This document is (c) Copyright: 2002 Peter Hudson all rights reserved. Email address: The EARTH LORDS v 1.36 RPG pc game: walkthru & FAQ Version: 1.2 Updated: February 19, 2002 The EARTH LORDS...v 1.36 The story so far. Evil has come to this realm. The malignant threat of war and violence has seethed in from other realms and is threatening the peace of the entire world. The council of the Earth has put forward tests to see what lone soul can complete the missions and quests and become a Lord of the Earth Realm and save it from destruction. Even thou you are not clear on your own past, you have taken up this test so that you may smite down evil and be known as an Earth Lord. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Version / Updates 3. Races 4. Profession 5. Missions and Quests 6. Walkthru 7. FAQ 8. Credits 9. Copyright info 1. Introduction Welcome to The Earth Lords walkthru with the added FAQ. This game is an overhead first person view game set in a grid size 18 by 14 down. This guide is here to help those of you who may be stuck in a part of the game although it is not to hard of a game but please feel free to browse through it if you must. When playing the game try and get through it without it but if you must, look down in section 7 for questions and answers to your problems. Also the added bonus of the game is the so called wimp mode that you can switch to from the normal mode although you gain more Ex Pts and gold only use it as a last result. While roaming the realm be sure to walk into everything around you for there is a-lot of goodies to be found. On the world map it's a good idea to walk on all the squares also as not to miss the occasional goodies also. Some tips to play the game are, buy a bow and bolts first you will know why when you go into battle. Monsters that are behind the wall opposite you may not move until you do, so use this to your advantage(see 6-6.1 below). Remember you can always flee from the fight if you need to. You may need to retrace your steps as you gain skill points to find extra goodies and keys. Many of the lock doors in the game can be bent open I have never used the keys guess I'm just to destructive Ha Ha Ha. 2. Version / Updates Version 1.2 ; Updated February 19, 2002 1:15 PM EST -Guide Completed Version 1.0 ; Updated February 18, 2002 10:15 PM EST -Finished sections 6.16 through 6.19 Version 0.8 ; Updated February 18, 2002 11:46 PM EST -Finished sections 6.11 through 6.15 Version 0.6 ; Updated February 15, 2002 9:05 PM EST -Finished sections 6.4 through 6.10 Version 0.4 ; Updated February 14, 2002 10:11 PM EST -Finished sections 6.1 through 6.3 Version 0.2 ; Created February 12, 2002 6:25 PM EST -Began Walkthru. 3. Races City Elf City Giant Dwarf Elder Elf Human Lesser Giant Steel Dwarf Wee Folk World Elf 4. Profession Death Knight Explorer Holy Knight Mage Monk Ninja Priest Thief Warrior Cosmic Knight 5. Missions and Quests Mission's 1. Find the innocent prisoner 2. Find the book of souls 3. Kill Demon captain Frost Byte in the frozen fortress 4. Put out the flame at the demon lighthouse 5. Kill Quanomija from the Terror Tower 6. Free the Dwarves and destroy the mines 7. Kill Augmenten and destroy the base inside the volcano 8. Retrieve the Fire Hawk's feather Sub Quest 1. Find the Midland Hidden Cave Quest's 1. Find and kill Dogul Houndblood 2. Find the phoenix head and destroy it 3. Turn off the portals and destroy the Black Fortress 4. Set Bygrodian Steelheart soul free 5. Destroy the Astral portal then kill Hellion 6. Recover the demon telepad 7. Retrieve the missing data and kill the head Thug Demon 8. Destroy the Devastation Area 9. Find and save Craynruj 10. Find out who you are 11. Kill Augmenten and defeat Guardian 12. Kill Doom 6. Walkthru 6.1 Find the innocent prisoner: He can be found in the City basement level. Before you begin walk around onto all the squares to find money ect then go to the weapon and Armour shop to buy some stuff you only have a robe which is no good at all. Don't forget to walk into walls, bookcases, water ect to be able to find all the hidden goodies. When buying weapons buy a bow and bolts as this will come in handy when you fight across water or a gap in the floor trust me. Also when you have enough money go outside to the north after paying gems to the guard and buy some flippers and equip them so as you can walk on the water to find more goodies. To complete this quest you first need the flask which is on the top level in the council chamber in the flower pot. when you have it go back into the basement and level up a few levels, up-to ten your allowed then you have to go outside into the realm to advance more. one more thing when in combat you can use walls and holes to your advantage ie: Say you have three moves and you have a bow with arrows then from the diagram below you can move from a position to attack then retreat back to your original position and keep doing it until the monster is dead. [ ] [ ] [ ] 1= You [ ] 1 [ ] M [ ] M= Monster [ ] * [ ] *= Movement [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ]= Wall This may not work on higher level monsters so safe before you try. OK as you enter the basement go directly south and fill the flask with water then hand it to the prisoner. While your down here go south west and kill the mini boss its not to hard then check out the secret shop down here and buy better stuff for yourselves. Don't forget to come back and find the money hidden over some rubble when your climbing skill is high enough. 