=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for HUGO'S HOUSE OF HORRORS =============================================================================== ___________________ | GUIDE INFORMATION | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо AUTHOR : Tom Hayes E-MAIL : tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com SYSTEM : PC UPDATED : 22nd May, 2004 VERSION : 2.0 __________ | CONTENTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Point List 5. Copyright information _________________ | VERSION HISTORY | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо VERSION 2.0 : 22nd May, 2004 Updated the format. VERSION 1.0 : 21st February, 2004 First version. =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Hugo's House of Horrors is the first in a trilogy of fun graphic adventures on the PC featuring Hugo. Made in the style of old Sierra games, the arrow keys are used to control the character and commands are typed to interact with the many enviroments. Hugo's girlfriend, Penelope, has been captured by the strange inhabitants of the house in this first game, and it's up to Hugo to make his way through the mysterious locations within the house in an attempt to find her. He has to make his way through a ferocious dog's lair, a bat cave and even avoid a mummy in one of the most difficult sequences of the game. Overall this is a good start to a series, and is highly recommended for adventure game fans. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== The game starts outside the house of horrors. Walk to the front door and "get pumpkin". "Open pumpkin" to reveal a key. "Get key". "Unlock door". "Open door" and walk north to enter the house. "Get candle" from the table. "Look in hole" to discover a knife and a whistle. "Get knife". "Get whistle". Walk up the steps and enter the far right door to arrive in the laboratory. Walk into the cubicle and Igor will shrink Hugo. Exit the cubicle, walk behind the glass on the left and "get bung" from the table. Walk back into the cubicle and "tell Igor to press button" three times to return to normal. Exit the cubicle and walk west to exit the lab. Walk to the left door and "open door" to enter the bedroom. "Open wardrobe" and "get mask" from inside. "Wear mask". Exit the bedroom, walk down the steps and go through the first door on the right to enter the kitchen. Walk north again to go outside. "Open door" of the shed and type "333" to open the door. Walk inside the shed and "get oil". Exit the shed and walk south to return to the house. Walk east to enter the dining room. Wait until the butler approaches Hugo, then type "yes" when he asks if Hugo would like a chop. Walk west through the top-left door to return to the kitchen. Walk over to the left side of the kitchen, type "throw chop to dog" but don't press return yet. Now walk west through the doorway and quickly press return to throw the chop to the dog before it reaches Hugo. "Get chop" from the dog, which won't attack Hugo now. Walk to the right side of the rug and "move rug" to reveal a trap door below. "Oil bolt". "Undo bolt". "Open trap door" to walk down the steps. Type "blow whistle" but don't press return yet. Walk between the left side of the rocks at the left side of the door to enter the bat cave, and then quickly press return to confuse the bats. Walk through the opening at the left side of the cave to enter the mummy's tomb. Start by walking to the left side of the left rock. The mummy will rush toward Hugo but will stop at the right side of the rock. Now walk north slightly until the mummy starts moving again, then quickly walk south so that the mummy moves around to the left side of the rock and stays there. "Get gold" and walk through the exit at the top-right corner of the tomb. Walk over to the boat and "plug boat with bung". "Get in boat". "Cut rope with knife". "Push" to float over to the old man at the other side of the lake. "Talk man" and he will ask seven questions. The answers are "Bilbo", "Narnia", "Bram Stoker", "C", "Man", "Bullet" and "Yes". "Get out of boat" and walk east through the opening to arrive in a room with the guard. "Give gold to guard" and walk north through the doorway to the next room to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== BUNG Found behind the glass of the cubicle in the laboratory, which can be picked up after Hugo has been shrunk. It is used to plug the hole in the boat in the cave with the lake. CANDLE Found on the table in the entrance hall of the house. It is used to provide light for looking in the hole in the entrance hall. CHOP Found by saying "yes" to the butler in the dining room after he asks Hugo if he would like some chop. It is given to the dog. GOLD Found in the mummy's tomb. It is given to the guard outside of Penelope's room after the cave with the lake. KEY Found by opening the pumpkin outside of the house. It is used to unlock the front door of the house. KNIFE Found in the hole in the entrance hall of the house. It is used to cut the rope attached to the boat in the cave with the lake. MASK Found in the wardrobe in the left room on the second floor of the house. It is worn by Hugo before walking into the dining room. OIL Found in the shed in the back garden of the house. It is used to oil the bolt on the trap door under the rug in the room with the dog. PUMPKIN Found outside the house. It is opened to reveal the key. WHISTLE Found in the hole in the entrance hall of the house. It is used in the bat cave to confuse the bats. =============================================================================== 4. Point List =============================================================================== ____________ | 198 POINTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 2 : Get the pumpkin outside the front door of the haunted house. 5 : Open the pumpkin to reveal the key. 5 : Get the key. 11 : Enter the haunted house. 3 : Get the candle from the table in the hall. 8 : Look in the hole in the hall. 6 : Get the knife from the hole. 6 : Get the whistle from the hole. 11 : Get the bung from the table in the lab. 4 : Get the mask from the wardrobe in the bedroom. 9 : Use the combinataion "333" to open the door to the shed. 4 : Get the oil from the shed. 8 : Say "yes" when the butler asks if Hugo wants a chop. 8 : Get the chop after throwing it to the dog. 8 : Move the rug to reveal the trap door. 17 : Open the trap door. 12 : Enter the bat cave. 7 : Blow the whistle in the bat cave. 10 : Get the gold from the mummy's tomb. 33 : Correctly answer all seven of the old man's questions. 21 : Give the gold to the guard. =============================================================================== 5. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.