James Bond: The Stealth Affair Walk-thru Click on the Scene you would like to jump to; SCENE 1 : The Airport SCENE 2 : Flowers of Death SCENE 3 : Cave in! SCENE 4 : At the Hotel SCENE 5 : On the Boat & In the water SCENE 6 : MAZES & The Bad Guy's Mansion SCENE 7 : Shark Attack SCENE 8 : Captured, Pirhanas & Rats SCENE 9 : In the ENEMY HQ SCENE 10 : End Game ________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 1 : The Airport Room 1 (Airport Customs) 1. Examine NEWSPAPER BOX 2. Examine COIN RETURN SLOT 3. Use COIN in COIN SLOT 4. Examine NEWSPAPER (Remember Country) 5. Go thru door on upper left. Room 2 (Bathroom) 1. Go thru first door on top of screen 2. Operate BRIEFCASE 3. Operate CALCULATOR 4. Take UNUSED PASSPORT 5. Use UNUSED PASSPORT on OPENING 6. Operate DOWN BUTTON until the name of the country appears 7. Operate ENTER BUTTON 8. Operate FALSE BOTTOM 9. Take PEN 10. Take AMERICAN PASSPORT 11. Examine AMERICAN PASSPORT 12. Operate BRIEFCASE 13. Exit thru door 14. Go back to room 1 Room 1 (Again) 1. Use Newspaper Country's PASSPORT on CUSTOM OFFICIAL 2. Speak to WELCOME HOSTESS 3. Examine TELEGRAM 4. Exit left Room 3 (More customs) 1. Use AIRLINE TICKET on GUARD 2. Exit middle left (by 'Salida' sign) Room 4 (Baggage) 1. Examine BAGGAGE 2. Take Mr. MARTINEZ's BAGGAGE 3. Exit right Room 3 (Again) 1. Exit thru door on upper right Room 5 (Other Bathroom) 1. Enter 1st stall 2. Operate BAGGAGE 3. Exit stall 4. Examine ELECTRIC PLUG 5. Examine ELECTRIC RAZOR 6. Use ELECTRIC CABLE on ELECTRIC PLUG 7. Exit left Room 3 (Again) 1. Use Newspaper Country's PASSPORT on CUSTOM OFFICIAL 2. Exit to lower left Room 6 (Airport Entrance) 1. Go thru glass doors 2. Wait for taxi 3. Walk up to taxi ________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 2 : Flowers of Death Room 1 (Outside Flower Shop) 1. Exit to the upper left Room 2 (Outside Bank) 1. Enter bank thru door Room 3 (Inside Bank) 1. Use BENCH OF NOTES on BANK TELLER 2. Exit right Room 2 (Again) 1. Exit right (Go back to the flower shop) Room 1 (Again) 1. Use COINS on FLORIST 2. Take RED CARNATIONS 3. Exit upper left Room 2 (Again) 1. Exit upper left (up and behind the bank) Room 4 (Park) 1. Move to PARK BENCH 2. Use RED CARNATION on JOHN 3. Quickly leave screen to the lower right (After animation sequence) Room 2 (Again) 1. Enter bank Room 3 (Again) 1. Use BENCH OF NOTES on BANK TELLER 2. Use CARD AND KEY on BANK TELLER 3. Go downstairs (Bottom of screen) Room 5 (Bank saferoom) 1. Use KEY on lower right SAFE 2. Take LITTLE BOX 3. Take ENVELOPE ________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 3 : Cave in! Room 1 (The cave) 1. Examine GROUND by John 2. Operate GROUND 3. Examine PIECE OF METAL 4. Use CORDS on PIECE OF METAL 5. Operate PIECE OF METAL 6. Operate PICKAXE three (3) times (Stand facing the rock wall on the right side of screen) 7. Exit thru hole in the wall ________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 4 : At the Hotel Room 1 (Seawall by Flower Shop) 1. Exit to upper left Room 2 (By the bank) 1. Exit to lower left Room 3 (Seawall by hotel) 1. Walk down stairs to beach 2. Speak MAN 3. Use COINS on MAN 4. Go up to the hotal Room 4 (In front of Hotel) 1. Go thru turning glass doors Room 5 (Lobby) 1. Speak to RECEPTIONIST 2. Operate ELEVATOR BUTTON 3. Get in ELEVATOR 4. Operate 2 BUTTON Room 6 (2nd Floor) 1. Exit ELEVATOR 2. Operate DOOR on the left Room 7 (Stairwell) 1. Go up first staircase Room 8 (Top of staircase) 1. Exit bottom of screen Room 9 (By elevator door) 1. Go right to last room Room 10 (In from of room door) 1. Operate DOOR ________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 5 : On the Boat & In the water After 'THROW THEM IN THE WATER but before you are tied up, Operate BRACELET After hitting bottom, quickly Operate BRACELET the Operate GIRL then swim for the surface ________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 6 : MAZES & The Bad Guy's Mansion After the long animation