6.2 Find and kill Dogul Houndblood: Find him in the upper level of the Midland keep which is east of the city of Tay'Jen. A point of interest here for those of you who are as old as me and has played the 80's RPG the Bards Tale in particular doesn't Tay'Jen sound a lot like Tarjan the big boss in the Bards Tale 3? anyway back to business. Not much to do on the ground level but check it out anyway for Exp Pts. You can go down stairs which will take you to the entrance to Hell top level a good place to gain experience and money but don't go to far north in there yet. You can get back to the City state main level from the lower right area there. On the next level up to the far north is an area that will drop you down to the out side area not much here but a horse mount and a glove plus a hidden character ready to sell to you an item. Either way find the map to the hidden cave in the Midland mountain then proceed up stairs. Dogul Houndblood can be found here but save first not to hard to beat heal when needed. 6.3 Find the book of souls: This can be found in the swamp castle east of the Midland keep. You need to be wearing the flippers to walk across the marsh land you can also start to walk on water which will come in handy. The monsters here are harder to kill and can poison you so bring plenty of cure poison potions, also before you go in just to the east of the castle about two steps you can get some extra skill points. To the north and a little to the east you can find a man that will tell you a little about the Book of souls it's not necessary to speak to him but it makes the game more enjoyable. Ok once inside the Swamp castle there is a slime creature that you can fight over and over which is good for gaining Exp Pts it can be found just to the east where you came in. Through out this mission you can find the Bronze key, Ice key, Stone key. After searching the ground level go up either stairs leading up and fight the mini boss Zimian Blalock's to get the dog tag from him. You will need this later on to open the door to get the Book of souls. After head back down to the ground level and go to the far north section to find the ladder going to the Basement level being carefully not to fall down the pit. Search around for some goodies then roughly in the middle of the green slime near the stairs you will see a notice telling you what is under foot. Press the page down key to descend into the Vault. Another big fight is up ahead after you kill them collect the goodies and the Book then exit out. 6.4 Find the Phoenix head and destroy it: Located in the southern desert you can find the pyramid also near is another skill point fountain. The base is large but is broken up into four parts in which you need to find the four coins to be able to collect the phoenix head and destroy the pyramid. Go up the first stairs then down the next this will bring you back into the pyramid base. You will do this a couple of times. First collect the first coin that's in the water nearby then exit the pyramid. Go east to the next section then up the stairs this time head west while your on the top of the pyramid to collect the second coin. Go back down and before you leave work your way to the first switch and place the water coin in it. Now leave the pyramid and follow the east path then head down south staying close to the wall then head west to the next section. Go up the stairs then down and follow the path until you get to the next mini boss along the narrow corridor. Kill it to receive the third coin then go to the lava pit then just cast jump to clear it. Place the fire coin in the switch then leave the pyramid. Move along the west wall then enter go up then down the stairs and keep heading left to the next mini boss. Once you have killed it find the last coin in the dirt then move around in the section you are in to reach the black pit. Just cast jump to clear it then place the next coin in the switch three down one to go now leave. Head back to the beginning where you found the first coin and make your way around to reach the teleporter area. Standing on the right hand side of the doorway move in this direction to get across safely. Up right right up up left left left left down left left up up up. Place the last coin in the switch then leave the pyramid. Head back around to the third section you went to this time the blocks should be gone now save the game. You will now meet Baythone Torch the demon of fire. Torch Fire??? there's a joke there somewhere. When you have done your stuff on him move around the room carefully to grab the Phoenix head then watch as you demolish an entire pyramid. 6.5 Kill Demon Captain Frost Byte in Frozen Fortress: Go through the Gate house north to reach the Human Castle once there the guard will let you pass as long as you have the Book of souls you do have the book I take it?. Then go to the entrance and visit the man at the desk surrounded by medical doctors he will give you a pass to enter the dungeon below the castle. Once down there follow the path its not to hard to get to the end fight the baddies to get the Frost key then leave the castle and head north. Once inside the Frozen Fortress you will see six doors three on the top of the screen the other below you need to take the middle one on the bottom the others lead to goodies. Take the stairs down and follow the path leading east to the next set of stairs. Follow the passageway until you reach three teleporters take the top one which will take you over the pits. Carry on up and down a few more stairs until you reach another passageway heading west go along this until the end head north but stop before the end and save. The boss here is a pain to kill and you have to fight two rounds have plenty of healing potions on at hand the best way I found to kill him was to use the Nuke spell on him it will also kill some of his minions also. Once you have killed him you will teleport back to the Human Castle where you can now gain entry into the shop area to buy some better items. 