CAESAR II BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS VERSION 3 This information on building specifications fills in what was unfortunately left out of Sierra's "Caesar II" manual. Though the manual states what buildings should have and use road access to other structures, it's not conveniently complied in one place. Here it is: Arena - No Barrack - Yes Bath - No Basilica - No Business - Yes Circus - No Coliseum - No Forum - Yes Grammaticus - No Hospital - Yes Library - Yes Market - Yes Praefecture - Yes Rhetor - No Shrine - No Temple - No Theater - No (note that plazas act as roads, but have the extra benefit of improving local land values) Connections or access that should be made by road: Businesses to Forum Forums to ALL buildings, except Security/Worship/Entertainment Hospitals to Forum and City Roads Housing access to Barracks and/or Towers Housing access to Businesses Housing access to Forums Housing access to Markets Housing access to Praefectures Libraries to Forum and City Roads Markets to Businesses and Forum Security to Worship structures (Bath, Entertainment, School, and Worship structures do not need direct road access to housing) The following information is the radius coverage for each type of structure at it's basic FIRST level of development. This is the information that is conveyed by the color overlays. I have not yet checked all the larger areas of coverage that some buildings extend to AFTER they improve to their second and third stages of development. All numbers represent contiguous squares of outwardly radiating influential coverage: Arena - 9/the first 5 are best, next 2 are very good, outer two good Barracks - 3 squares of negative influence Basilica - N/A Bath - 5 Business - 4 squares of negative influence Circus - 10/the first 6 are best, next 2 are very good, outer 2 good Circus Max. - 12/first 8 are best, next 2 very good, outer two good Coliseum - 11/the first 7 are best, next 2 very good, outer 2 good Forums Aventine - 3 Janiculan - 4 Palatine - 5 Fountain - 6 Gate - 2 squares of negative influence Grammaticus - 6 Hospital - N/A Library - N/A Market - 3 squares of coverage, the first 2 give a negative influence Odeum - 11/the first 7 are best, next 2 are very good, outer 2 good Praefecture - 3 squares of negative influence Reservoir - 6/first 3 offer water supply & pipes, outer 3 just pipes (A Reservoir's radius will contract if there are other Reservoirs between it and it's river-based "parent" Reservoir) Rhetor - 8 River - 3 Shrine - N/A Temple - N/A Theater - 7/the first 5 are best, outer 2 are very good Tower - 2 squares of negative influence Wall - 2 squares of negative influence Well - 2 The following is the amount of squares that FIRST level structures take up on the city scale map, along with a bit of miscellaneous related information. The first numbers represent total squares per structure: Arena - 9, 3x3, will not evolve Bath - 4, 2x2, will evolve Barracks - 9, 3x3, will not evolve Basillica - 9, 3x3, will evolve Business - 9, 3x3, will not evolve Circus - 18, 3x6, will not evolve Circus Maximus - 32, 4x8, will not evolve Coliseum - 9, 3x3, will not evolve Forums Aventine - 4, 2x2, will evolve Janicular - 9, 3x3, will evolve Palatine - 16, 4x4, will evolve Fountain - 1, will evolve Gate - 1, will not evolve Grammaticus - 4, 2x2, will not evolve Hospital - 9, 3x3, won't evolve, will be inoperable if no road access Library - 9, 3x3, won't evolve, will be inoperable if no road access Market - 4, 2x2, will not evolve, but will stagnate if there is no road access, business or nearby houses Odeum - 4, 2x2, will not evolve Praefecture - 1, will not evolve Reservoir - 1, will not evolve Rhetor - 9, 3x3, will not evolve Shrine - 1, will evolve Temple - 4, 2x2, will evolve Tower - 1, will not evolve Well - 1, will evolve Factors that ENHANCE land values: Baths Entertainment structures Forums Gardens Hospitals Libraries Plazas Schools Worship structures Factors that LIMIT land values: Barracks Businesses Gates Markets Praefectures Towers Walls Factors that actively REDUCE land values: Fire Plague Rubble Please feel free to email me with any corrections or additions I didn't catch. I'll update this information and repost it occasionally if necessary. Phil Natta