleidoscope Amulet (+2 To All Skills)--->Amulet Constriction Ring Ring (+100 To All Resistances)--->Ring Raven Frost Ring--->Ring Manald Heal Ring (Mana Steal)--->Ring ============================================================================== ---------------------------- [ 9. Last Few Words ] --------------------------- ============================================================================== Well I have finally finished this FAQs. I really had fun explaining me beliefs about the Barbarian, and I hope you got at least something out of all of this. If not, well you must not have read very closly. Anyway, below is a few people and places that I would like to thank in the making of this FAQ. -God for life -Blizzard for making Diablo II: LoD -Sans for helping me start playing Diablo II, and bugging me to get LoD -Arreat Summit for all of the skill stats -My brother for letting me finish this guide ============================================================================== ---------------------- [ 10. Contact & Copyright Info ] ---------------------- ============================================================================== This guide is Copyright(c) 2003 by Magic Mario. So dont steal this guide and say its yours. Ask me if you can but this guide on your site, and dont mess with anything thats in the guide itself. If you follow all of theserules, then we will be ok, and we want have a problem. If for any reason you need to contact me, and ask me a question or ask for me permition to post this guide, e-mail me at magic_magic@hotmail.com.