6.6 Turn off portals and destroy the Black Fortress: There are two ways to get into this section the first is to enter the Lake side Keep then drop down into the pit as you walk in. This will take you to the Peanut Passage east and west map which in turn can lead you directly under the Forest City or take you to Hell Top level. The second one is straight up the mountain south of Tay'Jen so head up that way. Once inside head south all the down until you get to a teleporter step onto it. Now head south and fight the mini boss in the center kill it then throw the switch then grab the key next to it. You need to drop down on either one of the holes near to where the mini boss was standing to get back through the portal. Head back north then go through the left gate and place the key in the slot. Now step into the next teleporter which will take you to Hell top level. Walk around and find the second key step onto the other teleporter then place the key in the other slot. Go back to the mini boss area and head west a little you will see that there are stairs leading down now go down them. You are now in the Maintenance level walk all the way around staying close to the right wall then fight the mini boss. Grab the key you find there then head back take a right turn then use the key to get the hacksaw. Don't forget to get the Ruby key in the other room then head back to where the mini boss was then follow it straight on. Bash the door or use the key to enter the room use the hacksaw on the pipe to destroy the fortress. 6.7 Set Bygrodian Steelheart soul free: Your first stop is the Lakeside Keep. A note of interest first when you enter you can see in both the top corners an item to be able to get them climb to the top of the keep then jump off the required edge to obtain the items. The monsters here are tough so beware. Ok lets start Look at all the statues and fight any that come alive you may not have to do this I just done it for the experience points don't worry about the odd place block yet you will come back to it later. Go up the stairs then do the same until you meet the special one which will move the odd block for you. Go back down and take what ever you need. Go to the Graveyard and mausoleum and enter this is located north west from Tay'Jen. Not much to do here so go down the stairs and into the Crypt. Take the first door to the right and head to the lower right of the room then walk through the wall. Go west then north save before you enter the room enter and fight Fate to receive the Black Demon key. At this point you need to buy at least a set of lava boot so go to the shop and buy a set. Once you have them go back to the Lake side keep and drop down through the big hole to the bottom. Walk along until you come to an intersection at this point you should carry on west then up to get to the Forest City so as the door stay's open. When you have finished go back to the intersection go up and head along it staying close to the bottom edge unless you want to go for a swim. Drop down into Hell top level and head to the bottom part of the map to find a place that makes the ground shake. Then head back to where you came in and you should find a set of stepping stones there for you to get across. Go pass the telepad until you reach an intersection turn left and stand on the edge. Now is a good time to put on your lava boots then drop down into the Fire valley below. Make your way to the bottom right of the screen then use the Black Demon key on the lock there. Save then move on you will be drawn into a battle then followed by another with Decimate Lord of Fury. After the battle you will be thrown out and the Black Cathedral Hall will be sealed up make your way back to exit the valley. Once back into Hell top level head to the bottom right once again to stand on the telepad to transport you to City State Main level. 6.8 Put out the flame at the Demon Lighthouse: Enter the Yard and take the lower set of stairs to the basement walk to the center of the room to examine the machine. In the lower left area there is a book that you should write down the note's of to help you later at the Terror Tower. Also near the stairs you came down from walk through the wall to get the goodies. After go back up the stairs near the machine walk across and go up more stairs. Cast the Jump spell to reach the bucket then cast it again to return. With the bucket in hand go down the stairs and use it in the water go back upstairs and save. Douse the flames and fight the Boss Slosh Hurricane. When that is done mission completed. 6.9 Kill Quanomija from the Terror Tower: This mission is fairly easy as long as you stand on the right plates. First of all to find the Tower head east past swamp Castle then enter. Next stand on the plate's in this order green blue then jump off keeping away from the center. Blue once again red then jump diagonally to the top left to reach the platform. Go up the stairs then around and then save. Kill Quanomija then exit the tower. 