Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary Walkthrough ========================================= This is the complete, game-spoiling walkthrough of Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary. For those of you who have played Dracula: Resurrection following my last verbose, long-winded guide to the letter, you'd should be older than Dracula by now! Since these 2 games are slightly similar, I'm gonna cut and paste a few parts of the introduction of the last walkthrough that still apply to this sequel. Dracula 2 has more enhancements and improvements over Dracula: Resurrection which I'll mention later. Please note that you can rotate 360 degrees and look up and down. "Forward Arrow" - move forward "Upside-down-U arrow" - to "back off" one screen "2-gear symbol" - means that you can use an item from your inventory here (whether you have it or not) "gear+hand symbol"- use/operate object (no need items from inventory) "magnifying glass symbol" - Examine/zoom in for closer look -In Dracula 2, you CAN use one item (from inventory) on another item (from inventory). i.e. you sometimes have to combine items in this game. This is different from Dracula: Resurrection where items were not combined with each other. You are Jonathan Harker (again). In the introduction movie (which is kind of a spoiler for those who haven't played Dracula: Resurrection before), you see the ending of Dracula: Resurrection and the game follows one week after that. You stash your wife Mina safely (more or less) back in London where Dr Seward is trying to work out how to cure her, blah, blah, somehow you decide that you should seek out Dracula in Carfax. NOTE: Btw, to skip any cutscene you can press [spacebar]. Well its relatively harder to get lost in Dracula 2 than Dracula: Resurrection since the areas you walk around in are smaller and easier to familiarize with. One word of caution is that you can die (Game Over) in this game and some puzzles have time limits as well. Don't worry, as long as you "figured it out in advance" (or if I tell you exactly how its done), there should be plenty of time to clear the threat. And again, this game still doesn't have a compass so trying to describe certain areas and giving directions may be difficult. Well that's not entirely true, there is a compass in the game but its an inanimate object in your inventory. If you get lost trying to follow this walkthrough, it is very difficult to get you back on track because there is no compass or other means to get your bearings. So normally if there is a fork in the road I will describe the direction of the path you have to face to go to, and after that I'll describe the screen you'll be in after you have moved to it. If that screen doesn't match my description then most likely you have taken the wrong path, turn back and choose the other one. If neither path matches my description, then you're probably playing a different game! Just kidding. Alright, no compass...and oh yes, the items in your inventory have no descriptions on them (text/speech) so there might be some confusion and to which "key" in the inventory I'm referring to, but if you notice, the easiest way is to look at your inventory screen (Right-click or press Tab, or press Backspace, or press Delete). You will notice that your inventory has 20 item slots and each item has its own position on the "20 item wheel" of your inventory. No doubt during later stages of the game other new items will use the same inventory slots as items before, but it doesn't matter. When I mention eg. (Item#12) It means the item which you should have currently in inventory slot number 12. So, numbering your items from the top-most item (North) and going around clock-wise, you get the following items: For example, (I won't list out all it'll spoil the fun!) Item# Item description (in my own words) ----- ---------------------------------- 1. Key 2. Revolver 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Watering Can 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Dracula's Journal 20. NOTE: to exit out of the inventory screen you must click on the "Upside-down-U arrow" on the bottom-left to "back off" to the game screen. (You can't press Esc) Now in Dracula 2, you also have a second row of Inventory. If you look at your inventory screen again, you can see that there are bullets (on an outer row on the left of your 20 items slots). These are the items that CAN be CIMBINED with the ones on the 20 items slots. The items on the outer row CANNOT be used on the "outside world" (only within the inventory screen). I won't number these items since there are only 6 slots there. Shouldn't be too confusing. The bullets are at the first item slot. Oh what the heck, lets just call the Bullets Item(A) and the bottom slot on the outer row, Item(F). Okay! After flying Trans-ill-vein-nian Air non-stop to London, (sheesh, your arms must be tired! Or was that his feet) Anyway after being entered in the Guiness book of world records for flying across the European Continent, you decide, to walk. You start the game on Dracula's front lawn. Okay first things first, lets check your inventory (instructions above-somewhere). You should have a Key (Item#1), a Revolver (Item#2). You should have bullets in the outer row (Item(A)). If you don't have these then either you're playing the wrong game or you'd better ask for a refund! Just kidding! Use the Bullets (Item(A)) on the Revolver (Item#2) to load it. Why, you might ask? Well, since when do you need an excuse to load a potentially lethal weapon? Thought so. You do this by clicking on the Bullets (Item(A)) and moving over the Revolver (Item#2). Note: If you can't find any item to use the outer row item on, then you need to put it back in its slot (where you picked it up from) in order to do something else. Note that if you are new at this interface then you might get a tiny bit lost! But, never fear! I will use my verbose skills in long-winded descriptions to guide you through it. (If you still can't find it, tough! ..For me and you!) Now, after all these words you should not have moved an inch! That's a good thing. In front of Dracula's eh....Apartment? Look a little down. Your cursor should be an arrow symbol. If you turn 45 degrees to the left, there is another place where you can go forward to a kind of box-like mechanism (probably the plumbing controls). But for now, face the front door of the house and Go forward here. Turn 90 degrees Right (90øR). Go forward twice until you reach the wall. Examine the trees infront of you. Use the trees (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Get the circular metal thingy in the center (Item#3). Back off one screen (cursor-"Upside-down-U arrow" symbol). Turn 180 digress around and go forward. Turn 45 degrees Right and Examine the large tree standing nearest to you. Get the Watering Can (Item#7) from the base of the tree. Back off one screen. Turn (45øL). Go forward. We'll ignore the box-like mechanism side of the lawn for now as we can always come back later for it. For now, Turn (90øR) and look slightly up and go forward to the front door. If you move your cursor to the door knob, you should see that it changes to a "2-gear symbol". That means an item can be used here. Open your inventory and select your Key (Item#1). You can see that when you move the key over the door knob, the item on your cursor (the key) has a green circle around it. That indicates that you're using the correct item here. Use the Key (Item#1) to unlock the front door. Look up and a little left and go forward through the door. From where you're facing when you enter the house, you can go towards the stairs. Note that if you turn left, there is a place where you can go to a boarded up window to the left of the base of the stairs. But for now, go forward towards the stairs. Turn left and face the base of the stairs. Go forward, up the stairs. Turn (90øR), look a little up and go forward up to the second level. AHHH!! My monitor's gone black! Help! Drivers! I need drivers! Just kidding! At this point don't worry, its not that your monitor has gone black, its just dark. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Note that you can go further forward to the broken railing but there is not much point in doing so right now. Just stay put. Turn (90øL) and go forward through the door. AHH!! WOLF! Help fellow farmers! My Sheep!! Oops...wrong story. In this room, Turn (90øR) and go forward towards the chair. Turn 180 degrees around, facing the leftside of the door (where you came in), look down to the rightside drawer of the desk. Examine the drawer. Use the drawer (open it). Get the Compass (Item#8), cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20), Journal (Item#19) and Candle (Item#15) (needs to be in that order). Back off one screen. Note: You can read the Journal (Item#19). Just Examine it in your inventory. You should see a close up of it. Then click on the bottom right corner of the Journal to flip through all the pages. The second page of the Journal has 7 symbols (cursor-"2 gear symbol") on it. Later. Turn (90øR), facing the chair and look up a little. Go forward towards the chair by the window. Turn right and look down at the chest. Examine the chest. Use the chest (open it). Get the Telescope (Item#17) and the Candlestick (Item#14). Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn (90øR) and look at the film casing of Dracula-Spielburg's latest movie "Stinks" oh I mean Styx" on the dresser. Examine the "film case" (the rightmost one). Use the film casing (open it). Get the Reel of Film (Item#10) and the movie script-like stack of paper (Item#9) and also get the Matches (Item(E)). Back off one screen. Look slightly up at the mini painting on the wall. Examine the mini painting. Jonathan should babbling about the history of the house, geographical significance and how its SO significant in the plot exposition of the game, blah, blah. Use the mini painting (flips it over). Get the a Piece of Paper at the back (Item#13). Back off one screen. Turn about (120øL), facing the door (not the one you came in) and go forward. You can't go through this door as its locked. Turn a little left, facing space between door (on your right) and wooden screen (on the left) and go forward. Turn slightly left. You should see that your cursor changes to a "2-gear symbol" which means that you can use an item from your inventory here. Go to your inventory and use the Candlestick (Item#14) here. Then (in your inventory), Use your Matches (Item(E)) on your Candle (Item#15) to light it. Ow! My pants are on fire! Ow! *Foof*! *Foof*! Aw, My Ass!... Then use your lit Candle (also Item#15) on the candlestick. What's the point in that? Well look slightly left and up. You should notice a small key hanging on the wall. Examine the key on the wall. Get the Small Key (Item#16). Back off one screen. Turn around and go forward out of the wooden screen area and face the door. Use the Small Key (Item#16) on the door knob/lock to unlock it. Save your game here. The next part is dangerous. Go forward through the door. AHHH!! There somebody here! Help! He's trying to kill me! ARGH! You'll never take me alive! You! you....you...dummy? Go directly forward towards the rather threatening, immobile figure across the room. Examine its groin area (not too meticulously!). You should see a tag on his belt saying something like "property of Jefferson pibody cemetery of...". Use the Tag (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to reveal a key. Get the Key (Item#11). As soon as you get the key, the door which you came in by gets bashed down and swing around and to your horror you see.... A WOLF!! Help! Fellow Farmers! SHEEP! SHEET! Oh SHEEEEEE....! Farmer:"Yeah, yeah, kid. We heard it before." NO SERIOUSLY! REAL WOLF! He's gonna eat me!! Farmer:"Sure, sure. I'm not falling for that again. CIAO!" This is timed. Every time the red bar above the screen depletes, the werewolf gets closer. In the inventory screen the red bar will still deplete, but the werewolf won't approach until you exit the inventory screen. Go to your inventory and select your loaded Revolver(Item#2). If you haven't loaded it then take your time and load it now! You can then try firing away, shouting ,"Die you @#$%^&* #$%^&!!??!? And I'll #$%^&%^& you a new #$%^&*&*, TAKE THAT!! AND THAT! AND....and... As soon as you realize that the bullets are not hurting it, Turn 180 degrees around and face the door. SHOOT the lock of the door. Now, just in case you haven't noticed, this is timed. Turn a little left and go forward through the door, TWICE! Then quickly turn around and Use the chest of drawers on the leftside of the door (the one you shot) to block the door. If you did this fast enough then you should be safe for now. As long as you have the common sense NOT to push the set of drawers away from the door again! Now turn 180 degrees around and go forward towards the fireplace. Look down and pick up the chair. Turn (90øR) and use the chair below the boarded up circular window. Then Turn back Left and face the fireplace. Examine the fireplace. Get the circular metal thingy (Item#5) AND the Red-Hot Poker (Item16) on the right edge of the screen. Shouldn't I feel awkward sticking a Red-Hot Poker in my pocket? So, I added the "Red-Hot" bit, hehe. Still awkward though. Then Turn 180 degrees around and face the door. Go forward. Careful not to click on the chest of drawers blocking the door (unless you want see a death scene). Turn about (120øL), facing the chair you placed below the circular boarded up window and go forward. Turn a little right and look up at the circular boarded up window (cursor-"2 gear" symbol). Select the Poker (Item#16) and use it to remove the boards blocking up the window. Look back down and Turn (120øR) and go forward to step off the chair. Turn a little left and go forward towards the mirrors. Turn right and carry the large mirror with one hand! Then Turn (120øR) and THROW the highly fragile mirror so that it sit perfectly in the center of the room. Go forward to where this mirror is place now. Turn right and face the door. You'll notice that the light is reflected off the mirror and at the door. Now you can Use the chest of drawers (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to push it out of the way. (cutscene-werewolf gets severe sun burn) Weird, huh? What happened to silver bullets? Next thing I'll be shooting Vampires! "Buffy, oh Buffy! Can I borrow that Tayser Rifle, please." Now to improve the "feng shui" of the place a bit more. Turn (45øR) and go forward to the other mirror that's left. Get the mirror (Item#12). Gee, now we're shoving full body mirrors in our pockets! Turn Left and go forward infront of the door. Then Turn (90øR) and go forward through the door 3 times. Jonathan should say," Phew! The light protected me". There should be another werewolf at the door on your right. Don't turn right or left just face forward a go forward. Still safe right? Go to your inventory and select the Large Mirror (Item#12). Use it on the floor down and slightly to the left of where you are standing now. (cutscene-another one bites the dust) You should be facing the door. Go forward twice (through the door). There are 3 werewolves in this area. The part is timed as well. Quickly Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward towards the chandelier. (cutscene-A quick chandelier swinging takes out the 3 stooges every time!) You should be facing the base of the stairs. Turn Left and face the front door. Go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Use Poker (Item#16) on the boarded up door infront of you. Go forward twice (through door). Turn (120øR) and go forward towards the crates. Look down and to the left until your cursor changes to a "gear+hand symbol". Use the crate (reveals chain clippers). Examine the space behind where the crate was. Get the Chain Clippers (Item#15). Back off one screen. Then Turn a bit left to look at the same crate again. Use the crate again to shift it back where it was (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Examine the square metal plate against the wall that is revealed. Get the circular metal thingy (Item#6) from the center. Back off one screen and Turn (120øR) and go forward (towards door you entered). Go forward twice. Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE (through front door). Turn (90øR) and go forward (toward box-like mechanism. Turn (90øR) and go forward (toward dry square pond/wadding pool). Turn 180 degrees around look down. Examine the square metal plate against the side of the sunken wall. Get the circular metal thingy (Item#4). Back off one screen. Look up and go forward. Turn (90øR) and Examine the box-like mechanism. Note that there are 2 hotspots where you can Examine this thing, the top (with a locked grate on top) and the front side (with a metal turning wheel). Examine the top of the box-like mechanism. You should be looking at a grate covering 6 dials underneath locked down by a chain on the bottom right. Use the Chain Clippers (Item#15) on the chain on the bottom right. Then Use the Watering Can (Item#7) on the top right hinge of the grate. Then open the grate by clicking on the bottom part of the grate (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Okay, now its time to solve this puzzle. Use the Piece of Paper (Item#13) on the large rectangular recess in middle of the 6 dials. Then use the Watering Can (Item#7) on the piece of paper. This should reveal the rest of the markings/instructions on where to place the 4 circular metal thingys you've been collecting. By following the drawing on the piece of paper: (Item#3) - below bottom left dial (Item#4) - above top middle dial (Item#5) - above top left dial (Item#6) - below bottom right dial Examine the top left dial. Click on the left side of the dial once to turn it to the "triangle" symbol (cursor changes to a curved white arrow pointing down) Examine the bottom left dial. Click on the right side of the dial once to turn it to the "triangle with a line across" symbol (cursor changes to a curved white arrow pointing up) Examine the bottom right dial. Click on either side of the dial TWICE to turn it to the "up-side-down triangle with a line across" symbol (cursor changes to a curved white arrow pointing up/down) As soon as you've done all that, you should automatically back off one screen. Examine the front of the box-like mechanism. Use the turning wheel (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Water fills up the pond/pool. Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE (back into the house). Turn left and face the doorway to the left of the base of the stairs. Go forward TWICE (through the door). Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward (Through the sewer door). (cutscene-sewer door opens). There's really no trick to this part. Just Turn (90øL) and go forward 5 times. Turn (90øL) and look up. Go forward up the steps/ladder. Look up some more (until your head snaps off your neck!) and go forward up and out (through the sewer cover). Now how the heck you're "supposed" to end up in Dr Seward's backyard is a mystery to me, since that's where you are now. Strange coincidence? Well it was all carefully explained when Jonathan Examined the mini painting in the house. Go figure. Anyway, there is only one place you can go here and that's directly forward (towards the green door with the windows). Use the door (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to knock. (cutscene-Dr Seward's assistant/butler greets you) Turn a little left and go forward TWICE. (cutscene-Dr Seward and Mina greet you). You should talk to Dr Seward about all topics (click on the icons representing a conversation topic on the right side of Dr Seward's face). (cutscenes for both) Back off one screen. (cutscene- Mina is hypnotized, next mission objectives defined, Dr Seward gives you key to sewers, etc.) You should have gained an item - Sewer Key (Item#18). You should be facing the other side of the green door with the windows you first came in by. Go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Look down and left. Use Sewer Key (Item#18) on the door knob/lock to unlock it. Turn a little right and up and go forward (through the door). You're now in the sewers and have locked yourself out. Help! A Ninja Turtle! Oh who cares.... The passage on your right leads to absolutely nowhere and has absolutely nothing for you to get, use or otherwise. Its also a dead end. Skip it. From where you're facing when you entered, go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and Get the Rope (Item(C)). Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward (toward control box with red lights). Turn (90øR). You can Examine a metal turning wheel on a pipe here. But there is also another metal turning wheel on the floor just to the right. If you look at the light bulb on the wall, then move your cursor all the way down, you should see your cursor change to a "hand symbol" when you move over it. Get the Metal Wheel (Item#13). Just ignore the metal wheel on the pipe here for now. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Go to your inventory and use the Rope (Item(C)) on the Metal Wheel (Item#13) to form a grappling ?hook? wheel thingy. Then Select the resulting Grappling hook/wheel thingy (Item#13) and use it on the ladder across the room. Go forward TWICE. Look down and Examine the toolbox at your feet. Use the toolbox (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open it. Get the Spanner (Item#14) (the only one you CAN get. Back off one screen. Look up and turn right and face the horizontal ladder. Go forward TWICE. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL). You should be standing infront of the metal wheel on the pipe again. Examine the metal wheel on the pipe. Use the Spanner (Item#14) on the metal wheel to loosen it. Get the Metal Turning Wheel (Item#15)(cursor-"hand symbol"). Back off one screen. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. You should be standing on the middle of the horizontal ladder. Turn (90øR). Examine the square slot thingy infront of you. Select the Metal Turning Wheel (Item#15) and Use it on the square slot thingy. Then Select the Spanner (Item#14) and Use it on the metal turning wheel (which is on the square slot) to tighten it. Move your cursor to the right side of the now tightened metal turning wheel (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Use (turn) the metal turning wheel. Water below ladder drains. You should automatically back off one screen. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn 180 degrees around and look down. Get the Ladder (Item#16) (which happens to be the largest item you've put in your pocket!). Now this part is a little tricky (although not unexpected). Select the Ladder (Item#16) from your inventory. Now if you use the ladder on the center of the chasm, it will lay the ladder horizontal like the last time. You don't want to do that again. Locate the other hotspot (where you can use the Ladder (Item#16) on) on the bottom right corner of the chasm against the wall. The ladder should be laid vertically down the chasm on the right side against the wall. You should only see the top part of the ladder poking out of the chasm. Go forward down the ladder (which is vertical now). Turn (90øR) and look slightly up (cursor-"hand symbol"). Get the Ladder (Item#16) again. Turn a little right and go forward (through the short tunnel). Turn (120øR) and Use the Ladder (Item#16) here. Sets up ladder vertically here. Look up until cursor changes to a "forward arrow", then go forward, up the ladder. You should see a sewer grate on top of you. Look back down (eye-level). Turn left and face the sewer tunnel across the chasm. Then look directly up until your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol". Select your Revolver (Item#2) and shoot the sewer latch off! WARNING: Do not try this at home! (Or at a Ninja Turtle's home) Because the bullet will most likely ricochet off heavy metal grate and take your eye out! Or worst, where you store your ladder! Go forward up and out of the sewer. You should land up in the middle of the cemetery (hey, you've seen worst). Look slightly down (eye-level). At your current facing should see 2 statues on pillars off in the distance on either side of the main gate to the Cemetery. Now why couldn't we just walk in from there? Go figure. Turn (90øR) and go forward 3 times. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (120øL) and Examine ANOTHER LADDER! Use the key (Item#11) (the one from Jefferson Pibody's body) on the lock and chain to unlock it. Get the Ladder (Item#11). Back off one screen. Turn a little Right and go forward 3 times. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR). Use Ladder (Item#11) on the crypt in front of you. Look up until cursor changes to a "forward arrow", then go forward, up the ladder. Look back down and to the right and Examine the bag. Use the bag (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open it. Get the Stake (Item#3) and Cross (Item#16). Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward back down the ladder. (cutscene-Dracula's "Igor" threatens you) This part is timed. Select your Cross (Item#16) and Use it on him. (cutscene- Igor falls flat on his back and gets pinned down with a tombstone maneuver, ding-ding-ding! Its over.) Quickly Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (120øL) and go forward (towards grave where Igor fell). Turn (90øL) and look down. Select the Stake (Item#3) and Use it on Igor. (cutscene-Jonathan stakes Igor) Examine the remains of Igor. Get the Pocketwatch (Item#4) and the Blue Notebook (Item#5). Back off one screen. In your inventory, you can Examine the Blue Notebook from Igor and it more or less tells you what to do next. Look up and Turn (45øL) and go forward (out of grave). Turn (90øR) and go forward (towards crypt with ladder). Turn slightly left and look up above ladder. Go forward (up ladder). Look down (eye-level). You should see your cursor change to a "2 gear symbol". Select your Compass (Item#8) and use it here. Turn Left until you are at the "NW" mark and Examine when your cursor changes to a "magnifying glass" symbol. You should get a closer up view of a section of the cemetery. Infront of you, your cursor should change to a "2 gear symbol". Use your Pocketwatch (Item#4) here. Time passes. Then Use your Telescope (Item#17) here. (cutscene-Dracula enters his crypt) Turn (90øR) and go forward (down the ladder). Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward (up the steps toward the crypt). Turn a little Right and Examine the half statue with the outstretched arms. Use (poke) its eyes (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Back off one screen. Turn a little left and go forward (into the crypt). (cutscene-wolf, hawk and goat statue heads glow causing you to feel dizzy and pass out) You arrive back at sewer entrance central back at Dr Seward's backyard again. Go forward (towards green door with windows). Go forward (through door). Turn a little left and go forward TWICE (through door to Dr Seward's office). You'll see that no one is around. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Look down and Examine the leftside drawer of the desk. Use the top drawer (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open it. Get the Stethoscope (Item#6). Back off one screen. Look slightly up and right and Examine the phonograph (record/playback device) on the desktop. On the top left of the recording cylinder (red cylinder on the wooden box) there is a "Play" button (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Use that "Play" button to listen to what was recorded on that cylinder. (cutscene-cylinder plays back message) In the recording, it would seem that Dr Seward was trying to update you in that recording cylinder when Dracula (and someone else) interrupted him and abducted Mina (again), etc. In the same close-up screen, Use the cylinder holder (leather tube case) sitting next to the phonograph on the right to open it (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Get the red recording cylinder (from the phonograph) and place (Use) it in the cylinder holder. The phonograph should now be blank (no cylinders to play). Back off one screen. Turn (120øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward (toward fireplace). Turn (90øR) and look down (on the floor between window and chair closest to window). Examine that area (cursor-"magnifying glass" symbol). Get Mina's Ring (Item#1). Back off one screen. Turn around and face the fireplace. Examine the painting above the fireplace. Use the painting, reveals wall safe. To crack the safe: ------------------ Lets start with the top left tumbler. Examine the top left tumbler. Steps ----- 1. Use the Stethoscope (Item#6) on the bottom left of the screen. 2. Move your cursor to the right side of the tumbler (cursor- white curved arrow pointing up) 3. Keep clicking until you reach 8. eg. You should hear a *clunck* just before the tumbler turns from 7 to 8 (also from 9 to 8). That means 8 is the correct number. Go figure. 4. Back off one screen. At this point you can be a REAL SHOW OFF and NOT use the Stethoscope (Item#6) at all, and I can just tell you the combination! Just repeat steps 1 to 4 for each tumbler. And at Step 3, use the numbers as follows. Top right tumbler - 3. Bottom left tumbler - 4. Bottom right tumbler - 6. Use the handle of the safe (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open it. On the top shelf of the safe, Examine the patient file of Hopkins. Get the Key to Hopkins Cell (Item#4) and read the report. Seems that everyone likes Mina! Back off one screen. On the bottom shelf, Get the Dragon Ring (Item#15). This item will protect you from vampires (Basically, you won't die when you encounter one, that's a good thing). On the middle shelf, Examine the bag. Get the Green Bottle (Item#14), the Green Desk Diary (Item#13), the Film Slide (Item#3) and the Record Cylinder (Item#8). Back off one screen. Back off one screen. Note: You can read the Green Desk Diary for some anti-vampire info. Turn (120øR) and go forward (towards door). Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn a little right and Examine the phonograph again. Use the Record Cylinder (Item#8) on it. Use the "Play" button (next to the Record Cylinder on the phonograph) (cutscene-some scientist reports on Dragon Ring's History) If you look at the phonograph again, you'll notice that the "Play" button has shifted right. Use the "Play" button again to play the second message on the same cylinder. (cutscene-scientist reports on anti-vampire solution) Back off one screen. Turn (120øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE (through door). Turn (90øR) and go forward (through cellar door). Go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL), look down and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Look slightly up and go forward (up small steps). Turn left go forward (following the curve) 3 times until you reach the door at the end. You should be facing the door at the end. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't have the Dragon Ring (Item#15) and you enter this room, you're dead. Go forward (through door). (cutscene- Dr Seward's EX-assistant/butler (who happens to be an obvious vampire from the start) smashes a green bottle of green goo on floor. Significance? Beats me.) This part is NOT timed. Use your Cross (Item#16) on him/it. (cutscene-EX-assistant/butler takes a seat and you shine his shoes....oh yes and also tie him up). Use the Cross (Item#16) on him/it again (on his head) to knock him/it unconscious. Look down and Examine the area to the right of his armpit (cursor-"magnifying glass" symbol). Get the Key (Item#18). Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward 3 times (through the door). Go forward. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward. You should be at the base of the small steps. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and Examine the coffee cup on the desk. Get the Sugar Cube (Item#5) next to the coffee cup. Use the Matches (Item (E)) on the Sugar Cube (Item#5). Then use the Matchbox with Sugar Cube (Item#5) on the space to the right of the coffee cup. Wait until the fly goes into the matchbox then get the Closed Matchbox With Fly (Item#5). Back off one screen. Look down and Examine the locked drawer in the middle of the desk. Use the Key (Item#18) to unlock it. Use the unlocked drawer. Get the Needle Syringe (Item#6). Back off one screen. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward (up small steps). Turn left go forward (following the curve) 3 times until you reach the door at the end. Go forward 3 times (through door). Look down and left (at the guy's right arm - on YOUR left). Your cursor should change to a "2 gear symbol". Use syringe (Item#6) on the guy's arm. (cutscene-extracts blood, hehe ironic isn't it?) Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn (90øR) and look down. Examine the desk. Use the handle (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open the desk. You should see a chemical set here. Use the Green Bottle (Item#14) on the boiling flask on the stand above the Bunsen burner. Use the Syringe (with vampire blood) (Item#6) on the boiling flask as well. Then Use the Green Bottle (now empty) on the area below the spiral tube sticking out of the boiling flask. A room temperature thermometer pops up on the right side of the screen. But how it measures the temperature of the flask is a mystery to me! Notice that when you move your cursor to either the left or right of the Bunsen burner at to bottom of the flask, there is either a plus '+' or minus '-' sign. To the left of the Bunsen burner is minus '-' and the right '+'. This selects the amount of heat applied to the boiling flask. The 3 states of the Bunsen burner are: - OFF - Small Flame (Keeps temperature in flask constant) - Large Flame (Increases temperature in flask) The contents of the boiling flask starts at 0øC and the Bunsen burner is OFF. Move your cursor to the right of the Bunsen burner until it becomes a '+'. Click TWICE so that you get a Large Flame. The temperature will slowly rise by 5øC increments. Quickly move your cursor to the left side of the Bunsen burner until it becomes a '-'. Wait there until the temperature climbs from 30 to 35. At the instant it hits 35, click ONCE to decrease the flame to a Small Flame. After a few seconds, the mixture should boil by itself and dispense itself into the Green Bottle. Get the Anti-Vampire Solution (Item(B)) (the green bottle). Note: Yeah I know the Green Desk Diary states that you should let it boil at 30øC but its 35øC that actually works. Go figure. In your inventory, Use the Anti-Vampire Solution (Item(B)) on the Revolver (Item#2) (should already be loaded). Your gun should look like its radioactive now. Back off one screen. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE (through the door). Go forward. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn a little left and Examine the peephole of the cell door. Use the knob of the peephole cover to open it. That's Hopkins inside. Back off one screen. Look a little right and down (at the lock) and Use the Key to Hopkin's Cell (Item#4) to unlock it. Look a little left and go forward into Hopkin's Cell. Look a little left and down and Examine Hopkins (sitting on the floor). Use the Matchbox With Fly (Item#5) on Hopkins. (cutscene-Hopkins eats fly, tells about Mina) Note: If you got the Anti-Vampire Solution and used it on your revolver already, then you should get a dialogue option here. If not then you'd probably missed out a step above. Talk to Hopkins about the Anti-Vampire weapon (icon = revolver). (cutscene-You give the Dragon Ring to Hopkins and He gives you his glasses) You should have given your Dragon Ring (Item#15) and gained Hopkins's Infravision Goggles (Item#14). At this point you should hear the phone ringing (the one in the office, pretty powerful ringing to be heard in the cellar, right?). Turn left and go forward (out of Hopkin's Cell). The following (in '{}' ) is a long-winded version to say "get back to the office telephone" { Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn (90øR), look up and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward 3 times (through door). Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 times (through the door). You should be standing next to the desk (with the phone) } Turn (90øL) and Use the phone on the desktop from here (don't go all the way around the desk). (cutscene-Dracula gives you a call) Now head back to Hopkins Cell. The following (in '{}' ) is a long-winded version to say "get back to the outside of Hopkin's Cell" { Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 times(through door). Turn (90øR) and go forward (through cellar door). Go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL), look down and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Look slightly up and go forward (up small steps). Turn left go forward. You should be outside Hopkin's Cell. } Turn a little right and go forward into Hopkin's Cell. You'll find that he's gone. Well, we did leave the door open didn't we? Turn around and go forward (out of Hopkin's Cell). Turn right and go forward. Turn left and go forward. You should be infront of the door at the end. Go forward 3 times (through the door). You'll find that the guy that was here is gone as well. Look down and you'll notice a trapdoor here. Go forward (through trapdoor). Well, well. You're in the sewers (again). Remember that passageway I described as, "The passage on your right leads to absolutely nowhere and has absolutely nothing for you to get, use or otherwise. Its also a dead end."? Well you're in it now. Look a little up and go forward. (Note: The other way just leads back up). Turn (90øR) and go forward. The passageway to your right is full of rats. Nice way of saying, "You're not supposed to go there anymore!". Anyway, facing the same way again, go forward (further down tunnel). Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn a little right and your cursor should change to a "2 gear symbol". Use Hopkin's Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on the passageway. You should now be seeing in Nightvision mode and you can see glowing footprints on the floor. Go forward TWICE. Turn (45øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (45øL) and go forward. You should have reached the end of the tunnel and are seeing in normal vision. Turn a little left and go forward TWICE. Note: You might wanna save your game here. Turn a little left and Examine the power switch panel. Use the left power switch (cursor-hand-gear" symbol). (cutscene-something on the roof opens and light shines in). The heavy breathing and groaning you're hearing is the guy you sucked blood from earlier. Turn to your right and say "Hi". The correct way to do this is to Use your Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on him/it. And THEN Select your Revolver (Item#2) (should look "radioactive" by now). Locate the blood spot over his heart and shoot that. You need to be slightly accurate here so take a few seconds to aim first. One shot and he should be dead (gone). Turn (45øL), face the walkway on the other side (just to the right of the power switch panel) and go forward. Turn a little left and go forward. You should be in another sewer tunnel. Turn a little right and up and go forward. Turn a little left and go forward. You should be looking at fork in sewer path, but the right one cannot be entered anyway. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn a little right and Examine the door lock panel to the left of the door on your right. Use the metal ring at the top of the screen (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to reveal a "6-digit jackpot" display and 2 circular stone well stone thingys. The left stone circle has a slot in it. The right one should have an up-side-down "female" symbol on it. To view the instructions on how to do this puzzle, in your inventory, Select the Journal (Item#19). You should see a close up of it. Then click on the bottom right corner of the Journal to flip through all the pages. The second page of the Journal has 7 symbols (cursor-"2 gear symbol") on it. At the bottom right corner, you should see the Infravision Goggles icon there. Click that to wear the Infravision Goggles while reading it. You'll instantly notice that there is a lot more info in the Journal that could not be seen without the Infravision Goggles (which also gives you the "eyes of a vampire"). Flip through the pages again. At around the 5th page there should be idiot-proof instructions on how to go about solving the puzzles. However, the numbers used here are an example only and are not the same as the ones you have to solve. The Journal pictograms translate as: { Step 1: ACTION: Use the cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) on the left stone circle thingy. RESULT: Get a series of numbers on the "6-digit jackpot" display. Step 2: ACTION: Get the cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig back from the stone circle thingy. RESULT: Disassembles the cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig into 2 parts: The Cylinder With Number Dials (Item#20) and a Perforated Key (Item(D)). Step 3: ACTION: Use Perforated Key (Item(D)) on the Journal (Item#19). Step 4: ACTION: Move Perforated Key onto the correct symbol and read numbers that are shown on the right side of the page. DERIVING COMBINATION: Use the 6 digits from the "6-digit jackpot" display as the order of the sequence of 4 numbers (from 1 to 4) and apply that to the 6-digit number from the Perforated Key and Symbols page. Use the position and the position number (1 to 4) to derive the 4 digit combination to be used on the Cylinder With Number Dials (Item#20). Re-combine the Cylinder With Number Dials (Item#20) and Perforated Key (Item(D)) Step 5: Use the whole cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) (with the correct combination) on the stone circle thingy. } Here's the way to solve it: 1. Use cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) on stone circle thingy. The "6-digit jackpot" display reads: 2__134. This actually means out of a 6 digit number: The forth digit is the 1st digit in the 4 digit combination. The first digit is the 2nd. The fifth digit is the 3rd. The sixth digit is the 4th. 2. Get cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) back from stone circle thingy. The cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig disassembles the into 2 parts: The Cylinder With Number Dials (Item#20) and a Perforated Key (Item(D)). 3. In your inventory, Use Perforated Key (Item(D)) on Journal (Item#19). Move the perforated key (zoomed in view) to the up-side-down "female" symbol (second lowest symbol on the page). Just pick it up and place it back down on the correct symbol. Then click on the Infravision Goggles icon in the bottom right corner. This should reveal numbers off the right side of the page. If you pick the numbers off according to which ones the perforated key shows, you should get 510382. (Note: In the example in the Journal, the number is 800633) So all you have to do is put the "6-digit jackpot" display number and place it above this number from the journal. We get: 2__134 <== positions 510382 So in the 2__134, the number '1' is over the '3', the '2' is over the '5', the '3' is over the '8', the 4 is over the '2'. So the combination should be 3582. Back off one screen. -While still in your inventory, Examine cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) in inventory. -Enter Combination 3582 from left to right. (click above or below number displayed on the cylinder to add (cursor- '+' symbol) or subtract (cursor- '-' symbol) respectively. Back off one screen. -While still in your inventory, Use the Perforated Key (Item(D)) on the Cylinder With Number Dials (Item#20). -Use the cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) on the stone circle thingy. -Get the cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) back again. Back off one screen. Turn a little right and go forward (through the door). Go forward TWICE (through the door). You should be in what looks like a mini cinema. Go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Don't worry that's not a real Dracula. Turn left and face the film projector. Examine the film projector. Use the Reel of Film (Item#10) on the film projector. (cutscene-film projector shows Dracula carrying Mina) You should automatically back off one screen. Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 times. Turn (90øL) and go forward (up small steps). Turn (90øR) and Examine the rightside of the musical pipe organ thingy. In the close-up, locate the area on the top right (wooden ledge thingy sticking out to the right) where your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol". Use the movie script-like stack of paper (actually the musical score) (Item#9) here. (cutscene-organ gases you and you fall unconscious (again), and you are woken up by Dracula. Dracula takes away your gun. Hopkins later enters and frees you) Hopkins tells you he hid the Dragon Ring in "St George in the cemetery" (or something like that). For those of you who have played Dracula: Resurrection, the surroundings should seem familiar to you. Turn (45øR) and go forward (to the front of the bed). Turn right to face the bed and look down. Examine the area under the bed. Get your Revolver (Item#2) back. Back off one screen. Note: You might notice that none of the secret passages that were supposed to be here work at all. You might wanna save your game here. Facing the bed, Turn a but right and go forward TWICE. Turn a bit right and go forward. You should realize that you're still at the Styx theatre (Oh is that where I was?) Immediately you get another timed encounter. Use your Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on the hallway infront of you. Select your Anti-Vampire Revolver (Item#2) and shoot the heart (red spot) of the target in the distance. Go forward TWICE. (cutscene-Dr Seward has been turned into a vampire and is riding the elevator down to the level below) Turn (90øL) and go forward (just infront of the gargoyle statue (remember this from Dracula: Resurrection?). Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and Examine the gargoyle statue. Get the Sword (Item#10). Back off one screen. Turn (90øR) and Examine control panel. Use control panel (open it). Use the left power switch. (cutscene-Animatronic Dracula Robot rolls out behind you) Turn (90øR) and Use the Sword (Item#10) on the Dracula Robot to knock its block off! (cutscene-There can be only one!) Turn a little left and Use the Sword (Item#10) on the rope tied to the wall here. (cutscene-you get raised to the upper level) Turn (90øL) and go forward. Look down and Examine the Rope & Grapnel. Get the Rope & Grapnel (Item#7) AND the Winch Handle (Item#8). Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees and go forward. Turn (90øL), look up and go forward. You should be on the 3rd level. Turn 180 degrees and look all the way down. Examine the box-like mechanism right below your feet. Use the Winch Handle (Item#8) on it, then turn (Use) the winch (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol. (cutscene-your platform moves across, Dracula Robot comes up through lift, unlocks it with a key from its finger, and is stopped when it hits a railing and knocks a beam down) Look up (eye-level) and Turn (90øR) and go forward. Look a little to your right, you should see a rope tied to a railing. Look up slightly until you locate the area where your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol". Use the Sword (Item#10) here as well. Turn (120øL). You should be able to see the Dracula Robot in the distance. Look up until your cursor changes to a "Forward Arrow symbol". Go forward (up the fallen camera mounted railing). Look up and left and go forward (into the conveniently open ventilation grate). Okay "Mission Impossible" time. Look down (eye-level) and turn slightly left. Go forward. Turn (90øR) and Use Sword (Item#10) on moving fan to jam it. Go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Look down at the grate. Get the Ventilation Grate Key (Item#5). I know the grate falls but you can't go down there. Turn 180 degrees and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Look down at grate. Use the Ventilation Grate Key (Item#5) to open the grate here. Examine the open grate. You should see the Dracula Robot below. Use the Rope & Grapnel (Item#7) on the Dracula Robot below. (cutscene-you hoist up the Dracula Robot ABOVE the open grate?!?! and slice it up with the fan that is above it. Go figure) Go forward (through the open grate). Turn (90øL) and look down. Examine the Dracula Robot's Chest (or what's left of it!). Use the circular cap to open it. Get the Tuning Fork (Item#4) inside. Back away one screen. Remember the key it used to unlock the elevator when it came up? It was on its finger, right? Turn slightly left and Examine ITS right hand (on YOUR left). Click on (Use) its wrist (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). (Hand comes off arm). Click on the hand itself (cursor- white curved arrow pointing down). (Rotates hand around). Click on (Use) the piece of metal sticking out the base of the detached hand (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). (Reveals finger key). Get Finger Key (Item#12). Back off one screen. Look up and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward (into elevator). Turn (90øR) and Examine elevator keyhole. Use Finger Key (Item#12) on it. (cutscene-you descend in the elevator) You are back at the mini cinema place again. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and Use Dr Seward (on the floor). (cutscene- Dr Seward tells you how to escape and to Destroy this place as well as Carfax, you hand over your gun to him) Turn (90øL), look slightly up and go forward. Turn (90øR), look down and Examine the gas organ (rubbing it in) again. Use the Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on the organ. You should be able to see the "special key/note" highlighted on the bottom left. Use it to get rid of the organ and reveal the door behind. (cutscene-organ drops, revealing door behind) Go forward (through door). (cutscene- Dirty Harry, I mean Dr Seward does a crack shot at the projector about 50 feet away, blowing it up, which causes a chain reaction which destroys the whole world! Or maybe just the Styx.) I guess even if only the projector was destroyed and not the Styx, at least Dracula wouldn't hand around places with no movies to watch. So basically the idea is to blow up all the places with cable so that Dracula is forced to retreat to "THE LAST SANCTUARY„"! Or something to that effect. hehe. Go forward TWICE. You should be in the sewer, yet again. Go forward to the row boat here. Turn (90øL) and go forward. (cutscene-Jonathan swears revenge while rowing a distance of 10 meters) Go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (120øL) Examine the door lock panel on the leftside of the sewer door. Oh...not again. Use the metal ring at the top of the screen (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to reveal a "6-digit jackpot" display and 2 circular stone well stone thingys. The left stone circle has a slot in it. The right one should have an right-side-up "female" symbol on it. ARRGGGHH!! You know the drill: 1. Use cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) on stone circle thingy. The "6-digit jackpot" display reads: 43_21_. This actually means out of a 6 digit number: The fifth digit is the 1st digit in the 4 digit combination. The forth digit is the 2nd. The second digit is the 3rd. The first digit is the 4th. 2. Get cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) back from stone circle thingy. The cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig disassembles the into 2 parts: The Cylinder With Number Dials (Item#20) and a Perforated Key (Item(D)). 3. In your inventory, Use Perforated Key (Item(D)) on Journal (Item#19). Move the perforated key (zoomed in view) to the right-side-up "female" symbol (leftmost symbol on the page). Just pick it up and place it back down on the correct symbol. Then click on the Infravision Goggles icon in the bottom right corner. This should reveal numbers off the right side of the page. If you pick the numbers off according to which ones the perforated key shows, you should get 262484. (Note: In the example in the Journal, the number is 800633) So all you have to do is put the "6-digit jackpot" display number and place it above this number from the journal. We get: 43_21_ <== positions 262484 So in the 43_21_, the number '1' is over the '8', the '2' is over the '4', the '3' is over the '6', the 4 is over the '2'. So the combination should be 8462. Back off one screen. -While still in your inventory, Examine cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) in inventory. -Enter Combination 8462 from left to right. (click above or below number displayed on the cylinder to add (cursor- '+' symbol) or subtract (cursor- '-' symbol) respectively. Back off one screen. -While still in your inventory, Use the Perforated Key (Item(D)) on the Cylinder With Number Dials (Item#20). -Use the cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) on the stone circle thingy. -Get the cylindrical metal thing-a-mejig (Item#20) back again. Back off one screen. Turn a little right and go forward (through sewer door). Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (120øR) and look down at the crates covered by a cloth. Get the Crates (Item#9). Well the ladder fit the last time right? So why not crates? Turn (120øL) and go forward (through the door). Turn (90øL) and Use the Crates (Item#9) on the floor below the stairs. Look down and Examine the crates you just put down. Get the Shears (Item#11), Axe (Item#10) and Hammer (Item#12). Yeah! Now we're gonna bust this place up! MWHAHAHA! Back off one screen. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (120øL) and go forward (towards stairs). Turn left and face the base of the stairs. Go forward, up the stairs. Turn (90øR), look a little up and go forward up to the second level. AHHH!! My monitor's gone black! Oh yeah, right....forgot - dark. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Note that you can go further forward to the broken railing but there is not much point in doing so right now. Just stay put. Turn (90øL) and go forward through the door. In this room, Turn (90øR) and go forward towards the chair. Turn right and face the desk. Use the Hammer (Item#12) on the desk to bash it to mere planks! HEEHAHAHHAH! Look down and Get the Wooden Planks (Item#12). Turn left and look up and go forward (toward the large mirror). Turn a little left and go forward (towards the door). Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn a little left and Get the Candle (Item#15) from the candlestick. Turn 180 degrees and go forward out of the wooden screen area. Face the door and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward (toward window). Turn a slightly right and face the window. Use the Shears (Item#11) on the window (curtains). Turn (90øR) and look down. Get the Curtains (Item#11). Look up and turn a little right and go forward (towards door you came in). Turn left a little and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL), look down and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward (towards front door). Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE (through door). Turn right a little and look down at the high quality wood coffin. Use the Axe (Item#10) on it to turn it to High Quality Wooden Planks! MWHAHAAHAH! Sleep on that Dracula! *ahem*. Get the High Quality Wooden Planks (Item#10) on the floor. Turn (90øR) and go forward Through door). Turn (90øL) and Examine crates again. Use the Wooden Planks (Item#12), High Quality Wooden Planks (Item#10) and Curtains (Item#11) on the crates. Back off one screen. Then in your inventory, Use the Matches (Item(E)) on the Candle (Item#15) to light it. Then Use the Lit Candle (Item#15) on the crates on the floor. The house should be now on fire. Turn around. (cutscene-Dracula notifies you on how futile your efforts are and leaves by the sewer door you came in.) Turn 180 degrees from the burning doorway and go forward. Turn a little left and Examine the alcove at the left side of the wooden door here. Get the Key (Item#9). Back off one screen. Use the Key (Item#9) on the lock to unlock the door. Turn a little right and go forward through the door. Look down and go forward. Turn 180 degrees around Examine the metal valve wheel on the leftside of the base of the stairs. Use the metal valve wheel. (The chasm behind you is half filled with water. Back off one screen. Turn (120øL) and look down at the area just above the corner of the platform you are standing on (cursor-Forward Arrow symbol). Go forward here to jump into the water below. Note: I recommend you save your game here. Now for a little swimming. Remember that when you're underwater, its timed just like combat situations. Look up (eye-level) and Turn (90øL), face the other corner and go forward. Look directly down and go forward (dive down). Quickly, Turn (90øL) and Use crates to remove them. Then Examine the valve wheel on the wall. Use the valve wheel. You should automatically back off one screen. This causes the water level to rise even higher. Quickly Turn (90øR), facing the corner again, look up and go forward. Now you might have to look slightly down to locate the area where your cursor changes to a "Forward Arrow symbol". Go forward again to rise up above the water level. Turn (120øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL), facing the wall, look down and go forward (dive again). Look up and go forward through the underwater tunnel there. You exit and land up on the small metal bridge on the sewers. Turn a little left and go forward 3 times. Turn (90øL) and look up. Go forward up the steps/ladder. Look up some more (until your head snaps off your neck!) and go forward up and out (through the sewer cover). Whoopie doo. Guess where we are...again. Back in Dr Seward's backyard. Go forward (towards green door with windows). Go forward (through door). Turn (90øL) and go forward (through cellar door). The following (in '{}' ) is a long-winded version to say "go to the door a the end in the cellar (where Dr Seward's Lab is) { Go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL), look down and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Look slightly up and go forward (up small steps). Turn left go forward (following the curve) 3 times until you reach the door at the end. } Go forward (through door). Turn (120øR) and go forward. Look down and Use the Sewer Key (Item#18) to unlock the double door cupboard. Use the handles of the cupboard (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open it. Now first, Examine the lower part of the cupboard (below all the junk on the top shelf) covered by the cloth. Use the cloth (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to reveal 2 trays on the bottom of the shelf, a small white button/switch in the middle of the screen, and a black rectangular cardboard to the right of the switch leaning against the back of the shelf. On the top left of the screen there is a metal thingy there that looks like a faucet (its a projector). Use the Film Slide (Item#3) on the projector. Note: You'll notice that the Film Slide (Item#3) has been replaced by a Wooden Stake (Item#3) in your inventory. Make any sense? thought so. Use the small white button/switch in the middle of the screen (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). This switches on the red light. Now Use the rectangular black cardboard on the right of the small white switch (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). That puts a film paper below the projector. Use the projector on the top left (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) with the film paper below it. This imprints the image onto the film paper. Use the film paper now (after imprinting the image). This should transfer the film paper onto the other tray where it is developed. Examine the photograph (on the right tray). You should see that the top dial is set two notches to the left, the bottom left Amp Meter is at 7 Amperes and this cylindrical thingy has the number 4 on it. Back off one screen. Back off one screen. Examine the junk on the top shelf. Get the Note (Item#9) on the bottom left. Well it seems that this is supposed to be an Anti-Vampire System. On this shelf you should see an open, empty, wooden radio box on the left, a variable resistance (standing horizontal coil with selector dial on top) just infront of the open radio box. The next item to the right is the Amp Meter (looks like a trapezoidal wooden box with a glass display infront). To the right of that there is the transformer/transmitter (looks like an up-side-down 'Y') and below that is the Vacuum Tube (looks like a screwdriver with a clear plastic handle). You need to do this in order: -First pick up the transformer/transmitter thingy. -Use it on the open radio box (a little left and up of the middle of the open box). -Examine the transformer/transmitter's dial (in the center of the 'Y') -Move your cursor to the left of the dial (cursor- '-' symbol) and click TWICE so that the dial is now 2 notches left of the '0' marking. Back off one screen. -Now pick up