sequence : Arcade Sequence Room 1 (Hallway) 1. Operate DOOR 2. Go thru doors Room 2 (Mansion Study) 1. Examine STATUE 2. Operate STATUE'S ARM 3. Use LITTLE BOX on SAFE DOOR 4. Operate VALIDATION SWITCH 5. While watching the first four lights on the little box, click on the up and down buttons. When the first light on the little box lites up, that is the first number. Click the round button next to the up and down arrows (the LOCK COMBINATION). Click on the up and down buttons again, when the 2nd light on the little box lites up, click the round button and so on. 6. Operate VALIDATION SWITCH 7. Take LITTLE BOX 8. Operate LOCK COMBINATION 9. Take ENVELOPE Arcade Sequences : Hint - Watch carefully for patterns ________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 7 : Shark Attack A hint about the large sharks - when they move across the screen either make sure you are high (or low) enough -or- swim straight through the middl of them. Room 1 (Water) 1. Swim left Room 2 (More water) 1. Swim down Room 3 (Bottom) 1. Examine SEAWEED (The one on the far left) You must find the ELASTIC BAND 2. Swim right until you can no longer continue right Room 4 (Sea bottom w/ Palm trees) 1. Examine PALM TREE 2. Operate BUTTON 3. Exit to the right (Hole in cliff) ________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 8 : Captured, Pirhanas & Rats Room 1 (Over fish tank) 1. Use PEN on LOCK 2. Use WATCH on left WALL 3. Use WATCH on right WALL 4. Move to the right 5. Operate GRILL Arcade Sequence : Hint - the way is never simple ________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 9 : In the ENEMY HQ Room 1 (Bathroom) 1. Operate SOLDIER 2. Take CLOTHES 3. Take ARMY BOOTS 4. Take LACES 5. Use LACES on SOLDIER 6. Take NAPKIN 7. Use NAPKIN on SOLDIER 8. Take GLASS 9. Exit to the bottom of the screen Room 2 (Corridor) 1. Exit to the bottom of the screen Room 3 (Corridor w/ 3 doors) 1. Go thru 1st door at top Room 4 (Drawer room) 1. Operate lower right hand DRAWER 2. Examine same DRAWER 3. Take BLANK STAMP 4. Operate DRAWER (1 up from bottom left) 5. Examine DRAWER (1 up from bottom left) 6. Take LACES 7. Use LACES on JOHN 8. Exit bottom of screen Room 3 (Again) 1. Go up to room 2 Room 2 (Again) 1. Go right Room 5 (Corridor Junction) 1. Wait for information, then go up Room 6 (Corridor w/ 1 door) 1. Go thru door Room 7 (Control room) 1. Use GLASS on WATER FOUNTAIN 2. Operate GARBAGE DUMP 3. Take LIFERAFT 4. Examine CLOTHES 5. Take MISSION INSTRUCTIONS 6. Exit to room 6 Room 6 (Again) 1. Take upper right hand corridor Room 5 (Again) 1. Go left Room 2 (Again) 1. Go thru right hand door Room 8 (Officers room) 1. Use FULL GLASS on OFFICER 2. While OFFICER is drinking, Take STAMP 3. Exit bottom of screen Room 2 (Again) 1. Go right Room 5 (Again) 1. Operate CIGARETTE CASE 2. Examine all CIGARETTEs 3. Operate BLUE RING CIGARETTE 4. Use CIGARETTE PAPER on GLASS 5. Exit bottom of screen Room 6 (Again) 1. Go thru door Room 7 (Again) 1. Use STAMP on INK PAD 2. Use INK PAD on MISSION INSTRUCTIONS 3. Exit bottom of screen Room 6 (Again) 1. Exit upper left hand corridor Room 5 (Again) 1. Use FINGERPRINT on FINGERPRINT ID 2. Exit thru open door Room 9 (Security corridor) 1. Go right Room 10 (Security Room) 1. Use AUTH MISSION on MAILBOX 2. Exit thru open door on top of screen Room 11 (Another Corridor) 1. Use ELECTRIC CABLE on ELECTRIC PLUG 2. Make sure RAZOR is on, Use RAZOR on TRASHCAN 3. Exit to the right Room 12 (Master Control Room) 1. Wait until RAZOR voice starts 2. Quickly Use RED CIGARETTE on COMPUTER 3. After COMPUTER blows up, Quickly Operate Otto 4. Quickly Use COMPACT DISK on CD PLAYER 5. Quickly exit thru door in upper left hand corner 6. Walk along window to right (This whole room must be done VERY QUICKLY) ________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 10 : End Game 1. On the helicopter, Use ELASTIC BAND on BOMB 2. When falling, Operate LIFEBOAT. Congratulations, you have reached the end of game!