6.10 Destroy the Astral Portal then kill Hellion: The Fortress of Blood is in the top right hand of the world map once inside walk over to the unlit torch to open the door. Once inside check all the squares for items and key objects move up then go down the stairs. Head around to the right to meet an old friend then get the key from the cabinet. Move back now pass the stairs and head towards the other end switch on the machine in the far from and remember to come back here later. Retrace your steps then go back up the stairs head to the other one then go up. Follow the passage all the way to the end then step through the teleporter into the Tower of War Base. Becareful in here you can get radiation damage look where the yellow gas is the telepad's here will take you back to the Fortress of Blood chamber but we don't want to use them yet. Go through the double doors twice then head south then up the stairs take the first right then the left door. Follow it along then up the stairs once more. Make a left then a right Bash the door down don't you just love them then turn right move to the end then save. In the next room you will meet Hellion but he's not all there kill him and get the key. Retrace your steps to where you switched on the power then use the key there and I do hope that you searched all around. 6.11 Free the Dwarves and destroy the mines: When you enter go speak to the boulder then follow his instruction's move west then south as far as you can go then all the way to get to the Canyon Mine Security. Search around while you head towards the south west stairs when you get there go down the stair's. Talk to all the miners while you head west once again head towards the south west and save before you get there, about four steps. The Warden you fight is a little tough but if you use the surroundings to your advantage you will be just fine. After you kill him speak to the chief and he will give you a device to blow up the mine's. When you leave the mine's save then take one step to the west to finish the mission. 6.12 Recover the demon telepad: You need to go to the Pirate's cave first which can be found just west from Port Charles enter and follow the path west. Not much to do here so head up to the north west turn right to collect the Diskettes's then carry on to the first pit. Cast the jump spell then head east to the next pit. Cast the next jump spell again to read the message exit the cave and head north to Twindor Sanoc. This can be found east of the Human Castle keep looking around until you get the message then go down. Some of the robots down here can pack a punch so the best way to deal with them is to have a weapon that can replenish your magic point's. Hit them once for a hit then cast the heavy heal spell on your self when needed. First go along then up and use the first Disk on the computer to shut the first lazer off. Next go south and do the same then move west to the next area. You need to find the key in here to start the computer's up this can be found by going to the dead skeleton through the first door to the west then the second door on the south side. The message will tell you that the key is hidden somewhere near, it's as you walked into the area the first room to the north. Grab it and start turning them on then the double doors will open for you. Go north now and fight the mini boss then take the elevator down. Save then move forward to fight Lazor when you have burnt his cable's out stand on the telepad to finish the quest then return to Tar'Jan. 6.13 Retrieve the missing Data and kill the Thug Demon: Once again not much to do in the Underwater hideout so go up, then right to the chest to get the data. Stay here and fight if you want or carry onto the the Giant's Palace which can be found in the top right of the world map. When you enter Look around for some nice weapon's in the bottom left of the level. Then move up to the far top then across to be met by an old looking woman who will ask you to go up stairs and rid them of the Demon. Climb the stairs and follow the path all the way round to be met by the Head Thug Demon kill him so the gates will open. 6.14 Kill Augmenten and destroy the base inside the volcano: Time for the Lava boot's again plenty of damage here so be prepared for plenty of healing. When you enter head straight west to kill the Boss Augmenten who will drop a green demon key. I then went to cover the north passage you may not need to I'm not sure but it's a good time to earn some nice Exp Pts it's up to you. Take this and enter the south passage you need to use it on the grey panel which seems to be in the center of the section here. After doing this you need to get to the one just to the north of this one. Turn on this one then leave the room then stay on the south side and turn the valve on here. Return to the south passage and turn on the bottom valve then leave this section to get back to the main Base Flow Control area. Turn on the valve on the north side then leave the volcano mission completed. 6.15 Retrieve the Fire Hawks feather: This is the last of the mission's and is fairly easy also. When completed you will be allowed to enter the Elite City. The Elite City is situated to the far south west on the world map. Enter and speak to the man near the gate he will tell you that he will only let you in if you bring him back the Fire Hawk's Feather. Leave the town and climb the mountain right outside of the town once at the top head north then east to fight the Big Bird. When it is dead collect the feather and return to the city boy your good at this well done mission's completed. 