the Vacuum Tube and Use it on the radio box (infront of the transformer/transmitter thingy) -Examine the Aerial (slightly below the middle of the middle of the radio box). -Move your cursor above the number dial (cursor- '+' symbol). Click four times so that the dial reads 4. Back off one screen. -Pick up the Amp Meter and Use it on the radio box (below and left of the middle of the radio box). -Pick up the Variable Resistance thingy (the one that's left) and Use it on the radio box (bottom part). -Examine the Amp Meter (area between the Amp Meter and Variable Resistance) -Move your cursor down below to the Variable Resistance at the bottom of the screen. If you move your cursor to the leftside of the Variable Resistance, it should change to a '-' symbol and to the rightmost, it should change to a '+' symbol. Move your cursor to the rightmost so that it changes to the '+' symbol. Click seven times so that the Amp Meter reads 7 Ampheres. Back off one screen. Now Use the metal 8-pointed-star (Aerial) on top of the transformer/transmitter (up-side-down 'Y') (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to break it off. Use the Tuning Fork (Item#4) in its place. Then click on the door/cover of the open wooden radio box to close it. Get the Crank (Item(F)) on the right side of the closed wooden radio box. Get the closed wooden radio box. I'll call it the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). Now Examine the Note (Item#9) in your inventory. In the close-up, click on the right side of the note (to flip it over). You'll see another idiot-proof set of instructions on the back. It translates roughly as: { A. Use Crank (Item(F)) on Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). This powers up the device. B. Select the "Frequency Receive" button. C. ACTION: Point the "Aerial/Antenna" at a rat (?) RESULT: You get a frequency reading (this is actually on the left display) D. Adjust the dial to match the frequencies. E. Select the "Frequency Transmit" button. F. NUKE THE RAT!! (rough translation) } Back off one screen. Back off one screen (closes inventory). You should be looking at the now empty top shelf. Back off one screen. Back off one screen. Turn (120øL) and go forward (toward trap door). Look a little left and down and go forward (enter sewers). Look slightly up and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR). Rats. There should be a barrier of rats infront of you and your cursor should change to a "2 gear symbol". In your inventory, Use the Crank (Item(F)) on the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). In the close-up, Use the "Frequency Receive" button (the one on the bottom left). Now point the Aerial/Antenna symbol (your cursor) at the rats. You should notice that the frequency transceiver icon on the bottom right corner of your screen has glowing green displays. That indicates that there is a frequency being picked up. Go to your inventory again and Examine the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). You should be getting a reading of 7 on the left gauge display. Locate the dial below the right display. If you move your mouse to the left of the dial (cursor-white curved arrow pointing up) that's to decrease the setting, and to the right (cursor-white curve arrow pointing down) that is to increase the setting. Increase the setting to 7 (click seven times on the right side of the dial). Then Use the "Frequency Transmit" button (the one on the bottom right, below the dial). Now Use (left-click) the Aerial/Antenna symbol (your cursor) on the rats. You'll zap all the rats away. MWHWAHAHAHAH! Look slightly up (eye-level) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 times. Turn a little left and Examine the power switch controls. Use the Ventilation Grate Key (Item#5) on the diamond-shaped slot on the bottom between the 2 power switches. This unlocks (well something or other). Examine the power switch controls again. Use the right power switch (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). (cutscene-platform bridge rotate to other passageway). Turn (90øR) and go forward 3 times (into passageway). Look slightly up and go forward TWICE. Turn (45øR) and go forward 3 times. You should be infront of a chasm. This is the same one where you were shifting the ladder around and ended up in the cemetery above. You're just on the other side now. Turn (120øR) and look down. Get the Planks (Item#12). Turn (120øL), facing the other end of the chasm and Use the Planks (Item#12) to form a long, narrow, SOLID & Continuous bridge across the chasm. Wha? How did? Oh well, don't ask! Go forward across plank bridge over to other side. (bridge collapses behind you, guess it wasn't THAT solid). Turn 180 degrees and look up. Go forward (out of sewer hole). Note: Save (might as well). Look down (eye-level). You should be back in the cemetery. First things first, you need to get that dragon ring back. Hopkins said something about "St George in the Cemetery", great clue isn't it? Go forward 3 times (to the front gate). Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and Examine the middle "black rectangle". The plaque should read, "Thanks to St George for his protection - Bram Stoker". Use it to open it. Take the Scroll (Item#3) and the Dragon Ring (Item#15). Back off one screen. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward (up the stairs to the crypt where you tried to follow Dracula into the last time). Turn a little left, facing the door of the crypt and go forward (try to enter the crypt) (cutscene- the 3 guardian stone heads - wolf, hawk/eagle-like thing and goat/lion-like stone heads are still active). Your Journal should pop up infront of you and reveal to you that you have to use your Frequency Transceiver to take them out. Note: There is a slight bug in the game here. Just DO NOT try to open your inventory while the game is showing you the journal page here. Otherwise it might be impossible to exit the inventory page after a while if re-examine the journal again on top of what the screen is already showing you. (In which case you need to press Esc and Load a new game) Just to be safe, back off one screen (close journal page). You need to take them out just like you did the rats in the sewer. However, FINDING the 3 heads is the tough part. If you're stuck at this part, I don't blame you. END OF WALKTHROUGH - good luck! Just kidding! (Don't you hate it when authors of so-called "walkthus" do that?) Turn 180 degrees around and go forward (watch that step!). Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE. Turn (120øR) and look up. At what? you might ask. IF you haven't noticed, that's the hawk/eagle-like stone head hanging on the "roof" of the tombstone (hard to notice, huh?). Your cursor also doesn't change so you might miss it. In your inventory, Get used to the routine: -Use the Crank (Item(F)) on the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). -Examine the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). -Use the "Frequency Receive" button. -Point/Aim the Aerial/Antenna cursor until the Frequency Transceiver icon on the bottom right of the screen shows glowing green displays. -Go back to your inventory and Examine the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18) again. -Adjust the dial on the right to match the frequencies on the 2 gauge displays. (In this case => 9) -Use the "Frequency Transmit" button (lower right, below dial) -Use (left-click) Aerial/Antenna cursor on target to blow it away! (cutscene- hawk/eagle-like stone head get blown away) Look down (eye-level) and Turn (120øR) and go forward. Turn a little right to face the corner of the wall here and look up to the top of the corner of the wall. Notice anything? Well that's the Wolf stone head! Why....obviously. Time to go, wolf: -Use the Crank (Item(F)) on the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). -Examine the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). -Use the "Frequency Receive" button. -Point/Aim the Aerial/Antenna cursor until the Frequency Transceiver icon on the bottom right of the screen shows glowing green displays. -Go back to your inventory and Examine the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18) again. -Adjust the dial on the right to match the frequencies on the 2 gauge displays. (In this case => 4) -Use the "Frequency Transmit" button (lower right, below dial) -Use (left-click) Aerial/Antenna cursor on target to blow it away! (cutscene- wolf stone head get blown away) Look down (eye-level), Turn (120øL) and go forward 3 times (to other corner of cemetery). Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL), facing the nearest, tallest tombstone infront of you and look up at its "roof". You'll notice that the goat/lion-like stone head is hiding here! MWAHAHAHAH!: -Use the Crank (Item(F)) on the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). -Examine the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18). -Use the "Frequency Receive" button. -Point/Aim the Aerial/Antenna cursor until the Frequency Transceiver icon on the bottom right of the screen shows glowing green displays. -Go back to your inventory and Examine the Frequency Transceiver (Item#18) again. -Adjust the dial on the right to match the frequencies on the 2 gauge displays. (In this case => 6) -Use the "Frequency Transmit" button (lower right, below dial) -Use (left-click) Aerial/Antenna cursor on target to blow it away! (cutscene- goat/lion-like stone head get blown away) Turn (120øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (120øR) and go forward (up to crypt). Turn a little left, facing door to crypt and go forward. Note: In your inventory, you can Examine the Scroll (Item#3) that Hopkins left for you. Click on the words to hear the audio narration from Hopkins. Notice how he reads the numbers: "..lock with a vampire's head 9..2..7..8. He reads the numbers in a clockwise fashion (top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left). This is important. Later. Look down and a little right at the "lock with a vampire's head". All the numbers at the four corners of the "lock with a vampire's head" are initially set as 0. To increase the number setting, click on the right side of the number display (cursor-white curved arrow pointing up) and to decrease the number setting click on the left side (cursor-white curved arrow pointing down). When you're done, click on the little button below the jaw of the "vampire's head". But....BUT! If you noticed, the icon on the little button (in this case) is a small circle with a line down the center. The left half is black and the right half is white. What's this remind you of? A half moon? Yup, you're right. In your inventory, Examine the Journal (Item#19) again. Flip to the 3rd page (with the moon cycles on the right). Click on the Infravision Goggles Icon on the bottom right. You should see that there is a "vampire's head drawing in the middle of the moon's orbit. That's just to indicate that the puzzle is related, nothing more. The important bit is the large chunk of text on the left page. This should be read as: A 4267 H 3972 G 9426 F 3892 E 5642 D 2849 C (missing) B 6186 The missing 'C' moon cycle is the same as the one on the lock you are currently working on. Thus, you already have the combination (9287). That's why the 'C' moon cycle is missing above. Well that more or less gives away all the "vampire's head" lock puzzles to come. Back off one screen (close Journal). Back off one screen (close inventory). You should still be looking at the "vampire's head" lock puzzle. Enter the numbers in as follows: Top Left - 9 Top Right - 2 Bottom Left - 8 Bottom Right- 7 Then Use (left-click) on the small "half moon" button below the "vampire's head". (cutscene-"vampire's head" lock glows green, mouth opens) The stone coffin should slide right revealing a stairway underneath. Go forward (down stairway). CD 2 ==== (cutscene-Dracula reminds you of how futile your quest is, again) (cutscene-You take the train to Transylvania, again) For those of you who have played Dracula: Resurrection, the places here should be quite familiar to you. Go forward. Look down and a little right and go forward (down steps). Go forward (towards gate). Examine the "vampire's head" lock. If you match the moon phase symbol with the Journal, you'll see that it corresponds to moon phase 'G'. Enter the numbers in as follows: Top Left - 9 Top Right - 4 Bottom Left - 2 Bottom Right- 6 Then Use (left-click) on the small "half moon" button below the "vampire's head". (cutscene-"vampire's head" lock glows green, mouth opens) Turn a little left and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL). BWHA! Its the Guardian ! Oops! Wrong game. Go forward. Turn (90øR) and look down. Examine cloth covering (something rectangular). Use cloth to remove it. Get the Shovel (Item#3) and the Iron Rod (Item#2). You should automatically back off one screen. Look up (eye-level), Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (45øR), facing this exact angle and go forward 4 times (should exit gate and go down stairs). Look up (eye-level) and Turn (120øR) and go forward (toward stone blocks). Look slightly up and go forward (climb onto stone blocks). Look slightly down and right and go forward. Turn (120øR) and Look down. Get the Hammer and Chisel (Item#4) on the stone block here. Turn (90øR), look slightly up and go forward. Turn (90øL), look down and go forward (step off stone blocks). Turn (90øL) and go forward (towards table). Move your cursor over the lit lantern on the table and look directly down from there. Examine the locked drawer of the table. Use the Hammer and Chisel (Item#4) on the lock to open the drawer. Get the wooden Spindle of Wire (Item#5). Then use the Hammer and Chisel (Item#4) again on the latch at the back of the drawer. The latch should break off. Use the front of the drawer (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Get the Key (Item#7) from the secret compartment at the back of the drawer. Back off one screen. Turn (45øR), look slightly up and go forward. Turn (90øL) and look down. Examine the chest. Use the Key (Item#7) on the lock to open the chest. Get the Dynamite (Item#8). Back off one screen. Look up (eye-level) and Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn a little left and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn right and face the stack of stone blocks. Look down and Locate the stone block on the floor near your feet (the one on top of a string stick out from under it). Examine (the right side of) the stone block (cursor-"magnifying glass" symbol). Use the Iron Rod (Item#2) on the stone block to move it away. Use the "string" (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to reveal a dynamite detonator at the end. Get the Detonator (Item#9). Back off one screen. Look up (eye-level), Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (120øL) and go forward (up the steps). Go forward (towards the open gate). Turn a little left and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Look down and examine "The Guardian's mouth". Use the Dynamite (Item#8) on the mouth. Then Use the Spindle of Wire (Item#5) on the same place. This should automatically lay the wire all the way along the corridor. Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn 180 degrees around and look down. Use the Detonator (Item#9) on the end of the wire. Use the Detonator (push the plunger)(cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). (cutscene-Smokin', jewel drops) Look up (eye-level) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward (towards gaping hole). Turn 180 degree around and look down. Locate the Jewel slightly to your right next to the wire on floor. Examine the Jewel. Get the Jewel (Item#8). Back off one screen. Look up (eye-level), Turn right (towards gaping hole) and go forward (through gaping hole). Turn (45øL) and go forward. You should be in a room with a pit surrounded by a prison cell with all skeletons inside. What felonies could a bunch of skeletons commit? Curious ;). Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and Examine the carving of the head on the wall here (cursor-"magnifying glass" symbol). Use the Jewel (Item#8) on its "right eye socket". (cutscene-Chessboard pattern wall panel opens, you enter) Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 times. Turn (90øL) and go forward 4 times. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. You should be looking at an opening in the prison full of skeletons. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and look down. Examine the skeleton (which one you ask? The one on the floor, closest to your feet) (cursor-"magnifying glass" symbol). Use the skeleton (cursor-"gear+hand symbol) to eat it (j/k, you only get it out of the way). Use the Shovel (Item#3) on the area of the floor that was under the skeleton. Get the Bone (Item#11) that is uncovered. Back off one screen. From where you're facing, (looking down at skeleton), look up (eye-level) and go forward (further inside). Look down at your feet again and Examine the skeleton that's at your feet now. Use the Skeleton (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to move it out of the way. Use the Shovel (Item#3) here, you dig? Get Parchment (Item#10) and the Skull (Item#7). Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward through door). You should be in what looks like a "supply room". Get the Crossbow (Item#18) and the Lantern (Item#12) on the table. Look slightly down and Examine the drawer infront of the table. Use the drawer (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open it. Get the Amulet (Item(D)). Back off one screen. Look up (above eye-level) until your cursor changes to a "Forward Arrow" (on shelf with 2 skulls on either side). Go forward to climb on top of the table. Look slightly down at the shelf and Get the Crossbow Arrows (?, don't ask!) (Item(C)). Note: You might wanna Examine that Parchment (Item#10) in your inventory. You'll see that at the top middle, it shows the layout of the prison with the skeletons and marked an 'X' just in case you missed the Bone (Item#11). Below that it shows a sketch of a skull with a bone sticking out on top of it and a circle thingy on top of the bone, then there is a candle shining at the back of the arrangement. You'll also notice that in the close-up when examining the parchment, you can click on the white curved arrow on the bottom right to flip it over and read the other side (although its encrypted right now). Turn 180 degrees around and go forward TWICE (through door). Turn 180 degrees around and look down at the floor infront of the door you just came out of. Locate the area of the floor where your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol". Use the Skull (Item#7) and place it on the floor here. Then go to your inventory. Use the Amulet (Item(D)) on the Bone (Item#11) to get a Bone scepter (Item#11). Now for convenience sake, Use the Crossbow Arrows (Item(C)) on the Crossbow (Item#18). And THEN Use the Anti-Vampire Solution (Item(B)) on the Crossbow (Item#18). This should make your crossbow glow green and you should have a Buffy (Vampire Slayer) Crossbow (Item#18). Now Use the Matches (Item(E)) on the Lantern (Item#12) to light it. Now Use the Bone Scepter (Item#11) on top of the skull you placed on the floor. Now here's the little tricky bit. Move your cursor about an inch to the right of the skull/bone scepter arrangement on the floor (just behind). You'll notice that your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol" here as well. This is where the "candle" supposed to go in the sketch on the parchment. Use the lit Lantern (Item#12) here. (cutscene-laser beam opens doorway) You should be facing the now opened doorway. Go forward 4 times. You should be hearing growling and roaring right now. Turn (120øR) and look up on top of the wall. You should see one of those werewolf guys up there. Select your Buffy Crossbow (Item#18) and shoot it. Easy enough, huh? Look back down, turn a little left and go forward (down stairs). Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR) and go forward 4 times. You should be looking at skeleton all chained up and wearing a spikey helmet. This is below in the pit surrounded by the prison with skeletons above. Also, this theoretically, should be Radu, Dracula's half brother (if you examine the Green Desk Diary (Item#13) it will tell you about him). Examine the skeleton's spikey helmet. Use the mouth-piece of the spikey helmet. Get the Radu's Stone (Item#20). (cutscene-Jonathan grabs the stone and the floor beneath him collapses, typical) Turn 180 degrees around and go forward TWICE (exit to surface). For those of you who have played Dracula: Resurrection, this cemetery should be very familiar. It so happens to be the place you first dug up the dragon ring from. Is it coincidence that Radu's Stone and the dragon ring were so close to each other? Look up and go forward (step out of open grave). Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and Examine the "mail box" grate on the tombstone. Use the grate (on the left side) (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open it. Use the note (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) leaning against the right side. Back off one screen. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and Examine the area just to the right of the tombstone here to look behind it. Get the Metal Hand and Cross (Item#16). Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn (90øR) and look down. Examine the ground here in the middle of a small ring of candles. Use Shovel (Item#3) here. Get the Piece of St George's Icon (Item#3). You should automatically back off one screen. Look up (eye-level), Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR) and Examine the St George's Icon (cracked painting). Use the Piece of St George's Icon (Item#3) where it fits. You should hear some tinkling. Back off one screen. Turn (120øL) and go forward. Turn 180 around. You should notice that on your left, you have that St George's Icon Painting thingy and on your right, there should be a "stone shed" with a chain all the way around it. Now this part is another tricky bit. Locate the area where your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol". You should notice that there is an inside kind of fencing (not the outer wall of the cemetery). You should move your cursor to the corner of that fencing running inside the cemetery and look slightly above that. Its about 2 inches to the left (at eye-level) from the "stone shed" on your right. Note that you have to have fixed the St George's Icon for this to appear. Once you've located the spot, Use your Infravision Goggles (Item#14) here. Infront of you, you should see a blue and red beam/jets meeting each other. Use the Metal Hand and Cross (Item#16) where the two colored beams/jets meet (cursor-"2 gear symbol"). (cutscene- stone shed is unchained) Go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward (into stone shed). Turn (90øR), look down and go forward (down passageway). You should arrive on the other side at Dracula's Castle Courtyard. Turn (90øR), look slightly up and go forward (out of stone shed). Go forward. Turn a little left and go forward. Turn a little left and go forward (towards staircase). Go forward. Turn a little right, facing the "down stairs" and go forward (down the stairs). Oh how nice, Dorko is STILL standing here gathering moss as usual. Go forward TWICE. Examine Dorko (the old hag infront of you). (cutscene-Dorko tells you how much she appreciates the fact that you returned NOT!) Talk to her about the parchment. (cutscene-Dorko translates the parchment). Use Radu's Stone (Item#20) on Dorko. (cutscene-Dorko tells you how to rejoin the dragon ring and Radu's Stone. She tries to use her magic to do it for you but gets staked by one of the three naked sisters. Dorko transfers part of her power to a ring) You should lose the Dragon Ring and gain Dorko's Ring (Item#16). Turn 180 degrees around and go forward TWICE. Turn a little right and go forward TWICE. (cutscene- the "naked sister" uses the dragon ring of conjure up a PINK barrier to block off the center of the courtyard) Note: You can save here if you want. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward TWICE. Look up at top of the stairs and go forward. Turn a little right and Examine the lock on the door. Use the Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on the lock. You should see that there is a pentagram warding the lock. Use Dorko's Ring (Item#16) on the lock to unlock it. Look slightly up and left and go forward (through door). Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward TWICE. Look down and Get Grappling Hook and Rope (Item(A)) from the floor. Go to your inventory and Use the Grappling Hook and Rope (Item(A)) on the Crossbow (Item#18). Your crossbow should now be loaded with the grappling hook and rope. Look up (eye-level), Turn 180 degrees around and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE (through door). IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a bug here as well. Just DO NOT try and re-enter the door and passageway you just exited after getting the grappling hook and rope. You'll find that you cannot exit out of there and you'll have to reload another game. You should be standing on top of the stairs (with the 2 stone wolves at the bottom). Facing where you exited the door, look slightly up and left. Your cursor should change to a "2 gear symbol". Select your Crossbow (Item#18) (now loaded with the grappling hook and rope) and shoot it here (to the far ledge across the courtyard). (cutscene-you fire the grappling hook and it snags the opposite ledge) Turn a little right (look along the rope) and go forward (on rope). Go forward again (to the other side). Turn a little right and go forward 3 times (through door). Look down and Examine the lock on the desk. Use the lock of the desk (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open it. Get the Chessboard Paper (Item#4). Then Use the Iron Rod (Item#2) on the left side of the inside of the desk to reveal a secret panel. Use the roll of paper (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). (cutscene- roll of paper is rolled out) Examine the rolled out piece of paper. In your inventory, Examine the Parchment (Item#10). Note: Remember that there are 2 sides of this parchment (therefore 2 ways of looking at this - front and back). Since Dorko translated this, it should be on the back view (with the words on it). You can read about something called the golden cross. You also notice the 2 holes on the 2 corners of the parchment. This is of course very important. Since you can view this front and back, the 2 holes also have 2 orientations. Move your cursor around the parchment until it changes to a "hand symbol" (for picking up items) and click to pick it up (to be used on the outside world). You can then Use the Parchment (Item#10) on the rolled out paper. Click on the right middle shape (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). You'll see that the other hole in the parchment is over a "III". That indicates that this is the third symbol. Now click on the transparent cube on the below left middle (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). You'll see that the other hole is over a "I". That means this is the first symbol. Now move your cursor over the parchment (which is placed on the rolled out paper) until the cursor changes to an "up-side-down arrow". Click on this to keep the parchment back in your inventory. Examine the Parchment (Item#10) again. This time, flip it over (click on the white curved arrow on the bottom left when examining it close up). You should be looking at the front view of the parchment (with the drawings on it). Now do the same thing and pick up the parchment (cursor-"hand symbol"). Use it again on the rolled out paper. Click on the bottom right shape (third down on the right) (looks multiple side shaped). The other hole shows a "II". That makes it the second symbol. Click on the shape above the left middle (multiple pointy shaped). The other hole shows a "IV". That makes it the forth symbol. Keep the Parchment. Back off one screen. Look up (eye-level), Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn (90øR), look slightly up and Examine the section of wall between the 2 shelves. Use the wall. You should see the same shape symbols. Note: Before you start clicking on the symbols make sure you get them in the right order the first time as sometimes the symbols don't reset properly after you've depressed symbol buttons down in random sequences. You might want to save just to be safer. Click on the symbols in this order:- I. The transparent Cube (right middle or East) II. Multiple sides shape (top or North) III. ? shape (bottom or South) IV. Multiple spikey shape (bottom right or South East) (cutscene-wall panel swings around revealing golden cross behind) Get the Golden Cross (Item#9). Back off one screen. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (45øL) and go forward (halfway on rope). Turn left and look down "center" the whole of the enclosed area (by the PINK barrier) on your screen and look slightly up. Your cursor should change to a "Forward Arrow" (this only appears after you get the golden cross). Go forward while looking down here (drop down to enclosed area). Look slightly up and go forward. Turn (90øL) and Examine the grave. Use the Iron Rod (Item#2) to open the grave. Get Gold Medallion (Item(F)) from the skeleton's hands. Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees and move your cursor over the tombstone of the grave closest to you. Then look directly down until your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol". Use the Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on the floor here. It should reveal another pentagram on the floor. Go to your inventory and Use the Gold Medallion (Item(F)) on the Golden Cross (Item#9) to complete it. Then Use the complete Golden Cross (Item#9) on the floor here (cursor-"2 gear symbol). (cutscene-You place the golden cross, eh...gently and the barrier dissipates) Look up (eye-level), Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 times (through doorway up to second level). Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Note: You cannot exit this through this door anymore. Go forward. Turn (90øR) and Examine the lock of the door (cursor-"magnifying glass" symbol). Use the Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on the mouth of the "vampire's head". Then Use the complete Golden Cross on the mouth of the "vampire's head". Back off one screen. Look slightly up and go forward (through door). Look down and Examine the chessboard infront of you. Use the Chessboard Paper (Item#4) below the board (anywhere along the wooden letters A-F area). Note: You might wanna Examine the Journal (Item#19) in your inventory. Flip to the first page (with chessboard) and Click on the Infravision Goggles Icon (on the bottom right). You should see the arrangement of chesspieces needed to get the locations of the safe squares on the large "chessboard" floor downstairs. Don't worry, you don't need to know a thing about chess to solve this puzzle. At most you need to know which chesspiece in the picture, is which piece on the board. Now the tricky bit about this puzzle is just about the orientation of the board. If you look at the bottommost row, you'll find that he only piece in that row is the black king. On the row above that is the black queen, etc. and the top row just has the white king. You'll also notice that each piece has its own row and column. Close your journal and inventory and look at the actual chessboard. You'll find that the horizontal rows already have the corresponding pieces in the correct order. All you need to do is supply which COLUMN (A to H => left to right) to slide the piece in each row to. If you look at the picture in the Journal (Item#19), starting from the bottom row: -the black king is in column F -black queen in column B -black bishop in column H -black rook in column E -black bishop in column A -black knight in column C -black knight in column G -white king in column D So basically click on the wooden tabs in order: F,B,H,E,A,C,G,D. (cutscene-pieces slide out in correct places). Get the Chessboard Paper (Item#4) back from under the board. Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR), look down and go forward. Go forward. Turn (90øL) and look down. You should be facing a black square (second from the right wall). Note: You might want to examine the Chessboard Paper (Item#4)in your inventory. You can't get a close-up view of it so you'll just have to move your cursor over it and viewing the large version in the center. Straightaway you might notice that the colors on the Chessboard Paper and the actual on the floor don't match. However, ignoring that, the "holes" in the Chessboard Paper indicate the safe squares which you can step on. Also you can't step on any square without dying if you don't have the Chessboard Paper (with punched holes). I'll be using 2 forms of directions, one it the usual character relative angle turning directions and the other I'll be using compass points relative to the room (with the opposite end of the room as North), just in case you have difficulty following either one. Okay, facing the black square infront of you, go forward (North). Go forward again onto the white square infront of that (North). Turn (45øL) and go forward (NW) diagonally onto white square. Turn (90øL) and go forward (SW) diagonally onto white square. Turn (45øR) and go forward (West) onto black square. Turn (45øR) and go forward (NW) diagonally onto black square. Turn (90øR) and go forward (NE) diagonally onto black square. (cutscene-The rest of the chessboard collapses leaving the center four squares intact, supported by a tall pillar. Dracula places you on a pedestal (pardon the pun) for being able to foil his plans and disable his traps so far) Look up (eye-level), Turn (45øL) and go forward. Your cursor should change to a "2 gear symbol" when you move it over the door across the chasm. Use the Telescope (Item#17) on the door across the chasm. In the close-up view, Use the Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on the door. You'll see a big fat pentagram on it (surprised? Thought so). Use Dorko's Ring (Item#16) on the big fat pentagram. It should create this large red energy ball in the part of the chasm infront of you enabling you to go across. Go forward (towards the door, across the chasm). Use the Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on the door again (this time you're standing right infront of it). Use the complete Golden Cross (Item#9) on the big fat pentagram to unlock it. Go forward (through the door). You should be in a cable car room. Turn (120øR) and Use the cable car recall switch on the leftside of the door you just entered (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). (cutscene-cable car returns) Turn 180 degrees and go forward (on the leftside of the cable car). Turn (45øL). You should see a lever on the wall on your left. Use the lever (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). (cutscene-platform extends). Turn (45øL) and go forward (towards the door). Turn around and face the cable car. Go forward (towards cable car). Turn (45øR) Use the cable car door controls (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) to open the doors of the cable car. Turn (45øL) and go forward (into cable car). Turn (90øL). Use the Cable car door control lever (to the right of the red button) (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) ONCE to close the cable car doors. Then Use the red button to the left of that (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol, but not the same lever for opening/closing the door). Note that the door of the cable car has to be closed before the red button CAN be pushed. (cutscene-cable car goes up to Dracula's Amusement Park Castle) Turn 180 degrees around and go forward (through the cable car doors). (cutscene-Hopkins gets stabbed while trying to lead you to the Last Sanctuary, gives you a key to the keep, asks you to put a good word for him with Mina (obsessing aren't we?)) Note: You might want to save here. You should have gained the Key to the Keep (Item#7) from Hopkins. Turn 180 digress and go forward (back into cable car). Turn (90øR) and Get Ladder (Item#5) on the side of the cable car. Turn (90øL) and look up. Your cursor should change to a "2 gear symbol). Use the Ladder (Item#5) here to prop it up against the inside of the cable car. Go forward (up ladder). Look up some more until your cursor is over the handle of the top hatch of the cable car (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Use the hatch to open it. Then go forward (up and out of the hatch). Look back down (eye-level). Turn 180 degrees around and look up. Go forward (up onto the wooden cable car rail). Look down (eye-level) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and look up at trapdoor on ceiling (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Use it to go up onto the roof. (cutscene-zombie thugs are sent by a leader to dispatch you) This part is timed so do it quickly. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and look down. Use the Iron Rod (Item#2) on the boulder on the top of the stairs here. (cutscene-boulder dash, not quite, SPLAT!) Look a little up and go forward (down the stairs). Turn a little right and go forward. Look up (eye-level) and Turn 180 around. Get the Wooden Beam (Item#11) lying on the stairs here. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn slightly left and go forward (into cannon tower). Look down and a little right. Get the Bucket (Item#3) on the floor to the left of the cannon. Look up (eye-level), Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn a little left and up and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn a little left and go forward. Turn (90øR) and look slightly down (to the right of the base of the cannon across the hole in the roof) (cursor-"2 gear symbol"). Use the Wooden Beam (Item#11) here to form a bridge. Go forward (across the beam). Turn (90øL) and look down. Examine the front area of the cannon (the floor infront of the base of the wheel closest to you) (cursor-"magnifying glass symbol"). Use the cannon to move it (Heeeavvvee!) (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol, dead center of the screen). Get the Cannonball (Item#8) that is infront of the wheel. Back off one screen. Look up (eye-level), Turn (90øL) and go forward (back across chasm). Turn 180 degrees around and face the cannon again. This time look all the way down (into the large hole in the roof) until your cursor changes to a "Forward Arrow". Go forward (down to the ruin junkpile below). You should be facing 2 grated windows on the wall. Look up (eye-level) and Turn (135øR) (facing a corner). Then look down until your cursor changes to a "magnifying glass symbol". Examine this area. Get the Banner (Item#4) AND the Pile of Wood (Item#5) below that. Back off one screen. Turn (45øR), look up above the hole and go forward (FLY out of the hole!) Turn 180 degrees around, look down and Get the Wooden Beam (Item#11) you placed over the large hole in the roof again. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward (infront of the central statue). Turn (90øL), look down and Examine the area of snow (infront of the middle of the base of the central statue). Use the Bucket (Item#3) here. Get the Bucket of Snow (Item#3). Back off one screen. Look up (eye-level), Turn a little right and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR), look slightly down and go forward (down the stairs). Turn a little right and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn slightly left and go forward (into cannon tower). Turn (90øR) and Examine cannon. The cannon requires 3 items in order to work. Go to your inventory and Use the Matches (Item(E)) on the Pile of Wood (Item#5) to light it up and make a Campfire (Item#5). Select the Bucket of Snow (Item#3), the Cannonball (Item#8) and the Banner (Item#4) on the cannon (slots from right to left) in that order. Back off one screen. Look down to the right of the base of the left wheel of the cannon. Locate the area where your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol". Its between the back of the left wheel and the wooden "tail" that supports the cannon at the back. Use the Campfire (Item#5) here to fire the cannon. (cutscene- hole in one!) Turn (45øR) and go forward (out of cannon tower). Turn (90øL) and go forward. Look down at the splintered bridge until your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol". Use the Wooden Beam (Item#11) here. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øR), look down and Get another Wooden Beam (Item#11) leaning against the wall here. Turn (90øR), look a little up and go forward. Turn a little right and go forward. Look down at the first wooden beam you've laid and go forward (stand on the wooden beam. Look down until your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol" and Use the Wooden Beam (Item#11) in your inventory here. Look a little up and go forward (stand on the second wooden beam). Turn 180 degrees and Get the first Wooden Beam (Item#11). Then turn 180 around again and Use the first Wooden Beam (Item#11) here. You should notice that you should not be able to return back the way you came after this (you don't have to). Look slightly up and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward (enter another cannon tower, without the cannon). Turn (90øR) and Examine the area to the right of the guy's butt (you have to find that one your own!). Get the Keycard (Item#15). Back off one screen. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Look down and right (at the lock of the door). Use the Key to the Keep (Item#7) here to unlock the door. Look slightly left and up and go forward (through door). Turn slightly left and go forward TWICE (into the elevator). Turn (45øR), facing the corner and look down. Examine the elevator controls here. Use the Keycard (Item#15) on the bottom slot. Then Use the red "down" button (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). You should be down a floor already. Examine the elevator controls again. This part is, but its easy. Use the red "up" button. You should automatically back off one screen. Look up (eye-level) and Turn (90øR) and go forward (exit elevator). (cutscene-elevator goes back up, while you stay behind it) Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Now the tricky bit. There are 2 (count'em TWO) areas where your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol" make sure you can differentiate between the two. For the first one, move your cursor over the top of the drawbridge in the distance until you your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol". You can Use the Telescope (Item#17) here to see that the drawbridge is supported by a chain on the rightside. In your inventory, Use the Crossbow Arrows (Item(C)) on the Buffy Crossbow (Item#18) to change it back to a normal crossbow firing normal eh...arrows? For the second area, Locate the area slightly to the right and up of the top of the drawbridge. You'll see that your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol" ere also. Select the Crossbow (Item#18) and shoot here. You'll basically be firing on top of the right corner of the drawbridge. Your targeting cursor should not be touching any part of the drawbridge (only the area above it). (cutscene-drawbridge is lowered. Ooh! My toes!) Look down (eye-level) and go forward TWICE. Now you should be standing on a central platform with a pedestal thingy in the center and 3 other pathways. Now in order to brief you on what is to come, I'll need to spoil here a bit. You should be entering the three trial rooms described in the Green Desk Diary (Item#13). The first is the "Devil's Nails" room, the second is the "Hellfire" room and the third is described as "mysterious and terrifying". So it doesn't really matter which path/room you take now as the only option now is to do the "Devil's Nails" room and all the 3 other doors will lead you there. As you complete other rooms, the doors will lead to one of the 3 different rooms. Btw, for your info, you are currently on the upper platform (with the pedestal thingy) there is a lower platform just below with another 3 pathways (sort of the "exits" of he three rooms) and instead of a pedestal, there is an elevator shaft there that leads to the Last Sanctuary. If you can find your own way, that's fine too. If not, then follow my lead. From where you are, facing the pedestal thingy in the center, Turn a little left and go forward. Turn (90øL), look down and go forward TWICE. You should be infront of the door here. Note: Save here, just in case. You can ignore the goat/lion stone head above the door. There is no significance to it what-so-ever. Go forward (through door). (cutscene-Jonathan walks down spiral staircase with lit lantern. Where did he get that?) Devil's Nails Room ------------------ You should be in the "Devil's Nails" room. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn slightly right and down and Examine the skeleton on the floor (seems like the natural thing to do by now!). Get the Skull (Item#7). Back off one screen. Look up (eye-level), Turn 180 degrees and go forward. Turn (120øL), move your cursor over the arch in the distance and go forward. Now DO NOT take another step or all I can say is "Ouch!". Turn 180 degrees around and look at the steps. Each one of them have markings on them. If you Examine the Green Desk Diary (Item#13), flip to the forth page, it describes, blah, blah, Jacob's Ladder, blah. Then there are the 6 symbols on around the drawing. Try locating the same symbols (from the Green Desk Diary) on the steps. Then what you have to do is return to the top and only step on the steps with a valid symbol (ones shown in the Green Desk Diary). Now due to the lower resolution which the game is rendered in, etc.. Its a little difficult to make out which symbol is which on the steps. Its also difficult to tell what the last symbol (at your feet) is. (I guess you could bend over for a closer look but your butt might get skewered!). Well to save you the trouble, I've already done one it here. Numbering the steps from the top going down, we have: 1. Valid (NW symbol) 2. Invalid 3. Valid (NE symbol) 4. Invalid 5. Invalid 6. Valid (SE symbol) 7. Valid (SW symbol) 8. Invalid 9. Valid (North symbol) 10. Valid (South symbol) So basically, you need to go to the top and step only on the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th steps. Lets do this step by step (pardon the pun). Look up and go forward (to the very top of the steps). Turn 180 degrees around and look down at the first step. Move your mouse over the first step and it should change to a "Forward Arrow" here as well. Go forward to stand on the 1st step. Now move your cursor all the way down until you can't go down anymore. If you want to know which step you are currently standing on then you can always turn side ways to figure that out. Now move your cursor over to the 3rd step (NOT the 2nd step directly infront of you). You're basically skipping the 2nd step by clicking on the 3rd step when your cursor changes to a "Forward Arrow" while moving over it. Go forward to stand on the 3rd step. Now you need to step on the 6th step. That means you need to skip the 4th and the 5th step. You might want to look sideways IF you can't figure out which step you are currently on. Then move your cursor over the 6th step (you should be skipping 2 whole steps infront of you, and positioning your cursor over the third step infront of (and away from) you. (Two steps is the maximum you can skip so you should move your cursor as far infront of you without losing the "Forward Arrow" cursor). Go forward to stand on the 6th step. The next step is the 7th (the next one infront of you). So move your cursor all the way down and over the 7th step. Go forward and stand on the 7th step. The next step is the 9th step (the second last step, skipping the 8th step). Move your cursor over the 9th step (second last from the bottom). Go forward and stand on the 9th step. The next is the 10th step. Move your cursor over the last step infront of you. Go forward and stand on the 10th step. You should hear a loud "clunk" (or door unlocking). If you don't hear anything, means you got it wrong. If you got it right, then you can proceed without being turned into a sheesh kebab. Look up (eye-level) and go forward TWICE. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Look down and Examine the "opened hand" sticking out the rock here. Get the item in its hand (or at least try to). (cutscene-The hand closes when you try to get it and opens again). Use the Skull (Item#7) on the "opened hand". (cutscene-The hand closes on the skull). Use the Iron Rod (Item#2) on the top part of the skull to smash it open. Examine the top part of the skull. Get the Hand Handle (Item#10) from the inside of the skull. Back off one screen. Back off one screen. Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn (90øL), look up and go forward (towards door). Go forward (through door). (cutscene-Jonathan walks down spiral staircase with lit lantern. I'm sure he doesn't have a lit lantern in his inventory..) {Finished Devil's Nails room} Go forward TWICE. Okay, you should be in the lower platform area with that elevator shaft leading to the Last Sanctuary. Turn a little left and go forward. Turn a little left, look down and go forward TWICE. The next room you need to face is the Hellfire room. This is timed and you need to be quick while maintaining your orientation well. The task basically involves standing in a central platform while pulling several pull-chains hanging from the ceiling in a certain order, until all are pulled correctly. Each pull chain will shut off a corresponding "dragon head"'s lava flow on the far wall. When you pull a pull-chain in the wrong sequence, the puzzle immediately resets and all the "dragon heads" continue to run lava down to the pool below. Although not an immediate threat to you, you still need to get the sequence right before the timer runs out or you're fried. Note: Save here. Go forward (through door). (cutscene-Jonathan walks up the spiral stairs holding that damn lantern! Where's he hide it the rest of the time, eh?) Hellfire room ------------- You should be in the "Hellfire" room. DUH! Turn (90øL) and Use the pull-chain here. Turn (90øR) and go forward. This starts the timing sequence....Isn't that lovely?!? Oh, right! Quick! Panic! Okay, okay there should be enough time assuming you know what you're doing here. Turn (90øR) and Locate the pull-chain above the shiny metal ball on a pedestal. This is the 1st pull-chain. Always start from here. Keep your view at eye-level to avoid getting disoriented. Okay step by step, character-relative way: -Use (pull) this 1st pull-chain. Turn RIGHT to the next pull-chain. -SKIP this pull-chain. Turn RIGHT to the next pull-chain. -Use (pull) this pull-chain (second one on the right of the door you entered). Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -SKIP this pull-chain. Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -SKIP this pull-chain (1st one). Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -Use (pull) this pull-chain (left of 1st pull-chain). Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -SKIP this pull-chain. Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -Use (pull) this pull-chain (third on the right of the door you entered). Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -SKIP this pull-chain. Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -Use (pull) this pull-chain (on the right of the door you entered). Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -SKIP this pull-chain. Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -SKIP this pull-chain. Turn LEFT to the next pull-chain. -Use (pull) this pull chain (left of cylindrical pillar, the exit side). Alternatively, if you have trouble following the above, say I number the pull-chain above the shiny metal ball pedestal as 1. Then going clockwise (to the right) and numbering 2,3,4,5 and 6 (the 6th one is to the left of the 1st one), we get: 1,3,6,4,2 and 5. If you did it correctly, all the pull-chains should be pulled once and a bridge to the exit should be extended. From where you're facing (the last pull-chain) turn a little left and go forward to the cylindrical pillar with the stone "dragon head" on it (not the way you came in). Look slightly down and Examine the stone "dragon head". Get the Dragon Handle (Item#11) from the mouth of the stone "dragon head". Back off once screen. The cylindrical pillar should have moved up revealing the exit door behind. Go forward (exit the room). (cutscene- Jonathan walks up the spiral stairs with that lantern (perhaps from Dracula: Resurrection). Did anyone see where he kept it after that?) {Finished the Hellfire room} Go forward TWICE (down the stairs). You should be back at the central pedestal on the upper platform area. Turn slightly left and go forward. Turn slightly left and go forward TWICE. The last room should be the "Mysterious and terrifying" room. Contrary to the name, its the safest and easiest room of the three. Just go forward (through door). Don't even bother to save here, huh! (Jonathan walks down the spiral stairs with his...you know what!) Mysterious and Terrifying room ------------------------------- You should be in a room that looks pretty much like the Cerebrate Council in Starcraft! If you succeed in dying here I'd be pretty amazed. Go forward TWICE and Use egg-like cocoon in front of you. Look down and Examine the opened cocoon. Get the handle thingy inside the watery cocoon (or try to). (cutscene-a slimy replica of yourself emerges and obstructs you) Turn 180 degrees around and go forward. Turn 180 digress around and face the cocoon. Look up (at eye-level) and Turn (45øR) and locate the area where your cursor changes to a "2 gear symbol" (on the second slimy pillar/tentacle to the right of the cocoon). Use the Infravision Goggles (Item#14) here. You should be able to see a green beam of energy feeding the slimy guy in the cocoon (no reference to self of course). Time to take that out. Go to your inventory. First, Use the Anti-Vampire Solution (Item(B)) on the Crossbow (Item#18) to make it a Buffy Crossbow (Item#18) again. Then Use the Anti-Vampire solution (Item(B)) on the Needle Syringe (Item#6) to fill it. Select the Buffy Crossbow (Item#18) and shoot this area (which is sustaining the slimy guy). (cutscene-Jonathan fires an arrow and it kinda gets "eaten", but it does the job. A slimy pillar/tentacle starts to move on the other side) Turn left and face the slimy guy in the cocoon again. Then Turn left again to the second slimy pillar/tentacle on the left of the slimy guy in the cocoon (the one with the odd flap/box-like thing on it). Use the Infravision Goggles (Item#14) on this area. You should see that the flap/box-like thingy is moving up and down and the green beam of energy is shooting out of it when it opens. Select your Buffy Crossbow (Item#18) again. Shoot the flap/box-like thingy going up and down. This jams the thingy open. Now that you have a clean shot, Select the Buffy Crossbow again and shoot the area under the flap. Examine the flap/box-like thingy. Use your Needle Syringe (Item#6) (should be full of Anti-Vampire Solution). Cutscene-The whole cocoon explodes!) Turn right and face where the cocoon was and go forward. (At eye-level) Get the Slimy Handle (Item#12). Now to save yourself a lot of walking, Turn 180 degrees, facing the way you came in, go forward 3 times (through the entrance door). (cutscene-Jonathan walks up the spiral stairs. Lantern. Lasts even until the sequel) {Finished the "Mysterious and Terrifying room} Go forward TWICE. Look down and Examine the triangular thingy on the central pedestal. Use the knob at the top of the panel to open it. (cutscene-wooden panel on pedestal opens) Use the Hand Handle (Item#10), Dragon Handle (Item#11) and Slimy Handle (Item#12) on the vertical slots from left to right. Back off one screen. Now, look slightly down and Examine the base of the pedestal. Use the bottom drawer (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Get the Top Mould (Item#12). Back off one screen. Use the middle drawer (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Get the Middle Mould (Item#11). Back off one screen. Use the top drawer (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Get the Bottom Mould (Item#10). Back off one screen. Back off one screen. Now to get back to the Hellfire room. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn a little right and look up. Go forward 3 times (through door). (cutscene-Jonno, goes down.) You should have just re-entered the Hellfire room through the exit door. Go forward. Turn (90øL), look slightly down and Examine the lower portion of the pedestal (the cylinder below the shiny metal ball, but NOT the shiny metal ball itself). Use the metal cylinder to open it (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Use the Bottom Mould (Item#10), Middle Mould (Item#11) and the Top Mould (Item#12) one on top of the other in that order. Back off one screen. Turn (90øL), look up and go forward TWICE (through door). (cutscene-Jonno goes up). Go forward TWICE. Look up and Turn a little left and go forward. Turn around and face the central pedestal. Examine the triangular thingy on top of the pedestal. Use the knob at the top of the panel to open it. Get the Hand Handle (Item#10), Dragon Handle (Item#11) and Slimy Handle (Item#12) from their slots. Back off one screen. Now to get back to the Hellfire room. Turn a little right and go forward. Turn a little right and look up. Go forward 3 times (through door). (cutscene-Jonno, goes down.) You should have just re-entered the Hellfire room through the exit door. Go forward. Turn (90øL), look slightly down and Examine the shiny metal ball. Use the shiny metal ball (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol) (dead center of the screen) to open it. Use the Hand Handle (Item#10), Dragon Handle (Item#11) and Slimy Handle (Item#12) on the slots from left to right. Back off one screen (closes the shiny metal ball). You should still be looking at the close-up of the shiny metal ball. Click on (Use) the right hinge of the shiny metal ball (right-middle of the screen) (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). (cutscene-Two convenient "dragon heads come up and heat up the shiny metal ball, melting the contents into the cylinder below) Back off one screen. Look slightly down and Examine the lower portion of the pedestal (the cylinder below the shiny metal ball). Use the metal cylinder to open it (cursor-"gear+hand" symbol). Get the complete Handle (Item#2). Back off one screen. Turn (90øL), look up and go forward TWICE (through door). (cutscene-Jonno goes up). Go forward TWICE. Look up and Turn a little left and go forward. Turn around and face the central pedestal. Examine the triangular thingy on top of the pedestal. Use the knob at the top of the panel to open it. Use the complete Handle (Item#2) on the horizontal slot. (cutscene-elevator on lower platform area is called up). Back off one screen. Now all you need to do is find a quick way to the lower platform area. The quickest way I know of is: Turn 180 degrees around, facing the "down" stairs. Go forward 8 to 9 times (keep going forward, straight through all the rooms). Note: The arrangement of the rooms will depend on which room you entered first and solved them. They way I've done it, the "Devil's Nails" room is on the left "down" stairs from the central pedestal (facing where you first entered), the Hellfire room is on top of the "upward" stairs and the Mysterious and Terrifying" room is on the right side of the pedestal. So when you keep going forward 8 to 9 times you should be passing through the "Mysterious and Terrifying" room. It doesn't matter which room your game has, just go right through to the other side. As long as you end up on the lower platform area and enter the elevator. End Game -------- You should have gone forward into the elevator. (cutscene-once below, you are obviously over-powered in an obvious ambush my the three naked sisters. You're dragged before Dracula where you beg Mina to come back to you. She asks for you to give her something to prove that you've love her before.) Remind her of her honeymoon? What's that? This is family rated game? But what else could she be....Oh you mean, that? Mental note: In order to get the girl back, give her jewelry. Right. Oh was this timed? Quickly Select Mina's Ring (Item#1) and Use it on Mina (her right hand). (cutscene-Mina's ring, mind you, rings a bell in Mina's mind. Rejects Dracula, blah, blah. Dracula takes major ego damage and decides that all of you must die. Nothing personal.) Quickly, Use Radu's Stone (Item#20) on the Dragon Symbol on the floor infront of Dracula's Throne. (cutscene-All the bad guys die. The three naked sisters get squashed by falling boulders and the statue of St George fighting the dragon crashes through the roof, impaling Dracula.) The End. Whew! This has got to be the last sequel. Otherwise there would be rather limited cast left to do another! ******************************************************************** Brought to you by Bounty Hacker ********************************************************************