6.16 Destroy the Devastation Area: To find this area you first need to make your way to the Gate House from there go to the bottom left door it should now open for you stand on the telepad to get transported. Not much to do here there is a door in the upper right but don't bother trying to open it, it's will not open. Enter the building then go to the far right wall then go all the way south then follow the passage east. Make your way north now and get ready to fight Xakala son of Doom defeat him to set the bomb. You now have to make your way to the outside so back track to where you came in once outside head north then stay against the wall and follow it around. You will come to a small building of which the door will now be opened walk inside and stand on the required spot to complete this quest. 6.17 Find and save Craynruj: I found that my Nuke wand and Nuclear Arrow's done a good job in this section but you may find or prefer something different it's up to you. Go to the Gate House then use the right hand side black telepad which will take you to Vile-Shadow Valley move into the Tower of war base. You have already been here but this time we need to go through the north door you should be able to by now if your Architect skill is high enough to walk around the gas to miss it. Head to the stairs that are going down then descend them. Once outside make your way to the Tower of Death then enter just move to the north to meet the mini boss save first thou. After you have showed him the exit move up then to the west to exit move once again through the valley to get to the Castle Vile main and vault area. Enter the large open area then go down save before you enter the room to the right you will find out soon why. Now enter then check all the square's you will now see a person blocking your way out time to fight Hellion again. After you have defeated him he will drop a Yellow Demon key pick it up then head out of the room. Next stop the my ugly wife sorry just kidding go over to her then save after you have defeated her use the key to open the door then walk through. Make your way along the tunnel killing demon's along the way until you meet Craynruj or what's left of him he will then teleport you back to Tay'Jen. Teleport to the Gate House then use the bottom left telepad again to reach Swamp Castle Throne area. Save then move east to meet Craynruj you hope? Demon Vile will appear so kill him to save the day you are then teleported back to Tay'Jen. 6.18 Find out who you are: Hopefully you should have by now the Astral Sword fully charged use this to get to the Hall of Knowledge make your way along the corridor checking the light's as you go getting the run down on yourself. On the last one you will be transported to the Pyramid Launch Room be sure to pick up your Armour here then move onward's to fight the Demon Hell save first thou. After you kill him you once again get transported back to the Hall of Knowledge touch the light once more to proceed forward. Touch the light's to meet Craynruj and to finish the quest. 6.19 Kill Augmenten and defeat Guardian: Use your Astral Sword and go to Hell-Fire Valley head east then enter the Imperial Palace. Augmenten can be found east just before the stair's after killing him head east all the way to meet Guardian. Defeat him then pick up the sword then head back to Tay'Jen. 6.20 Kill Doom: Use the Astral Sword to go to Doom-Doom then travel and enter the Castle of Doom. Just head due east until you get to the next screen then you need to step on the telepad's in the correct order. Enter the bottom one first which should take you to the top. Move east into the next one which will take you to the next one down. Head west which will take you to the lowest one. WARNING: From here onward's you will not be able to return from here. Then finally go west again to get transported into the secured area where you will finally meet Mr Doom himself. Make sure that you have Guardian equipped then go in for the kill after you have killed him sit back and read the rest of your story. Congratulation's you are truly a COSMIC KNIGHT. Sub Quest 6.21 Find the Midland Hidden Cave: You can only find this if you find the map that is hidden in the Midland Keep second level at the bottom left of the level. Once inside just search the area not much to do here and it's not very big but what makes it diffrent is in the far left courner is a message that gives you directions to beable to enter the center. You realy need a very very high notice and search skill to beable to get in. Just move north one space and west three spaces and there you go. 7. FAQ's Q1 I found the prisoner but cant find the flask where is it? A1 Look behind the plant pot in the City state main level in the council chamber. Q2 I'm finding doors that I can't open what can I do? A2 Bash Bash Bash Bash they will give after a while. Q3 I have come to a small corridor but every time I walk down it I fall to the area below what gives? A3 Use the jump spell, scroll or levitate over it. Q4 In the Swamp castle there is a green slime but every time I kill it, it reappears ? A4 Think yourselves lucky it's only a way to increase your Exp Pts. Q5 I have reached the Vault in the Swamp castle but can't seem to open the locked door to get the book of souls is there a key needed? A5 No key this time have you been upstairs and killed Zimian Blalock he will drop something that you need. Q6 I keep getting creamed from the Bosses how can I defeat them? A7 Switch to wimp mode if this fails then FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT more. Q7 I'm in the Pyramid but there are blocks preventing me going forward? A7 You need to find four coins then place them in the correct switch. Q8 Wow this pyramid is big how can I find my way around it? A8 Try looking at my map1 walkthru Q9 How comes I cant get into the Human Castle the guard wont let me pass? A9 Have you got the Book of Souls Q10 There are two guards stopping me from getting to the stairs once inside the Human Castle what gives? A10 You must first visit the Captain of the watch to get a pass. Q11 The Demon captain from the Frozen Fortress is to hard to kill any suggestions? A11 Wimp mode or fight ice with Fire preferably or try the Nuke spell Q12 I cant seem to climb the mountain to get into the Black Fortress? A12 You need to increase your mountaineering skill. So the other way in will have to be through Lake side keep pit then Peanut passage onto Hell top level. Q13 OK I'm at Hell top level but the gate here will not open? A13 Look around for a switch walk onto it then the door will open Q14 What am I suppose to do here at the Black Fortress? A14 Find two demon keys then go into the maintenance room and blow up the place. Q15 In the Black Fortress I'm was teleported to the Air Chamber but cant seem to find a way out? A15 Look for two fall off points near where the mini boss was you should be able to see the level below. Just levitate down or jump to reach it. Q16 How do I move the odd block in the Lake side keep? A16 You don't it will be moved later for you. Q17 There is nothing on top of the Lake side keep roof? A17 This is only used to get to the goodies below. Q18 I'm in the Demon lighthouse but can't get the machine to work? A18 Try increasing your science skill. Q19 How do you open the door in the Fortress of Blood? A19 Did you not see the torch that was not lit well lets shine some light on the subject then He He He. Q20 I can't seem to turn on the machine in the Fortress of Blood? A20 Look around for paper that will increase your science skills. Q21 I have come to a door that I cant open in the Fortress of Blood? A21 Look around for a key. Q22 Is there a way to shut down the gas in the Fortress of Blood? A22 Yes stop eating beans He He He.. but seriously not as far as I know. Q23 In the Dwarf City how do I get passed the boulder just north of the entrance? A23 Simple do as your told, talk to the guard and he will tell you. Q24 Where is the Dwarf City Entrance? A24 North west from Tay'Jen look closely for a spot just on the ice mountain you will need a good mountaineering skill to get there. Q25 I'm in the Twindor Sanoc Entrance but can't get by the lasers what's up? A25 You need to go to the Pirate's Cave to get the Disk's and Data first. Q26 How do you turn on the machine's in Twindor Sanoc Security they all seem dead? A26 On the south wall is a skeleton that has left a message for you to read. Q27 I tried to go upstairs in the Giants Palace but the woman won't let me pass? A27 Go back to the Underwater hideout to find the missing Data. Q28 Where is the Underwater hideout I cant seem to find it? A28 First you need the snorkel gear then head to the far south east on the map so all you see is water then look very closely for a faint darker spot to appear. It should appear close to the bottom right of the screen and flash for a split second. If you have a problem leave the screen then come back in again. Q29 I'm at the Devastation Area and there are a couple of door that I can't open how can I open them? A29 Forget the top one this will not open for you the other down the bottom can only be opened when you have killed Xakala son of Doom. Q30 Ok I have killed Xakala son of Doom now what? A30 Go to Q29 and A29. Q31 Where do I go to save Craynruj I can't find the area? A31 First go to the Gate house then use the Black telepad on the right side. Then when your ready teleport to the Gate House then use the bottom left telepad. Q32 I have just got back from the Pyramid Launch Room but can't get into the large room? A32 Just touch the last light again to pass through. Q33 I'm at Doom-Doom but I can't get through the double door's? A33 Have you completed Quest 11 if so did you pick up the sword called Guardian. Q34 In Castle Doom I'm having trouble to reach Doom can you help? A34 Stand on the telepad's in this order and head in the direction's given. Bottom, East, West, West. 8. Credits Full Credit goes to Wayne Stewart Who designed and produced this great game which can be found at and to the readers who make the walkthru's walk-able. If you have anything to add to this FAQ please drop me a line and I will add to it giving you full credit. To all at this site for devoting there time for the pleasures of other's. My loving Wife who fed me cup's of coffee on those late night. To Robyn King for not being here...Just joking miss you all. And finally you the reader's who make it worth while. 9. Copyright info This document is (c) copyright: 2002 Peter Hudson all rights reserved and cannot be changed or copied in anyway part or whole without permission by me first. If you want to post it just drop me a line and ask nicely as long as you just do the right thing.